Transcript/35: Custody Press Conference

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and drink red wine and discuss the prep falls pitfalls, not the right word. Think I was looking for pitfalls.
Jordan (00:00:19.000)
Yeah, pitfalls, probably. Unless Alex Jones is taken, taken physical comedy funny falls every now and then.
Dan (00:00:25.000)
He is an actor. He's
Jordan (00:00:27.000)
100% honest about everything, even when he trips and
Dan (00:00:31.000)
things like that, even when he's doing my homework.
Jordan (00:00:33.000)
Yes. Yeah. Space work is incredible.
Dan (00:00:36.000)
We talk about the life and times of Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:00:39.000)
Hey, let me let me ask you. How much do you know about Alex so much? You know so much about you? I don't know anything about Alex Jones.
Dan (00:00:47.000)
I think that we should start a show.
Jordan (00:00:48.000)
This sounds like a good premise. Yeah.
Dan (00:00:52.000)
It'd be like me explaining things that happened in his life to you. surprised when we how crazy it is.
Jordan (00:00:58.000)
When we finally do this show. It's gonna be amazing. Yeah. Who would want that? Really good question.
Dan (00:01:06.000)
Speaking of the people who want it, give a shout out to our friend Mike. What's up, Michael?
Alex Jones (00:01:11.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:12.000)
Yeah, that's right. Thanks for donating to the show.
Jordan (00:01:14.000)
Hey, Michael. Welcome to the ranks of policy wonk.
Dan (00:01:17.000)
Oh, so what's up, we got another new policy wonk this week. What's up, Allison?
Alex Jones (00:01:22.000)
I'm a policy wonk Allison, you're
Jordan (00:01:24.000)
a policy wonk to this world has gone mad it
Dan (00:01:27.000)
is it's even It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World because what's up to my best friend in the world? Nikki gifts, you are now a policy wonk my friend.
Alex Jones (00:01:35.000)
I'm a policy wonk Nikki three, three.
Jordan (00:01:39.000)
It was a it was so nice to meet you, Mr. Gifts.
Dan (00:01:42.000)
What a big week for us. It has been a big week. This is very spectacular. It's been a big week for us and a big week for dumb ass Alex,
Jordan (00:01:48.000)
it has been a bad week than it has been a just nightmare storm of a week for Alex Jones.
Dan (00:01:54.000)
I would say that Friday had to have been one of the worst days he's probably ever had.
Jordan (00:02:01.000)
Yeah, I would probably agree. Well, Thursday
Dan (00:02:03.000)
into Friday, if those of you out there aren't paying attention aren't keeping up. On Thursday night. The jury in his custody case came back. And was a they were against him.
Jordan (00:02:15.000)
They were not big fans of his No, it turns out he I can understand he had
Dan (00:02:19.000)
sole custody of his children before. Yes. And the jury came back with a decision to give the wife joint custody.
Jordan (00:02:28.000)
But she also has the decision over where the kids live.
Dan (00:02:32.000)
Yes. And they are now they're going to be living with her. And Alex Jones now only has visitation rights. Good. And she gets to decide all that. So there's more to be worked out apparently, in the courts, like the judge has to get the ratios of time and stuff like that down. But it's it's an owl. It's an L for Alex.
Jordan (00:02:53.000)
Yes. It's the first of many court ELLs that Alex is going to be experiencing
Dan (00:02:59.000)
Chobani lawsuit. Head is as planned. Gotta be gotta be fire on that one. So we're gonna get into our episode, and I'll explain to you what we're gonna be talking about today. But before we do, it's time for our out of context drop of Alex Jones.
Alex Jones (00:03:15.000)
It's fun to laugh at our show. It's fun. We agree.
Jordan (00:03:20.000)
It's so fun to laugh at Alex Jones. That shot dammit, he's becoming self aware on
Dan (00:03:29.000)
the rock has become sentient as it were. So before we're gonna get we're getting into this and I, boy, I keep I keep saying we're about to get into this.
Jordan (00:03:38.000)
We have been about to get into a lot of things for a long time.
Dan (00:03:41.000)
I'm a little hung over. I gotta be honest. But so I had an idea. And this is a new thing that we're going to start up. Okay. And I haven't told you about this now. So you're on board for this. But you don't know currently you don't know what it is. But you're on board.
Jordan (00:03:56.000)
That would be great. If in the next five minutes I rage quit and the whole show. What I'm not on board for that game.
Dan (00:04:05.000)
It would be fitting of the of this podcast at this tumultuous time and Alex Jones is live for us to just break up. So if you donate to our Patreon at any level, you become a policy wonk. That's true. You get you know, Alex nights you over over over our airwaves. Yes. And you were officially in the weeds and the details about policy and about our government. Now if you donate $10 or more a month, I am going to make this offer. I have found a bunch of old episodes of Alex Jones. Okay, and you can choose any date.
Jordan (00:04:42.000)
Oh shit, and
Dan (00:04:43.000)
as long as I can find the episode, we will do an episode about some day in the past of your choice. It could be any day could be the day of the Boston bombing. Could be the day that Trump announced his candidacy. You see what he was saying? And back then that's a good question. So we're willing to do that if you donate $10 a month, you can just send us an email. And just to tease this even more, I would like to take us back to February 1 of 2016. I found it amazing clip of Alex, though, keep in mind, this is the day after the Iowa primaries. Okay. Well, this was the
Jordan (00:05:23.000)
first one where Trump won like a 17% or something and wound up taking it. Yep, yep. Then everybody was like, this is a blip on the radar. It's I was not the blaze and I know it's supposed to be the bad job on our web job I'll never
Dan (00:05:39.000)
wear that's what the rest of the world was talking about.
Jordan (00:05:42.000)
What was Alex Jones talking about?
Alex Jones (00:05:44.000)
I was told by a genetic engineer excellent about a project they were on in England once and I never told the story on air because it's so fantastical. Oh God. They had on tanks people with gills or little babies. They were in there just gulp and clawing at the side you see a turtle at the zoo and and once out, you feel for it. I got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff. I mean, weird people. I mean, you understand that? And I know I keep stressing because it's in the news what they're doing now. They don't show it to you. They go Yeah, gestating on farms or embryos and humans growing in animals. No, it's beyond that. They take them out. They keep them alive. The gulping tank, scrabbling at the side with human heart
Jordan (00:06:36.000)
in their eyes. Humans are in their eyes, but fish gills in their place where humans would normally not have gills.
Dan (00:06:44.000)
Yep. So that's what he was up to while everyone else was talking about the rise of Trump.
Jordan (00:06:48.000)
So everyone was like, ah, Trump is Trump is not a scary he's a joke. And Alex Jones was like
Dan (00:06:57.000)
he's basically living in the shadow over Innsmouth is living in an HP Lovecraft novel.
Jordan (00:07:02.000)
One Fish,
Jordan (00:07:03.000)
Two Fish, Red Fish.
Jordan (00:07:05.000)
Fish are taking over humans
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
in their eyes, look fish people in tanks in England. Yep. With horror in their eyes, human horror and horror in their eyes, the kind
Dan (00:07:24.000)
of fear that only humans can experience what's happening to these fish people, right? Anyway.
Jordan (00:07:29.000)
Now let me be honest with you. I got really depressed on Wednesday, and I was really down and so I started researching. Can I have a pet Fox? Okay, right all right. Now the answer to that is if I have $8,000 to send to Russia and man maybe
Dan (00:07:49.000)
there's not a fox embargo going on with Russia right now.
Jordan (00:07:52.000)
There probably is. You can also order a wild foxes from Indiana but they are not. They're not happy foxes. They're like you get a pen and you're like Hey Fox, how you doing? I was like,
Dan (00:08:05.000)
Can I ask you what the point?
Jordan (00:08:08.000)
Arrows what I'm saying is now I know I don't want to pet Fox. No, I want to fish person
Dan (00:08:15.000)
you they're scared all the time. And those tanks I get
Jordan (00:08:18.000)
a tank. I play with it. I feed it little fish food. Sure people food which I you know, you got
Dan (00:08:25.000)
to assume it's able to speak
Jordan (00:08:26.000)
I grind up freeze dried steak. That's what I do. And I pour it in there
Dan (00:08:30.000)
lest anyone think that we're making fun of something that could be happening fish
Jordan (00:08:35.000)
people look if you're offended on behalf of fish people one. I bet you
Dan (00:08:39.000)
know some fish people. I would like to meet you. I did some research into this and all of the information you can find about fish people on fish hybrids and stuff. It's all on Infowars it's all sourced. There's one link I was able to find to an article in Daily Mail, which is fucking
Jordan (00:09:00.000)
Oh, yes. Yes, Daily Mail. Awful asking hackers. And so they are owned by Rupert god damn Murdoch, who
Dan (00:09:09.000)
the article that they linked to is about this guy who was a genetic scientist. And he the article was about how this guy believes that humans were the result of monkeys and pigs fucking
Jordan (00:09:23.000)
make sense to me? Yeah, I'll buy it. Sure. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna give you some more rope to hang yourself with.
Dan (00:09:30.000)
I'm not saying this. That's what he's saying.
Jordan (00:09:33.000)
That's that's the end of your research.
Dan (00:09:36.000)
No, no. Yes, it is. Alex Jones, used an article that was about chimpanzees and pigs having sex and creating humans, right as evidence of fish people. Great.
Jordan (00:09:53.000)
Okay, we're all right.
Jordan (00:09:55.000)
We're there. All right.
Jordan (00:09:57.000)
Also, that is interesting considering that In a whenever he was on the courthouse steps giving that post trial interview, he did wind up screaming about cameras. After being asked like, how do you feel about your kids? Did you watch that? No, I didn't watch it. I don't have the stomach for this. And also that would ruin the whole
Dan (00:10:16.000)
kind of rumors of the show. I thought I had a your busted moment on you.
Jordan (00:10:20.000)
Oh, yeah. No, no, I just read in I just read in one of the one of the publications that he was very unhappy about chimera is when
Dan (00:10:30.000)
your false intellectual publication Yes, yeah. The ones that disbelieve cameras. So here's the deal. That is the kind of stuff we can find that fish people stuff. Here's what we can find on any random day of this fucking show. That's right.
Jordan (00:10:46.000)
So this is why Alex Jones is endlessly fascinating. Just because sometimes fish people, fish people.
Dan (00:10:53.000)
Maybe it's interesting that you brought up that press conference. Yes. Because that's what we're going to be talking about. Oh, okay. Well, then there we go. Alex Jones, on Friday, put out a video of one of the fakest looking press conferences I've ever seen in my life. There were maybe 10 to 12 reporters, I would say maybe 15 from being generous. It's very sparse. And he gives he gives a press conference that is ostensibly supposed to be about the case. And his children and all that and quickly deteriorates. As you mentioned it does it does touch on cameras. Excellent. Excellent. It touches on everything except his kids. They do come up a little bit anyway.
Jordan (00:11:38.000)
I know that are they
Dan (00:11:40.000)
fish people die Maris they might be out.
Jordan (00:11:44.000)
The jury is not out of the den. They are fish people who should be living with their mother because
Dan (00:11:49.000)
she has a tank. She
Jordan (00:11:52.000)
has the biggest aquarium. That's what the trial was really about. Yeah,
Dan (00:11:56.000)
it just took two weeks to measure ever. Yeah. So in the past, we have said that we are not covering this custody suit. And now we are and here's why it changed. Alex started talking about
Jordan (00:12:08.000)
it. There we go. That means it's entered into our purview.
Jordan (00:12:11.000)
Dan (00:12:12.000)
everything in his personal life is not fair game for us. And we're still even as we discussed this, we're not gonna talk about his kids, except for in joking ways to say that there are fish people, they
Jordan (00:12:21.000)
are fish people. You heard it here first met satire.
Dan (00:12:26.000)
But, you know, once I'm
Jordan (00:12:28.000)
actually wearing a fish person mask right now 95% Of what I say is true, but when I'm wearing a fish person mask,
Dan (00:12:34.000)
when you can, you can tell by your voice do that you're in fish. I'm Fishman
Jordan (00:12:38.000)
all the way today.
Dan (00:12:39.000)
So Alex has introduced this into our spectrum of things we can talk about in his personal life, and this case is no longer off limits. Congratulations, Alex, you're doing this to yourself. Here is the beginning. Here's the beginning.
Jordan (00:12:55.000)
That's a book our book title right there. Alex Jones. You did it to yourself, man. Yeah.
Dan (00:13:01.000)
Or just give us give us
Jordan (00:13:05.000)
the Alex Jones story.
Alex Jones (00:13:06.000)
Everybody's got their feeding frenzy going on here. All the fake news media can edit in all their little fake clips and everything of this, but folks watching online will see the truth. Not quite. And then later, I'm gonna put online some of these documents. Were going back three years ago, I didn't file for divorce. I never tried to take my kids away from my ex wife. For separate time she filed to take him away. The courts the guardian ad litem is the system thought it was horrible. I gotta say, actually, the system very liberal lawsuit said, this is child abuse. We're taking your kids away and give them to you. And I said, I'll do their mom, too. She said, No, they're with me, and not with you. No way, separate filings for just the first three years that we're now over three years into this. So that's the reality. I know the media won't get that right. In fact, this case was even ever about that with the media. Our closing arguments weren't even covered by the media. Everything was cherry picked. Just like we're showing this live feed right now. He will show what we actually said versus what MSM shows and how it's taken out of context. And that's why mainstream media is collapsing. That's why it's dying. And that's why you guys desperately sit there and say that I'm fake news, or I'm a actor. When somebody asked me if I'm an How do you feel about the trial, Alex? No, and I'm playing a role in a movie I'm playing that part. But when I'm politically speaking for something, I totally believe that I'm not bought and paid for by the big corporations. I'm not funded by people like George Soros. I'm funded by Monday and miss your kids Alex over 45 million conservatively await
Dan (00:14:37.000)
so there he's introducing he's already way off track. So he says these things like you know that they said that abuse and you should have kids and they came to me and but there's no there's nothing backing that up. He's just asserting things. He's not right. He's not proving anything and actually classic Alex, I went to his website and there's no, he said he was going to post the Document. and some stuff like that there's nothing posted no document I even searched. They have a search function on Okay, coincidentally powered by Google specifically says powered by Google on his website. So I searched for divorce to see if there's like some article. Anything about like, you know, any documentation right and there wasn't, but I would like to read you a list of article titles that come up when you search the horse. On Here we go. The war on men 10 ways masculinity is under attack by Paul Joseph Watson. Another article, LeAnn McAdoo and Alex Jones respond to dating allegations. This one's from 2012. That's headline, Trump to reveal Michelle and Barack Obama's divorce papers. Did he? He didn't. Okay,
Dan (00:15:51.000)
now the one that was that that
Jordan (00:15:52.000)
scared me a little bit for a second
Dan (00:15:53.000)
there from 2012. Five years ago. Yeah. Holy
Jordan (00:15:56.000)
shit. Are they are they divorced? They seem happy.
Dan (00:15:59.000)
Another headline during the Trump era men will finally will men finally start acting like men again.
Jordan (00:16:06.000)
A lot more racism is happening. So I guess that kind of counts if that's
Dan (00:16:09.000)
manly. This This one was a headline from 2016. Trump quote, I'm considering going after the Clintons marriage to more headlines, why men are abandoning marriage by Paul Joseph Watson. Spoiler alert, the lead of the article is women aren't women anymore.
Jordan (00:16:31.000)
That makes sense. Men aren't men, women are women. That's the end of that.
Dan (00:16:36.000)
And then the final one, the final article that I have pulled from the search was photo. Michelle, more muscular than the President. Which if you count trumpets still true.
Jordan (00:16:48.000)
So wait, is that is that? Is that why they got divorced in 2012?
Dan (00:16:53.000)
Do muscular? Yeah.
Jordan (00:16:54.000)
So Michelle, Michelle finally beat the shit out of Barack. That's really must be
Dan (00:16:58.000)
Yeah, yeah. So he's off track. He's not really he's not dealing with the he's not providing any information. He's just broadly asserting things. And then not following through.
Jordan (00:17:09.000)
And none of which are about the trial other than half the news media
Dan (00:17:15.000)
lies a lot his trial. Yeah. And unfortunately, he it fair enough. He actually kind of has the kernel of a good point there, in that they didn't like a lot of the reporting on the trial was about how he ate a big bowl of chili and couldn't remember his kids teacher's name and stuff like that. Yeah. Which is kind of like I mean, of course, we're gonna clown on that. Right. Of course, people are gonna make fun of that. But it didn't. A lot of the reporting was not substantive. And it was more about hey, look, Alex Jones is a crazy person, and he's being forced to testify. Yeah, it's stuff like that. So yeah, he kind of has a fair point. But he goes the wrong direction with that fair point, right. And he plays a massive victim game. And it gets it gets really which
Jordan (00:17:58.000)
is what only what the left as well, though, that's fine now because we know he's a classical liberal. He's a libertarian, a classical liberal, true libertarian victim. Absolutely. Just like Paul Joseph Watson,
Dan (00:18:10.000)
who was really, really afraid that masculinity is in crisis, maybe then,
Jordan (00:18:14.000)
which kind of suggests that his masculinity is in crisis. Bingo, right? Does that make more sense? Maybe that article should read 10 reasons. Why Am I gay?
Jordan (00:18:26.000)
10 reasons. Why am I Oh, no,
Dan (00:18:28.000)
I'm scared all the time. So this next one, this next clip, and I didn't really cut out anything. This is just again, segmented. The entire I think it's a fake press conference, if you think so.
Jordan (00:18:41.000)
It smells bad. To me. It has it has the wrestling promo feel to it,
Dan (00:18:46.000)
it kind of does. Because the the people who ask questions until the end, the end, it goes off the rails a little bit. Okay. But the people who are asking questions are, like, if I were in the press, and I was there, I would be, I'd be going to town on him. Okay, I would be there's so many questions you could ask that would be so hard for him to answer. And they don't. It's all very tame questions. And then on top of that, he's just abusing them. And no one is like, fuck, you
Jordan (00:19:17.000)
know what? Yeah, but the press isn't really trained for that. Like if you go to if you look, if you're in the White House press briefing, and Sean Spicer says a word everyone in the room should be like You're fucking lying you
Dan (00:19:30.000)
piece of shit. Only only senators are allowed to do that to Barack Obama.
Jordan (00:19:34.000)
Yeah, but if that's not because of race No, no, no, definitely not. Definitely not.
Dan (00:19:38.000)
I feel like we got to get into the shoe throwing business again. You know, like, Oh, those were good days pinwheels and someone's thrown a shoe.
Jordan (00:19:45.000)
We got to throw more shoes.
Dan (00:19:46.000)
I totally what is
Jordan (00:19:48.000)
the last defense of the onion titled? Shoo shoo throwing
Dan (00:19:54.000)
Absolutely. Not rioting. That's not the voice of the oppressed. Ah tossin Jews and Jews. Anyway, this next clip, Alex Jones makes a statement. And he's reading, you can tell that because it's kind of an A to be thought, okay, you can tell he's reading off a piece of paper. And this is a statement about how everyone's wrong about what happened, of course, in this case,
Alex Jones (00:20:17.000)
show. Here's my basic statement that I wrote on this whole situation, I want to respond. Somebody else wrote it for the grossly inaccurate media reports that I lost custody of my children. My ex wife and I agreed two years ago, time of our divorce to be in a joint managing. conservators are three wonderful children. My ex wife went to trial asking for her to become the sole managing conservator of our kids and limit me to supervised access and gave no reasons. But she said the trial I wanted to take kids away is what she put in her filing. Pretty interesting.
Dan (00:20:54.000)
That's a jury.
Jordan (00:20:57.000)
Yeah, I don't think he wrote down pretty interesting
Alex Jones (00:20:59.000)
that you left us at the same place where we began this horrible journey over three years ago. This year, we agree we should remain as joint managing conservators, while the only change being who can designate the primary residence, effectively a change of 10 miles, as only the judge in the trial can decide what amount of time each parent will have with their children. I am confident that the judge will carefully consider the various schedules that have been put in place in the last two years and will give each of us the time that is appropriate. I have throughout this ordeal furred to the experts in the court determined that my children schedule with due regard to their own wishes, something that was ignored their own wishes for disagreeing with me, and will continue to place my trust to do so what is the best interest of my children?
Dan (00:21:44.000)
So this is the last instance of him being professional throughout the entire episode that we're doing that sounds about right. But like even in their
Jordan (00:21:52.000)
job reading that he from the from the chest, he really he really hit a lot of those points. I don't like the way he said conservator. But as
Dan (00:22:01.000)
we as we sort of brought it in throughout I mean, he was off script at least two times a minute, minute of reading. But the other thing that is a play, gotta play man. He's obfuscating, like crazy. He's really muddying the waters because he's like, we have joint custody. And technically that is true. But she is the conservator or the person who is in charge. Yeah, she is the primary parent now. Right, Alex, having joint custody just means that he isn't not allowed to see them. And they can spend less, she
Jordan (00:22:33.000)
says he's not allowed to see them.
Dan (00:22:34.000)
I'm not sure if she's actually allowed to do that. Okay, but he does a parent only God can do that. Apparently, he does have to have supervision on like visits and stuff like that, which is a complete inverse of the way it was before. Right. She needed to have supervision before. Yeah. So the idea that he also doesn't seem to understand that juries are sequestered, like he doesn't understand that they're not watching cool bear. And seeing these like portrayals of what's going on. Now. They are going based entirely on what's in the courtroom, right? And if they go in with one situation being true that Alex is the main parent, and has the right to choose all these things about the kids and blah, blah, blah, they're, they're where they live. And at the end of it, they decide no, we gotta go the other way. That means that there was something compelling in that courtroom.
Jordan (00:23:21.000)
I mean, probably just listening to Alex Jones speak
Dan (00:23:25.000)
Holy shit, right. I mean, he said, The George Soros is responsible for weed getting good. Yeah, like, that's crazy. No,
Jordan (00:23:32.000)
I mean, that's good parenting. That's what that is.
Dan (00:23:35.000)
He was quoted as saying that he smokes marijuana once a year to gauge how strong it's
Jordan (00:23:39.000)
Listen, what is more effective for you in keeping kids from doing drugs? The DARE program fear of glory, fear of global is
Jordan (00:23:49.000)
absolutely one
Jordan (00:23:51.000)
of those is bullshit. And the other one is about globalists. Yeah, which is what Trump is now
Dan (00:23:58.000)
yeah, that's that's the other thing that happened on Friday nationalist and a globalist yep, that's that one was real tough. So Alex wasn't in on Friday, which is understand drunk probably probably having a fender bender. I think he recorded this video and then probably tied one on
Jordan (00:24:13.000)
Oh, but I'm guessing he's still tying many on.
Dan (00:24:17.000)
It was really tough to figure out what was going on inside the head of Paul Joseph Watson who was hosting and then Owen Troyer, because he was doing his live three to five show gross. Yeah. And both of them were sort of like Trump said he's a globalist. What do we do?
Jordan (00:24:39.000)
We love him. But we hate globalists.
Dan (00:24:43.000)
It's really, really testing this whole premise that they've tried to sell that is like we have no investment in Trump himself. Yeah, we just like what he does. Yeah. Now that he has said I'm a nationalist and a globalist.
Jordan (00:24:57.000)
They gotta turn on nothing got it. Hernan they've got aces. This is their out this is the way that they escaped from from this nightmare.
Dan (00:25:05.000)
I don't think they want to be though because then they don't have a rock. There's nothing. There's no There's no champion and it undercuts all of the narratives they've sold up to this point like remember they were saying, but that's what those narratives sucked. No no they didn't they were very compelling like Alex was claiming that Donald Trump was a 30 year secret Patriot yeah
Jordan (00:25:27.000)
sleeper cell Patriot was a sleeper cell against
Dan (00:25:29.000)
the globalist yes, no, they have to go back in time. You were fucking wrong this whole time?
Jordan (00:25:35.000)
No, no CO opted. He was co opted by the powers that be voc he was brainwashed. Look, if you think fish people are fine. You can totally be cool with brainwashing Yeah, that's fine. Hell, why not even just start throwing out the Alzheimer's narratives drew man's got dementia all for days. Might as well he may be like, at the very least he has attention deficit disorder.
Dan (00:25:59.000)
Yeah, I know when you listen to Ivanka Trump talk it. She is using like Neuro Linguistic Programming tricks. Like the way she speaks. It's the same thing that I was pointing out and I want to do it more in depth report on about John Rapoport. Yes, yeah, there are little speech tricks you can use that are basically like suggestions. You can subliminally suggest things. And if you're not paying attention, it sounds like a normal sentence.
Jordan (00:26:25.000)
So do you think Ivanka is the real president? She might be? Did we actually get our first female president the absolute worst possible way?
Dan (00:26:34.000)
It's possible. It's possible. And also she's evil. It's also more likely the you know, we got push. Yeah. Which is stronger because of George.
Jordan (00:26:44.000)
Dan (00:26:45.000)
So this next clip, and almost all of these clips, could be sort of summed up by saying everyone is lying about Alex Jones, and he's pissed off about it, right. So we're gonna get into that here.
Alex Jones (00:26:56.000)
And I say that, quite frankly, because I was just blown away by the fact that I had a divorce filed on me. And then I agreed to have Guardian items and social workers investigate me and have all this alcohol drug testing done, even though I've never been a troll in my life. And they said, You're a wonderful dad, you put a few people in the coma, and then come back four or five times in court trying to work towards my wife being 50%, or my ex wife. And then the media won't even touch on that. And it turns into some story that I had my kids, and I taken them and I was this alienator When the literal definition of alienation was engaged in so you dehumanize me and my children, you dehumanize yourself, that's what this comes down to. And so all I want is the truth to come out on all of this. Because I didn't file for divorce. I didn't trigger this, the courts, three separate judges, and an arbitrator took my children away from my ex life and gave them exclusively to me. I never asked for that. I want to be with them. I love them. But the printable locks that were put out during the trial was never any evidence was absolutely amazing and mind boggling.
Dan (00:28:13.000)
It's mind boggling to suggest that in court, things don't have proof. That's why court exists. It's not a perfect system. But you can't assert things in court that you can't back up. Yes. And if you get caught doing that you're in contempt of court, evidence gets thrown out, you might do a night, the pokey for contempt,
Jordan (00:28:35.000)
right? Or get fined a whole bunch of money if you're rich. And one
Dan (00:28:39.000)
of the reasons that I wanted to cover this, even though we've been staying away from the custody situation was because I think this is again, highly illustrative of how Alex is fucked in court. Yeah, but the propaganda skills that he has, as I as I argued in our last episode that, you know, even if he gets destroyed by Chobani, it might be a good thing for him. You can see here he's making an argument that his audience will like, yes, it will appeal to them because they're not engaging with, you know, the reality of what's going on. He's really good at that. He is a propagandist spin artist. And so when he's out on the street, talking to people who I don't really think are actual reporters, okay. It's really easy for him to win. He can't win in court, but he can win on the street. You win on a verbal street fight as it were. Yes. And that's why it's fucking dangerous to play games with him. Yeah. Formal education.
Jordan (00:29:30.000)
Not really a strong suit. Street Smarts. As long as Kai mares are involved, he's right up on top.
Dan (00:29:37.000)
Absolutely. He's also not very streets. Nobody. Nobody
Jordan (00:29:40.000)
can handle the mean aquariums quite like, like Alex Jones.
Dan (00:29:44.000)
He's swamp swamp with the best of them. I don't know. So, but yeah, like, when you're talking about his street smarts, you also got to realize that he's not very good at choosing lawyers, but be that as it may, we're gonna get to this next clip, or Alex plays the victim really hard. Okay. And also we get a guest appearance from a truck
Alex Jones (00:30:04.000)
so understand that ladies and gentlemen this is one of the first modern trials where you got corporate establishment mercenary media herbs in the
Dan (00:30:14.000)
the your gums that truck, but I have this is one
Jordan (00:30:17.000)
of the first trials that has corporate media and mercenary heavy. did okay.
Dan (00:30:24.000)
Oh, Jay, and he big case anyone, anytime a celebrity is on for the fact that there's fucking Court TV right? What's happened because of OJ right? Yeah. So I mean, yeah, that's that's an absurd assertion for him to make. And it's just him trying to give credibility to his victim status. Yeah. Anyway, here comes the truck.
Alex Jones (00:30:46.000)
Literally, cherry picking, twisting and distorting everything. And that's why it's accelerated the demise of the corporate media. You guys wonder why you have dwindling audiences why you don't have support? It's because you deceive people, you lie to people. And I know you've got corporate masters, or you to do that. I know, you've got editors that add disinformation to your stories. But again, that's the bottom line. Nothing the media got about this was right, except one thing. The media was sitting there watching the case saying it's going absolutely terrible and be bad for his ex wife. But that's because you were actually not using a motion. You were looking at the facts and all the experts who were triggered and
Jordan (00:31:25.000)
hold on, hold on. Can we pause right here? What is he saying? Are those are those words related to each other in any way? No.
Dan (00:31:34.000)
And there's gonna be a lot of that. They said he's bebop and and scat and All
Jordan (00:31:39.000)
right, so they so his he's saying that when they they he's saying that everybody in the media said that it was going bad for his ex wife.
Dan (00:31:47.000)
Yes. And that's the only thing that they got right? Dip. But did they say that? I don't think so. I
Jordan (00:31:53.000)
don't remember anybody saying things are going bad for his ex wife. Or in fact, I remember everyone saying, Oh, shit, things are going real bad for Alex Jones
Jordan (00:32:02.000)
for AJ. Yeah.
Dan (00:32:04.000)
Some of the stuff that I read some of the tweets that I saw did indicate that like, boy, they're both terrible. Like, well, yeah, there was a sort of feeling one
Jordan (00:32:12.000)
of them was Alex Jones. And one of them looked at Alex Jones is like, I want to have babies with that three of
Dan (00:32:17.000)
them. Yeah. But yeah, I think that the only like, the only stuff that I saw that would sort of validate that is just like a they're both in trouble. Like it doesn't doesn't look good. Doesn't look good for either.
Jordan (00:32:31.000)
The only the only losers in this situation are the kids. Yep. And that truck and that well, the truck the truck made it in and out the truck didn't even hear any of the shit Alex Jones was saying
Dan (00:32:42.000)
truck drove through was like driving,
Jordan (00:32:46.000)
it was actually going to drop off all of the all the
Dan (00:32:49.000)
children. All of his fish children,
Alex Jones (00:32:54.000)
by my ex wife, all I and my children, she is
Jordan (00:32:59.000)
30% off for Easter Special his ex wife 53%
Alex Jones (00:33:05.000)
pull them away from me forever, where I would never see them again. We're only see them on supervised visits for no reason.
Jordan (00:33:11.000)
There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't be around your kids. Alex, right. And then also many different reasons
Dan (00:33:17.000)
he drops that there, there's no reason and then earlier, he had said that his wife wanted a divorce for no reason. And I mean, I understand that that's what it looks like to you. But you don't really care about other people in a meaningful way. So you don't understand what they're going through,
Jordan (00:33:31.000)
or human emotions or anything along those lines.
Dan (00:33:34.000)
It's tough. It's tough. But then also he makes the argument repeatedly throughout this that he is in fact the one who is the victim of alienation, which is which was a central part of his ex wife's case that he was turning their kids against her. Yeah. And
Jordan (00:33:52.000)
I just what he would do, I am she divorced if she's a globalist
Dan (00:33:56.000)
sure from what I've been able to find from the court. Coverage. She is right. It seems like that is the case. Yeah. And it definitely fits his pattern of behavior. Yep. Now we don't know a whole lot about her maybe she was turning them against him to I don't know, but oh, this is fun. What's fun I was trying to find like the court documents because Alex in this next clip is again gonna say that the court documents I look at is gonna make them public. Do you know you know where they're talking a lot about this divorce? Where Stormfront
Jordan (00:34:29.000)
Oh yeah, yeah, I don't know what Stormfront is. It's a
Dan (00:34:33.000)
Nazi website. It's a Nazi website Nazi message board. Oh, thank God. You know why? Why? Because Alex Jones is ex wife is Jewish. And there's a lot Oh, fuck me. There's a lot of people community who believe that she was like his handler. And because of her he wouldn't speak out against Israel, even though he knew that Israel was the real problem with the world. And the reason that they thought that is because globalism is cool. For Jews
Jordan (00:35:01.000)
Wow So It sure
Jordan (00:35:03.000)
is hard to be alive right now. So a lot of these people on the store i The more I fucking learn about this shit the more you make me want to die
Dan (00:35:11.000)
sorry this is your fault it is it's
Jordan (00:35:15.000)
your front was real that's also they call themselves Stormfront
Dan (00:35:19.000)
they're named after a Billy Joel album. They're not your friend it is a Billy Joel album so Nazis
Jordan (00:35:25.000)
are there they're like, hey, it we're Yeah, we're basically the stormtroopers that Hitler not not called them and and we're so they're totally
Dan (00:35:35.000)
open about it
Jordan (00:35:37.000)
they're just they're just full
Dan (00:35:38.000)
on Nazis. So they their argument is like oh great Alex is finally going to be able to tell the truth that he's been trying to tell for years now that he's out of this situation with his ex wife and then a bunch of the really smart other commenters jump in and they're like, Hey, guys, don't want to ruin your fun but his new wife is Jewish to boy, all right. It's really fun when like hateful bigots are stupid, you know?
Jordan (00:36:11.000)
Well, I would, I would argue that far, hateful bigots are always stupid Drew, treating a hateful bigot is the quickest sign to knowing that somebody is stupid. There's
Dan (00:36:22.000)
again, there are a number of them who are like book smart, and that just gets annoying. That's it's not a thing. Like Mike Cernovich is a lawyer.
Jordan (00:36:30.000)
Mike Cernovich is a monster. Yes, he is a monster. He is a chimera of a man. And whatever it is, that makes another man evil. So so so i Oh, well, he's a man. He's just a
Dan (00:36:47.000)
dude. He's just a dude. He's just a dude. Yeah. So I'm going to skip that next clip where he just again repeats the you can get these documents because you can't. And it's just pointless. But this next clip, he discusses how what's going on is that, like, reality is becoming inversed. There's just a inversion of reality. And then he goes on to make a claim that is very reminiscent of Obi Wan Kenobi.
Alex Jones (00:37:12.000)
Okay, so you have now bought into the inverse of reality. And it all turns into a big comedies, spectacle. And then you got to spend it to say, well, that's what you do sometimes. And then so it's supposedly okay for you to do it. When in truth, I didn't do it. What you covered was something out of context. And another deception I'm robber Wars is absorbing. That's why. That's why we have more visitors and more listeners and more financial support than I had even on election night with 80 plus million viewers and listeners in one week. So thank you all the last few weeks, your mainstream media deception has only intensified the power of Infowars as people across the world see that I'm under attack with attempts to take my children from me. Lawsuits attempts to put me in jail attempts to destroy me. Google admits they were basically setting up systems to ban us off the internet, all of its coming out, because I'm not a coward. And I'm not bought and paid for by multinational corporations. I'm standing up for this country, and I'm telling the truth, and serious men and women at their best and nationalism and freedom and Renaissance and true liberalism is awakening again, and all the old corporate horror media systems are going to be swept away like a big rain coming in and flooding into the gutters. So that's the bottle. How'd
Jordan (00:38:28.000)
you like to see your children now? That globalist Okay. All right, Alex.
Dan (00:38:35.000)
He's mom on that topic. But he really wants to make the point that if you strike me down, I will become 10 times more powerful. Yeah. And I mean, he's again lying about his audience size, just puff 80
Jordan (00:38:46.000)
million plus people. There's no way in one week there's
Dan (00:38:49.000)
literally no way.
Jordan (00:38:50.000)
I don't know. No, no,
Dan (00:38:53.000)
that's not possible. Hey, my man, my man. Have you had 80 million people who listen to the show? You would be flooded with people at that press conference? Oh, yeah. The courthouse would have been there would have would have been Beatlemania in front of that courthouse, it would have been a lot, A Hard Day's Night, just being chased down the street by young girls, which I think is what he thinks goes on all the time.
Jordan (00:39:14.000)
I actually I actually agree with you there.
Dan (00:39:17.000)
So yeah, you don't have 80 million people who are listening, and you got to consider that. Probably half of your audience is fake. And then another like quarter is probably people like me who listened and hate you. So
Jordan (00:39:30.000)
you know. And then there's one more guy, there's Assad.
Dan (00:39:33.000)
Yeah, Syria is real in terms of Alex Jones, listen to Chapes. So, he goes on and he's just combative and abusive to these people who are videotaping his statements. And in this next clip, he tries to this, this reporter asks, If you hate the press so much, why are
Jordan (00:39:55.000)
you here? Exactly? A very obvious question to ask.
Dan (00:39:58.000)
And I mean, it's the First question that kicks off a string of Q and A's where he does not answer any of the questions. Okay, but this one he kind of answers a little bit and then gets really fucking abusive. Oh, boy.
Alex Jones (00:40:11.000)
A lot more coming in the near future as we move forward into defense of this republic and in defense of freedom and defense the truth I want to thank all the viewers and listeners out there, if you see a media right here, they're all here all here to pretend like they're media. Some of them might be real to pretend like your media. Did he just get to sit there and oh, there's Alex Jones the prop here let our editors put the normal little comments and and disinformation and lies about it. And let's pretend we're reporters, let's pretend that we actually went out and did something. Let's pretend we actually went interviewed somebody and actually found the truth. Let's pretend that we're actually real pressed. I'm actually watching right now can see the folks that are pretending here. Go ahead, Buckley. Sure. For the media, why? Well, with such disdain for the media, I've sat there watching the media twist and lie about me and my family for weeks show. What I'm doing is trolling the media like I always do calling you out here, so that the real people after watching can see the truth and understand it. So we have a record of what happened to then compare what I said to what you said, and what you twisted, and what you did.
Dan (00:41:19.000)
We're gonna get back to the abusive part. But I just want to point out that that's not trolling. No, that's at best setting a trap, kind of that said it best, that's the most generous.
Jordan (00:41:31.000)
Yeah, I think what I would call it is getting your name out there.
Dan (00:41:37.000)
Sure. When
Jordan (00:41:40.000)
Alex was, what is it? Okay. Okay, so. So in his mind, the point of this Yes, is to hold the media accountable. Because they can't twist his words, since his words are now on their shows. Yeah. And if they don't quote him, or accurately, then we can always go back to the tape. And he can be like, see, this is what I said, not what you said. I said, I said this. You said I said this, but I didn't say that. I said this,
Dan (00:42:10.000)
he's now said that he's only going to do interviews that are live, or that are he's going to himself fully record all of them. So people can't so nobody
Jordan (00:42:20.000)
can cut and paste is His words, His and lie and take them out of context. We don't need to lie out of context.
Dan (00:42:27.000)
We this is episode like 40 of the show, all we do is take him in context. And he's awful. Yeah. Alex, you don't want people taking you in context.
Jordan (00:42:36.000)
You kind of don't want people actually listening to you.
Dan (00:42:39.000)
Right? Right. And that's going to be a big problem for him because people aren't gonna go away now. No,
Jordan (00:42:43.000)
now they're listening. And now that he's got one in the Oh, yeah, he's getting he's gonna be hit. And he's
Dan (00:42:48.000)
humbled in court. He's trying to argue that he's not. And it's just gonna roll downhill from here, it's gonna be a disaster. But here we go. Let's get to the little bit of abuse here.
Alex Jones (00:42:59.000)
So you're not even real meeting, you see, if the process of groveling to the corporate systems just sit there trying to get them to give you some funding that if you're a good little deceptive person, you know, give you more jobs or more money. So that's all this really, if any, I mean, any real questions.
Dan (00:43:14.000)
That's a Deke deke.
Jordan (00:43:16.000)
Any real questions? Wait, that was a very legitimate question.
Dan (00:43:20.000)
Any real questions? Oh, yeah. The original question was very well,
Jordan (00:43:23.000)
and also that one was a very legitimate question to me, I think. I think he genuinely does not know if they are real or not. So perhaps he is asking again, are any of you not projections of my brain right now?
Dan (00:43:36.000)
He lives in a world that's very close to solipsism. Yeah, very close to.
Jordan (00:43:42.000)
Yeah, I will take a question from the unicorn man in the back. Your Chimera. Alex, there, there is no unicorn man.
Dan (00:43:49.000)
There are always unicorn man. So here we go. Alex did the wrong thing there by opening up the Florida questions, because now people start asking him some questions. And it's not good, not as well. It's not good at answering question.
Jordan (00:44:04.000)
He does, He responds to them. And he you know, he's very expressive, and he makes sure that they feel welcome. And we have
Dan (00:44:12.000)
five questions for if you consider that one of them is asked twice because he doesn't answer it. Okay, so here we go. This first one, if you can't hear it, I'll just tell you what the question the reporter asks is, what do you tell your kids
Alex Jones (00:44:29.000)
caring public? Absolutely. That's a great question. What do I say to my children who I never in three years brought into this, who I never made public. I never called the media to come here. I was never involved in any cell some shit and those other people that called The Little vampires in, you know, to be all part of this in the attempt, you know, to sit there and you know, point your finger and go there's the bad man. There's the bad man, let's shut him down. Let's let's put words in his mouth. I mean, my children know that the corporate media lies and they go to school and they hear about this, and they know the truth and they say well Why does the media say that? Why does the media say this? And I explain it. They're not the media. They're the people that were the corporate globalist help hijack this country and they're being torn out of control. Now they're being removed like a tick off a dog's rear end being torn off this country, and they realize it as parasites, as little followers as as conformist. Posing as trendy. The third time is short.
Dan (00:45:21.000)
I would argue that that's bad parenting.
Jordan (00:45:24.000)
So So what do you tell your kids and he tells them that the corporate media lies? Yes. And they're like, no, what about like, do we get to see you more often? It's like, they're a little vampires. globalists. No, I like, are you still gonna pick us up from school or anything like, the media is lying to you, you know, that trope now? 53%, off bones, bone broth, not drink your bone broth, and go the fuck to bed
Dan (00:45:52.000)
like that, that legitimately? You hit the nail right on the head. And the question is, what do you tell them about the current situation that you're in? Yeah. And what's going to happen to them with having to move to their mom's house and shit like that? And he's like, obviously, this question is about globalists. Well, yeah, I tell them that I'm totally right. Of course. Of course. I tell them I'm totally right. And there's everyone's out to get me. Of course. Yeah.
Jordan (00:46:19.000)
Because that's the truth. Alex, have you ever told your kids that you are not totally right.
Dan (00:46:25.000)
Hey, listen up. I want to tell you guys about
Jordan (00:46:27.000)
Hamid Oh, looky. Yeah. So So are we going to live with mom now?
Dan (00:46:34.000)
Boy, you know, this yogurt maker thinks rock and soul kind of guys piece of shit. Fill your hand. I mean,
Jordan (00:46:41.000)
so like, again, you have to have supervision when you see us. Are you going to bring your mom or I always
Dan (00:46:47.000)
tell my kids to fill their hand? You're gonna take a bath or it's time to fill your hand.
Jordan (00:46:53.000)
Dad, are you even talking to us anymore?
Dan (00:46:56.000)
Who are you? So in this next clip, I realized I subconsciously there got off on a Humpty hula kya rant? Yes. Or at least he came into my my sphere in my mind. And that is because the next question is about the Chobani. lawsuit.
Reporter (35) (00:47:12.000)
Do you anticipate more lawsuits coming at you after the Chobani? situation?
Alex Jones (00:47:15.000)
I've talked to foreign lawyers about Chobani lawsuit they say it's totally frivolous and absolute complete PR snot? Nope. And I was on the phone with my PC lawyers and Idaho lawyers today. We were thinking about a grasp of corporate strategy to actually go after the New York Federal Reserve that He's a board member of and our lunch program that he's part of he's and these other loans.
Jordan (00:47:37.000)
What? No, he's not part of those things. I your lawyers, I think he's going after things that aren't real.
Dan (00:47:45.000)
I think he is involved with like some school lunch stuff. I think he does have some slight contracts with that. But now he's not on the New York Federal Reserve. So
Jordan (00:47:53.000)
we've already covered that. What what?
Dan (00:47:55.000)
I don't I don't think he's talked to lawyers. I think he's making that up. I think that he's just being blustery. I don't really I because I can't imagine a lawyer talking to him about it. And then being like, oh, yeah, yeah, let's not look into whether this is true or not. Let's just Let's just act like it is yeah, no lawyer would do that. Because they get disbarred.
