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Revision as of 21:36, 1 March 2025

We have attempted to make the information contained on this page as objective as possible. To be clear, this page in no way reflects the opinions of the users or admins of this wiki. Some information may be sensitive or offensive.

In the world of InfoWars, Satan, the literal Christian Devil, appears to be the ultimate personal enemy of Alex Jones and the alleged leader of the (also alleged to exist) Globalists.

In earlier years (e.g. 2003, 2009, and 2013 investigations), Alex seems to hold his belief that he is fighting the literal devil close to his chest. This might be because Alex did not feel secure enough in his career to risk limiting his appeal by appearing to be a bizarre religious zealot. Instead, he would hint and imply that literal demons or demonic forces were at play in the material world, but stop short of making claims that could be taken non-metaphorically.

There have always been times, to varying degrees, where the mask slips. During the 2016 presidential campaign, for instance, Jones famously claimed that Hillary Clinton and Obama were literal demons who smelled like sulfur, prompting a deriding response from then president Obama[1]. Episode #548 documents instances from 2003 where Alex seems to claim to be fighting the literal devil early in his career.

In the Trump and Biden years, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Alex has been much more open about his metaphysical beliefs, as documented in the podcast.

Weird New Age Beliefs

Alex's statements about fighting demons are often masked in a thin layer of New Age or even Sci-Fi beliefs, especially when he gets drunk or wants to appear deep for some other reason.

For instance, Alex often talks about "dimensions" in a new-age sense, implying that demons inhabit and enter our world through lower dimensions (e.g. the second dimension) and divine or transcendent forces inhabit higher dimensions. Instead of directly referencing demons, Alex will make vague and opaque claims about lower dimensional entities entering our dimension, or attempting to hold humans / humanity from progressing to a higher dimension.

Similarly, Alex sometimes talks about demons as being literal or metaphorical aliens. He likens Satan to an alien force stranded or trapped on the Earth by God. He'll discuss the Globalists as having backers from off world, and imply that demonic magic and advanced technology are indistinguishable to the Globalists. In these scenarios, he often will further imply that while the Globalists believe they're in communications with aliens, the entities they're talking to are actually demonic.

Throughout talking about all this nonsense, Alex often falls back on excusing this absolute lunacy by claiming that he's not recounting his own beliefs but instead just telling his audience what the globalists believe. This is uncompelling for several reasons, not least of which that nobody other than Alex seems to be a source for this.