516: December 31, 2020- January 1, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan ring in the new year with Alex Jones. In this installment, Alex strengthens the case that he fell for the Nigerian Prince email scam, a "constitutional lawyer" supports having a second pretend president, and an old friend makes a surprise appearance.
- This episode is the 4th year anniversary of Knowledge Fight.
- No shoutouts today since Dan was doing so much.
- Vaccine is a jellyfish chimera
- Covid vaccine is killing people
- Harrison Smith takes over for David Knight
- Famous covid deaths aren't actually covid
- Luke Letlow background
- People are being arrested at hospitals
- Alex can spot open demons
- Lin Wood says cancel the election
- Atlantis is in play
- Alex is still on Trump son/Dominion shit
- Caller: hand sanitizer kills good bacteria
- Bacteria is good for you
- We are more genetically similar to rats and pigs than chimps
- Globalist Plan: Hunger Games
- Alex Jones Karaoke: The Four Horsemen by Metallica
- Caller: Reasons to overthrow the government
- Women are leading men into bondage
- Caller: Potomac boat parade
- Guest: Roger Stone
- Guest: Robert Barnes, has a path to victory
- Alex is a great archer
- Double down on Nigerian Prince scams
- Vaccine is mark of the beast
- Caller: Jason from Germany had to flee Muslims in Germany
- Caller: you helped me find Jesus
- Hologram movie theaters almost happened, canceled for the end of the world
- Vaccines will eat your children! Buy vitamin D!
- Roger: thanks for the pardon
- Rally in DC because the left is violent
- Alex's True Story: Skip the rally to get back on Facebook and Twitter
- Alex Jones Karaoke: No More Mr Nice Guy
- Roger is a bad boy
- Barnes explains his plan while Alex eats
- Barnes hates Lin Wood
- Sidney Powell was entrapped by Q Anon
- Barnes: Trump's allies have betrayed him
- Barnes: Trump News Now!
- Mike Flynn apologized for the rally
- Trump is president in absentia
- Old Man Housephone lives!
Notable Bits
- Globalist Plan
- Alex Jones Karaoke
- Alex's True Story