605: June 17, 2003

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Today, Dan and Jordan take a little jaunt back to the past. In this installment, Alex freestyles a bunch of incorrect facts, lies about Porton Down, and warns that special education classes are a plot to kidnap children.


  • End of the world will be genetically engineered bioweapon release
  • Porton Down claims animal rights activist stole and released food and mouth
  • Foot and mouth was released because farmers wanted to leave the EU
  • Race specific bioweapons in Janes magazine
  • Porton Down was privatized and sold to they Carlisle group
  • There's cannibalism in North Korea because Kim Jong Il is a neposistic leader
  • If you die in North Korea, you're sold for meat
  • North Korean opium is brought to the US to make your children whores
  • Caller: My child has 2 different color eyes
  • Different color eyes means twins didn't divide
  • Special ed classes will steal your kids
  • Caller: They're swiping cards at the Taco Bell drive-thru
  • Caller: Oklahoma city council is going to overturn the Patriot Act
  • Alex doesn't know who John Dewey is
  • Melville Dewey background
  • Caller: The government did monkey pox
  • Iraq is printing Sadam bank notes again

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: