604: October 5, 2021

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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the deteriorating situation on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex makes up a giant story about a video one of his interns found on C-SPAN, interviews a mega-creep, and announces that he's going to have to sell his tank.


  • Project Veritas has Pfizer execs saying vaccine destroys your immune system
  • Top story: Fauci says we need a new SARS-birdflu in 2019
  • Dan breaks down InfoWars compilation and plays clips in context
  • The smoking gun of smoking guns of smoking guns
  • Fauci targeted important (white, christian) countries
  • Movie villains monologue, just like real life villains
  • Nathan Rothschild crashed stock market after Waterloo and rules the world
  • Alex is going to sell the tank and his guns
  • Take part in the holy ritual, buy shit
  • Guest: Ted Nugent, makes sheep noises
  • Ted: everyon I know got covid, we're fine after hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and ivermectin
  • Ted: The government killed my friend with covid
  • Ted talks about critical thinking and great replacement
  • Ted: you have a T-Rex ballsack
  • Ted: The founding fathers would have liked how suspicious you are
  • Guest: Dr Richard Bartlett, Alex's ivermectic doc
  • 92% of people in New York on ventilators died
  • Dr. Bartlett: take budesonide for covid
  • Guest: Derek Richards, cancelled for free speech
  • Derek gets homophobic
  • Why is Obama allowed to tell jokes about Trump?
  • Derek explains his memes
  • What about Kathy Griffin?
  • Throwback: 2017 Alex and Cernovich talking about Kathy Griffin
  • CNN is ISIS shirts
  • Alex makes a goodbye speech... ad plug
  • Antifa shoots everyone
  • Hey, look at this ugly woman

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: