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Latest revision as of 22:22, 1 March 2025

Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:04.080)
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:07.280)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:07.780)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:10.080)
I'm Jart!
Unknown Speaker (00:00:10.580)
We're a couple dudes, like to sit around, drink novelty beverages, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:15.080)
Indeed we are. Dan, Dan, is there a hook to this podcast?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.039)
Yeah there is, I'm sick of the bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:20.879)
Uh, alright. I'm sick of, uh, hearing about Uwe Boll.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:26.079)
I'm a little bit sick of that too.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:27.539)
Blood rain? Cinematic classic.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:31.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.039)
Cinematic classic.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:33.039)
You know a lot about blood rain, I don't know anything about blood rain.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.539)
I don't know anything about blood rain either.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.039)
I know a lot about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:38.539)
I don't know anything about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:40.039)
And that is the subject of the show, it's the fun of the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:43.539)
Today we got a really interesting-
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.039)
Is it though?
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.539)
I think it's fun, people seem to enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.539)
I think it's part of the fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:48.539)
It's, uh, I don't know what's fun about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.539)
I mean, I know it's fun for me, but-
Unknown Speaker (00:00:54.539)
Bone mows like that, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:56.539)
Look out for a couple of portmanteaus coming later.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.539)
Coming soon.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:00.539)
We'll see if that happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.539)
To a theater near you.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.539)
So, uh, before we get going on today's show, I'd like to give a shout out to a new donor.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.540)
What's going on out there, Rebecca?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.540)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.540)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.540)
Oh shit!
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.540)
We appreciate you joining up the show, congratulations on being a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.540)
Thank you very much, Rebecca Rose Rushmore.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.540)
Which is a deep cut for anybody who likes The Thrilling Adventure Hour.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.540)
Uh, I see.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.540)
Yeah, I see.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.540)
Um, if you'd like to be a policy wonk, much like Rebecca, you can do so by going to our
Unknown Speaker (00:01:27.540)
website,, and clicking the button that says support the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.540)
We'd really appreciate it, uh, because, you know, we would.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.540)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.540)
This is why we're where we are.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:39.540)
We're the worst at sales pitches.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.540)
I got nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:41.540)
I got no sales skills.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.540)
We really appreciate it because Dan couldn't survive without it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.540)
Let's just put it that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:47.540)
It's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.540)
And we're probably a hundred, maybe a hundred, a hundred fifty dollars a month away from,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.540)
like, legitimate comfort.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.540)
Or, like, survival-level comfort.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.540)
Oh yeah, we can't do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:59.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.540)
So, that's where we're at.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:01.540)
And if you haven't donated the show and you enjoy it and you'd like to, we can get there.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.040)
We can get there.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.040)
It's within reach.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:08.039)
Uh, without having to sell out.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.539)
We can't sell out anyway.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.539)
No, we'd be.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.539)
No one's asking us to sell out.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.539)
No, not at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:14.539)
Anyway, before we spin further down this, uh.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.539)
Well, it doesn't really want to jump on the, Jordan's a big fan of white genocide boat.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.039)
Dan's obsessed with a creepy asshole and Jordan wants to kill white people.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.539)
Um, so, Jordan, today we are brought to you by Squarespace, I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.539)
I imagine, uh, Talkspace doesn't want to sponsor us seeing as we're insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.539)
Talkspace wants to have us join them.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.539)
We need to be, uh, clients.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:43.539)
That's the only reason we would be sponsored, like, we would accept Talkspace as a sponsor,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:47.539)
but only if they just gave us free therapy.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.539)
That's gotta be a piece of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.539)
You gotta get a little bit of taste.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.539)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.539)
Like, if you work at McDonald's, you get a free lunch, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.539)
Is that all you get?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:57.539)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.539)
Anyway, Jordan, today we are going to be going over the thing which everyone probably guesses
Unknown Speaker (00:03:03.539)
that we would be going over, and that is Tuesday.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.539)
Alex Jones did his, uh, landmark press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.539)
From Washington, D.C., he went down to the swamp to confront these globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.539)
Gotta do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.539)
Um, uh, spoiler alert, uh, the press conference itself was a disaster.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.539)
Uh, and not a good disaster.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:23.539)
Like, not a fun, uh, entertaining disaster.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.539)
It was just, the way I tweeted this out, and I stand by it, the press conference was the
Unknown Speaker (00:03:29.539)
equivalent of a comic who can't get on Comedy Central, can't get booked, so they book out
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.539)
a small theater and make their own special.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:37.539)
So basically, like, no one wants you, no one wants you, but you'll make it look like they
Unknown Speaker (00:03:43.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.539)
So he rents out a room in the National Press Club and then just does his normal bits.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.539)
So he does, like, uh, eh, YouTube should let me stay on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.539)
Two firemen are butt-fuckin' in a smoke-filled room.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.539)
More or less.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:56.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.539)
More or less.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:58.539)
Um, and so we have a couple clips of that, and then something that is way more important.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.539)
Also, rest in peace, John Fox.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:04.539)
Do the cross here.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:06.539)
So we have a couple clips of the actual press conference that no one's talking about that
Unknown Speaker (00:04:10.539)
I think are important.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:12.539)
Because if you want coverage of the rest of the press conference, go watch it.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:15.539)
Yeah, go, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.540)
Go listen to any of our episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.540)
You'll hear him saying the same shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.540)
Or go look at Right Wing Watch.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.540)
They covered the standard stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:23.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:24.540)
You know, I'm not shitting on them, but you know, they covered the stuff that you wouldn't
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.540)
pick up on necessarily unless you knew too much, which I do.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.540)
There you go.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.540)
So here's the first thing, and this is sort of an out-of-context drop, but I think this
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.540)
is the most offensive thing that he says in the entire press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.540)
That's the total control.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.540)
Google is gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.540)
It's a worthless search engine now.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.540)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:46.540)
You go to Bing and others, it's Microsoft.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.540)
You know, they're still fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.540)
They show a mix of things.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.540)
Fuck you.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.540)
Telling us to Bing it?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.540)
Don't tell us to use Bing.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.540)
What's Bing's market share at this point, Dan?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.540)
Almost nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.540)
Do they have like two guys working on it?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.540)
I use all the Vista.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.540)
Microsoft definitely has to know, like, we're never going to compete on that front.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.540)
We might as well just have it in case Google's office gets exploded by a meteor.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.540)
In case.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.540)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.540)
Let's stay around on the off-chance that something happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.540)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.540)
It's not a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.540)
The other thing, I'm seeing this in the chat, and this is like the big story that you see
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.540)
in the headlines about his press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.540)
He went over and groped the American flag, and that is because someone asked him about
Unknown Speaker (00:05:39.540)
his connections to Russia, and then he started screaming about how he's Americana, and he
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.540)
sees a flag, and he goes over and starts kissing it.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.540)
It was, but it was deflectionary.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:48.540)
Now, according to the Uniform Code, I believe that is a violation, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.540)
Like, isn't that something that technically is prosecutable?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.540)
It's grosser than him letting it touch the ground, that's for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.540)
Yeah, well, kneeling during the national anthem is, of course, the worst thing that anybody
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.540)
can do, and they should never be given a job.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:11.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.540)
But, essentially fucking a flag, that's totally fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.540)
Totally fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:16.540)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.540)
I don't have any feelings on it whatsoever, except for that the guy was trying to ask
Unknown Speaker (00:06:21.540)
a very legitimate question that is like, Alex, you have been appearing on Russian television,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:25.540)
you have your, you keep reposting without permission stories from RT, all your narratives
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.540)
seem to be Putin-approved and Putin-apologetic narratives.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.540)
Or Putin-supportive narratives.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.540)
Roger Stone, your story doesn't really make sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:40.540)
Lee Stranahan, this other guy who's there, you literally work for Sputnik.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.540)
You have to understand why people are asking questions about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:48.540)
And then Alex starts screaming.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:49.540)
And then we also tested a novelty, one of those novelty tiny flags, and you Bill Clinton'd
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.540)
all over it, that's all I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.540)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:59.540)
Dry cleaners can't take care of that flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.540)
So, I have a theory.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.540)
I have a theory, and I think that the press conference that he did was mostly, it was
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.540)
sort of a desperation move, because he doesn't say anything he doesn't say normally.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:14.540)
He just wanted to make a big splash out of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.540)
But I think that he might be trying to bait Soros into suing him.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:20.540)
I think that's, I think that might have been one of the lead objectives of him going to
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.540)
do this press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.540)
And in this clip, he's just had Leanne McAdoo come up and talk for a little while.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:31.540)
And she does this like, I'm afraid of public.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:34.540)
Is she the opening comic?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.540)
No, Jack Pessobic was the opening comic.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.540)
He was the opener?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.540)
There's a murderer's row of losers on this show.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:42.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.540)
I thought it would just be Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:45.540)
What did somebody else do in the fourth hour?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:47.540)
What's going on here?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.540)
This press conference was Jack Pessobic.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.540)
It was Leanne McAdoo, Millie Weaver, Jerome Corsi.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:56.540)
Rainbow Snatch was in the press room?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:58.540)
She was.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.540)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:00.540)
You had Jerome Corsi, you had Lee Stranahan, you had...
Unknown Speaker (00:08:05.540)
Mike Shanahan.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.540)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:07.540)
Mike Shanahan.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.540)
Throw them all in.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.540)
The old Cardinals announcer.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.540)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:11.540)
He was drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.540)
Everyone was drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:13.540)
Spoiler alert.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:14.540)
Shannon Elizabeth.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.540)
Is that a person?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:16.540)
Yeah, I think she was a movie star, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.540)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.540)
So, you have Leanne McAdoo up there, and I don't know if she's actually afraid of public
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.540)
speaking or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.540)
None of her behavior on the show or her live reports where she goes out and talks to people
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.539)
on the street would indicate that she has a fear of public speaking.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.539)
But she really hams it up of like, I'm afraid of addressing crowds, but I'm here.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.539)
And I think there's a little bit of it that's trying to make a feeble victim out of her
Unknown Speaker (00:08:45.539)
that Alex can then use as a prop.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:47.539)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:48.539)
And then if anybody attacks her, it turns into like, how could you dare attack this
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.539)
beautiful, young woman?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:54.539)
Which is exactly where this clip starts.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:56.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.539)
Sweet Leanne McAdoo.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.539)
I mean, look at this.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.539)
Come here.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.539)
Look at this.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.539)
Seriously, come back over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.539)
Oh no, I don't like any of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:03.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.539)
Because Soros is funding that whole board, that whole deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.539)
What do you want to say to the Nazi collaborator?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:07.539)
I mean, he's targeting you already.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.539)
You want to say something to him?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.539)
Well, it's frightening.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.539)
I mean, this is really scary, the precedent that's being set here, or at least attempting
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.539)
to be set.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.539)
Also, really, really sorry about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.539)
The sound is terrible, and it's because none of them have mic technique.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:23.539)
So there's going to be-
Unknown Speaker (00:09:24.539)
You've got to eat the mic.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.539)
There's going to be some stuff that's a little bit lower than you want it to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.539)
You're just going to have to deal with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.539)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:32.539)
You don't have to get so aggressive at me.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:33.539)
I'm apologizing.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:34.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.539)
You don't have to look into the camera and go, and that's what I'm guilty of?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.539)
I mean, that's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.539)
Blink twice.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:44.539)
That is a pretty bizarre sentiment, and I think-
Unknown Speaker (00:09:46.539)
But if you tell George Soros that he was a war hero and was secretly Captain America
Unknown Speaker (00:09:51.539)
and that he killed Hitler, tell him, you killed Hitler and he'll stop suing you.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.539)
Well, he's literally on video talking about how happy he was for his past, his childhood,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.539)
but the mainstream press says that you are a liar for saying that about him.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.539)
Well, because he's lying about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:06.539)
They will literally have videos of George Soros saying how happy he was.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.539)
Captain America.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:13.539)
But that's a lie versus actually not having video of Alex Jones saying things, and they
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.539)
just kind of make it all up.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.539)
We got it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:21.539)
So I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:22.539)
Where is the real fake news?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:23.539)
Great job, Leah.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.539)
There you go.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:25.539)
Target about Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:26.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:27.539)
So I want to say this.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.539)
I apologize to George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:29.539)
He actually went in on the D-Day invasion in Normandy.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:31.539)
Oh, you're being sarcastic.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:33.539)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:34.539)
I'm telling you, he is a superhero, not a supervillain.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:37.539)
He's got a figure-out tone of voice.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:39.539)
Two James Bond villains ago was actually based on Soros in its quantum group, but that's
Unknown Speaker (00:10:46.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:47.539)
I want to kneel to Soros and say, your lordship, you are a hero that killed Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:54.539)
They probably put that out.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.539)
Anderson Cooper.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.539)
He admits tonight that it was actually George Soros, and here's hidden film footage the
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.539)
OSS had from World War II as he fights 400 SS officers who had actually turned into werewolves
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.379)
and then severs the head of Adolf Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:10.220)
Great movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.220)
So that's the truth.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.220)
Soros killed Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.220)
So hail Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.379)
Now let's get serious.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.379)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:16.379)
This is him doing a press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.659)
There's no part of this that is like you would expect professionalism, and to be fair, he
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.659)
does have his lawyer speak for a little while, and he is sort of professional.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.200)
But you would expect, like, you're-
Unknown Speaker (00:11:31.980)
As Alex Jones' lawyer, none of this is admissible, and I do not want anyone to know what has
Unknown Speaker (00:11:38.379)
happened here.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:39.440)
Don't snitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.440)
I have advised my client not to do this, not to be doing this, and eventually I will advise
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.740)
him not to have done this, which is not possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:49.100)
The Lord knows the media is not covering this.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:51.500)
Yeah, of course not.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.500)
I think I can-
Unknown Speaker (00:11:53.500)
When Alex says the media will cover this, they're not going to, because it's clearly
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:59.139)
The media is going to cover the horribly offensive bullshit that you say, because it's horribly
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.259)
offensive and it's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:05.659)
And even that, not really, because most of the articles are about him groping the flag
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.779)
and shit like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:10.779)
Well, you fuck a flag, you get what you get.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.039)
But it's reasonably innocuous compared to what we're going to be talking about after
Unknown Speaker (00:12:17.220)
we discuss the press conference pieces that we have, because it's way more important and
Unknown Speaker (00:12:22.980)
no one that I've seen has been talking about this, which is really what everyone should
Unknown Speaker (00:12:27.480)
be talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.480)
But before we get to that, we get an appearance from Roger Stone.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.340)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.340)
Roger Stone should have left the country by now.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.899)
He's there.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.899)
Does he not hear the fucking bells are ringing?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.000)
He's standing up and fighting.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.080)
He's going to be there.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:45.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.080)
He's going to-
Unknown Speaker (00:12:47.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:48.080)
Tijuana, now!
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.080)
Dude, don't be a fucking idiot.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.080)
He's got a deal already.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:51.080)
You think so?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.080)
He's the biggest player in the game!
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.080)
I know, but come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.860)
He's the Ric Flair of Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:56.700)
He's a dirty, cheating asshole.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.399)
He's a political, dirty dude, so of course he's like, I know what I did.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.740)
I know what they can find out I did.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:08.500)
I'm going to go ahead and get a little bit of protection.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.740)
And that's why-
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.740)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:13.740)
He's acting like he hasn't gotten that deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:15.179)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.179)
Or at least some of the interviews where he's like, nah, I was bullshitting about talking
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.039)
to Guccifer 2.0 and all of that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:23.419)
I think that's trying to maintain alt-right credibility, and then-
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.500)
Well, you gotta get that.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.500)
But then also I think it's what we talk about all the time, him living his best life.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.019)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.019)
Because he kind of also, I think, wants to fuck with people.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:35.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.659)
That fits perfectly with what we know about-
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.539)
Because otherwise you're right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:40.539)
He should be out of the country.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:41.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.539)
Oh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:43.539)
But he's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.539)
He's in Washington DC for this fucking stupid press conference, and one thing that I think
Unknown Speaker (00:13:48.019)
is really awesome is that Alex is so distracted that he doesn't realize that he brings up
Unknown Speaker (00:13:52.379)
Roger Stone twice.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:54.700)
He's bringing-
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.700)
He brings up Roger Stone, sends him away, brings him back up.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:58.899)
Well, after like two other speakers or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.940)
He brings him back.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:01.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:02.940)
He's like, hey, Roger's got some-
Unknown Speaker (00:14:03.940)
Roger's gotta do another 15 minutes, let me tell you something about this guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.419)
And speaking of which, he gets up there and he does a bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:10.899)
I am such an aficionado of Nixon that yes, it's true, I have a tattoo on my back about
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.940)
the size of a grapefruit, which is a daily reminder that in life, when things don't go
Unknown Speaker (00:14:22.940)
your way, when you get knocked down, when you don't succeed, when you lose, well, you
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.259)
have an obligation to get back up.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:30.419)
It's a story of resiliency, it's a story of persistence, it's an American story.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:35.779)
It also makes me the only person you know with a dick on the front and the back.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:45.940)
You heard a couple laughs, you heard a couple laughs.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.220)
One of them, Alex, really loud in the back.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.899)
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:52.899)
He's like the guy who's like the friend who's there along at the show, laughing overly.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.659)
Right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:57.659)
Good bit, Roger, good bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.299)
Hey, you got him, you got him with that bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:02.240)
You still got it, Stone.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:06.740)
Like going to a Pablo Francisco show.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.240)
And that fucking joke is like, that's his standard joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:12.200)
He makes that a lot, but like-
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.460)
Oh, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.460)
But that's his-
Unknown Speaker (00:15:15.460)
That's his Reagan joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.860)
Reagan made the same joke like a million times in his eight years.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:20.580)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.580)
That's his one.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.580)
And also, that is his moment, like we were talking about this on the Andrew Breitbart
Unknown Speaker (00:15:26.740)
episode about Larry Sinclair, the guy who claimed to have blown Obama in the back of
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.220)
a limo after doing crack cocaine with him.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.220)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:34.220)
That guy also rented out the press club and gave a press conference that went way off
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.940)
the rails.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:38.940)
Okay, today?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.940)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:40.940)
Because that would be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.940)
No, back when he was making the accusations.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.940)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.940)
Like in 08 or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:45.940)
What a good year.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:46.940)
Well, his lawyer, if you'll recall, was wearing a kilt.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.659)
And someone asked him-
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.659)
Did you not know that?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.659)
Someone asked him, why are you wearing a kilt?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:52.659)
And he was-
Unknown Speaker (00:15:53.659)
So I can blow him on short notice.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.179)
No, his lawyer, who had been disbarred previous to this whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.580)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:59.580)
But his lawyer explained that pants were fine for some people who don't have large dicks
Unknown Speaker (00:16:03.460)
in the press club during a press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:07.700)
Now, I'm kind of a fan of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.220)
It's ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:12.299)
But at the same time, that's Roger's moment like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:15.340)
That's when you know your press conference sucks.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.460)
Is when someone starts dick talk in the middle of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:23.539)
It's almost like a comedy magician.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:27.659)
Where it's like, we're going to throw all these sleight of hand techniques at you.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:31.879)
But if we toss a dick joke in every now and again, you're going to forget that I'm shitty
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.500)
at both.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:37.500)
You'll be surprised though.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:38.500)
And I will say, ta-da.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:39.500)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:41.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:42.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:43.500)
There we go.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.500)
So this next clip is a question from someone in the audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:45.980)
I'm going to get myself a negative one for that.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:47.220)
I agree with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:49.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.220)
This next clip is someone in the audience asking a question.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:53.100)
And I don't think you'll understand what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:55.460)
I don't think most people did.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.220)
But I do.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:58.220)
Because I'm crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.220)
Please come to the mic and tell the folks what you're talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:01.740)
Ole Damogard is an internationally recognized author and historian.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:06.099)
He's an expert on political assassinations.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:08.420)
And he appeared on my show, Crowdsourced the Truth, on YouTube.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.059)
And he presented a document that was given to him by a contact of his within the Department
Unknown Speaker (00:17:17.299)
of Homeland Security that indicated that a permit was applied for for the March for Our
Unknown Speaker (00:17:23.000)
Lives prior to the shooting.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:26.059)
And he said, this is a smoking gun that indicates that something happened there that differs
Unknown Speaker (00:17:32.099)
from what we've been told.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:33.700)
The video received an anonymous strike from people who think they've got First Amendment
Unknown Speaker (00:17:38.259)
rights as anonymous avatars on the Internet.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.579)
We don't even know if that's a person.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:43.460)
That could be an artificial intelligence entity.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:45.900)
That could be someone operating out of a country that is not protected by the Constitution
Unknown Speaker (00:17:50.839)
of the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:51.839)
And it denies me...
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.839)
All of them, not the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:53.839)
... my constitutional rights to face my accuser and know what I'm being accused of.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:57.819)
Thank you for letting me speak, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:00.220)
Well, I flew over that gentleman's name, but I want to look that up.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:02.740)
That is powerful information.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:04.299)
Go ahead, ma'am.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:05.299)
You had something?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.299)
Oh, that's powerful information.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.259)
Alex knows that name.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.180)
It's a...
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.180)
It was more of a plug, really.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:12.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.539)
Yeah, it was kind of a plug.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:14.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.539)
I, too, know that name.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.539)
Ole Damogard.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:17.539)
Oh, I just heard Dan McGard.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.420)
Ole Damogard.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:21.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:22.420)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:23.420)
You know how I know that name?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:24.420)
Uh, because he holds the axe of Damascus?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.819)
He's a frequent guest on Project Camelot.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:30.339)
No shit!
Unknown Speaker (00:18:31.339)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.339)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.339)
Love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.339)
It's Henry Cassidy's go-to false flag guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.700)
I love that.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:38.700)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.700)
Which is one of the reasons we haven't listened to episodes that have him on it on Project
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.299)
Camelot, because they are not fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.180)
They're this false flag bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:46.500)
But they are as crazy and as stupid as her Mark Richards episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:50.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:52.700)
Just depressing and dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:53.700)
Just not fun and more like, oh, you're making up all this shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.339)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:57.339)
You have sources who tell you all this nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:59.099)
Oh, he's got a source in Homeland Security?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:01.220)
So what I want to say is, first of all, this is all bullshit, but second, it's crazy to
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.019)
me that this is a really interesting illustration of just how close Project Camelot World and
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.420)
Alex Jones World really are.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:13.579)
They are not that far apart.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:15.539)
You have a guy who is interviewing Ole Damogard on his YouTube show.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:21.339)
Say that name 30 more times.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:23.099)
Ole Damogard.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:24.099)
Where do these people fucking come from?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:25.259)
I think he's from Europe somewhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.460)
Oh, well, then he's not protected by the United States Constitution.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.420)
He might be from Denmark.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:32.700)
I'm not entirely sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:33.700)
That's not even a real place.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:35.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:36.700)
He goes on all kinds of YouTube conspiracy shows that are just like weird people with
Unknown Speaker (00:19:40.819)
a webcam.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.819)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.819)
Do you mean essentially us, but stupid?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.220)
We don't put things on YouTube all that often.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:48.180)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:49.180)
To be fair, I think our webcams are better than most of the people I've seen.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:53.460)
That's a fair point.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.460)
They mostly use the built-in cams.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.180)
Ooh, that's not a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.579)
So I don't know, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:00.740)
I don't know what further point I have on this other than it's fascinating to me to
Unknown Speaker (00:20:10.099)
see that name come up.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.660)
I feel like any press that's covering this should be like, oh my God, look at this connection.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.299)
But no one does.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:21.299)
No one cares.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:23.299)
I'm not a person who's excited, but I almost did a fucking spit take of water when I was
Unknown Speaker (00:20:27.940)
watching this.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.940)
Like, Olé Damogarde.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:31.940)
That's bananas.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.940)
I just don't expect to see these worlds intersect like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.539)
I know, but I mean, there's no way anybody in the actual press would be like, oh, well,
Unknown Speaker (00:20:40.539)
Olé Damogarde, of course, is the...
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.099)
Because what?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.539)
Because what?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:46.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:47.539)
Well, it's because Alex, the only reason I'm interested is because Alex called it powerful
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:51.900)
So who's a crowdsource?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:53.700)
The truth is what this guy is from.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:55.660)
This is a YouTube show.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.859)
Well, because Alex got to control who got in.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:00.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:01.779)
And he did not let in a lot of, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.859)
Here's my theory.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:05.859)
No one asked.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:09.259)
Because there is a guy from right wing watch there and he got in.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.500)
And he was super excited.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:15.420)
And then the other people who were there are people like Mothers for Trump and Trump Talk,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.660)
a podcast called Trump Talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:22.140)
Oh, by the way, I went...
Unknown Speaker (00:21:23.500)
Those are also mothers for drunk driving.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:25.420)
I went to the Mothers for Trump website and they have like an issues button you can press
Unknown Speaker (00:21:30.819)
and it links to Donald Trump,, his positions page.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.940)
It's interesting that if you click that link, it says 404 page not found.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:43.339)
So that's inspiring.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:45.700)
Mothers for Trump obviously don't really know how to use the web.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:49.420)
Let's be honest about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.420)
They got a nice country jam that plays automatically if you go to their website too.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:54.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:55.299)
It's very disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.299)
So Jordan, this is the end of what I want to talk about in terms of the press conference
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.019)
because the rest of it, it's just nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.200)
And they redo it.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:04.700)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.140)
So Alex did his show and he's sort of just...
Unknown Speaker (00:22:09.420)
It's not a very interesting show, but immediately after the show, he did a free for all question
Unknown Speaker (00:22:14.900)
and answer thing at the Mayweather Hotel.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.220)
They rented out the ballroom.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:21.740)
I thought you were about to say the Marriott and I was like, that sounds right for where
Unknown Speaker (00:22:25.039)
he's staying.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.359)
They basically just redid the press conference where they just had the exact same crew of
Unknown Speaker (00:22:31.339)
people minus Leanne McAdoo come up and give slightly different speeches.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.259)
And it's important to notice what the differences are.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.099)
They know that at this place, not many watchful eyes, they're in front of a friendly audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.619)
And so it turns into a white nationalist Nazi rally.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:55.259)
I totally saw that coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.980)
Yeah, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.460)
But no one's talking about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:00.460)
Alex Jones had this big Q&A session, which is available on his fucking YouTube channel.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:04.619)
And if you go and listen to it, there is consistent, really troubling things that are being said
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.380)
by people.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.380)
A couple of them, even prefacing them by saying earlier we were in front of the press,
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.539)
but now I know we're all friends, which is not a thing you want to hear any white person
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.259)
say ever.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.259)
There's never been a situation where I've heard, like after a show, if some dude is
Unknown Speaker (00:23:31.099)
like, hey, let me tell you something that automatically means you're about to hear a
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.859)
racist joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.859)
Hey bro, you're cool.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:37.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:38.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.859)
So you're white.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:40.859)
We're on the same team.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:41.859)
You want to hear me say the N word a few times?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.859)
I'm saying I'm making a little bit of a harsh declaration up top and I hope it will be borne
Unknown Speaker (00:23:49.700)
out by the clips that we listened to.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:52.859)
So suspend belief in me until we get through this.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:55.940)
I stand by what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.900)
But before we get to that, here's three minutes of before the press conference where Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:24:04.019)
Jones, I think, thinks Jordan Klepper is trying to get into the question and answer session.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:13.539)
It hasn't started yet and Alex is clearly drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:17.019)
Wait, so he thinks that outside Jordan Klepper is just like fighting to get in them doors.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.220)
He's talking to a guy that is not on camera that might be Jordan Klepper, but I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:24:30.299)
know that it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:31.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.619)
He wants everyone to think that it is and I'm willing to believe that it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.180)
I doubt it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.180)
But I have no proof.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.180)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:40.180)
We'll hear another, but this is Alex very clearly drunk, talking to someone who he does
Unknown Speaker (00:24:45.299)
not want in on this question and answer.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.859)
If you're drunk, outside, sitting out there, good, eat your skis, get down your rain pours,
Unknown Speaker (00:24:55.900)
go to the club, we'll let you have to choose the rap, it's a common scene, you know, comic,
Unknown Speaker (00:25:02.900)
you are a childhood nightmare, you see the ever coming crack alive in my face, Chuckie
Unknown Speaker (00:25:18.259)
cheese, the rap, Chuckie cheese, the rap, Chuckie cheese, the rap, Chuckie cheese, the
Unknown Speaker (00:25:29.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.140)
Please go back down to your desk.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:32.140)
Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:34.140)
I said, don't wait to be a good boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:36.140)
I need you to come.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:38.140)
Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:40.140)
Wait, we need the hotel.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.140)
We're doing our own little three-step steps.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.140)
She's the rep. She knows cheese.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.140)
She wants it.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:48.140)
So we just ask you to respect our first message.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.140)
We'll allow you to.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.140)
And be sure to watch and get sure to watch me.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.140)
We seriously get good stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:56.140)
And then Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.140)
Bye-bye, Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:00.140)
Bye-bye, Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:02.140)
That's not a good change.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.140)
Time to go.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.140)
Bye, Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.140)
Bye-bye, rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.140)
Bye-bye, rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:12.140)
I hear that you work in the private organizations trying to find the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.140)
Not Chucky, she's the rep.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:24.140)
Just like Angie Vizu!
Unknown Speaker (00:26:26.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:27.140)
We need rat control.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:28.140)
It's called pest control.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:29.140)
You're in a private hotel, Chuck E. Cheese.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.140)
Chuck E. Cheese, you're in our office, you're in our area, we run the desk, and you're here
Unknown Speaker (00:26:33.140)
to stop that tour.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.140)
I don't know, that's different.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:51.140)
This goes on for like another four minutes.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.980)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:54.059)
This is just him yelling Chuck E. Cheese the rat over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:56.500)
It was fun at first.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.500)
It was.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.500)
I thought...
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.500)
The chanting part, that was great.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.500)
That's a solid move.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:01.819)
And then of course Alex does his traditional drunk thing, which is to murder a dead horse
Unknown Speaker (00:27:08.299)
as much as you possibly can.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:11.220)
Like he got one little positive reinforcement and he's like, this is gonna last forever.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.859)
He tries to get the chant going again.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.259)
It kinda worked the first time, but then it does not work the second time.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:21.420)
And then he changes the chant mid-chant, which is a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:23.819)
Yeah, and so you might be asking, why the fuck did he keep screaming Chuck E. Cheese
Unknown Speaker (00:27:29.819)
the rat?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.819)
It's kind of a weird thing to yell.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:32.819)
Now, I didn't make out a lot of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:35.619)
It was mostly him saying Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:37.299)
Well, I mean, early on, I heard him say brain force.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.460)
Yeah, he said, take your brain force.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:42.059)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:43.059)
He was just doing a plug.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:45.059)
Just doing a plug.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:47.059)
At a fucking hotel ballroom to nobody, he's doing a little plug?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.900)
A couple of these people do plugs.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:53.339)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:54.339)
It's interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:55.339)
So now he's a teleprompter reader.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:56.980)
He's accusing Jordan Klepper of being a teleprompter reader.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.299)
That's what I heard.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:01.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.299)
Because that's what he always does.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:03.299)
And then later on, what is ostensibly Jordan Klepper says, I am allowed to accuse anybody
Unknown Speaker (00:28:10.579)
of anything I want.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.579)
He said, I have free speech or whatever, but that doesn't sound like Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:14.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.940)
That's a very bad thing to say.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.099)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.099)
I mean, the voice doesn't sound like him.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:20.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.099)
That doesn't sound like his voice.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.099)
His content is more like, that's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:25.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:26.140)
Isn't he supposed to be?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.140)
He's supposed to be a prank.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.140)
He's a comedian.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:29.140)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.140)
Isn't he supposed to come up with better shit than that?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:32.579)
Yeah, he absolutely would have.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.900)
And he would have sent Tim Baltz or something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:36.400)
He would have sent one of these other people who Alex doesn't know who they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:41.900)
So anyway, the thing that isn't a Chuck E. Cheese the rat is very confusing because I
Unknown Speaker (00:28:45.700)
don't understand what that means.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:47.980)
I heard he said radioactive rat or something and then he went to Chuck E. Cheese?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:52.180)
I don't think he did.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:53.180)
He might have.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.180)
Does he think Chuck E. Cheese is?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:55.180)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.180)
That's a, that's a-
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.180)
It's a mutated rat?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.180)
It's like a Ninja Turtle situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:59.180)
Yup, yup.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.180)
Sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:01.180)
So Alex is finally about five or six minutes into this video that he posted, finally Rob
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.819)
Dew is like, do you want a mic?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:09.700)
And then this is what happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:12.180)
Alex, if you want a mic, let's get ready to rumble.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:21.019)
That's illegal.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:22.019)
Yeah, that's, that's copyright.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.539)
Michael Buffer is going to sue you.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:25.740)
We found a Comedy Central, Comedy Central rat in here.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:32.140)
Don't worry.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.140)
We dealt with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.140)
They just turned my mic down.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:35.140)
That's good.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:36.140)
I'm too loud.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:38.140)
All right, everybody, we'll get Roger Stone up here in a little while, everybody let's
Unknown Speaker (00:29:47.299)
chill out, let Roger sit down.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:49.099)
I want to just, before we get to this, I want just the premise to be clear.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.140)
He announced this as a like two hour question and answer session and it is not that in any
Unknown Speaker (00:30:01.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:02.299)
Does he get to the calls?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:03.299)
There's no calls.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.299)
There's no calls?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.299)
No calls.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:06.299)
So then it's a, it's a great situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.299)
I would guess the turnout is something to the tune of 50 in this ballroom.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:11.859)
It's respectable, but based on his pretenses about his audience, you would think the room
Unknown Speaker (00:30:16.299)
would be over swelling.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.819)
It's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:18.819)
You would hope.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:19.819)
It's very, it's very modest in turnout.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:25.059)
I don't judge.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:26.220)
And like I said, he just redoes the press conference.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:29.660)
He just has all the same people come and give speeches and then at the end gets to some
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.059)
questions and it's unfortunate that he does because one of these questions that gets asked
Unknown Speaker (00:30:39.700)
is one of the most crazy things I've ever heard on info wars, which is a big, big pronouncement.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:45.500)
It will blow your mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.700)
It will absolutely blow your mind, but we have to go through a little bit of bullshit
Unknown Speaker (00:30:52.619)
to get there.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.619)
It'll be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:55.619)
Anyway, here's Chuck E. Cheese, the rat.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:58.359)
We had, what's that guy's name from the failed comedy central.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.180)
What's that guy's name?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:06.660)
What is it?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:07.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.660)
Colby Chuck E. Cheese, the rat bastard.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.440)
So what they want to do is talk to us and make us look like idiots and then edit it
Unknown Speaker (00:31:15.420)
all out of context and tell a bunch of lies about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:17.819)
So all they get from me is Chuck E. Cheese, the rat, which will be his new meme.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:22.380)
It will be the, what he's known as 50 years from now when he goes on to Valhalla, I understand
Unknown Speaker (00:31:29.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:30.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:31.779)
It will be the lion Ted Cruz or Crooked Hillary.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:35.579)
Here's the thing for a moniker, for a nickname to stick, it's got to actually fit the bill.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.220)
And let me tell you something, who doesn't think comedy central and all those anti-American
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.099)
pseudo-intellectual scumbags don't look and act like a bunch of goddamn globalist rats.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:51.819)
What do you think?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.299)
What is it?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.299)
That was not a big, that was not a big cheer.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:58.380)
What does a globalist rat look like?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.539)
A splinter?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:04.539)
So let's give them a clip when they try to cut all this together on comedy central, Chuck
Unknown Speaker (00:32:11.059)
E. Cheese, the rat, go home, crawl back in your hole, Chuck E. Cheese, the rat bastard.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.180)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.180)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:19.180)
That was great.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:20.180)
The reason that I...
Unknown Speaker (00:32:21.180)
Some solid, solid work right there.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.900)
The reason that I paused where I did and said that is if globalism is what you're against
Unknown Speaker (00:32:29.700)
and it's a philosophy of trying to undermine nationalism and national sovereignty in order
Unknown Speaker (00:32:36.859)
to sell out to multinational corporations and what have you, and that's what you're
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.599)
really mad about, that doesn't have a physical component to it.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:45.539)
If you're talking about why do these people look like globalists, generally speaking,
Unknown Speaker (00:32:51.500)
that means that you are talking about something that is something about their appearance.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.740)
And it could just be that they wax their mustaches.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.019)
Yeah, it could be.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:01.019)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:02.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:04.019)
We'll give him some...
Unknown Speaker (00:33:05.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:06.019)
Is he really...
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.019)
Does he think that the globalists look like hipsters?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:08.859)
Is that what he's thinking?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:09.859)
I mean, it could be.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:11.539)
It could be.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.539)
I don't think so.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:13.539)
No, it's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.539)
It's definitely anybody who looks not as white as Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:17.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:18.259)
So in this next clip, I'm gonna just skip over it, I think, because it's not that great.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.339)
He minimizes Cambridge Analytica and just sort of rambles about how like, all they're
Unknown Speaker (00:33:26.660)
doing is taking information.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:28.779)
So what?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:29.779)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.779)
Remember when you railed against the Patriot Act?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:33.180)
He's like, all they're doing is scraping accounts for data.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.700)
It's not data mining.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:38.900)
Isn't that what mining is?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:41.740)
A little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.740)
Isn't the mining just scraping the ground for shit?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:45.299)
And he's not taking into account what the actual thing they did was, where they encroached
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.359)
on other people's accounts through accounts that they had gained access to.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:55.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:56.980)
Or blackmailed and honeypotted the shit out of a bunch of people.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.220)
That's a whole other thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.640)
That's another wing of their operations.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:03.960)
But in terms of the data collection stuff, a lot of it was gaining access to person A's
Unknown Speaker (00:34:10.260)
account, and then by accessing that, they were able to get information from a bunch
Unknown Speaker (00:34:15.179)
of all of their friends' accounts.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:16.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:17.900)
Now, B, that isn't me.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:18.900)
That's why two billion accounts' information were stolen when they only had, when Facebook
Unknown Speaker (00:34:24.099)
said at the beginning, it was only a few hundred thousand or a million or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.139)
And he also tries to bring in an idea that people think that it was identity theft and
Unknown Speaker (00:34:33.659)
all it is is taking information.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.460)
No one thinks it's identity theft.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:37.179)
That was never a claim that people are making.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:39.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.099)
So anyway, he runs out of...
Unknown Speaker (00:34:41.099)
But at the same time, that's the whole thing that Snowden pointed out, is that so much
Unknown Speaker (00:34:46.500)
metadata can be used to influence a ton of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.780)
It's disgusting how much data we actually put out there.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.139)
It's weird what you can learn from things that you don't think actually says all that
Unknown Speaker (00:35:01.300)
much about.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:02.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:03.300)
Well, not just that, but I mean, you get just a bare amount of information from somebody
Unknown Speaker (00:35:08.559)
and you know how terrible people are at remembering passwords or like those, or like the question,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:14.420)
oh, I forgot my password.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:17.300)
What's your mother's maiden name?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:18.800)
You can go in and you can find that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.739)
It's easier to do than anybody wants to imagine.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.420)
So anyway, Alex runs out of steam really quick on this, and then he just brings up Roger
Unknown Speaker (00:35:29.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.500)
That's why my mother's maiden name is Papadopoulos.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:31.900)
Ooh, that's the same guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.139)
Tough to spell.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:35.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:36.139)
So he brings up Roger Stone and Rogers is sort of like, ah, free speech, woo.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:39.980)
He has a very uninspired little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.039)
He does a bad bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:45.659)
Doesn't redo...
Unknown Speaker (00:35:46.659)
He's done a lot of bad bits so far.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:47.659)
He doesn't redo the dick on the front and the back bit on this, but then he gets off.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.900)
He's generous with his time.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:55.019)
He only does a type five or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:57.179)
And then Alex comes back up and then he says this, that's super fucking weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.460)
Trump is crushing communist China, crushing Russia, crushing the EU, crushing the corrupt
Unknown Speaker (00:36:07.659)
Vatican, crushing radical Islam, and the media and this whole swamp here in DC.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:13.059)
Give two examples out.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:14.280)
He sat there and said that, you know, he was sold out to foreign interests.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:17.940)
That's because they're globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:19.780)
That means they take over your country and they sell out your resources.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.860)
Quite frankly, Trump is so nationalistic, so America first, that it's going to go to
Unknown Speaker (00:36:30.820)
the other side of the equation.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.880)
The claims that he is trying to screw the country over are 1000% pure, absolute crap.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:41.760)
You'll notice, first of all, no applause after that.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:44.940)
I think most people in the audience are staring at him like, this drunk guy is yelling at
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:52.059)
We support Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:53.059)
This is just like when he did stand up.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:55.980)
This is just like whenever, yeah, this is the same thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.619)
Well, because I think back when he did stand up, he saw Stanhope do it and he was like,
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.460)
I can do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:05.460)
And so he tried.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:06.460)
And this is his attempt to do a Trump style rally.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:09.579)
And it is not.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.579)
Like people aren't like, woo, there's a couple of people every now and again that'll applaud
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.099)
certain things and what have you, but like, it's not a raucous affair.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:19.019)
And even they probably are like, it's not a thousand percent, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.659)
At most he's like 40%.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:25.860)
The more, the more important thing too though is that in that clip he's saying that he's
Unknown Speaker (00:37:29.900)
now concerned that Trump is going too far in the other direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:35.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:36.059)
Which, what is that, Alex?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:38.300)
What is that?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.300)
Going too far with nationalism?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:42.340)
I can't think of anybody who's ever gone too far with nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.900)
What happens when people go too far with nationalism?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:47.699)
I can't think of any example of anyone going too far with nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.380)
Dan, name 18 different examples of somebody going too far with nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.019)
I would say most of the bad things internationally that have ever happened have been the result
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.139)
of someone going too far with nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:07.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.780)
So he even says that, but he doesn't really expound on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:11.579)
It's just sort of a toss away thing because I think, again, I think he's drunk, but anyway.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:16.900)
And everybody knows it and everybody can see it and he's trying everything you can to boost
Unknown Speaker (00:38:21.619)
wages, bring jobs back to the inner city on record, and that's why the elites that thought
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.860)
they had this country are going completely crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.780)
And it's why they have sued me 13 times in the last year.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.179)
And most of those lawsuits, it's only a few in the first year, most of those, seven or
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.179)
eight of those last three months.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:39.219)
And it's Georgetown Law funded by George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:42.260)
No it's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.260)
Soros Town Law.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:44.260)
No it's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:45.260)
It's a guy named Brendan Gilmore.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:46.980)
No, just because he's getting help from the Georgetown Law School, civil rights school.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.380)
Any time he feels like he has to specifically point out inner cities, all he's really saying
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.139)
is, why don't black people support him?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.699)
Blacks, get on board.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:01.699)
Yeah, come on, black people.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.079)
That's what actually surprises me that he didn't have diamond and silk at his event.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.179)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:09.179)
You're going all out for this.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.579)
You've got a bunch of other Trump weirdos.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:14.500)
Why are all of your people still white?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:16.780)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.780)
Why is it, you're trying to do this thing, there's optics involved, why don't you at
Unknown Speaker (00:39:23.380)
least get some of the creeps, some of the diverse creeps.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.760)
They're all creeps on his team, but at least there are a couple who you would add diversity.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:38.780)
You would shield yourself from the attack of, huh, Millie Weaver, Rob Dew, Alex Jones,
Unknown Speaker (00:39:45.179)
Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Lee Stranahan, Lucian Wintrick, all whites.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.579)
Lucian Wintrick is the whitest name I have ever heard in my entire life.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:55.980)
It's not important.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.980)
He doesn't deserve to be spoken about on this show.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.980)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:59.980)
It's weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.980)
You could have at least gotten Jakari Jackson to run down the aisle and hit him with a chair.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.699)
Oh, I never told you about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:07.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.300)
I bought Jakari Jackson's comic book.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.059)
Is it good?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:11.059)
While you were out of town.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:13.059)
It's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:15.059)
It's not about Alex at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.579)
I would have loved to discover that he is a tremendous talent.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:20.980)
It's very cute.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:23.139)
It's about a young child who doesn't apply himself well because he's too busy daydreaming.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:30.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:31.699)
Of white nationalism?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:33.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:34.699)
He's too busy daydreaming of a segregated society.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:39.340)
The description that we read of it led us to believe that possibly this was about some
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.380)
sort of projection about Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:45.820)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:46.820)
It's absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:47.820)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:48.820)
It's just very cute.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:49.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:50.820)
Anyway, this next clip isn't very cute.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.820)
It is all of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:53.739)
You know, earlier today I had Right Wing Watch, fun about people of the American way whose
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.139)
main donor is George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:59.780)
That's in the federal filings.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.780)
And the guy played dumb and said, I don't want to discuss that.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:03.179)
I don't want to get into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.179)
Then the other guy from a Soros-connected group.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.039)
Real quick, Blake, let's take a step back and consider all of the people that he has
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.420)
on the show who have connections to Koch brothers-related think tanks.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.699)
He still talks to Lord Monckton, who works for a think tank that's funded by ExxonMobil.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.260)
So this is all nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.420)
Looked at me and said, oh, I don't know anything about Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:30.500)
I don't want to discuss that.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:31.739)
But you say Soros overthrew countries, didn't know I could rattle off seven of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:35.739)
All former communist states?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.739)
They think we're their bumbo pseudo-intellectual fake leftist audience that buys whatever they
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.500)
say and thinks that we're just buying into all this pseudo-intellectual stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:49.739)
We're not doing that.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.659)
We've done our homework.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:53.059)
We know what we're talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.739)
And that's why they're crapping their britches.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.099)
And see, I'm not a leftist sneak attack artist.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:00.380)
I sit here and tell them what I've got in my guns politically before I invite them up
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.500)
to the microphone.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:05.500)
You want to come up here later, I will pull it up for you, show you the federal filings
Unknown Speaker (00:42:08.400)
of George Soros funding you.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.820)
Oh, I bet he does.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.820)
He doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.820)
He also says that, like, that Chuck E. Cheese the rat, who ostensibly is Jordan Klepper,
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.179)
can come on, Mike.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.179)
He doesn't allow that.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:21.179)
Is Chuck E. Cheese a rat?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:22.179)
I feel like he's a mouse.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:23.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:24.179)
I think so.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:25.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.179)
There's a thin line.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:27.179)
That man right there is funded by George Soros, the oldest living top Nazi collaborator in
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.619)
the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.619)
Oh, there's more.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:35.619)
Who is sworn to destroy nation's sovereignty, sworn to bring an incredible tyranny.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.019)
And he is financing the lawsuit against us through Georgetown law that they filed, which
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.159)
attempts to overturn the First Amendment.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:50.300)
First of all, there's literally zero chance that a civil lawsuit could overturn a amendment
Unknown Speaker (00:42:55.519)
to the Constitution.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.980)
Pretty sure it could.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:57.980)
It's completely absurd, cockamamie nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.619)
It happens all the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:00.619)
A lot of civil court rulings wind up overturning amendments.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:04.699)
Finally, even, dude, if you allow for what Alex believes about George Soros to be true,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:11.139)
if you allow that, which it's not, but if you believe that he helped round up Jews as
Unknown Speaker (00:43:15.340)
a 15-year-old, that's still not a top level Nazi collaborator.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:23.699)
That is ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:25.500)
A lot of 15-year-olds were in Hitler's inner circle.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:29.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:30.179)
Everybody knows that.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:31.179)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.179)
He stopped Operation Valkyrie when he was 12.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:35.539)
He killed Tom Cruise.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:37.019)
When he was 12.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.380)
That's ridiculous nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:41.619)
The thing that I always glom onto is how much he absolutely despises leftists.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.900)
They're the liberal, liberal.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.420)
And then at the same time is super mad at fake leftists.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.460)
And I don't understand how that could possibly work.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:58.619)
What do you mean by that?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:59.619)
I mean, earlier he just said, he's like, all these people, the fake leftists who are financing
Unknown Speaker (00:44:05.579)
all of this shit is like, well, why not just call them regular leftists if you hate leftists
Unknown Speaker (00:44:11.059)
so much?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.059)
Why are you concerned with the purity of their leftism?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.940)
I don't understand it.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.219)
I'm not saying you, I'm saying him.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:17.219)
No, I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.539)
That's what's confusing to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.059)
He calls himself a classical liberal, which makes no sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.000)
And then he hates regular liberals, which makes no sense either.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.559)
And then he hates leftists, but he also hates fake leftists.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:31.860)
And he, what is, he was, he's just angry.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:35.260)
What other than white nationalism does he love?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:37.420)
He's just angry, dude.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:38.659)
That's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.659)
He's probably angry at some white people too, but he just sucks it up.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.340)
Keeps a stiff upper lip.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.280)
The other thing that I think is really fucked up in that clip is, I mean, I know it's a
Unknown Speaker (00:44:49.820)
small crowd, but at the same time you still have a guy who's yelling at the podium, this
Unknown Speaker (00:44:55.739)
guy works for a Nazi collaborator.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.420)
That's really fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.420)
Furthermore, uh, 94 year old Oscar Groening, uh, escaped Nazi collaborator, Nazi collaborator,
Unknown Speaker (00:45:09.860)
Simon Wiesenthal, uh, escaped Nazi collaborator, Rasmussen escaped Nazi collaborator.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:17.940)
All of these people are older than George Soros and they did the murders.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:23.579)
Yeah, they were, they were much more of collaborators.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:27.099)
Um, so I, I, I know that I already said this, but it bears repeating.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.380)
He's pointing out someone in the crowd who is a journalist and is being like, this guy
Unknown Speaker (00:45:38.639)
works for a Nazi.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:40.719)
This guy works for George Soros and in a, in a like a much larger audience with a more
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.800)
charismatic person at the helm.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.179)
Do you mean like when Trump did the exact same thing?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:51.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.460)
He turned that into something very dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:55.900)
That mentality of like pointing out this guy, that's very close to like, this guy is part
Unknown Speaker (00:46:01.059)
of the union press, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.619)
You know, like it's very close to that.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:04.659)
I feel very incredibly uncomfortable about that just because George Soros has donated
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.940)
to a foundation, uh, uh, that may, uh, donate to right wing watch or one of these organizations
Unknown Speaker (00:46:18.320)
that fucking hates, you know, on a certain level.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.219)
I do still despise that like in, in the way that you just described, you know, like, oh
Unknown Speaker (00:46:27.179)
well, he can't be mad at George Soros for, for donating to all of these things, uh, whenever
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.820)
he is, uh, beholden to Koch brothers and all of those things, it's like, I don't appreciate
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.900)
that it's become a proxy war for billionaires.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:42.739)
No, I don't like that either.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.119)
That frustrates and, and infuriates me as well.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.239)
I don't like that either.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.239)
Because the topic has come up and maybe there are new people listening who don't know our
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.019)
We're not fucking super into Soros either.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:55.940)
We just like the reality that he is not a Nazi collaborator.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:59.139)
It's like a, it's like a beneficent King.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:03.179)
Like I get the first part is technically good.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.460)
It's the second part that really bothers me.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.420)
Like a philanthropist billionaire is still a billionaire.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:15.219)
It's tough to get around.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:16.219)
I don't care how much money Bill Gates gives his money should all be seized and he should
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.980)
be beheaded.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:21.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.980)
Like I'm, I'm not a fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.980)
Wait, why did I say right to that?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.460)
I disagree with the beheading.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:27.340)
I believe I get a plus one for tricking you into saying right.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.940)
You're back to zero.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:31.940)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.940)
And everyone in the chat room is going to drink cause you advocated for murder.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.820)
So also one of the big things that he was saying about that last clip is all the people
Unknown Speaker (00:47:40.619)
on the left are stupid and all of you are stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:43.300)
You don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.300)
Even the people on the fake left.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:45.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:46.300)
You don't know about all this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.380)
I know stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:48.380)
Um, in this next clip, Alex Jones talks about, uh, uh, John Hancock and we'll see just how
Unknown Speaker (00:47:54.099)
smart Alex is.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:55.099)
He's got a lot of John Hancock information.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:56.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:57.260)
Let's see how smart he is.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.260)
I'm the only guy with a John Hancock in front and a giant dick in back.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:02.260)
It's a better bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.260)
I took it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:04.260)
My wife, my parents, my family asked, why are you so happy?
