619: November 16, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how Alex is holding up after losing a bunch of court cases. In this installment, Alex rambles about how he's murdered people, drifts into deeply misogynistic and homophobic territory, and has a dumb interview with Mike Flynn.
- Video: Save IW defense fund
- Give Send Go stats: Alex isn't making money
- Alex has butterflies... war is coming
- Alex is high on fighting Satan... like Gnarls Barkley
- General Flynn interview: Battleplan to victory: Alex, you were right
- Flynn: Nancy Pelosi is Pontius Pilate
- Flynn: 2016 election was stolen, but Trump was too popular, so they did covid
- Flynn: Courage is a choice, but it may be in your DNA
- Flynn: have you ever heard of school boards?
- Say you're running for president, Trump won't think you're betraying him
- Soon, you'll get a covid shot every day
- Alex's True Story: Alex's wife's tennis partner is getting her kids vaccinated
- Alex talks about paying for 10 abortions by the time he was 17 years old
- Alex confesses to murder
- Alex knows how repentance works, quotes Glenn Danzig
- The man came after Alex for speaking too much truth
- Women are cowards and are programmed to get in the van and submit
- Stockholm Syndrome is a survival trait for women
- Nuclear attack is coming, this is the end of everything
- Alex is mad because Pete Buttigieg had a baby
- Apple factory conditions are poor because Tim Cook is gay
- Fake Gavin Newsom video
- Guest: Steve Kirsch: no one will debate me
- Steve: No one will trust doctors or vaccines anymore
- Negative immunity bullshit
- Steve has 17 pieces of evidence that Newsom is lying about his vaccine injury
- Steve: Gavin, I bet you $1 million I'm right
- Steve explains how his bet works
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex is trying to raise $2 million from his audience for his court fees
- Alex airs a dumb interview with Michael Flynn
- Alex and Flynn are mad about school board members, something they know nothing about
- Alex believes that women are genetically less able to stand up and fight
- Alex lashes out in a pretty homophobic way about Mayor Pete having a child
- Steve Kirsch still insists that Gavin Newsom got GBS from the vaccine. A doctored video went around purporting to prove this, and Steve's blog includes a bunch of unconvincing arguments