Jordan (00:48:15.000)
Let's, let's not say no lawyer would do. Sure. Let's, let's say if you're a friend of Alex Jones, and you're also a lawyer, like, say, some other right wing, you might be giving him bad advice, because you also don't believe
Dan (00:48:28.000)
in reality. Mike Cernovich is a lawyer. So it's possible that the two of them have had conversations. And that's what he's saying. I've talked to my lawyers, and it's a solid case, it's probably just talked to Cernovich. Yeah.
Jordan (00:48:38.000)
Which How can you be a lawyer? Although although that is a really good question.
Dan (00:48:45.000)
So how can you be a lawyer? No,
Jordan (00:48:47.000)
it's not a great, not a great question. You're right. Well, actually, the answer to that is globalists. But I know like when you when you see the lawyers in court defending the travel ban, and all that stuff, that's so blatantly unconstitutional. You don't have to have a law degree, you have to be able to read to tell that you shouldn't be doing that. Right. So those lawyers are doing it just for the money. They're getting paid to do it. So they're gonna give it their best go, right? So if you're Alex Jones's lawyer, you are not going to tell him, Hey, this is bad for you. Because then he is going to fire you. That's a good point. And so what you're going to tell him is whatever it is, he needs to hear, so he will continue writing those checks for you.
Dan (00:49:31.000)
And he at this point is almost a dream client. Oh, absolutely. You're gonna get so much work so much billings,
Jordan (00:49:38.000)
hours and hours of it. I can't imagine like yeah, you're and even then you don't even have to tell you don't even have to give him advice because he's not gonna listen to it anyway.
Dan (00:49:47.000)
He's just gonna talk. Yeah. And and the strategy would just be okay if we if we do go to court about this. You don't say shit, Alex.
Jordan (00:49:58.000)
Shut your mouth. That is again, gonna get that lawyer fired.
Dan (00:50:03.000)
Right and but Alex Jones talking in court is going to lose them the case yes, because he's gonna spin this crazy yarn. That is not true at all. He's gonna reference Breitbart articles. Yeah. And then you're gonna take down the Fed.
Jordan (00:50:18.000)
Yeah. What the fuck? Isn't that going to be a delight? Yeah,
Dan (00:50:21.000)
that is why Court TV should exist. Yeah, we shouldn't get rid of Oh God, if this case happens, I might take a week off work. I have to watch
Jordan (00:50:31.000)
try and get press try. Yes, press. The trial best. That would be amazing. We could go
Dan (00:50:37.000)
broadcast live. I don't think they would allow us to do not in the courtroom. But I mean,
Jordan (00:50:44.000)
it'd be great if we're, if we're courtside reporters, like at a basketball game
Dan (00:50:49.000)
and play by play when we do a play by play. Alex took a harsh fall on that one did not answer the question. Alright. So we're back to this. He's gonna he has more to say. But we had to cut in there because you know, because that was ludicrous. Alex is stupid
Alex Jones (00:51:02.000)
deals he's got going into monopolistic. My lawyers also dealt with some of the suits that run the Boston Herald when they found the Saudi money going to local group that got shut down and then everything got paid back, shall we? I've got those lawyers right now. They're all handling that. So we're looking at counter lawsuits. Because we reported on news about the report not to be confused. Actually, media said didn't harried but they now pled guilty for then the argument is not connected to the yogurt maker. No, just the owner who pushes for refugees to be brought in with George Soros and toward cirrhosis found in law firm that's suing me. So technically, I'm not saying the owner of it himself. So do you still want one of their being brought in unvetted? So we covered other people's reports. And then they sort of play games, a little factually, parts of it. So we're very, very confident with that. And what happens is when we get attacked the listenership and support just goes up exponentially. So attacks go up here, support goes up to there. And then attacks go here, support goes up of those trees. And then support goes up. And it just goes up and up and up.
Jordan (00:52:03.000)
Yeah, we get an infinite.
Alex Jones (00:52:05.000)
That's what's happening is people get it. They understand it's a war. They understand it's a fight. They understand what's going on with the corporate media. They they absolutely love it. So we have democratic strategy.
Jordan (00:52:14.000)
Everybody loves what's going on right now.
Alex Jones (00:52:16.000)
Yeah, very few people are left stats, you know, a lot of really serious issues. We're looking forward to discovery on Chobani. And we're looking really, really forward to looking into Turkey, the courage and the funding of the operation, if that makes sense. All sources on that.
Jordan (00:52:32.000)
Perfect sets. Yep. Yep. Yep. We're looking forward into learning about Chobani. We're gonna sue the Karo. Naturally, that follows that we're also going to defeat Turkey.
Dan (00:52:45.000)
Do you think that he's upset about the Kurds because of like, you know, the pasteurization process of ice creams? Is that like,
Jordan (00:52:52.000)
that could be it does you think?
Jordan (00:52:54.000)
Do you know what's in Kurds?
Dan (00:52:56.000)
What's that? globalists globalism? Yeah. I mean, Home Depot will have kya has given a lot of money to the the Kurds and Kurdistan.
Jordan (00:53:07.000)
Yeah. Because of all of the because all of that their murder,
Dan (00:53:11.000)
right? And that's, I think what Alex is drawing, I will say it's actually kind of smart of him to like do a countersuit because as I said, if he's going in for this defamation lawsuit, he can't introduce all this crazy shit. It's outside the scope of the that totally
Jordan (00:53:27.000)
well, so he has to pull out of his counter suit in order to muddy muddy that down with the Hey guys,
Dan (00:53:33.000)
Turkey Soros? Yeah, all this shit. Yeah, absolutely. He could introduce that in a different case. Right? Not in the the one that's being brought against him. So that's like I said, it's coming. Yes. Yeah, well, it because he's gonna lose that case, too.
Jordan (00:53:46.000)
But Oh, of course. But if he gets that, doesn't his lawyer get to charge him extra money?
Dan (00:53:51.000)
Absolutely. Oh, yeah. So the next question and this
Jordan (00:53:54.000)
How bad do you want to be Alex Jones as a lawyer right now? Oh, so you don't even have to work because you already know the case is over. Like you write up like you write up a bad book report, basically. And then you're like, hey, judge, Your Honor. Alex over here, watch out for Turkey.
Dan (00:54:14.000)
And but you know, what, if you are that lawyer Fuckit that Alex on the stand if you are that checked out, he was like, who cares?
Jordan (00:54:20.000)
Because that's all Alex really wants to do. Now the Alex wants to be on the stand all the time now. It's gotta be excited. He is He has got his like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Boehner all up in arms.
Dan (00:54:33.000)
He's been preparing for it for like 20 years, basically. I think we're like it. He's so slippery that making predictions about him is very difficult. But it feels like we've entered the third act of this play. Like it really feels like this. We when we started this podcast in January, just four months ago was
Jordan (00:54:54.000)
just four months ago. It did its Trump still president unfortunate happening
Dan (00:54:58.000)
it but when we start It was like, well, he's a hateful dude. And we're just going to document them and make fun of him.
Jordan (00:55:04.000)
Yeah, we got it right on the ground floor this insanity accidentally
Dan (00:55:07.000)
or documenting his decline. Yeah, like this. This is what this podcast is going to turn into is like, this fucking guy is he's done. He's ruining his own career.
Jordan (00:55:17.000)
I would compare this to let's go with. Let's go with Hamlet. Okay, now I assume I haven't finished the play yet. Okay. Does it end? Well, I think I think it ends Okay, does Hamlet like just when it becomes king? And everybody's like, Whoa, check out this hamlet guy. And he's Beloved.
Dan (00:55:38.000)
There's a deus ex machina. Right, right. It's
Jordan (00:55:40.000)
either that or it's the prequel to Beauty and the Beast, right? That's what we're dealing with. We're dealing with one or the other Hamlet
Dan (00:55:46.000)
turns into guest on
Jordan (00:55:48.000)
who? That's rough. That's a that's a, that's a step down.
Dan (00:55:52.000)
Got a good job anyway. Like these. If at this point, it's just like, I understand that that question was about Chobani. And what have you, but he could have just said, Yeah, we're working on that. But you know, what we're here to talk about today is my, you know, children.
Jordan (00:56:11.000)
But that's the opposite. What we're here to talk about today, what Alex Jones will talk about today is any any possible subject that he's not the he lost his trial?
Dan (00:56:23.000)
And yes, to claim that he didn't? Yes, exactly. Anyway, this next question,
Jordan (00:56:30.000)
I wouldn't be shocked if somehow he tries to make it so that in the Chobani lawsuit, they also have to give him custody of
Dan (00:56:39.000)
his kids back. Well, he was saying that they're trying to take my kids away, breathless, aren't doing that. That's not globalists. Yeah, it's the Jews, single Jew, who happens to be his ex wife. Stormfront really full of a lot of really intelligent critiques. Oh, I hate that place. Anyway, this next question is bad. Hope you die, guys, but it's back on topic a little bit. This is a question that comes in and they're trying to ask him what the status of the custody is like, what is the situation between like, you're gonna get to have the kids on weekends? Or, you know, what's the deal? Right. And you'll see how well he sticks to the topic.
Reporter (35) (00:57:19.000)
What is the exact decision of the court regarding?
Alex Jones (00:57:23.000)
Technically, we already had joint custody.
Jordan (00:57:27.000)
So what was the exact my? What was the exact decision of the judge? Alex? The exact decision of the
Dan (00:57:35.000)
judge technically, we already had joint custody? No,
Jordan (00:57:39.000)
no, I'm asking a different question. It's
Dan (00:57:42.000)
also not true. What's the exact right, right? He's not answering the question. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:57:48.000)
ex wife had sought soul and supervised visits. Okay. So that was in the original filing. And so because that happened, I was always just trying to get joint so the courts when we had a divorce in 2005, set we had joint but then the courts came in and said, Sir, some of the issues and facts and went off to a treatment center in Arizona, which came into the trial, no matter the news, never reported it. And other stuff I wanted to get into it was gone for five weeks. And then it just turns into this whole fantasy land with mainstream media. And so the courts and the judges and the social workers and the Guardian lives that she'd triggered that she brought in on me I just said shred and I you know, catch my blood you know, whatever everything there. Yeah, you're great. Come watch me my house while you're really great, God, well, we don't like how you're on the air, but you're really cool guy. 14 different PhDs experts, psychiatrists all upset man doing home studies you name it. You're a really great guy.
Jordan (00:58:52.000)
So you're the one who quotes you as nurses even asking with narcissistic personality disorder get
Alex Jones (00:58:56.000)
a relationship back check here. Let's be 5050 kids need their mother. And then there's a new stories that I am alienating children. Total complete lie, none of the truth.
Dan (00:59:06.000)
So he didn't answer the question at all. He just ranted about what he perceived the past situation since their divorce, which he said was in 2005. And I think the map 2015
Jordan (00:59:18.000)
Yeah, but let's not let's not quibble with him on that. Right. Right. Right. His his understanding of time is suspect at best.
Dan (00:59:25.000)
Well, because if that was the case, then like, he would have had to have those other kids with her after they were divorced or some shit, you know, like as a slip of the tongue. Yeah, that's fair. But
Jordan (00:59:34.000)
he's a time traveler. But
Dan (00:59:36.000)
as we've already documented, he is not willing to give the benefit of the doubt to let's say, Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi when they have a slip of the tongue, right? It's only fair that we're like, Hey, Alex, you fucking think you got divorced in 2005? What a fucking idiot. What planet is he living on? It's the exact same thing he would do to these, these female politician
Jordan (00:59:58.000)
and that is something that I don't think he would be able to answer the question. No, he would definitely dance around and What planet do you live on? Alex? Well, you know, the mainstream media reports that this planet is flat. And I've never said that I know they've been, they've been lying about this, the word global suggests that there is a grounds a circle, right? Certainly. That's how that works. And so the planet that I live on, I blew, I mean, we can go through the entire solar system, like we got the sun, right. And then we got the first one. And then we got Venus, which is a lady. I don't know if you've ever met that. You know, you meet her. And she was in. She was in Rome for a while. And then, and then we got the third one. And then we live on one of them. No, I live on that one. Some
Dan (01:00:41.000)
people call it Earth, I prefer to call it guy. So you might have noticed that he didn't answer that question. No, he didn't. So thankfully, the reporter who's there gives a little rebuttal and wants to try give another shot. And another go. Yeah. So that's, that's our next entry in this q&a session.
Reporter (35) (01:01:01.000)
Where are we at here to join? Or do you have total custody or No, I
Alex Jones (01:01:05.000)
had total custody, but it was under joint. I'm not a lawyer. We had joint but I was the main conservator. Yes. And then now she's joined with where their main house is listed. But it's all up to the judge, who who, by the way, is one of the most thorough judges I've ever seen. Amazing how she keeps everything. I mean, honestly, she's part of that was pretty amazed by how she had a lot of fair rulings. That's cleaning,
Jordan (01:01:27.000)
she kept out a lot of the horrible shit that he said on Infowars that otherwise would have gotten him barred from seeing his kids ever again. And perhaps barred from seeing any of us ever again.
Dan (01:01:38.000)
I think that the judge was correct in this, but what he is referring to is that she refused to let anything play that had any political content, because you didn't want to bias the jury against Of course, so there was a video or for him. Right. Right to Yeah, absolutely. There wasn't I mean, we are still in tech six. That's true. But it's liberal Austin, right, occupied Texas. There was a video that the ex wife tried to enter into evidence. And there's a video of him and his son throwing darts at Hillary Clinton's face on a dartboard. Yes. And she was trying to demonstrate this as like bad parenting. And I tend to agree with that. But she didn't allow that video to be played. Because if someone was a Hillary supporter, they would unfavorably bias them against it. And if you were anti Hillary, it would bias you in favor. Right? So I think that's right. But that's what he's saying. Also, like a lot of these other videos, where he's drunk and shit like that. They didn't she didn't let them play really, or at least not the extent of them that we might think is relevant. Right? So sure, that's what he's trying to say. But again, not answering the question. You're going to not answer it for another minute.
Alex Jones (01:02:51.000)
On top of things, and you become a custodial parent, basically, until she rules in the next few months on what this jury did. She is still exactly like the custodial parent. So all this is is the jury told folks, they wish it was like a third or fourth choice. They just wanted to give mom some more time I totally reasonable they put in by the social workers and the PhDs that she called, yeah, we
Jordan (01:03:19.000)
want to pat robertson to have custody of the children.
Alex Jones (01:03:23.000)
And then the reason there were like 34 of them and she would get rid of each group of them, because they wouldn't say what she wanted. And then she would get a new group they go okay, here's the new gripper I don't like this judge doesn't say okay, I'm stepping down new judge. Next judge, look at the information do the exact same thing. That's no joke was over and over again, the same story and look, I care about my ex wife. You know, mental illness is very, very serious thing, when it's the type of situations she's been diagnosed with. And like, none of us are perfect.
Jordan (01:03:49.000)
You find them wrong about
Alex Jones (01:03:51.000)
my children. They're not about
Jordan (01:03:53.000)
us there are so aggressive, or how the little girl
Alex Jones (01:03:58.000)
what I stand for, it's like I saw Stephen Colbert, like two months ago, play this clip off YouTube, tiny little clip, they had a Trump down.