Unknown Speaker (00:48:08.260)
Negative one for Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.260)
Once he decided at the declaration of independence, July 4th, 1776, why we have July 4th to sign
Unknown Speaker (00:48:17.300)
his name on that thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:19.099)
Real quick.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:20.099)
Uh, I'll start.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.099)
I'll just actually go through it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.099)
Every time he lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:23.099)
Um, John Hancock did not sign the declaration of independence on July 4th.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:26.539)
No one did.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:27.539)
Uh, it was signed on August 2nd, 1776 on July 4th, the continental Congress met and voted
Unknown Speaker (00:48:32.780)
on the declaration.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.300)
So Alex is already wrong on, uh, on one point off to a great start.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.820)
He knew it was either victory or death.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:40.980)
It was either victory against them or his family on slave ships.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:44.539)
You know, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said that a lot of the founders lost their
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:49.739)
They lost their lives.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:50.739)
They lost everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:51.739)
And so when John Hancock signed his name bigger and bolder in a letter to the king of England,
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.500)
so John Hancock sign, or it was a Nathan, what's his face?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.059)
The swamp Fox.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:01.059)
John, uh, John Hancock signed first because he was the president at the time of the continental
Unknown Speaker (00:49:05.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.260)
That's why he, uh, he signed first.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:08.460)
So I bet it was super annoying for everybody else too.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:11.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.539)
Like how he signed his name all big and everybody's like, God damn it, you showboating.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.139)
He was kind of a flamboyant businessman at the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.500)
So he was the Roger Stone of independence.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.539)
Yes, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:21.539)
Dirty trickster.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.539)
Um, also the declaration of independence was not sent to King George.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:27.059)
That was not part of it at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:28.260)
No, it was sent to other nations and colonies and as an attempt to be like, Hey, fuck the
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.300)
British bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:37.900)
The goal was to explain to other colonists why it was a good idea for them to declare
Unknown Speaker (00:49:41.719)
independence and sent to other nations as a justification.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:45.340)
So they wouldn't be on the side of the British against them.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:49.300)
The declaration of independence was at no point meant to be like, Hey, King George,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:53.500)
suck it.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.500)
And, and the strangest thing about this is I kind of disagree with America declaring
Unknown Speaker (00:50:00.300)
independence because really what was, what it was about was like a tiny little tax on,
Unknown Speaker (00:50:08.340)
because the King was like, guys, we are giving you a shit ton of money.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.699)
This is essentially the trade deficit argument.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:15.579)
If you are, if you are supporting Trump, levying a fucking tariffs against China, you're against
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.179)
the declaration of independence.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:25.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.019)
King George the third, a tyrant had never been defeated.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:28.980)
He wanted to give everybody courage and put his name out there first and said, I'm going
Unknown Speaker (00:50:32.860)
to risk my life.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:33.860)
I'm going to risk it all the way.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:35.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:36.539)
And quite frankly, it is a great honor to stand against people that work for George
Unknown Speaker (00:50:40.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:41.260)
It is an honor to stand against the agents of a Nazi collaborator that said the best
Unknown Speaker (00:50:51.260)
days of his life were rounding up Jews and sending them to death camps.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:56.579)
Not true at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:57.579)
What about Fred Trump?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:00.579)
Don't ask that question.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:01.579)
Nazi supporter.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:02.579)
Fred Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.579)
Don't ask that question.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.579)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:05.579)
And the left thinks they can have the young Turks named after a genocidal organization
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.699)
that killed a million and a half Christians.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.460)
Fair play.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:14.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:15.460)
Or Anderson Cooper, a leftist foundation, maybe one of the richest people in the country.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.940)
By the time his grandma died, he got $50 billion.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.940)
He wants us to take him.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:24.940)
Uh, he was a lot of money.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.659)
He was a descendant of the Vanderbilt family, but he was, he was disinherited.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:31.260)
I always forget about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:32.539)
He had no money when he, uh, when, uh, when he came out.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.099)
No, no, no, not because he's gay, uh, never, never got money.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:40.820)
When he was a child, his parents sat him down and told him he was not going to get any of
Unknown Speaker (00:51:44.219)
his inheritance because probably at that point there wasn't any, it had been deteriorated
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.280)
over generations and because the family is diffuse.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:54.539)
Yeah, they've done a, they've done how many, they've done a few studies on that where within
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.539)
three generations most wealth is, is gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.099)
Something along those lines.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.099)
Because people branch out so far and there's not, there's not the same like consolidation
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.099)
of we marry within three or four families these days.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:11.539)
What they gotta do is, the only way to consolidate your money is to do it the way that the old
Unknown Speaker (00:52:17.860)
money did and fuck within yourselves.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:21.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:22.460)
And it's very clear there, uh, Anderson Cooper's done a lot of interviews about this and it's,
Unknown Speaker (00:52:27.699)
it's very clear on record.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:28.860)
He has no money that came from his grandma.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:31.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:32.139)
He does have a little bit of influence though.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:33.139)
He goes up there and says, I made it up that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:37.940)
You did.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.940)
When that piece of filth bragged about it on 60 minutes.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.019)
You didn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:44.019)
And that's how dumb they think you are.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.940)
They even put the lawsuits against me like it's coded messages and I haven't figured
Unknown Speaker (00:52:51.619)
it out yet.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:52.619)
And Jones said that, that, that, that Soros was a Nazi collaborator and other lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:57.820)
A message in three of the lawsuits, leave Soros alone.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:02.380)
I will not.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.380)
I'm going to write books, documentaries about you and I'm going to expose you and all the
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.900)
other fake media Soros and you go back to hell where you crawled out of.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:17.659)
Actually an acrostic.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.760)
That's where they put the coded message in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:20.699)
If you look at the first word in every sentence, that's the moment where I most felt like we're
Unknown Speaker (00:53:27.059)
basically in the middle of a Nazi rally here, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.179)
Because Alex is lying about George Soros is Nazi past.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:34.139)
He's screaming about, go to hell where you came from.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:37.579)
He's drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.579)
He's up there.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:39.579)
He's rambling nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:40.980)
He's repeating a lore about John Hancock as being some kind of, uh, uh, some sort of truth.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:48.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.260)
He's lying about Anderson Cooper.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.659)
He's lying about, uh, he's lying about everything in such a way that it's just, ooh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:57.380)
And the, the, the vigor that he's, he's manifesting is, is he throwing the, is he throwing the
Unknown Speaker (00:54:03.940)
hand up?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:05.099)
Is he, is he throwing the hand up or is he punching it down?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:09.579)
Which Hitler are we getting?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:11.099)
Are we getting the hot Hitler that slams on the podium or are we getting the Hitler that
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.940)
We're getting the sweaty Hitler who's holding onto the podium.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.300)
Oh, that's a good one.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.619)
The chubby, sweaty Hitler who's like Elvis in the later career.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:26.219)
And then also unlike Hitler, Alex references some hip hop in the middle of this rally.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:32.900)
We just want to have free market and freedom and classical liberalism like Thomas Jefferson
Unknown Speaker (00:54:36.639)
talked about.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:37.699)
But if you won't move out of the way, it's going to be serious.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.059)
And just like I took that ludicrous song from 20 years ago or whatever, that's one of the
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.900)
great hip hop song and it's a little bit crass, but I'll say it cause I played it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:49.980)
It's an eclipse of Hillary before and it went viral, tens of millions of views that helped
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.099)
the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:54.099)
Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch, move out the way.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.179)
And that's what it's all about.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.179)
And I say that move Bill Clinton, move George Soros, move the queen of England, move all
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.699)
the Rothschilds and the globalists, all these corrupt elites that want to run our lives.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.940)
Just move, move, get out the way bitch, get out the way.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.860)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:15.860)
I'm going to bring Millie Weaver up here to talk about her experiences, you can repeat
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.219)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.219)
Move bitch, get up the stage, get up the stage bitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.260)
His transitions are strong.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:28.099)
Like this is the kind of hosting I've seen at terrible shows.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:31.900)
I want to be a classical liberalist like Thomas Jefferson and own slaves.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:37.079)
That's what I want to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:38.079)
I don't want to scream at bitches to get out of the way.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:41.980)
And to be fair, let's be, I'm not saying that he's yelling at women there.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:45.940)
That's not, I was afraid that my language would make it sound like that's a criticism
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.739)
I'm making of him and it's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:51.139)
I just think he's stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.139)
I mean, maybe, maybe a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:53.980)
I mean, no, I don't think so.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.699)
I think that's why he did move, move the second time around because he even was in his head
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.300)
being like, maybe I should say bitch less.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:03.619)
But then he said, move, move, bitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:07.440)
So I think he's probably just drunk.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:08.440)
He can't really control himself.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.019)
So Millie gets up, um, also he said in the previous clip, uh, he was going to write books,
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.059)
Yeah, he can't do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.059)
He can't do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.059)
Nor can he make documentaries anymore.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:21.340)
He hasn't made a documentary in like 12 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.260)
He doesn't have the attention span.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:25.260)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.260)
He started taking all his own supplements and now he's fucked.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:29.260)
Take your brain force.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.260)
Now, to be fair to him, I don't think I could make a documentary either.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:34.139)
I think that would be a whole lot of work and coordination, not the way he does it though.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.820)
You just need an editor who you're paying, uh, and then just tell them, yeah, put this
Unknown Speaker (00:56:43.059)
over there.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.059)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:45.059)
I wonder if we could get a grant from somebody to make a documentary about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.340)
If we do, I will steal the from Endgame.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:53.099)
I will steal that riff to score the entire fucking thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:57.820)
We're going to have to get the rights to that.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:59.019)
I don't know if we can afford it.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.699)
Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:01.699)
Uh, I don't think that this is what was being referenced in the, uh, in the chat room.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:06.179)
Someone wrote Perot and it was in the middle of me doing the thing and I thought they were
Unknown Speaker (00:57:12.300)
asking Poirot and it made me realize, oh no, yeah, use Poirot's theme.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:17.380)
Speaking of which, I saw the new Murder on the Orient Express.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.500)
Oh yeah?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:25.500)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.500)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.500)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:28.500)
Very disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:29.500)
I love Agatha Christie.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.500)
I love David Suchet.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:31.500)
I love Poirot.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:32.500)
I love Mystery, that show.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:33.500)
I love it all.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.159)
I do not think that the Murder on the Orient Express is a good story.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:38.619)
It's not.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.619)
It's really not.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:40.619)
Spoiler alert, everybody does it.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:42.139)
That's not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:43.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.139)
That's a bad story.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:45.139)
Also, uh, what's his face?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:46.139)
Uh, the lead character.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:47.139)
Johnny Depp.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.139)
No, the lead character in the new Murder on the Orient Express.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.659)
I thought it was Johnny Depp.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.659)
He's the guy who did all the, uh, Shakespeare adaptations.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.019)
The one with Robin Williams.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:57.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:59.019)
Kenneth Branagh.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:00.019)
I think he is maybe the most insufferable actor I've ever seen.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:03.380)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.380)
He just buys him.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.380)
That's all right.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:06.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:07.380)
I much prefer things like the ABC Murders.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.380)
That was a good one.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:09.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.860)
Um, Three Little Indians, I believe that was another good one.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.260)
I don't think that's a good one for a lot of obvious reasons.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:16.619)
Anyway, uh, Millie Weaver, aka Rainbow Snatch, gets up to the mic and, uh, she, uh, let's
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.059)
hear some of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.059)
She has an interesting perspective on Charlottesville.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:30.179)
Does she?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:31.179)
Also, why did it come up?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:32.179)
Because she was there, and that's all she has to go on anymore.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.179)
That's her, uh, sort of Infowars claim to fame, is that she was at Charlottesville.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:39.460)
Not Rainbow Snatch?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:40.460)
So, here's what I want to get at here.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:43.059)
We've seen Antifa mobs be mobilized by George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:47.900)
That's based on those fake documents that they found on 4chan that Alex now believes
Unknown Speaker (00:58:51.699)
is real.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.699)
He's now claiming that they've been verified, and, uh, the way he says it...
Unknown Speaker (00:58:56.820)
Did Twitter give him a blue checkmark?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:58.900)
No, what happened is, uh, hey, no one said that they aren't.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.219)
I like that argument.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:11.019)
His argument is...
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.019)
That's an airtight argument right there.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:13.420)
His argument is like, we've been talking about it for a while and no one's told me to stop,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:16.500)
so they're real.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:17.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:19.500)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.500)
Shitty logic.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:21.500)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:22.500)
If it was, if it was wrong, somebody would have said something by now.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:25.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.940)
Not that nobody's paying attention to my bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:29.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.219)
That's why he has to go to fucking DC to try and get some attention.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:33.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:34.900)
By big corporations that have tons and tons of money funneling into these groups like
Unknown Speaker (00:59:39.900), Refused Fascism, and Antifa.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:43.340)
I saw it at Charlottesville.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:45.059)
I was there on the ground in Charlottesville, and the mainstream media started coming out
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.099)
immediately saying that the violence was one-sided.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.860)
That only the violence was coming from the alt-right.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:58.739)
The people who are out there trying to protect the right of a statue of our history to still
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:05.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.420)
When we have a totalitarian government that wants to try and justify removing history,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:13.500)
removing memorials.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:14.500)
Oh, not memorials.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.500)
Any American should be concerned about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.780)
I mean, anyone who wants to just go out there and stand out there and peacefully protest
Unknown Speaker (01:00:23.019)
should be allowed to.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.940)
But here's what happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.940)
Except for the leftists.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:26.940)
Left groups, radical leftist groups came out there in hordes, ready to attack, and yes,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.039)
there were radical elements of the right out there as well.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.699)
A few.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:39.699)
Hold on.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:41.099)
You did have them as well, which I personally believe that a lot of these radical right
Unknown Speaker (01:00:45.940)
groups that were out there had ties to the deep state.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:49.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.539)
They were meant out there to be provocateurs to cause violence so that you can demonize
Unknown Speaker (01:00:55.260)
the entire right, demonize Trump, the entire Trump movement.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:59.960)
So if you're keeping score, this is literally a narrative that is built only to justify
Unknown Speaker (01:01:06.739)
white supremacy.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.739)
That is, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.739)
Oh, hey, the left people who are out there, they're sincere, but they're terrorists.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.059)
They're also funded by George Soros, but they're terrorists.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.219)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.219)
The right also are being funded by George Soros in order to come out and scream blood
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.659)
and soil.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.659)
For sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:25.659)
A bunch of Nazi catchphrases.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:26.659)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:27.820)
And defend a statue that really, it's not even memorializing history, it was put up
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.139)
years and years after-
Unknown Speaker (01:01:35.260)
Yeah, what, in the 1930s to-
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.260)
The Confederacy.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:39.260)
That's the one that was like, hey, we got to rehab the image of the Confederacy.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.019)
That was right around the time that they were like, oh, it was about the stage right.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:48.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:49.380)
It was about the stage right.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.380)
For sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:51.380)
For sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.380)
Put up statues.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:53.380)
I mean, they have gone back and looked over all of those spikes and Confederate statues
Unknown Speaker (01:01:55.059)
that were put up over history, and they apparently are at times like when the civil rights movement
Unknown Speaker (01:01:59.440)
was going.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:00.440)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:01.440)
But at times when you wanted to terrorize minorities into remembering we used to own
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:06.960)
That sort of thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:07.960)
Also, let me ask you a question to her point of that, oh, they're radical leftist terrorists
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.260)
and they're only demonizing the alt-right and it's like, oh, the alt-right is fine except
Unknown Speaker (01:02:19.019)
for those people.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.139)
Who has the FBI recently classified as a terrorist organization?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.179)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.179)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.179)
And who has the FBI-
Unknown Speaker (01:02:30.179)
And Black Lives Matter maybe?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:31.179)
Who has the FBI minimized as not a threat?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.539)
Oh, they also said the Juggalos were a gang.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:37.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:38.980)
That's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:39.980)
Absolute nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:40.980)
So we're living in a world right now, and Alex Jones is sort of one of the largest cultural
Unknown Speaker (01:02:46.139)
mouthpieces of this, that is permissive of white violence and white terrorism.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.500)
And this is the entire system right now with the-
Unknown Speaker (01:02:54.539)
Well, the entire system has always been permissive of white violence.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:57.460)
We were working in the right direction to some extent, I think, and a lot of that is
Unknown Speaker (01:03:01.659)
being rolled back by Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.480)
And now we're seeing these things of like taking questions about LGBT identity out of
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.860)
the census, which is like, eh, maybe it's like, eh, it's not a big deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:12.699)
Can't have it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.699)
Yeah, but there's reasons that those sort of-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.820)
Oh, you gotta have your citizenship test in there as well.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:19.300)
Oh, of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.300)
Well, those things are very important because without those sort of metrics, you lose track
Unknown Speaker (01:03:26.820)
of statistics about hate crimes and stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.460)
I mean, who can really say what is and isn't a hate crime?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:36.719)
The groups that are having hate crimes perpetrated against them?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.539)
I mean-
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.539)
Well, that's not fair treatment, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:41.539)
Well, I mean, maybe when, you know, a bunch of dudes who are affiliated with groups like
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.320)
Identity Europa and sort of white supremacist groups beat the shit out of a black guy while
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.460)
screaming ethnic slurs at him at Charlottesville, that, I mean, it feels like a hate crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:57.739)
I could, you could classify it as such, but-
Unknown Speaker (01:04:01.340)
Boy, it feels like it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:03.860)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:05.260)
It's probably a deep state.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.260)
Full stop.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:07.260)
I got nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.260)
Probably the deep state.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.260)
Full stop.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.260)
They're probably all deep state actors.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.260)
It doesn't feel like it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:13.260)
That's what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:15.260)
It's a frustrating experience to have so many, like, I get why they feel like it's necessary.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.019)
So many news organizations put that out as like alleged hate crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.619)
But if you have a video of somebody screaming racial slurs and beating up a black person,
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.940)
that is not an alleged hate crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.059)
That's a hate crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.059)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.059)
If you have a justice system that is trying that very black person who got beat up by
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.980)
white people making racial slurs at him as though he is also guilty of assault, that
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.420)
justice system is perpetrating its own hate crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:53.460)
Gotta hear both sides.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:54.460)
These people are fucking insane.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.099)
No, it's nuts.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:57.099)
They're bananas.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:58.099)
No, it's nuts.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.099)
And the-
Unknown Speaker (01:05:00.099)
Like, I don't even want to support Mueller's investigation because the FBI has been a white
Unknown Speaker (01:05:05.420)
supremacist organization since the very fucking beginning.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.739)
I don't know why none of the Democrats are running on, let's get rid of fucking Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:15.619)
Because if we actually do take the House in 2018, they're not going to do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.300)
They don't have the fucking dicks to do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.639)
And it is very frustrating, which is why women should make up the entirety of Congress.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.860)
I mean, trick daddy, take it to the House.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:28.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.860)
Take it to the House.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:31.860)
Slip and slide.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.860)
Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.860)
I don't know how to respond to your rant.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:34.860)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.860)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.860)
I'm just angry.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:37.860)
I'm just so fucking mad that nobody is going to actually do anything about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:41.739)
I didn't mean to restart your rant.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.059)
I'm sorry!
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.059)
Oh, god damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.059)
Fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.059)
I gotta take a quick break.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:50.059)
I gotta piss really quick.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.059)
We'll be right back.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:54.059)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:55.059)
All right, sorry about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:56.059)
We're back.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:57.059)
Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.059)
Ah, first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:00.420)
Could you, my right can ain't doing it.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.699)
That's a technical term.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:05.900)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:06.900)
So at this point, Millie Weaver has done her piece to make this distasteful white supremacist,
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.780)
white nationalist rally.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.500)
Made the feel real strong, and at this point, Alex is drunk.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:18.139)
He's straight drunk.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:19.139)
Now, before we go any further, sorry to interrupt you for the millionth time tonight, Millie
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.820)
Weaver seems like she's one of those people who almost gets it.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.659)
Like when she starts talking about how corporations are funding all of these people, she seems
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.900)
completely unaware that all of the billionaires are directly behind essentially all of the
Unknown Speaker (01:06:45.780)
white nationalist movements.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:48.340)
They're directly behind the Tea Party.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:50.659)
They're directly behind all of this shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:53.980)
And it confuses me.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:55.579)
Like is this information withheld from her or is she aware of it?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.300)
She's aware of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:01.300)
I can't believe she is.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:02.900)
She seems now this may be this may be latent sexism on my part.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:07.219)
Jordan, are you not aware that we're covering a propaganda outlet?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:10.739)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:11.739)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.739)
At what point do you think they have good faith?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:15.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:16.019)
But I can't imagine her in like a backroom conversation being like, man, I'm telling
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.500)
you, I know these right wing billionaires are ruining the country, but that's where
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.699)
my bread is buttered.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:25.900)
You know, like she seems like she believes it.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.300)
Like she seems like that type of millennial that gets that type of millennial.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:33.860)
No, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:36.860)
I mean, there's so many there's so many like profiles of what some young white nationalist
Unknown Speaker (01:07:42.860)
asshole who's got who's in law school, right, believes.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:46.579)
And it always winds up being something that at the at the base level, if you just start
Unknown Speaker (01:07:51.059)
with Citizens United was a terrible decision.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:54.980)
And billionaires are controlling everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:56.900)
They're like, yes, you are right on board.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.340)
And then they're like, because the left and you're like, no, fuck, God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.739)
Like do they not know?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.940)
I think it's just willful team sports.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:08.500)
I think it's just that's probably a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.780)
And then they they just like any kind of group think kind of cult thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.000)
They inoculate themselves against any information that denies their narrative.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.420)
Well, and fair and fair point and project the thing that they know they're guilty of
Unknown Speaker (01:08:25.140)
on the other side, which, to be fair, they're also guilty of everyone's guilty.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:29.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:30.060)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.060)
Billionaires are the worst fucking human beings ever to exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.380)
Sometimes they can have benevolent intentions and sometimes they can do great things, but
Unknown Speaker (01:08:42.020)
shouldn't have that much money.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:43.020)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.020)
The pyramids happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.020)
Yes, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.020)
Yeah, huge.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:47.020)
Very big.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:48.819)
So at this point, Alex is drunk.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.060)
Millie gets off stage.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.060)
How'd they get those rocks there?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:53.659)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:55.119)
Crazy magic.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:56.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:57.119)
Could be.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.119)
Let's talk to some theosophists about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:59.619)
Let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.619)
So at this point, Alex, like I said, is drunk and he wants to I think that it's one of those
Unknown Speaker (01:09:05.460)
things where he knows that he explained Chuck E. Cheese the rat, but he's gone and had a
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.859)
couple more drinks.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:11.220)
And he's like, I don't know if I really explained it.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.319)
So he gets back on stage and explains it again.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:16.420)
Everybody knows explaining the joke is great.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:18.340)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.340)
The reason I kept calling him Chuck E. Cheese the rat is they don't like memes.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:23.819)
That guy follows people around.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:25.220)
In fact, maybe at least I can talk about that guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.060)
This Jordan Klepper guy disinfos us constantly, lies about what we say, clips things together
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.600)
to say that we say no kids died in Florida, that we attacked children.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:39.859)
All of this is lies and slander and defamation.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.479)
That's what he does to the guys of entertainment.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.180)
They end up getting protected.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:45.619)
So I know that they came and covered his Citizen School of Journalism.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:48.619)
It's very popular and does a great job in Texas, North Texas, and misrepresented it.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:53.380)
That's why I was calling him Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.260)
Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:56.260)
Still doesn't make sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:57.260)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.260)
They're going to edit what we say together.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:59.260)
So if I just say Chuck E. Cheese the rat or some other meme that makes him look bad, he's
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.020)
going to edit us.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:06.020)
That's not what a meme is.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.020)
He's not real.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:08.020)
He's a fraud.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:09.020)
He's going to edit us.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:10.020)
They're going to misrepresent.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:11.020)
So our only defense is continually say one thing so there's no edit.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.899)
And that's why he kept trying to get me to have a conversation and no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:18.460)
So when you see him later out there waiting, so he knows he got his ass kicked today, just
Unknown Speaker (01:10:22.140)
say, you're a fraud.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.420)
You're a scam.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.420)
Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:25.420)
You see one of these guys, George Soros funded, like these back here, none of it's real.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:29.739)
They're here to pretend like they're journalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:33.060)
Get their paycheck from Soros, but they're going to lose.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:35.899)
So Lee Stranahan, come on up here, brother.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:38.260)
That's projection of the highest order.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:39.739)
We'll get to that in a second, the Lee Stranahan coming up, but I have two important points
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.140)
I need to make.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:44.140)
The first is you're not going to protect yourself from a comedian by saying Chuck E. Cheese
Unknown Speaker (01:10:49.520)
the rat over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:51.199)
He will just make a bit about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:53.539)
So that's probably what's going to end up happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:57.039)
And then the second- If it is indeed Jordan Klepper, which it almost
Unknown Speaker (01:11:00.699)
certainly isn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.699)
I'm guessing it's not, I'm guessing it's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:06.659)
And then I don't remember what my second point was, probably had something to do with the
Unknown Speaker (01:11:09.300)
idea of like, why are you mad at comedians?
