288: January 7-9, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan go back to the past to continue their investigation of how everything went so far off the rails for Alex Jones in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting. In this installment, the gents discuss Alex's fictional retelling of traveling to New York to argue with Piers Morgan, and find the starting point of him talking about "crisis actors" on his show.
- It's Dan's birthday! His present: answers
- Alex went on Piers Morgan's show on Jan 7
- Alex says he's only gotten 2 hours of sleep
- Alex thinks he got an A on the Piers Morgan appearance
- Alex admits his petition to deport Piers was for attention
- PJW says the UK media is full of stories about Alex
- Churchill wrote 3 books about the history of the English speaking people. Alex has only read 1
- CNN is covered in poo
- CNN had the mafia following Alex around in NY
- Discussion: Mafia in Texas
- The flu is used as a cover story for killing children
- Discussion: where did Alex get the murder flu story?
- Barbara Loe Fisher wrote an article conflating death rates with death totals
- Aaron Dykes says Alex was like Jesus with the tax collectors
- CNN tried to make Alex look fat
- They're not reptoids, they're wraiths
- Piers was shook by Alex's power
- Alex starts the actor/coaching narrative
- Caller: Green screen reporters
- Alex: my gut is never wrong
- Alex gets gross about Ted Bundy
- Professor James Tracy: Source of crisis actor story
- Anyone who questions the official story is a conspiracy theorist
- Alex tries to claim he's known about crisis actors forever
- Discussion: Tracy background/Crisis Actor origin
- Crisis actor story started on the Project Camelot side of the street, got traction after Alex brought it up
- Blood libel
- Time Streams
- Alex: 10-13 smoking guns
- Aurora shooting is fake
- Alex: you callers have it figured out
- Charlie Sheen/Denise Richards pug story
- Alex talks about dead dogs a bunch
- Alex complains about RT talking about him
- Alex keeps calling people snot nosed
- Alex does a British accent to make fun of Piers
- Conan and Daily Show make fun of Alex
- "I'm the biggest story"
- Colorado and SH were both staged, they'll stage more
- Alex calls himself the leader of the Liberty Movement
- Ron Paul comes on to talk about the economy and make fun of Glenn Beck
- Piers guest (Buzz Bissinger) "threatens" Alex
- Alex interprets empathy as a threat
- Caller: you looked bad
- Alex: stereotypes mean we're winning
- Alex ends abruptly after caller criticizes him
Notable Bits
- Rating Alex's clips
- Alex talks about killing dogs
- Alex's True Story