Dan (01:04:05.000)
I can probably recite what he's about to say verbatim. Okay, that was a clip of me. And you know, it had me saying I'm anti gay, and they took out the knot. I'm not anti gay, they're probably gonna cut me out saying this here. He says that every single time that this cool bear thing was brought up. Yep, he hits the I'm not anti gay, they cut out not says I'm anti gay. And then he sort of gets retrospective, introspective, whatever. And he says, they're going to cut out me saying, I'm anti gay. Yeah,
Jordan (01:04:36.000)
yeah, they're gonna do it again. It's just a bit more. Yeah.
Dan (01:04:40.000)
It's like Adam Carolla ranting about the left turn signals, right shit like that. So yeah, I mean, come on. You're just doing you're doing bad material here, Alex.
Jordan (01:04:50.000)
Poor bastard.
Dan (01:04:51.000)
No one cares. He's
Jordan (01:04:52.000)
got to write a new five.
Dan (01:04:53.000)
Also, that doesn't answer anything. You answered at the beginning right answer, but he's lying. Right. Gajewski keeps asking so she's the main conservator. Yes. Basically, technically, our judge is gonna say some shit. Yeah. So he's doing everything. Tonight, the ruling right
Jordan (01:05:13.000)
now, here's my, here's my question. And maybe this is maybe this is beyond what we have any access to. He's acting like this as a loss.
Jordan (01:05:23.000)
No, not really.
Jordan (01:05:26.000)
I mean, in his way, wherein he's doing everything possible to avoid talking about it. Oh, I
Dan (01:05:31.000)
get it. I get what you mean, he's acting like it's a loss because he's acting like it's not exact. And then Alex Jones world. It's the inverse of reality, right? Like, he's probably going to come out and say, it's great that Trump said he's a globalist. Yeah, it's
Jordan (01:05:44.000)
where we live in it's opposite day, every day for him. Yeah. Does he put is this actually a loss for him? No, probably not. Like, does he actually, like,
Dan (01:05:54.000)
I don't want to think it's a big win.
Jordan (01:05:56.000)
I don't want to seem like I understand somebody with narcissistic personality disorder. But I don't think he actually cares. It
Dan (01:06:05.000)
doesn't seem like it from his words here. Right. And that could be partially like he might be in denial, if it's possible that he really does care. But he really actually believes that the the verdict wasn't against him or something. Right, right. could believe that that could possibly justify all this, based on what we know of him and the exploration we've done over the last months, I think it's far more likely that his effect is being really flat about the kids. And him skipping off into anti globalist topics, all the way through this video. Oh, it indicates to me that you're right. I don't think he cares that much. And now he's going to save money on nannies. Right? He's going to have a narrative that they took my children away. Right. And he has way less responsibilities.
Jordan (01:06:50.000)
Other Other possibility. Maybe only now that he can't see his kids whenever he wants to Will he actually cares?
Dan (01:07:00.000)
I don't know what should go
Jordan (01:07:02.000)
till it's not because he's not because of that. It's gonna be his bumper music. I bet I bet it is. That would not surprise me at all.
Dan (01:07:11.000)
Or Tears in Heaven or something. Anyway, sorry.
Jordan (01:07:16.000)
No, now that now that he can't see his kids. Now, it seems like is the time where he would fight even harder to get that
Dan (01:07:23.000)
I think he would fight even harder in the court of public opinion. But I don't think he would pray like court. Yeah. Because again, as we discussed earlier, he can't win in court, generally, right can only win and propaganda. So he will act like he's really trying hard to get his kids back. I'm fighting because I love my family. All this stuff, when in reality, he's not doing shit.
Jordan (01:07:44.000)
But again, if you're his lawyer, god dammit. God dammit, if you don't tell him no, I think we can keep this guy. Oh, yeah, let's appeal. Let's appeal.
Dan (01:07:52.000)
Let's get this one. A Gorsuch was on the Supreme Court. Let's take it all the
Jordan (01:07:54.000)
way. Lovely. Yeah.
Dan (01:07:56.000)
Can you take a custody, Supreme Court set precedent that if you're a propagandist,
Jordan (01:08:02.000)
your Alex Jones, it's fine.
Dan (01:08:04.000)
So there's one more question this block of q&a. And this person is trying to ask how often he will get his kids? Very good question. It's very relevant to the matter at hand. Yeah, that's a good question.
Reporter (35) (01:08:17.000)
How often how does that boil down? That's up to the judge. The kids reside with the mother at this point. No, no, no, there would make it with you. Yes. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:08:30.000)
It's up to the judge. You know, what the timeline is for the judge? But that's the thing. No, no, I mean, month, probably. But the point is, is that this judge that's all confirmed by the judge.
Reporter (35) (01:08:41.000)
So for now, until that decision happens, you have the kids and that's it.
Alex Jones (01:08:46.000)
Well, she sees him a couple times a week and overnights and all that stuff. Working out. It's, I mean, it's just a horse stuff. And, you know, people sit there and make fun of what I cover and what I do and say, Oh, Alex shows me lizard attorney, viewers, fishes outlier than everything I do. It's covered. Because they know the truth. We have up to 80 million viewers a week always about 45 million. That's big. That's double the size of Rush Limbaugh. That's bigger than most Fox News shows throughout a whole week.
Dan (01:09:14.000)
What does this have to do with your kids?
Alex Jones (01:09:16.000)
demonization? That's why there's so many attacks. That's why there's so many misrepresentation I guess that's why it's that's what the media is, but it's a complex to complex. And I would just, you know, ask folks to just wait and see what the ruling of the judge complex issues
Jordan (01:09:29.000)
so you know, you're gonna get down into it, you're gonna get nitty gritty details of the whole thing. Well, he's,
Alex Jones (01:09:37.000)
he's, you know, his regulating and stuff like that, and I get people are scared of Donald Trump. Like fun to them kind of pick some low hanging fruit, like myself and kind of make that the pit. Yatta you know,
Jordan (01:09:49.000)
that's the devil low hanging fruit with 45 million listeners. Hello, hey,
Alex Jones (01:09:54.000)
I'm critical of both political parties. That's really another manufactured mainstream media thing that we're I mean, I'm very very happy about Trump on some issues like trying to get our jobs back to America. I think it's terrible that Trump is talking about indicting Assange who he said, if you got more stuff, give it to me. You know, Trump said, If you've got more WikiLeaks Give it to me WikiLeaks. I mean, that's totally wrong. We can pick up on.
Dan (01:10:19.000)
Also, he didn't say that to Assange. He said that to Russia, yeah, Donald Trump, and live TV. So I asked Russia to provide those emails, not Julian Assange, which means that either Alex is stupid and doesn't know the difference, or because he's friends with Roger Stone, he does know that WikiLeaks is a frogging for Russia. Yeah. So it's one of those two things, either you're stupid, or you have access to information that we all very clearly suspect. Yeah. And you you just
Jordan (01:10:52.000)
that is all but 100% proven at this point.
Dan (01:10:55.000)
Then you just let slip on in this. I think he I think that it's possible. He was that was a slip saying Julian Assange instead of Russia when he's talking about Trump asking for the emails.
Jordan (01:11:07.000)
Um, yeah. Well, he got Well, I mean, all of this is nonsensical, and magical thinking. So who knows what is or is not a slip or what is or is not something that he believes?
Dan (01:11:18.000)
Who knows what nonsense lies in the throats of a man?
Jordan (01:11:22.000)
I don't know. That was very poetic. Thank
Dan (01:11:23.000)
you. So this next Shakespeare this next clip is real poetic as well. Alex Jones, declares himself a libertarian. Good, and then things go south. That's not good. You're gonna see what he brings up as sort of evidence of his libertarian credentials. Right? And you're gonna love and
Jordan (01:11:45.000)
that would be his custody. No, no, no, we're gone.
Dan (01:11:49.000)
Nope. That's it has nothing to do with this. All right.
Alex Jones (01:11:52.000)
Do I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I'm a libertarian. Let's take human animal cameras. Yes, jokes all over TV saying Jones thanks for crossing humans with pigs and cows. Will 20 years ago, they were crossing humans and animals and growing them in utero for body parts. That's mainstream your scientific journals.
Jordan (01:12:08.000)
That's what it was about. Everybody knows. Human animal guy. This is reported.
Alex Jones (01:12:16.000)
But still, people are pre connections to make the joke that it doesn't exist. Like Harvard say fluoride lowers your IQ after just two years on 1.6 parts per million. By by at least 10 points. Well, points. 15 points 100 million. It's all just funny, because people are followers, and it makes them feel powerful to just laugh at them here. Let's talk to this camera guy right here. Because when I was talking about human animal cameras, he was laughing Do you not believe human animal comedy or exist? Couldn't say one way or another could say one way or another? Smart thing like Nike ad for spider goats all of it. Oh, look, spider goats. Do you have any idea how dangerous all these human animal calm ears are? Do you have any ideas for viruses and the mutations that is creating that are cancers way up? Allergies are way up. This will affect your kids. Man. This isn't funny. I've had top scientists thought about this. I mean, 20 years ago, they had rhesus monkeys you could buy in Hong Kong, you know bazaars that glow in the dark that are part jellyfish. Think that's funny. They have horrible lives. It's incredibly painful for him. Kobe will probably play that because monkeys in his medical experiments is funny. It's funny that I'm upset about that. It's funny. It's something good to laugh at. It's fun to be ignorant and just be a trendy. It's fun to laugh at our show. It's fun.
Dan (01:13:35.000)
It is very fun. Fun, dude, you gotta prove these things. Like you can't it just doesn't work to just say I mean, look, spider goats is a real thing. Yeah, they do have that like spider silk whatever that is introduced genetically and starts to create well,
Jordan (01:13:54.000)
and they have they have combined jellyfish DNA to get glowing shit or glowing
Dan (01:14:01.000)
tobacco. There's the those tobacco plants that can glow and stuff like that. It's pretty interesting in a lot of ways. But when you're trying to bridge that into fish people who have terrified human faces and stuff like that, you got to do your work. You got to prove it. You can't just have an unnamed source type scientists that top science that told you about this. It's not that doesn't fly. That's why people make fun of you. Because this shit is not real. And your clown. And why are you talking about this?
Jordan (01:14:33.000)
Why? Why are we talking about chimera is right
Dan (01:14:36.000)
now because he's a libertarian.
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
Oh, well, then yeah, I retract my question. Doesn't that track perfect fit perfectly. Makes sense. I'm a libertarian. I'm a libertarian. Take human animal hybrids.
Dan (01:14:51.000)
I didn't cut anything out that like makes that make sense. It's just I'm a libertarian. Oh, that reminds me I meant to talk about Chimera. I started to realize that's
Jordan (01:15:00.000)
the updated Catskills. Take my fish people, please.
Dan (01:15:06.000)
I'm starting to realize that I think he probably talks about chimera is way more than I realized he's talking about chimera is an awful lot. Well, we
Dan (01:15:14.000)
got that clip from February 1 2016. You got this.
Dan (01:15:18.000)
These cameras many times.
Dan (01:15:21.000)
Yeah. So
Jordan (01:15:23.000)
why is he so concerned about
Dan (01:15:24.000)
cameras? Well, there is one actually
Jordan (01:15:26.000)
interested not Americana.
Dan (01:15:28.000)
No. But there's one interesting thing that I kind of think. I mean, I don't, I don't believe that what he's saying is happening. But if it were happening, one thing that is like, what he brings up is the idea of different diseases being introduced through that, like, we could get, like, animal diseases that we could then become susceptible to, or we could just create diseases out of whole cloth. I'm not even sure if that's possible. But be that as it may, the idea that like we could suffer some medical loss because of it. All right. I'm listening to that. You got to prove that shits going on first.
Jordan (01:16:06.000)
Yeah, but you know, that seems like an endlessly complicated thing. When we already have weaponized smallpox. That's a fair point. Like why why bother? Hey, we need to get chimera so we can get diseases. Couldn't you just regular disease? Well, let me be clear, I think that that do you think it's going to be accidental? Like, man shouldn't play god diseases that he's talking about?
Dan (01:16:27.000)
Yes, that's, that's I think, boy. It's not like trying to develop diseases. Right. But you're right. There's way more things we need to be worried about.
Jordan (01:16:34.000)
Yeah. Yeah. Not even if even if chimera is our real, which, that'd be kind of cool. I'm in on it. I'm all in on science. Like I don't give a shit. Sure. Let's find out. Yeah, like they were all what's the ethics of cloning? Fuck it. Let's clone shit. I don't know. We'll figure it out later. I don't know shit.
Dan (01:16:52.000)
Yeah, you can't really know if something's really wrong until you do.
Jordan (01:16:55.000)
Exactly. Look. I know. We shouldn't test cosmetics on animals. Sure, because that's a bummer. Very much. So I saw a movie about it one time. Yep. That makes sense. Sure. But I've never seen a human animal hybrid before. How do I know it's bad? Memories? Why don't we test cosmetics on them? Why not?
Dan (01:17:14.000)
They don't have rights. Exactly. You know what, here's the thing. I as you were going off on that I started to realize what it is that makes Alex Jones very awful in court. And then it's because there's a burden of proof. And he can't prove things. So like, in the case of this fish, people with terrified human faces. If you were to try and make that claim in court, he can't prove it. So he's fucked. Yeah, on the street. He doesn't need to prove it. He just needs to assert things. I hate him. Anyway.
Jordan (01:17:44.000)
So very matter of fact, in this next
Dan (01:17:46.000)
clip, first of all, they get told they need to move. I cut that part out because they get told they need to move. It's just the milling around and it goes on for like two minutes. It's just some just some
Jordan (01:17:57.000)
dude, just some like, they live blocks out and he's like, Hey, come on, guys.
Jordan (01:18:01.000)
Well, you're not even that he's just like, hey, we need to get a 1940 stick ball game that needs to be played out here on the street.
Dan (01:18:07.000)
He's like, we just need to have room so people can get through that's all just like we're not trying to kick you out. Just make room. And so they they shuffle about and then Alex, as they come back as they reconvene, Alex gets his lawyer to come over and say a few OH FUCK YES. Which is not advised.
Alex Jones (01:18:25.000)
Randall will on my great lawyers name with a family law book here in Texas. I've never seen a Toronto like Texas 30 Some years ready to get over and talk with folks about the whole State of the Union right now.
Dan (01:18:36.000)
I want to also give State of the Union the family union oh, I want to give a little bit of also a warning. Randall Wilhite has awful mic technique. So this is very low. It's it's very low, I might have to boost the audio
Randall Wilhite (01:18:57.000)
battle together. Fight for his children. Got a little more nude for the opportunity to Mr. Johnson said it all so far. And that's all I want to say. Gotta keep it broad in general. Absolutely.
Jordan (01:19:17.000)
So so when I when I heard him give was a boilerplate lawyer response of like, we're gonna continue to fight for his kids. We're
Dan (01:19:25.000)
fighting for the kid. We were gonna do the things. They won't keep an eye on it.
Jordan (01:19:29.000)
We're gonna give very general broad results. And I think Alex has said it all already. Yeah. And that was it. That was that slipped out of the back of his mind. Like, I think Alex is too fucking much already. But he said it all.