Unknown Speaker (01:11:12.500)
Well, conservatives are always mad at comedians.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:17.100)
It really must be- Mainly because they don't understand why they can't be comedians.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.659)
It must be infuriating to just have like no ability to laugh.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:26.180)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:27.840)
But also someone told Prop Do in the chat room was suggesting that it was Owen Schroyer.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:33.859)
And I want to say very clearly, Owen Schroyer did not make the cut for the road team.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:41.079)
Him and David Knight had to stay at home and host Alex Jones' show for him.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:45.359)
And the only reason Corsi is there is because he was already there.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.659)
Yeah, he's already in DC.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:49.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.659)
That'd be great if it turns out Corsi does a wonderful Jordan Klepper impression.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.859)
That'd be great.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.420)
He did mention the Citizen School of Journalism in Texas, and I don't know what that is.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.380)
I don't either.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:03.380)
What's that?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.380)
I don't care.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.380)
Okay, that's fair enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:06.380)
It's probably something we should look into.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.380)
It peaks my curiosity.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.380)
I assume it's something that Lee Stranahan's involved in, and he's gotten- I need to look
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.899)
more into him, but I'm not entirely sure what that Citizen School of Journalism is.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:19.020)
It didn't peak my interest too much.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:20.420)
I just assume it's some dumb shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.060)
I just thought I'd ask a question, since it's your job to do all the research, and I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:12:25.659)
have to.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:26.659)
I can research a bunch of stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:27.659)
I can't research everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:28.659)
I did research this next clip.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:30.899)
Now, this is why our donors are not giving up the big bucks, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.979)
I researched this next clip, and Lee Stranahan talks about people that Alex Jones reminds
Unknown Speaker (01:12:40.119)
him of.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.659)
It's been really interesting.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.659)
I said this to Alex earlier, actually.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:45.020)
Here's one reason they hate Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:47.819)
He's fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:48.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:49.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:50.819)
In fact, I said this to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:53.960)
Not a huge agreement.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.960)
Hanging out with Alex today reminds me of hanging out with two of my friends, one of
Unknown Speaker (01:12:58.739)
whom is gone, Andrew Breitbart, who was-
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.739)
He was on coke all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:04.420)
Probably was fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:05.420)
Noted drunk on coke all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.859)
Who was always fun, and I miss the fun of hanging around somebody, and my other friend
Unknown Speaker (01:13:14.220)
is Dog the Bounty Hunter, so I think you can see where there's a little bit of both there
Unknown Speaker (01:13:19.739)
with Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.739)
Also, the other reason it reminds me of Dog is when I'm around Alex or Dog, I end up taking
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.100)
a lot of pictures.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.100)
That's cute.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.100)
I'd like to read you a quote from Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:31.659)
This is a little quote that came out from a conversation he had with his son that was
Unknown Speaker (01:13:37.539)
inspired by the fact that his son was dating a black girl.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.060)
Quote, I'm not taking a chance, not because she's black, but because we use the word N
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.140)
sometimes here.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:47.420)
I'm not going to take any chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for 30 years
Unknown Speaker (01:13:51.840)
because some drunken N heard us say N and turned us into the Inquirer magazine.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:57.180)
I'm not taking a chance at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.300)
Never in life.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.300)
The thing that reminds me of Alex in that statement is a complete lack of understanding
Unknown Speaker (01:14:11.140)
about the word irony.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:13.500)
I'm not taking a chance that some N would hear the N word, and it's like, boy, you don't
Unknown Speaker (01:14:22.579)
understand what just happened there, do you?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.739)
You have no clue.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:26.420)
Also, if anybody puts me in the sentence with, you know, the same thing about Jordan and
Unknown Speaker (01:14:34.539)
Dog is I take a lot of pictures.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.060)
I want to be out of that sentence.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.380)
I want out of that sentence so fast.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:40.859)
Is there a statute of limitations for that sentence?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:43.500)
I want to be out of any sentence comparing me to Dog the Bounty Hunter unless it's Dan
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.060)
is very different from Dog the Bounty Hunter because look, that is a private conversation
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.460)
that he had that got leaked, and it shows a certain amount of lack of having his guard
Unknown Speaker (01:15:00.100)
up, and in that conversation he's like, look, I don't want a black person around because
Unknown Speaker (01:15:04.380)
we use the N word sometimes, and I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:07.460)
We just use it because we don't give a shit, and I know that it offends black people, and
Unknown Speaker (01:15:12.180)
I don't give a fuck about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:13.699)
Now that's your coming to dinner movie right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:16.699)
Yeah, Dog the Bounty Hunter has a son who dates a black girl.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:19.579)
I'm sure it was not a comedy.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:21.140)
I think they would get The Rock to play that role.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.140)
And then also Dog the Bounty Hunter got in trouble because he went out of his jurisdiction
Unknown Speaker (01:15:28.619)
and got somebody- He has jurisdiction?
Unknown Speaker (01:15:31.100)
Well, he's a bounty hunter, but he went to Mexico and got this dude who was like a criminal
Unknown Speaker (01:15:37.859)
who had a bounty on him.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:38.979)
Oh yeah, that's super illegal.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:40.979)
And he got in trouble for that, and then the court case took so long.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:45.659)
Yeah, I don't know anything about bounty hunters, but I'm guessing extraordinary rendition isn't
Unknown Speaker (01:15:51.460)
under their purview.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:52.460)
Yeah, especially if you're a reality star.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.579)
He ended up not getting in trouble with how the case got thrown out because of a statute
Unknown Speaker (01:15:58.779)
of limitations issue, but it's still dirty business.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:03.140)
You can't go to foreign countries and extradite people.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:07.100)
Try to avoid that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:08.100)
Yeah, unless you're the CIA, and we're still not for that.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:10.979)
So now here, Lee Stranahan, he really vocalizes what the feeling of this after press conference
Unknown Speaker (01:16:19.979)
thing is.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.979)
I was expressing earlier that some people make the literal statement, we're among friends,
Unknown Speaker (01:16:26.260)
so I can speak candidly.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:27.260)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.260)
And this-
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.260)
Sometimes we say the N-word are among friends.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:31.979)
It's not that we don't want black people here.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:33.380)
It's that we don't want anybody knowing that we're giant races.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.020)
It might as well be that, but I mean, they still broadcasted this.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:41.460)
But look, this morning I was trying to be, I assume I was talking to mainstream media,
Unknown Speaker (01:16:45.460)
so I wanted to be conciliatory, and I wanted to be, as a Christian, I wanted to be open
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.899)
and inviting, but now I'm among friends, so let me talk to you about George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:57.899)
And I'm not going to try to make you feel badly for the left, but Alex said something
Unknown Speaker (01:17:01.880)
very interesting recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:04.340)
He was talking about, he did a, he did, did you guys see the thing he did from his yard
Unknown Speaker (01:17:08.439)
this past, like three days ago, Sunday or something like that?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.859)
Where he was talking about, I used to live in Austin, so I know there's a lot of hippies.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:16.020)
This hippie hollow, in fact, by Burton Creek.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.039)
So he was talking about how the left used to be in favor of free speech.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:23.180)
Remember that?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:24.180)
Remember how the left used to like free speech, they used to embrace it?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:27.659)
Remember when the ACLU was, I'm old enough to remember when they were defending Illinois
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.420)
Nazis in Skokie?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:33.460)
Does anybody else remember that?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.979)
That's what the left used to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:36.579)
So why, what happened to the left?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:39.420)
Alex actually, we were talking about this the other day, he asked me, you want to know
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.819)
what happened?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.260)
George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:45.260)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:47.260)
So George Soros destroyed the left by funding a bunch of organizations.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:51.500)
You can, that'll happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.600)
You can go to the ACLU's website and you can find out about what they're actually involved
Unknown Speaker (01:17:56.979)
in right now, which people just don't actually pay attention to.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:00.699)
It's hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:01.699)
It's a whole website and you got to go and there's porn.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:06.220)
Here's something, here's something from March 29th, 2018 that Alex Jones probably would
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.619)
be super into, that the ACLU is actually fighting in court instead of screaming about impotently
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.180)
on an internet show.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:15.739)
The ACLU report urges cities and towns to provide internet service as a utility.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:20.539)
That's something that Alex Jones is fucking super into.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:23.720)
They're protecting people about non-disclosure agreements with the White House.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:28.739)
They are, they're working with students in Louisiana about, who were ordered to take
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.619)
down a mural on the grounds that it's a violation of their free speech.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.659)
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:42.899)
Generally speaking, the ACLU has done everything possible to not, not support causes, but support
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.100)
the actual defense and rule of law.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:57.300)
Like even when you disagree with them, as in the aforementioned Nazi case, it's still
Unknown Speaker (01:19:05.420)
the rule of law, you know, like if you don't apply the law equally, you don't actually
Unknown Speaker (01:19:11.579)
have a legal system.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:13.180)
And like real talk, if Alex Jones had a legitimate First Amendment grievance, the ACLU would
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.020)
be the first people who would support him.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:22.140)
They do.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:23.140)
They wouldn't be the first.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.140)
They would be there.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.140)
If called upon.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:27.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:28.140)
I mean, here's a press release that they put out from March 7th of this year.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.100)
The ACLU of Louisiana sent an open letter to the Jefferson Parish School Board yesterday
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.819)
concerning a proposed measure which would restrict public comments at meetings.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:39.619)
The proposal seeks to prohibit political and election comments as disruptive, inflammatory,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:43.979)
self-promoting, threatening or interfering with board business.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:48.020)
So like they're doing all this shit on a local level, on a national level that are making
Unknown Speaker (01:19:55.960)
a difference, that are trying to help people.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.760)
And all he does is just be like, blah, ACLU doesn't do shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.979)
Why are they called a leftist organization by the right?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:09.180)
Because they want to apply the law equally.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:12.060)
And that is anathema to right philosophy, especially far right philosophy, which is
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.979)
essentially authoritarian.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.979)
When you do that, when you apply the law equally, the hard right will always fight against that.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:26.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:27.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.500)
Full stop.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:29.500)
No, but I find this disgusting because the ACLU is still living their mission.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:36.319)
And the only the only rationale you could possibly have for not thinking that is willful
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.659)
You just don't you don't care about what they're doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:45.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:46.500)
Haven't heard them defend Nazis in a while.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.300)
I wonder what you know, like, that's really that's a good point that his essential point
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.819)
was they haven't defended Nazis recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.739)
I remember back when they did that in Skokie and everyone remembers that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:01.979)
And they still Skokie, which has a Nazi candidate running for Congress in a overwhelmingly Jewish
Unknown Speaker (01:21:09.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.140)
Not offensive at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:12.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:13.140)
Good luck.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.140)
You have the right to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:15.140)
But at the same time, like they still do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.500)
You'll still hear stories even in the last few years of ACLU defending their right to
Unknown Speaker (01:21:21.260)
have a demonstration.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:23.859)
Shit like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:24.859)
Of course, it's fucking bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:25.859)
And Lee Stranahan is just lying to perpetuate a narrative that the left has abandoned these
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.340)
principles in service of demonizing George Soros.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.500)
Which again.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.539)
Also, pretty sure he's actually just talking about the Blues Brothers.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:46.340)
Remember the Nazi rally in the Blues Brothers?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:48.619)
I think that's what he's actually referencing.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:50.939)
I do.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.939)
I'm glitched because I started thinking about Chubby Checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:57.020)
It's not Chubby Checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:58.020)
Fuck, who is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:59.699)
It's Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:00.899)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:02.899)
He needs that.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:03.899)
Get out.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.899)
Now I'm thinking of Chuck E. Cheese the rat as like Chuck E. Cheese's brother in a in
Unknown Speaker (01:22:12.859)
a Hamburglar situation.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.619)
I'm enjoying that whole like, never mind.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:18.619)
I don't want to try and get into this weird fantasy that my brain just took down.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.939)
It's not Chubby Checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.939)
Because he did the twist.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:27.739)
Now all my brain can do is think about the time that Chubby Checker did that song with
Unknown Speaker (01:22:31.100)
the fat boys.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:32.100)
They did the other version of the twist.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:34.140)
Chubby Checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:35.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.140)
This is a miked down clip for you, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.579)
Yeah, I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:38.579)
So anyway, in this next clip, Lee Stranahan is done.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.340)
And now we bring up that old puffy bitch.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:47.140)
I really hate calling people a bitch or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:50.380)
But for some reason, every time I see Jerome Corsi, I just think, you swollen bitch.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.260)
I don't know why he's the person who evokes that in me.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:03.380)
But I dislike him so much in a like, you are clear that you're a propagandist.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.500)
You've made very abundantly clear in literally every appearance you've had on the show, your
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.220)
entire life has been about propaganda.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.100)
You were brought up by Edward Bernays in the propaganda game.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:22.100)
You have admitted that.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:23.619)
You are clearly a person who has written books about Obama's birth certificate being fake
Unknown Speaker (01:23:29.939)
and John Kerry in the Swift Boat situation as propaganda.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:33.979)
Your entire career has been about lying.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:36.600)
And now I look at you and you make me sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.800)
You look like you got fucking left out in the water too long.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:43.720)
You look like a bloated corpse, you piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.659)
Oh, we got to turn that into a mum.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:50.859)
I hate him so much and I hate what he's done to the world that it just makes me, God, waterlogged
Unknown Speaker (01:23:58.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:59.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.340)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:01.340)
In this next clip.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:02.340)
That was intense emotion from you.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:03.819)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.819)
I've been holding back a lot of feelings about Jerome Corsi.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.220)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.220)
I got to teach you how to scream.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:09.220)
And now he's doing all this QAnon shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:11.880)
And so, like, it's even better because it's like, you stupid asshole, you're getting tricked
Unknown Speaker (01:24:18.020)
by this Internet meme.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:19.819)
This is delightful.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:21.239)
So he comes up in this press conference and starts talking QAnon shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.180)
And it turns out he knew about a coup three years ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:31.939)
Which coup?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.939)
The counter counter coup.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:34.420)
But because we've done our research, we know that this doesn't match up with Jerome Corsi's
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.920)
timeline at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.739)
I want you to know that about three years ago, this time like everybody to kind of hear,
Unknown Speaker (01:24:47.500)
even the back, about three years ago, a group of generals came to me and it was explained
Unknown Speaker (01:24:57.460)
to me they were ready to conduct a coup d'etat.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.260)
They were ready to move Barack Obama from office.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:04.859)
Also sorry, Jerome Corsi has terrible mic technique.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.579)
This is amazing.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:08.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:09.579)
All right, no one should allow Jerome Corsi near any kind of rally.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.140)
Get closer to the mic.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:18.140)
The military force.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:21.939)
And then a few weeks later, I got another call and said that they were reconsidering.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.619)
You know why they were reconsidering?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:31.619)
Oh, fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:34.060)
That was Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:35.460)
That was Alex screaming from the back of the room.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.420)
As they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed, Trump agreed that he would run.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.300)
And they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d'etat as a legitimate
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.100)
process rooting out the traitors within government.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.680)
That's not a coup d'etat.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:05.680)
That's a pact between the military and Donald Trump has held.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:11.340)
As we've been interpreting and watching and Alex has been following QAnon, QAnon is military
Unknown Speaker (01:26:19.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:20.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:21.060)
And close to Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:24.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.380)
And the intelligence we're getting that we've explained on Infowars really is a lot of the
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.220)
inside script.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:34.220)
During course he just gave up the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.020)
He just admitted that a lot of the inside information that they pretend comes from sources
Unknown Speaker (01:26:41.260)
comes from QAnon.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:43.899)
He just basically gave it up.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:45.699)
He's like, a lot of this inside information that we're getting from this internet hoax,
Unknown Speaker (01:26:50.699)
this is the inside stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:52.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:53.380)
Like we haven't done...
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.380)
That's sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.380)
That's really sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:56.380)
We haven't talked a lot about QAnon because why would we?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.979)
But it turns out it's probably the root source of a lot of Alex's narratives.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:05.399)
It's probably way more influential to all this than we realize.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:10.180)
Well, all we've begun talking about now is that Alex is trying to catch up.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:18.460)
The conspiracy world is too fast for him and he's just not able to put out enough content.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:25.939)
Whereas with QAnon, it's just a bunch of random dudes having a great old time.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:31.060)
So of course they can...
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.060)
And finding exactly what they want in cryptic dumbass posts that someone's having a ball
Unknown Speaker (01:27:36.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:37.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.500)
And probably will make a shitload of money once they give it up and write a book about
Unknown Speaker (01:27:42.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:43.939)
Oh, that'd be fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:44.939)
But then they'll get killed.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:45.939)
Well, there'd be too many...
