517: January 5-6, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at how things went down on Infowars on the day when right-wing dingdongs stormed Washington DC.
- Knowledge Fight 4 year anniversary
- Owen makes a fake Thomas Jefferson Quote
- USA chant
- Owen: 1000 more years of the US
- Owen workshops bits
- Owen: Nancy, Trump is your daddy
- Owen: Alex is responsible for everything
- Alex has a catchphrase
- Audience likes Hitler
- Reminder: Alex doesn't care about Uighur Muslims
- Alex is out of gas
- You're gonna die for god
- Bill Gates doesn't run the world, god does
- Prophecy talk leads to covid denialism
- Fake Churchill quote
- Never feel alone, god is with you
- 1776 chant
- No calls on the call in show
- Harrison: GA is stolen, here's Donald Trump Jr
- Harrison: Trump asked Alex to lead the march to the Capitol
- Harrison: get the police on our side
- Harrison doesn't recognize Madison Cawthorn
- Madison leads USA chant
- Rudy Giuliani speaks
- Rob Dew calls in for an exclusive interview
- Rob: we're going to the Capitol
- Harrison talks about immigrants
- Harrison: the mood is jovial, but on edge
- Harrison: people didn't show up for the stolen GA election
- Harrison throws to Trump speech
- Trump whines, says bullshit
- Trump: this is Pence's fault
- Trump: What about Hillary?
- Trump: Twitter is bad news
- Trump targets Pence
- Alex leads 1776 chants in streets
- Alex and Owen ramp up the crowd
- Alex doesn't know where the march starts
- Harrison: Patriots have broken through
- Alex: we're nonviolent!
- Alex and Owen co-bullhorn
- Harrison: this is not antifa, it's patriots
- Harrison: joy has turned to righteous indignation
- Harrison: LA stop the steal is going on
- Harrison loves the rioters
- Harrison targets Ilhan Omar
- Harrison downplays danger
- So many escape tunnels
- Harrison is a true believer and a dork
- Harrison: it's our turn to protest
- The Capitol has fallen, Patriots are in control
- Harrison: we stopped the steal!
- The revolution will only be televised on InfoWars
- Harrison covers woman who is shot
- Alex contradicts Harrison, blames antifa
- Owen contradicts Alex
- Harrison: only violence is from the cops
- Harrison: Only the left is allowed to protest
- Ted Cruz: traitor
- Harrison: protesters are stealing hard drives
- Harrison: it's not antifa
- Alex calls shooting a fake
- Alex makes up info on shooting
- Alex proves it was antifa
- Harrison reports troll postings
- Communists are taking over
- Q Shaman is antifa
- Nick Fuentes is antifa
- Tom Pappert hosts War Room
- Tom: Pence is antifa
- Owen: this is more of a response than over the summer
- Antifa shot the woman
- Government declared war
- Time to go home
- Uh-oh, she's dead
- Alex has a production meeting on air
- "We have to get the narrative out"
- Alex shows footage of shooting
- Alex has a witness to interview
- Woman was executed
- Tom: don't be a martyr
- InfoWars cameraman got footage of woman being shot
- Owen loses his shit
- She's the new George Floyd, watch her die
- Tom pretends he can't see a Trump flag
- Tom knows the cameraman
- Death footage gets scooped
- Tom makes up bullshit
- Guest: Taylor Hanson, cameraman
- Owen and Taylor made anti BLM video, burn BLM flag
- Alex takes call from Rogan while playing video of woman being shot
- Globalists rigged GA election to make us mad
- Tom reads Trump's tweet
- Don't let them cover up the MAGA martyr
- Alex makes Owen finish while he gets drunk with Ali Alexander
- Alex says it's not antifa
- Alex won't let Owen finish
- More witnesses who didn't witness anything
- Lucian Wintrich, not a witness
- Matthew Foster, not a witness
- Don't cuck on this, Trump!
Notable Bits
- Fake Thomas Jefferson Quote
- Nick Fuentes did not in fact enter the Capitol Building on Jan 6th (although there were early reports that he had). In fact, someone else on Baked Alaska's stream just looked a lot like Fuentes[1].
- Both Dan and Jordan occasionally misspeak and refer to the Capitol building as "the White House". Amusingly, several high profile Jan 6th defendants have tried to claim similar misspeaking constitutes a defense (it doesn't)[2].