34: April 25, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the April 25 episode of The Alex Jones Show. The day before, Chobani yogurt announced that they were suing InfoWars for defamation, so this episode is Alex's very ill-advised response to that news. Watch as he lies about the facts of the case and says many things he can't take back and will be used against him in court.
- Chobani yogurt owner Hamdi Ulukaya sues Ales
Detailed Show Notes
Immigrants are bringing in TB narrative[1]:
The reality about the story about the sexual assault case in Twin Falls:
- A story from the Idaho Statesman about the case's resolution
- An Idaho Statesman correction article, including the quotes referenced from prosecutor Grant Loebs
- I'm not going to link to the Brietbart propaganda articles. Find those on your own if you want to.
Biographical information about Hamdi Ulukaya: