Transcript/20: March 6 & Celebrity Cameos

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (00:00:04.000)
Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to the knowledge fight. It's the knowledge.
Jordan (00:00:11.000)
It's the knowledge Right?
Dan (00:00:13.000)
Exactly changed. Titles of the podcast by Miss speaking Oh, no,
Jordan (00:00:17.000)
already already off to a blistering start as
Dan (00:00:22.000)
the opening. I'm damn.
Jordan (00:00:24.000)
I'm Jordan.
Dan (00:00:25.000)
This is a podcast where we sit down and drink a little bit of wine and discuss Alex Jones. But
Jordan (00:00:30.000)
Dan (00:00:33.000)
This is a Chubby Checker level twist. I watch tons of Infowars and know a lot about Alex Jones. And I don't know a goddamn thing about him. And that's where we find our fun guy so far. Sorry, we only had one episode last week. But you know realities of life happened and we didn't promise you shit.
Jordan (00:00:53.000)
You got very defensive very quickly. Nobody would have even said anything. Oh, it's a good it's a good thing that we're finally getting an episode instead. You're like, Fuck you guys.
Dan (00:01:06.000)
I think I'm projecting a little bit of anger at myself. Not because we didn't get the episode any episodes out last week other than Monday, but because I listened to the show. I listened to Alex Jones the entire week for what feels like nothing. Yeah,
Jordan (00:01:21.000)
it was a very fruitless quest for you.
Dan (00:01:22.000)
That makes me very angry. That's like if I had played hours of Zelda and did not end up freeing and
Jordan (00:01:29.000)
this you aren't gonna keep going about Zelda. It's a great I've heard nothing but positive reviews about it. I don't have any Nintendo so I don't get to play Breath of the Wild.
Dan (00:01:37.000)
That is actually why we didn't record. It really is. It really is, isn't it? Because I've been playing a great game. Alright, that's not what this is about the show buzz marketing. They're not paying us this show is not a video game review show. But it will be a stark pivot really quick. Yeah, that would be like Trump being a decent man. All the sudden, that level of pivot, guys, we'd like to start things off, we'd like to, you know, get warmed up. So I have a couple of out of context clips of Alex Jones from the area of time we're covering is all of last week, March 6 through 10th. Right? But I reserve the right to go back to that time period more specifically later. Okay, because the only reason it's basically Monday through Wednesday is what we're covering, but we have to go to Friday in order. Fuck this.
Jordan (00:02:29.000)
You are turning this into a very Jesus now you're interrupting me with clubs.
Alex Jones (00:02:36.000)
Man, what has changed you.
Dan (00:02:41.000)
Sorry about that.
Alex Jones (00:02:42.000)
Here's the big enchilada.
Dan (00:02:44.000)
That's all out of context.
Jordan (00:02:47.000)
I've noticed that waiting for some. No.
Dan (00:02:50.000)
See, here's the thing. I've noticed that he is now obsessed with the expression the big enchilada as even saying that a lot so much. I could make a massive supercut of like the 30 times he says it over a couple of days. But I just have a second.
Alex Jones (00:03:05.000)
That's not even the big enchilada. Let me give you the big kahuna.
Jordan (00:03:09.000)
No, it's the big kahuna. Those aren't related to each other in any way. They're just both big. Yeah.
Dan (00:03:19.000)
Yeah, yeah. Big enchilada is just delicious. My daughter enchilada
Jordan (00:03:24.000)
Have you considered whether or not the big kahuna is also delicious? I
Dan (00:03:27.000)
imagine he is you think so?
Jordan (00:03:28.000)
Yeah. What is the big
Dan (00:03:31.000)
the big kahuna is like it's a Hawaiian thing.
Jordan (00:03:33.000)
That's right. You lived in Hawaii for a little bit. Yeah,
Dan (00:03:36.000)
it's just a cool dude man. Oh, okay. Kahuna is the guy who's on top.
Jordan (00:03:41.000)
It's not like a an official title or something like that. I don't think
Dan (00:03:45.000)
so. It's not like Kinka may or may ha right like that. Or, you know, the Houma who? Nuku Nuku. Chippewa. That's the state fish.
Jordan (00:03:54.000)
Dan (00:03:56.000)
just like saying it.
Jordan (00:03:56.000)
I can tell. Anyway, you said it with relish. So Jordan, all right. Let's get to some clips. We're gonna
Dan (00:04:03.000)
start here on March 6, that's Monday. If you're nasty and what goes on on this episode is Alex is still in a holding pattern at this point. Because he is still like the all this bad news is coming out about Russia all of these things like he the news hasn't broken at this point that Flynn General Flynn has also been
Jordan (00:04:26.000)
an agent for Turkey as well. Yeah, just making that money retro
Dan (00:04:30.000)
actively files. Yeah, that's, that's great. Yeah, real bad. But he still has to like keep up the his his side of things. So this clip is how he decides to start the show off. And it I would say it's ill advised and not it's very dishonest. And it also is a good example of victim card playing, when that is not appropriate at all.
Alex Jones (00:05:00.000)
Release ago when General Flynn resigned that he was basically told to resign, told the President ordered him to resign. They don't even go in and ask the president he just resigned.
Dan (00:05:13.000)
He doesn't develop this in this clip. But this is something he talks about all the time. And he's basically hanging rights Priebus out to dry.
Jordan (00:05:20.000)
I mean, not a bad idea. No, but that they should be hanging just about everybody out to dry at this point. Yeah.
Dan (00:05:27.000)
Alex's narrative is writes Priebus likes to go to people and tell them that they need to quit, and that the President has told them to quit. And then they go and talk to Trump and Trump's like, I didn't say that.
Jordan (00:05:38.000)
I don't think trumpet I think the news is that Trump didn't tell Flynn to quit that Trump told him not to, and it was everybody else around him who who was gonna get the fuck out. Yeah, it was. It was like Pence and those guys being like, hey, Trump, this is fucking insane. Don't do this anymore.
Dan (00:05:53.000)
This is beyond what we can absorb. Yeah, that's we're testing the limits. And this might be beyond the limit. That seems like a more likely story than the story of rights Priebus sneakily going around and trying to trick people into resigning. Yeah, for what end? To what end,
Jordan (00:06:11.000)
I think to become the president
Dan (00:06:13.000)
writes, Priebus
Jordan (00:06:15.000)
writes Priebus, president of the 48th, President of the United States, inaugurated three months after we've gone through four presidents push to impeach Yeah. Yep.
Dan (00:06:28.000)
And then somehow we're gonna be cool with him.
Jordan (00:06:31.000)
I mean, how many presidents in a row? Do you impeach before you're just like, now we're done with this whole America thing?
Dan (00:06:39.000)
Well, here's the good news. impeachments are much easier as they go along. If you get used to it, it's like, it's like committing a burglary. Right. The first one is incredibly difficult, but by the time you're on to the fourth impeachment, you got it down. Yeah, you
Jordan (00:06:53.000)
know what you're doing? You've streamlined the system. Sure. Yeah. He's gonna mean get them out. Yeah. So I think that that's how we like at least two months to impeach Trump we get through prep Pence in about a week and a half. Yeah, then fucking Paul Ryan is Paul Ryan's actually just assassinated by Congress. Like they just murder him on
Dan (00:07:11.000)
the floor. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure.
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
Who's next in line the President pro tempore fucking No, it would be the oldest ranking SENATE MEMBER So let's just go with the devil. I'm assuming he's one of them at this point Wait Hold on If he was he was elected in Alabama we know that
Dan (00:07:29.000)
the next person to the order of succession isn't the oldest person know
Jordan (00:07:33.000)
the President pro tempore is the oldest is a traditionally they give it to the oldest member of the Senate like a naturalized
Dan (00:07:39.000)
or long 18 years age oldest. Oh, that's a bad idea. Exactly.
Jordan (00:07:43.000)
Well, that's why that fucking What's this? Strom Thurmond was the fourth in line to become president four years that makes sense drum Thurman,
Dan (00:07:53.000)
who was wondered why that was the case.
Jordan (00:07:55.000)
Yeah, it surely wasn't because he was a well known social justice warrior. Certainly
Dan (00:08:00.000)
not. He's not out there with rainbow snatch. Fun in the New Yorker.
Jordan (00:08:04.000)
No, he's hatin on the on the blacks.
Dan (00:08:07.000)
So anyway, Flynn,
Jordan (00:08:09.000)
thank God he's dead, by the way. Amen. Yeah.
Dan (00:08:11.000)
So Flynn's got you know, you got duped by Priebus you got premised
Jordan (00:08:19.000)
you you're gonna need to take the short previous to get to school from now.
Dan (00:08:24.000)
So then it gets more into like how this exact same thing basically happened with sessions, but didn't it's it's very weird narrative.
Alex Jones (00:08:33.000)
And the word I got Friday before even came out on Saturday was that President Trump was absolutely infuriated. And it's now in the news that he had not. You don't need it every day even to every trade. You don't need to pleasing Him. Trump is furious.
Dan (00:08:47.000)
It's in the news every day. It's in the tweets. Yeah, paper, white papers. If
Jordan (00:08:52.000)
you put it in the newspaper, you're just doing dog bites man all over again. Trump is always furious. It's
Dan (00:08:58.000)
Trump is mad is taken as read. Yeah, exactly. across every story, but we were talking we went over.
Jordan (00:09:05.000)
Sorry, I got very frustrated with his lies. It's very stupid. We're off to a great start.
Dan (00:09:10.000)
Yeah, you know, what we can't take weeks off in the future is slightly off. And I think we can both feel it. Yeah, yeah. We're gonna get into the groove here. This white wine is what's doing it. We always drink red wine or champagne. And I think this white wine is fucking us up. Okay. Anyway, what he said there was that the reason that Trump was really mad is because sessions didn't ask him about resigning, or recusing himself, which is not the role of the Attorney General.
Jordan (00:09:41.000)
Isn't that, like, that's bad? Ethically,
Dan (00:09:44.000)
it would be bad. It
Jordan (00:09:45.000)
would be very bad if the attorney general went to the President and was like, Hey, bro, this investigation into you. Do you want me to recuse myself?
Dan (00:09:54.000)
Yeah, that seems incredibly unethical. Yeah. But that's what Alex wants, man, of course. So he's mad because he didn't get to consult on it. Even though the Attorney General's Office and the executive branch, the president are separate entities,
Jordan (00:10:09.000)
quote, unquote, for now. Yeah, that's Yeah. Until until Trump declares himself also the Attorney General
Dan (00:10:17.000)
At press time. That
Jordan (00:10:18.000)
is it but it may. Who knows? I
Dan (00:10:21.000)
mean, we're recording over the weekend,
Jordan (00:10:23.000)
Monday could bring all kinds of new Trump is dictator for life. All of these headlines, I can believe that anything
Dan (00:10:29.000)
is possible except for Alex telling the truth.
Alex Jones (00:10:32.000)
ridiculous that the Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself. When he was very clear, he was asked about Russians talking to them as surrogates on the campaign trail. Of course, he as the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee of the Senate, spoke with the Russians twice that year. Still on that lie. This is running scared and drug has the headline, but we've been calling it today one damn smell blood in the water. Comey turns on Trump.
Dan (00:11:00.000)
Again, we agree that there's blood
Jordan (00:11:01.000)
water, there is blood in the water.
Alex Jones (00:11:03.000)
The most amazing thing about all of this is I went and pulled the report yesterday and did a special live report at one o'clock. Lot of you watched it. You also heard excerpts of it on yesterday, Sunday show. And I went and pulled up the articles from a month ago, when they were all over the news saying wiretaps tracking the Trump Organization and tracking phone calls out of Trump Tower. Recorded General Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador. Now Oh, it's so dirty. It's so bad. When he admittedly was setting up the phone calls. None of them are the ambassador for a call with the President and Putin. That's what presidents do
Jordan (00:11:47.000)
exactly. Zero. have that happen? Yeah. 100 Zero of that happened and the stuff they're not even one of the things that he said, I don't even think the word the in that sentence was accurate.
Dan (00:11:57.000)
It's a disgrace to the definite article. Exactly. But it's like, the parts of it that are kind of accurate, or mis represented.
Jordan (00:12:07.000)
They didn't wiretap Trump. No, that's, that's why we already got distracted from getting sessions away by just Trump lying and everybody being like, well, where's the evidence? Of course, there's no goddamn evidence.
Dan (00:12:20.000)
It's a distraction. It's
Jordan (00:12:20.000)
another lie. Yeah,
Dan (00:12:21.000)
Jordan (00:12:23.000)
ignoring. Yeah, he's he's jangling keys in front of the press. And they're like, Oh, they're shiny. That's what he's doing. Yeah, absolutely. Everybody's babies now.
Dan (00:12:32.000)
Yeah, we all babies up in this. City. We Baby All
Jordan (00:12:37.000)
right. Boy, that white wine is destroying you. Oh, my God.
Dan (00:12:43.000)
I think I think where we're getting off track here is that I'm being too playful. I think his white wine is bringing out a unnecessary playfulness that is out of my knowledge fight character, I
Jordan (00:12:55.000)
think I think you're just really struggling to divorce yourself from the Zelda world. There is a part that you're still wondering about it in your brain like, oh, look, that's beautiful. I saved an elephant. That
Dan (00:13:08.000)
elephant is really cool. All right, anyway. Yeah, everything is bullshit. Everything, everything is fake. And what he's saying. He's going to make some other false equivalences about this exact same stuff later. But one of the things he doesn't understand is what he's talking about, basically.
Jordan (00:13:25.000)
Which sounds like Alex Jones. Colin doesn't understand what he's talking about the movie. That's the headline.
Dan (00:13:33.000)
But he says these things like Flynn was taking calls to set up meetings for Trump to talk to them theoretically about sanctions. But the media twists it and says that they were talking about sanctions, the reports from intelligence communities have been like he was straight talking about sanctions. Yeah.
Jordan (00:13:50.000)
Well, and even then the wiretap that they're talking about, is loosely, I think their their basis for the story is that there was a server that was connected to Trump, and it connected to the alphabet. Yeah. And it connected to the alpha bank. And that was 80% of its traffic just going back and forth there. Yeah. And every time they're like, Oh, he's probably spam. Email experts are like, no.
Dan (00:14:14.000)
Yeah, it's specifically set up to be secret. Yeah, exactly. So
Jordan (00:14:18.000)
it's a private server used for illicit business. Now, what if they have one reason that we don't have Hillary Clinton as the president is because it took three weeks into Trump's god damn presidency to find this bullshit, Jordan?
Dan (00:14:33.000)
Let me speculate something. Let's speculate. What if What if they just have really good spam emails? So that's why he had to set up a separate server connected to them and do tons of traffic. Why? Because it's also what's a really good spam email. Spam dank means it's just tons of cool memes, okay, the bank, Trump through his
Jordan (00:14:56.000)
bank that is giving him a lot of money and he's Oh, Weighing and great deals and so, okay, good. So it's memes.
Dan (00:15:03.000)
Good point. Sweet memes, three less memes. But yeah, it. And the other thing is that Alex conflates the wiretap stuff with what Trump asserted, and that is that Obama did this right. And that is not true at all. The Lusas and
Jordan (00:15:23.000)
Dan (00:15:25.000)
kids. That but that's why I think, right thinking people are upset. It's not that people think like, oh, Trump's lying about being wiretapped. We're all just use to that. But there is like, some kernel of people were looking into stuff for good reason. Yes, people were court said, it's a good idea. People were investigating him for shit. The shit that he did when he says, people were wiretapping me, no one really is saying that that's insane. Right? It's insane and wildly inappropriate that he's like, Obama did it right. That's the part of the people are fucked.
Jordan (00:16:01.000)
But that's the that's the thing about that is that they have turned Obama into such a boogeyman that now you can basically to the right, of course, because they're fucking done. As human beings. They're done. They've checked out. Yeah. You can just say Obama did anything. And they'll be like, Yeah, I believe that shit, which leaves because, and of course Trump would say it because that's the type of thinking Trump has like, in Trump's mind, if somebody was challenging him for the presidency, he would be like, well, of course you wiretap them, of course, I'm gonna get them. Yeah, absolutely. You gotta wiretap it's cutthroat business world. Exactly. So to him, it makes perfect sense. I genuinely think he believes that utter and complete bullshit,
Dan (00:16:46.000)
because he read it on Breitbart. Yeah, well, which is another problem that will come up but back to the clip.