Unknown Speaker (01:27:46.939)
One of these assholes will kill them.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:47.939)
Too many pages that are just hentai.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:50.100)
I think that would be trouble.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:52.579)
So the end result of this, according to Jerome Corsi, is pretty severe.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:57.859)
And I would say that this is incredibly unlikely.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:01.380)
There's a very simple word that describes what they are.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:05.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.539)
It's a capital crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:10.539)
And I want to predict to you today that when the tables turn, Donald Trump will be invoking
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.539)
military tribunals and even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are gonna be facing treason
Unknown Speaker (01:28:25.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:29.500)
Eight claps.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:36.939)
One locker up.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:37.939)
It will not end.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.939)
And Donald Trump will have the courage to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:41.739)
He doesn't remember.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:42.739)
He doesn't need the job.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.340)
Donald Trump has a vision of the future in which he continues to play a role.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.279)
And he's seen that vision and he's had that vision with him for decades.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.500)
Man, do you hear how troubling what he's saying is?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:01.899)
All I know is that, historically, military tribunals have been the best part of every
Unknown Speaker (01:29:07.779)
functioning democracy, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:09.260)
Oh, especially when they're brought up to punish your political rivals.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.579)
Oh, yeah!
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.579)
And especially when those political rivals really aren't even political rivals anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:17.239)
It's just sort of symbolic of trying to consolidate power and punish your perceived enemies.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.260)
It has always worked out great for the people.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:26.180)
Also, Jerome Corsi at the end there saying that Trump has a vision of the world with
Unknown Speaker (01:29:31.140)
him staying involved and he has for decades, well, that doesn't sound at all like a fascist
Unknown Speaker (01:29:37.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:38.380)
Like a dictator for life?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.380)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:40.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:41.380)
Something that Trump has made comments, I mean, that's a good idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:44.020)
I would be a dictator for life, not MacDale.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:46.359)
The other thing too is that this doesn't match up with the timeline.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.140)
We know from looking at 2015 that around the time three years ago, which would have been
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.899)
in April 2018, Jerome Corsi wasn't at all behind Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:01.520)
He was even in about September when he would come on Alex Jones' show and talk about it,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.659)
he said that Trump was just fucking around and he wasn't really serious once he was even
Unknown Speaker (01:30:11.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:12.020)
So the idea that...
Unknown Speaker (01:30:13.220)
And even more specifically back then, if he had that information, he would have been against
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.899)
He would have been for it.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:20.899)
He would have told Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:21.899)
It would have been a great...
Unknown Speaker (01:30:22.899)
No, I mean, just on general, this is before the whole team got behind Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:32.220)
So this is still that, well, three years ago, that's still when they would have been like,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:37.659)
it's bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:38.659)
Jordan, you're stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:39.659)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.659)
You're stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:41.659)
Here's why.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:42.659)
It's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:43.659)
Here's why.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:44.659)
I'm gonna give you plus one for pointing that out.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:45.659)
Jerome Corsi's timeline that he's pitching now in the present day was true.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:50.420)
That three years ago, someone came to him before Donald Trump decided to run for president
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.460)
and they were like, we're gonna do a coup d'etat and get Obama out of office, but we're
Unknown Speaker (01:30:59.460)
not gonna do that because Trump said he's gonna run and he's gonna do this the right
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:05.100)
Then the second that Trump decided he was going to run, Jerome Corsi would have either
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.220)
been like, hey, I know that there's a secret coup d'etat going on in Trump, we gotta get
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.560)
behind him.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:14.560)
Yeah, of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:15.560)
And he stayed that close to the vest and just been like, Alex, I think you really should
Unknown Speaker (01:31:19.100)
support Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:20.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.100)
His first couple of appearances after Trump had announced that he was running and was
Unknown Speaker (01:31:25.779)
on the campaign trail were like, he's not serious.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.979)
He's not serious.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:29.979)
This guy is stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:31.100)
You gotta still love Rand Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:32.819)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:33.819)
So all of this doesn't make any fucking goddamn sense at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:36.340)
Jerome Corsi is a swollen, bloated corpse on the beach ass bitch and I fucking hate
Unknown Speaker (01:31:41.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.500)
He's a stupid dick hole.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.340)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:46.340)
Can't stand this guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:47.340)
I want more.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:48.340)
I want more insults.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:49.340)
Keep it going.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:50.340)
It means we're gonna have to cover Corsi more.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.739)
We're just gonna open up every show now with you writing more and more interesting and
Unknown Speaker (01:32:02.680)
esoteric insults to describe Jerome Corsi.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:05.659)
Jerome Corsi with your laying down in the sand, I poke you with the stick and you go
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.880)
blah, blah, blah, blah, ass bitch.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:16.859)
Jerome Corsi with your swamp bloated balls just exploding all over everywhere like mushrooms
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.899)
in a fairy ring.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.260)
You are dying.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.260)
This is the problem though is the only image that comes up in my head is legitimately a
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.380)
waterlogged corpse.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:32.060)
That's all I see when I think of Jerome Corsi.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.739)
So if I'm trying to come up with insults, that's all I'm going to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:38.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:39.100)
That's it.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:40.100)
Oh Jerome Corsi you suck.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:41.100)
There's so many places for a bloated corpse to wash up on the edge of you could go with
Unknown Speaker (01:32:44.699)
a river.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:45.699)
I think the reason that I'm so mad at him is his history is so clear and he's so fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:51.619)
Why would you even choose specifically three years ago?
Unknown Speaker (01:32:56.220)
There's a lot of people who make me mad in Alex Jones' world and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.100)
He doesn't make me mad, I hate him.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.560)
There's other people who I'm like, I'm more interested in explaining to you why this person
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.739)
is a problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:09.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.739)
Of course he is.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:11.739)
I want to do a dance on his face.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:12.739)
I just hate this guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:15.739)
I love it when it gets personal with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:20.140)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:21.260)
I wish I'd known how much you hated this guy in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:24.539)
I don't know why he triggers me, he's so boring.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:30.260)
I think it's a combination of boredom and murder.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:33.539)
Honestly all these people are boring to me to some extent except for Hamamoto, Steve
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:39.539)
Roger Stone of course is a delight.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:41.699)
Not generally, you don't listen to as much of him as I do.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.220)
That's true, I don't.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:46.340)
I only get trickster god Roger Stone.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.199)
I have such, I don't want to call it a fetish, but metaphorically it's kind of a fetish because
Unknown Speaker (01:33:55.819)
in the way that I listen to Infowars I can really only get it up for people who are creative.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:01.500)
I can really only enjoy it when I see Steve Pacanik's coming around, Hamamoto, Larry Nichols,
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.979)
these types of interesting crazies.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:11.739)
Like of course he's not an interesting, he's a bootlicking asshole.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:16.539)
It's like your taste in porn, like eventually it escalates to the point where it gets more
Unknown Speaker (01:34:24.180)
and more specific.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.739)
So of course you need something, you need novelty.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.159)
You constantly need novelty in order to make things explode.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:34.140)
Now Alex is like that sort of white bread mainline mom and pop porn that you'll always
Unknown Speaker (01:34:41.199)
be fine with.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.199)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:43.199)
It'll always be good.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.199)
It's fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:45.199)
Because it's mom and pop?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.199)
I'm just saying, run of the mill.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:47.979)
That's already in a weird place right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:50.220)
Especially these days.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.779)
Let's get off this topic.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:53.800)
My point is that...
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.300)
French fight, you only get it here.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:59.899)
Really feel like I got railroaded there because I hate Jerome Corsi.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:03.539)
I know, I love it.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:05.380)
Anyway, in this next clip we get someone who I'm not really as excited about and I don't
Unknown Speaker (01:35:09.979)
care about.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.979)
A gentleman by the name of Jack Passobick.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:12.779)
This guy's a piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:15.619)
Yeah, he sucks, but you'll enjoy this.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.220)
I don't hate Jack Passobick so much as I'm like, you disgust me as a human being.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:29.060)
Every part of his life bums me out.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:31.619)
Jack Passobick might as well be mini Roger Stone.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:35.180)
He's sort of a...
Unknown Speaker (01:35:36.180)
Yeah, but shittier, more boring, fucking monstrous Roger Stone.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:41.500)
Yeah, but I see him as kind of like an acolyte, a dirty trickster in training.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:47.779)
We're seeing all of the beginning of it because he came to prominence with all that Pizzagate
Unknown Speaker (01:35:55.380)
shit that he denies that he was involved with now.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:58.619)
He was just asking questions, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:01.420)
He's starting to debate.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:02.579)
Not going to the pizza place and creating a hoax out of it, no, not at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:09.380)
We see this, I think he's very easy to see through and it's not that interesting, but
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.859)
you'll enjoy this first clip where he tries to get a USA chant going and it does not work.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.699)
It kind of works, but it really doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.340)
Folks, there's so much going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.979)
I don't even know where to start, but...
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.340)
What's in the news?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.340)
I don't know where to start or where to begin.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:31.260)
That's like a comic that's like, what's in the news?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:33.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.180)
What else am I working on?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:36.380)
I'd like to start, and I think there's a few folks that might join me in a little bit of
Unknown Speaker (01:36:40.260)
a slogan that I didn't come up with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:42.539)
You folks may have heard of it though.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.539)
It's not a slogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.539)
It goes, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, thank you, thank you, appreciate that, so...
Unknown Speaker (01:37:04.140)
I've heard more sustained USA chants at empty open mics.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:11.460)
I've heard more sustained USA chants at Hitler's rallies.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.100)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:18.460)
And also, I love the idea, hey, here's a slogan you might know.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:22.579)
It's three letters.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:23.579)
It's not the name of the fucking country.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.020)
It's not a slogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:26.020)
Listen, I'm going to play a little song for you.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:28.779)
It goes a little something like this.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:30.020)
Sing along with the chorus if you know it.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:31.739)
My first ditty is USA.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:33.340)
In this next clip, this is maybe the only mic down clip, perhaps.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.619)
I think that Jack Posobach accidentally revealed something in this clip that he doesn't realize
Unknown Speaker (01:37:49.939)
he's revealing, but he is, and that is that he is a white nationalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:54.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:55.539)
They want the US dollar to be 10 US dollars to one Chinese dollar.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:00.260)
He's talking about the Chinese.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.699)
And the one thing, and I'll say this, because it always stuck with me, I had a Chinese sort
Unknown Speaker (01:38:09.300)
of a business partner, and he said, listen, Jack, one day American babies are going to
Unknown Speaker (01:38:17.300)
be adopted by Chinese families, and that's the way it's going to go.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:22.739)
And he didn't say that's what we want.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:24.140)
He said that's what's going to happen, and that shocked me.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:28.420)
That really shocked me.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:29.420)
I said, I want the US to ever be in that kind of position.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:33.619)
You always think of those as the impoverished countries, you know, countries where you paid
Unknown Speaker (01:38:39.220)
for that and get some charity money for that, and so that helps, you know, maybe give up
Unknown Speaker (01:38:43.060)
your child for a better life.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:44.060)
Well, I don't want my kids, and I'm having a kid here in five weeks, all right, and I
Unknown Speaker (01:38:48.539)
don't want my child to grow up in a country that's going on the decline, and that is why
Unknown Speaker (01:38:53.779)
I spent all of 2016 working my butt off for Donald J. Trump, and that's why I spent all
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.100)
of 2017, I'm going to spend all of 2018, and as long as it takes, as long as it takes.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:06.899)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.640)
So he closes out his set, as it were, expressing- I really don't like that he said, now, I had
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.819)
a Chinese as a partner.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:18.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:19.260)
That's not good.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:20.260)
That's not a good start.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:21.260)
I don't know if that's how he phrased it, but if it is, it somehow missed my ears.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.539)
Pretty sure I heard that.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:29.539)
The thing that's important is that white nationalism, white supremacy are based on the 11 words
Unknown Speaker (01:39:37.659)
and most of it is about securing an existence for white children.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:44.500)
That is very spiritually similar to what he's talking about, the idea that it's offensive,
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.899)
that white babies would be sent over- now, he says American, of course, in the same way
Unknown Speaker (01:39:55.399)
that Alex uses the West.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:57.140)
Right, it's the West.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:58.659)
Use these coded bits of language, and he even personalizes, I'm having a kid, I'm sorry,
Unknown Speaker (01:40:03.340)
14 words, not 11.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:04.340)
I don't give a shit about neo-Nazis, so I don't care to get the number right.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:10.579)
I'm a big fan of- does he- he has no idea, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.140)
I don't want my kid growing up in a country that's in decline, well then send them elsewhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:22.779)
No, no, no, that's not even what he's concerned about.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:25.539)
That's what he just said.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.539)
He's like, American babies will be adopted by Chinese people, and I'm like, well, what's
Unknown Speaker (01:40:31.739)
the- what's the fucking infant mortality rate here, you fucking idiot?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:37.020)
What are you talking about?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.500)
In the same way that people who, like, attack abortion clinics say that they're doing it
Unknown Speaker (01:40:42.659)
because they're concerned with the unborn-
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.659)
Oh, so many black children are aborted, and so ba da da da, fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:50.460)
The rhetoric doesn't match the belief, and the belief that he's espousing is basically-
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.979)
White children for white America.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.060)
More or less.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:59.619)
It's great, it's great, love it.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:03.619)
That's a really troubling clip, and he goes very clearly to express that that's why I
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.939)
supported Trump, and that's why I'm going to continue working so hard for him, and all
Unknown Speaker (01:41:13.619)
this, and that's-
Unknown Speaker (01:41:15.619)
There's so many, like, every time these guys get a clip taken out where it's like, well
Unknown Speaker (01:41:24.140)
obviously you're talking about how you're a white supremacist.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:27.220)
They're like, oh, you take this clip out of context.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:30.340)
I just-
Unknown Speaker (01:41:31.340)
Alex literally said an oedisia.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.579)
We have years-long fucking rap sheets of you being a white supremacist.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:40.319)
There's no taking this out of context.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:42.720)
You are literally, provably, demonstrably a white nationalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:49.779)
To pretend otherwise is fucking ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:52.859)
No, no, no, but and it's insane that they realize it's like, hey-
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.060)
We can't say it out loud.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:59.060)
But we're all cool here.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:00.340)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:01.340)
I'm among friends.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:02.340)
Among friends.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:03.340)
We're here.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.340)
Like dog the bounty hunter.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:05.340)
Dog the bounty hunter's in the back, right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:06.899)
He's free to say the n-word.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:08.300)
All he wants.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:09.819)
That sort of thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.819)
That's the vibe of this thing, and they're free to say things.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:13.460)
That clip of Pessobic talking about, I don't want American kids being adopted by Chinese
Unknown Speaker (01:42:20.180)
people, that's dog whistling for sure, but there's an intent to it to rile whites up.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:28.779)
Are you talking about Latinx people?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.180)
I'm kind of guessing no.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:32.579)
Talking about black people?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:33.579)
I'm kind of guessing no.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.579)
Talking about African Americans?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:35.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:36.579)
I don't think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:37.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:38.579)
You don't give a shit about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:39.579)
I don't want American babies.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:41.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:42.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:43.380)
You fucking piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:45.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:46.539)
God, these people.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:47.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:48.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:49.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:51.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:52.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:54.539)
What do you need?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:55.539)
What do you fucking need?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.539)
What does it take to not be a white supremacist?
Unknown Speaker (01:42:58.979)
It can't just be that you were raised white supremacist.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.300)
That's a part of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.060)
It's absolutely a part of it, but there's something that they get out of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:07.060)
Probably a traumatic experience.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:08.060)
There's some kind of social group or something?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:10.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:11.579)
Like people who go to church really just kind of want people to hang out with.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.979)
That's a benign version of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:17.380)
Is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:19.380)
I think that there's a... I read some interesting articles recently about conspiracy as being
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.380)
a shortcut to seeming smart because you have this idea of like, oh, you all believe this.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:29.939)
I know the truth.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:31.300)
I haven't read any of this stuff, but I get to feel smart.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:34.859)
That's a really interesting point of view to take on that.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:37.140)
I didn't consider that.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:38.140)
I get to feel smart because I have this alternative belief.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:41.020)
Now, I haven't researched any of it, and you guys certainly have written papers about your
Unknown Speaker (01:43:45.539)
version, but you're dumb because you don't know the truth that I saw on YouTube.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:50.100)
Well, hey, 97% of scientists can be wrong when they talk about climate change.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.220)
It's only the 3% that really know the conspiracy behind it.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:00.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:01.819)
There's that idea of a shortcut to feeling smart, and I think that there's a disenfranchisement
Unknown Speaker (01:44:06.939)
that people feel possibly that white supremacy gives them a shortcut to being awesome.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:15.300)
Well, yeah, if you... I mean, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:19.859)
I'm not saying all of it, but that's a piece of it probably.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:22.800)
We're not talking about a justification for it so much as a psychology behind it, a psychosis
Unknown Speaker (01:44:29.140)
behind it, really.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.140)
It goes down to-
Unknown Speaker (01:44:31.140)
I can't disagree with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.140)
It's not an excuse, more of a possible explanation.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:34.739)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:35.739)
Because you were asking, what do you get out of it?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:38.539)
You get an automatic boost to your sense of self.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.939)
No, and that makes perfect sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.420)
I mean, it's not a coincidence that everyone on that stage is white.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:47.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:49.659)
Anyway, finally.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.659)
I mean, with both of our insecurities and mental illnesses, you think we'd be better
Unknown Speaker (01:44:58.060)
off if we were white supremacists, Dan?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:00.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.300)
No, too much baggage comes along with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:03.500)
I got to hang out with weirdos.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.460)
That's a good one.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:09.460)
It's no good.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:10.460)
You got to be a proud boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:11.460)
That's the worst.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.460)
I mean, the friend part of it alone is disqualifying.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:15.180)
Yeah, that's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:16.859)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:17.859)
If you ever watched any documentaries about neo-Nazi groups and stuff like that, it's
Unknown Speaker (01:45:21.979)
really fascinating-
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.979)
I saw The Green Room.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:23.979)
That sounded about right.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.979)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:25.979)
I haven't seen that one.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.979)
It's a great movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:27.979)
Patrick Stewart is a white supremacist?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:29.899)
You can't go wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:30.899)
It's a movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:31.899)
I'm talking docs, baby.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:33.579)
If you watch documentaries about white supremacist groups, a lot of the times you'll find, you
Unknown Speaker (01:45:38.699)
just see that if you were in the place of the person the documentary is about, it would
Unknown Speaker (01:45:44.539)
just be like, why do I have to hang out with these dicks?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:47.180)
These people are assholes.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.180)
What am I doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:49.180)
I'd just be like, I got to get out of this garage.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:51.659)
Everyone seems to hang out in garages.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:55.060)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.060)
I'm not talking about a garage like, hey, it's a car shop.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:58.520)
I'm talking about a garage.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:00.579)
Anyway, finally, an hour plus into this stream of speeches, they get to the actual Q&A session
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.619)
that the thing was supposed to be about.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:09.619)
Oh, that was supposed to be?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:11.020)
And Alex is too drunk to do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:12.939)
So he has Millie Weaver host the question and answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:16.579)
She's moderating it?
