230B: Obama Deception, Part 2
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue their look at Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception. In this installment, we meet another hip-hop legend, watch Alex reuse tons of footage from Endgame, and discuss whether or not the Federal Reserve is really private.
- Alex is still working off of headlines
- Discussion: And Now for World Government
- Rahm Emanuel quotes
- Henry Kissinger on NWO
- Discussion: what is a NWO?
- Discussion: Obama's first job and CIA at Business International
- Endgame B-roll
- Alex Attributes Lindsey Williams info to Daniel Estulin
- Alex apparently knew about the subprime mortgage crisis but said nothing
- Estulin talks to Big Jim Tucker
- Estulin makes up lies on the spot
- Endgame violin, footage, voiceover return
- In June 2008, Obama is puppet of choice
- Obama ditched journalists on campaign plane to go to Bilderberg!
- Alex heads to Westfield Marriott so they can be kicked out ahead of Bilderberg
- Alex does a fake coast to coast interview, claims fire alarm went off on purpose
- Discussion: how does a fire alarm flush out Alex?
- Alex's story changes on coast to coast next day
- Alex has no footage of what he claims happened
- Alex and crew check out, pretend they're being followed
- Alex doesn't show car following them
- Alex heads back to scout Bilderberg
- Alex double bullhorns
- Internal sources (Estulin) say Obama and Hillary were at Bilderberg
- Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change yells at building
- Big Jim Tucker misrepresents Logan Act
- Professor Griff talks about Globalists
- Alex had bookstore owner on his show to be able to use bookstore interview for Obama Deception
- Discussion: African colonialism vs African Union
- Discussion: Professor Griff's racist shit-talking
- Alex talks about the Trilateral Commission and Barry Goldwater
- Discussion: Barry Goldwater is bat shit crazy
- Barry Goldwater invented Antsy Pants
- Alex talks about the Council on Foreign Relations
- Discussion: CFR Timeline
- Discussion: CFR membership
- Discussion: Obama's CFR/Trilateral Cabinet members
- New Ding-Dong: George Humphrey
- Background: George Humphrey
- Discussion: Lawrence Summers and Glass-Steagall
- Tarpley talks derivative bubble
- The Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express
- Discussion: what is the Fed?
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- 9/11: The Great Illusion: Endgame of the Illuminati: Our Choice: Fear or Love?