Alex Jones (00:16:54.000)
But they were all over the news saying they had the transcript. The New York Times had it. Obama,
Dan (00:17:01.000)
again, and again, he's implying that the transcripts are released and they aren't, they are not.
Alex Jones (00:17:05.000)
Last week before all this latest wiretapping broke, before Trump stood up against it said they gave it to the New York Times that they quote, protected the intelligence. So the Trump couldn't get rid of it, or we committed a crime so Trump couldn't get rid of it. Here he's
Dan (00:17:21.000)
implying that they gave the information to the media to protect it. And when what actually happened was they
Jordan (00:17:26.000)
disseminated through government agencies, right, yeah, lowered the classification as low as much as possible. So as many people could see it and made
Dan (00:17:34.000)
it so the various intelligence agencies could share information, right. That was what the executive order that Obama signed
Jordan (00:17:40.000)
the information that proved that Trump was committing treason all over the place of residence a traitor, right?
Dan (00:17:48.000)
Have we all just agreed on that yet? Well, I mean, even even if which by extension means that the entire GOP Congress is traitors, they're all in a bed. Exactly. But like he if you want hang them all, if you want to take a step back and like not say something that inflammatory you just take the instance of the Chinese granting the trademark
Jordan (00:18:08.000)
is insane. Yeah, that's, that's by definition. Yeah. One sentence of the Constitution says don't do that. It might as well have been in parentheses. Thomas Jefferson in the margin saying, by the way, we can see the future and this is Donald Trump. Yeah. And parentheses. Yeah, like it's a fucking Simpson. Yeah, it is. 100% what he did, yeah. And nobody is fucking all of the Second Amendment bullshit of like, Oh, you got to protect the Constitution goes out the fucking window when it's got them. Trump the traitor. Right, boo. I just did our first dirty dossier on Trump trader Trump trader, Trader trader Trump. That's where I get Goddamnit you got that first you sort of have it.
Alex Jones (00:18:56.000)
And then they have Brennan and clapper and all the usual suspects on TV on the Sunday shows yesterday on
Jordan (00:19:03.000)
Del Toro, Ken KZ. Shane Trump's crazy.
Alex Jones (00:19:07.000)
They use words like preposterous. They use words like reckless, just bizarre that Trump says his transition team was under surveillance and of course nothing was found. Where do you think President Trump got that Breitbart?
Jordan (00:19:24.000)
Yeah. It certainly under him
Alex Jones (00:19:27.000)
typing in the house head of the intelligence board committee. Nunez said we've been reviewing the evidence for a month there's nothing there not even phone calls. Until General Flynn is in there supposedly for the president as the National Security Adviser lining up his phone calls with world leaders. Flynn has done work 18 hours a day. Oh, okay. Well, everybody else stands around with their thumbs in their hands. I'm sorry. So I forgive you. This has just become unbelievable. So like, this clip looks
Dan (00:20:05.000)
really bad a week later, ah, yeah, it looks bad then but it looks real bad. Now,
Jordan (00:20:11.000)
you know, the thing that really frustrates me about the whole wiretap bullshit is that Trump as president could just declassify the evidence that he was being wiretapped, 100%, instantly. Yeah. Which, if there was evidence, that's a total Trump move, right? Sure. He just declassified that somebody told him, Hey, you can declassify this. These people will be under indictment tomorrow, it will prove it will Yeah. It will prove a massive conspiracy. Yes. And that's something that you should do.
Dan (00:20:41.000)
It would show that the globalists are moving against you. And frankly,
Jordan (00:20:45.000)
I would do that if I were Trump, I would be like, Look, there's this massive conspiracy.
Dan (00:20:49.000)
Were that true? I would support him doing that. Exactly. Yeah. It's the
Jordan (00:20:53.000)
only thing that makes sense. It's almost like if there was some sort of shadowy agency infiltrating the government, we would want to get rid of it. Sure. Even if it wasn't from Russia.
Dan (00:21:04.000)
Yeah, absolutely. There was that great question. In one of Spicer's press conferences where lady asked. So, if Trump has the proof, why is he asking Congress to investigate? Couldn't he just provide the proof? And there was no answer to that question?
Jordan (00:21:22.000)
No, of course not. Look,
Dan (00:21:24.000)
I think he's asking that people will go through. Investigate. Yeah, just think just scanning Sean
Jordan (00:21:31.000)
Spicer is a weasel of the highest order.
Dan (00:21:35.000)
Yeah, that that clip from his press conference. At the end of the week, when he was talking with someone asked him about the jobs report. And how Trump in the past, those were fake.
Jordan (00:21:47.000)
They're definitely nothing this time. We're all like,
Dan (00:21:51.000)
it gets the big laugh. Like, that's terrifying from the
Jordan (00:21:55.000)
press corps. Because it's like they're in one big room where everybody knows everybody's lying to each other. And everybody's just like, we there's another we can do it and it's almost like a although it is kind of funny like to actually be it is it is pretty funny that he's just caught in a bald faced lie, and he just doubles down.
Dan (00:22:15.000)
Oh, yeah. Of course. Yeah.
Jordan (00:22:18.000)
We lied about him last time, but this time we didn't. Ah, it's such a knowing like, We're fucking you. Yeah. And we're not even bothering to lie about it anymore. It's
Dan (00:22:30.000)
it is out of like, almost bad sitcom. Yeah, of writing. Yeah, it's that level of performance.
Jordan (00:22:36.000)
We might as well have cackled like a witch.
Dan (00:22:38.000)
Yeah. Now that would be too on the nose. He's not the witch type. He's the bumbling henchmen. But so Alex goes on to cite a study about attention spans and how everyone in the world is stupid. And then tell some more lies about General Flynn.
Jordan (00:22:55.000)
Do you think he gets distracted? Halfway through the attention span information?
Dan (00:22:59.000)
Maybe three quarters?
Jordan (00:23:01.000)
All right. Not too bad. Not
Dan (00:23:03.000)
too bad. Because He's not like us. He's not lemming. He's not not a dumb, dumb piece of shit. Low information liberal.
Jordan (00:23:10.000)
Oh, god damn. And I hate it when we are those all the time.
Alex Jones (00:23:14.000)
For those of us that actually pay attention for those of us that actually know the narrative, the real narrative and know what really goes on and government and those was really set and who have memories. Remember what Gruber said John Gruber, he said, Thank God, the American people have low attention spans, and are so stupid, and are low information voters. Those are quotes. I don't have a seven second attention span, they've got studies out where children now have less of an attention span than goldfish.
Jordan (00:23:43.000)
Neither of those things are true. No goldfish, famously have a five second memory span except that's a lie. They don't write stupid,
Dan (00:23:52.000)
right. It's it's sort of junk science. Yeah, a little bit, but made up fantasy world. But Alex is actually kind of fair in this in this sighting of this. Okay, the study, I looked into it. And it turns out that the goldfish, I think it's actually like seven seconds, is what they say their attention span is no, but I look who cares. Okay. The truth is that they did some studies on children. And the attention span used to be like 12 seconds, and it's gone down to eight, since the advent of like, handheld phones, that you can use the internet on stuff like that technology has made attention spans go down. Okay, but the same study cited that a byproduct of this also is that our ability to multitask has gone up dramatically. Right. So there is a trade off kind of that. It's kind of what you have to do when you're being bombarded by obvious bullshit all the time, right? Celebrity Culture stuff. Lie is from Alex Jones. You have to not pay attention to things for very long because you're like, Okay, no, get that out of here. Get that out. Move on to the next thing that grabs your attention. Should. So that is kind of just the neuro flexibility of humans. Yeah. In the meantime, because we move on from things really quick, were able to juggle more balls. I think that's a fair trade off. In terms of our brains, you
Jordan (00:25:13.000)
know, I have no idea whether or not there's a valuable conclusion to draw from any of that. Certainly
Dan (00:25:18.000)
not related to yeah,
Jordan (00:25:21.000)
whatever. There's no, there's no explanation for what's going on there
Dan (00:25:25.000)
further. I don't think it would be possible that anyone could have planned that, all right, we're gonna get these smartphones out. And it's going to take 33% or 25% off people's attention spans.
Jordan (00:25:38.000)
You don't think anybody could have planned that? What about somebody in the 12th? Fucking dimension? Did you consider that and they're outside of time, but Demond? Zero, exactly. They're doing it all simultaneously. I always forget about the dimensions, you got to remember the dimensions if their TV volume five partners is
Alex Jones (00:25:59.000)
show you understand their targeting the listeners and viewers of MSM that literally do not believe or remember that a month ago, it was on every TV channel, every news channel, every newspaper everywhere that they had surveilled Trump, and ooh, Flynn lied. He talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador. And then they finally released the transcript, The New York Times, and it was well, I can't talk about those with you. But I'm sure that you know the President was ever reset. So I'm sure you can bring that up when the President Putin and President Trump speak. That's not discussing sanctions. Did you discuss the sanctions? No. Did you line up a discussion about them? Absolutely. So they play these games, but in real government in the military at those levels? And in law, they train everybody who answer exactly as they're asked because they don't want a bunch of obfuscation which is why use that to manipulate says
Jordan (00:26:58.000)
got into trouble in the first place. He answered exactly as he wasn't asked.
Dan (00:27:04.000)
No, that's mean, sessions. Sessions. That's
Jordan (00:27:07.000)
right. Yeah, yeah, he
Dan (00:27:08.000)
made that's what he's getting at there. At the end. There is like, Al Franken had this really specific question. Did you or anybody have contact with the Russians? Yeah. Which was not what he asked. No, we've been over this 100 times. Right. Alex Jones doesn't understand quotes. He doesn't understand.
Jordan (00:27:25.000)
It doesn't understand hand quotes. It's air quotes. It's so fucking frustrating. And one of the reasons auto quotes, insurance quotes one of that event, one of the reasons I
Dan (00:27:35.000)
kept this in even though he just said basically the same thing in our last clip, is because I wanted to illustrate a little bit the repetitiveness, right, and how he just says the same things over and over again. But until they become true, they become true to your mind, if you're not paying attention. It's like, oh, yeah, I guess, you know, Flynn did get set up, I guess sessions was asked a lawyer Lee question that he wasn't not even close. Sessions answered a question. He wasn't asked and answered it poorly.
Jordan (00:28:06.000)
Because he was nervous because he was lying, because he is a colluding with Russia. I would be tearing down American democracy.
Dan (00:28:15.000)
I would be terrified if I was in front of the Senate. And I was up to some shit. Yeah, I would say
Jordan (00:28:20.000)
which, which, again, is another reason to respect Hillary all the more because she lied for like 12 straight hours. That
Dan (00:28:27.000)
is endurance that she did not have.
Jordan (00:28:30.000)
Oh, man. I don't think any of us thought she had that level of endurance. Fucking Stone Cold
Dan (00:28:36.000)
burn gods. Yeah, great. Investigate it. Servers, emails. Man. That's so great.
Jordan (00:28:45.000)
Although now now we're doing the same Obama shit. It's time to just move on from Hillary. We just gotta let that go. Totally. Although I will say that Hillary did wiretap this podcast. Absolutely. I think we have a lot. We have a lot of evidence that this has occurred. Hey, if if
Dan (00:29:01.000)
someone is like from the NSA, or anybody is listening in, could you edit these episodes for me? I need to play more Zelda and quite frankly, it's cutting into my schedule.
Jordan (00:29:10.000)
Also. Do you guys think we're funny? Yeah. If you're in the NSA email knowledge
Dan (00:29:17.000)
you like? Yes or no? Letters to the NSA. Yeah. Okay, this next clip, Alex, this is the first of two instances where he sort of gets into talking to Trump on the phone. And again, he says a little bit more than he probably should. But then at the end of this, he gets into, again, his inability to understand nuance and the differences between different kinds of meetings that politicians can have, right? It's incredibly embarrassing, but the part about the calls is hot stuff.
Alex Jones (00:29:52.000)
I'm always speaking to those that may not know they're new listeners. So that's kind of annoying to regular listeners, but we got to keep reaching out to just you know, the new folks that tune in believe a word I've said here, you can go back if you don't have a memory and look up, where they said that they had all these communications out of Trump Tower.
Dan (00:30:08.000)
That's really good advice for like the guy in momento. If you don't have a memory go back and check the news.
Jordan (00:30:16.000)
Yeah, what a great movie that would be if the internet was around. Holy
Dan (00:30:19.000)
shit. Oh, yeah. If he had a fucking emos instead of.
Jordan (00:30:25.000)
Yeah. Come on, man. Technology helps everybody.
Dan (00:30:28.000)
Yeah, they're really lucky. They made that movie at a specific time. Great movie, though. Like it
Alex Jones (00:30:35.000)
was a bluff. There wasn't anything there. It was so thin. It was like vapor. Okay, yeah, they lined up phone calls for the incoming president with foreign leaders. He talked to the British Prime Minister, the Italian President, the German president, hundreds of world leaders. When I talked to Trump, three days after he was elected president, he said, Alex, you're like number one ever, I forget the number. Because I'm talking to world leaders and royalty and business leaders all day, but you're on the list, because your listeners are so awesome. Thank them for their support in this big win. And we're we're not gonna let them down. Let them know that.
Jordan (00:31:07.000)
Oh, I don't know if that's true or not. I think it seems plausible based on what we know. And yet at the same time, it seems all equally as plausible that he just decided to make that uphold.
Dan (00:31:18.000)
Here's the tension. It is plausible. You're right. Yeah. But then on the other hand, we also know that Alex is a liar. Yeah. So it's like, oh,
Jordan (00:31:25.000)
no, then what do we do the push and pull of reality when listening to Alex Jones? Yeah.
Dan (00:31:30.000)
So what I do is I just toss the ball up in the air. I just punt on it. You know? I don't give a shit. That call may or may not have happened. It's not as important as what Alex says his response to that is that's true. So he says that Trump called and he's like, I wanted to call you, Colin royalty. But I had to call you because your listeners are awesome. So there's that sounds silly. It's absurd. Yeah, that here is what Alex's response to that very nice call. I would say. If it did happen. That's a really nice that is really nice. It's misguided as fuck.
Jordan (00:32:04.000)
It's a dumb call. I would have I would have preferred if it were me and I were a propagandist. I would have preferred a letter with the presidential letterhead right proof? Yeah, you could put that on your wall. You tell your grandkids about it. You know, we're there. You know, we're have gills and we can all swim in the water
Dan (00:32:22.000)
swamp of waterfalls. Yeah, good times got to be so what's great though, is we're saying that he should send a letter because then there's proof. Right? The good news is, there's probably proof Oh, shit, because I think that call was recorded.
Jordan (00:32:33.000)
Oh, shit. It has to be he would have to be Yeah, the Presidential Record.
Dan (00:32:37.000)
Exactly. Yeah. So unless you're on the phone with Russia, everything is recorded in his record. So here's Alex's restore. Unless
Jordan (00:32:43.000)
you're deleting typos and fucking Twitter. Yeah.
Alex Jones (00:32:48.000)
And I'm like, sure they are going to come after you. They're never going to stop. You're gonna give folks prosperity and do this but you've got to go after him. You've got to you've got to get on the offense because they're going to come after you.
Jordan (00:32:58.000)
So wouldn't even say like, how are you doing?
Dan (00:33:01.000)
Nope, not a thank you nothing.
Jordan (00:33:03.000)
But here's their common for your SIR. They're gonna. They're gonna eat your bones.
Dan (00:33:07.000)
What's great about it is we know he's talking about the globalists. But what's super fun is because he's clunky with language, it kind of makes it sound like his listeners are going to come because of pronoun.
Jordan (00:33:21.000)
We got to teach him how to diagram a sentence.
Alex Jones (00:33:23.000)
I'm not gonna get into our private conversation about that, but let's just say the President knew that. But he doesn't he's trying to take the ultra high road. Yes, the president he just wants to turn the car back on and the higher Obamacare there for a year and let the Democrats get the bland Trump I know $5,000 fine and the rest of it but he doesn't want to hurt small businesses, the average person so he's just like a stalwart doing the real deal. I mean,
Dan (00:33:50.000)
so that's actually just Alex literally verbatim dropping Trump talking point. Yeah, like the idea that he could sit back and watch Obamacare implode, but he doesn't want to do that to people is directly out of Trump's mouth. He did say that. Yeah, that's just him.
Jordan (00:34:08.000)
And the the weirdest thing to me listening to this is that I have seen and like, absolutely zero steps towards even pretending to make the middle classes life better. None. No, no small businesses are improved. Well, no, no, nothing if zero positive things that he's done for the very people. Alex Jones is insisting are the only people he cares about.