Dan (01:19:41.000)
Yeah. And then he goes on to say a little bit more. I think. I think this is one of the first indications that this dude might not be a very great lawyer.
Alex Jones (01:19:51.000)
And Texas is the only state that has juries for family law.
Randall Wilhite (01:19:54.000)
Texas is the only state in the United States as far as I know, and I think I got it that allows juries to decide issues of child custody.
Dan (01:20:02.000)
Did you catch that? Yes. You said that Texas is the only state, as far as I know. Yeah. You should know. Seems pretty important. He His specialty is family law,
Jordan (01:20:12.000)
although all he does is practice family law in Texas. But who cares?
Dan (01:20:17.000)
You should know, the State of the Union as it were,
Jordan (01:20:21.000)
he should he should also really know more about this, because he's not going to be in demand in Texas for
Dan (01:20:28.000)
I mean, this is bad for you. Yeah, this, maybe that's why he doesn't want to say much. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be part of that at all. Don't put my business on the street, Alex, I just lost your fucking case. Ship. So
Jordan (01:20:39.000)
I am still charging you by the word. Now, I am not charging you by the hour, it is by the word.
Dan (01:20:46.000)
So this next part, we're going to get into another chunk of q&a. He loses control again. And one of the people asks, How are his kids doing?
Jordan (01:20:55.000)
Oh, that's a bad question.
Dan (01:20:57.000)
That's a great question, theoretically,
Jordan (01:20:58.000)
right? Well, we're living in this world. So I already I can already guess that this is not gonna go great.
Dan (01:21:03.000)
Well, we'll see if he actually even answers. Or if he's going to end up talking about the destruction of the United States.
Alex Jones (01:21:11.000)
I showed it to him pretty good. They're just read the newspaper. And they say that's not true dad, or you didn't do that dad. And you know, there was so much going on in this trial, where the media would sit there and either get wrong was being shattered and evidentiary meaning or something would be thrown out. There was a lot of stuff where there wasn't supposed to be evidence that came in, and then magically, it's still played. And then it was edited. It was just, you know, that's what happens when you're changing the world. That's what happens when the old decaying system is upset by people who don't have all the answers, but just aren't going along with it anymore. And so, when our country was founded,
Dan (01:21:44.000)
yes, we all remember when John Quincy Adams had his kids taken away, right? The founding of the United Oh, absolutely
Jordan (01:21:51.000)
love that when you're trying to change the world. They take your kids away. Right? Absolutely. That's what happened to Martin Luther King, Jr. What happened to Malcolm X?
Dan (01:22:01.000)
Yeah, you know, that's why they call them the the founding alienated fathers. Yeah, exactly. The Founding Fathers who have, like, the founding
Jordan (01:22:11.000)
Dan (01:22:14.000)
Exactly. Absurd statement, let's so like, that's what happens when you try and be cool. When
Jordan (01:22:20.000)
you try and change the world, people are going to take your kids, right?
Dan (01:22:24.000)
Not at all your own actions to blame for this definitely not.
Alex Jones (01:22:30.000)
In places like North Korea and Venezuela, they don't have change. They live in stagnant control, provide follows orders, everybody should come here and pitch a complaint about a little bit of freedom that's left and complain about the American system, a free market. And that, of course, is until that system collapses. And then we you know, we realize that we wish we wouldn't killed America, but the globalist want to kill competition. They want to consolidate control. Yep. And so again, I'm just here to tell everybody that Infowars is growing. And I want to thank all the listeners, for their prayers. But I just wanted to come over here and have a press conference with you guys, and clarify where everything is, where everything stands, and just realize that much of much of what has happened to keep saying, you know, the trial, lawyers would just say, he throws away the toys, and he does this, but I've never be a witness on the stand saying, I was ready to hear and he crucified Christ. And he sunk the Lusitania and the Titanic. And he shot Lincoln, you know, at the Ford theater. And, you know, Alex Jones Rob Fort Knox. Yeah, but who's poisoned George Washington. You know, Alex Jones did this all shows is that, but the great news is, mainstream media is so discredited. That the more that is the great listeners and so great news. Yes. So it's good to you. It's quite a paradox. But in little, you know, nested areas of followers, like here in Austin, Texas, you know, it's pretty clear that the government worship, let me tell you, the government loving corporate worship system, the fake liberal system still has, still has its tentacles, you know, growing and doing well. And so we hope to try to revive some of the people, just like North Koreans are gonna call our people in Venezuela. We're gonna call people in Cuba to call, you know, we're just here,
Randall Wilhite (01:24:16.000)
ramping your listeners
Alex Jones (01:24:21.000)
out of the control paradigm they're in. But regardless, it doesn't matter. We're just glad to be trailblazers and be free. And we're just really, really glad that great that the American people are taking the white cup. So thanks for coming out tonight. So kids on the weekend. You guys start this?
Dan (01:24:37.000)
He ends that with? I look forward to hearing how you distort this. Yeah. But like the thing that's so fucked up.
Jordan (01:24:43.000)
What could you possibly do to distort that?
Dan (01:24:46.000)
I don't know. Play it in context. Yeah. I mean, that's terrible.
Jordan (01:24:50.000)
There's nothing there's nothing there to distort.
Dan (01:24:53.000)
That's why I love that AP piece that came out. That was just the unedited transcript of the interview with Trump perfect because it's Like, it's so much worse than than writing an article. Yeah.
Jordan (01:25:02.000)
What else is there to say?
Dan (01:25:03.000)
It's terrifying? Yeah.
Jordan (01:25:05.000)
He's an idiot.
Dan (01:25:06.000)
I wrote the best best ratings since 911.
Jordan (01:25:09.000)
He's an idiot. He's a moron with clearly degenerative mental illness.
Dan (01:25:14.000)
Yeah. So also, this thing is super awesome. Because Alex, as we go along, we just see these trends and these behaviors that he does. And it this is adolescent behavior is the one he's like, you know, they said all this stuff. And I'm surprised they didn't say that I killed the President and I rob Fort Knox. It's the exact same thing he did when he was like, the Chobani thing where he's like, all right, Muslims have never heard anybody ever. They've never shot anybody. Yeah, it's all you're doing is you know that the argument against you is bad, and you can't engage with it. So you just try and overblow it and pretend like that's what the person actually is saying. Right? And they're not and you're in trouble. Very much in trouble. You're in trouble. So yeah, that is awesome. That guy walking by and we love you, man. We'll be whip them out Wednesday. Some shit. So we got a couple more clips left. And we're going to have the introduction of a new character. Oh, there is an rainbow snatch. No, this is not an intentional character. Okay, there is here
Jordan (01:26:28.000)
is here's my pitch. Okay for Alex's next character All right. Has rainbow snatch or whatever face Millie Weaver? Yeah, as Millie Weaver dress up like his daughter and then live with him.
Dan (01:26:41.000)
That's it. I think he would be into that. I think he would be super into that. It'd be like a Matchstick Men situation. So um, no, that is not the character. It is a drunk homeless man.
Jordan (01:26:53.000)
Oh, fuck, yes. So a drunk homeless man just wanders. Yep.
Dan (01:26:58.000)
Into the press conference. Wait, what? Yep. And he says he successfully asked a question. He doesn't he does become Alex Jones is hype man. No.
Jordan (01:27:10.000)
Thank you, Jesus.
Dan (01:27:11.000)
Alex is so bad at keeping control of the situation that he's just like, Haha, yeah, this guy. So awesome. It's so crazy. I want to pull up this because he they the only coverage on of this whole thing was an article about this homeless man. But it's not like an in depth article or anything like that. I'm gonna pull it up here because I want to I want to quote it appropriately. Alright, so the headline is transient man trolls media attacking Alex Jones. That is their take. That's their take
Dan (01:27:48.000)
on that. Yes. As if
Jordan (01:27:49.000)
it's as if the homeless man is like, look,
Dan (01:27:53.000)
and you can see that that's the guy. He's shirtless. Oh, boy. appears to be probably a rough life, I would assume. Yeah.
Jordan (01:28:02.000)
And so their idea is that he saw the media, they're going like, oh, it's time for somebody to troll that false. I gotta tell ya exactly has no idea who all homeless people listen to listen to Infowars that's just a
Dan (01:28:17.000)
true fact. The only connection that this guy and Alex Jones have is that I think he probably believes there are fish people. That's my only that's the only connection I think they could have. Anyway, I'm not sure if
Jordan (01:28:29.000)
he gets the more we talk about it, the more I believe there are fish people though. So that doesn't really count. I'm
Dan (01:28:34.000)
not sure if he comes in, in this next clip or the one after it. But I wanted to introduce him as as a as a as a force in the in the story. This next clip is just about like a really, it's just abusing the press some more, and he's just telling them they suck and that they're fake.
Alex Jones (01:28:53.000)
You know, again, that was all out of context. Now saying that wasn't a good thing. So that turned into that I said that and I said it was a good thing. It's all part of the deception. And I get it. You guys should try. You're in being fiction writers. And you know, write your fiction. Because the BS you write in the newspapers, you make a lot more money in fiction, writing fiction stories. It's what I'm telling you. That's what the corporate media brands means fake. Or as an actor. I never said that. I never did that. But they placed the manacle games give it 90% serious news and 10% satire and comedy and he get around the show playing the part of a British that doesn't mean it doesn't mean you're not just playing some magical games with your audience.
Dan (01:29:38.000)
That's exactly what you're doing. But also I this is fucking atrocious because he's made this exact statement. 30 million
Jordan (01:29:46.000)
odd times now. It's no 10 times 15 times 20 times.
Dan (01:29:52.000)
I know. He said we weren't going to talk about it anymore. But I left it in here for a specific reason. Okay, because it leads down a path that he doesn't want to go down. Okay, and the reporters start actually asking him some questions and it falls apart a little Oh, no good. But he introducing this idea of like, I use satire and I play characters, blah, blah, blah, that thing is actually important here.
Alex Jones (01:30:13.000)
And it's got to be sad to only have an audience of people who were basically sleep translate states, in mainstream TV viewers are admittedly lower IQ, lower income near TransTech. And so I'm not talking
Jordan (01:30:26.000)
a nice little laugh, that
Alex Jones (01:30:28.000)
are awake. Alright, guys, we appreciate you coming out. I want to see the fiction. The fiction, you guys come up with how you twist this
Dan (01:30:36.000)
is the second time he's tried to Yeah, he's trying to bounce he's trying to get out. And you'll see that this is not the last time he tries to end up
Alex Jones (01:30:43.000)
very entertaining. All the big shows all the big comedy shows all the big nightly shows. Let's keep it going. Just keep reporting on how we're changing the world. You've got to report on us and distort the truth turned upside down. Even though you turn upside down. People know it's powerful, because they're still the image of truth there even though it's upside down. So we'll continue being like people changing history will be the people that actually forced the serious issues onto the table, and will continue to get ridiculed is all Trailblazers are, so we love you. And someday we'll be out of your combos, mainstream media. God bless you. And thank you so much.
Dan (01:31:19.000)
So there you hear a female voice there right at the end. Right. And that leads to this next question. But it is important to point out that he is just lambasted these people as being awful. And hey, you know, you don't realize it. But the only reason you hate us is because we're trailblazers. Right?
Jordan (01:31:38.000)
And you guys only have an audience of sleep. Dum
Dan (01:31:43.000)
Dum Dums. Yeah. I have an innovative We're making history blubbery. This next question, it speaks to the use of satire. And in case it's not fully clear what the lady is asking is, this is a serious situation like a lot of the stuff that you're you're, why are you using satire? That when things are so serious, basically,
Reporter (35) (01:32:06.000)
satire if it's such a serious matter?
Alex Jones (01:32:09.000)
That's what I'm curious about satire. I'm very obviously.
Alex Jones (01:32:23.000)
Trying to catch Trump goblins. He'll be headlines like Jones believes Trump Is Having I saw headlines like, Jones is obsessed with Trump having sexual goblins.
Dan (01:32:34.000)
No one wrote that headline, but what he's talking about, right, that headline, whenever he started putting Goldman Sachs people in, he was meant he tried to make the argument that like, he needs goblin guides, right? You know, he's like, if he's going to get through the goblin territory, right, he needs to use locals as it were. But if I catch you if I catch him fucking a goblin. And that's going to be a problem. Gotcha. And that's what his metaphor was. And no one wrote an article that thought that there were literal goblins. Nope. And yeah, so that's why people are laughing at him trying to use that as an example. And that guy asking him that question. Ah, that's trolling.
Jordan (01:33:12.000)
That was trolling.
Dan (01:33:13.000)
what Alex is doing is not trolling, not guy asking did your wife catch you fucking a goblin?
Jordan (01:33:19.000)
That's a good bit. That's a good little bit. It's like a quick door to make a man. Now we have introduced our new hero. This is
Dan (01:33:30.000)
the transient man who is also not trolling. You'll see where this goes. Ah
Reporter (35) (01:33:40.000)
subject matter is so large, even goblins nests. Why mix it with satire?
Alex Jones (01:33:47.000)
Fishing goblins, goblins vomit
Reporter (35) (01:33:55.000)
my next why next, the satire
Jordan (01:33:57.000)
Michael Baron means. So this is who is that dude,
Dan (01:34:03.000)
there was another person in the crowd. But this is fully off the rails. Yeah, there
Jordan (01:34:08.000)
is this is just a group chat. Now,
Dan (01:34:10.000)
if you're watching the video, the homeless guy is just hanging out. I'm Alex and sort of like, but this question is kind of stupid. I have to say, Yeah,
Jordan (01:34:19.000)
this is a very dumb question. Of course you do that just because it gets fucking boring really?
Dan (01:34:25.000)
Well, yeah. And the idea that satire can't be serious is not appropriate. Like or at least it's a dumb question. But the the question better formed a better forum version. The question is, you're really bad at satire. So why are you doing that? That's not a question. No, no, what he
Jordan (01:34:43.000)
said is, you're really bad at satire.
Dan (01:34:45.000)
If you're so sad at satire, why would you use it in such a serious situation? You're going to have people misunderstand you, right? And all that sort of shit. That would be a better formed version of the question. It's not asked. But again, it is important because what it leads to? Yes, here we go. homeless guy still in play Excellent.
Alex Jones (01:35:05.000)
People I was talking about that I like to have fun it's gallows humor is that if five 10% of the time I say, hey, let's have a comedy piece. And I dressed up like more from the old Star Trek episode of the movie. He goes, Look, he thinks he's a giant loser. And I go, I'm acting and they go, Oh, my God, you're an actor. You're deceived by your viewers. Everybody knows. That's bull that's having fun. I mean, Obama and Bush had like jokes at the White House. Or whatever. And they're serious all the other time. So I'm not allowed to joke when I'm joking. Around here, hey.
Jordan (01:35:41.000)
Yeah, this is not my favorite thing.
Dan (01:35:43.000)
It's worth it. Just like it took like, half an hour of the press conference to get to this, but now we're
Jordan (01:35:50.000)
now it's now it's a fucking Oh, so yeah,
Dan (01:35:53.000)
every time you heard that? Sure. Did. Yeah, they do. Oh, yeah. They joke.
