611: October 29, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan try to talk about a present day episode, but end up deciding to celebrate Halloween by dipping back to 2002 to discuss a spooky interview Alex did with a guy who is very afraid of witches.
- Covid news: everyone can have heart attacks
- Bus decal meme: Even kids can have strokes
- Indian actor Puneeth Rajkumar died of a vaccine heart attack
- Alex lies about Robert Wolf's death
- Dan found old Alex interview for a spooktacular
- David Benoit, author of Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out
- 10/30/02
- Halloween is occult, but you can't have Christianity in schools
- David Benoit background: Rock and Roll is evil
- 1984 #1 hits
- Child sacrifice runs rampant on Halloween
- What's the deal with Halloween
- David explains Halloween
- Halloween is yearround, they want your guns
- High school satanist clubs
- How does Harry Potter combine with Wicca?
- Witchcraft is a tax exempt relgion
- David: four of Harry Potter's teachers are dead
- If you don't read Harry Potter, you flunk school
- David: Witch media is a slow poison
- Oral sex is witchcraft
- Schools want kids to have computers to learn how to do witchcraft online
- Now they have pet psychics!
- David: We're in the final innings
- Michael Dukakis named Laurie Cabot as the witch of Salem
- Alex has had run-ins with witches
- David wrote tracts to pass out on Halloween
- David explains the creation of the jack-o-lantern
- David: Ghost and The Sixth Sense are subtle examples of ghosts
- David: Simba talks with his dead father
- ET rises from the dead
- Take your kids out of public school because of the Lion King
- David: If you have Harry Potter in school, why not prayer?
- David: What if we pointed out muslims?
- Why can't we teach The Left Behind?
- David: Christian are more powerful than homosexuals but we don't say anything, just like the daddy long legs
- David: Blow up some buildings and see if people pray
- David: we're a few years away from looking like the Aztec kingdom
- David: Harry Potter lightning bolt is the mark of the beast
- David: don't take candy from strangers, they may be demons
- David: don't trick or treat, there's pedophiles
- David: abortion is human sacrifice
- Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex misrepresents a Times of India headline about rates of heart attack among young people
- Cleveland Clinic article about rising rates of youth heart attacks from 2019, prior to Covid and Covid vaccines
- Alex reports on a meme about an ad on the side of a bus
- The ad was paid for by an advocacy group called Achieving Beyond Brain Injury
- Vascular Health and Risk Management article citing young people as representing 10-15% of stroke patients
- Alex makes up details about Indian actor Puneeth Rajkumar's death to try to make it about Covid vaccines
- Rajkumar's father, another famous actor, died of a heart attack
- Alex makes up details about the death of Australian broadcaster Russell Woolf to try to make it about Covid vaccines