650: July 17, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a little breaky from the present to go back and experience some Alex Jones of the past. In this installment, Alex interviews the parent of a high school whiz kid, and a guy who claims to be a former assassin for Interpol.
- False flag nukes in the US are coming
- Guest: Angela Lipsman's father
- Whiz kid isn't allowed to get college degree
- CPS bars homeschool kids from spelling bees because they keep winning
- Alex got a death threat email
- Daniel Lipsman has red flags, steamrolls Alex
- Background: Daniel Lispman vs the school board
- Daniel doxxes himself
- You can get a GED whenever you want in Texas
- Guest: Dr David Race Bannon, wrote book: Race Against Evil
- David fought human trafficking for Interpol
- Caller: good job interviewing Anne Coulter
- Caller: you destroyed Anne Coulter
- Alex reads Bannon's book description
- David: Interpol is bad, but we were good
- David: Slavery rings are run by untouchable elites
- David: I was an assassin
- David: Fundamentalit christians can be manipulated to do anything
- How many people did you kill?
- David: World leaders were protected and/or blackmailed
- Describe an average assassination
- Killing people isn't exciting
- Spoiler: David is a fraud
- Thailand is nothing but human trafficking, time to invade
- David: Asian history is all about trafficking
- David claims his publisher is an imprint of Penguin publishing
- David: I was in a North Korean labor camp
- David: I was engaged to a French spy, but she died in my arms
- CPS really sucks, right?
- David: The list of names is my insurance policy to stay alive
- Getta get to WWIII stuff
- Alex didn't get to the news about marital law
- Race Against Evil
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex incorrectly thinks that home-schooled children win all the spelling bees
- Alex interviews Daniel Lipsman, the father of a whiz kid who was not being awarded a college diploma because she wasn't old enough to be given a high school equivalence degree
- Daniel Lipsman was trying to sue the New York School Board, which he had done in 1999 and in 1993, which is too many times for a person to sue a school board
- Daniel also may have written a book called The Jewish Connection, and he received two write-in votes for a House seat in the 2020 election
- Alex interview a guy named Dr. David Race Bannon, who claims to be a former assassin working for Interpol to kill human traffickers
- David Race Bannon entirely made up this story, and he was arrested for criminal impersonation a few years after this interview, and got five years probation
- Part of the unraveling of Bannon's backstory was due to a martial arts message board being offended that he lied about his black belt in hapkido
- It does not appear that New Horizon is an imprint of Penguin Books