Dan (00:34:37.000)
If you listen to Alex, he does cite ad nauseam that the stock market is going up.
Jordan (00:34:44.000)
That doesn't help middle class or poor people. Fuck all. No, but
Dan (00:34:48.000)
his argument is a does not because you don't have stocks, but all those stocks are businesses that are able to employ people. If the stock market goes up, those businesses are doing better. That helps the common man and through a trickle down kind of system that it's rough. But then he's also
Jordan (00:35:05.000)
I'm sorry. Every time somebody says trickle down, I just start I have a stroke. Like I start barking I just see flames.
Dan (00:35:12.000)
I don't think that's the last time you're gonna bark.
Jordan (00:35:15.000)
Yet my dad has told me about trickle down economics since I was six. And he's been dumb. The even when I was six, I was like, well, they just keep the money and he was like, shut up, boy.
Dan (00:35:25.000)
You know that they would because history. And you ever you ever hear about it? Because that's what you would do? Probably.
Jordan (00:35:34.000)
I know. I'd wiretap Obama, that's for damn sure. Yeah. Why?
Dan (00:35:37.000)
You know, I've had a couple times like bank errors end up accidentally giving me like, 20 extra bucks.
Jordan (00:35:43.000)
Oh, yeah, I keep that shit. Yeah, absolutely. They don't need it. I need 20 bucks.
Dan (00:35:47.000)
Yeah. So I mean, along those same lines, that's what businesses would do. But um, okay. So the other thing is that he constantly talks about the small business confidence index and stuff like that, and people are more optimistic than ever before. Which I don't know. I don't know about that.
Jordan (00:36:04.000)
I mean, I literally don't know. But yeah, we all live in our own little liberal bubbles. But, I mean, I'm trying to read all the conservative news that I can and even they are not optimistic.
Dan (00:36:16.000)
Well, that's smart, Conservative News. That's also controlled by the globalist. That's true, that's what you're failing to write. Is Breitbart. really optimistic? Yeah. Super optimistic. Wow. Yeah, super optimist
Jordan (00:36:28.000)
about what Breitbart. They're doing a lot better. Obviously, our
Dan (00:36:31.000)
stock is going up. Yeah. So anyway, here we go. Let's get back into this. We're gonna get to the point here, where he talks about these meetings. That are, he just doesn't understand the difference between, like we talked about with people having public and private meetings, doesn't understand that at all, anyway,
Alex Jones (00:36:49.000)
study everything going on. Morning, noon, and night. And Trump is so good. So honorable, it makes me sick to my stomach to see him being rejected by so many dumbed down people that aren't even part of the power structure. He didn't even like our structure against a bunch of adult weirdos, like Schumer and Pelosi and Maxine Waters that don't know what planets are on.
Dan (00:37:15.000)
Again, he only uses those references because he has that clip of speaking. Yeah. Which is petty? Stupid. Yeah. And it's proof that he doesn't have anything. No. If he had anything, he wouldn't have to keep going back to Maxine Waters saying Korea instead of Crimea,
Jordan (00:37:31.000)
you know, it is it is one of those things that by repetition, he's created a, he's created like a fixed point. So we can always go back to that area and talk about way starts. Yeah. And if he starts, boy, are you getting into Zelda again? No, no.
Dan (00:37:46.000)
We've talked about this before on the show. Oh, did was the term we used? Yes.
Jordan (00:37:50.000)
But But if he did, if he does bring in actual evidence that he that, you know, new stuff, he's got to start that all over again. We just got to get into the weeds. Yeah, he's got to start all over again. And then that kind of like a Pavlovian response of like, yeah, liberals are dumb. It has to take forever to rebuild itself.
Dan (00:38:09.000)
Right. You're right. It is shorthand and cheap. It's really stupid. Yeah, very bad.
Jordan (00:38:15.000)
But you know, it's act, but it's, it's effective. Clearly,
Dan (00:38:19.000)
at this point, I would like to tease what's coming up at the end of this episode. We have a return of Eddie Bravo. Episode. So get excited for that. Yeah. Anyway, here we
Alex Jones (00:38:32.000)
go. We be there. Like, we never met with the Russian ambassador. And there's just photo after photo of Schumer and Pelosi, and all of a meeting with him at public dinners and public events and meeting on their schedule meeting with them three, four or five times depending on who it is than they did with sessions apiece. Because that's who you meet with, when you're at the top of the Democratic Party or the top of the Republican Party. That's what goes on. You meet with the Japanese, you meet with the Chinese. You meet with the South Africans. You meet with the Brazilians, you meet with the Mexicans, you meet with any big, strong, rich, powerful country. People to say, Oh, well, Brazil or Mexico are powerful. Yeah, they are there people aren't there. Elites are super rich and the most powerful in the world. The point is, is that there's constant meetings going on around the clock, ladies and gentlemen.
Dan (00:39:24.000)
Yes, there are. That's like, I don't dispute that at all. Um, people meet with heads of state i in official capacities.
Jordan (00:39:33.000)
I do think that he he. I mean, I'm not sure if he understands the difference in a purposeful way or just that he can't understand the difference, because to him, it seems like a meetings of meeting when whatever on the record off the record you're doing, it's still a meeting so it doesn't matter. Yeah. And that kind of I mean, if he were to say, You know what, I bet other people Pull, I've had off the record meetings with him before, I would actually be inclined to believe him. It wouldn't surprise me if pull, you know, Schumer or Pelosi did have off the record meetings, that
Dan (00:40:10.000)
wouldn't be the craziest thing ever. No reason he can't say that is because then, fuck, I've got to do some investigative journalism, and I can't do it. Well, but you were there to try and actually prove a point.
Jordan (00:40:22.000)
And if he did say that, though, then he would be purposefully lying about not knowing the difference between the different types of meetings there. So if he says, you know, it's illicit that Schumer did these meetings off the record. That also means it's illicit that Flynn did these meetings off the record, right? So he can't do that. That's a really good point it into that corner there. He has to not understand those things. Oh, man, either. And even if he did understand it, he has to not understand it, the owner in order to protect his gun,
Dan (00:40:55.000)
the only way to be safe is being really dumb. Exactly. Oh, shit.
Jordan (00:40:59.000)
Ignorance is safety. Ignorance is avoiding jail time.
Dan (00:41:05.000)
So at this point, I believe if I'm not mistaken, I think that where we go next is a clip after these vault seven has come out. Okay, the CIA data dump on WikiLeaks, right? And Alex, when this happens, he just becomes a new man. Okay, like, you know how when he lost the
Jordan (00:41:29.000)
Google, right, lost his mind, you weren't going
Dan (00:41:33.000)
nuts? Yeah, he became a totally different person in a petty money grubbing kind of way. Yeah.
Jordan (00:41:40.000)
When the televangelists kind of way. When this vault seven stuff
Dan (00:41:43.000)
comes out. He is like, a weight is lifted from his shoulders. And he believes that he's been proven right about everything throughout his entire life. Everything that he said on air is totally true. And that means that everything he's going to say he has proof that he tells the truth. And he gets into
Jordan (00:42:05.000)
this like a cult leader getting the apocalypse, right for once. Like, can you imagine the look on his face? Oh, no. Holy shit. This was real. I was just trying to follow up 12 year olds, god dammit.
Dan (00:42:18.000)
Yeah, there. There's a little bit of that. That's
Jordan (00:42:21.000)
that's a that's a pitch for a TV show. Isn't it? The cult leader who's accidentally always right,
Dan (00:42:26.000)
accidental cult leader. I'm into it. I'm into it. Yeah. So this clip, Alex tells a little bit of the story of his past
Jordan (00:42:37.000)
who I've always wanted to know more about his past. That's why this is an intriguing call other than his interactions with Nazi police officers.
Dan (00:42:45.000)
Yeah, that part was that's not a good chapter. Yeah. This chapter is about him as a broadcaster. And I don't think it's true. I really, really, really don't think it's true. I can't stress enough. I don't think that this is true. So get ready for that. You know, bullshit caps on.
Alex Jones (00:43:08.000)
All right, I think it's time to go ahead and announce some things here on air. Show that the globalist and their minions understand exactly what they're facing. Their higher ups have known this for a long time, but their minions don't know.
Dan (00:43:22.000)
Also, I just realized I think we're technically in his eyes. globalist minions.
Jordan (00:43:26.000)
Ah, I think we are I mean, yeah, I could see I don't like being called a minion. No, I would I would accept henchmen.
Dan (00:43:33.000)
I would like to do voiceover for that movie.
Jordan (00:43:35.000)
That would be pretty good.
Dan (00:43:36.000)
Give me in that. Minions for listen. I just think that because we're is his enemy. Philosophically and ideologically, we would obviously, clearly have to be in the employ of the globalists.
Jordan (00:43:51.000)
I think that is the only way that's the only conclusion he would draw.
Dan (00:43:55.000)
I can't speak for you. I'm not You're not I'm not
Jordan (00:43:58.000)
and that's that's the reason that they got me I'm here to watch you. I'm a globalist minion that's keep an eye on you making sure you don't go native you're the one studying all this shit what if it What if it gets to you? What have you go full on Apocalypse Now on us?
Dan (00:44:14.000)
Oh no.
Jordan (00:44:14.000)
Do some Colonel Kurtz shit
Dan (00:44:16.000)
I can assure you that I've gone this far down the path I'm I'm pretty safe. I don't think there's any All right I'll turn that's going to happen.
Jordan (00:44:25.000)
I'll get a missive out to Soros. I did under a bench in a park tell Georgie boy. I say hi.
Alex Jones (00:44:33.000)
Oh, globalist forces. Dysfunctional saboteur types want to bring this country down. They want to enslave humanity and be social engineers. You have been undermined for decades and the Patriots inside our government. Others have been quietly preparing for your absolute and complete defeat, not your overthrow, but your legitimate defeat. Because you can't overthrow something Is it legitimate? You're just being removed.
Jordan (00:45:02.000)
That's not how words work? Nope.
Alex Jones (00:45:05.000)
People are freaking out right now because they know this is the broadcast that told you they have kill switches and remote control and all the airplanes for at least 25 years. All the modern airplanes. Were the ones that told you that remote control your car right off a bridge and gave you the documents were the one that told you over 20 years ago that television sets were watching and listening to you. We told you they can switch on the microphone in your regular landline, not just your smartphone.
Dan (00:45:30.000)
But everyone like that he they weren't the only one saying George Orwell said that should yeah, no, it's it. Granted, he is right that he has been saying a lot of that stuff. Yeah.
Jordan (00:45:42.000)
But I think even He's surprised that he was right. If you take
Dan (00:45:45.000)
out all of the stuff that he's said, that is not come true. That was paranoid bullshit. And only cherry pick these examples of when being paranoid. And yeah, if you're paranoid about everything, you're going to be right a couple times, just because
Jordan (00:46:01.000)
you're just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're now he's watching you, and that kind of thing. And these instances
Dan (00:46:05.000)
or things that were public, like a lot of these things were public. It's not that.
Jordan (00:46:12.000)
What if describe what things were public? Well, the
Dan (00:46:15.000)
fact that you could people could hack into your computer. Oh, yeah. Yeah. See you through your camera hack into your car? Like that whole thing? Yeah, absolutely. Those things are things that people who study technology have been aware of and had been warning about, right? That's not like Alex Jones cracked the case, or anything like that. And I don't think he would even say necessarily that he did bullshit. Maybe he would, he would
Jordan (00:46:37.000)
totally say that he did. But he would say that the tech people only thought about looking for it, because he told them because he had the globalist information tip Hispanic people were globalist minions until he woke them with his knowledge
Dan (00:46:55.000)
I read pilled.
Jordan (00:46:58.000)
Or he might just say that,
Dan (00:47:01.000)
like this stuff is really hard for us to deal with, I believe, because it is a point where I know you well enough to know that we're in agreement about this a lot of that stuff. But technology is pretty scary. It's very scary. A lot of the stuff that they can do with technology is really, really scary. It's bad. So when Alex is talking against these things, and the ability to hack into computers, and so like, philosophically, we agree, like that's bad we shouldn't like it's could be abused terribly. Yeah.
Jordan (00:47:34.000)
By some sort of autocratic president who wants to be a dictator. Yeah.
Dan (00:47:38.000)
Who has a slipping grip on power and might want to flex Yeah,
Jordan (00:47:42.000)
he might want to, you might want to maintain that grip on power. So all of a sudden, we might see that would be really fascinating. If all of a sudden we start seeing these leaks on every politician that disagrees with him. Because there's got to be stuff. Right, and it's definitely been recorded. Uh huh. You could like the problem. The problem with the you know, what Snowden revealed about the wide netting that they're doing, where they're just saving all of these communications is that it doesn't help to stop terrorism. There's too much noise, you know, you can't find the signal, right? But it does help. If you are looking for something, you know, you have all this information to go digging through. It helps
Dan (00:48:22.000)
us like an investigative tool. Not a preventative.
Jordan (00:48:25.000)
Yeah, exactly. So if you want to release some info, right, like you could ruin anybody's life at any moment. Yeah. If they have a secret, you can put that out there immediately. They're discredited or whatever it is.
Dan (00:48:38.000)
Now, I haven't read all of the new Wikileaks dump because it's 5 million pages. Yeah. And there's literally no way Alex could have five the next day on air, or he doesn't know what says he can't read. He might be illiterate. Yeah, there's no way he could skim a couple headlines here and there, which seems to be his modus operandi. But there's no way he could have a nuanced understanding of what's in there, what is actually being revealed. And he just lies about it. In the time since then, I've read up on as like assessments and analysis by people who are in like, information security, right, and these sorts of fields. And basically, the dump that happened is dangerous, because it does illustrate a lot of tools that are at the disposal of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Yeah, it does not indicate in any way that these things were used on citizens. It didn't
Jordan (00:49:33.000)
know I mean, no, it doesn't point it. There is no smoking gun, right? But you know, you get a shiny you get a shiny toy, you want to play with it, you know, like and even if it's not been used maliciously from a government standpoint, some CIA dude has seen your naked pictures. Right? And he has it doesn't matter they've they've shared them. You know it I know it dudes are awful. It happened
Dan (00:49:59.000)
it It's, it's probable, I have to give you that much. It's likely Yeah. But it's not what Alex says. He says that it's proof that they killed Michael Hastings by running his car into a tree. Okay, which is sketchy? That's a little bit of a weird answer,
Jordan (00:50:19.000)
you're gonna need a little bit more than I bet they could. Right? He
Dan (00:50:22.000)
stops just short of saying like, the Malaysian planes were instances. He goes so fucking far on this and that everybody's TV is listening to them. It's like, like in that book 1984. He's taking his paranoid fantasies, there's a slight confirmation that these tools and these backdoors are available to people in intelligence, and then using that information as confirmation of his paranoid fantasies that he's been having for years. What it's not confirmation of that.
Jordan (00:50:53.000)
And also, they haven't had it for as long as you might think. I mean, they're of yours. Yeah, well, they're talking about the backdoors and shit that they have in iOS, all of those things. And those, you know, those haven't been around for that long, no. And they won't be around for longer at all. Which is the amazing thing. Like, for all the weird and awful shit Wikileaks has done, they did this time, like say, Hey, we're not going to just publish all of the ways to get into the iOS and the Android operating systems. We're gonna give it to them first, so they can close those holes. Oh, they did? Yeah. Oh, that's great. Yeah, they haven't done it there. They are going to Oh, but they're gonna wait until Apple and Android closes them.
Dan (00:51:36.000)
Okay. Because that's because that'd be a Darius hacker
Jordan (00:51:39.000)
exact well, it already is the fact that they have purposefully found these and asked them to stay in there and not revealed them is the most dangerous thing like, yeah, I guess if you're in the government that helps you in a certain way, but that also means they exist. Yeah. And somebody will find them.
Dan (00:51:58.000)
Well, anything that is there. Anything that exists like that exists for a reason? Yeah. And they're the only reason for that is to bypass your privacy and security. Yeah. So like, that? is again, this small point in which we agree with Alex. Yeah. All the rest of it now.
Jordan (00:52:14.000)
And one more time. Why is it that Obama did all that bombing? Did they have something on it? I don't know. I want to know, it seems inconsistent. I want to know, well, apparently there's my paranoid fantasy yet. How come I don't get one?
Dan (00:52:28.000)
I was just reading up that like, Trump has already dropped more bombs yet than Obama did a year. Perfect. Right. He's a piece of America. So that argument is gone. Yep. He's already gone golfing more times than Obama did in a year.
