124: March 23, 2008
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Dan and Jordan are still stuck back in the past, discussing episodes of The Alex Jones Show from 2008, and Dan has reached a strange point of conflict. Despite him being wrong all the time, was Alex Jones so bad back in 2008? Would Alex Jones be way happier if he had never started selling weird pills and making tons of money? These questions and more are discussed on this episode.
- Easter is Isthar
- Airlines are going to give you a taser bracelet
- Alex enjoys doing a radio show
- Federal blood crime database
- Alex Jones Karaoke: El Paso by Marty Robbins (00:44:30)
- Caller: I saw black helicopters
- The Aztec culture was satanic and degenerate
- Aztecs were cannibals
- Christianity hid holidays in Pagan holidays
- Washington monument is a dick
- Star of David is an occult symbol
- Globalist Plan: Dragnet with Tom Hanks and Dan Ackroyd
- Churches with steeples: Patriarchal
- Churches with domes: Goddess worship
- Goddess statues mark sacrifices
- CIA runs Al Qaeda
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke
- Dragnet