35: Custody Press Conference

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened when Alex Jones decided to throw a (possibly very fake) press conference after his custody trial concluded. Topics covered include:

  • Is there a world record for Time Spent Surviving Pregnant On A Boat?
  • How often does Alex scold people for not being on board with chimeras?
  • Does Alex Jones know what trolling is?
  • How much better would Alex Jones be with a dedicated hype man?


  • Custody Press Conference
  • Fish people / Origin of "Fish with Sad Human Eyes" meme

I was told by a genetic engineer about a project they were on in England once and I never told the story on air because it's so fantastical. Oh God. They had in tanks, people with gills and they were little babies. They were in there just gulping, clawing at the sides. You see a turtle at the zoo and and it wants out out, and you feel for it. They got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff. I mean, we are screwed people. I mean, do you understand that? And I know I keep obsessing because it's in the news what they're doing now. They don't show it to you. They show yeah, gestating on farms or embryos and humans growing in animals. No, it's beyond that. They take them out. They keep them alive. The gulping humanoids in their tanks, scrabbling at the side with human horror in their eyes.

  • Alex puts his ex-wife's metal health business in the streets