Jordan (00:52:43.000)
millennia costs us what? Some ridiculous that like 50, like half a million dollars that goddamn
Dan (00:52:50.000)
day. Yeah. Something like It's like every million a week.
Jordan (00:52:53.000)
Every single American is paying for her to hate her husband.
Dan (00:52:57.000)
Well, that's that's the that's the part where we get into fantasy narratives. We don't know if it's because she hates Trump. It seems like I mean,
Jordan (00:53:06.000)
there's no other. The only other explanation
Dan (00:53:09.000)
is Aaron's gotta go to school.
Jordan (00:53:11.000)
Yeah, no, she hates him. Yeah. Anyway, she doesn't want to live in the White House, which I don't I don't I don't blame her for that
Dan (00:53:17.000)
blue Calais with a frappe juez. De I just realized that we still haven't gotten to the point where Alex tells a lie about his history. Oh, so we still have that to look forward to. But I wanted to unpack that WikiLeaks thing a little bit. And I'm glad that we were able to do it without calling Julian Assange, a Russian agent, which we'll get to later. Oh, great. today.
Alex Jones (00:53:38.000)
We told you everything. And because patriots inside the different agencies are unable to speak out. My show was early adopted not officially as a place to dump information. And so I had NSA whistleblowers, offered engineer, blowers, you name it. I mean, you've seen for many years the Thomas Drake's the William Benny's the technical head of the NSA. Come on the show. The I don't
Dan (00:54:05.000)
know what the technical head is that true? What
Jordan (00:54:08.000)
the technical head?
Dan (00:54:09.000)
I don't I don't know if he means Head of Technology, or I don't think he's technically
Jordan (00:54:13.000)
I yeah, I don't think he knows. Yeah, that's technical head.
Dan (00:54:17.000)
He does have these dudes on who have some pedigree and stuff, but they're also like, we're gonna get into one of them later, a guy named Steve polygenic. He's a guy who Yeah, he was in the CIA. He was like a psychiatrist, psychiatrist within these organizations, but like you one of the torture guys. I don't know. But he's crazy. Yeah, he's nuts. So these peas Oh, yeah. These people who Alex gets on. Some of them do have history in the service and what have you, but they've lost
Jordan (00:54:45.000)
it. Yeah. Or or they never had it, which is even scarier.
Dan (00:54:49.000)
It's equally possible. Yeah, but they're not like raving street preacher crazy. They've they've got it together enough that they can tell a story.
Jordan (00:54:59.000)
Like how did Buzz Aldrin insists that there were people on Mars or something like that others
Dan (00:55:03.000)
that pillar that's radiating.
Jordan (00:55:05.000)
Yeah. You know, Buzz? Yeah.
Dan (00:55:08.000)
So here we go. So that's the beginning of his story is that
Jordan (00:55:15.000)
the mill gotten everything right, because the military unofficially decided, we know we can trust Alex Jones to disseminate this information because no one's going to see it.
Dan (00:55:28.000)
Yeah, that would be like, That's what conspiracy theory communities believe about Alex Jones, is that he's being tricked by intelligence agencies. They give him one correct and four piece of information and four lies basically.
Jordan (00:55:41.000)
So they're just playing a game. They're playing two truths and a lie with him. Yeah, what's happened?
Dan (00:55:45.000)
Well, yeah, the end goal is to discredit Alex, essentially, as someone who's has the truth, okay, look, it's stupid.
Jordan (00:55:55.000)
It's stupid.
Dan (00:55:56.000)
It's stupid,
Jordan (00:55:58.000)
dumb people are out dumping dumb people is what you just described to me more or
Dan (00:56:01.000)
less, but it's not as stupid as where the rest of the story about his past goes.
Alex Jones (00:56:06.000)
former NSA folks from 20 years ago, blowing the whistle as well, like Wayne Madsen. I mean, there's countless great people out there. So it's not about us getting credit. It's about people understanding, we've been absolutely on target.
Jordan (00:56:17.000)
It's never about them getting credit. And never I don't think we've ever listened to him. Just once. I want him to be like, Hey, give us some credit. This is pretty good.
Dan (00:56:26.000)
He actually does do that a little bit. He screams Well, I mean, like, all the all the like him being censored stuff.
Jordan (00:56:35.000)
Because we just hear every every clip. It's like, Look, I know, we're amazing. But it's not about us. It's false. You know, I know I'm right all the time. But I don't want to toot my own horn.
Dan (00:56:45.000)
He's big into the false humility game. But then he's also big into the I'm being victimized game, which are very difficult games to play simultaneously. Because if you're playing the victim game, it's that I'm awesome. And someone else is holding me back. Like you're playing the prices
Jordan (00:57:00.000)
right? And Jeopardy at the same time. It's very difficult, very hard, because you're gonna go over every time. It's just gonna do it. Yeah,
Dan (00:57:07.000)
I dare say it's impossible. But somehow Alex pulls off what is $1
Jordan (00:57:11.000)
Alex Jones (00:57:15.000)
And that's why I was told many years ago, that enlarge divisional groups in the Defense Department in Defense Intelligence, in the CIA in the NSA, in the geospatial group and all of them. They would call people in an entire meeting rooms and say, This guy is young. He's wild, but he's done the research and as the sources he's dead on. This is the Voice of America right here. Like Johnny. We don't know.
Jordan (00:57:44.000)
He just described point break. So boy, I think I think he's wild. Yeah.
Dan (00:57:49.000)
What's Johnny, Utah this Voice of America?
Jordan (00:57:52.000)
We use my voice. Or let's maybe go with lethal weapon. He's Mel Gibson and lethal weapons. So
Dan (00:57:58.000)
but do you get me saying yeah, the military would call people into boardrooms and be like, Alex Jones is the shit.
Jordan (00:58:04.000)
Yep. No, what do you mean? What do you mean? Alex Jones was Johnny, Utah. He played football. He was a surfer. You know, there's so much water in Texas to surf. Sure. Absolutely. He was a he was an undercover FBI agent as we all know. And that's true. His family his dad was a CIA dentist, and he cheeses anyway who
Alex Jones (00:58:33.000)
were killed when he came up with him for war, the way to counter it. We don't have that website. We don't know this guy is doing it all. He's reverse engineered it. This is the guy to listen to. And I obviously do want to tell you that even though I knew that 15 years ago, and this morning some folks I know got calls they're like yeah, we got ordered 12 years ago to listen to our shows. Seal Team Six you name it.
Jordan (00:58:54.000)
way because Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the fuck and what
Dan (00:59:00.000)
they got ordered to listen to Alex it's also I think,
Jordan (00:59:04.000)
does he think it's been the same like SEAL Team Six is the same guys for the past 12 years? Yeah, absolutely. Like it's just been the same dude. Like we got Dan and he's just been there the whole time now he's
Dan (00:59:13.000)
65 Yeah. But damn was he couldn't appear Oh, man.
Jordan (00:59:17.000)
He can fly god damn helicopter like a motherfucker. I don't
Dan (00:59:20.000)
know how but he always keeps his feet dry. Which is important when you're in country. Yeah, absolutely.
Jordan (00:59:28.000)
Order somebody to listen to info boys. Tighten up helps you. You don't even listen to Infowars that much I do. Oh, that's true. Yeah, that's true. But well Soros ordered you to so there is that?
Dan (00:59:43.000)
That's right. I got my marching orders from home Georgia boy himself. discredit this man. That's what that's what sounds like Palpatine. His fake life still more convincing than Alex Jones. Anyway, he's still hasn't gotten to the depths of this fake narrative has passed
Alex Jones (01:00:03.000)
it. We resisted, we stood up. Infowars is on target. And people want to know some of the conversations I've had with Trump. It's been about that. It's amazing. I can't believe the intelligence community loves you so much. You've been get on for 20 years. Wow. Yeah. I'm just now learning about all this.
Dan (01:00:21.000)
So two things. The intelligence committee that Trump hates loves Alex so much.
Jordan (01:00:25.000)
Yes. Bizarre. Well, Trump is just surprised by how much they love Alex. But again, it goes back to this narrative. There's
Dan (01:00:31.000)
a split that the intelligence gets within
Jordan (01:00:33.000)
the intelligence community and go yeah, they love Alex Jones so much right. But the pencil next who as we know, the chicken neck, sorry about that pencil, chicken neck regional insult extra coach. Now they with their wooden American flags, just refused to bow down to President Trump. Absolutely.
Dan (01:00:54.000)
And they do not like Alex. But then the other thing they're, even though they were
Jordan (01:00:58.000)
ordered 12 years ago to listen
Dan (01:00:59.000)
to, yeah, maybe they didn't like this guy's bullshit. We're in the intelligence community. We don't have to fact check. This guy is a liar. But like, the other thing there at the end is that like, he says that in his phone calls with Trump, he's like, I'm just starting to learn about these things, which undercuts the narrative that he's been an Americana sleeper cell since he was 20.
Jordan (01:01:21.000)
Well, he's just starting to learn about the real depths of the globalism they were speaking from the same playbook. But Alex was getting the information straight from the NSA for 20 years, you may be rump Trump has just been being the good man, you know, if he got this information, great, man, if he got this information, he will be compromised.
Dan (01:01:40.000)
That's a good point. Also, I don't have a clip of this. But there's a point where Alex goes into like this story about getting some like classified documents when he was younger.
Jordan (01:01:51.000)
Like Lego, like the Neverending Story, like he goes into a library and finds this magical
Dan (01:01:57.000)
book, as I recall, the way he says he got them with some guy pulled up in a car and gave it to him. So this guy gives us these documents, and he shows it to his dad. He's like, Oh, yeah, you got it. You gotta burn these. Instead, he's like, he's like, my dad's land. He's got some great land in Texas. We've just burned him, because his dad is like, they're trying to set you up with this classified information. If you get found with this, you're gonna go down. So they burned the documents.
Jordan (01:02:27.000)
Well, I think that's even a sideshow. Because the only way to really get rid of those documents is to boil them down right? into silver fillings. We all know that we all know this. Yeah. How do you get rid of a body? Turn it into fillings? Everybody knows this, turn it into non fluoride toothpaste. Exactly. Dentists are the only true serial killers, dentists.
Dan (01:02:49.000)
That's just his cover.
Alex Jones (01:02:51.000)
Anyway, if you want to know Trump's learning about all this right now, about how they can remote control planes, how they can crash cars, how they can turn on microphones and cameras, all of it. And people are asking how did I know this? 1819 years ago, it was because their audit engineers in Austin that were very wealthy that had been part of this that saw me on air talking about it, and gave me even more intel.
Jordan (01:03:14.000)
It's a good thing. They were very wealthy that way we know we
Dan (01:03:16.000)
can trust them. Absolutely. We love the rich. Yeah. Thanks for pointing that out, Alex. But also the other idea there. If you really unpack what he's saying is like I got in the air and started yelling about crazy bullshit. I had no proof of it.
Jordan (01:03:28.000)
Turns out it was all right. People gave me proof.
Dan (01:03:32.000)
Okay, that's not how this should work. That's not journalism. That's just, that's just You lucked out. You hit some sort of lottery. And again, I don't believe the story.
Jordan (01:03:45.000)
Even within the realm of us believing the story, the story is unbelievable.
Dan (01:03:49.000)
Yeah, exactly. More to the point. If it's true, which is not it's not good. It doesn't paint him in a good light. I was a crazy duty. Confirmed by crazy there's no wind. But it's so delightful. Like as a as like, in a in the sea that we're in of kind of boring, subdued. Alex. This kind of thing is delicious. It's just such a nice oasis. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:04:21.000)
And Bill Clinton ordered people to surveil me he ordered from our intel people to beat me up to break into my house. And all the chicken necks,
Jordan (01:04:31.000)
they wouldn't be too
Dan (01:04:32.000)
real man. No, no. Didn't.
Alex Jones (01:04:35.000)
The decision was made before Bill Clinton even left the military said we're not doing this to Alex Jones. So they persecuted me up front and then the side of this is a patriot. What the hell are we doing? Because they were surveilling me and turn me loose. I've been in the jaws of the system by the grace of God. And it's just the right place the right time. Family background being from Texas. People knowing I'm for real, that we've been leaders For at least 1516 years hardcore inside the government because other people couldn't talk about this stuff, and they would say you, you listen to Alex Jones and you're ordered to listen to this. That'd be what the conspiracy guy they're like. It's not a conspiracy. He's dead on. This is the intel on the whole program. Listen to Jones, he's got it all. Because I've done the research. I've read the globalist books. I'm not that special folks. You go read Carol Quigley's books and you go read Bertrand Russell's books, and you go read presented presents these books, and you read Golden's books, some of the stuffs 170 years old, most of its 67 years old, 3040 years old. It's all there.
Jordan (01:05:36.000)
I just read all the books. Once all people
Alex Jones (01:05:39.000)
act like their professors, they act like their intel analysts. They act like they're researching. They're not they're trying to act cool. I did it. And I'm not bragging.
Jordan (01:05:46.000)
Yes, you are. I love I love how he goes immediately from the intelligence community was ordered to listen to me because I'm so right. I'm the only one who's real. I'm the greatest broadcaster in history. I'm not saying this. You know, to tell you how great I'm not bragging.
Dan (01:06:06.000)
I would never brag false humility.
Jordan (01:06:08.000)
I'm just I'm just letting you guys know. This is God. The delusions of grandeur within that little clip right there. That's amazing. Yeah,
Dan (01:06:19.000)
it's next level. That's
Jordan (01:06:20.000)
incredible. That's that's
Dan (01:06:24.000)
what we were getting to like, talking over that clip a tiny bit was he doesn't say what it is? No. It's just, it's all in there. You haven't read these books?
Jordan (01:06:36.000)
What books? What's in the books? I've just been reading the globalist books. Some of them are hard. 140 years old, is he then saying that the technology to watch you through your TV is 140 years old,
Dan (01:06:49.000)
more or less? Or at least the plan 12 dimensions?
Jordan (01:06:51.000)
Okay, we're back. We're back to the 12 dimensions. You're right. But then that's like, that's like some JK Rowling shit, where you can just wave your hand with 12 dimensions and everything makes sense. Again,
Dan (01:07:02.000)
yeah, we have to also put a really fine point on this, that he's so making the point that he's done the research. He's studied these things, and he's right about everything.
Jordan (01:07:13.000)
Yeah. Not to brag, though. Well, it's by the grace of God that he's right about it. But more importantly,
Dan (01:07:18.000)
we've consistently shown that he doesn't know about the things he reads. Like that's the theme of this show, essentially, is basically Alex Jones doesn't understand Alex Jones can't read, right. He does know reading apprehension skills. So for him to sit here and brag about like, I've read all these books. I don't trust your ability to read those books. I don't, I don't, especially since he read them when he was six. I don't want to read these books. To be honest. I don't have the time. I got a lot of Zelda to play. So I'm not going to go and read these books.
Jordan (01:07:50.000)
Like the new running theme of this podcast. I guess I'm sick of debunking Alex I got Zelda to play.
Dan (01:07:55.000)
I guarantee if I read these books, they wouldn't say what he thinks they say. I am positive of that. Yeah. Anyway, this clip isn't over. I think he brags a little bit more very humbly.
Alex Jones (01:08:05.000)
So I told you big leaks are coming. Giant leaks are coming. And I said Trump doesn't want to have to release all this because it can really hurt the country and hurt our intelligence gathering capabilities overseas. But it's all being done illegally by rogue groups that slave the country, to blackmail to, to to have servers acting like they're in Russia attacking things, which the intel community knows. Because they've got systems above that, that watch it. What and they know they've been trying to set trump up with Russians. And that's all come out in the news. It's up on Right now, Dr. Corsi, that's not seven, CIA can stage fake Russian hacking to undermine Trump CIA kept Russian cyber attack techniques handy for false flags. Wait, did it to Trump. What was the intel community then looked in Congress at the claims and they were fake? So they kept saying Trump's got a secret server? Yeah, they were running one right out of the van outside the Trump Tower trying to spoof his IPs. And then they rolled the whole thing up, folks.
Dan (01:09:10.000)
No, they didn't. But they.
Jordan (01:09:13.000)
So he's he's saying that in WikiLeaks, they revealed that the CIA specifically points out that they have the tools to perform false flag Russian operations against Trump.
Dan (01:09:26.000)
No. Well, no, not really.
Jordan (01:09:28.000)
I think that's what he said though, right.
