289: January 10-13, 2013
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Alex Jones has been out of studio bullhorning in Washington DC to try to get back on Twitter, so Dan and Jordan stay in the past for today's episode to look more into Alex's path downward after Sandy Hook. This installment largely covers a period where Alex cannot stop talking about being on Piers Morgan's show, but thankfully, there's a couple other topics that come up that are worth covering.
- Mancow is good friends with William Shatner
- Alex keeps talking about Piers Morgan
- Alex embellishes the Piers story
- The police were harassing Alex before the interview
- Doug Hagmann told Alex police were targeting him
- Alex interrupts Gerald Celente about Bakersfield shooting, immediately ties it into Sandy Hook
- Celente talks about psychotropic drugs
- Discussion: Bakersfield shooting
- People are into cruelty to animals now
- Alex pushes drills-as-cover narrative
- Discussion: drill narrative background
- Celente wants secession
- Caller: Research is YouTube
- Ends show talking about gang stalking
- Alex starts the show with a sales pitch
- Discussion: profiting off of Sandy Hook
- Alex can't pronounce Molon Labe
- Why are gun grabbers so keen to gun grab? Because guns are cool!
- Alex talks about college life... he dropped out
- Alex teases a big guest
- It's not Ron Paul, he was on yesterday
- It's Michelle Dowrey, the Obama phone lady
- Demolition Man is real
- Alex mis-characterizes a book by Bertrand Russell
- Alex yelled at Piers because he's tired of lies
- Michael Savage is cool now
- Savage is being gang stalked too
- Alex likely does not have apnea in 2013
- Discussion: Buzz Bissinger retrospective
- Alex twists Bissinger comment
- Alex sings Moby
- Alex lies about how much he prays
- Alex compares his life to a movie
- Caller: I met Dianne Feinstein at an abortion rally