42: March 11, 2014
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the March 11, 2014 episode of The Alex Jones Show in this installment of their Time Travel Series. Listener Nick assigned the date based on wanting to hear Alex's take on the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Alex touches on that, and the following topics:
- A satanic hamburger
- A long rant about the Devil
- What happens to Rob Dew when he takes Super Male Vitality
- Whether or not Alex Jones can hypnotize people
- Rob Dew fuuuuuuuuuuuuucks
- Malaysian Plane Disappearance
- Dan doesn't like cake
- Space Command!
- KF t-shirt still alive
Detailed Show Notes
This portion was reproduced from the official Knowledge Fight website.[1]
- No guests. Rob Dew comes on air to talk to Alex about his boners (not a joke) for a little bit, but he does not count as a guest.
The Malaysian Plane (MH370) went missing three days prior, and thus far, Alex has not given an opinion on the matter. While the rest of the media can't talk enough about this plane, and it seems ripe for conspiracy speculating, Alex has been suspiciously mum. Today, he breaks his silence and loosely speculates that Iran was behind the plane's disappearance, though he is non-committal about it.
Beyond that, there is very little going on with this episode in terms of real content. Alex jumps around from topic to topic very randomly, mostly hitting on his favorite topics: guns are the ultimate version of Civil Rights, "kissing girls" and "fighting" are signs of possessing humanity, the literal devil is real. Oh, and we learn that Alex can hypnotize people.
Beyond that revelation, there is not much happening for the show, and then, about two hours in, Alex Jones gets very defensive about the products he sells on his website, particularly Super Male Vitality.
It appears that people have been (rightly) accusing Alex of selling a boner aid product and pretending that it is not a boner aid product, and Alex is pretty unhappy about it. He dances around how it will give you a boner, but it's so much more, and then decides to drag Rob Dew into the studio to put him on the spot about how hard Super Male Vitality got his dick, and what Dew's wife thought about it. According to Rob, she has asked him to stop taking it. Alex then encourages Rob to dose his wife with Super Male Vitality. Rob says he tried but can't get his wife to take it, so Alex says "just put it in her tea", and then he excuses this by saying "the government" did it.
The show has gone off the rails in a completely disgusting fashion, but thankfully Rob Dew tries to get things back on track by talking about the Malaysian Plane, but it turns out that neither he nor Alex know anything about the situation.
Alex still has time to fill on the broadcast, but by the two-hour point, he is pretty hungry, so he has an employee go out and get him a hamburger, which he proceeds to eat on air. As if that weren't bad enough, Alex turns it into an advertisement for Super Male Vitality and some of his other products, as he uses them as condiments and dresses his burger with way more than the daily recommended dose of his supplements.
It's pretty gross, it's incredibly embarrassing, but it's also pretty funny when you consider that Alex Jones is a man who wants to be taken seriously, yet does this on air after talking to his "news director" about how his wife felt about him getting more boners while taking the products they sell.
- Despite Jordan's skepticism, Mitochondrial DNA is absolutely a real thing[2].