Dan (01:09:30.000)
It's what he's trying to say. Yeah. The reality is what they what they showed is that they the CIA does have like some Russian origin malware. Yeah. That they have confiscated or found
Jordan (01:09:42.000)
in Russia has some of our Absolutely, yeah.
Dan (01:09:45.000)
100% What the The thing is, he then makes the leap to all of this stuff is what was used for the Russian hacking, okay. Which is absolutely not true, right. There are good resources that I found that I I don't fully I understand, but I understand enough to know that these malware things that are in the WikiLeaks are not the specific ones that are the code that is found in the Russian hacks, okay, that they don't match up. Right. So the idea that it was a false flag thing proven by these WikiLeaks is 100% not true. The bigger issue is that Alex, having presented himself as someone who talks to Trump on the phone, drops this little bit where he's like, Trump didn't want to release this stuff, which implies that Trump
Jordan (01:10:34.000)
released it through WikiLeaks
Dan (01:10:37.000)
a little bit.
Jordan (01:10:38.000)
Ah, oh, man,
Dan (01:10:41.000)
because the globalists won't leave him alone. Now, if that's at all true,
Jordan (01:10:47.000)
and we do know that Flynn communicated with Guccifer, Roger Stone, Roger Stone did That's right. So stone for knowledge of foreknowledge as a WikiLeaks hacks?
Dan (01:10:59.000)
Yeah. I think you know, just because we're using the term sort of loosely, I want to make it clear that we don't think WikiLeaks hacked things. No, there's a separation of
Jordan (01:11:09.000)
they get the information. And there's a very strange power structure. The hierarchy there
Dan (01:11:17.000)
is pretty I just noticed that we were saying wiki leak hex bit. I wanted to make clear the show. We were not saying
Jordan (01:11:22.000)
that. Yeah, they just get it and throw it out there. Yeah. So so. So stone has connections knows in advance, the DNC hack is coming? Yes. No, there's one connection there
Dan (01:11:38.000)
lies about it, and then later admits it. Yeah.
Jordan (01:11:42.000)
Because what was his defense there that it was just like, well, everybody knew it was common. Everybody talks to Guccifer. Yeah, that was his defense. Right? The New York Times talk to him so that means it's fine. If I do
Dan (01:11:53.000)
there was that and then also like, I was a benign conversation, that sort of thing.
Jordan (01:11:58.000)
But nine conversation can you have he went on Alex, your Roger Stone. Roger Stone does not have any benign conversation, sir. He is either kickin ass shirtless, or talking to hacker
Dan (01:12:10.000)
you know, he has a tattoo of Nixon's face on his back.
Jordan (01:12:15.000)
That's not true. It's that's not true. You could picture someone else. No, I refuse to I don't want to live in this world. Okay, next. You just You just proved that there is no point in any of us continuing. No. Wow. So
Dan (01:12:29.000)
Roger Stone is a notorious liar and a Republican, dirty trickster for like the last 4050 years, like so the idea that he is above board is just incredible lunacy. Yeah. Anybody who would take him at his word is a fucking idiot. But we do know
Jordan (01:12:46.000)
that Alex Jones takes him at his best friend. Yeah.
Dan (01:12:49.000)
So the the fact that he has these contacts with WikiLeaks and with Guccifer 2.0. It's not benign. It can't be of course, there's something going on there. Now I don't know what it was. It maybe it was just information digging or something like that. That's still fucked up.
Jordan (01:13:08.000)
People know what it was someone does. Someone has to what? Why can't we just get it? Why is it that everything points to one possible conclusion? Yeah. Or it's all a weird system of happenstance. Like everybody, it's it's so it's either there's collusion there. Or it's like a drawing room farce where everybody's walking into different doors and following. And then they come out of a different door and they look at each other like,
Dan (01:13:39.000)
I didn't know you were there. And they like it's like, it's like a it's an episode of Three's Company, basically, or it's like Murder on the Orient Express. Yeah, everybody kills the guy. Yeah. They've none of them knew. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Everybody on this train independently killed this guy. Okay, yeah, it's
Jordan (01:13:56.000)
clue. Yeah, there's there's multiple endings for this shit. Oh, but some people have to have enough information. By this point. Yeah. There's no possible way there isn't enough information to go one way or the
Dan (01:14:10.000)
other. I think Roger Stone might be close to getting a real polonium poisoning. I well. I think he's in danger.
Jordan (01:14:17.000)
The ambassador's dying? Yeah, that which, which even then they could have just died.
Dan (01:14:24.000)
Could have. That's possible. They're all connected to the dirty dossier. And it's a lot of them. Yeah, very soon. It's like close together eight this year, I think. Yeah, but they were old people. Super old but old enough that
Jordan (01:14:36.000)
it's a reasonable thing somebody knows and we don't and it's so frustrating every day I wake up angry because it's like, just fucking to me right now. This is like Chinese water torture where every day there's just another little drip, another drip. Like I just want them to blow up the world or leave you
Dan (01:14:56.000)
just wish that the bandaid would get put
Jordan (01:14:59.000)
on Yeah, just a ended do whatever. Nuclear War fine at this point just so I don't have to listen to your bullshit
Dan (01:15:05.000)
anymore. Yeah, the tension needs to be released. Yeah. I mean, I have faith that it will. I think we're heading towards disclosure. Oh, but people have been saying that about aliens for years. Anyway, Jordan, it's time to
Jordan (01:15:18.000)
get specific.
Dan (01:15:19.000)
Alex Jones has said about Trump in the past, right? Yeah. Well, you suggested it. Yeah. He's never outright said Trump will tell us about aliens.
Jordan (01:15:26.000)
But he's, what wasn't the first like they was talking with Rogan right where he's like, Oh, the first thing I would ask is, where are the aliens telling you about the aliens? Yeah,
Dan (01:15:36.000)
yeah. But I think Alex is more interested and more very overt about he's going to give us immortality technology. That's true. I don't know about that. Alex does want to live forever. Speaking of Rogan,
Jordan (01:15:47.000)
it's time for us. stampers him Eddie Bravo.
Dan (01:15:50.000)
It's time for us to get to the star fuckery portion of the show. over this last week, Alex has been going into overdrive in terms of booking guests, who are celebrity in nature, anything to distract. He had some military folk on who were a little bit scary in their commitment to Trump. Oh, no, in a way that felt like it wasn't just because he's the President felt very weird. But then beyond that, he's had a string of celebrity guests this week. He started the week. On Wednesday, he had Eddie Bravo in studio, which we're gonna get into. And then also at the end of the week, he had he'd been teasing this for the entire week. Yeah, Jesse James. Motorcycle impresario Oh, and former reality TV star and Nazi
Jordan (01:16:42.000)
Jesse James is a Nazi. You don't know about that? I did not know about
Dan (01:16:46.000)
though. I can't say that. He's a Nazi.
Jordan (01:16:48.000)
I avoid celebrity everything as much as possible.
Dan (01:16:51.000)
I can't say that. He's a Nazi. But he isn't. He doesn't look good. He's sure he's sure he's got some Nazi. No, he was wearing a Nazi hat and put two fingers over his like top lip indicating sort of like a Hitler mustache. Right. And Zeke hailed in a picture that was released in 2014. Which is just good.
Jordan (01:17:09.000)
Isn't that No, I think I do remember that when because the internet got all boy, we got him now. Right? Oh, we're gonna be mean to him for a day until we ignore him again.
Dan (01:17:20.000)
I can't say that. That proves anything because people take dumb pictures all the time. People are
Jordan (01:17:24.000)
dumb, especially rich entitled white people. Now here's my question do dumb shit.
Dan (01:17:28.000)
Why does he have a Nazi hat? That's number one.
Jordan (01:17:31.000)
Who? Why don't you have a Nazi hat? It's
Dan (01:17:34.000)
great. Question number two. This is my other piece of evidence that I think Jesse James is a Nazi. His business is called West Coast choppers. Okay. And their original logo was very similar to the Nazi Iron Cross. Hmm, almost identical. Ah, he then a couple years later changed his logo. And it was basically the Nazi Eagle. It's just that
Jordan (01:18:00.000)
bird. So he's just he's just cycling through imagery now.
Dan (01:18:03.000)
And he calls himself or he calls that new logo, the warbird.
Jordan (01:18:07.000)
Which I don't like that at
Dan (01:18:09.000)
all. No, it's It's not proof. But man, it doesn't look good. It
Jordan (01:18:13.000)
doesn't look good. Now. It's a it's a coincidence. Another
Dan (01:18:18.000)
piece of coincidence. Oh boy. After he got divorced from Sandra Bullock. He started messing around with his lady named Michelle bombshell McGee, who is a bit of a Nazi. Wait,
Jordan (01:18:29.000)
he was married to Sandra Bullock. Yeah, that's crazy. Sandra Bullock a Nazi?
Dan (01:18:34.000)
I don't know. She divorced him and adopted a African American baby. So I don't know. So. Wait, am I just thinking out of the blinds? Yeah.
Jordan (01:18:41.000)
I don't know what is happening right there. What does happen? I don't know.
Dan (01:18:45.000)
So this lady Michelle McGee, also known as bombshell, right? She has a tattoo on her her leg on the back of her thighs. WP, which is notorious in circles as white power. She has claimed that it stands for wet pussy.
Jordan (01:19:09.000)
I mean, I know that either one of those. She
Dan (01:19:14.000)
was quoted as saying Jessie and I had a conversation about it. And he says that's a new conversation. He says a lot of his friends have the tattoo. A wet pussy tattoo. White Power tattoo.
Jordan (01:19:29.000)
I mean, doesn't look good.
Dan (01:19:31.000)
I have a lot of my friends have white power tattoos. Which friends? I don't know. Then another piece of evidence that Michelle bombshell McGee is a Nazi on Facebook. She's listed mine comp as her favorite book.
Jordan (01:19:45.000)
She's a Nazi. That's a Nazi. And that does not stared for what Yeah, no, that's my cup. Although that would be a way better book. I feel like I don't know if he would have sold as many copies with the time but
Dan (01:19:57.000)
I've read not the entirety of mine coffee. I've read a bit of it. And if it's your favorite book, it's not for the literature. It's not a well written book. Yeah, the only thing to take away from it is hatred of the Jews. Yeah, that's really the only point. You
Jordan (01:20:11.000)
know, I've been told in the past to read it. And, and every time I was like, Nah, I don't think there's any Oh, they I don't think there's any reason to know.
Dan (01:20:21.000)
It's I think we're good. It's much like me going back and reading these globalist books. You don't have time for that,
Jordan (01:20:26.000)
ya know, life is life is almost over now. Yes. I'm so glad that now that I know, I only have five years left.
Dan (01:20:34.000)
Yeah. When When Michelle McGee got a divorce when she was suing for custody of their children. Her ex husband said that she had child block magnets on the refrigerator that would spell out white power.
Jordan (01:20:44.000)
She's a Nazi. Then Jesse James is a Nazi.
Dan (01:20:48.000)
Jesse James also was formerly married to Janine London Mueller. Who's that porn star who was on the cover of the blink 182 album? Off Your Pants and Jack Right? Right. That was that album? I can't remember their their fucking dumbass title names. Yeah. So they got divorced. And then she got remarried to a guy named Jeremy Aikman, who's a multiple time felon and admitted skinhead? Yep, Jesse, James and Sandra Bullock
Jordan (01:21:14.000)
what a tangled web we weave when at first we Nazi
Dan (01:21:19.000)
Jesse James and Sandra Bullock fought to revoke Linda Mueller's custody of the child that he and Janine had together, citing her marriage to Aikman as evidence of negative environments for children.
Jordan (01:21:31.000)
Yeah, that's a good citation. So now all of this I don't think she should get custody. All of
Dan (01:21:38.000)
these again. Don't like Dead to Rights proven thing. But if you're hanging around with that many Nazis.
Jordan (01:21:46.000)
Oh, you're gonna look like a Nazi. It's not good. Yeah, Nazi.
Dan (01:21:50.000)
I don't think it I don't think that necessarily Jesse James is himself an actual Nazi. But he's not. Because it is not the 1940s He's not so he's not a reasonable person, though. Okay, because if I were around he
Jordan (01:22:07.000)
did he instead become very reasonable while being on Alex Jones's show and
Dan (01:22:13.000)
by comparison, but I did not have time to pull this clip because
Jordan (01:22:19.000)
he didn't do a Nazi
Dan (01:22:19.000)
salute. Well, he actually just seems like a kind of chill, dude. Okay, he actually comes off pretty decent in the same way that Eddie Bravo comes off pretty decent too. Right? But like, he he does do one thing that I think is amazing. And that is he tells Alex repeatedly to stop being a sore winner, which I think is great. And it really disrupts Alex, this is the first time Alex has gotten some shit thrown in his face. At least in the last months of watching this in the last since we've since we've been around, and he can't shout him down because he's Jesse James, a notorious real man and celebrity Nazi has to kiss his ass, right? Because he's a star fucker. Right? So it really throws off the interviewer. And by the time he does tell Alex to stop being a sore winner, it just like Alex can't get his bearings back. And he ends up just being like, what kind of cars do you get? It becomes just
Jordan (01:23:13.000)
what it should have been in the first place. Alex, do you drop the ball on that one
Dan (01:23:18.000)
doesn't fit the narrative of the Alex Jones Show, though. So I'm going to play a couple of clips of Jesse James and then we will get to the real fun, which is the adventures of Eddie Bravo. But this one actually Jesse isn't in. It's just Alex Lyon. Real hard.
Alex Jones (01:23:37.000)
Rock Ronald Reagan met him and never did this and wrote a letter back saying I felt like I met the president, not the other way around. And there's people that have known him 30 plus years and they knew
Dan (01:23:45.000)
that he's talking about Trump. That didn't happen. What that didn't happen.
Jordan (01:23:49.000)
Reagan met Trump. Yeah, Reagan met Trump Reagan didn't meet Trump did
Dan (01:23:54.000)
what he did when Trump was much younger. There was a picture of them shaking hands. And that quote, that I thought I was meeting the President or that's how I felt because he was so had such a powerful presence. He never said that. Never said it. No, I did some research on it. I tracked it down. Alex is quoting a meme.
Jordan (01:24:12.000)
Oh, okay. That I was waiting for you to say Alex was quoting Alex, because that seems very much in his move. He has
Dan (01:24:19.000)
said this before in the past. It is a thing he keeps bringing up. But that has no basis in reality. It just showed up in a meme. And people have just accepted that it's true
Jordan (01:24:29.000)
the same way 3 million undocumented immigrants voted in the last election that whole
Dan (01:24:34.000)
thing? Yeah, absolutely. So I just love that I love when you just see definitive evidence of someone just not all cloth making shit up not doing the research. Not understanding what he's reading. It takes it would take a 22nd google search to find the origin of that meme. It's so easy. The only thing that's strange and may even surprise you is that Reagan did meet. Yeah, like that is weird and because of so weird and there's a picture of it. That's why someone created this meme. Yeah, of course. So this clip is a little bit longer, but I'm gonna cut it off in the
Jordan (01:25:08.000)
movie The why wouldn't you instead, make the meme about when the Clintons were hanging out with Trump? And instead, it's like Hillary 20 years ago said dryly, it felt like I met the president.
Dan (01:25:21.000)
Let's now would be a good meme. Yeah, but Reagan's dead. Reagan is dead, so you can lie and he can't rebut it. Well, I
Jordan (01:25:29.000)
mean, in his later years, he couldn't rebut it either.
Dan (01:25:31.000)
That's true. But also
Jordan (01:25:35.000)
might have been true, I want to say mainly because Reagan thought he was meeting FDR.
Dan (01:25:40.000)
He can walk again. Holy shit. So I want to point this out. Last week, Donald Trump did tweet about how Russia has run over America and he put run over in quotes. This is incredibly important, because that's Alex Jones slang. He talks about powerful people running over weaker people that specifically Donald Trump using Alex Jones slang.
Jordan (01:26:03.000)
I mean, it is it is in the popular consciousness though. Like I've said, I don't know if I've ever said it. But I know it exists. I know what
Dan (01:26:11.000)
the saying it does. Alex says it all the time. And if you any
Jordan (01:26:15.000)
did use quotes, didn't he? He did rule that is suspicious. So mainly because Trump doesn't know where quotes go? No. in our in our history of Trump tweets. I don't think he's used quotes correctly at all
Dan (01:26:27.000)
ever. So let's get back to Jesse James here. He starts out this clip really dumb. And then it gets really aggressive about protesters, which I don't approve of.
Jesse James (01:26:38.000)
Russia, why would Russian hack Russia hack our election?
