Transcript/42: March 11, 2014

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Oh, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your
Dan (00:00:07.000)
work. Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around and drink on some red wine and talk about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:15.000)
We talk about usually a day in the current life of Alex Jones. Indeed, that is something we generally do. And the twist on that is that you listen to a lot of Alex Jones pretty much every day and I don't listen to any Alex Jones at all,
Dan (00:00:28.000)
which is the right amount. I listen to way too much. The appropriate amount is no amount indeed. And there therein lies the fun of the show. I get to tell you all about what's happened in his day and I get to scream like a madman. That's pretty much it. Yeah, today we're gonna do something a little different. And that's why we're drinking a bottle of wine called avant, which is in French before a ha francais is.
Jordan (00:00:55.000)
Well, as far as the taste of this wine goes, I would prefer if we lived in the before I drank.
Dan (00:01:04.000)
So then it reboiler
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
a mall. All right. All right. All right. All right, come on now. Restart the podcast, sweet
Dan (00:01:13.000)
Callay restart. It means I'm smart. I'm running out of French phrases. So today what we're going to be doing thanks to a donation from my best friend in the world Nicky gifts.
Alex Jones (00:01:26.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:27.000)
He had donated to the show, he was already a policy wonk. But he bumped up his donation he bumped it up in order to get himself a time travel episode. Fuck yeah, man. We're going back in time to 2014 2014 Oh, team throws ago a simpler time. Oh, man,
Jordan (00:01:44.000)
considering all the news. Just all the news. That's why we had to escape. I don't think there's any there's I've not checked my Twitter feed and seen even the slightest cute puppy,
Dan (00:01:54.000)
a lot of bad shits breaking. And in Alex Jones fashion, his show has been dogshit the last two days, right? He's at Roger Stone in studio. And like, on Monday, it was just the two of them having a Skype conversation with Mike Cernovich. And they were just like, aren't we great? That was kind of the whole thing was just three guys. Just like we're fucking awesome. We break stories. And the whole time. They were talking about how writes Priebus was the leak. And they had secret information from their sources that writes Priebus was leaking everything and how like, it's finally time we can come out with it. Then that afternoon, the news broke of Trump giving information to the Russian foreign ambassador lever. All right,
Jordan (00:02:45.000)
but it was previous who gave them the information first? No, no, no Rivas leaked it to the President. Because as we all know, hopefully the President has no fucking clue what's going on.
Dan (00:02:55.000)
It's even better than that. It's even better because as soon as that happened, they had to adjust their narrative, right? Because it had to be someone who was in that meeting. That was the person who leaked this to the Washington Post. And so him and Roger Stone, just do like a Facebook video in a hallway where they're like, we knew all along it was McMaster Fuck, yeah, just just completely invalidating the last day. It's fucking so great.
Jordan (00:03:25.000)
That's such a snapshot of all the Republicans right now is let's just completely forget what happened yesterday. Yeah, we're gonna start fresh and then something new horrible happens every single fucking day.
Dan (00:03:35.000)
And then today, Tuesday, as we're recording this, Alex had Roger Stone in studio some more. They talked a bunch more shit. That's inconsequential. And I like
Jordan (00:03:45.000)
Roger Stone being very close to the border of Mexico.
Dan (00:03:51.000)
There's no reason.
Jordan (00:03:52.000)
I think he knows what's coming.
Dan (00:03:54.000)
Yeah, you gotta he's a flight risk. Yeah, no kidding. So he was on and again, we're just talking a lot of shit and it was really uncomfortable because I think Alex was drunk. Really day drunk Daedra it seemed like it like he couldn't stop losing his like control of himself. I wanted to pull some clips of it because it's just like it's out of control. He's doing impressions left and right well, he's doing like Chuck Schumer as some sort of a Wizard of Oz villain kind of issuer it's just it's a disaster. Why the fuck not and Roger Stone sitting there the whole time like, Fuck, I should not have teamed up with this guy cannot control himself at all. So then Roger Stone leaves and Dr. Group comes in. And they do the illustrious Dr. Group. They do about an hour and a half, maybe an hour a little over an hour commercial for a new product that they've put out that basically, as best I can tell the function of it if it makes you pee more. I tweeted that out.
Jordan (00:04:53.000)
You know why you have prostate issues? That's not a bad product. I
Dan (00:04:57.000)
already have prostate guard though. well protect
Jordan (00:05:01.000)
against your prostate cancers in the light verses to ease you into that transition of the end of your life.
Dan (00:05:08.000)
This is about, like, heavy metals and stuff like that, like if you don't pee and shit, menstrual blood enough. That is basically what they were saying. He said, If you were, they were saying that if you don't like, if you don't discharge enough, well however you discharge, then all this these metals fill up in you and like funguses in your brain, do they vary?
Jordan (00:05:31.000)
Do they know women also pee? Do they know that or do they think that men pee and women menstrual bleed? They just bleed all the time
Dan (00:05:41.000)
that's in the Bible. That doctor group is nothing if not a consummate Christian. Excellent. So we're gonna get to basically we're not missing out on much is what I'm saying. It's a crock of horseshit. Although this Thursday, looking forward to it. John Rappaport should be back in studio because it's been a week he's in. Oh, damn it. I know. I'm sorry to tease you like that. Yes.
Jordan (00:06:06.000)
God if he wasn't studio, some prop master has to put a fucking picture in the
Dan (00:06:13.000)
world worlds would collide us in studio. Also. I'm hoping as I go back through these time travel things to find John Rapoport in some stray episode right? I have not yet but I'm looking forward to it.
Jordan (00:06:26.000)
But find out. Rappaport its origin story. Oh, totally.
Dan (00:06:30.000)
I would love to see his first appearance. Oh, absolutely.
Jordan (00:06:33.000)
So regularly. I would love to see his birth. Just to see how it goes from there.
Dan (00:06:38.000)
Yeah, today's episode. I don't actually want to see his birth. It would probably be shocking. He comes out all googly eyed with a huge beard. I'm describing myself now. dentures. Dentures actually came out first Rapoport is me in the future. He has a cross I have a big beard. My teeth are gonna fall out but certain Holy shit. I've got I've got to start
Jordan (00:07:02.000)
distrusting. Your optimism is insane.
Dan (00:07:06.000)
What I'm going to turn into Rapoport know that you're going to live that long. That's fair. So today I will I will play this out of context drop and then we will reveal the date we time travel back to
Alex Jones (00:07:16.000)
show I know the conclusions of what's going on. More than most the nuts and bolts not so much.
Dan (00:07:23.000)
He is not a details guy. That really sums up sort of how Alex Jones lives his life.
Jordan (00:07:31.000)
Not really a big deal
Dan (00:07:32.000)
about the nitty gritty. So today, we are going I got my assignment from Nicky gifts. And he told me, You got to go back to March 8 2014. What Jordan was March
Jordan (00:07:45.000)
8, don't remember March 8 20. I fucking remember nothing.
Dan (00:07:50.000)
This is This is disgusting. If you if you give me I thought you were a scholar, a man of letters. If you give me like
Jordan (00:07:57.000)
a thing, then I can tell you when it happened. You can't give me a when it happened. And I tell you the thing. That's not how my brain works.
Dan (00:08:04.000)
It was the day that the Malaysian plane went missing.
Andy In Kansas (00:08:06.000)
Oh, fuck, yes.
Jordan (00:08:08.000)
This is the greatest day of my life.
Dan (00:08:11.000)
So March 8 2014,
Jordan (00:08:15.000)
also a scholar, I need to be a scholar.
Dan (00:08:19.000)
It was a big day, big day for all of us. So on March 8, Alex is doing his show and it's awful. He doesn't mention the plane at all. And so it's just about how South by Southwest is going on and we're trying to take people's guns naturally. So I check in on the next
Jordan (00:08:36.000)
by Southwest is trying to take that South by Southwest Southwest Airline No,
Dan (00:08:40.000)
no. South by Southwest South by Southwest Music Festival. Yes. Okay. They're trying to push an anti gun agenda with Bloomberg and what have you. I don't know It's nonsense. So he's he's getting really excited and most of that show is him talking about how they're gonna hold a we've got guns March where everyone has guns. That's a
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.000)
bad idea. It
Dan (00:09:01.000)
seems aggressive the large
Jordan (00:09:02.000)
group of people with guns is not your it's not the image you want to protect.
Dan (00:09:06.000)
It's bad optics but it does seem like it can go down peacefully and calmly like there are examples of it in
Jordan (00:09:15.000)
Spencer's horrifying racist
Dan (00:09:19.000)
those were those were torches
Jordan (00:09:21.000)
you know, there's no negative connotations associated with a bunch of white people holding torches. I've never seen any I just think of Frankenstein. No big deal now it went down peacefully. Sure. You kind of give them that which is a whole lot better than the old. Yeah, damn it.
Dan (00:09:35.000)
That's why 2.0 Yeah, improvement. Yeah, I guess.
Jordan (00:09:38.000)
Because the bad guy. So
Dan (00:09:39.000)
anyways, on the eighth nothing. Next episode is I think David Knight was hosting the next one. And I'm like, I don't even care what David Knight says about this. Now. I'm starting to notice a trend when big things go down. Alex ends up out of studio. Because David light was in like, right, right. Right after the last one. Yeah, so Though he's David knights in like fuck it, I don't care. The next episode that Alex is back in studio hosting, everything is back to normal is March 11 2014. And that is the episode we'll be covering. And man I'm glad this episode is profoundly stupid, wonderful. But theory Yes.
Jordan (00:10:22.000)
He is out of studio when big things happen because the people he who worked for him are like listen, we have to spin a narrative because if you go on there you're gonna say all kinds of crazy shit right the rest of our guys are not going to sign off on
Dan (00:10:42.000)
no I disagree with that theory because he has such a like an iron grip on on Infowars that it Rob do isn't going to sway him like just because Rob do his established a narrative. It doesn't mean that Alex isn't going to buck that narrative.
Jordan (00:10:58.000)
That's true. I yeah, here Alex can't
Dan (00:11:01.000)
be contradicted. Everybody else can right. So it doesn't matter if he's there day up. Like Like I told you on the Boston bombing day he was hanging out with Richard Belzer. So the bells Yeah. Anyway, Alex Jones has not
Jordan (00:11:13.000)
for whom the bells calls. Alex Jones, the bells calls for Jones. Will Shakespeare.
Dan (00:11:22.000)
Alex Jones spends a shockingly small amount of this episode talking about the Malaysian plane.
Jordan (00:11:28.000)
Wow. That's right up his alley. It's
Dan (00:11:31.000)
so in the wheelhouse. It's like, Yeah, Alex baby, this is a meatball out of the park. So here's how he begins the episode and talks a little bit about the plane.
Alex Jones (00:11:45.000)
We've got mysteries, everybody loves a mystery. And it's a tragic mystery. Without a Trace, you have this Malaysian Airline disappearing. And I've seen the videos of the Iranians that were boarding the flight. And I gotta tell you looking at the eyes and the bearing of these two guys. They look committed. And I'm not saying they're guilty, but my gut tells me these are trained, trained, trained people right here. And they're very serious on a mission. And they look like Iranian Republican Guard or something. So that's all i That's all I can say. Is that type of infiltrators, you would use you don't look like big tough guys, but are actually infiltrators I mean, just my gut. Looking at this photo, that I'm showing people on TV, folks go to or any other news site for that matter and see the photos drudge probably has the best, most extensive coverage of it all and
Dan (00:12:46.000)
can't possibly be true.
Jordan (00:12:48.000)
But this is back whenever he was afraid of Muslim men and it hadn't yet extended to small Muslim girls and Starbucks. Yes,
Dan (00:12:55.000)
yes. This is just pure Islam. Yeah, exactly. The thing that's interesting is he doesn't really go over it. But what he's talking about is there was a story about two gentlemen who had like fake passports, who had gotten on the plane. Okay, so it's actually spookier than the way he's describing it. Right? The fact that they had fake passports makes it like that's, that's sketchy.
Jordan (00:13:20.000)
Where was that plane going? I don't remember Malaysia.
Dan (00:13:24.000)
No, it was coming from Malaysia. Oh, boy, we're dumb. Flight 370 was a scheduled flight in the early morning hours of the Eighth of March 2014, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China. It was one of two daily flights operated by Malaysia Airlines from its hub in Kuala Lumpur to Beijing Capital International Airport scheduled to depart at Bucha. I don't know how to translate this fuckin military time.
Jordan (00:13:55.000)
It's a number, another number and then two zeros too
Dan (00:14:00.000)
difficult. Gotcha. The plane flight duration was five hours 34 minutes, which would consume an estimated 37,200 kilograms of jet fuel. The aircraft carried 49,100 kilograms of fuel, including reserves allowing an endurance of seven hours 31 minutes, that extra fuel was enough to divert to ultimate airports, which would require BaubleBar little extra gas so they could have gone to a different airport. If that was like the sort of emergency right? Yes, it was going. Malaysia to China was not a huge jaunt five hour flight.
Jordan (00:14:32.000)
I had a hard time carrying.
Dan (00:14:34.000)
Wow. I mean, heartless,
Jordan (00:14:38.000)
heartless. There were 10 million other atrocities that day. It was one plane it
Dan (00:14:42.000)
was right in the middle of the whole situation in the Ukraine. So
Jordan (00:14:46.000)
yeah, I mean, it's like I get it. That was a fun distraction for everybody's like, Oh, what happened to this plane?
Dan (00:14:53.000)
I like Alex said, everybody loves a mystery. Exactly. Yeah, the thing. Getting back to these two dudes that Alex is saying Good. Yeah.
Jordan (00:15:05.000)
So I know but I'm a 12 year old
Dan (00:15:07.000)
fine. I'm a policy wonk, you little 12 year old. So Alex has pointed out these dudes and like the idea that they had fraudulent passports makes the situation reasonable to be like, suspicious, but all he does is talk about Look at him. He holds pictures, like look at these guys look at him. They're Brown. That's basically all he's saying. Yeah, problem solved. Yeah, it's crazy. They look
Jordan (00:15:29.000)
like infiltrators.
Dan (00:15:30.000)
So he goes on a little bit more to detail
Jordan (00:15:33.000)
so isn't that not that's not the profile of people trying to commit terrorist acts disappearing just like when the plane have like if you're trying to commit a terrorism committed terrorism which is a noun Now I wouldn't you want a giant explosion or a fireball not just a disappearance?
Dan (00:15:54.000)
I'm glad you asked that. Alex has some thoughts about Hydra ha.
Alex Jones (00:15:57.000)
And my gut tells me it's a hijacking and they crashed the plane into the ocean. We've seen quite a few of those getting hijacked out of Egypt and other areas Oh, hijacking. They will take over and they will get in the cockpit and they will fly the plane into the water. And they'll generally do it with firearms or bombs they've smuggled on. Again, if it was a false flag, you would have naked body scanners rolling out next week. Like the Christmas Day bombing where the guy was known government minion, his dad tied into the CIA. They did fake videos putting his face into you know hooded Muslims at Terra training camps, he was clearly drugged, getting Muttalib on the planet or not. The CIA again basically ordered the airline there in Amsterdam to get him on the plane. So we broke that here. This letter came out in congressional testimony. But they moved away from it very quickly. That was a staged event because, oh, we're gonna put naked body scanners in next week because of this, when they'd ordered them a year and a half before and the outgoing head of Homeland Security shirt off stood to make hundreds of millions himself off of it off the billions. So you ended up the company
Dan (00:17:08.000)
DoD saying that was a total PR role. But my timer goes off. You get you get what he's saying there in terms of his premise that because there's no weird thing, right, that the
Jordan (00:17:20.000)
globalists are trying to garden garden variety hijacked it
Dan (00:17:24.000)
was a real hijacking because the globalists aren't ready to do something to us.
Jordan (00:17:29.000)
Right because of right. They haven't yet capitalized on the crisis. Right. Which
Dan (00:17:33.000)
is strange thinking, I would say it is.
Jordan (00:17:38.000)
I think there is a certain internal logic there. Because if you're if you're a secret evil corporation of globalists, you wouldn't you would want a an outcome that's favorable to you. Right. So if the outcome is just
Dan (00:17:56.000)
you're describing the galleon dialect here, that's basically what it is. Yeah, you create circumstances to get the outcome that you want exactly. Fake a terror attack in order to push these body scanners. Yeah, nailed it. Yeah, there is an internal logic to it. It's not sensible. Like if you need to do more ground.
Jordan (00:18:15.000)
I'm not going to, I'm not going to get too sensible through Alex Jones. I'm just going for trying to understand what his viewpoint is.
Dan (00:18:23.000)
Sure. And I think I think you have done that there. I just think that if
Jordan (00:18:27.000)
you're now in my theory, I'm listening. Amelia Earhart,
Dan (00:18:31.000)
she came back.
Jordan (00:18:33.000)
She's the one who made all planes disappear. Okay, if a plane has disappeared, it's
Dan (00:18:38.000)
Amelia Earhart. She's responsible for like the devil's triangle. Exactly. Everybody knows this. This has as much legs.
Jordan (00:18:45.000)
Why hasn't she been? Why hasn't her body been found? Hmm. Well, I don't know. I'll tell you why. Still hijacking planes.
Dan (00:18:51.000)
Why hasn't a lot of the Malaysian planes still been found? That's because Amelia Earhart
Jordan (00:18:55.000)
is great at hiding bait.
Dan (00:18:59.000)
My point, my point that I want to make on the Alex's theory, is that the idea that it is a hijacking reasonable. Totally reasonable. Yeah, that part's fine. Obvious the added sort of fondant on the cake of yeah, don't raise your eyebrows. I'm going with you. I've watched the learning going. So that part that added bonus part that you can't eat and is disgusting, is I've never had it you're not supposed to eat the fondant decorative All right, but anyway,
Jordan (00:19:33.000)
I don't I don't I don't traverse in the fancy parties that you go
Dan (00:19:37.000)
to. I just seen people on television so you're not supposed to eat it I have no idea. I don't like cake. Anyway.
Jordan (00:19:47.000)
You got off on this font dot tan. You're done.
Dan (00:19:50.000)
It's a foolish expectation that if something is being done, like a something is real, then nothing will be done after it right if something is Fake by this shadowy organization, then they will be ready to push something right? That doesn't like, it doesn't make any sense. No. You need a lot more groundwork or else anyway. Oh, fondant? Yes. Much like that you need a cake underneath it. But Alex, he he's pitched this hijacking idea. And now he starts to in this next clip immediately sort of waffle on it a little bit.
Alex Jones (00:20:26.000)
And that's what a real hijacking does, especially when Hezbollah type connected groups are involved as Iranian connected Gribbs they get on the airplane, and they fly it into the water. Now it could have been the plane just went down. It could have been that you coincidence, these guys are on board? I don't know. There's also a lot of suspicious tech people on board. But my gut tells me it's a hijack
Jordan (00:20:49.000)
are all tech people suspicious? These
Dan (00:20:52.000)
things we're heading for a technocracy versus a lot of religions wishes people.
Jordan (00:20:57.000)
These particular tech guys were suspicious.
Dan (00:21:00.000)
Yeah. But I mean, there we go.
Jordan (00:21:01.000)
I mean, you really were the ones who made the Iranian guys fake passport.
Dan (00:21:04.000)
This is Alex in 2014. And the complete difference from Alex Jones today. I always would never say I don't know. Today. That's true. You would never be like Blizzard either. There's there's possible things but I don't
Jordan (00:21:18.000)
know. That's the thing about carrying water is you always have to know some have to have a source you have to or whereas. Whereas if you're just covering basic news. You can not know shit. Who cares? And then there's the fact that even you know, nobody knows what happened to the Malaysian plane.
Dan (00:21:37.000)
Well, you'd have men tell no tales, right?
Jordan (00:21:40.000)
Like Amelia Earhart, woman
Jordan (00:21:48.000)
I don't know. Look, we're That's our new stereotype for women
Dan (00:21:52.000)
seances. Anyway, we're in a weird, we started weird. But we have now played a couple of clips
Jordan (00:22:00.000)
is that pretty much all of his coverage of the Malaysian Airline boy, it's
Dan (00:22:03.000)
most of it. Oh, boy. Things go off the rails pretty hard. And in this next clip, where can you go? Well, he talks most a lot more about our South by Southwest to try to take on that tip. He gets into and we're going to discuss it a bunch how TV is evil. Okay, he raps about a bunch of nonsense. And then he ends with, I don't mind spoiling this because it it's one of the greatest things I've ever seen. He ends with the weirdest, longest commercial for his products that I have ever seen it all of my time watching Infowars. All right, amen. So crazy. And to the point where back then he was only on the radio for the first three hours, right? Then the signal would drop. And whatever he was broadcasting, he could only broadcast online. Oh, I did not know that. So he fills the last 20 minutes or so of his show of the three hours. Yeah, talking about his supplements to the point where they have to go off the air and then continue. Oh, no. Oh, he then ends
Jordan (00:23:16.000)
up because he would say he's literally just like a like he's in the middle of his commercial. And then the signal just cuts out. They just
Dan (00:23:22.000)
go to break. And then he comes back and like we're in overdrive. All right. Yeah. All right. I'm in just 40 more minutes. 40 more minutes in overdrive where he takes phone calls from people about the Malaysian plane. And none of them have any good theories. It's terrible. But okay, we've laid out the since like, the syllabus of what's to come. Yeah, but now we got to get down to the meat, my man. This next clip. We're going back to episode two of our podcast. We're going back to something that came from y2k for the y2k episode. A little place a very special place in Colorado.
Alex Jones (00:24:00.000)
Know the shit here and stacks of news every day for 19 years. Anyone that did this would be informed.
Catherine Herridge (00:24:11.000)
Catherine herridge Fox News Channel. Thanks for taking my question. Will the Utah data center hold the data of American citizens?
General Keith Alexander (00:24:20.000)
No. Part one, they did? Well, I can't go into all the details of the Utah data center. That's Alexander. We don't hold data on US citizens.
Alex Jones (00:24:31.000)
The head they do and did of cybersecurity. That's the Pentagon branch of the North calm domestic spy grid. That's just already operating completely illegally. They're trying to pass the cybersecurity legislation. It's operating in plain view since the early 1980s under Cyber Command at Space Command, space.
Jordan (00:24:56.000)
Space, Space Command
Alex Jones (00:24:57.000)
runs everything with NASA. Uh, corporately above it as an as an executive branch creation that's the shadow government. So in the Space Command nexus with the public face NASA and their interstellar programs that are classified, they're really freaking out folks when I talk about this stuff, by the way, most of it I've gotten from sources other I've reverse engineered their program, and it's unbelievable. They've already gone. I'm not gonna even get into it. I just cannot believe how screwed we are. The general public has no idea what's even going on. The globalists are trying to start a war with Russia. I'm not saying Russia is good. I'm not saying Putin is good. The West is starting. He is now.
Dan (00:25:39.000)
Well, the fun okay, the real fun there is space command runs everything base command
Jordan (00:25:47.000)
returns. Yeah. So base command is the secret behind NASA. So NASA is the public face. And they're like, we're gonna go to space. And let's send all this stuff. And Space Command is like, let's start a war with Russia space.
Dan (00:26:03.000)
This is 2014 15 years after the y2k episode, right? He's still on Space Command.
Jordan (00:26:11.000)
Now, I wonder how many times has Space Command come up in the intervening years?
Dan (00:26:16.000)
I mean, we'll we're gonna find out. Yeah. I mean,
Jordan (00:26:20.000)
it has to come out quite a bit.
Dan (00:26:22.000)
Right. And so but the other thing is that the context of what's going on in March of 2014, is that Putin had invaded Crimea. And that was why people were mad at Russia at that point. Yes. He's saying the globalist oh,
Jordan (00:26:37.000)
we're all cool with Yeah, he's saying
Dan (00:26:39.000)
the globalists wanted to start war with Russia. And maybe some people did want to be like, Hey, don't invade, don't feed your neighbors. Because that's kind of that's straight from the Bible. It's kind of it's kind of a big thing. Geopolitically, it's
Jordan (00:26:56.000)
your neighbor's wife. And also don't annexes home.
Dan (00:26:59.000)
Sure. Don't. Even if the people they are like, Hey, we're ethnically Russian. Still a good idea. Your country? Not
Jordan (00:27:06.000)
a good idea.
Dan (00:27:06.000)
Yeah. So
Jordan (00:27:08.000)
also did he say Did he say interstellar programs that were classified as an interstellar program? Does he know what interstellar means?
Dan (00:27:16.000)
I have no evidence for or contrary. Well, that means within stars between stars between stars. Yeah, yeah, that's That's it.
Jordan (00:27:27.000)
Look, that's a long way away.
Dan (00:27:28.000)
We're going to stars we're not going to stars Your man is the you gotta fucking watch
Jordan (00:27:34.000)
splendid Rajan amberleigh. Interstellar, the
Dan (00:27:37.000)
movie come out. 2014. There we go. There it is spicy. Bass base command. They're responsible for interstellar as a movie because it's predictive programming.
Jordan (00:27:47.000)
Right? It's getting all of us to believe that we can travel between the stars.
Dan (00:27:53.000)
Yeah, but you know, before we can reach the stars, we have to shake off the shackles of the programming that is infested our brains and our soul. Alex Jones has some thoughts here about the downfall of humanity. Yes, we've got coming from a very high place where we used to eat dinner together. We did too. Now what we have become.
Alex Jones (00:28:15.000)
And so imagine the animation. They're all sitting around the table. They're outside playing. Kids are on their bikes, they're building forts. All the cars, they're there. They're they're fishing in the creek. They're, you know, kissing a girl for the first time when they're 12. They're getting in a fistfight, they're living their humans. And now, within years, they within just a few years, suddenly everyone has a television set. It's a sign of status. If you have two television sets by 1955 You're suddenly living around the television or suddenly getting home. You're now not in the real world. You're entering the proto matrix.
Dan (00:28:53.000)
I don't disagree with him the TVs are kind of shitty. Yeah, that's his that's his theory.
Jordan (00:29:00.000)
I don't know who the fuck knows. I think the more important I'm not I'm not gonna be Gil Wally on everybody and we're all gonna be fat sitting in. You know, I think I'm in legless chambers.
Dan (00:29:11.000)
I think the more important thing to take away from that is even three years ago, and clearly it's just a consistent piece of his, his sort of ethos. Is that the ways you become a human right, you kiss girls. Yep. You fist fight. Exactly. And you look at the stars, also, fishing and a Greek vision and correct. It's all Yeah, it's just down here. Come on, man. I've got cron daddies by hand.
Jordan (00:29:38.000)
You get a little crowded and you are all set. Oh, man. That's exactly how he replaced his father's love
Dan (00:29:45.000)
with grown fathers. You know, it's possible. It's possible but you know, here's the thing. He's talking about TVs and basically they you know, they take over your life. He's basically saying that they can hypnotize you But let me tell you
Jordan (00:30:01.000)
Okay, are we going are we going full 1984 levels right here.
Dan (00:30:05.000)
I'm not sure how far we're going but I want to say this. TVS aren't the only thing that can hypnotize you. No one else can
Jordan (00:30:12.000)
Mesmer the 1960s Sucking
Dan (00:30:15.000)
job, no shit.
Alex Jones (00:30:17.000)
Suddenly they all gravitate around the television. The flicker rate designed and picked in animal and human studies to put you into a suggestible, hypnotize, just suspend the disbelief, false reality. This is literally the key people are in a trance. I can't state that enough. That's it. That's why they're so dumb. That's why you can't get through to him. That's why they're so suggestible. I don't even try to be manipulative now. And I could just walk directly up to police and basically, programming him, I could walk up to women and start programming, start talking to them literally, using basic systems that they use in television, and the people literally go back into trances, and I'm not even a hypnotist. And I've never even stated your identification needs to see his identification.
Jordan (00:31:08.000)
When Alex Jones Alex Jones will be starring in the next Star Wars film now the last
Alex Jones (00:31:16.000)
Jedi least is actually live in the real world. And I'm not a movie Interstellar, they actually live in the real world, see what's going on. They're not watching a lot of television. They're having to interact with people. They're having to deal with all sorts of crises constantly. And so that's why I said to at least more than anybody in the country on average, except for the military. And the military is awake, because they've seen the corruption. They've seen arms and legs blown off. They've seen dead kids, they've seen the Bid rigging, but like,
Dan (00:31:47.000)
so he's saying that he can hypnotize anybody and just tap into their programming. Yeah, that's nonsense. No, he can. Okay, fine. That's true. But his secondary thesis there is that's
Jordan (00:31:58.000)
why he kept his kids. Judge, so maybe that's why he lost.
Dan (00:32:08.000)
wife can fucking tell. But like, he goes on, and he's like, the police and the military. They're more
Jordan (00:32:15.000)
awake, right? Because they see dead bodies all the time. Well, that's one theory. Right? The
Dan (00:32:20.000)
other theory is Alex Jones knows good god damn and well, that his demographic is largely police and military. And he knows not to insult them. So he says, everybody else is stupid. Yeah, but just so happens that the people that tend to like my show are way smarter than everybody else.
Jordan (00:32:36.000)
It's weird. Yeah. It's weird. How smart the people who watch this show. Also, if you're you know what, everybody's fucking
Dan (00:32:42.000)
stupid, except that people who donate to our show, just because it's bizarre. I don't
Jordan (00:32:47.000)
know. $10 a month we can also talk about other other
Dan (00:32:53.000)
reason. I just don't know why it is that there's such a, like a weird one to one comparison of people who like donate money to us and not idiots. Like, I don't know why there is just that relation. It's crazy. It's fucking strange. It's absolutely, probably we'll probably never know why that is the case. But I've read studies. Yeah, I've read white papers about it. And people who give me money are fucking brilliant. But everyone else is so dumb.
Jordan (00:33:17.000)
Well, that's because and I don't like revealing this on the show. This should be an off air conversation. Okay, but are you sure you can tap into their programming? Right?
Dan (00:33:28.000)
I can hypnotize me. Yeah. What do you think? This isn't
Jordan (00:33:33.000)
how I act off air. Oh, I'm a regular person out there. I'm not angry. Oh, shit. You're hypnotizing me now.
Dan (00:33:42.000)
The evil cross. So Alex is a hypnotist. But he you know, he uses his powers for good. He hates the matrix.
Jordan (00:33:51.000)
I'm glad. I'm glad he does. Also does he was so so this whole this whole idea the whole Good Old Days narrative, right is? Is it the like, does he think people were smarter before TV because he just said people have only gotten dumber and dumber. So does he think that before TV? Everyone was just walking around with this advanced knowledge? Is this like the interstellar program was actually paused. Because of TV. Like, that's what's
Dan (00:34:23.000)
really going oh, like back when people would just go down to the creek and go Christian and stare at the stars. Everyone was genius. It's like before education and stuff, right? Everyone was brilliant. Yeah, I think
Jordan (00:34:34.000)
now it's all these pencil necks with their TVs and their education. chicken necks. I'm using I'm using my colloquial terms. I probe which I learned from being raised by crawdads.
Dan (00:34:48.000)
You had to crawdads
Jordan (00:34:50.000)
would not like at all.
Dan (00:34:53.000)
You know that whole fucking accepting to crawdads thing. It's just social programming.
Jordan (00:34:58.000)
It wasn't until the Supreme Court or legalize relationship product
Dan (00:35:04.000)
growth relations? Yep. But Alex, you know, he just thinks that it's part of the conditioning and it's part of this matrix that we're in. And Alex has some thoughts about the matrix. He watched the matrix. Yes. And then he says something incredibly dumb, okay. And I realize
Alex Jones (00:35:19.000)
that everything is about getting people to take the red pill and just see for themselves, see what's around them. You're never going to tell them about it. You they've got to see it. What it Morpheus says to Neo, one cannot be told about the matrix. And by the way, all I'm offering is the truth before you take that red pill. You say you're taking it. all I'm offering is the truth. But I gotta tell you, folks, it's like weightlifting, I'm getting back into weightlifting, getting back into shape. I feel so good. And when I get like,
Jordan (00:35:56.000)
it's like, whatever I'm doing.
Alex Jones (00:35:58.000)
pound dumbbells on a benchpress are heavier than 6070 100 pound dumbbells because I'm not used to lifting a lightweight for muscle memory. 20 years. Heavy. It's the same thing. It's like the atmosphere that isn't in the wind, rain, frying plants in the wind and rain will grow and thrive from the pressure. What do they say? Pain is weakness leaving the body what's the same thing mentally? You're meant to be in the real world? Your ancestors, folks? Drove mastodons off cliff?
Dan (00:36:34.000)
Yeah, man. Yeah, they drove mastodons off cliffs. We need to get back to that time whenever he also couldn't, right.
Jordan (00:36:43.000)
But he could draw. They could draw about how they drove mastodons off cliffs. Some of them that's how we got to the stars.
Dan (00:36:50.000)
But yeah, that the people who say pain is weakness leaving the body first of all are blowhard assholes or their gym shirt. Those are the people who say that well
Jordan (00:37:02.000)
and that's again, we're back at his base right there. And also that red pill thing is the is the is the bullshit men's activists or men's right assholes, the community. It's the fucking of what the Trump voters. It's the white supremacists. It's the GamerGate fuckheads this is all dudes, this is all fucking dudes, all of that. And I used to lift 60 pound 100 pound 10 100 pound million pound dumbbell.
Dan (00:37:34.000)
That's why I can't lift light weights. I can't lift light weights. Yeah, but also the I mean, it's been pointed out, I can chase a mastodon off a cliff though, it's been pointed out a fucking 100 times. But the whole red pill mythology does come from the Matrix movie made by trans women, and has been co opted by, you know, show
Jordan (00:37:52.000)
news. They weren't they weren't trans at the time. And as we all know, right. The only reason they did that was as a TV. TV. They were hypnotized. The
Dan (00:38:03.000)
other thing I was thinking about this red pill idea quite a bit lately. And I realized that we our society really took a wrong turn, when a bunch of people realized that they could present being tricked as being red pilled. You're gonna mean, I'm Alex's tricking people, right? Most of these online communities that are about men's rights. And these sorts of things are tricking people into falling into their worldview. They're not opening up anybody's eyes to truth or reality, or Oh, you ready to matrix man? Right? If there's any community of people who are actually doing that, and I'm not saying this with like, wholecloth broadly speaking, like some of these hallucinogen based communities, maybe maybe DMT folk, maybe I think
Jordan (00:38:54.000)
what we're seeing with the red pill stuff is just yet another justification for doing what you already wanted to do.
Dan (00:39:00.000)
Right? But the idea of it is not just I have taken the red pill, it's getting others to do it, too. It's evangelical in nature. And the idea is tricking it's almost like an intellectual pyramid scheme. Like you don't get much out of it unless you get other people to fall in line with your ideas. Or else you're I mean,
Jordan (00:39:22.000)
yeah, like Like let's say religion.
Dan (00:39:25.000)
Well one men's rights activist alone isn't like that's a sad looking dude. That's all of them are all sad dude. Right? But if they have a community wherein they become an echo chamber for themselves, then they can talk shit on women all they want. Yeah, they can do like, oh, yeah, you know, men that are really the victims in society and shit like that. And they have sounding boards, they can go off yeah, that's why they need to evangelize. Because just standing alone in saying that it's like well, I hope your apartments well decorated.
Jordan (00:39:54.000)
I mean, but that's that's any collective if that's any collective community entirely, though, like, even small towns have that same echo chamber of like, isn't it so great to live in a small town? Sure. And everybody just keeps pinging it back and forth across each corrals people into those small
Dan (00:40:16.000)
town problem is, in that case, some parts of it are great. Some parts of Small Town Living are fantastic.
Jordan (00:40:24.000)
I'm sure some parts of being a men's rights activist are great. You have all those dudes, you get to hang out with dudes all day. You know how great it is hanging out with a shit ton of sweaty angry. myths, myths fucking aligned like no monstrous dudes. not thrilled with it. Haven't you ever had the joy of going to a gym room? A gym room? I've been to a gym room. Yeah. You've had the joy of watching that dude. grunt and scream and then High Five is bros because
Dan (00:40:56.000)
Oh, it's not great. The best. You know, what is the best though? What is the best back when we used to go to church? Ah, that was the best.
Jordan (00:41:03.000)
I remember back when I used to go to church.
Dan (00:41:05.000)
Wasn't it the best, it was the best. So I loved it. This next clip, I had someone who's gone to a lot of church and I'm sure you're in the same boat, lot of church. This is not a great sermon. But it is a sermon. It's somewhere between a sermon and fucking Alex Jones trying to hype a match at the next pay per view between himself and the devil. Okay, and it's a little long, but I want it to play all the way through.
Jordan (00:41:31.000)
That's actually kind of a great sermon. I think I would much rather have had my my pastor go up there and be like, Sunday, Sunday, you want to see a fight between me and the devil? Let you know I have the Lord on my side, I will pin him in three moves for or I'm thinking he's gonna play chess with death. I'm not sure which one,
Dan (00:41:56.000)
you're the first the prior is closer to what Alex is about to do. I'm gonna say Mike down on this one and just let it ride. Okay, this is fucking crazy. And I want to say in the middle of this, on the screen, they flash up the Wikipedia page for Satan. So like as a referee for good good in the middle of it while he's yelling about the devil. They just flushed the Wikipedia.
Jordan (00:42:21.000)
You know how great that is? Because you can't really flesh up any verses of the Bible when they talk about the devil. Really.
Dan (00:42:29.000)
Anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (00:42:31.000)
We are being sucked in to the dehumanizing evil and and the animation. The animation that I want people to come up with.
Dan (00:42:42.000)
I'm sorry, I forgot I had to interrupt because I forgot to set it up totally correctly. He's also wanting people to draw an animation. He wants a cartoon. He wants other people to do. Yeah, he's he's doing a contest. But he's very lackluster about pitching it. So I have to explain. He wants people to do like, draw cartoon of this, that he's describing it and that's where he loses his ship. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:43:07.000)
People are people $10,000 Even though it's great, you should do it for humanity, do it for art. That's how we'll defeat the tyrants. You're just breathing human art human spirit expression to jam the culture wave of the mind control that would have to take our freewill dumb us down and put us in a trance to control us that is the ultimate sin against free will. God gives us free will the enemy the devil, the Calvinists, the accuser Get behind me Satan. What does Satan do gets in front of you on our road to the stars. Satan gets in front of human development. He doesn't even know her and gives us mutated technologies and mutated systems that control us and dumb us down in an attempt to play God and build an artificial system to predict the future. The devil doesn't have Omni presents. The devil is trying to use humans made in the image of God to build a god machine to be able to understand the future and decipher everything. That devil only knows how to con people and manipulate people because he is a magician. He is a deceiver. He is a fraud. He is a lie. He is not one 1 trillion what the Creator is To hell with a devil. Straight to the pet was Satan down with Satan in the name of Jesus Christ. Get behind Me, Satan. Down with the devil, down with the fraud, get out of the road, Get behind me. You understand that? Get out of the road New World Order. Get out of my mind. Get out of my free will get out of my way. Humanity is going interstellar and this great challenge of the devil and the smartphones and the NSA Say, and the culture destroying and the chemicals in the water and the war on the family. It's all coming down. It's all going down. It's the test. We're going through the fire in, through and beyond, in the animating contest of liberty. The devil doesn't give you the animating contest, the devil lies and tells you that he gave you what God gave you. God gave you your gifts, God gave you your power. The devil lies and says, sell your soul to me, and I will give you gifts, the devil will do nothing but pervert the gifts of the Creator. We are made think about that, in the image of the master builder, the supreme architect of the universe, and idiots will go that's almost Sonic, know, the Bible says, The heavens are the handiwork the signature, of course they are all of it, this whole creation. And we are made in the image and the likeness, in our mind, in our body, in our form of the Supreme entity that has built the entire interdimensional system that our minds cannot even begin to imagine. And the devil has a good idea of that. And the devil wants that because the devil is never a maker. The devil is a taker, and a twister and a counterfeiter from the beginning and a fraud with a false light of black sunshine. And I've got a lot of news to cover, but
Jordan (00:46:54.000)
I gotta I gotta I gotta let get I got a lot of get to through there four
Dan (00:46:58.000)
minutes he screams about the devil. Got a lot of news to get over here. You know what that is? That's I gotta fill time. Yeah, exactly. I got no idea what happened to this Malaysian plane, what
Jordan (00:47:08.000)
is he fucking talking about? Either about the animation con?
Dan (00:47:12.000)
Well, here's the problem. Because he there's two things at play here. There is a contest that he's trying to run because he's saying I shouldn't have to give $10,000 You should do this for free for creativity, right? He's talking about an animation that he wants, which if you are a graphic designer, you hear a lot. But if you're also he, he does this all the time, and he still does this to this day, he talks about the animating contest of liberty. Oh, it's what makes us alive. So he like animating as opposed to us not being atomic. Tons of the line. Right? Yeah. And so he's talking about an animation contest, but also talking about the animating contest of liberty.
Jordan (00:47:53.000)
That's a lot going on. It's it's, he's he's asking innovation contests, to mean a lot all at the same. So
Dan (00:48:00.000)
now we want to parse that down. God created us in His own image. And the devil is how we know he's a man, the devil was he never would have created a woman in His own image. The devil wants what we have. He wants to make a god machine. Yeah, in order to tell the future.
Jordan (00:48:18.000)
That's what I would do. Sure. If I was the devil. Oh, that's the main goal. And how would you do that? Smartphones destroy the family? The NSA? Kailyn crawdads Sure. The whole thing. Problem solved. Yeah. I mean, he's trying to steal the power that God gave you. Right. The devil is why do we do we have? Do we have a reason for that? Nope. Like, does he have a goal? Nope. Like his goal is to create a god machine because
Dan (00:48:49.000)
he wants to know the future. What's the endgame there? He wants to know the future so we can control the present. But, but that's what he thinks. I mean, it's all it's not really about a literal devil, even though he is yelling about the devil. It's all about the globalists.
Jordan (00:49:03.000)
Right right now that's that's a good point. It's the globalist want to create a god machine. It's just a
Dan (00:49:09.000)
convoluted metaphor when he's screaming about biblical scripture in the literal devil. Right? It just, it really comes down to that's a lot of fun. And he's losing it. But it's just filling time. Yeah, he's not saying anything. Bad. Like if you were, if I went to church, and someone was yelling that I'd like to tiptoe out of here. I'd be like, this is a great church. I've never I've never seen any pastor lose it like that. But thankfully,
Jordan (00:49:39.000)
you've never seen some of the guys who handle snakes though.
Dan (00:49:41.000)
I've seen videos.
Jordan (00:49:43.000)
Yeah, but I mean, I saw I went to a church that had that. Oh, yeah,
Dan (00:49:47.000)
do get bit now. Okay,
Jordan (00:49:49.000)
that's good. I got bit by the wolf Schmidt But that was a whole different that's a whole different thing.
Dan (00:49:54.000)
So Alex screams about the devil and thankfully he gets the we're going to break sign in And he goes to break right? I already got a lot of news to cover, he comes back from break a little bit introspective about his rants, and then it quickly turns bigoted.
Alex Jones (00:50:12.000)
realize why coming here and sometimes you start preaching, I look at all this news. And it just it's so insane. And it's so scientifically being deployed on record, that if you just wake up and see it, it would all be over. We can up but people have been eased in from birth into the lie into the fraud. And it's basically all they know now. Major feminist group, which is actually anti feminine, they've done to your store and under the human species, why not have come out and so they want to ban the word bossy, because it's associated with women hen pecking. Well, women are supposed to be bossy with their children. They're not supposed to be bossy with their men. And they're never happy when they are bossy. But men are supposed to act like men as well. So I don't blame women. A feminist control freaks want to ban the word bossy campaign backed by banks, oil companies and transnational corporations. The World Bank is sponsoring South by Southwest, one of the main sponsors, and they are sponsoring Bloomberg and a move to ban our guns that piece of filth came here. And that's why we're going to have an open carry armed March. That is an article upon
Dan (00:51:21.000)
So that he gets into his March a little bit there at the end, just to give you guys a little flavor of read. But yeah, so you know, he's just pissed off about the world. So it gets into these rants. But these feminists,
Jordan (00:51:33.000)
ah, they're actually anti feminine, anti feminine, anti feminine.
Dan (00:51:38.000)
See, now this is actually a really interesting example of some feminist push that Alex is mad about, because it's one of the ones that I can really understand what they're saying a lot better than Alex is missing it entirely. So basically, so the the whole thing about like, you know, Beyonce had that campaign about, you know, the word bossy being sort of negative, right? That is a great example. That's
Jordan (00:52:08.000)
why Tim Allen is off the air now.
Dan (00:52:18.000)
I don't know, I never watched I don't fucking know, it's the it's the new show that just got canceled. But that that line is from the old, ya know, the the new show got canceled because he's a conservative. Make sense? Didn't I buy? The budget was way too high. His salary was ridiculous. Nope.
Jordan (00:52:36.000)
Conservatives can't have can't have different voices on ABC. It's got to be because of the feminists. So
Dan (00:52:42.000)
but but to this point about the feminists. I hear a campaign like that. And what I hear is, I don't enjoy it when you use this kind of language. It makes me feel bad. That's what I hear. And my response to it is, Oh, that makes sense. All right. No big deal. I'll just, you know, change my behavior a little bit out of courtesy. No big deal. I just won't call you bossy. If that is like a, you know, a gendered insult that people throw around. And I'm not sensitive to it, because I'm not a woman. And maybe your experience is different. That's
Jordan (00:53:18.000)
all I'm saying is Alex Jones needs a safe space. Yeah, where he doesn't experience these things. If I knew that, you know, what we should have done is at a trigger warning to let him know that we were going to be saying the word bossy, because I know it would be really angry there. I love his I love his angle on it. Women are never happy when they're bossy. No, it's not what they're supposed to, you know, women are only happy when they're doing what they're supposed to
Dan (00:53:45.000)
do not supposed to boss their men around. But men aren't men not. So men need to act like men need to hit women more. Back in the good old days. But you understand the difference between my perspective on it and how Alex interprets it. he interprets it as they're trying to outlaw this word. They're trying to ban this word. They're trying to take away my ability to say things that hurries me Ah, that's like you can raise me you can still say a madman, you can still say it. But once people have alerted you to the fact that it doesn't make them feel good. Now you just got to wrestle with the fact that you're choosing to, you know, make people not feel good.
Jordan (00:54:23.000)
Well, I mean, I hate it when people tell me not to use racial slurs.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.000)
Jordan (00:54:30.000)
Horrible what kind of what kind of ass how, what kind of asshole gets angry? That it's like, oh, Alex, fine, fine. Don't use the word bossy, because that has a connotation of you're, you're often telling women. You're acting bad for the way that I think you should. Like women should exactly yeah, so it's the word bossy when used in that regard, means you know And it means you're supposed to be subjugated. Well and Alex's
Dan (00:55:03.000)
analysis of you know, women are never happy when they're bossy. They shouldn't boss their men around right? It shows that that's where his head is. So I mean,
Jordan (00:55:12.000)
ya know, women should never boss men around. No. First Timothy 211 Sure, let a woman learn and all submissiveness I permit no woman to have authority over man for Adam was created before Eve
Dan (00:55:25.000)
Sukkot. Alex Jones. We just quoted Scripture.
Jordan (00:55:28.000)
Yeah. Which you apparently cannot do.
Dan (00:55:31.000)
You can give the broad strokes though. And that's important. We will be putting
Jordan (00:55:34.000)
that scripture up on knowledge bytes, so you guys can confirm for yourself. Oh,
Dan (00:55:38.000)
we're gonna get shirts. Or shirts. First Timothy 316.
Jordan (00:55:46.000)
People are First Timothy 211 shirts. Oh,
Dan (00:55:51.000)
so speaking of her.
Jordan (00:55:53.000)
It is it is fun for me how little these assholes who call themselves Christians? Like if you're gonna be a men's rights activist? Wouldn't that be the first Bible verse you put up? Right? That's my justification. I have the Bible behind me. I'm a Christian. I have that stuff. You would think they do not read the Bible at all? None at all? Well, because if you read the Bible, you kind of stopped believing in the Bible.
Dan (00:56:20.000)
They're too busy being sucked in by TVs? Yeah. Well, so before we had all this technology, though, Alex Jones used to get information the old school way.
Jordan (00:56:31.000)
Pony Express
Dan (00:56:32.000)
their similarities? Oh, let him explain.
Alex Jones (00:56:35.000)
Okay. And I was reading it out of a technology publication that somebody mailed me. Before it was in CBS News, NBC news a few years before and people said I was a liar. With the biotech technology magazine, because I used to have listeners, they still do it. But back then it was precious because the web wasn't very big. They would send me publications, hey, here's MIT publication Hey, your Stanford publication Hey, here, it's a lot more serious. Hey, I'm an engineer at UT. Come on down. And I would be let in and you know, they go you did to see this and punch a button and hundreds of monkeys wires in their brains with television sets brainwashing. It's just, I just don't even know what to tell people anymore.
Dan (00:57:16.000)
To tell people clearly.
Jordan (00:57:20.000)
So I want you to now go to YouTube. Look, that is a bad experiment. I don't understand why you would do that experiment. I don't understand what the goal of that experiment would be to figure out watch monkeys watch TV. But that would be pretty fun.
Dan (00:57:39.000)
Yeah. So I mean, I get it. You don't really you don't know what to tell people anymore. But so he goes down to UT, an engineer at UT? Yes, he pushes a button. And then there's hundreds of monkeys with wires in their brains.
Jordan (00:57:52.000)
Did the button manifest the monkeys? Or did it just raise some curtains?
Dan (00:57:58.000)
I'm not sure.
Jordan (00:58:00.000)
Was it just like? Was it just like a like Jimmy? I see the the blast shield doors, Tony presses the button and they they all fly up and you just see a shit ton of monkeys?
Dan (00:58:14.000)
Yeah, it's entirely possible.
Jordan (00:58:16.000)
I mean, if you if you put an infinite number of monkeys watching TV, you get a new girl. I don't know. I don't know what reference to make there.
Dan (00:58:26.000)
So he talks a little bit more about it, we we can get a little bit more insight into these monkeys. You thought that was it? No, it's not.
Alex Jones (00:58:34.000)
I'm just trying to warn you folks, oh, weapons system. It's so advanced. They got a monkey farm in Bastrop. Folks that they do all sorts of testing on great apes, rhesus monkeys, the whole nine yards.
Jordan (00:58:50.000)
That's how we got cameras. With their human eyes was a TV and crying.
Alex Jones (00:58:55.000)
I've seen it over closed circuit television. I was punched up in a DARPA facility. The the the labs are funded by DARPA is that you do and let me tell you they're trying to do I don't know started coming. Excuse me, I just folks it's getting to me. And I'm realizing that it half measures are not going to defeat this operation. We need twice the 1000s of monkeys at facilities all over the world. They have hundreds at this facility with wires in their brains in a 40 year program. It just keeps going with flicker rates to mind control them and to test them to then deploy the weapon system against you. Of course, governments are going to do this.
Dan (00:59:43.000)
So yeah, of course they're gonna do that, of course.
Jordan (00:59:46.000)
So you might, wouldn't you if I were a government. That's the first thing I would do.
Dan (00:59:49.000)
He made one unfortunate piece of information public in that in that sort of, fucking rant or whatever it was. He said the fever dream is more like it. Well, he was saying that. It's in Bastrop which is a town in Texas.
Jordan (01:00:07.000)
I thought he said it was at UT or whatever. No, no, there's this
Dan (01:00:11.000)
button. Right. And then he said he saw it over closed circuit. Okay, there's a monkey ranch in Bastrop which is a town in Texas. Oh my God. Now I've looked into I want a monkey wrench so bad. I've looked into this. Okay, there is a place called the screaming monkey ranch. And it's basically a bar.
Jordan (01:00:31.000)
Wait, that's what
Dan (01:00:34.000)
there's some. There's some outdoorsy shit to it. But I found their Facebook page. And it's mostly a tiki bar. There's pictures of people drinking gentleman's Jack. There's a guy who looks like someone I know. Drinking at the bar.
Jordan (01:00:47.000)
Yeah, but that's their public face. There's How would you hide a monkey wrench? You would make people think it was just a regular bar. It's just a name. You hide it in public. It's in the white papers. They're doing this program in front of everybody in front of you. Right? You're just hypnotized by the idea of bars.
Dan (01:01:05.000)
There's there's only five star reviews one of my favorite places and some of my favorite people in the world though some three months ago and I say I love this unique ranch. Good friends and great time. You see engineers Tiki Bar at the screaming monkey ranch camp swift men's rights activist. They have an Instagram page.
Jordan (01:01:24.000)
I don't believe in Instagram. Fake News.
Dan (01:01:28.000)
Looks like they have ceramic elephants. Some goats, fake boats, where people can drink. Yeah, it looks very nefarious. And there's probably tons of torture experiments that are going on there. He shouldn't have said Bastrop because that you can just Google that and find the screaming monkey ranch. Which is clearly what he's talking about. Yeah, absolutely. Fucking Bastrop Absolutely. Now, I guess if you want to go like full crazy, which we might as well this is the this is where we are. You know how in like, like Roswell, they have the novelty Roswell restaurants. They're actually screaming monkey ranch could be a reference to how many monkeys scream at the makes perfect sense to me. The actual research center could be a joke name.
Jordan (01:02:13.000)
If only it was a pizza place. It's then we'd know all about it.
Dan (01:02:17.000)
Yeah, then they would find out about their nonexistent basement. Oh, man, that's where they keep all the monkeys.
Jordan (01:02:21.000)
So and the monkey pedophiles?
Dan (01:02:24.000)
So Bastrop seems on the up and up. Also a 40 year program.
Jordan (01:02:29.000)
Yeah, monkeys don't live that long. Now. They don't live that long. But what would you be doing for 40 years?
Dan (01:02:34.000)
Also, it's like, if you're talking about monkeys, you're not you're talking about apes. Just to be very specific about monkeys. You're not gonna get many great experiments on monkeys. Why not? Because chimpanzees are what you know, you don't want to experiment.
Jordan (01:02:49.000)
That's what they do. They watch TV. You
Dan (01:02:51.000)
don't want to bonobo it. That's, that's yeah, you don't want to give him
Jordan (01:02:55.000)
that's our that's our second closest ancestor, or it's chimpanzees and bonobos are pretty much right on they're super close, which is, which is the evolutionary theory of human beings. Bonobos, fuck a lot, and chimpanzees will rip your face off. And that's pretty much where we are.
Dan (01:03:10.000)
We're somewhere in the middle. So I don't believe you, Alex. And let's transition this to another thing I don't believe him about.
Alex Jones (01:03:18.000)
Look at the articles. Obama Surgeon General. Pick. Guns are a public health issue see England's about two steps. Or about five years ahead of us. Here's the article from yesterday, Doctor is forced to become state snitches, the spot radical parents. And the mayor of London has called for anyone who's a nationalist or conservative to have their children taken. This is mainstream news. And by the way, they are taking them. visitors that come to the screaming monkey from Eastern Europe who have the babies they can sell for 300 400,000 pounds, are having their kids to the airport for no reason. There's no emergency advisories going on not to travel to England, because they will that the CPS will grab your children at the airport. Or if you're seeing yelling at your kids, your kids are gone. They'll be in a Saudi dungeon men getting raped pretty quickly. Now continuing here, harsh,
Jordan (01:04:13.000)
harsh, so London is taking your kids away and sending them to Saudi dungeon.
Dan (01:04:19.000)
They're selling them yeah, they're selling your kids, dude. Um, look,
Jordan (01:04:23.000)
I'm not saying that I have a Tor browser for this reason. I am saying that I'm sure you can buy a kid for a lot cheaper than that.
Dan (01:04:32.000)
300,000 Oh, wait cheaper, I don't even want to engage that line of thinking, Oh, wait. It's too horrible. Let
Jordan (01:04:38.000)
me tell you something. Human life is not as expensive as you might think. No, you could just make it
Dan (01:04:44.000)
turns out, but like
Jordan (01:04:47.000)
the gestation period is de la vie. i
Dan (01:04:48.000)
The very monkey.
Dan (01:04:52.000)
The very idea though, the very idea that if you yell at your kids at the airport, yep. They're going to take them in Salem. Thanks. Exactly nonsense. No, that makes perfect sense. Absolute nonsense.
Jordan (01:05:02.000)
Because if you use it because if you're in the airport, right, and you're a fine upstanding citizen, you know, and your kids this one time apparently have not made you mad enough to yell at them. You look at those parents yelling at their kids, and you're like, oh, somebody should take those kids away and sell them. I've seen
Dan (01:05:20.000)
parents hit their kids in public and nobody in public and at the airport, I was hitting public well, and I've seen people not do anything about it. Even security guards and shit. So he helped me out know if so, who cares? That's fucking stupid. It's fucking stupid thing I want to more point out though, is in comparison to his modern tone. He's not saying things that are different. Like he's still saying that your kids are going to get snatched up and sent to dungeons and what have you. Yeah, that makes sense. He's still saying that same stuff, but his tone is so different. Now. He's like this, he's just like, they're gonna end up in a Saudi dungeon. It is. It is very matter of fact. It's flippant. Yeah. It's harsh and flippant. Yeah, no, I don't enjoy it. Are you sure? It's a little different? I'm just I like to note these differences between right current Alex in past Alex. Right, especially when he's saying the same things. But, but now everything is so black and white. Whereas before, I don't believe he believes that? No, if
Jordan (01:06:23.000)
he's kind of, he's kind of on. I would say in this, like, from what we've done as far as our previous time travel episodes. This is kind of autopilot. Alex Jones to me, like he's been doing the show for 19 years at this point. And he's just kind of got his he's in his like, little flow there. And now we're seeing him taken completely out of that 20 year flow. True. And he is always under attack. He's hitched his wagon to the worst president in history. Yeah, I was. I was like, EBIT, you know, I was before Trump was I even did a bit about it. Where, you know, the worst president in history was Andrew Jackson. And now it's like, nope, unequivocally. Trump is the single worst president in the history of the United
Dan (01:07:14.000)
States with a nice Andrew Jackson finish no less.
Jordan (01:07:17.000)
Well, if you're gonna pick one, you might as well go whole hog. Right. If
Dan (01:07:20.000)
you're gonna be number one, you might as well admire number two. Absolutely. So you know, and also I admire Pol
Jordan (01:07:28.000)
Dan (01:07:30.000)
He was a great coach, you still have the power. He was a great podcast was amazing. Yeah. So this next clip, is sort of a
Jordan (01:07:39.000)
demonstration. It was him and Ed McMahon for the for yo, yeah. killin for you. Oh, fuck me.
Dan (01:07:47.000)
So as I sort of referenced, I think that last clip demonstrating different
Jordan (01:07:53.000)
Publishers Clearing House at
Dan (01:07:58.000)
that last clip, I want to go on this Pol Pot. I'm looking down wherever.
Jordan (01:08:04.000)
I'm gonna interrupt you 20 more times in a row. Give a fucking try. Hey, listen, we gotta get to this next thing.
Dan (01:08:10.000)
You're an asshole. No, no, go ahead. We
Jordan (01:08:12.000)
got to get to this next thing. I'm gonna let you talk
Dan (01:08:18.000)
which does not speak. So,
Jordan (01:08:22.000)
you're, you're taking my Dallas philosophy a little bit too far. Okay.
Dan (01:08:27.000)
That last clip, I believe demonstrated something that is different about Alex in the past and the present. Right, this next clip is something that clearly hasn't changed. And that is Alex's accidental willingness to outsources because he snitches on his cousin. Cousin. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:08:48.000)
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, these troops are now coming back. And believe me, they're not depressed anymore, because they're not humans anymore. Oh, by the way, it came out about a month ago in Wired Magazine, they're now admitting what I was already told years ago. Their brain shipping troops who sign waiver forms to not be depressed anymore. The guys type in chips to help with PTSD or or brain implants to help with PTSD is cool. Now just now got out the military for 30 years. And last few years, he was in secret operations in Mexico. And he says it's corrupt. He won't tell me everything about it. So that's why he's getting out. But
Jordan (01:09:28.000)
he needed that. He needed to know it's corrupt
Alex Jones (01:09:31.000)
on everything. But the point is, is that oh yeah, there it is. We've got all the articles about about brain chips, or no that's the one about PTSD and brain chips. That's blast to the head primed brains for PTSD study says no, no, the exact headline, pull it up with the implants to help with PTSD.
Dan (01:09:58.000)
Hey, Alex, why don't you start This is a pre show, do a little bit of prep, you're a professional
Alex Jones (01:10:04.000)
in trips, and then it's articles about brain implants, that shows the guy in the chair, getting a brain implant and how easy it is just a small hole. And then there's no more pain, right implants. But God, I
Jordan (01:10:17.000)
would take one of those eight years
Alex Jones (01:10:19.000)
ago, he goes, I gotta apologize to you put her back. I mean, he goes, they call the CEO and the officers and said, Special Forces are going to be getting chips, but you're not allowed to tell anybody. And it's gonna start with the noncommissioned officers. And the next time asked about, he says, I'm not allowed to talk about it. We'll see. I told everybody, they're putting chips in people at that time. Now it's admitted. That's for their safety, of course, and Mexican police are getting them and Attorney General got him I don't know, 10 years ago, and Mexico for kidnapping or whatever, but I went over the chip Beach Club. That's all South by Southwest is is a big exercise. It's gonna be chipped and how wonderful it is and how fantastic it is and how superduper it is. My point is, this is all just going on.
Dan (01:11:08.000)
It is it's all going on.
Jordan (01:11:09.000)
I thought that was burning man.
Dan (01:11:10.000)
I bet no Coachella Coachella ships stuff there. Yeah, for sure. A lot of the stuff that he's talking about, in terms of troops are experimental PTSD treatments. And you know, sure, it sounds pretty unconventional. But also, there's a rash of suicides that are happening with returning veterans, and the number one killer of American troops. Yeah. And so the idea that someone will try something unconventional in order to stem the tide of these suicides, doesn't really doesn't seem to fairness to me. Well, the ones
Jordan (01:11:41.000)
that they like the most recent studies that I've read about have been them just giving
Dan (01:11:46.000)
Muslim. Yeah, yeah. Psilocybin or LSD. And it turns out, it helps a lot. And there's a lot of therapeutic use to hallucinogens. Which is why I was saying the red pilling the real version of it could be hallucinogens. Yeah, to some extent. But again, I don't want to fully step into that world because some people are real idiots. Yeah, okay. hallucinogen.
Jordan (01:12:07.000)
Well, if you donate $50 a month to the Patreon one, we'll do a time travel episode and two, we'll take a bunch of mushrooms and time travel. That is what we will do. I could not
Dan (01:12:19.000)
handle that. Anyway, the more important thing there is that within that, like, it would be so easy to figure out who his cousin is. Yeah, his cousin was doing secret work in Mexico just got out of the army. Yeah, there's got it that alone narrows him down who he is now. He just said on a plucking public broadcast that his cousin was leaking secret information. Well, he wasn't allowed to talk about it. But he did clearly
Jordan (01:12:46.000)
put it on air that at that time, but you know, his cousin wasn't allowed to talk about it. That's a felony. No, it's fine if Alex Jones talks about it because his cousin didn't talk cousin talk to him about I don't believe that for a second. I don't you know, how do you know how I know that his cousin is not responsible for it. Hypnotism
Dan (01:13:07.000)
Alex, are you okay? You're right. Alex is probably lying. But if he's not lying, that's a crime. Yeah. Is cousin he's just snitched on his cousin for a felony. Yeah. Great use of your time Alex go back to ranting about the devil. commit more felonies. Alex put your fucking family in the hopper. You talk about the globalists destroying the family. You're out here snitching on your cousin. Fucking punk ass Alex.
Jordan (01:13:32.000)
Anyone doesn't like his cousin that much could be
Dan (01:13:36.000)
you got it brain chip. Now he's not the same guy. Not even human.
Jordan (01:13:40.000)
The attorney general for Mexico. Which is that a position?
Dan (01:13:44.000)
I don't know. I would assume
Jordan (01:13:45.000)
he got a he got chipped eight years ago for but he knows why
Dan (01:13:51.000)
it's like a tracking chip in case he got kidnapped or something like that. That's how I heard what Alex said.
Jordan (01:13:56.000)
I mean, that's that's basically find my phone.
Dan (01:13:59.000)
Basically what that's fine. My iPhone, basically what you do with any dog? Yeah, adopt that or low jack on a car,
Jordan (01:14:06.000)
or horses or like traveling killer whales or dolphins or frankly, but the Russians did it to Trump. So I think we're fine there too.
Dan (01:14:16.000)
But I do get it in terms of like, why that's weird with humans. I get it. There's privacy issues. You don't want to be forcefully chipped. There's like that, as far as GPS chips go. Right. The other we can't open the floodgate of ship talk because it would be
Jordan (01:14:32.000)
terrible if everyone had a device they carried with them at all times with GPS technology that somebody could possibly hack into. Or maybe there's a fucking what's it called? Entry Point, or whatever it is that put in there specifically for the NSA to follow you wherever you are. It can be turned into a recording device at any goddamn point in time, like all All of this shit, it would be insane if that was possible.
Dan (01:15:03.000)
stop ranting you have a fucking iPhone. I do. Yeah, come on.
Jordan (01:15:08.000)
Anytime I, you know right now I have it in the refrigerator and definitely not right next to me
Dan (01:15:13.000)
you could have like a fucking sidekick or something like that no one's having a sidekick. You're sure people
Jordan (01:15:21.000)
I mean, frankly, at this point, who cares? Just get walkie talkies, they want to find me They can find me. I'm connected to the all the shit I say is released on the Internet. Now. It's
Dan (01:15:31.000)
true. Some horrible stuff on this spot.
Jordan (01:15:33.000)
Yeah. Which is why you should use signal. My advice to everyone listening to this download signal, it's got double ended encryption, you're much better off.
Dan (01:15:45.000)
That is the public service announcement that we would like to give the public service announcement that Alex would like to give in this next clip is that the Civil Rights Movement wasn't that great. But not for the reasons you'd think. It's not racist. Really. Because that's because that they didn't love guns.
Jordan (01:16:09.000)
I swear to God, he has no idea the history of the civil rights movement. Look, I have zero understanding of
Dan (01:16:16.000)
that. I'm putting words in his mouth slightly. What I'm trying to say is that he believes that his gun March is more important than civil rights. Oh, well, that's more what I meant. That's obviously true. Anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (01:16:29.000)
But I guess it's gonna be 3040 people already there said they're gonna show up with their firearms. The day we done this a lot we did at the Alamo. You know, they said it was illegal in San Antonio. No, it's not. We have a state law. On our side. We marched with the Land Commissioner armed and we defeated the enemy. By exercising our rights, we went and voted. We went and ate at the lunch counter. We sat at the front of the bus and you can just go straight to hell if you don't want to. Anyways, hardcore human rights God given rights true civil rights movement, true liberalism in Thomas Jefferson vein of guns and property and family and consciousness and free association tomorrow, with Jeff Kearney Jackson, Lian McAdoo and the Patriots are going to be marching. Oh, well, I'd go I'm so excited. I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. I think I'm gonna go down there.
Jordan (01:17:17.000)
Flat Alex, your flat
Dan (01:17:19.000)
little pitchy dog. So yeah, that's, that's not great.
Jordan (01:17:24.000)
I can't think of any reasons why. I think it's obvious that if you are a large group of all white men, the only corollary to your situation
Dan (01:17:35.000)
you're so off base already. Jakari Jackson's a black dude. And Leanne McAdoo is a woman. Oh,
Jordan (01:17:42.000)
that you're right. Yeah, retract my arguments.
Dan (01:17:45.000)
Thank you. So this next clip, Alex Jones says some things about also, I would love to know if they actually went. I think they did. I bet they did. But I am What a bummer of a day for them. So this next clip, Alex Jones talks a little bit about foreign influence in the government, which is a little bit. I bet he's against it. It's a little appropriate nowadays. Let's see what he has to say about particularly Rahm Emanuel.
Alex Jones (01:18:11.000)
You're being usurped by degenerate criminal scum with a criminal instinct to disarm us to try to control reality how they're the trendies and we gotta do what they say they're a pack of weak chicken net, criminal scum. Stop letting them dictate reality. Sabotage humanity, stop letting them Jack with everybody.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.000)
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, you might be people. So what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.
Alex Jones (01:18:44.000)
There goes that foreign agent. He's an officer in the Israeli military. Rahm Emanuel, people say why are you bashing Israel? I don't want Russians being the White House Chief of Staff. Chinese you have Chinese military officers, the White House Chief of Staff.
Jordan (01:19:04.000)
A fucking Nazi to How bad would that thing? Yeah. Isn't that fun? Is there? Is there any position that the GOP and the people who support them have taken now where you literally? Well, every single position they take, you can go back a very short period of time and find them in the exact opposite position? More or less? Yeah, there are zero people free of this.
Dan (01:19:30.000)
Well, it's especially endemic and now because we had Obama in office, right. And they hated him so much. And well, they
Jordan (01:19:39.000)
would do I mean, fucking McConnell said it, you know, my only job is to make sure that he is not allowed. He can't do anything. Like it had nothing to do with governing and everything to do with I just don't want him to do anything. Oh, yeah. And oh, I forgot about this. So the craziest part of this is they created the situation that they're at that we're all in. We're in our government is utterly in fucking worthless. Yeah. And if you can't you can't work with anybody because they already set the precedent of you can't do it. Yeah,
Dan (01:20:13.000)
and you know that you're gonna get snake bitten. You do try and work with them. They're gonna back bite you exactly.
Jordan (01:20:18.000)
But now they've all lost their goddamn minds.
Dan (01:20:20.000)
I totally forgot about this. Today on the show. Roger Stone was going on quite a Jag about how Joe McCarthy was a good man. Oh, no. Because you know why? Why there were reds in Hollywood. Where were they?
Jordan (01:20:35.000)
Were they all reds? Did they get them all? Did they get every single one of them? I'm glad there was no collateral damage there.
Dan (01:20:44.000)
And he's like, You know what, who has real blacklists? Oh, no, they're Democrats. Now. I'm on a blacklist like no, you're not allowed on TV because you keep saying racist. You keep calling black anchors on CNN boy and stuff like that. You can't do that. You can't do that. Did
Jordan (01:20:59.000)
he actually do that? Okay, here's
Dan (01:21:01.000)
what it was. Stone also repeatedly attacked former CNN analysts Roland Martin when he worked for the network, calling him a quote stupid Negro and a fat negro. So he also referred to Anna Navarro and Martin as quote quota hires by CNN, Roger Stone has stood by his attacks after criticism by Media Matters last year tweeting misfits at Media Matters funded by dirty Clinton money try an orchestrated hit on me for calling out idiots Anna Navarro and Roland Martin it's really not that you called them out it's you call them a stupid and fat negro. It's that's not putting someone on a blacklist. That's like Dude, you just can't You're not allowed well I mean we find this behavior unacceptable you
Jordan (01:21:46.000)
should be on the FBI watch list if he's not already for it
Dan (01:21:49.000)
might be anyway. So yeah, McCarthy is cool. But now we're gonna get to some meat and potatoes. Yeah, because this episode is supposed to be about the Malaysian plane. Again, you'd forgotten all
Jordan (01:22:01.000)
right. Yeah. Well, it's hard. It's hard not to so after the devil if, unless he ties the devil into the reason the Malaysian paint plane went down. I'm gonna forget he's talking about the plane devil went down
Dan (01:22:12.000)
Malaysia he was looking. He was way behind. He was ready to take down a plane. Now he doesn't do that. But he does think
Jordan (01:22:22.000)
ah, theory, Amelia Earhart is the devil
Dan (01:22:24.000)
plane. plane went down. Yeah, what can I talk about free association 911.
Alex Jones (01:22:31.000)
I told everybody on 911 you can remote control aircraft. And the the only real phone calls that came out this ties into Malaysia, I'm gonna go to my guests and get his take your time. Generally the NSA everything that's happening also on this because he's talked about hacking the smart devices in your house and in cars, the smart cars, the planes. The point is in the 80s, they'd flown a jumbo jets from California to Australia on record. So I would tell people about this thing. The only real air phone calls not the fake calls that were 30,000 feet. The FBI later said there was no record of with the solicitor general's wife that all came out. The real air phone calls said there's gas we can't breathe. So my hypothesis is somebody gassed and they remote control the aircraft. Regardless, that can happen and we don't know what happened in Malaysia, that have been a hijacking. They could have flown it somewhere else change the transponders. We don't know. They could have
Dan (01:23:24.000)
even crashed. Yeah, so that's a fun
Jordan (01:23:27.000)
nine what have either been pilot error, right? Like nine.
Dan (01:23:32.000)
So Alex Jones, apparently I didn't even realize this, that that was the theory he landed on is that they were they were aghast the planes and then they were remote control flown into the buildings. Yeah, I didn't even realize that. Yeah, of course. I didn't know what wacky thing he landed on in terms of
Jordan (01:23:48.000)
I mean, I guess that's Is that better than a false flag operation? No, because it is still Oh, it is still? Yeah. Because the Oh, so it would be it would be like the NSA who remote controlled
Dan (01:24:00.000)
rogue forces in the government. Gotcha. Gotcha that.
Jordan (01:24:04.000)
And this is also the Snowden revelations. Yeah. Which is why they're going off on the NSA
Dan (01:24:13.000)
cut one part out of this episode where he talked about how he was way ahead of Snowden. Be that as it may,
Jordan (01:24:18.000)
we don't Well, Alex Jones is always way ahead. He's got sources, one of his sources,
Rob Dew (01:24:23.000)
the devil Snowden.
Dan (01:24:26.000)
Both the tag team, so I looked up that call that Alex was talking about, and it is a real call
Jordan (01:24:34.000)
you okay. And one from 911?
Dan (01:24:36.000)
Yeah, it is kind of interesting if you read the transcript of it, but it doesn't say that there's gas and we can't breathe. What does it say? They were saying that the lady who was on the phone was saying that she believed that someone had used mace. And that, you know, people some people were having trouble breathing. If you want Gonna go really far with it and extrapolate, as Alex loves to do. Yep, you could take that to mean, oh, everybody's been gassed or you could take it to mean, hey, there's a lot of kernels of this story we don't know one of them might have been an attempt to overtake the attackers with mace win or some of the attackers might have had mace used on people to pacify them or
Jordan (01:25:24.000)
if you had if you had any, like if you had mace Of course, you're gonna do everything you can.
Dan (01:25:29.000)
Sure there's a number of explanations that fit that call that don't involve the planes being gassed and remote controlled into a building. Anyway, I don't care. So Jordan, yes, you ready for this? No, it's time we've gone on a very Malaysia plane list adventure so far throughout this Yeah. And it's not going to change now. But what is going to happen?
Jordan (01:25:56.000)
We're gonna go deeper into the zero Malaysia plane situation we
Dan (01:25:59.000)
are because Alex Jones gets super defensive about Super Male Vitality. And he starts a commercial that lasts for fucking ever. I've cut out some parts of it. But just to give you an idea, it's at least like 15 minutes long. Okay, so this is how he starts and it's fucking defensive. His shit he gets defensive. So defense, how are
Jordan (01:26:20.000)
you selling a product? If you're defensive about it? Don't Oh,
Dan (01:26:23.000)
here we go.
Alex Jones (01:26:25.000)
And by the way, this isn't hype. People say really? Alex? A minority of folks, but I'd say 20 30% of vocal minority in the comments on YouTube and Infowars when there's a video or something about this posted they go really, man, you know, you claim you got male enhancement drops? Really? Yeah. Yeah, you bet. A superpower herbs concentrated that will blow your frickin socks off. So they sold it called how we get the wet herbs chipped in and everything. Everything.
Jordan (01:26:54.000)
They even seem bone broth, yet. They ain't got no idea what kind of male enhancement they're about
Dan (01:27:02.000)
to get. Yeah, exactly. They don't know what the fucking nuts are whole male enhancement is common, baby. So now hold on. Yeah, this is so important for our analysis of Alex Jones. Yes, we have speculated for the entirety of the time we've done this podcast that it is basically a Boehner thing. Right? Yeah. Base. No, it's
Jordan (01:27:21.000)
a Boehner thing.
Dan (01:27:22.000)
So we've talked about it as a pill. And we've been kind of glib in the same way we said bone pills will cave my phone pills rare. It's, it's you know, that's a powder you put in milk or whatever. It turns out, we've done a bad job of explaining this Super Male Vitality is a liquid. It comes in a dropper, and you put it under your tongue. Basically,
Jordan (01:27:41.000)
what yeah,
Dan (01:27:43.000)
it comes like in an eyedropper bottle. Like there's it's a liquid. So
Jordan (01:27:50.000)
what it's weird, but he'll put you take a dropper? Yes, you put Super Male Vitality underneath your tongue. That's all I understand. Is there a? Is there a reason behind that? I don't know. Does does Male Vitality come from below the tongue? Does that something I didn't know comes
Dan (01:28:07.000)
from that friend Neil. I'm down there. Okay. Listen, we're going to get into whether or not it's a boner pill. At this point, in time has come it has come. And I'm going to tell you this, we're not going to get a direct answer.
Alex Jones (01:28:23.000)
Between 10 and $20, it varies each each process when they make it that is a male enhancement herb that would give people some effect for like $5 is what it would cost me instead of 20. Nobody puts out products that cost 20 bucks. I'm about to buy a product from mitochondrial DNA that nobody else is putting out. My dad was developing it for I'm not going to get into it. The point is, is that we're going to put it out, you're going to cost us $60 A bottle to get this farmer Dennis can be inventors pharmaceutical grade stuff, and I'm just giving an idea of products that are coming out the type of stuff we're doing. Okay. So yeah, when it cost $120 That's because it's gonna cost us 60. And we've got to have r&d money and all the other money and money to fund all the operations. That's the kind of stuff we're rolling out is really powerful stuff. Okay. And this Super Male Vitality. I don't know if I'm even allowed to tell the story. The point is, everyone in the office we don't advertise it as an aphrodisiac. That is not the intention. It is Mel vitality, energy to workout. It doesn't have any testosterone mimickers like most of the herbs they push at GNC and the rest of it which do work by the way, but had problems and breaks down at Retrogrades and other hormones and causes stuff this is designed to, to to to block estrogen mimickers a b Get your body to release its own growth hormone, and testosterone. That's what grip says it does. I don't know what it's doing.
Dan (01:29:58.000)
So that's what Ah, that's so that's what group says it's doing. Now, Dr. Group is the guy who makes all of the supplements right for Infowars DG, I've looked up Dr. Group, he works or runs a place called the Global Healing Center. And it's a based out of I believe, Houston. And if you go to their website, you can find a picture of him. He looks crazy. He looks like a hippie kind of weirdo. Okay, looks like kind of like a young Tom Petty. There's a little bit of that
Jordan (01:30:32.000)
long hair shoulder length.
Dan (01:30:35.000)
Unfortunately, in their about page, they give his educational background. What is his educational background? Well, he has a doctorate ish. Good. Well,
Jordan (01:30:45.000)
I like that I'm already sold.
Dan (01:30:47.000)
It's from the Texas chiropractic college. Yeah, it's a Doctor of Chiropractic. Can you even do that? At the Texas chiropractic school? I don't think that's accredited. I don't think that's accredited. It's not accredited. So he also went to the MIT Sloan School of Management, which there's no real like graduation dates or anything there. But I assume he actually went there. He has a he's a diplomat, or Yeah, I guess they do call it that a diplomat of the chiropractic board of Clinical Nutrition from the chiropractic board of Clinical Nutrition. He's a diplomat of the American Board of functional medicine, which is dubious. Sure. Functional Medicine. Then he has a bunch of degrees from the natural healing Institute of neuropathy.
Jordan (01:31:34.000)
Oh, he has a bunch of degrees from lies bullshit.
Dan (01:31:39.000)
He has a neuropathic practitioner degree, not a thing. A certified clinical nutritionist degree, still not a thing, holistic healing practitioner degree, that one is trim. Now it's a certified clinical herbalist degree from the natural healing Institute of neuropathy.
Jordan (01:31:56.000)
Do you know what that means? What's that?
Dan (01:31:58.000)
He's know which not neuropathy. I'm sorry, natural. pathI Pathak Yeah, very similar letters.
Jordan (01:32:05.000)
Okay, I get why you would say it to Alex Jones listeners. But the mitochondria is not where you find the DNA. Not important. We have to talk about mitochondrial DNA is not a thing. We have to know Condrey. It is the engine of a cell. It has no DNA in it whatsoever.
Dan (01:32:25.000)
No, we have to talk about Dr. Group. This is way more important. All right.
Jordan (01:32:30.000)
Then basic biology.
Dan (01:32:31.000)
He also claims in his educational background that he went to the Harvard Business School.
Jordan (01:32:36.000)
Did he go to the Harvard Business School of developing bullshit product
Dan (01:32:41.000)
it has listed here that he has an OPM from the Harvard Business School. I don't know what that is. No one really does. It's the owner and president management program. The Harvard Business School does. If you look into that a little bit,
Jordan (01:32:56.000)
a week long course isn't it is.
Dan (01:32:58.000)
You pay $30,000. You pay like $30,000. And there's no educational requirement to get in there. It's just like a fundraising thing for the school. Yeah. Where they teach you some business management. It's like a meet and greet Tyra Banks got in big trouble because she claimed that she went to the Harvard Business School and it turned out it was this everyone clowned on a real Harvard Business School. That is what Dr. Group has. But now more importantly, the natural healing Institute of natural empathy. I look
Jordan (01:33:28.000)
at it fucking that's homeopathy bullshit.