Unknown Speaker (01:46:17.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:18.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:19.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.579)
He gets up on stage.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.579)
This is a Star Trek Q&A if you're a white supremacist.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:24.819)
He gets up on stage and he's like, all right, we're going to open the floor to questions.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:29.140)
I'm going to bring Millie Weaver up here and I'll come and answer something if you want.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:32.979)
And then he kind of just disappears for a long time after this.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:37.579)
He does answer this question.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:38.739)
Got to do a little coke.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:39.739)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:40.739)
He's doing something, probably yelling at Chuck E. Cheese the rat.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:45.619)
I think we all agree that Trump is a historical anomaly that wasn't really meant to happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.180)
And there's discussion that Alex and Mr. Stone, Roger Stone, had about basically street fighting
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.659)
tactics versus long term strategy.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:07.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:08.779)
I want to say that this guy is a very valid question.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:13.460)
And so my question for Roger Stone and for Alex Jones are outside of street fighting
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.779)
tactics, outside of short term street fighting kind of guerrilla tactics, what's the long
Unknown Speaker (01:47:26.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:27.359)
And who has the long game?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.659)
And I'm talking 20, 30, 40, 50 years.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.619)
And I'd like to throw in one more caveat to that.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.859)
Is that a question for me?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:36.939)
It's a question for both of you.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:38.300)
But wait, can I finish, sir, please?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:41.659)
Can you also include in that, how do you work with institutional Christian organizations
Unknown Speaker (01:47:48.260)
in your long game?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:49.859)
Now I'm going to give you a chance.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.859)
I don't like the second part of that question.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:51.859)
I'm going to give you a chance to gamble.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:53.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:54.699)
Do you think Alex has a decent answer to this question?
Unknown Speaker (01:47:57.619)
Well, to boil this question down, the question is essentially, can you actually govern a
Unknown Speaker (01:48:04.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:05.899)
What is your idea?
Unknown Speaker (01:48:06.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:07.899)
That's basically it.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:08.899)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:09.899)
So you guys have taken over, ostensibly you're winning.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:13.180)
Through street fighting.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.180)
Yep, yep, yep.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:15.739)
You threw a couple uppercuts, you threw some Hadoukens in there, now we're good.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:20.619)
Sonic boom.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:21.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:22.619)
How do you govern it and what's your plan?
Unknown Speaker (01:48:24.539)
So, Christ, so I assume Alex's response to that is, no we can't, and huh?
Unknown Speaker (01:48:32.380)
The second part of the question is based on Alex Jones' rampant distrust of the church.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:37.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:38.579)
Well not just the Catholics, all the glitter bug churches and stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:42.220)
He has a very strong distrust of any Christian organization that's not patriot.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:46.939)
The first end of a very few reasonable positions that he still maintains.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:52.180)
So your prediction is pretty accurate, he doesn't really have a good answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:57.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.300)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:59.300)
Listen, I believe in the American people, I believe in humanity.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:01.739)
Not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:02.739)
So I'm just putting the facts out and helping people take action.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:05.140)
Not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:06.140)
We are in a fight for this country's future.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:08.460)
Just doing our bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:09.460)
We're fighting against the globalists that have bet on China, they're trying to sell
Unknown Speaker (01:49:11.460)
us out.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:12.460)
Still not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:13.460)
So I'm simply here trying to believe in you and hope that you take action.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:17.699)
Not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:18.699)
My main aim is just to tell the truth and promote Americana and free market and what
Unknown Speaker (01:49:22.739)
has made humanity great.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:24.340)
That's all I'm doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:25.340)
It's nothing original.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:26.340)
I'm trying to reboot America.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:27.619)
This is just catchphrase.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:29.460)
White nationalism is not original, I will give him that.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:32.479)
I think it is just being individuals, telling the truth, exposing what's happening, not
Unknown Speaker (01:49:37.380)
being intimidated and taking action.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:39.979)
So I think it's a great question you asked, but the answer is really simple.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:43.979)
There's no big establishment group that's going to save us.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:47.779)
It's us individually taking action.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:50.619)
That's my answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:51.659)
That's not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:53.300)
That's nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:54.300)
If your answer is, there's no way to govern, so nah, that's a bad answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:01.739)
It's just, I mean, he just is rattling off his catchphrases.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.819)
You might as well have yelled 1776 2.0 in there.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:08.979)
It wouldn't have been out of place in that string of bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:11.979)
But ultimately what he said at the end there was, there's no organization that is going
Unknown Speaker (01:50:16.880)
to help us, which is, well, well, I mean, if you want to, if you consider the government
Unknown Speaker (01:50:22.560)
and organization, then you are essentially advocating for complete and utter chaos.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:28.899)
That's anarchy there, baby.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:30.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:31.060)
I mean, I think what he's just saying is, uh, take to the streets.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:37.220)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:39.340)
That's a great question.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.460)
And I'm going to not answer it because that is a hard question to answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:45.180)
He said non-answer because he has no grasp on policy, so he can't answer questions of
Unknown Speaker (01:50:49.619)
like, well, here's what we would like to see here are the initiatives that we would like
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.760)
to push for.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:54.760)
Uh, he doesn't address the idea of like, how are you going to involve Christian organizations
Unknown Speaker (01:50:58.819)
at all?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:59.819)
Now, why would you?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.819)
And that's actually a terrible question.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:02.619)
All he's saying is I'm going to keep, I believe in humanity, which means nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:06.539)
I believe that I can just do what I'm doing and you do your thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:12.359)
What I'm going to do is keep telling the truth, which you're not.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:15.100)
I'm going to keep exposing things, which is code for, I'm going to be a white supremacist
Unknown Speaker (01:51:20.140)
on air and repeat Russian talking points.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:23.579)
And I don't, I don't, it's just not an answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:26.699)
But do you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:27.840)
That is a great question though.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:29.619)
And one that I can't see either, uh, I can't see really any group answering coherently.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:39.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:40.500)
Like, do the Democrats have a 30 year plan?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:43.619)
I think if you talk to some people on the left, they'd have a much more coherent grasp
Unknown Speaker (01:51:49.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:50.539)
Oh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:51.539)
No, but if you talk to the mainstream, no, I think actually you could talk to conservatives
Unknown Speaker (01:51:55.579)
or liberals that would even even middle of the road would have a much better answer.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:59.979)
I disagree.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:01.100)
I think their answers would be stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:04.380)
They wouldn't be nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:06.539)
I actually think they would be nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:08.500)
Maybe if you try and pin down any one of these fuck faces, they're not going to give a solid
Unknown Speaker (01:52:13.380)
consistent answer to like, here's how we survive the next 30 years.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:17.859)
Look, you're getting into hypotheticals here and what's more important is that Alex Jones's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:21.819)
answer was terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:22.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:23.819)
But Roger Stone's answer is worse.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:25.779)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:26.779)
There's one action that every one of you can take every single day and it may seem small,
Unknown Speaker (01:52:34.140)
but it isn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:35.779)
When you see a link of a story or a video on Infowars or the other quote or Breitbart
Unknown Speaker (01:52:43.140)
or anywhere that spreads the story of freedom, when you see a story that catches your fancy
Unknown Speaker (01:52:48.979)
and is an area in which you're interested, take that link and post it to your social
Unknown Speaker (01:52:54.579)
media because you see they can censor us, but they can't censor all of us.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:59.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:00.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:01.899)
That's the 30 year plan?
Unknown Speaker (01:53:02.899)
My 30 year plan is more Facebook shares.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:06.539)
You become a warrior, an info warrior.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:10.060)
Take our links and spread them.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:12.500)
It's cut, paste, paste, paste, paste, paste until your hands hurt.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:20.220)
So like control C or control X, what are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:53:23.260)
We're trying to take the country and enslave them, either fight or enslave, use your toy.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:28.819)
Alex screams drunkenly from the back of the room.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:30.680)
That is also my 30 year plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:32.420)
Either fight or become slaves.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:33.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:34.979)
That's a great 30 year plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:35.979)
I mean, Roger Stone's answer to the question is help us spread propaganda.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:39.699)
Yeah, essentially.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:40.699)
That's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:41.699)
That's not going to help.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:42.699)
And not even in a functional way, in like a share link on Twitter, share it on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:49.579)
That's us plugging the Twitter at the end of the show.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:54.539)
You can follow us on at Infowars.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:56.939)
You can follow us at at Real Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:59.859)
Smash those like buttons.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:00.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:01.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:54:02.859)
We need more retweets.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:03.859)
Our 30 year plan is a thousand retweets per awful.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:07.939)
At this point, Millie Weaver comes back and if you thought she was lying about Charlottesville,
Unknown Speaker (01:54:13.840)
get a load of this vaccine bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:16.500)
I have one thing to say about vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:20.140)
You know, I had the opportunity recently to speak with some Amish communities out in Ohio.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:27.060)
Can you believe it that the Amish have almost no incidences of autism?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:32.739)
In fact, statistically, their rates of autism are almost nonexistent.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:38.239)
Can you guess why?
Unknown Speaker (01:54:39.859)
I mean, yeah, it turns out the Amish do not vaccinate their children.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:46.020)
I mean, that kind of really sums it up right there.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:49.420)
But anyway, let's go on to more questions.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:52.180)
So I grew up Mennonite, which is not Amish, but it's sort of close.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:56.100)
Amish adjacent.
Unknown Speaker (01:54:57.100)
Did you know that there are no gay people in Saudi Arabia, too?
Unknown Speaker (01:55:00.819)
It's super weird how that works.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:02.619)
It's probably because they don't have vaccines there.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:04.460)
That's why it's really shitty that the WWE is going over there to do a huge fucking Royal
Unknown Speaker (01:55:08.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:55:09.939)
At least it's not Qatar.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:10.939)
They won't let women perform, so there's no women's matches in their WWE event.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:17.100)
It's very shameful.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:18.100)
Hey, capitulating to dumbass foreign governments is a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:21.819)
Very disgraceful.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:22.819)
Get into that market, Dan!
Unknown Speaker (01:55:23.819)
It's a good paycheck.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:26.500)
So what Millie Weaver is talking about here is utter horseshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:29.819)
What she's doing is she's operating off a 2005 story.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:37.420)
This guy named Dan Olmsted did a non-scientific survey of an Amish community in Pennsylvania.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:42.140)
It's a very large one in Lancaster.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:44.500)
It's one of the biggest in the world.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:46.060)
He claimed that he could only find three autistic kids and that two out of the three of them
Unknown Speaker (01:55:50.319)
had been vaccinated, and implied that that was a very uncommon thing in the Amish community.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:56.060)
It was not a study.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:57.500)
It's apocryphal.
Unknown Speaker (01:55:58.619)
These are just stories that he's relating, and the anti-vaccination people have clung
Unknown Speaker (01:56:03.960)
to it like it's the Holy Grail, the proof that vaccines cause autism, unfortunately.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:10.220)
A 2011 study in the magazine, the journal Pediatrics, showed that 68% of Amish people
Unknown Speaker (01:56:16.859)
had their children vaccinated, which is lower than the national average, but it's still
Unknown Speaker (01:56:20.939)
a majority by far.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:23.539)
Also, in a 2010 presentation to the International Society of Autism Research, researchers from
Unknown Speaker (01:56:29.560)
the University of Miami and the University of Vanderbilt discussed their research into
Unknown Speaker (01:56:34.020)
autism in the Amish community based on interviews with 1,899 individuals in multiple communities.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:40.899)
They found a rate of approximately-
Unknown Speaker (01:56:42.260)
Could have found one more.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:43.539)
Yeah, I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:45.180)
They found a rate of approximately one in 271 children displaying autistic indicators.
Unknown Speaker (01:56:50.420)
Also, there's a clinic called the Clinic for Special Children in Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
Unknown Speaker (01:56:55.060)
that is specifically for the developmental disorders in Amish children, which would not
Unknown Speaker (01:56:59.220)
exist if those didn't exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:01.779)
The main reason that's suggested for why rates are lower for the diagnosis of Amish communities
Unknown Speaker (01:57:09.699)
is that they don't want to have the stigma.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:12.899)
Of course not.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:14.020)
There's a diagnosis bias in Amish communities.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:18.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:57:19.699)
Just like how people say that the diagnosis of autism has exploded and nobody understands
Unknown Speaker (01:57:26.060)
why, and it's like, well, if you go back historically, they put people in fucking institutions.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:33.020)
Further, because the populations are so insulated in Amish communities, there's a much lower
Unknown Speaker (01:57:38.619)
genetic diversity in play, which reduces the risk of certain diseases and elevates those
Unknown Speaker (01:57:43.180)
of certain others.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:44.300)
It's not entirely clear why autism would be one of them, but it turns out that that's
Unknown Speaker (01:57:48.619)
one that has a much lower incidence in less genetically diverse populations.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:53.100)
So Millie-
Unknown Speaker (01:57:54.100)
Oh, we're bringing it back.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:55.100)
We're bringing it back.
Unknown Speaker (01:57:56.100)
Who's that at the door?
Unknown Speaker (01:57:59.100)
Is that Rainbow Snatch?
Unknown Speaker (01:58:00.100)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:01.100)
Is that Rainbow Snatch?
Unknown Speaker (01:58:02.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:04.779)
You busted.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:05.779)
Is that your Bernie?
Unknown Speaker (01:58:06.779)
No, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:07.779)
That was for the chat room.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:10.779)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:12.779)
So Millie Weaver's just going based on an apocryphal story in 2005 that got traction
Unknown Speaker (01:58:17.579)
in anti-vaccination communities, but also there have been a ton of studies that have
Unknown Speaker (01:58:21.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:58:22.100)
Those stories always get traction, and the debunking never does.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:25.539)
Never does.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:26.539)
Never does.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:27.539)
Nah, they just ignore that stuff, even though it's in peer-reviewed studies.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:30.060)
So at this point, Rob Dew gets on the mic.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:32.699)
Everyone had forgotten he still exists.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:35.039)
He shows up on the mic.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:36.479)
He says some really weird stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:38.300)
One of the things I like to hear is that the bar is free.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:40.859)
There's an open bar at this event.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:41.859)
Well, that's a good event.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:42.859)
But then he says something else that's really weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:45.899)
I'm just going to make a quick... Hey, how's it going?
Unknown Speaker (01:58:49.939)
I'm going to make a quick announcement.
Unknown Speaker (01:58:51.779)
We're going to go until about 6.15 doing this, and we have the room until 7, so I think what
Unknown Speaker (01:58:57.220)
we should do then is just hang out and mingle, open bar.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:03.340)
I will say this, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:05.220)
If somebody asks a question and somebody out there knows the answer, they should come up
Unknown Speaker (01:59:08.899)
and answer it, because this is what it's all about.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:11.060)
It's not about Jack doesn't have all the answers.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:13.260)
It's because Alex is too drunk to get back on stage.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:15.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:16.420)
I don't have all the answers.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:17.420)
Millie doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:18.420)
Okay, Jack has all the answers.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:21.020)
But together, that's how networks are formed, neural networks.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:24.500)
We're a little neural network in here, so if you think you know the answer to something
Unknown Speaker (01:59:28.220)
or have your own perspective, keep it short, but come on up and jump on up.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:31.939)
Yeah, that's what it's all about.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:32.939)
It's about participation, about getting in the game.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:34.739)
So we welcome your questions.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:36.180)
We'll go until about 6.15, and then let's just hang out and drink that fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:40.119)
We have a DJ who's going to play Electric Slide.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:42.340)
I don't know what's in it, but it's good.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:43.899)
They have jungle juice at the back.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:45.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:46.659)
I don't know what's in that punch, but man, it's good.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:49.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:59:50.699)
Rob do, baby.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:53.260)
Our free bar is essentially Everclear mixed with...
Unknown Speaker (01:59:56.300)
Lemonade mix.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:57.300)
Oh, those parties.
Unknown Speaker (01:59:59.300)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:00.300)
Terrible in my past.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:03.060)
He stole some margarita mix from my parents, so we're going to have a good time tonight.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:07.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:08.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:00:09.859)
They take a question.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:10.859)
Oh, no!
Unknown Speaker (02:00:11.859)
And now I have a few things I need to say about this.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:22.140)
I don't know why, but at some point, right before this guy asks his question, the audio
Unknown Speaker (02:00:28.100)
starts going fucking terrible.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:30.739)
This is going to sound like shit, and I apologize in advance, but I will say, I tried to hunt
Unknown Speaker (02:00:36.979)
down alternate versions of the audio.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:39.460)
There is nothing that doesn't have this glitch in it.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:42.539)
It's worth it for what ends up happening.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:46.060)
I tried to fix it.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:47.619)
I could not fix it.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:48.619)
It would have taken me like six hours to go through and fix all the audio, so I apologize
Unknown Speaker (02:00:53.939)
for subjecting your ears to this.
Unknown Speaker (02:00:55.819)
But I wouldn't do it if it weren't one of the fucking craziest things.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:02.859)
When we get to what ends up happening, which I am not going to spoil at all, you cannot
Unknown Speaker (02:01:08.300)
imagine the look on Milly Weaver's face.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:12.140)
Why the fuck isn't Alex here, helping me with this?
Unknown Speaker (02:01:15.380)
This is not cool.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:16.899)
So here is the guy.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:19.180)
His name is True Dave.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:20.739)
He decides to...
Unknown Speaker (02:01:22.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:23.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:24.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:25.140)
He's a genius.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:26.140)
He knows how to start...
Unknown Speaker (02:01:27.300)
True Dave!
Unknown Speaker (02:01:28.300)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:29.300)
He knows how to start out a question with a plug.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:32.100)
Strangely enough, he's a fake leftist.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:34.100)
Hey, so let's go to this gentleman right here.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:38.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:39.420)
Good afternoon, everyone.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:40.420)
Good evening.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:41.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:01:42.420)
Let's give ourselves a big round of applause for having the courage to come forward and
Unknown Speaker (02:01:47.180)
to dine with the infamous Roger Stone and what's-his-name Alex Jones, that's right, yes.
Unknown Speaker (02:01:57.659)
So far, in case people aren't making it out, what he said is...
Unknown Speaker (02:02:01.260)
Nice little dig.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:02.260)
Let's give ourselves a round of applause for being courageous enough to come out and...