Jordan (01:26:41.000)
So why isn't what
Alex Jones (01:26:43.000)
it's saying you didn't have the initiative to go vote for him Jesse James, you're a Russian robot.
Dan (01:26:47.000)
So that's stupid. Alex thinks that like the idea is that the Russian hack means that no one voted for Trump, but that's stupid. That's not what anybody's saying. No. And then Jesse James tried to be like, why would why would Russia do it? Like you said, a million reasons. So many reasons. Putin notably hates Hillary Clinton. Yeah, they have a documented history of him really not liking her. And her being tough on them in terms of sanctions.
Jordan (01:27:16.000)
I mean, who doesn't have reasons to hack the American election? I would if I could hack it. I probably would.
Dan (01:27:22.000)
I wouldn't be fun. I know I'd leave a trail. Well, you wouldn't be very good at it.
Jordan (01:27:27.000)
Neither would I
Dan (01:27:28.000)
you know, I stick with things I'm good at like freeing elephants so anyway, back to this clip.
Alex Jones (01:27:38.000)
I'm a Russian robot. It's
Jesse James (01:27:38.000)
there just recently just in denial. You know what and I get it all the time. And this is why I don't have anything really to come on here to talk to you about special I think, but I like to Oh, come on. No, but I like to come on here. Just as a voice of the blue collar Americans ya know, the Yeah, Jesse
Jordan (01:27:56.000)
James. He's a blue collar America's
Dan (01:27:58.000)
worth $100 million.
Jordan (01:28:00.000)
Who was once married to Sandra Bullock you know, when are blue collar Americans are went
Dan (01:28:06.000)
from Sandra Bullock to a Nazi stripper. What are you doing?
Jordan (01:28:10.000)
A? We can't yet prove that Sandra Bullock herself is not a Nazi stripper. That's a fair point. We don't have the we don't have we haven't got the documents yet. It may be in the dirty dusty
Dan (01:28:20.000)
again. I'm gonna punt on this investment. I don't want to be part of but like,
Jordan (01:28:25.000)
Wouldn't be the funniest. If we broke. Sandra Bullock was a Nazi stripper. Oh, Jesus. That'd be a solid. It'd be a scoop.
Dan (01:28:32.000)
If we start screaming about it, maybe some rich Chicago will give us give us information. Anyway, like, I get it. I get what he's saying about being blue collar. He works on cars. He has these outward trappings of appearing blue collar, right. But he has 100 Fucking million dollars and is probably worth way more than that.
Jordan (01:28:51.000)
Really? Yeah.
Dan (01:28:53.000)
You know why? He has all that money. West Coast choppers is incredibly successful. It's a huge Motorcycle Company. And they don't really get into this on the show. But he has NRA branded shirts and clothing wear that it's sold like targets and stuff like that. Why? Yeah, so he makes no he makes millions of dollars selling NRA clothes, so it's super fucked up.
Jordan (01:29:18.000)
Why is it that everybody's connected with murder weapons?
Dan (01:29:21.000)
I don't know. I don't know. Maybe because they're Nazis. i
Jordan (01:29:25.000)
Yeah. Nazis really do know how to do their guns yet.
Dan (01:29:29.000)
They also talk about these allegations that he's a Nazi at some point and he's like, look, I survived a media tornado. And like everyone says all this ugly shit. It's I can't but that's because there's ugly shit. Yeah, like if you didn't have a Nazi stripper girlfriend that you were banging around. I
Jordan (01:29:47.000)
don't think that stripper is a negative part of this at all. No, not at all. That's perfectly fine. I think we should just cut the stripper part but but that makes sense. Nazi girlfriend still is interesting to me. I think the me And then you get rid of stripper and not the girlfriend still works on on me being.
Dan (01:30:04.000)
I think the media narrative though of going from Sandra Bullock to a stripper is compelling for the media. Yeah, I agree with you we shouldn't be
Jordan (01:30:12.000)
for tabloid journalism bullshit we shouldn't be judging from Sandra Bullock to Nazi is just as interesting I feel like it
Dan (01:30:20.000)
really could be a lateral move or investigation
Jordan (01:30:24.000)
or investigation is ongoing.
Dan (01:30:28.000)
And then like all these other connections to Nazis, your iconography being Nazi in origin like you can't you can't be mad that people started drawing connections. Yeah, in the same way that like this whole thing with Trump being investigated. You can't be mad about that. Right? There's a reason to investigate if
Jordan (01:30:44.000)
you have a German last name, and your grandfather has a lot of Nazi memorabilia or Jews. Maybe Maybe they're fillings maybe he's just really fascinated by World War Two memorabilia or maybe he was a Nazi.
Dan (01:30:59.000)
Yeah. And maybe it's worth looking into. Exactly. Because the difference really matter
Jordan (01:31:03.000)
and getting your grandfather up on international court. Yeah. Get him into a nervous Nuremberg trial.
Dan (01:31:11.000)
Because old man to The Hague.
Jesse James (01:31:14.000)
people that think that you know, because I'm filthy dirty every day. And because I work, I weld and I make stuff and I'm a mechanic. They think I'm an idiot. You're arrogant and and that's the way they think about the majority show this country.
Alex Jones (01:31:29.000)
I agree. We're on the same page tell the elites who got a dwindling audience who lie about our president who is truly delivering, like nobody's ever done in our modern history on what he would say he would do. I mean, it's truly incredible. It's messianic. What do you want to say to the people right there in camera for that? You know, that think because you actually built your own business and made hundreds of millions of dollars doing it billions total and gross that you're an idiot, because there are a bunch of do not what do you want to say to the so called the Leech.
Dan (01:31:55.000)
Alex keeps trying to get him to do promos on the boy. He's trying to be like, What do you want to say to these people? Right, and so he can cut it and put it in the Yeah. And Jesse James is very resistant to it. To his credit. He's just like, look, we won the election. Yeah, let's, he's getting he's getting to work and he's going about his business. Let's just live our lives. Why do you to yell at everybody all the time, Alex, and I don't
Jordan (01:32:19.000)
think that he's an idiot. No, like, I don't think I mean,
Dan (01:32:23.000)
I don't think he's a genius. No,
Jordan (01:32:25.000)
I don't, ya know, in the same in the same way, and I know this is a weird equivalence to make think he's a Nazi. But do these Nazi I don't think he's most Nazis weren't idiots. Oh, no, something that I think it's the same way where people think the Kardashians are idiots. And to me, I mean, maybe that's maybe, but also they turned, not being able to have skills into the most profitable skill you can have. Absolutely. Like they they did make this whole weird empire. They're not they're not stupid, some of it or or they're just ridiculously lucky. Yeah, some of
Dan (01:33:03.000)
it could come down to luck or like, a Machiavellian leader like the mom, like Chris could be incredibly smart. And everyone's going along for the ride. It could be that I don't know. But you're right, that that point is, is salient in terms of like, you can't be an idiot and create something that huge.
Jordan (01:33:19.000)
I mean, you can, it's very, it's happened before. Also, it takes an
Dan (01:33:23.000)
incredibly smart person to play an idiot. So the fact that they present themselves as dumb, is kind of almost an indication that they're not that dumb.
Jordan (01:33:32.000)
I think you're getting a little bit too far down the rabbit hole there. I don't know. They could just be dumb. Like, like, George, like W. You know, he could be this brilliant mastermind. Or it could just be a dumb idiot with a great pedigree of
Dan (01:33:47.000)
I think he's like Jesse James, he is probably high version of the middle. You know, like, I think, Okay, the reason that George W. Bush seems dumb is because we're used to smart, well spoken, articulate.
Jordan (01:34:03.000)
So it's our it's our perception of what the traits of a smart person
Dan (01:34:07.000)
is or of a president. Right, which is now completely demolished.
Jordan (01:34:11.000)
There's no There's no positive traits to presidents anymore.
Dan (01:34:14.000)
He looked, he looked dumb in comparison to our image of President but he wasn't that dumb as a whole. No, I
Jordan (01:34:22.000)
think you're probably I don't know.
Dan (01:34:24.000)
And it's the same with Jesse James is like, he looks dumb because of images we have in our
Jordan (01:34:29.000)
heads, so many reasons. He looks down for so many reasons, though. Those are not just images we have in our head. He really cultivates a dumb image.
Dan (01:34:38.000)
Yeah, but that also helps him sell shirts for the NRA. I mean, it's anyway, who cares? He's not dumb, though.
Alex Jones (01:34:45.000)
No, but I mean, listen, I get I do get stuttering angry, and I get what you're saying, Hey, be cool. Don't let them get to you. You're already awake. Jesse, you've already been through this. I'm pissed off that we've got the best numbers in this country in decades. And somebody's working there. I saw for the people and every major newspaper I know, says they want to see him assassinated. I'm not looking for trouble, but it makes me want to get aggressive.
Dan (01:35:09.000)
That's not in the papers. No, that's not in every single newspaper. Unless Alex is just not aware of any newspapers. And then that sentence is logically accurate. I don't think
Jordan (01:35:20.000)
Well, we know he's aware because he has printed out 1000s on 1000s of articles. That's a good point and read
Dan (01:35:26.000)
all of their headlines. Yes, that is true. So my argument doesn't hold water. Nope. He's just lying. He's just like, Assassination threats. Yep.
Alex Jones (01:35:33.000)
I'm sick of this crap. This guy's working for me and my family. And I'm getting passed about this.
Jesse James (01:35:39.000)
I'm not pissed about those people. I think it's funny. I think it's funny that they've worked their selves up into a big Tizzy over to the working class people working hard and accomplishing they all worked hard and voted and got this guy elected their loser and now he's working hard for them. You know, let them cry. You know,
Dan (01:35:57.000)
I'm not hooting the blowfish.
Jordan (01:35:59.000)
Yeah, I was about to I was about to point that out. Oh, boy,
Jesse James (01:36:04.000)
love it to be a sore winner. There's nothing worse than a sore winner.
Alex Jones (01:36:08.000)
I agree. But I'm just pointing out, said they had him wiretapped.
Jordan (01:36:11.000)
I agree. Now, I'm gonna go be a liar a month later.
Jesse James (01:36:14.000)
That's what these people do. They lie. I know. But you know,
Alex Jones (01:36:20.000)
what do you what do you think happens? God forbid they do assassinate Trump.
Jesse James (01:36:25.000)
ever going to do that man, we have the best protection, the best elite. And it's the same thing. It's a trunk full of ping pong balls, the only people.
Jordan (01:36:35.000)
So that's a trunk full of ping.
Dan (01:36:36.000)
That's a metaphor he made earlier in the interview. He's talking about how you if you have a truck full of a trunk full of ping pong balls, that's not going to add anything to your car. It's not going to really hurt your car. It's just nothing. It says that doesn't do anything. He's saying that like people tweeting threats, or like, I
Jordan (01:36:52.000)
guess that has a logic to it. It does.
Dan (01:36:54.000)
It's not great. It's not a great metaphor. Not the best I've ever heard. But it does track. Okay, it makes sense to the point he's trying to make. But yeah, I like that. I like his perspective doesn't like shrug it off. These are assholes, and people who are threatening to assassinate the President or saying he should die. I think that a lot of those people are assholes, probably who just want attention or want to be shocking, you know, and they're not the people who are in positions where they actually could.
Jordan (01:37:20.000)
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't vocalize any of my inner thoughts that you already know. No. I don't think there's no, I doubt it. I don't think if you go back through our records, you'll find any incriminating things that I've said,
Dan (01:37:34.000)
smash cut to be hung in the streets.
Jordan (01:37:37.000)
I'm just I mean, according to our laws, I'm not saying we should lawlessly hang him in the street. Of course, I'm just saying that according to the Constitution, and the laws we have, it is with well within our legal rights to hang Trump in the middle of the streets.
Dan (01:37:54.000)
I don't fully disagree, but I also don't agree for safety's sake.
Jesse James (01:37:57.000)
Bullet are coming out on Twitter, and saying like, Oh, I think Trump should get killed. They're only doing that to give themselves a little bit of fame. To a little bit. You know,
Alex Jones (01:38:08.000)
Philly Lego hop, like, Oh, my God, did you use I agree, but it's still illegal.
Jesse James (01:38:11.000)
You don't see what Billy 218 said. He said he would kill Trump. Oh my god, I will retweet that oh my god. He deleted the tweet. Oh my god. So I actually call that Yeah, but it's like, it's meaning that we should
Alex Jones (01:38:22.000)
who Billy three to eight is like our John Doe. We were actually blaming Billy.
Jesse James (01:38:26.000)
I know. But it's just it's it's about there is one. It doesn't mean anything. You know what I'm saying? It's like,
Alex Jones (01:38:33.000)
Jesse I 100% agree. You've coined the term. The MSM is not the fake stream. They are the false reality media. Yeah, like you said, you said they're false news.
Jesse James (01:38:43.000)
They're trying to make money so they can do that. Tell them the truth. And if they ran 18 hours of, of programming every day on all Trump's accomplished accomplishments and everything he's done in the first 50 days and all Zion Billy to one eight,
Dan (01:39:01.000)
they pulled up a Twitter account on their main screen of Billy to one eight.
Jordan (01:39:06.000)
That is the best investigative journalism they've done so far. Yeah, and they even they immediately found out that if you Google something, it will appear
Dan (01:39:15.000)
but they got the number wrong he said Billy 328 and they pulled up to one eight, so they even
Jordan (01:39:20.000)
find out what you know what I'm gonna give them a pass I think we're gonna give them an A for effort there. They did Google something this time be
Dan (01:39:27.000)
for effort. All right, good boy.
Alex Jones (01:39:30.000)
I'm sure it's great. Go ahead. Sorry.
Jesse James (01:39:32.000)
But if they ran a whole show that no one would watch it because it's not a train wreck. And it's not watch it.
Alex Jones (01:39:39.000)
I mean, it was real data. I mean, all this real data is coming. I mean, I get it I guess. Well, I guess that's what our audiences people that
Jesse James (01:39:46.000)
actually happens if you shut your phone off and your computer off to all that stuff.
Alex Jones (01:39:51.000)
It does drive me crazy. I'll be in a great mood. I come in and like look at 100 articles I'm gonna jump. So you just ignore all this crap.
Jesse James (01:39:59.000)
It Yeah, like, Hey, I was hyper connected to it before the election. And now that we won, I can sit back and like, you know what I know I have my friend working in working his ass off in the White House for people like me and people that think like me. And I know it's the first time because there hasn't been a president in there in a long, long time that really cared about the little guy,
Alex Jones (01:40:23.000)
the Jesse James, I totally get that statement.
Jesse James (01:40:26.000)
It's a sense of, I don't know. I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Jordan (01:40:33.000)
Interesting. Jesse James just said some straight nonsense, and he sounded like the most brilliant person. Absolutely. Compared to Alex Jones is rambling rage and like just just flecks of spittle coming out of his mouth. Jesse James sounds like a genius. He
Dan (01:40:50.000)
sounds completely reasonable, for the most part, but he is using a little bit of like, dog whistling shit. Yeah. Like the idea that like now the Trumps and we don't have to worry about stuff. Right? There's there are like,
Jordan (01:41:03.000)
we don't have to worry about something that rhymes with booze.
Dan (01:41:07.000)
It's the first time we've had a president in a really long time that is this way. It's not
Jordan (01:41:14.000)
isn't since Woodrow Wilson. It's not about haven't had a an anti Semite president since Woodrow Wilson outwardly. Yeah, you're right. We did have Nixon, there's no indication
Dan (01:41:26.000)
like that. It holds water at all that the Presidents haven't cared about. Poor people or the middle class?
Jordan (01:41:34.000)
No, in fact, there's there's like a lot of evidence that Well, I mean, maybe the last president who cared about the poor in the middle class was FDR, who cared intensely. Well, and then you got LBJ. Although whether or not he cared is a whole different story. That's true. He's an interesting, he's an interesting case study. Let's
Dan (01:41:52.000)
not unpack it.
Jordan (01:41:53.000)
I apologize. But there was one thing I did do. Look up both Billy 328 and Bailey 218. Interesting,
Dan (01:42:00.000)
great investigative journalism.
Jordan (01:42:02.000)
I googled them so fast. didn't take that long at all. And they were all Twitter eggs, of course. And they were the same thing. They have like, no, they don't follow anybody. And they have like three followers Max. It is it reminds me of that. That thing where there was an article about how there are these Russian Twitter bots. Yeah, not necessarily even Russian ones. But there are Twitter bots that are lying dormant that they will eventually use to kind of make certain topics trend and put them into the national consciousness. Yeah, and those were such like so suspicious in there. Oh, these just exist. Nothing going on there.
