56: July 22-Aug 11, 2015
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the fifth installment in his in depth investigation into what happened in 2015 to get Alex to join up with the Trump team as a propagandist. Topics include:
- Are "they" putting human brains in mice?
- Does the first Republican primary debate convince Alex that Trump is his guy?
- Should 14 year olds be listening to InfoWars?
- Does any primary source Alex cites say what he thinks it says?
- Center for Medical Progress/Planned Parenthood
- House Phone Man first blood
- Autism/Anti-vax
- Larry Nichols
- Chimerals
- Jordan keeping score
- Alex says he didn't pay for abortions
- Alex predicts Libertarians/Tea Party/Republicans become fascists
- Alex stuck under house breathing bug spray
- Alex gets hit in the head with a cinder block
- Alex disappointed by Story Musgrave, the only astronaut to fly on all 5 space shuttles and one of two who were on 6 space missions
- Dan talks about his childhood crush on True Danziger and Pippy Longstocking
Notable Bits
- Jordan keeps score
Detailed Show Notes
The world on July 22, 2015[1]:
- Coming Soon
What Alex covered on July 22nd:
- Alex is deep in the middle of pushing the Center For Medical Progress videos, purporting to show that Planned Parenthood is secretly a racket where doctors are selling aborted baby parts for massive profits. This narrative overwhelms the Alex Jones Show for a few months, until it becomes clear that these videos were fraudulently edited to make it appear that the subjects caught on film were haggling over fetal tissue prices when they were not. It was an example of shameless propaganda and Alex fell for it and promoted it shamelessly.
- Donald Trump recently made his comments that he prefers war heroes that didn't get captured, about John McCain. While Alex hates John McCain (and thinks that he's lying about being tortured in Vietnam), he interprets Trump's words as being proof that the Republican strategists are telling Trump to torpedo his campaign, which in turn is proof that he is in the pocket of the Globalists. Alex is "very mad" at him, and goes so far as to say "I told you so!"
- Alex claims that Melinda Gates threatened his life, if he didn't stop talking about vaccines. This is a perfect encapsulation of how Alex's mental illness manifests. The quote Alex is referring to is Gates saying that if anti-vaxers are successful in turning people against vaccines, then people are going to die, from the diseases that the vaccinations prevent. Alex hears her comment, and because he is a delusional narcissist, believes that she is saying that if he doesn't shut up about vaccines, then she will kill him. It's absurd, but also uses the same twisted logic that so much of Alex's philosophy does.
- Alex says that the ATF is a terrorist organization that hates America. Also, they "did Waco and Oklahoma City."
- Alex pretends that he interviewed George Carlin, but in the course of telling the story, he accidentally reveals that someone spoke to him at a book signing, while getting a book signed.
- Alex tells an elaborate story about his dad being the 6th smartest kid in Texas at the age of 16, at which point the Globalists tried to recruit him to join their ranks. There is a great deal about this story that does not pass the smell test.
- Alex puts on a dreadfully transphobic display, wherein he plays a video of himself with brown socks on his ears pretending that he's decided he identifies as a dog. This is childish, and willful ignorance about trans people, but there is another issue that this clip demonstrates that is particularly troubling. Alex reveals that he made this video mocking the idea of trans identities to amuse his young daughters, and that one of them was holding the camera. Beyond that, one of his daughters dresses up in a gorilla suit and appears on camera, with Alex saying that she is an employee who identifies as a gorilla. These children are much too young to have a grasp on the issues, and the fact that Alex is using them to push his bigotry. This is a disgrace, and indicates that he is perhaps a terrible father.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[2]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[3]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[4]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[5]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[6]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[7]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[8]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[9]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[10]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[11]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[12]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[13]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
Alex is on vacation in Europe, though he pretends that it is some kind of fact-finding mission. He frequently refers to it as going to find out what he can before Europe collapses, something that he believes is imminent.[14]
He takes along Rob Dew and his cousin Buckley, but not David Knight, who is left to host the show in Alex's absence, and thus, we have no idea what kinda bullshit he was talking about.
At long last, Alex has returned from his vacation. His return brings with it some unsettling commentary about the situation in Ferguson, MO, and some very anti-Donald Trump sentiments.[15]
At this point in history, Alex's feelings about the 2016 election are as follows:
- Alex "trusts" Ted Cruz, but he loves and agrees with Rand Paul about almost everything.
- Alex suggests that it is very possible that Trump is being blackmailed into running, in order to destroy the Republican party.
- InfoWars employee Joe Jennings hates Trump and calls him a megalomaniac.
- Most of Alex's callers hate Trump and think he is a Hillary shill.
- Alex prophetically predicts that it is possible that Trump will lead the conservative movement into fascism, since the conservative movement is susceptible for that kind of thing.
- Alex literally implies that Trump may be the Judas Iscariot of America.
All this is to say that it is a generally negative feeling for Trump that pervades the InfoWars studio in late summer 2015, though Alex does point out that he likes that Trump is anti-vaccination.
Most of the show is taken up by Alex talking about Trump, and taking the temperature of the audience by taking calls on Trump, most of them very negative. His callers are very gifted at picking up how to mirror Alex's positions back to him, so most of them say "I don't trust Trump, but I know Rand Paul is for real."
Beyond this, Alex complains a lot about how Alex doesn't want people to make him feel bad because of the recent death of Sandra Bland, and in a real insensitive moment, he says he has "Ferguson Fatigue." I can think of few lamer ways to say "I'm tired of hearing minorities express their experience in ways that make me uncomfortable."
Also, Alex talks about his cool, expensive new car for about 15 minutes.
Notable Calls
- Old Man Landline calls in from Wyoming to complain about the Council on Foreign Relations
- A caller brings up the fact that Trump has exploited eminent domain in the past, and that is something that Alex is very against. The caller also points out that Trump has advocated for the death penalty for Edward Snowden.
- A 14 year old listener calls in and says that he has been listening for 2 years, then proceeds to parrot back Alex's talking points, as if they were his own thoughts and analysis. This is outrageously inappropriate, and on the call, Alex serves to reinforce this child's indoctrination.. Any decent adult would recognize that the content of Alex's show is not something that a 12 year old could possibly be mature enough to understand or process and encourage them not to listen to it. I would argue that allowing a child to listen to this show constitutes abuse.
David Knight hosts most of this show, so a lot of it is a write-off.[16]
However, Alex Jones comes in for a little bit to conduct an interview with highly decorated astronaut Story Musgrave, who clearly has no idea who Alex is. Musgrave thinks Alex's show is a local Austin radio show.
Alex thinks that Musgrave knows about the show and that he is coming on to give Alex some good old fashioned secret information about NASA, but that is absolutely not the case. Musgrave just wants to talk about how important education is and how much he's enjoyed his life. It's a very sweet appearance on the show, and it's extra fun to watch Alex be disappointed this extremely.