Jordan (01:35:59.000)
That's that's the homeless? Hey, you're allowed to joke. Yeah, come on, or I'm
Dan (01:36:03.000)
sorry, the transient guy has a home or not. But yeah, so he tries to end the press conference again, there. And here is why that satire question was important. Because there's a follow up that the person makes Ooh, asking specific things like was this satire?
Jordan (01:36:20.000)
Oh, no, that is not where Alex wanted that to go? No, no, no, then he has to cop to believing this or not believing
Dan (01:36:27.000)
that and neither answer is good. Nope. So the first one, so
Jordan (01:36:31.000)
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he does not answer that at all,
Dan (01:36:35.000)
he should have just left but what he should have said, was less than nothing. The first one is regarding Alex Jones, his claims that he's made in the past that Obama's children might not be His children. Yes, that sort of thing. Here we go.
Alex Jones (01:36:49.000)
Again, I'm looking forward to all your fiction, his children were really his own. You know, that was a joke. That was a joke. I was sitting there with a tournament show on air. And then here's an example. Here's an example. Give me go back to who was the lady that was Joan Rivers, Joan Rivers, jokes, and says, everybody knows that Obama's wives to training. And a couple of weeks later, she dies, you know that in that medical experience she was going through. And then I said, Look, Joan Rivers said she's a training, and then she's dead. The media then said, I said, that Mr. Obama was pushing. Exactly. Do you worry that your readers take you seriously? Are you listening to it was clearly a joke, and we're laughing about it. Let me explain. Again, this is a fact. This is a fact. This is a fact. This is a fact. What happened? That's right. It's gonna be good. We got the new Colbert guys around here. But you know, the name of the character. How about that? No, but I just reported on Joan Rivers said the media then said that I said it. I reported on Joan Rivers saying that Michelle Obama was a trainee, and everybody knows she's not a trainee. Everybody knows she's a Loch Ness Monster, or you
Dan (01:38:04.000)
don't use that language, Alex. That's stupid and bigoted. But also, I mean disrespectful, let's say instead of bigoted, but he's lying. 100% easy. It's very easy to find clips of him reporting on Michelle Obama being a secretly a man. We've gone over it in the past. We've played these clips on the show. That's true. The calls are Michael Obama, sometimes yes. And I mean, if he wants to say it's joking, fine, but that means that the way he jokes is by giving serious sounding news reports and if that's his argument, that's worse than him just being like we got that one wrong. It's way worse.
Jordan (01:38:42.000)
Yeah, cuz that opens up. Literally everything he's ever said as a joke.
Dan (01:38:47.000)
If you watch the coverage of the God
Jordan (01:38:50.000)
now all I want is that transient gentleman to be right next to him during every Infowars show. Yeah, that why? Why? That's your news story right there. Infowars Infowars hires hype man, that,
Dan (01:39:07.000)
that would be perfect. That would be amazing. If you guys want to hear a full breakdown of that, where we play the clips and everything. It's on our February 24 episode of 2017. We play the clips of him absolutely not joking. About Michelle Obama. You're busted on that one, Alex, and it's pretty wack.
Jordan (01:39:29.000)
Somebody's at the door. We want to pretend I'm not
Jordan (01:39:31.000)
here. You're not there.
Dan (01:39:32.000)
I gotta go. I'm gonna hide in the closet. God damn. Alright. Whoo. There. You bust. Oh, no. I like to add a little more depth to the scene.
Jordan (01:39:42.000)
You know, I like it. I was trying to Yes, Angie. So at the
Dan (01:39:45.000)
end of that last clip, there was another voice that chimed in. That was like, was Sandy Hook satire? Yeah,
Jordan (01:39:52.000)
there it is. So
Dan (01:39:53.000)
now here's the big question. Now the question is going to be asked again and Alex is going to lie about what he did with Sandy Hook. Okay. then
Alex Jones (01:40:06.000)
I think we should investigate everything because the government stage so much stuff, then they lie and say that I said whole thing was totally fake. And I was playing devil's advocate in a debate. Maybe the whole thing is real. Maybe the whole thing is fake. They were using blue screens. Why won't the media I know that's the anointed thing your editors tell you to go out. And like, well, that's what the media is talking about. You're just Sandy Hook, they asked about Sandy Hook. So it's not bad to question him. Anyways, you guys have fun? On the air? I thought you know what?
Reporter (35) (01:40:36.000)
I don't know. You made a call with me about what it wasn't that?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:43.000)
You don't remember? No,
Alex Jones (01:40:44.000)
I don't know, I clarified on the Pizzagate plan, because I didn't create that. And the media was saying I did. And I reported on some things, just talked about some reports in the news that weren't totally accurate. So I said, I didn't create that story. And on the media saying, I'm the creator of it. Then I clarified what was going on. I said, I'm sorry, to hurt anybody, because I have to have credibility.
Dan (01:41:09.000)
Get the fuck out the way that's complete bullshit. You're lying. Alex, you're lying about what you said about Sandy Hook. You were not playing devil's advocate. You literally said that. There were no children killed. It was all actors. False Flag completely synthetic event. So fuck you. You're gonna listen to our entire episode about that. Yeah, we did spend quite a bit of time on it. Yep. So that one is completely that Swiss cheese right there. And then you're even lying further about what you did in the in the situation with pizza gate. I mean, you lie and say that you didn't claim that there was sex abuse going on at Comet Ping Pong, which there are videos that you deleted from the internet, but people still have
Jordan (01:41:48.000)
that internet. Turns out it's really hard to scrub something.
Dan (01:41:51.000)
So you're lying about that. And then you're even lying about what your apology was your coward is trying to dodge a lawsuit and
Jordan (01:41:58.000)
fuck you. It's it's pretty sad. Like this is actually very, very sad. If it weren't for the if it weren't for the transient gentleman wandering in and joy into my life and yours. Yep, that would be a bummer. It would also
Dan (01:42:10.000)
be a massive bummer if he didn't deserve it. Right? If he was a decent person, right would be horrifying. thetic though,
Jordan (01:42:17.000)
like this is just really, this is just him struggling so hard to get out of all of these traps that he's locked himself into? Yeah. And he's just, I mean, the worst part is he's probably gonna get away with this shit. Some of it I mean, other than other than when Chobani really murdered her this. Yeah.
Dan (01:42:37.000)
But I mean, if the, you know, Chobani could get like, what $10 million from or something like that.
Jordan (01:42:42.000)
Oh, God, I want them to get so much money from him.
Dan (01:42:44.000)
I don't know what I don't know what the situation is. Yeah, look, yeah, he is going to get away with it in the sense that he's not done anything that's specifically like a felony right thing like that. Well, and nobody's
Jordan (01:42:54.000)
nobody's gonna bail on him, everybody. Well, even though you saw even on the Stormfront thing, people are already trying to make up reasons that now he can get away with all kinds of other shit. Well, that's because nobody's jumping off of his bandwidth. That's
Dan (01:43:08.000)
because of the incredibly fun intersection of like anti semitism and misogyny. Yes.
Jordan (01:43:14.000)
Fun intersection. Well,
Dan (01:43:15.000)
that's what the internet is all about, basically, I mean, do you have these like disempowered do to find hubs on the internet and all roads lead to Rome? And in this case, unfortunately, Rome is bigotry is Nazis and misogyny and blah, blah, blah. So cool. I love it. It's that it's that awesome thing where you're saying is exactly right. The people on that storm front website I thought I can't remember the other one was there was another message board. Another like big message board right there was having the exact same conversation. And it's, it is it's they're making excuses for him. Like, their problem is he's not calling out Israel. Yeah. So it's
Jordan (01:43:55.000)
not that he's lying to them, right. But instead
Dan (01:43:59.000)
of making that his fault, they make it his ex wife's fault, right? Because she's Jewish. Right? It's insane. It's insane. These gymnastics you have to go through. You're a contortionist intellectually, but that's
Jordan (01:44:12.000)
that's like this is such a real bummer mainly because if there if there was going to be any possibility that you could reach all of the all of the right wing propaganda filled people like all of the Fox News viewers, right. If there was any chance to reach them, then you would see like the beginnings of it here where people would finally go like, Oh, Alex Jones is full of shit. I'm going to stop listening to him or I'm going to stop defending him well, or the Bill of Rights. Right? Well, yeah, well, they're Bill O'Reilly thing. Yeah. Nobody's nobody who loves Bill O'Reilly is changing their minds. It like this is something that you have to be able to do if you think there's any chance of this. This whole world was not fucking falling apart.
Dan (01:44:58.000)
Well look at it. Look at it. From their perspective, you know, you have someone like Bill O'Reilly. And he's obvious, obviously guilty of these things. Yeah. And his argument is, the truth is going to come out. And it'll shock you. You know, it already did it. But he mean, it wasn't very shocking at all. He means the other way around, though, like he's being lied about, and eventually the truth will come out. Now. We can flash forward a few years and no truth that is like redeeming for him. He's going to come out Nope. But it doesn't matter. Because that argument is enough, in the same way that Alex is here being like, look, the judge has got to rule on stuff. And the specifics might be like a month or whatever, right and really lose this case. We're just back where we started with joint custody, all this stuff. Flash forward a month, people will be talking about the Chobani suit, or whatever the next thing is, his narrative will flip to the next thing. And it'll never have to deal with like, at no one will even remember that he lied to them about this, right? It's fucking very frustrating. Yeah, very frustrating. But I guess we did choose to do this. That's on us. Yeah, yeah.
Jordan (01:46:02.000)
We we've fallen into our trap of our own making a grade,
Dan (01:46:05.000)
we've pulled ourselves,
Jordan (01:46:07.000)
I just want, I just want one small subsection to just finally be like, Wait, he is lying to us. Sure. Now, that takes a monumental effort. It really does. Because if you've been a fan of Alex Jones for 15 years, or 20 years or whatever, all of a sudden, you finally have to come to that spot where you go. I have been lied to by this man. Well, what else? Was he not telling the truth about? What else? Everything? Yeah, exactly. Like the moment you get there. That is that watershed moment, the moment that happens, it tips one way or the other? Well, and there's no help. If it doesn't go across there.
Dan (01:46:47.000)
We're going down. Like, Oh, interesting, long path here. But the reason that most people can't do that, especially, like if you found Alex Jones, when you were young, when you were an angry, impressionable, obviously white person, right, white male
Jordan (01:47:04.000)
or white dude, you the lightest of dudes,
Dan (01:47:07.000)
there's a lot of things that he says that help you make sense of the world and why you're not as successful as you want to be. Right. And there is a utility to the lies for people. Yeah, there is a sense of like, understanding the world and the confusions. And you know, we talk about this all the time, a lot, lot Off mic. The idea of like people having to make sense of randomness. Yeah. You come up with whatever explanation you come up with. Yeah. And, and the random chance of life? No, it's the Jews, obviously. Or the globalists, as it were. Yeah. And so once you have that mind, virus in your brain, getting rid of it creates a vacuum, it creates a gap where now the world doesn't make sense. And that's really scary for people. So I think a lot of the time you're used to having that crutch there, even though the crutch is actually hurting you. Yeah, digging into your shoulder, up here. Here we go. So there was this guy back in Columbia, Missouri, who used to come into the liquor store, my brother worked at all the time. He was this younger guy, maybe like 40 or so. And he always was in a wheelchair. And the story that we came to learn over the course of time, was that he was kind of like, as I recall, he was a scam artist, kind of trying to get disability stuff. Okay. And so he was on his side right now, he was going around in a wheelchair for a really long time when he didn't need to be in a wheelchair. All right. And so like and where this is going, Well, the thing is, because he stayed in a wheelchair for a really long time. A lot of his muscles atrophied. And he got to the point where he needed to be in the wheelchair. Ironic come up in exactly. And so he was so good. He was a drunk who put himself into a wheelchair by scamming a wheelchair. Yeah, fraud thing. So Alex Jones is listeners have that intellectual wheelchair. They don't need to be in the wheelchair. But they think it's easier to go through life with that wheelchair rolling around than it is to walk. Right? And they don't realize you do this too long. You won't be able to get out of it. You won't you just you'll never give up that wheelchair, metaphorically, and you'll stay in it such
Jordan (01:49:11.000)
a great fucking metaphor. Thank you. You just crushed it. Yeah, fuck you. made perfect sense within the context. That was amazing. That should give a press conference. Yeah, no. Jesus amazed that you had that anecdote right on the right on the cusp right there.
Dan (01:49:27.000)
I mean, you know, you do stand up for long enough and talk into microphones for a long time we kind of used to put in connections together. Also if you're not a fucking idiot, or not you Alex. Alex fish people Jones.
Jordan (01:49:42.000)
Alex, Alex Jones.
Dan (01:49:43.000)
So anyway, we have two more clips left. You might be asking yourself why the fuck do we have more clips? That was the end of the press conference.
Jordan (01:49:49.000)
It just seemed like that was the end of the press conference. Unless your man
Dan (01:49:54.000)
it was the end of the press conference, but the camera kept rolling. Excellent. Luckily, who I believe I I need to William F. Buckley. Yeah, I need to do some research into this. I as I understand it, it's Alex Jones, his stepbrother or something like that. Okay, brother in law, I'm not entirely sure. Right. But he always talks a Buckley. He's a guy who's who's like a behind the scenes bigwig at Infowars. Okay, so he's the cameraman, and the two of them go into the courthouse. And I have confirmed now that the room with all the books is inside the courthouse, okay, is where Alex Jones was broadcasting from so
Jordan (01:50:29.000)
they allowed him to broadcast there. I don't know,
Dan (01:50:33.000)
because they're doing it on an iPhone on Facebook Live. I don't know if they allowed it or not. But I mean, I said
Jordan (01:50:40.000)
the answer is they did not ask anybody. Because if they had asked, I would almost guarantee they were like, no, no. What are you talking? We can't
Dan (01:50:47.000)
report that because we don't know. But all indications Yeah.
Jordan (01:50:52.000)
No, they did not have eight balling it all signs point to yes.
Dan (01:50:55.000)
So this one, there's two clips. One of them is Alex. The second one is Alex reading the jury's decision and kind of muddy being really murky about it. Okay. Well, this first one is
Jordan (01:51:07.000)
about taking some things out of context, if you will,
Dan (01:51:10.000)
possibly. This first one is about therapists that got involved now, but I would describe this as a fever hallucination. Like, it's so bizarre. Like when I was listening to it. I thought I'm not well, I thought something was going on. Like he's, he's pulling in some weird details. He's, he's, you know how I just pulled out that awesome metaphor. Yeah, he does the exact opposite. Okay, it's crazy. Like, I really thought I drank way too much last night. Oh, that's really what I thought you did. But I did. But I thought like, I gotta,
Jordan (01:51:45.000)
I gotta, I gotta quit drinking. And yes, my life. And I feel
Dan (01:51:49.000)
that way. When I listen to Alex.