Dan (01:42:48.000)
Yeah, it's super fucked up. There's like, I don't remember the exact number but it was it was a shockingly high percentage of Twitter's Yeah.
Jordan (01:42:55.000)
are fake that Cambridge Analytica guys, those guys which
Dan (01:42:58.000)
we don't want to talk about?
Jordan (01:42:59.000)
No, because they'll find us. If I'm afraid of anybody, it's them.
Dan (01:43:04.000)
At this point. They know what I'm doing in that Zelda game. They're all up on it. Fucking Zelda. So now it is time to get to our main man. Eddie Bravo, Eddie Bravo Eddie comes in and again, seems like a really good hearted dude. Also seems very dumb. But like he comes in. I could not help but smile. Seeing Eddie Bravo in the Infowars studio. That's great. You watch the show every day. You're on. This is amazing. Good for you. Eddie Bravo. He
Jordan (01:43:34.000)
here. You're happy for him for reaching his potential. I
Dan (01:43:37.000)
am. I mean, good for him. But it goes south really fast. Let me start talking about pizza gate. And Alex Jones, accidentally walks backwards and stumbles straight into an addition of your busted.
Jordan (01:43:52.000)
God damn, Yo,
Alex Jones (01:43:54.000)
he's tough guy told you not to do that. He said.
Dan (01:43:56.000)
So they're also this starts by them talking about Ted Gunderson? Who's apparently an FBI guy who may or may not have been poisoned.
Jordan (01:44:04.000)
Ted Gunderson? I wouldn't want anybody with
Dan (01:44:06.000)
that name, period. It's like out of a bad.
Jordan (01:44:09.000)
Oh, did you meet Ted Gunderson? No, I poisoned him because that name exists. It's like,
Dan (01:44:14.000)
it's like a name you'd see in a script where we'd be like, welcome back. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Jordan (01:44:19.000)
We gotta get punch up going on here. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:44:21.000)
Poison. I'm allowed to get into it. They poisoned three other people.
Eddie Bravo (01:44:24.000)
And he was in the FBI for 27 years. He was he was the head of California. Yes. And you can I am
Dan (01:44:31.000)
the head of California. Also, I fucking love that. Like, I'm not allowed to talk about this, but they poisoned three more people.
Jordan (01:44:40.000)
Well, he's not allowed to talk about it. It's classified information. 100%. I mean, you're allowed to say that three more people just got poisoned. What do you know? It's crazy. That's always true. You know, every This is a true statistic. Three people every time that Alex Jones says three more people have been poisoned three More people have been poisoned could
Dan (01:45:01.000)
be accidental poisonings overdoses historically. impossible not to be true. Yeah. But I think I think a smarter way for Alex to say things would be I can't get into the details but and then say a generalized broad statement, as opposed to I can't talk about this, but I'm saying the exact same thing. But it's more fun if he does it that way, but it makes him look like an asshole. He is an asshole fairpoint that's causing videos
Eddie Bravo (01:45:29.000)
of Ted Gunderson former FBI Chief T gun he talking about not only the gigantic pedophile ring that's going on nationally and internationally, but he was talking about the Satanism that's involved as well and people think well that's the deal.
Alex Jones (01:45:43.000)
Here's the deal you're crazy. You go look a regular gang whether it's white supremacist or Mexican gang you got to go rob a liquor store you got to hit it away in the head with a gun you got to shoot somebody you got to kill a rival gang member those your rituals? Yeah, on your bones. Yeah, I earned my balls and you are with cheerleaders. You know, you know from from the from the Godfather from Yep, show
Jordan (01:46:02.000)
Yep. Again, but all you know is movies. Okay? Yes. All your knowledge of gangs is all movies or whatever.
Dan (01:46:08.000)
And the Godfather, Mario cuzzo right. The guy who wrote that he was widely discredited Yeah, he made made all that shit. Oh, that shit. Oh, yeah, that stuff is not accurate to gangs or mafia life at all. Yeah, so
Jordan (01:46:21.000)
even even Alex Jones is fake source was also lying. Yeah, about okay, which is to be expected. It is. Three levels deep on lies. But the Godfather is a piece of fiction. And it's a great one but
Dan (01:46:35.000)
reporting it as reflecting reality is cockamamie. Yeah, it's nonsense. Anyway, it gets worse.
Alex Jones (01:46:43.000)
That's not enough. That's just showing you kill somebody they got dirt on. You got to you got to hurt kids. And it's not just molest them. That's gonna be an out of context. Yeah, that's
Jordan (01:46:54.000)
a good one. You got you got to hurt kids.
Dan (01:46:57.000)
And I'm not just talking about molest. Here we got where we go.
Alex Jones (01:47:02.000)
highest levels. They they they kill them.
Eddie Bravo (01:47:04.000)
And they do something about baby blood, right? There's something
Alex Jones (01:47:07.000)
they terrorize the kid and they drain their blood off while they pump all their hormones out. And I carry that I drink all the adrenaline and all this and then the the essence. Yeah.
Jordan (01:47:17.000)
So Lou builds that machine. Alex Jones. Very specific engineering requirement there.
Dan (01:47:26.000)
Oh, Alex Jones. Someone's at the door. Don't do it. You're busted.
Jordan (01:47:31.000)
Don't know.
Dan (01:47:33.000)
So what he's talking about there is something that came across in conspiracy blogs. Okay, the only way he could have ever come across this information. Okay, so they kill kids? Yes. But they have to terrorize them and rape them first, in order to get their adrenaline levels high.
Jordan (01:47:49.000)
You could just do that with I mean, like, have them run. Just get a treadmill scary movies haven't run? Yeah, you don't have to terrorize an abuser. They could just really, you know, just like, you know, we're gonna see who can run a mile the fastest. Like, that's a really great way of doing it. Just do that. So why am I why am I giving advice to some random as pedophile rig
Dan (01:48:14.000)
right? That's a hypothetical guy. Right? Let's let's sit down and let's rework this whole plan. So on the conspiracy boards, this narrative came up to explain pizza gate and these organizations, right? What they do is that they torture and terrorize these kids, then kill them and drink their blood. Because the adrenaline as it's called Adrenochrome will have been released.
Jordan (01:48:38.000)
Who What bullshit made up nonsense word is
Dan (01:48:42.000)
that it is a real thing. Adrenochrome Adrenochrome. It is a chemical compound with a molecular formula C nine H nine and oh three?
Jordan (01:48:51.000)
Oh, that's right. Paul Simon wrote a song about it. Adrenochrome
Dan (01:48:56.000)
is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The derivative who cares about the rest of this wacky information about chemistry that we're not going to be able to understand
Jordan (01:49:06.000)
oxidization of adrenaline. Adrenochrome is
Dan (01:49:09.000)
mentioned in the doors of perception by Aldous Huxley as a product of the decomposition of adrenaline that can produce many of the symptoms observed in mescaline intoxication. Also, author Hunter S. Thompson adventures mentions Adrenochrome and his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The Adrenochrome scene also appears in the novels film adaptation. So basically, it's something that's referenced in fiction a bit by hallucinogen liars, right. Hunter S Thompson, bad journalist, no good writer, bad journalists, great writer,
Jordan (01:49:40.000)
terrible journalist, he made shit up half the
Dan (01:49:42.000)
time. So the first thing I want to point out is that
Jordan (01:49:45.000)
is there any evidence anybody's ever done?
Dan (01:49:48.000)
Adrenochrome we're gonna get to it. Okay, so the first thing why do
Jordan (01:49:52.000)
I even ask, I know you've got me covered here. I know you got me covered. I
Dan (01:49:55.000)
trust you. I appreciate your attempt to lead me this point that I need to make first. Okay. There are quote unquote pizza gate researchers who just throw whatever they can at the wall and see what sticks. Yeah. And one of the things that they came out with was a completely unsubstantiated unverified unsourced theory about Adrenochrome being what the killing of the kids was all about. And it was because Adrenochrome if you've never done drugs, you might think that it creates a crazy hallucinogenic euphoric state. And it sounds like it might. Because if it's something that you could only get by drinking kids blood, then it seems like that better be a great high
Jordan (01:50:35.000)
better be really good. Now there's a couple problems. Otherwise, you could just like, do some coke. Sure. Like that would be fine. That is still illegal. euphoric. That's still illegal. Like you could just do it. You don't even have to do a pedophile ring. Just get pictures of everybody doing coke. Sure, that would be fine, then that would accomplish this that would accomplish the goal
Dan (01:50:54.000)
and then you earn your bone. Yeah, that's all I gotta do. These theories are widely discredited. And oh, I can't imagine even most of the people in the pizza gate world. Don't look at this as as valid. Yeah, cuz I'm gonna get to why. First, before we get to why because this is a real you busted moment.
Jordan (01:51:15.000)
You have a Cheshire grin.
Dan (01:51:17.000)
I love that you hate that name for the segment. So that's why I'm gonna keep bastard so when Alex was talking about Pizzagate on the Joe Rogan show he brought up like vampirism and stuff like that. He's like, it's a spiritual vampirism. Right now you're literally talking about vampires. That's literal vampires. They're
Jordan (01:51:35.000)
talking about vampires. Well, vampires drink blood. These guys are drinking Adrenochrome. Lancelot. That's through the ritual vampire.
Dan (01:51:44.000)
So I don't think that there is a machine that allows you to extract the Adrenochrome from blood.
Jordan (01:51:50.000)
All right, so you got you got the kid. Yeah, right. You terrorized him. He's all right. You put them on the machine. What are we? If we're going to entertain this theory, what kind of machine are we talking about? Is it going to look like an MRI machine?
Dan (01:52:06.000)
I'm picturing it being like the the Clockwork Orange chair.
Jordan (01:52:10.000)
Okay. See, I saw like the Spanish Inquisition, like they got him on the rack. Okay, that whole thing, right?
Dan (01:52:17.000)
Probably more right than me. So
Jordan (01:52:18.000)
it creates more surface area in terms of this completely fictitious nonsense. You're absolutely right. I am correct. Yeah. And then you, you, you, do you slowly drain the blood, or do you got to do it fast?
Dan (01:52:37.000)
You probably would have to do it fast. Because then Yeah, exactly.
Jordan (01:52:40.000)
So now you got all the adrenaline in the blood, which you would not have gotten unless the kid were terrified. Yep, that makes sense. You couldn't just go in and get their fucking adrenal glands. So you got to get it from the blood or take an epi shot. Yeah. Or something or just watch the movie Pulp Fiction. They have adrenaline and fucking Okay, here's the deal. I did Raheel is This is dumb, and they made it up and it's fucking adrenaline
Dan (01:53:05.000)
can be synthesized in other ways than through blood. Yeah, you're gonna get the exact same chemical compounds in different ways cheaper, much cheaper, and you don't have to kill okay, you
Jordan (01:53:15.000)
don't even have to kill one kid. So not even like, it's not even like we're reducing the number of children killed with chemistry. No, it's just like getting rid of all the children killing.
Dan (01:53:24.000)
So there's a lot of websites where people do trip reports where they take substances, and then they report back on what the experience was like,
Jordan (01:53:33.000)
Thank God for the internet. Sure,
Dan (01:53:34.000)
I found a number of them or people took Adrenochrome. They are universally, this is not a good buzz. Not that it's a bad buzz. But that if you didn't know that you were taking something. The effects are so mild, that you would not really even know that you're tripping on Oh, you wouldn't know that you're taking a substance. Unless you knew you couldn't be dosed with it, I guess is what I'm saying.
Jordan (01:54:00.000)
So so it's so there's really no high then if you don't if you couldn't know there was a high if you didn't know you were high, right? Or that's like that's like that it could be a flu symptom. Yeah, like that's the junior higher smoking. Oregano like um, so
Dan (01:54:20.000)
that whole thing basically, yeah, there's a psychosomatic high to it. Yeah,
Jordan (01:54:24.000)
that's what it sounds like.
Dan (01:54:25.000)
So then I looked into it a little bit deeper because I thought like, well, maybe this guy on this trip report was taking a low dose, you know, maybe that's a thing where if you take a bunch it's maybe
Jordan (01:54:33.000)
he only took a quarter of a kid when you need to take you need to take a half you know, it's like with edibles. You got to make sure you get the dosage right and everyone is different
Dan (01:54:41.000)
and you got to know who sold you that kid. Yeah. Some people give you some people try to get category search your kid feeling good. So kids are really hard to scare. That's gonna really cut into your time. You don't want to get one of these brave kids. I get a bad bugs. Yeah. So,
Jordan (01:55:03.000)
no, I think it's the opposite. You want to get really brave kid because then you'll gain strength. I don't know,
Dan (01:55:07.000)
my computer crashed and I lost the the Word document that I had that had all these calculations. Okay, and I'll redo it. I'm just going to be a little bit vague with the numbers. Okay, I will the specifics. I found the amount of Adrenochrome your body can produce your maximum level that because you can't just create in grown man or Child Child child, I think I went with like a 10 year old as sort of a mentor raise the midline. Yeah, the amount that a 10 year old child could create in their body is like the equivalent of nothing, basically. So if you were to kill that kid, drain all of his blood, and then take the Adrenochrome out of it, you would need to kill I think 300 Kids in order to get enough for that bad buzz that that guy on that trip report.
Jordan (01:56:04.000)
No wonder they needed an entire pizza restaurant. That's the only thing that makes sense. If you gotta get they needed at least two or three Chucky Cheese is operating at the same time in order to get that? Can we just stop and think for just one moment how surreal this entire fucking conversation is right now, sir, this is I never in my life. Thought I would get to a point where somebody told me exactly how much Adrenochrome you could bring from a child's blood. And then that is the weirdest fucking thing. And this is how crazy the times are right now. I was listening to you for like 10 minutes going like, Oh, this is interesting. This. Let's see how this goes. We live in an insane world where that's the least crazy thing I've heard today.
Dan (01:56:49.000)
Well, that's why it's important that we embrace this craziness. And just like
Jordan (01:56:55.000)
follow you down the rabbit hole of how much blood
Dan (01:56:58.000)
it's easy to get really horrified and shocked. Because abuses of children is a real thing. And it's horrible. Yeah, awful that it goes on. And it would be easy to be like, I don't want to this is awful, or succumb to horror, right? When looking at these sorts of topics. The perspective that I'm coming from, is they're not drinking these kids blood. This isn't happening. What? Why?
Jordan (01:57:23.000)
And how is that a question that we would have to add? Clearly,
Dan (01:57:27.000)
Alex Jones is fucking talking about it. So someone believes that that's crazy. And all these blogs, were pitching this as a rationalization for it. So I mean, it's not like no one believes. Right, right. But then the idea, the very idea that in order to get a weak, mild bad buzz, you'd need to kill 300 Kids makes this the stupidest fucking thing in the world and counterpoint.
Jordan (01:57:54.000)
All right. globalists have been around, according to Alex for hundreds of years. Yes. Perhaps they have evolved separately from the human race in order to process Adrenochrome at a much more efficient rate. Sure, then your calculations would suggest
Dan (01:58:15.000)
now it's game over. I mean, if you're going to say that, yeah, exactly. Okay. You know, it's damn freezing. You know, the difference is that I found science. And you're spending alien race. So
Jordan (01:58:36.000)
did creationism just there? I believe that's what I did. I think
Dan (01:58:39.000)
so. So yeah, Alex is an idiot. He really does believe that sort of thing. And the idea of it being a metaphorical psychic vampire thing. Yeah, he can't he can't fall back.
Jordan (01:58:51.000)
There's no There's no hiding behind. fakeness Can you
Dan (01:58:53.000)
imagine how hard it would be to drink the blood that's contained in one person, let alone 300. And no,
Jordan (01:58:59.000)
I can't imagine that. That's not a thing I can imagine. Because I don't even know I don't want to know how hard it is to just drink a glass of human human blood. I
Dan (01:59:09.000)
don't think you can. I think it has like EPA cacti. I think it was wrong. At
Jordan (01:59:12.000)
the very least it would bum you out real hard.
Dan (01:59:15.000)
Yep. So that is, you know, great. Eddie Bravo was able to pull that out of him. I really appreciate that. Even though I think he I think Eddie Bravo stealth hero. I don't think that Eddie realized how stupid what Alex was saying was because he doesn't call him out on it. I
Jordan (01:59:31.000)
don't think Eddie realizes how stupid what he's saying is
Dan (01:59:34.000)
yeah, the he does get to one point where again, Eddie is going to be a hero. But here we go. I love
Jordan (01:59:41.000)
Eddie Bravo as the accidental hero of every one of these things we do. Yeah. Anytime Eddie Bravo shows up. He's like the he's like Mr. Magoo. That's what Eddie Bravo is to me like he's blind stumbling around. It just makes it through just fine.