Dan (01:33:32.000)
They have a Yelp page. Lot of one star reviews. Again, I'm going to read one for you. This is a terrible school. I've almost completed the distance learning program for holistic health practitioner and I would not recommend this school to anyone. The failures of this school are far reaching far from a completely disordered from a completely disorganized staff who has asked me to resubmit work that they lost typos on most of the tests and hidden extension fees for not completing the course within 18 months. They state this at the top of each study guide. Dear friend and student, we wish to emphasize that there are no deadlines. Complete your lessons. Complete your lessons and submit your open book exams and or projects at your own pace as your own schedule allows. What they don't tell you is that for every six months you go beyond 18 months, they will charge you 50 to $100 and hold your degree hostage until you pay them. I'm only finding out this information at the very end of my training course. It gets worse. I took a shiatsu course and I took a shiatsu class in person. I took a shiatsu class in person with them and the instructor told me he'd failed me if I didn't wear a bikini bottom to class. So we could draw meridian lines with magic markers on each other. All right. I told him accredited I told him if that was how he felt he should make all the guys wear Speedos to which he replied No one wants to see so that that is the type of school where Dr group has four degrees from super
Jordan (01:35:15.000)
weird but that is also what happened in English Lit 101 For me, but it was a very different story complete opposite I had to wear a speedo otherwise I wouldn't pass by. All right, I'm done. So you I can't I can't keep that risk.
Dan (01:35:28.000)
You understand? Like, it's so stupid. That's the kind of shit where he has these holistic degrees from he has a doctorate only from the Texas chiropractic Institute in chiropractic. He's a chiropractic doctor Hold on. The other doctor that's involved at all within four hours is Dr. Wallach who's a veterinarian? He's got these dicks hanging out who are fake doctors doctor. So anyway, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor Doctor group, Dr. Group is made this DNA product are eventually going to pitch Yeah, but he also he made Super Male Vitality. He just tells Alex what it is. You know, Alex doesn't know what. That's what group tells me it does.
Jordan (01:36:07.000)
So makes Alex's Deckard though.
Dan (01:36:09.000)
He Alex in that last clip said, I don't know if I can tell this story. And that is a reference to rob do. Rob do what did Rob do do? Well, we're gonna find out because Alex is so obsessed with telling this story that he can't tell that he has someone go grab Rob do for what Rob do is putting together the nightly news.
Jordan (01:36:31.000)
So it's Rob do story. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And they need Rob dudes permission.
Dan (01:36:36.000)
Yeah, because Alex is like this is classified information. I can't tell this on air. So he goes and has someone fetch Rob do and brings him in. And Rob do proceeds to give an incredibly weird Super Male Vitality pitch. So here we go.
Alex Jones (01:36:52.000)
Now do a stack of Bibles. This was not planned. Correct?
Rob Dew (01:36:57.000)
Totally Correct. Yeah. You just called for me and even though
Alex Jones (01:37:00.000)
it you're here, we listened to
Rob Dew (01:37:01.000)
the show. I think it's a Superman.
Alex Jones (01:37:04.000)
I know you guys are not supposed to watch the show back. Here's what's worked on the nightly news. Anyways, regardless, we'll keep it on head of the news department.
Dan (01:37:12.000)
So I want to I wanted to stop here for a second because this is going to be a little bit it's like three minutes long. It's super male pitch. But it's important. Because where it ends, right, it gets so fucked up at the end. So fucked up.
Jordan (01:37:28.000)
Did they remove robbed his penis is Rob do a unike? No,
Dan (01:37:32.000)
that's not true. I can't, I can't prove or disprove it.
Jordan (01:37:35.000)
All right. Also, I
Dan (01:37:37.000)
cut out a part where there was the craziest revelation revelation ever. And that is that Alex Jones and Rob do are the same age. No fucking way. They're both 43 No way. Alex, you're lying about your your 52 if you're a day, anyway, there we go. Like I said, it's gonna end so fucked up. I can't even I can't even hint where it's going to end. So fucked up.
Alex Jones (01:38:04.000)
What has super mal done for you?
Rob Dew (01:38:07.000)
It's done a couple things. One. I've been to I guess I've been taking it about two weeks now. I think it was after we shot that interview. There was even some eye rolling around here when I was coming out with Emily. Whatever. What do you think I'm gonna put a joke out? No. Yeah, you know, it works differently in different people as you've tested and I've had we shot let's
Alex Jones (01:38:27.000)
just be honest, I start. I just it's probably not good for me to call it
Rob Dew (01:38:31.000)
barbarian juice. Yeah, go ahead. So after we had dinner yesterday, oh, you know what? We had an open thing I said I'm going to start taking it. So I started taking three dropper fulls in the morning, three in the morning. And it really, you know, in the morning, you have that kind of fog when you wake up right I do that the fog goes away in about five minutes. And I'm thinking clearly and I feel like I don't have I don't feel overly abundant of energy like when I drink this because you are you're irritable sometimes so oh yeah, I can be very noticed do suffer around here is definitely mellows me out a little bit and I started doing over the weekend, I installed a pull up bar and like every time I'll go into my office, I just started doing like five or six pull ups and it was
Alex Jones (01:39:14.000)
you were telling me this morning you'd get it to see if it was bull. Yeah, I
Rob Dew (01:39:18.000)
wanted to check it out. See if it had any effect on me because I use the survival shield as well. And I like it. And it's I've definitely noticed that
Jordan (01:39:27.000)
maybe they're all they're all taking their own sounds.
Rob Dew (01:39:31.000)
I mean, definitely. It definitely worked for me and a Deaf it didn't give me like this Hyper Energy, just nice, smooth energy. And it tastes good. It does. You know, it definitely tastes see I was
Alex Jones (01:39:43.000)
out late last night. It was pretty good. And I took some this morning and then I feel really aggressive. It definitely does something to me.
Rob Dew (01:39:51.000)
You should probably do half a dropper full. I mean, I do three and I don't really notice I don't know
Dan (01:40:00.000)
So right there Alex pulls out a dropper and does a whole Yeah. Oh no. So now at this point Alex is about to get really weird with Rob do don't fucking say a word over this Okay Mike down and just know that the entire time Alex is smiling more than I've ever seen him smile on the show fucky We're so happy about the question he's about to ask. It's great
Rob Dew (01:40:23.000)
an adrenaline surge or anything but it's like a smooth it's like a slow ramp up of energy. And I'm definitely a believer after that. But yeah, now
Alex Jones (01:40:32.000)
what about the classified part we talked about?
Rob Dew (01:40:34.000)
You know, I'd rather well it my bedroom life didn't need any enhancement before this. But
Alex Jones (01:40:42.000)
people are begging for mercy. My wife asked that I stopped thinking I love you but yeah, no, no, no, we're not. The thing is this is real. Okay. But the issue is women can take it to
Rob Dew (01:40:58.000)
haven't tried to get her to take she hasn't done it yet.
Alex Jones (01:41:01.000)
Just putting her at the government for strategies was true.
Rob Dew (01:41:05.000)
Yeah. filters in my water to get the fluoride out.
Dan (01:41:11.000)
How fucked up is that? I told you. I told you this is gonna be the most fucked up commercial ever. Drug your wife
Jordan (01:41:19.000)
that is wow. Yeah. Fucking Wow.
Dan (01:41:23.000)
Alex straight up suggested. Hey, I've tried to get my wife to take it. I can just do it. Give her the funky cold Medina.
Jordan (01:41:31.000)
God damn.
Jordan (01:41:33.000)
Wow. Wow, that's
Dan (01:41:34.000)
insane. Wow. Not only that, but like what was he doing that you wanted him to stop taking? Like, What? What? I know your dick is too hard.
Jordan (01:41:44.000)
Yeah, no, that's not no. There's something fucking weird guy.
Dan (01:41:51.000)
We can see the aggressiveness that comes out in Alex. Oh, absolutely.
Jordan (01:41:54.000)
I don't know. Alex, you should take less. That's not a good side.
Dan (01:41:59.000)
Alex, you should take less Rob. Followed by him taking an entire Yeah.
Jordan (01:42:03.000)
Rob do don't do this. Please. Please Rob. Do You're ruining your marriage with this in Santa? So like I said he's smiling. That's like if Cialis commercial wasn't was the two bathtubs right next to each other? And then the wife just throwing a shit ton of pills in the back. Like he don't tell your husband. You need a good dick.
Dan (01:42:27.000)
He, you know Alex is smiling like a cat that ate the canary. Like he knows we're about to talk about owners with Rob do and he is loving it. He can't get enough. And meanwhile, like I said, this is the end of the show. Like they're running out of time to talk about any real news items. And there's now I'm talking about Rob do his dick so I want to play for you. I mean, we can't put too small a point on the fact that do Rob
Jordan (01:42:56.000)
do his wife told him to stop taking just fucking slow it down. Maybe you're taking three droplet droppers in the morning and at night. What the fuck is wrong
Dan (01:43:08.000)
with you? Seems like too much.
Jordan (01:43:10.000)
That's insane. Seems like too much Rob do has prostate cancer now. That's a true prostate guard. Oh, okay. Well
Dan (01:43:17.000)
the guard so the show ends like this with Rob do trying real hard to get Alex to actually talk about news and the Malaysian plane and it's fucking
Jordan (01:43:30.000)
Alex is just going for the deck. No,
Dan (01:43:32.000)
he's off the deck. But this is so funny. Because this is literally just going to break to end the show.
Alex Jones (01:43:40.000)
Like if I had any opinion into discrimination
Rob Dew (01:43:41.000)
going back to this Malaysia Flight What do you think about this that finally the military has come out said oh, we were tracking it 400 miles after that you were gonna get a break in it
Dan (01:43:55.000)
Rob do comes in with some information. That was like at least analysis. You know, it's not like it's the wrong time. You got walk with me playing? Right? We're gonna We're leaving. But like, at the same time, at least he's trying and I was like, gonna break.
Jordan (01:44:12.000)
What do you think about that? I'll see you in hell before I talk reality.
Dan (01:44:17.000)
So then we come back. And I told you this is a long Super Male Vitality commercial. Yeah. And it's not done. Because it again,
Jordan (01:44:26.000)
I just want to hear more about what's going on and Rob dude's
Dan (01:44:29.000)
life. Yes. He has three boys. This isn't saying there's three lovely boys.
Jordan (01:44:34.000)
Do you know what else if you want to have a boy? Super Male Vitality. Alex has two, three droplets in your wife's vagina
Dan (01:44:43.000)
while Rob do was in studio and they're doing basically a brokedown podcast together as opposed to a new show. Alex is like you got three boys. They're great. It's an army. What's happening? I got two daughters one son, but there's something about three boys. Like what does that look super weird? Something about having three sons. Anyway.
Jordan (01:45:03.000)
I don't understand that at all. No, it's
Dan (01:45:05.000)
very weird. I think he's trying to compliment and connect with him and it's just sort of not flying. But hold on this I hate to keep saying Put the fucking mic down. But this is another way
Jordan (01:45:16.000)
it's literally it's one of the t shirt ideas this that Chris R has given us
Dan (01:45:22.000)
speaking of which he is doing some awesome work for us some nice awesome designs and if any of you guys any want to check out some of his work he is you can find him on Twitter at bite this mind. You can check his shit out he is the official policy wonk artist absolutely knowledge fight yeah appreciate the designs descending overall ventually gonna fucking shirt together. But listen, this next clip I'm gonna listen this next clip is theater of the mind. And all you really need to know is he is literally doing everything he says he's doing right he has a hamburger. Okay, that's one thing that is important to know. It's not it's not imaginary. It is a literal hamburger. Right. And then this happens on overdrive
Alex Jones (01:46:09.000)
to take your call Steve Mike, Randy, Chad, Tony and others on this Malaysian flight. The article just went live up on Nobody's come out with his angle yet having the same area of Asia missing Malaysia Flight similar to last 707 or double oh seven MacDonald flight. Reason I'm butchering. The headline is Kitt just walked in with his great article that I asked him to do and then I just changed the headline he's going in there to change it right now. So I was changing it on air missing Malaysia Flight similar to last double oh seven McDonald flight. I think that's the way to put it. And it's a very, very important article and I'll be breaking that down after I take some of your phone calls. I want to show you something that's satanic though. If you're watching on television, I didn't ask for this. And Weldon Hanson is a great guy running the shipping department and the product department. But I guess Weldon was nice and some people do a decent hamburger chain for fast food. It's like organic decline. And I didn't ask for it. They got me a P Terry's hamburger. And this is satanic. Not not P Terry's in general. A little change started in Austin. This is satanic like a Ferrari that they're now coming up with a part hybrid. That satanic. A Ferrari that doesn't. And the wrappings racist because it's white. You know, they're trying to phase out brown bags and the word bossy because it might hurt feminists feminists like a Monty Python joke, but they're actually doing it. It's up on this ladies and gentlemen is satanic. This is a P Terry's hamburger. And we're going to document cam shot at the offending item. Ladies and gentlemen, this this hamburger has no cheese. No ketchup, no mustard, no lettuce, no onions, no tomatoes. This ladies and gentlemen is is just satanic. Just like Trump take our guns is satanic. It's like trying to make men and women and women into androids is satanic. This is not right. This is anathema. Do you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna put Super Male Vitality on it. No one has ever done this before. Vulnerable at Infowars Put Super Male Vitality on it. And now I gotta get you started off and some survival shield nice and iodine. And now ladies and gentlemen, is no longer satanic. I have trends magnified at events a word to the most delicious burger in the galaxy. Stop being silly. Let's get into some serious topics. Steve and I forgot to eat today. Steve in Minnesota, you're on the air. Hey, Alex,
Jordan (01:48:47.000)
how you doing today?
Alex Jones (01:48:48.000)
Brother? Well, that's actually not too bad. What do you think about the flight?
Jordan (01:48:56.000)
I don't know the others. Bunch of ideas floating around. But I wonder if there might have something to do with the one that was possible nukes that were secretly shipped out. I know, you mentioned that the plane could have been hijacked and maybe landed at some CIA funded terrorists base and maybe they're retrofitting it with those stolen nuke.
Alex Jones (01:49:19.000)
Oh, that's a really good point. Anything's possible and Dr. Evil basically runs the government.
