475: August 24-26, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan try to wrestle with Alex Jones' behavior in the stretch of time between the police shooting of Jacob Blake and the shooting of protesters in Kenosha last week.
- Season of the vines
- Year of Seltzer Update: 226/500, San Pellegrino Diamond 66/100, Limitless Grapefruit Hibiscus 76/100
- Dan's loss of perspective
- Vengeance is God's, but you may be his tool of vengeance
- Discussion: Alex's recent propaganda tactics
- Alex starts show with "Red Alert"
- Alex seems unaware of Jacob Blake
- BLM burned down a car dealership
- John Bowne report: Portland protestors meet patriots
- Unhinged rant by Carlos Zapata about health restrictions
- Flags are being guillotined by Wisconsin
- BLM hippy with a gun pushes around cops
- Alex: wasn't there a Project Veritas video about this?
- 1.4 million people died of TB in the US last year
- Alex respects police checkpoints
- Run over protestors because they're setting up unlawful checkpoints
- Alex discusses Nuremburg code
- Alex is pro-Geneva convention
- Alex makes up bullshit about doctor's lifespans
- Discussion: Bob Marshall talks about gay lifespans
- Trump is brave to not hold a digital convention
- Alex googles himself everyday to see if he's being sued
- Guest: Drew Hernandez, on the scene in Kenosha
- Alex still hasn't addressed Jacob Blake
- Drew is a rightwing dickbag
- Savannah Hernandez and Greg Reese are back from Portland... buy food
- Drew is a whiny baby
- Guest: Savannah talks about Portland
- Portland is exporting protestors everywhere
- Antifa is super organized and all pedophiles
- Guest: Greg: We followed the Proud Boys to Portland
- Press are secret antifa
- Savannah watched Robert Evans get his hand broken
- Savannah accidentally accuses Trump of using the Hegelian Dialectic
- Caller: Show us the gold in Fort Knox
- Caller: I got the video of the cop getting hit with a brick
- Alex whines about the ACLU
- We're the rebels because the cops are on our side
- Police stand down so we can move against you
- Alex plays more Trump ads
- In war, you don't kill low ranking soldiers
- Alex finally talks about Jacob Blake, immediately lies
- DeAnna Lorraine is officially in at InfoWars
- Guest: Ali Alexander: Cops didn't shoot Blake enough
- Business owner should have had a shotgun
- Ali: Time for a round-up
- Maxine Waters called for these protests in 2018
- Trump is gonna win, election will be contested, buy food
- Ali: Q movement is like a black church
- Alex goes hard to a special report due to tech difficulties
- Ali: Q supporter who turned on Trump was an infiltrator
- Guest: Chad Praithen
- Chad has jokes!
- Chad: Peter Strzok wasn't bullied enough
- Alex's chick shop video revisited
- Alex claims he beat multiple people to death
- Hillary says Biden shouldn't concede for any reason
- Trump's numbers going up in secret internal poll
- Alex may be unaware of Kyle Rittenhouse shooting
- Important story: getting banned.video links onto social media
- Police are powerless in the face of protestors
- Be nice to Kyle
- Arresting Kyle is a virtue signal
- Good thing Kyle didn't kill black people
- Wisconsin cops are more likely to shoot white people
- Caller: It's too late to buy guns and ammo
- Ali: going to church keeps the portal to hell closed
- Ali: Satan is no longer Lucifer