Dan (01:59:55.000)
Also, little known fact a little trivia Eddie Bravo was married to a coat rack. Are you?
Jordan (02:00:05.000)
So expecting not the stripper? And instead you'd pull the rug out? You got me pulled them? I got busted, you're busted.
Alex Jones (02:00:13.000)
And we're not allowed to give you this on Facebook. So because this is fake? No, because we're because we told you 12 years ago, they were using cameras on your computer to watch you. It's because we're on target.
Dan (02:00:26.000)
So he had a couple of things. On target. He had a couple of things on target on Facebook that were taken down. And I don't I'm not sure the details of it. It could be a false flag things getting erased, like he did it to himself. I don't know.
Jordan (02:00:40.000)
But makes as much sense as anything else. Yeah.
Dan (02:00:43.000)
I don't know. He's using it as like a really harsh example of censorship. And as the details emerge, we'll assess it as you know, as is our both stated objective once there are more facts, right, be able to be able to deal with this once we
Jordan (02:00:57.000)
have a better chemical composition of what he's saying. But
Dan (02:01:01.000)
he takes it as like, look, they're saying that they're censoring us because we're liars and fake, right? Truth is they're censoring us because we're too Right. We're too. Now he gets back to how we talked to Trump on the phone.
Alex Jones (02:01:14.000)
Oh, you think the President United States has calls regular people? You think
Jordan (02:01:18.000)
nobody takes calls? to AM?
Alex Jones (02:01:22.000)
I mean, I'm not gonna
Dan (02:01:23.000)
we have to get back to this because sorry, he fucking loses his train of thought so hard.
Alex Jones (02:01:29.000)
Okay. You think that heads of I mean, I'm not gonna I'm actually gonna have all this.
Dan (02:01:38.000)
Why couldn't you just have said the heads of state? Like, that's what he was getting two
Jordan (02:01:42.000)
A's, because he's not even gonna get involved with it. That's ridiculous. He knows the heads of state don't want him to reveal something.
Dan (02:01:52.000)
I guess. I don't know. It's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as this next clip. Where? Eddie Bravo. Bravo, Eddie.
Dan (02:02:04.000)
What are you doing? To me? That's our new thing. What are you doing?
Dan (02:02:07.000)
Bravo, bravo.
Jordan (02:02:08.000)
Are we are we late 90s. Conan, what's happening right now we
Dan (02:02:12.000)
might be. But this one, Alex wants to talk about something. And Eddie brings up a topic that clearly Alex doesn't want to talk about. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:02:20.000)
I grew up and had some family that had been in covert action in the CIA, that's killing people. And all I'd ever heard was you know, now the government brings in the drugs that kill people, you don't want to join it. And so I had that view. But over the years the people inside that know all this now have the internet they have us they have the people. And so I've learned that like major SEAL teams like the most elite SEAL team, but army, a Delta Force, you name it years ago, they would come in and order them to listen and forwards. And I would hear this like, you know, 50 years ago. Oh, yeah, sure. Right. I
Dan (02:02:55.000)
I'm saying that now.
Alex Jones (02:02:58.000)
Yeah, there tell Delta Force listening. It's all confirmed now. And so they sit there was no one else covering this. They said you listen to Alex Jones. He knows what's going on. And and that's just a fact. Now. You know, people, the media never runs with us because they always have it with Trump. Well, he talks about how the intelligence community really loves me. So here we are saying that they're the enemy. William Binney was the head of the NSA actually ran it, not the director but the technical head. He's a patriot, he comes on all the time he exposed. They're the ones that expose it any. In fact, I was told by progenitors, high level CIA, used to run actual overthrow governments. He said, All the next month, they're going to release even more on the CIA to discipline the top of the CIA.
Dan (02:03:38.000)
He's talking about Steve polygenic, who I brought up earlier. He's a guy who comes on Alex's show, some with some regularity. He's the guy. He's
Jordan (02:03:48.000)
he wasn't the director of the CIA, William Binney. He was the technical head. Oh, Benny was the town of light.
Dan (02:03:54.000)
Steve magenic was a psychologist, psychiatrist, within the CIA. And he's also the source of the counter coup narrative that Alex has all right, about how rogue CIA agents were running a silent, peaceful coup against Hillary Clinton. And then
Jordan (02:04:13.000)
now they're trying to run the counter counter coup.
Dan (02:04:15.000)
Yes. Gotcha. So that's where all that information comes from, from the wacky mouth of Steve pathetic. Okay, and this is where Eddie is about to show some real valor.
Alex Jones (02:04:25.000)
The CIA released that on the CIA. Now, Dr. Steve Botanik. Totally
Eddie Bravo (02:04:29.000)
legit, right? Oh, yeah. High level.
Alex Jones (02:04:32.000)
I mean, when he comes on the show, it's hidden, like Italian newspapers. And then they said, like, you know, it was house and he's called before federal courts. I don't know. When he released his stuff. It's threatening with national security arrest. That's how it really is Dr.
Eddie Bravo (02:04:43.000)
Steve Botanik. And you got some heat for this. This is kind of changing the subject a little bit. Dr. Steve Botanik on your show, said that. No, kids died at Sandy Hook that it was a homeland security drill that they passed off as a realist trench that oh
Jordan (02:05:00.000)
sheds, bravo. Bravo Eddie.
Dan (02:05:05.000)
He got in there and he brought that up. Somebody's busted. The thing is that if anybody else were to bring this up, Alex would scream at them, right? Because he's a star fucker. He's like, Oh, we got to discuss this. Okay.
Alex Jones (02:05:18.000)
He said, I've been hit really hard with it. I can't prove it one way or the other. I know. Yes, you
Jordan (02:05:22.000)
can. Yes, you can. You can prove it one way or the other. Because one way is proof. You can you prove things
Dan (02:05:33.000)
but that's the that's the most cowardly conspiracy theorist argument prove it one way or the other. That's so fucking that is a chicken neck
Jordan (02:05:41.000)
thing to do very chicken
Alex Jones (02:05:43.000)
neck. Anderson Cooper standing up there and turns his whole nose disappears. I work in TV. Why don't we
Jordan (02:05:49.000)
bring on Anderson Cooper knows. Because what did Anderson Cooper's nose ever do to you?
Dan (02:05:54.000)
Well, let me let me explain what he's talking about. There's a video clip of Anderson Cooper covering the Sandy Hook stuff. And it does appear that his nose disappears. But their theory is that it's green screen. And that it's produced news because his nose is green. It doesn't work that way. No, I don't know. It's not how things work. I've done some looking into it and trying to find arguments for why it for anything, right? And everybody's like, Oh, yeah, it's proof media's fake. Everything's fake. But then there's other people who are like, well, I work in video production. And that could just be I believe what it was is, it's called like a P framerate. Okay. And there are little technical glitches that can happen when you're recording. Okay. And it's not evidence of a blue screen or anything. Yeah, so stupid. And you should not use that as evidence that kids weren't killed at Sandy. No, very, very lame concert.
Jordan (02:06:52.000)
Again, you can you can prove it one way or the other. There's one way to prove it. The part that's already been proven.
Dan (02:06:57.000)
Yeah. And listening to people's stories. Oh, yeah.
Jordan (02:07:01.000)
Jesus fucking Christ. Why
Eddie Bravo (02:07:03.000)
I have one question about Sandy Hook. The one question that tower seven questions. Why weren't that medevac helicopters
Alex Jones (02:07:11.000)
Shinnick ran the operation to overthrow at least seven countries
Jordan (02:07:15.000)
change the subject. That's not what we're talking about.
Dan (02:07:18.000)
Not at all answering just completely because he doesn't want to talk about this. He's very vulnerable, right? Because he's wrong. He's very wrong. And so
Jordan (02:07:26.000)
and he even knows he's wrong at this point. But he can't back down. Because if he does that one time, now he's got to back down on so many other little things. It's important again, that's the that's the same. He's a better strategist that are fucking president, because that's the same thing that happened with Flynn, they got one, now they're gonna go after more blood in the water. So as long as he keeps fighting to just avoid it, instead of admit that he's wrong on anything, then he can keep on going. And
Dan (02:07:55.000)
one of the things that's super interesting to keep track of and watch is the times that Alex changes the subject, when it's super intentional like that. There. It's not like, Oh, I just realized that Steve magenic helped overthrow governments. Right? It's not that he wants to get off this topic as quickly as possible, and not draw attention to the fact that he's changing the subject. Right. He never gets back to it. He doesn't answer his question.
Jordan (02:08:18.000)
Of course not.
Alex Jones (02:08:19.000)
I mean, that's on record. Yeah. He co wrote Tom Clancy's books. He's He's the he's the Jack Ryan character. Yeah. Because that's because he used to be in covert action himself. That's how he got into the CIA was. Here's a big secret about the CIA. Like they've got Hitman that are like former Special Forces and stuff that our Army Navy Marine Corps, does that you like graduate out of the seals and out of things into intubation squads, that are put in strategic locations around the country? sleeper cells. And so that's basically what goes on, but who they really have for assassins are doctors and psychiatrists. And so a lot of these people you see that are doctors and psychiatrists and things that head up. Thanks for rolling the Navy or the army.
Jordan (02:09:03.000)
Corps. We're back to Batman. Of course. Yeah, we're back. Where else would you get assassins from doctors psychiatrists? Is he fucking L Ron Hubbard? What is God damn happening right now explains
Dan (02:09:18.000)
why he hangs out with John Rappaport. Kind
Jordan (02:09:19.000)
of what? Dr. Pathetic psychiatrist is the basis for Jack Ryan? Because he's been in covert action.
Dan (02:09:29.000)
I don't even want to unpack. Is
Jordan (02:09:30.000)
there any possibility? That's true.
Dan (02:09:32.000)
We don't have time to unpack that and and I don't care. It's such a sensitive point.
Jordan (02:09:36.000)
That's a good point. He's that good. I'm already forgetting about Sandy Hook bullshit. Yeah.
Dan (02:09:41.000)
Anyway, also, I think he's snitching a little bit. He's telling tales about the CIA that maybe they wouldn't want out also, I'd be fine because it's not true.
Jordan (02:09:50.000)
Not Well, I mean, they have overthrown at least seven or eight governments. So we do know that it's true. We have
Dan (02:09:56.000)
two more clips. Before we get out of here. I'm just going to talk about one of them. And I'm gonna play the last one. He talks about how he's sick, fed up with this fucking Pope. Oh my god damn Pope, because he claims that the Pope said that Muslim terrorism doesn't exist. And he goes back to this a lot. And I've actually pulled up the speech that that's from, and it's actually really great. It's actually a beautiful sentiment that the Pope was making that Alex is twisting. Here's a quote from the Pope, the other pope, Pope, the Pope, he was talking about points he wants to make. The other is a reflection that I shared it on most recent World Meeting of popular movements, I feel it is important to say again, no people is criminal, and no religion is terrorist. Christian terrorism does not exist. Jewish terrorism does not exist. And Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist. No people is criminal or drug trafficking or violent. He's essentially saying that the identification is right.
Jordan (02:10:54.000)
But it's it's the people who are doing bad things as opposed to now he goes, that's a smart thing for him to say because then he never has to deal with Ireland. Right.
Dan (02:11:05.000)
He goes on to say, the grave danger is to disown our neighbors. When we do so we deny their humanity and our own humanity without realizing it. We deny ourselves and we deny the most important commandments of Jesus. Herein lies the danger, the dehumanization, but here we also find an opportunity that the light of the love of neighbor may illuminate the earth with its stunning brightness, like a lightning bolt in the dark that it may wake us up and let true humanity burst through with authentic resistance, resilience and persistence. That's a beautiful thought. That is a beautiful thought. And fuck you Alex for twisting that into claiming that there isn't. There aren't people who are Muslims who do terrorism. That's not the point he's making, right? You're a fucking asshole, Alex. Anyway, here's the last clip. This is Eddie Bravo. I should tell you this. Okay, along with Eddie's in studio appearance, they also posted an hour long video of him at dinner with Owen Shroyer
Jordan (02:12:02.000)
Eddie and Owen Troyer at dinner, they go to a restaurant, they just do that for an hour, they argue but
Dan (02:12:07.000)
anyway, here's the clip.
Alex Jones (02:12:09.000)
It's just crazy. But listen, I'm gonna get into all this other stuff go. Because you're too humble. They're gonna see the wild Eddie Bravo goes from absolutely ridiculous to the absolute genius. Go do an hour interview and I gotta catch your plane with one of the great reporters back there so we can actually hear Eddie Bravo,
Dan (02:12:22.000)
unshaven Eddie Bravo unchained is what they want. And so they do they go to dinner, I was going to make a supercut of all of the stupid shit that they talked about. But I couldn't, it would take way too long. Okay, they talk about Flat Earth. There's an ice wall. That Game of Thrones. Yeah. And that there's something on the other side of this ice wall. He talks about we
Jordan (02:12:46.000)
can't know what it is. Well, someone knows. That's a good point. And
Dan (02:12:49.000)
we can't get over there. But he guess what if that's true, whoever's on the other side is also in on the conspiracy because they haven't come over here. Fucking retarded. So I apologize for the use that term. But also he says that nuclear weapons aren't real. Oh, that's
Jordan (02:13:05.000)
a new one. Yeah. Eddie Bravo believes some batshit stuff. Dinosaurs are
Dan (02:13:09.000)
fake. We got more into this. Okay. Did you know that every dinosaur bone at museums are fake?
Jordan (02:13:18.000)
Now, that doesn't mean dinosaurs are fake. They're all replicas. That just means the bones themselves are fake.
Dan (02:13:26.000)
or fake? Yeah. So anyway, I wanted to make a superhuman
Jordan (02:13:28.000)
here. That
Dan (02:13:29.000)
was stupid blogs. I sure. Anyway, this clip that I did pull really sums it up. Okay, so this just let this underlie all of his art. Okay.
Eddie Bravo (02:13:42.000)
Someone could tell me. Do you know that they fuck you with his wife? How? Oh, that. Okay. I don't even need to do the research. I don't even need the evidence. I just, it's probably true. There's a chance that it isn't because I didn't look into it. But I trust you. You're smart guy. You looked into it. Right?
Dan (02:13:59.000)
That's that's an Info Wars fan.
Jordan (02:14:04.000)
I don't need to do the research. I don't need to do it. It's probably true. Probably true. There's a chance it is because I didn't look into it. Yeah.
Dan (02:14:11.000)
So great. It's fucking genius. Yeah, well done, Eddie.
Jordan (02:14:15.000)
I can't. That's God. He just summed up the entire Alex Jones Show. So well. You said it. You researched this is probably probably true. Yeah. And if it's not, maybe it's not I didn't look into it.
Dan (02:14:29.000)
That's intellectually offensive.
Jordan (02:14:30.000)
It's it's, and it's and it's just so fucking, it's like the guy who doesn't try. Because if you fail, and you don't try you just you know, I didn't try. And if you succeed, I'm a genius. Yeah, you know, I didn't even have to try. Oh, so good. They're describing my college career. Yeah, exactly. So that a Bravo's like hey, that's probably true. I didn't look into it if I'm wrong. Well, I mean, I didn't look into it. All you do is take away any like semblance of a Any personal responsibility whatsoever? Yep.
Dan (02:15:02.000)
So that brings us to the end of this adventure through Alex Jones, his star fuckery. And little bit of Monday's episode. We'll be back soon. I think we may go, maybe more into. I don't know, who knows what we'll do next.
Jordan (02:15:16.000)
We'll see what we do next time. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been fun, Jordan. Absolutely. You can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. You can look us up on iTunes, subscribe, leave a review. We appreciate it. It's super fun. Then, if you're the NSA or just anybody who's nice, please email us knowledge. Correct. And we will have a form a fill, you know, just a regular template, which will say Do you like us? Yes or no? Yeah. And feel free to circle one.
Dan (02:15:50.000)
Also no interest in these shirts. They're good. Sure. I think the interest is implied. We'll probably want them but they have not been vocalized. So everyone out there. Thanks for that. Thanks. We'll be back soon. But until then, we're just a couple of guy walks.
Alex Jones (02:16:08.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Andy In Kansas (02:16:12.000)
Oh, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. Oh yeah.