Unknown Speaker (02:02:06.659)
Dine with the infamous Roger Stone and what's-his-name?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:10.060)
Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:11.060)
Oh, Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:12.060)
He's doing a bit.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:13.060)
This is Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:14.060)
Good morning to you, Doctor.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:15.060)
You're also very important.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:16.060)
My name is True Dave.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:17.060)
I am a long-time listener of Infowars and a first-time caller.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:22.539)
I'm a patriot of 6,000 points.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:24.180)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:25.180)
So I encourage you to buy from the store.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:28.939)
They are excellent, excellent health products.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:31.619)
You can actually stop paying your health insurance and invest in the bookstore.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:38.460)
So you know, he gets it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:40.020)
He gets it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:41.020)
Don't pay your health insurance.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:42.020)
Just buy Alex Jones' products.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:43.739)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:44.739)
Nobody knows.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:45.739)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:46.739)
I mean, they should be...
Unknown Speaker (02:02:48.199)
It should be a national Alex Jones' health care system.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:51.060)
That's a damn ad pivot in a press conference.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:52.939)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:53.939)
That's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:54.939)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:55.939)
Unknown Speaker (02:02:56.939)
Who is this fucking guy?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:57.939)
True Dave?
Unknown Speaker (02:02:58.939)
We're gonna learn so much about him in this next clip.
Unknown Speaker (02:02:59.939)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:00.939)
I have a question, but I need to preface my question, that one might say that the longest
Unknown Speaker (02:03:09.140)
government that we know about on the face of the planet is the Christian government.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:13.699)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:14.699)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:15.699)
And at the center of this government is America, and we know its name is Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:25.340)
So to recap what he said so far is that the longest running government in the world is
Unknown Speaker (02:03:29.640)
a Christian government, at the center of it is a man named Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:34.979)
Now, he gets his props, but I'm gonna go a little deeper.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:44.539)
Unknown Speaker (02:03:45.539)
Jesus gets his props, but I'm gonna go a little deeper.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:48.460)
Well, yeah, you gotta.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:50.359)
That's wild.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:51.899)
That's nuts.
Unknown Speaker (02:03:52.899)
As Christians, we're dealing with voices professing to be a Christian channel, and we study the
Unknown Speaker (02:04:01.659)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:03.659)
Does it?
Unknown Speaker (02:04:04.659)
The book of Revelation clearly talks about the end times, and we are clearly in the end
Unknown Speaker (02:04:09.460)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:10.460)
So what is it that we must be looking for at the end times?
Unknown Speaker (02:04:14.659)
That's one point.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:16.659)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:17.659)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:18.659)
Christ is the focus.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:23.699)
So he's asserting very clearly that we are in the end times, what should we be looking
Unknown Speaker (02:04:29.859)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:30.859)
Christ is the focus.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:31.859)
Well, the problem I have is he prefaces that with two, as though everyone already knows
Unknown Speaker (02:04:40.579)
what we should be looking for.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:42.579)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:43.579)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:44.579)
Christ is the focus.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:45.579)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:46.579)
I don't know what we should be looking for.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:48.420)
Unknown Speaker (02:04:49.659)
And even Revelation scholars really don't know what we should be looking for.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:54.819)
You have no idea where this is going.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:55.939)
Other than that it already happened, and it was a metaphor for rub.
Unknown Speaker (02:04:59.840)
You have no idea where this is going.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:02.619)
Also to the chat room, I appreciate everyone suggesting how this audio could be fixed.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:07.899)
It's a little late.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:08.899)
Trust me.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:09.899)
It's a little late.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:10.899)
No, everyone is saying, yeah, you probably can't fix this.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:13.260)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:14.260)
Maybe there is some really, really long way to do it just manually, but such a mess.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:21.020)
All I know is that the second thing, after you fix that audio, look to Christ.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:25.539)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:26.539)
And again, I think this is as good a time as I need to bring up.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:31.180)
I took this audio straight from Alex Jones' YouTube channel.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:34.260)
He put this out like this.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:35.739)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:36.739)
Unknown Speaker (02:05:37.739)
So that's on him.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:38.739)
You texted me earlier, and it was like, I've been working on this, and every time I make
Unknown Speaker (02:05:42.180)
an adjustment, it sounds like everybody's talking a little bit of rap.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:44.420)
They're talking fast motion when I cut out the little blanks in audio.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:49.500)
Either way, it's going to hurt the ears.
Unknown Speaker (02:05:51.300)
And we do not understand that the Lord of the Second Advent has returned to this earth,
Unknown Speaker (02:05:58.979)
who assisted Nixon, who assisted Reagan, who created the Washington Times.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:04.659)
And Alex Jones quoted every day that he started in Austin, Texas.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:08.979)
If we don't come to understand that this Christ has left his sons of this earth to guide us
Unknown Speaker (02:06:16.899)
to the future, because the Bible clearly says we will be in the reign of a thousand years,
Unknown Speaker (02:06:22.739)
and I'm here to witness, I'm a living witness, that Christ has come.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:28.340)
His name is Sunday on the moon, and he has done incredible work.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:33.140)
Wait, what?
Unknown Speaker (02:06:34.140)
No, wait a minute.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:35.140)
Wait a minute.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:36.140)
Wait, I don't have free speech?
Unknown Speaker (02:06:39.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:06:40.140)
Well, then you have the opportunity to do, well, he's not Jesus, but I want to say this
Unknown Speaker (02:06:49.140)
very clearly.
Unknown Speaker (02:06:50.140)
What is your question?
Unknown Speaker (02:06:52.140)
Millie Weaver just standing on stage so scared, like, what?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:02.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:07:03.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:07:04.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:05.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:06.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:07.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:08.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:09.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:10.140)
Who is Christ?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:11.140)
Sun Young Moon.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:12.140)
Sun Young Moon.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:13.140)
Wait, hold on.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:14.140)
Sun Young Moon?
Unknown Speaker (02:07:15.140)
Unknown Speaker (02:07:16.140)
So, this guy.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:19.579)
That's pretty impressive.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:20.579)
This guy went to Alex Jones's after party.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:23.560)
Unknown Speaker (02:07:24.560)
And was like, now's my time to let everybody know I already know who Christ is.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:31.220)
And he did it perfectly.
Unknown Speaker (02:07:33.460)
got everyone behind him by doing a plug. These are great products, these are great products,
Unknown Speaker (02:07:37.699)
you're gonna love it. First off, we know we're in the end times. No no no, even before that,
Unknown Speaker (02:07:42.739)
you do the plug, talk about I've listened to Alex Jones for a long time, I'm an info warrior from
Unknown Speaker (02:07:48.420)
way back, I love all this. It's a Christian organization. I believe in Jesus, all this,
Unknown Speaker (02:07:55.859)
and then he fucking Trojan horses in Sun Yung Moo is the Christ. They are so confused,
Unknown Speaker (02:08:05.140)
they have no idea what to do. I love, I love the part where he's like, now let me finish.
Unknown Speaker (02:08:11.140)
Right. I have first amendment rights too. No, he's not mad, he's confused. No, I know,
Unknown Speaker (02:08:15.939)
but you hear it, you hear it in his voice, like, just like, no, I have, I have first amendment
Unknown Speaker (02:08:21.300)
rights. I get to say this crazy bullshit. He's confused because Alex Jones, his whole thing is
Unknown Speaker (02:08:26.420)
about how his first amendment rights are being encroached on, and now we started the episode
Unknown Speaker (02:08:31.140)
with him trying to kick out what might have been Jordan Klepper from his event, and then saying,
Unknown Speaker (02:08:35.539)
we'll let you on stage, he never does, and now we end with a Mooney who's asking a question,
Unknown Speaker (02:08:42.180)
and then you can see, like, it's just shadows because it's people's heads, it's the back of
Unknown Speaker (02:08:46.899)
people's heads in an auditorium, but you can see someone came over and is talking to him,
Unknown Speaker (02:08:51.060)
like, dude, stop. Like, you, no. Wait, hold on, hold on, one second. We
Unknown Speaker (02:08:59.859)
are crazy. This is getting-
Unknown Speaker (02:09:01.300)
But that- No, no.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:02.899)
Is fucking crazy. No, it's because it's getting too real.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:06.340)
Like, not because Sun Young Moon is Christ, but because-
Unknown Speaker (02:09:09.619)
Is he? Sun Young Moon did make the Washington
Unknown Speaker (02:09:13.060)
Times, and the Washington Times is a lotus shit journal publication that spouts the same
Unknown Speaker (02:09:20.180)
narratives that Alex does, and he does use them as a source a lot, and Sun Young Moon is related
Unknown Speaker (02:09:26.260)
to a lot of funding- Do you mean Jesus?
Unknown Speaker (02:09:28.979)
No, I mean Sun Young Moon, a cult leader of the Unification Church.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:34.260)
What we know is that Christ's sons are common. Sun Young Moon is related to a lot of funding
Unknown Speaker (02:09:43.619)
of conservative organizations and think tanks. And Christ.
Unknown Speaker (02:09:46.260)
Right. So there's a lot of connection between the narratives that Alex Jones puts out into
Unknown Speaker (02:09:52.180)
the world and Sun Young Moon funding. And so this guy is crazy, but at the same time,
Unknown Speaker (02:10:00.659)
he's not crazy in thinking that Alex should be on the same page as him.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:04.500)
No, of course not. Because if you listen to Alex for a really
Unknown Speaker (02:10:07.140)
long time and your focal point was Sun Young Moon and the Washington Times, it would make
Unknown Speaker (02:10:14.180)
perfect sense to you that Alex gets it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:18.020)
Alex is... He knows. He knows. Look, Sun Young Moon was super behind Nixon and Reagan. Alex
Unknown Speaker (02:10:26.739)
seems to like those guys. I think he's my guy. I love it.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:31.859)
It's very nuts. I legit thought he was coming to Roger Stone
Unknown Speaker (02:10:36.979)
as being like, he was behind Nixon. He was behind Reagan. He was doing the whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (02:10:41.779)
And I was like, this is what we bring in Roger Stone. And then he threw the curve ball of
Unknown Speaker (02:10:47.140)
Sun Young Moon. Love it. Which actually introduces the question of,
Unknown Speaker (02:10:51.140)
does Roger Stone have any relation with Sun Young Moon given the two of them have had
Unknown Speaker (02:10:55.699)
the parallel tracks through conservative history? Have they ever been in the same room together?
Unknown Speaker (02:10:59.220)
I don't know. I want to find out that Sun Young Moon is a white dude, right?
Unknown Speaker (02:11:03.300)
No, he was Korean. Yeah, but was he a white dude?
Unknown Speaker (02:11:06.500)
I don't think so. Did he get the Christ surgery?
Unknown Speaker (02:11:08.819)
You know, Christ was Jewish and then he became white. That's why all the Italian...
Unknown Speaker (02:11:14.180)
So I want to say, we have one more clip. It's two minutes long of him,
Unknown Speaker (02:11:19.220)
but I don't think it's worth it because he just rambles more about Christ.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:22.659)
I think we got to close on Sun Young Moon, man. That's a solid closer.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:27.699)
It's really funny to me, the rest of it. And you can go look at... You can watch the whole
Unknown Speaker (02:11:31.539)
video if you want over on Alex's channel. But he keeps being like, you guys are trying to get me
Unknown Speaker (02:11:38.180)
to not say this stuff. There are moments like that.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:42.100)
His genuine surprise is great. Yeah, so there's that. But anyway,
Unknown Speaker (02:11:47.619)
Alex had his... He got soy bombed by a Mooney.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:50.579)
Love it. Which is going to be my punk band.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:53.380)
Soy bombed by a Mooney? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:11:57.060)
I don't know. This has been a really interesting thing because I, you know, everyone...
Unknown Speaker (02:12:02.100)
This took a lot of twists and turns that I wasn't expecting.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:04.420)
Everyone wanted us to talk about the press conference. And...
Unknown Speaker (02:12:09.220)
This is way fucking better. This is much more interesting.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:12.260)
Weird ass drunk them all doing weird ass shit. But I love it.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:15.939)
I don't think all of them are drunk though. I don't think Jack Passobat goes out in public drunk.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:19.859)
No. And Millie is clearly doing her best. She is dreaming of better things that she does.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:27.060)
She knows she has heavy lifting to do. Maybe Corsi's drunk. I can't tell with his
Unknown Speaker (02:12:32.579)
fucking... I don't know. I can't do it anymore. I got no more.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:36.819)
I got no more metaphors for a soggy just cadaver. Just a cadaver in a bog.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:46.420)
Just a fucking lake full of whiskey. With his pale skin and his blue lips.
Unknown Speaker (02:12:52.579)
His fucking tiny little fucking mushy hands. You ever knock out a chubby old bitch and
Unknown Speaker (02:12:59.779)
throw him in a river of whiskey? That's what Corsi fucking looks like.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:05.060)
Fucking dick. That guy sucks. Oh god damn it.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:09.699)
He might have been drunk. I love this.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:11.380)
That's what I was getting at. Roger Stone's not drunk. He's just doing his best.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:14.899)
Roger Stone is just bananas. I don't know man. I think that what you look
Unknown Speaker (02:13:20.659)
at when you look at the totality of this is you see I think the major points I want to take away
Unknown Speaker (02:13:26.260)
is this has all of the flavor of a white nationalist Nazi rally that is a failure
Unknown Speaker (02:13:32.500)
because the audience is not very interested. They're a very low energy audience.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:38.819)
It'd be fun if they were all Moonies. Oh that'd be crazy.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:41.699)
That would be amazing. If they were all behind him.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:43.460)
Yeah exactly. If True Dave got like True Dave. True Dave. That'd be crazy.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:49.140)
True Dave S.A. True Dave S.A. Yeah a better chant than Psoba could get going.
Unknown Speaker (02:13:55.220)
So that's one point. And then the other point is I really think that Alex is trying to get
Unknown Speaker (02:14:00.180)
Soros to sue him. And it's really funny to me because
Unknown Speaker (02:14:03.380)
that's never going to happen. It's never going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:06.340)
There's no there's no win. No.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:08.180)
There's no win. It's a pointless act.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:09.699)
Yeah. You can just keep
Unknown Speaker (02:14:10.739)
slandering him and it doesn't matter because why would it matter.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:14.500)
What I find interesting about this is that the only thing that will get Soros to sue him is if
Unknown Speaker (02:14:20.260)
one of Alex's fans kills his son which I think is a remote possibility as things deteriorate.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:27.060)
I think it's. Or Putin might do it.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:29.140)
Eh it's possible. I think I think the thing that I find interesting
Unknown Speaker (02:14:34.020)
about the coverage of the press conference and the lack of coverage about this bananas nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:41.140)
Yeah. Is that every time
Unknown Speaker (02:14:43.460)
every time we see this type of coverage from right wing watcher media matters.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:48.739)
Well like a year ago it was the same thing with the go fuck yourself Adam Schiff thing.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:52.899)
And then later in the episode he's telling me how to learn.
Unknown Speaker (02:14:56.420)
But what it seems like to me is that they always cover Alex at his strongest.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:02.579)
Do you know what I'm saying? Like they always cover Alex doing the most Alex.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:07.619)
No no no no. Instead of covering Alex at his
Unknown Speaker (02:15:10.100)
weakest when he gives up the game. It's the strong embarrassing version
Unknown Speaker (02:15:14.420)
because right kissing the flag and stuff like that is embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:17.699)
But it still works into the narrative of his mythology.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:20.659)
His embarrassment is his strength like his inability his complete lack of ability to
Unknown Speaker (02:15:28.020)
feel shame just like Trump. It's the lack of shame.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:31.300)
It's the complete misunderstanding of what it's like to be another rational human being.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:36.340)
Like imagine what makes them so powerful.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:40.500)
Imagine if the headlines were Alex Jones promotes two hour Q&A session
Unknown Speaker (02:15:45.859)
too drunk to follow through. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:47.859)
So his buddies have a nationalist rally. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:50.420)
A white nationalist rally. Right.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:52.020)
Because that's the reality of what we saw here. Every time every time.
Unknown Speaker (02:15:55.300)
He was too drunk at the wheel so Lee Stranahan came up on stage and you know piggybacked some
Unknown Speaker (02:16:01.380)
anti Soros hate. Right. Jack Posobick expressed I don't want white kids being adopted to Chinese
Unknown Speaker (02:16:07.460)
people. Or just like Jerome Corsi allowed to speak.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:12.340)
Like that's that's a worthy headline as well. Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:17.220)
Oh man. Anyways. There's someone who I wish was a non the
Unknown Speaker (02:16:21.699)
fucking Jerome Corsi. If he was in the queue to be a non you know
Unknown Speaker (02:16:26.979)
like the line with in England they call it a queue.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:29.539)
I know what I know what a queue is. All right. All right.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:32.579)
Come on man. I hate that guy.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:33.700)
Anyway that brings us to the end of this episode. I wish the I wish folks would do a better job
Unknown Speaker (02:16:37.540)
of covering this sort of thing because it's much you're right. It's much more embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:41.860)
Yeah. It's much more potent. Anyway thank you all for listening.
Unknown Speaker (02:16:45.940)
I think it's very obvious what's going to happen at the end of this. But first off
Unknown Speaker (02:16:51.219)
if you would like to follow us on Twitter. We're at knowledge underscore fight. Also
Unknown Speaker (02:16:55.700)
our website is knowledge fight dot com. If you want to join a specific group
Unknown Speaker (02:17:01.379)
with a long name that you're going to have to stop. Pause. Listen to the next words I say.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:06.899)
Go home and tell your mother you're brilliant. Hit the 15 second button on your on your iPhone.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:13.540)
It's go home and tell your mother you're brilliant on Facebook.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:16.659)
That's right. We're also just on Facebook if you want to find our.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:18.819)
Yeah. But I don't post much there. It's mostly about the group these days.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:22.260)
Yeah. The page is kind of you know what I've
Unknown Speaker (02:17:24.819)
realized. We like positive reinforcement way too much.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:27.940)
It's not even that. It's engagement. Like the the way that Facebook works. More people see stuff
Unknown Speaker (02:17:36.260)
in the group than if I posted it on the page. That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:40.180)
And so I realize what's the fucking point of the page. I want to just post something on the page
Unknown Speaker (02:17:46.100)
is like join the group. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:47.940)
I'm not going to post anything over here anymore. Who gives a shit.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:50.260)
Maybe that should be your your Twitter. Whatever the thing is you're posted tweet.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:55.139)
Thank everyone so much. We've we're just over 200 people in the group now.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:58.659)
I can't believe that. That's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (02:17:59.780)
I kind of don't believe 200 people listen to this.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:02.500)
Yeah. Well they do. More than that.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:04.579)
Anyway. Fantastic.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:05.459)
Thank you all so much. Yes.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:06.579)
Thank you guys so much. You can subscribe.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:08.659)
Find us on iTunes.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:10.020)
We got to get out of here. But someone must be told their business.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:15.459)
I think we all know who.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:17.059)
There's someone who's gotten too much of a rubbing on this episode.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:20.899)
So I'm going to give him a break and I'm going to say Lucien Wintrick.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:24.739)
God damn it, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:27.540)
Uh, no, I'm kidding.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:29.700)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:30.420)
Lee Stranahan. Go fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:32.979)
Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:36.979)
Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (02:18:40.260)
I love you.