309: June 10-11, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan return to the present day to check in on Alex Jones and see how things are going with him. In this installment, Alex spends a lot of time yelling nonsense about immigrants bringing Ebola to the US, then desperately tries to rekindle his friendship with Roger Stone, and wraps things up by having a full-on religious breakdown on air.


  • Barnes and Marc Randazza come on to talk about Pepe case
  • Victory in settling
  • Alex went to a dentist his dad owns a piece of
  • Dentist office looked like Guatemala
  • South American tailgating
  • Pool supply story for South Americans
  • Austin is 3rd world
  • Alex doesn't like PJW's headline
  • Barnes doesn't know how much they spent in Pepe case
  • Discussion: Why Alex settled
  • $1000 of settlement is donation to save the frogs
  • Barnes: come at us, you'll lose money
  • Randazza: I drop stacks
  • This settlement is a bar tab at a strip club
  • Discussion: Randazza is a piece of shit
  • Alex: I will never back down. Barnes: Cha-ching!
  • Alex says he's been to Russia
  • Russians don't know how to wipe their own asses
  • America does what everyone else does, but better
  • Alex admires some things about Russia
  • Trump is a beautiful opportunist
  • Alex is evil, but god runs his life
  • Alex is an opportunist
  • Alex is having sex with Americana
  • Alex wants to shove his fist down Globalist throats ... Politically
  • Ebola patients from the Congo are coming across the border
  • Discussion: Alex's Congo narrative
  • Civilization is going to collapse. Then it's just men with guns
  • Alex: use Google translate to talk to immigrants
  • Mike Adams says this is a bioweapon invasion, an engineered outbreak
  • When the media says it's real, it's fake. When it's fake, it's real
  • The last Ebola outbreak was covered up, InfoWars reported on it
  • 1000's of Congo Ebola immigrants are just wandering around San Antonio
  • Rainbow Snatch goes to Pride
  • "Should we impeach Trump? You'll get Mike Pence."
  • People push Owen's camera away, Alex ties it to Congo narrative
  • Alex does a racist accent
  • Alex's yells are echoing: studio quality is diminishing
  • Alex is worried about demographic replacement
  • Roger Stone returns
  • Roger is breaking his silence on InfoWars
  • Roger talks shit on John Dean
  • 2020 candidate rundown
  • Roger makes a poop joke, Alex loves it
  • Why haven't you called?
  • Roger looks good. "It's because of InfoWars products. BTW, go to my website"
  • Owen comes in to help guilt Roger
  • Alex and Owen make gay jokes about Ebola
  • Discussion: Ebola in semen
  • Discussion: Drudge isn't #1
  • Hillary and Michelle Obama are going to run together. The CIA told me, I just never mentioned it
  • QAnon is a leftist psyop to break up Alex and Trump
  • Trump has conservative Twitter ready to launch
  • Why didn't you talk to me?
  • Michelle Obama is a dark horse, not because she's black. Roger: I'm not touching that
  • Roger: I'm leaving. Alex: DON'T GO!
  • Is Alex drinking on air?
  • The Congolese are poor, uneducated, diseased. Owen: They're actually rich
  • Curse, apologize, curse
  • It's an anchor baby scam
  • Congolese are Muslims now
  • Is Alex a lightweight?
  • Owen is brave
  • Discussion: InfoWars foreign aid position
  • Kaitlin Bennett talks about her time at Pride
  • Alex wants to send Blackwater out with Millie and Kaitlin, send money
  • Discussion: Kaitlin's performance review
  • Texas oil people are rich, Alex is related to them, they have helicopter pads
  • Discussion: Alex's satanists have helicopter pads
  • Alex sings with the highwaymen
  • Owen talks about InfoWars products. Alex: Listen to Waylon Jennings!
  • Alex is envious of Kaitlin's fiance
  • Drunk Alex talks about gender
  • Alex can't finish a sentence
  • I see dollar signs for Jesus
  • Drunk introspective monologue
  • Alex can't get quotes right
  • If you don't stand against evil, god will reject you
  • To give us free will, god had to release Lucifer on us
  • having a child is a human sacrifice
  • God's secret is Jesus
  • Alex has seen the other side. It's amazing, but stressful
  • You're not a god, you're a couch

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story