Alex Jones (01:51:52.000)
Respond to undergo Alcohol Drug assessment. So my wife asked for this. My lawyer said you want to do this, but you're not on drugs? And I said, No. And he goes, Look, you don't drink that much. You're gonna say no, I can quit. You're in early. They'd like tests or for five days. So just to prove all this. I'll do it. So my wife recommended to her lawyers. The Guardian litem Alison Wilcox that came and highly respected. She's a famous lady that lived the longest pregnant on a boat ever sell boat. capsizes Louise Bonner. She lives right here. She's a PhD. real nicely. And so I agree. There I go psychology meaning that you're psychologically assessed.
Dan (01:52:25.000)
So that's the first instance of like, I don't know what he's talking about.
Jordan (01:52:29.000)
What just happened there? I honestly, was that her lawyer the longest on a boat pregnant.
Dan (01:52:37.000)
Yeah. Why? I don't know. Okay.
Dan (01:52:39.000)
I didn't look into a
Jordan (01:52:40.000)
pregnant, lived longest on a boat. If that's where we begin. He says her
Dan (01:52:45.000)
name, but I didn't Google because I don't care. I want that to live in my brain is confusion. But like,
Jordan (01:52:51.000)
Yeah, that should be more of a non sequitur than it is right now. I don't even like knowing I don't even want to know that she has a name. I just want him to be like, Yeah, my psychiatrist, my psychiatrist was the lady who lived longest on a boat pregnant. So great, great. So awesome. So done. And that means she's a great psychiatrist. Exactly. Yeah. That's her credit has
Dan (01:53:09.000)
literally no bearing on her skills as a professional.
Jordan (01:53:12.000)
But then, if any bearing probably negative also like,
Dan (01:53:17.000)
okay, so she lived the longest pregnant on a boat that capsized there movies about her one movie. I've never heard that as a plot for a moment.
Jordan (01:53:26.000)
Well, you've never seen Blue Crush.
Dan (01:53:29.000)
Into the blue. There you go. It's also about her. Oh, fuck, you know?
Dan (01:53:33.000)
This was Guardians of the Galaxy. I would argue 45% of all movies are about her by the pregnant lady on the boat. Yep. Also still need to go see Fate of the Furious. Still haven't seen it fucking pissed off about I'm right there, too. Yeah. If I didn't want to go to bed at like nine tonight. 100% go see it. Anyway, that is sort of the first instance of like, I think I'm hallucinating. Yeah, it just it goes on.
Alex Jones (01:54:02.000)
All this goes on. And the problem was this Court said you too late. And that's when the issues start. I'm just gonna stop right there. So let's go ahead and fast forward to this. This is 2017 What she filed a few months ago. And what the jury just ruled on they didn't ever show conservator round. See my kids she filed for I would even Sam except for supervised. But they said oh, we feel sorry for you. We'll make you join and we'll send her primary residences with mother.
Dan (01:54:32.000)
Please, implying there that the jury's ruling was based in pity. Yes, which is unconscionable, you should not also like earlier he said that she went to a treatment facility and like Arizona or New Mexico, and he was laughing about it, which is very cruel.
Jordan (01:54:48.000)
And then here now you should mock the people with mental illnesses.
Dan (01:54:51.000)
Here. He's saying that he underwent like the drug thing with the pregnant vote lady, I guess. And then the problem start Did because she needed to go to it too. But we're not going to get into that. And because he doesn't get into it, the audience's mind obviously goes to Oh, she was doing tons of drugs or she was pregnant on a boat. One of the two, one, she didn't break the record. She didn't.
Jordan (01:55:16.000)
That's the whole reason they're getting this divorce in the first place. Right. Jones is pierced.
Dan (01:55:21.000)
Honey, I told you to break the record. We are we are an exceptional family. So he's
Jordan (01:55:28.000)
either that or the mainstream media is lying about the other lady. totally possible. That's entirely possible.
Alex Jones (01:55:35.000)
Okay, because we didn't put all this on we were just like, Mr. Nice. We didn't the whole thing. highroad the media was reporting Oh, he's gonna win. He's gonna win. He'll 14 Psychologist sell the stuff about her. I didn't want that to happen. I just can't sit here and have press conferences, you know, where she's having press conferences about national alienation and, you know, taking kids away from people when the kids got taken away, because she was telling them the garden lie on the psychologist that she wanted them taken away from me because I listened to rock and roll music.
Dan (01:56:06.000)
Whoo. See, that's the other. Wait, that's the other incidence of hallucinating.
Jordan (01:56:11.000)
Does he think national alien isation. It's talking about aliens. It could be the way he said that had the sound of she's talking about national alien isation. That's from Independence Day
Dan (01:56:24.000)
guardians. Yeah, those aliens and that pregnant lady on a boat? Yeah, exactly. I don't I don't know what he's saying. I don't know. Because he's not making a coherent point. He thinks that somehow is proving that she's wrong. But I don't I don't understand how I can't understand how because it's so convoluted.
Jordan (01:56:44.000)
I also don't does he did I don't know how to evaluate that claim. Did he say that the
Jordan (01:56:49.000)
media was reporting multiple times that Alex was going to win. Yeah, he said that right.
Dan (01:56:55.000)
Lying media.
Jordan (01:56:57.000)
Wait, but did you see any of that?
Dan (01:57:00.000)
Oh, I think I think I I think I saw some tweets from people covering it that were that were like, it looks like he's going to because it is a big deal. Right. Like it's a big deal to change the conservator and make these kids move to a house that they didn't live in for the last two years. Right. It is a massive, it's not a massive, like, it's not massive on the scale of like, you can't see this person ever again. But it is not a decision that's made lightly. No, that's true. That's true. You're up ruining the lives of children. That's true. And people. Let's really pull the curtain back on society. You're uprooting the lives of affluent white children? Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that goes on under the under the sort of the rug, as it were with people who are minorities and poor, disenfranchised populations. This is a celebrity's kids, right. It was Rich's shit. Right? So they would not. I think that most of the reporting there was like, he's probably gonna win. We're in acknowledgement of like, they got to prove a case if they're going to change this. Yeah. And the fact that they did means that
Jordan (01:58:08.000)
there's absolutely, but also Alex, they weren't vaccinated. Fuck them.
Dan (01:58:11.000)
That's a big problem.
Jordan (01:58:12.000)
That's a huge problem.
Dan (01:58:13.000)
Alex also debunks his whole entire press conference where he's screaming at the media by saying that all these media reports are saying I was gonna when
Jordan (01:58:21.000)
they're, they're great when they agree with me. They're bad when they disagree with me. That's the that's the board. That's the baseline of truth versus fake. Truth versus fake. Sure. Do you agree with me? You're telling the truth. Do you disagree with me? You're fake news. Yeah. That's it's that simple.
Dan (01:58:37.000)
Well, I mean, do you remember that old segment Bill O'Reilly used to have pinheads and patriots? No, I don't. He had a segment where every week he would label someone who disagreed with him a pinhead and someone agreed with them patriot. Great. Also, do you remember Sean Hannity, however, like how he used to answer calls on his show? No. People would call in and they'd be like, Hey, Sean, you're a great American. You're a great American I missed that so much.
Jordan (01:59:05.000)
Your your trustworthiness is dependent upon how trustworthy you think I do recognize
Dan (01:59:10.000)
the great American in me and air go you two are a great American. Yep. That's simple. I didn't like Alex whenever he's talking about people being on hold for a long time ago. You guys are out there holding like patriots. Yeah. It's all
Jordan (01:59:24.000)
I wish I lived in that small of a world. How easy is that?
Dan (01:59:28.000)
I don't know, man. I mean, we could just start doing it. We could start being like, Oh God, all these people donating to our Patreon like patriots, Patreon patriots,
Jordan (01:59:37.000)
or we could do we do call them policy walks.
Dan (01:59:39.000)
That's a good point. But that's we kind of clearly satire.
Jordan (01:59:44.000)
Oh, is it? Oh, did you put your fist person mask on?
Alex Jones (01:59:50.000)
Oh, boy,
Jordan (01:59:53.000)
we're raging hypocrites. Yeah, so anyway, this
Dan (01:59:55.000)
next clip is Alex reading the jury's verdict. as it were, and I don't remember why I kept this clip. So we'll see
Alex Jones (02:00:05.000)
the circumstances, the children's, the facts about the order and that goes on. Look at this counter Petitioner should be named. So managing,
Jordan (02:00:15.000)
he does not serve any words, does not understand any of those words, he said,
Dan (02:00:20.000)
and the counter person is is his ex wife's wife. She should be named the sole conservative. I mean, let's even start this from the beginning. Yeah, that's exactly what it says the court verdict is it reads as exactly what he says it doesn't. Yeah. And I remember now why this is an is because he's going to claim that this isn't the jury's decision that this is just what she wanted. And it's not the case. Let's Yeah, so hold on. The circumstances,
Alex Jones (02:00:45.000)
the children's the facts about the order, and that goes on. Look at this. Counter petitioners should be named Shoal managing. conservator says I was the conservator of the children subject to the suit and should be awarded all rights and duties. The sole managing conservator, she didn't get that she got joy. Aja should be awarded a modified possession order, having all such designated periods of possession and access supervised with no overnight visitation until such time as the court should make that show. Imagine. I'm sitting there watching witnesses from my other states who never even met my kids or anybody go, he took the kids in 2013. And that's bad, blah, blah, blah. So now we need to do something about that. And then blah, blah, blah, and put all this out. And that's just not, there's a lot about blah, blah, blah, 17 actual court filing all of it. Yeah. So I mean, let's
Jordan (02:01:38.000)
skip over a lot. And that blah, blah, blah,
Dan (02:01:40.000)
when you want to discuss the case, and you claim you have documents that are important to the case. And then you do your press conference, where you rail on the media, and then you go into the private room in the courthouse, and you have a couple of documents, and you don't really engage with them and just tell the story of a pregnant lady on a boat. And then your website doesn't even have those documents. You don't publish those things. But you do publish a story about how this transient man told the media. Yeah, it might indicate that you are blah, blah, blah, blah, you're not really they might indicate the blah, blah, blah, is kind of all you've got there is nothing he doesn't have anything now he lost. He lost reason. Because he doesn't have a case.
Jordan (02:02:26.000)
And he's not a good guy to be around. Doesn't seem like it. I wouldn't want to be around him. Buckley seems to enjoy it now. Well, fair enough. Buckley, I wouldn't want to be raised in a cult environment. As someone who was raised in a cult environment. Well, I mean, his that's not where I would want to be raised.
Dan (02:02:46.000)
He said earlier in this that their closing statements weren't covered. That's bullshit. Those were absolutely covered. Of course, one of the things that came out in his ex wife's closing statement is that Alex Jones is personally a cult leader. Yeah. And he is someone who behaves like that. It's obvious. Well, and
Jordan (02:03:05.000)
again, it's so obvious again, it's to the point where it has to trickle down to his personal life where if you agree with him, you're good, right? And if you disagree with him, You're bad.
Dan (02:03:17.000)
If I'm a good guy, there's no way I'm going to have the people that he has on his show on his show. Yeah, it's just impossible. Well,
Jordan (02:03:26.000)
but but when you're raising kids, that's the other thing. Imagine, imagine you take even the slightest modicum of that. Good. Trust is you believe me and globalist as you disbelieve me and apply it to raising a child. Sure. Anytime that child disagrees with you, that is then a exactly equal to every liar. Every mainstream media or every utilize. Exactly, yeah. So so the pressure to never say anything that doesn't agree with him, or to just make it so whatever it is, he says, is what you believe, has to be so intense that of course, he's a cult leader in that house,
Dan (02:04:09.000)
and you're going to be denying your own sort of existence, your own reality.
Jordan (02:04:15.000)
Personal Growth his Yeah, you're just a you're just a planet to his his soldiers. It's Son. Yeah,
Dan (02:04:22.000)
I want to make it even further clear that like I 100% I agree with you, too. And I agree with his ex wife's closing statements. Like if you're not a cult leader, why do you have cult leaders on your show regularly? Why do you have Stefan Molyneux
Jordan (02:04:38.000)
on? You know, I would actually argue that as defense that he's not a cult leader, because cult leaders traditionally don't hang out with each other. No, but you're right. Usually, cult leaders aren't like, Hey, you should check out this cult over here. This guy's amazing.
Dan (02:04:53.000)
But if you're like, if you're ambivalent culty you know, like, this, isn't KoolAid stuff? Yeah, what's the phone call? A new does encourage people to not exhibit like not have people in their life who disagree with his weird libertarian ideas says that you should cut people out of your life if they don't agree with you. Great because a process called D fooling. Ridiculous. You look into that shit. It's so insane. My
Jordan (02:05:15.000)
parents did the same thing when they were in the cult. There's that have cut off all ties with their family.
Dan (02:05:20.000)
Yep, there's actual websites about people who have had to rebuild their lives because they were destroyed by Stefan Molyneux by his philosophies and all this shit. It's really crazy. He's a frequent guest on Alex Jones's show. Gavin McInnes created the proud boys, which is essentially a latently homoerotic fraternity of dudes who are into the idea of white males being in charge of everything. Yeah, that's a cult. That's a cult. That's culty.
Jordan (02:05:50.000)
Yep. That's my light
Dan (02:05:52.000)
mic, sir. Cernovich is a lispy. Lawyer. I don't know. I'm not certain he has a cult.
Jordan (02:05:58.000)
But you know, these
Dan (02:05:59.000)
are the sorts of people who he has on his show. They have the same tendencies, right? Like, tends to attract like, you don't generally have people who are like, who cares? Fuck, fuck all these people. I just Yeah. Makes me really mad. Yeah. Anyway,
Jordan (02:06:17.000)
somebody should fight against them.
Dan (02:06:18.000)
Yeah, that'd be a knowledge fight.
Jordan (02:06:22.000)
We have a title. Yeah. But anyway,
Dan (02:06:23.000)
I mean, at the end of the day, it's still important to remember.
Alex Jones (02:06:26.000)
It's fun to laugh at our show. It's fun. Yes, it
Dan (02:06:30.000)
is. timing on that. So anyway, guys, you can follow us. You can check out our website. It's knowledge
Jordan (02:06:37.000)
You can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight, scribe to us on iTunes, leave a nice little review. Become a policy wonk if you like. Or if you don't like we are not called leaders, and we will not judge you negatively. Totally respect the decision. Yeah, I mean, we will love you more. Much like if you were our children, and we had one who was really good.
Dan (02:07:00.000)
The will publicly declare that you're smart. Oh, I mean, come on. Wouldn't want to do that. And like I said, if you donate $10, a month or more, you can assign a date in history for us to cover what Alex was up to this day. And Alex Jones is history. Yep. So anyway, thank you all for listening. We do appreciate it. What else anything else
Jordan (02:07:19.000)
we got? Um, I think we should. I think we should let people know that. You know, when they become policy wonks, they become a lot like us.
Dan (02:07:29.000)
Sure. And rarified. Yeah, yeah. And
Jordan (02:07:33.000)
what would you call yourself?
Jordan (02:07:34.000)
A pile as a walk me to
Alex Jones (02:07:37.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (02:07:41.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.