Dan (01:49:24.000)
I love that so much. That might be my favorite. Like I want to I don't have the time to isolate the video. But it's so funny because he is literally putting multiple blot blotter foals of Super Male Vitality and whatever the liver shield on his hamburger, and he just takes a big bite out of the burger. And then he's still chewing it when he's like, you're on the air. And he just couldn't give a shit about this person on the phone. He's doing dismissive gestures with the burger. There's that guy. What do you think about this Malaysian Blaine guy gives him some weird theory about nukes. He's like, anything's possible.
Jordan (01:50:01.000)
Yeah. Okay. All right. All right, new new angle. We've We've constantly talked about whether or not Alex is evil or stupid. And when he's being evil and stupid, maybe his brain is fucked up with all this shit that he's taking all the time. So
Dan (01:50:23.000)
what I speculated at the end of the last episode, and I think it might be something to it, yeah,
Jordan (01:50:28.000)
this is bananas.
Dan (01:50:29.000)
I think that this might be right around the beginning of his supplements, destroying him. Why would you put
Jordan (01:50:35.000)
would you put that after he's already put a dropper in his mouth. All right.
Dan (01:50:40.000)
And you've already said in that interview with Rob do that if you take like a full thing, you get irritable. Yeah, this is insane. Just took three at least within three minutes of the show. Wow. For fools on a fucking burger.
Jordan (01:50:53.000)
Dude. Rob dude's wife has asked him to stop taking Super Male Vitality.
Dan (01:50:58.000)
And whoever that cousin that he keeps snitching on it's probably like, stop taking that. Yeah, stop taking it's not good.
Jordan (01:51:04.000)
And robbed. His wife is telling Alex to stop taking Superman.
Dan (01:51:09.000)
Imagine his ex wife, his brother telling him also Yeah. So that
Jordan (01:51:15.000)
is so that's weird.
Dan (01:51:19.000)
It was when I saw that. I was like, I must be hallucinate. That's
Jordan (01:51:23.000)
so gross. It's fucking happening.
Dan (01:51:27.000)
I don't know. I don't know. But I mean, it does go to like,
Jordan (01:51:30.000)
this is this to me. Doctor group is slowly poisoning Catholics. They might be. I think he's trying to kill him.
Dan (01:51:37.000)
So that like to me when we talk about the stupid evil continuum. That's genius. To me. That's really funny.
Jordan (01:51:47.000)
It's hilarious.
Dan (01:51:48.000)
I don't like the idea. That's
Jordan (01:51:49.000)
way better than him dressing up as the Joker.
Dan (01:51:52.000)
I don't think that like I like the idea of other people taking his supplements. But just a him doing it. Oh on air is funny. That's perfect. I'm good. All this? This boner pill on this burger. Yeah, that's fucking weird. Yeah. And
Jordan (01:52:09.000)
this burger without all this shit satanic. You put some Super Male Vitality on. It's great. Not Satanic and larious. That is fucking hilarious.
Dan (01:52:18.000)
And I can't stress this enough. The facial gestures and his body language once he starts eating the burger and gets on the phone call are there. They're like top notch sketch artists kind of nuanced. It's so funny. He's depicting physically how little he cares about this phone call. All he wants to do is eat this supplement laced burger.
Jordan (01:52:42.000)
It's no I kind of want to try it. It's like it's like a like, if a new drug comes out, like, like if there's a better MDMA. I'm kind of like give that a shot. Like I want to see what about Adrenochrome now that seems that seems like a bummer.
Dan (01:53:01.000)
So we've got two more clips left to play.
Jordan (01:53:05.000)
What is super mild vitality Adrenochrome is the next claim it's
Dan (01:53:08.000)
a good question. I don't know can't say God is Dr. Group if
Jordan (01:53:12.000)
Alex is a false flag, which some even harder right conspiracy theorists believe Superman vitality might be the might be the first taste of Adrenochrome for for globalist could be could be for budding globalist.
Dan (01:53:26.000)
Oh, in his interview today, Dr. Group was saying that like we all know the elites take all your products they know it's their great,
Jordan (01:53:35.000)
I won't get a vaccine. But I'll be god damned if I don't put Super Male Vitality on my burgers. I've gotta be energized. So Haven't you had the Super Male Vitality In and Out Burger yet? Oh, amazing.
Dan (01:53:50.000)
It's Maroon Five animal style. So in this these last two clips, he finally gets to some talking about Malaysian plane. Malaysian flight 370. Right as it
Jordan (01:54:04.000)
were. Well, now that he's got a Super Male Vitality. He's ready. Yeah.
Dan (01:54:07.000)
And he's off the air. Like he's in overdrive. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. And so this clip is about the best he does of synthesizing what he thinks. And he doesn't think much. There's really not much of anything here. So I'll let him get to it. The Malaysia
Alex Jones (01:54:25.000)
Flight. What do you think happened? 370. I'm leaning towards hijacking and somebody flying out into the ocean. It wouldn't be the first time they didn't find any debris for a while. But I'm not sure about that. And I don't want to say these guys that are getting on the plane or guilty just as they're Iranian. Yes, you do. But that's the Iraqi style and it's happened before into the Mediterranean into the Persian Gulf over there where they get on board the planes and then fly them right down into the water. There's also been cases where in military multiple times, the planes get blocked. Oh, that's probably the Israelis. If Egyptian military didn't play ball, there's been a bunch of cases of. I mean, where were you got 2030 4050 Egyptian top brass on an airplane they blow those up. So I don't know. I mean, this is a real mystery.
Dan (01:55:14.000)
who done it? Is? It's kind of sad. Like we want him to come up with Yeah, he's got to have a better conspiracy theory. I imagine within like, the next weeks after this, he puts together something that's fun. Yeah, or something that's nutty. But at this point is is like, Yeah, who knows? I don't know. It's a mystery. I don't know. I don't know. But you latched on to something that when he said, I don't want to say it's the Iranians, of course, you want to say, you want to say it's the year that becomes clear in this next clip, the only thing he wants to say is that it's the Iranian Yeah, listen to this.
Andy In Kansas (01:55:47.000)
I'm thinking, yeah, they they took it down.
Alex Jones (01:55:52.000)
You know, I tend to think
Jordan (01:55:54.000)
the Muslims do every Who do you think took it down?
Andy In Kansas (01:56:01.000)
Oh, it's kind of strange. It's quite out of Malaysia. So Iranian. I think what you were talking about before, I'm pretty much sure like, I already answered someone out of Russia, or Iran, one of those two
Alex Jones (01:56:20.000)
countries saying I appreciate your call. Well, Malaysia is a mainly Muslim nation. And that's the kind of place where the real folks that really want to do something can get on board. But again, it may not be I don't want to sit here and pass blame on people, even other suspects. Reportedly, I just think they look like capable, very serious people who are on a mission and are whacked out of their brains a little bit. But maybe why is still they just chose to make the guys look bad. Maybe they're totally innocent facts. I bet I bet they are innocent. I bet Obama is innocent of everything as well.
Dan (01:56:56.000)
So that really kind of depicts his real feelings about the organism. Yeah, very lilting also whacked out of their brains. You just need a Super Male Vitality. What are you talking about?
Jordan (01:57:06.000)
I do I do think that this is so this is so odd, considering this is the guy who is like, yeah, Chobani Yogurt is hiring Muslim refugees to
Dan (01:57:17.000)
rape people. Yeah. And bring TB into the country. Yeah,
Jordan (01:57:20.000)
like how can you be so sure like this is like I said, he's on autopilot here. His his racism and bigotry is just kind of like in like a you know, I'm racist, you're racist. Let's not even worry about it is just sort of like, no,
Dan (01:57:37.000)
it's secondarily racist. It's like, it's a part of me, but it's not the most important part. You know, I also do credit most important
Jordan (01:57:44.000)
part is Super Male Vitality. Yeah. And ruining my relationship with my wife.
Dan (01:57:48.000)
The reality is, oh, I mean, this was right around when the divorce was happening. It was three years ago, Super Male Vitality could have been could have been with the whole the whole thing was
Jordan (01:57:56.000)
about Super Male Vitality. Do you want to divorce your wife? I think we're all wondering, Rob do
Dan (01:58:03.000)
still think they're still married. Do you think they're still married? I believe so. I'm guessing he stopped taking vitality that you do with the lady asks,
Jordan (01:58:11.000)
not if she's bossy. which case you got to Well,
Dan (01:58:14.000)
why didn't Alex use that as a opportunity to be like, Yo, your wife wants to stop taking Super Male Vitality. That's what Beyonce would say because she's backed by the banks and multinational corporations. Trying to bossy as wife. Take the pill, bossy. Yes. Take the pill, Rob do. I don't know. The last fantasy there.
Jordan (01:58:38.000)
That was a weird little reverie you dived into the other thing I was thinking about is like, saw your eyes kind of glazed roll back in your head just like, oh, Rob Hughes wife. I bet she loves Superman. But
Dan (01:58:50.000)
that was not what was going on in my mind. And I think you are a degenerate.
Jordan (01:58:54.000)
Dan (01:58:55.000)
you're the one who's in love with Leah Macedon on love with her. I just think she's great. The other thing I was thinking was the possibility that his BA being on autopilot is somewhat related to him being super hungry, because he did say he didn't say I forgot to even eaten today. So some of some of like, I would never blame his being off topic on being hungry. But maybe he was too fucking hungry to really ramp and get mad about stuff. Like he spent a lot of energy on that devil riff. Right. So maybe that took a lot out of it. Got
Jordan (01:59:29.000)
it all out. Yeah,
Dan (01:59:30.000)
I don't know. I mean, that's possible. There's no good theories. He ate a burger on air with supplements on it as condiments. Oh, yeah,
Jordan (01:59:39.000)
that's the most disgusting thing. I can think it was
Dan (01:59:41.000)
rough. That's gross. It was rough. Anyway, this has been March 11th 2014 in the Alex Jones Show. If you would like us to time travel back to another day. I fucking hope the one you choose has a really long, weird Super Male Vitality. But please, you can donate to the show, over on our website knowledge We have a link to support the show, donate 10 bucks a month and we will go back to any day in history that I can find the episode of. I have consistent archives to about, I would say mid to late 2012. Okay, and then I'm searching for more. So if you have a date that's before that I might be able to find it, but consistently to around the let's say, I have over 2012 I really
Jordan (02:00:27.000)
want Obama's election. That's the one I think of Yeah. Oh, man, what kind of file must he have been spouting? Then probably
Dan (02:00:36.000)
be pretty terrible. Oh, yeah. Let's, I want to give a summation of what we've learned. Space Command runs everything. True devil. Bad. Very bad. TV. hypnotises Alex hypnotises better. There's a monkey farm. Monkey farm filled with
Jordan (02:00:55.000)
hypnotize monkeys, Tiki
Dan (02:00:57.000)
cocktails and Tiki cocktails two things are there. Yep. The government's gonna sell hundreds of monkeys great margaritas. government's gonna sell your kids to the Saudis. Civil Rights Movement pales in comparison to guns. 911 was Gas, gas and remote controls. And Super Male Vitality pretty fucking awesome. Jury's out on the Malaysian play. No idea. So thank you to Nikki gifts. My man, I appreciate you giving us this assignment. If you guys want to find us, you can reach us at knowledge
Jordan (02:01:31.000)
to Nikki gifts with love. And to the rest of you Polly policy wonks out there as well as the soon to be policy wonks, we toast you, thank you so much. If you want to,
Dan (02:01:43.000)
before we get to the other floor, we get to the other stuff. There's a lot of stuff I'm trying to build into an add to knowledge to be a much better resource. So please check out the website and see the kinds of stuff like I'm trying to make this a one stop shop for all your Alex Jones information needs. And if you guys help out, you know, build the traffic up. It helped a lot in terms of inspiring me to put the kind of work I'm already putting in. Because it's a lot of work. And when I see
Jordan (02:02:09.000)
oh, great firing Dan to justify the amount of
Dan (02:02:13.000)
20 people came to the website, right? It's tough. We get a lot of downloads, but the traffic to the website is not that
Jordan (02:02:19.000)
and we're consistently getting more and more downloads, which means you guys are fucking sharing the shit out of
Dan (02:02:24.000)
this, which we appreciate. Continue doing that. Also, you can find us on Twitter at knowledge.
Jordan (02:02:28.000)
Is there an underscore there is it's at knowledge underscore fight. Correct. Okay. Can you find us on iTunes?
Dan (02:02:36.000)
You can just knowledge fight? We don't have a picture.
Andy In Kansas (02:02:39.000)
We'll figure that out. Yeah, we do.
Dan (02:02:41.000)
Please leave a review. If you do, please involve something about John Rapoport. Give us a rating give us a review. We appreciate it. Also, if you want to directly email us, it's not at gmail, but this has been fun. And
Jordan (02:02:59.000)
we advise you do not try Super Male Vitality. Please don't buy any of it. Do not buy any of his products. If you do there may I want to hear all about it. Oh my god,
Dan (02:03:12.000)
they're made by a chiropractor, and maybe a CIA dentist. I don't think you should be taking these products. No, absolutely not just my thoughts. No. Look,
Jordan (02:03:23.000)
if you take these products, you'll wind up like Alex Jones. Jordan, but if you take these products, I want to hear
Dan (02:03:29.000)
all about it. Jordan, this episode's been two hours long shorter than our last one. Oh, wonderful. But it's been fun.
Jordan (02:03:36.000)
It has been anyway. More Time Travel episodes, please. Yeah,
Dan (02:03:39.000)
this made me forget that the world is ending. Yeah, there. It's all terrible. Oh, yeah. No in here.
Jordan (02:03:44.000)
It's 2014. Can
Dan (02:03:46.000)
I give you one good piece of news about the world out there? No, Rapoport still live.
Alex Jones (02:03:53.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (02:03:57.000)
So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.