Transcript/858: October 7, 2023

From Knowledge Fight Wiki

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:13.000)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:20.000)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.000)
I have great respect for knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:24.000)
Knowledge fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.000)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying,
Unknown Speaker (00:00:28.000)
we are the bad guys. Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.000)
Dan and Jordan, Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.000)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.000)
I need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.000)
Rattle her, rattle her, rattle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.000)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.000)
Stop it.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:43.000)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.000)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.000)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.000)
Thanks for holding us.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:50.000)
Hello, Alex, I'm a first-time color language fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.000)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.000)
Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:55.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:57.000)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.000)
Hey, everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:00.000)
Welcome back to Knowledge Fight.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.000)
I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.000)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.000)
We're a couple dudes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.000)
We like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.000)
and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.000)
Oh, indeed we are, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.000)
I have a quick question for you, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.000)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.000)
My bright spot today, Jordan, is, first of all,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.000)
it's nice to be back in the saddle.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:16.000)
It is nice to be back in the saddle.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.000)
We took a little bit of, you know,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.000)
it wasn't that long of a break.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.000)
But a break from recording to put out the live episodes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.000)
And it feels like it has been quite a while.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.000)
For us, anything longer than five days,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.000)
an absurd length of time.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:29.000)
I think it's about a week.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:32.000)
Because we recorded the one after we got back.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.000)
And so, yeah, it's fairly-
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.000)
It's been about eight days.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.000)
Maybe a little over a week.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:39.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.000)
Too long.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:41.000)
Too long.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.000)
Five days is the correct amount, maximum, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:43.000)
It's nice for me because I did take a little bit of time
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.000)
to myself.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:47.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.000)
To play some video games and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.000)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:51.000)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:52.000)
And do a little bit of work around the house.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.000)
But other than that, I was still working.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.000)
I had to put out the live episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.000)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.000)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.000)
And then also, that leads me to my bright spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.000)
So, during the time that we were in the UK, it was wonderful.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.000)
And meeting people and having a chance to see the way
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.000)
that people interact with our show was incredibly valuable.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.000)
And when we were at QED, talking to both the organizers
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.000)
of the festival, people who were really involved in that,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.000)
and then also people who were attendees, getting a sense
Unknown Speaker (00:02:26.000)
and a real feeling from them was eye-opening in some ways.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.000)
It was.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.000)
And one of the things that I've realized in the time,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.000)
including the trip, and since we have taken a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.000)
of time off, is I need focus.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.000)
I need a central focus.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.000)
And I think I found my mission statement that will guide
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.000)
the next chapter of our podcast.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.000)
And my professional career.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.000)
This is like whenever you're watching a movie
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.000)
and 45 minutes into it, they get the title card.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.000)
Or how I felt in Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:05.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.000)
I felt like it was halfway through the game.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.000)
Oh, and then it's, oh.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:09.000)
Oh my God, it just started?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.000)
Holy shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:12.000)
Yeah, I've figured out what I want the next bit of my life
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.000)
to be about.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:20.000)
And that is I want to destroy Alex's career.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:23.000)
Now, not in terms of the future.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:26.000)
I will leave the courts to that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.000)
They will take care of that on their own.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.000)
And Alex is self-destructive enough that he's gonna
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.000)
destroy his own career.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:35.000)
I want to destroy his legacy.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.000)
You want to dismantle it brick by brick.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:39.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:40.000)
So every hashtag Alex Jones will end before was right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.000)
I want to, and I'm going to make it my business and personal
Unknown Speaker (00:03:49.000)
mission, to destroy everything he's created.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.000)
And the way I conceive of that is similar to the end game
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.000)
breakdown that we did.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:59.000)
I feel like anybody who takes that film seriously needs only
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.000)
listen to our podcast or look at the bibliography that is a
Unknown Speaker (00:04:07.000)
breakdown of his bibliography to realize you should not take
Unknown Speaker (00:04:10.000)
this seriously.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:12.000)
And I would like to, and I intend to, create this for every
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.000)
piece of work that he has put out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.000)
Not necessarily every episode of his show, because that's kind
Unknown Speaker (00:04:20.000)
of what the podcast is.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.000)
Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:22.000)
But I am going to dismantle these works that he has put out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:27.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:28.000)
And the first is The Great Reset.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.000)
That book that he put out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:32.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.000)
I'm going to trash that thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.000)
And so that's the next thing on my horizon.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:39.000)
Alex has a new book coming out, which you've mentioned.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.000)
And I hope to have this done and out by the time his new book
Unknown Speaker (00:04:46.000)
comes out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.000)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.000)
So I can destroy that too.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.000)
There's a lot of things that we do to avoid working on our own
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.000)
books, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.000)
Well, in some ways this is another book that I'm working on.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.000)
Right, right, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:59.000)
So it will be book length for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.000)
That is definitely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.000)
As it stands now, the way it works, and I have been
Unknown Speaker (00:05:08.000)
approaching this, is a page by page breakdown of his book.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.000)
And it will be thorough.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.000)
It will be fine tooth comb, go fuck yourself.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:21.000)
That'll be intense.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.000)
So then I was thinking about other things.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.000)
And we obviously do have to double back on some of his
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.000)
older documentaries and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.000)
And so I'm thinking of ways to conceive of those projects,
Unknown Speaker (00:05:33.000)
possibly a video kind of work.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.000)
Like we have his documentary on, and then I'll pop up.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:40.000)
That'd be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.000)
Like a little VH1 pop-up video kind of situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:44.000)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.000)
Yeah, so that is my vision.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.000)
Your raison d'être.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.000)
And granted, it's not going to change the podcast,
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.000)
necessarily, but it's just going to be, this is a focus.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.000)
This is what we're doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:58.000)
And I feel like it's what I can do that is valuable to people
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.000)
and valuable to the information space that I want to nurture
Unknown Speaker (00:06:06.000)
and cultivate.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:07.000)
And so count on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.000)
Believe in the shield.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.000)
Or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.000)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.000)
So what's your bright spot?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.000)
My bright spot is far less professional.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:19.000)
My wife celebrated her birthday.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.000)
Happy birthday.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:23.000)
We celebrated her birthday.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:25.000)
We had a great day, did very little actual stuff,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.000)
and then had a great dinner, all fresh stuff,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:34.000)
cooked it together.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.000)
Great, great, great stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.000)
Lovely time.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.000)
Low key.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.000)
We were a little bit, I mean, part of the problem is
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.000)
we're a little under the weather.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:43.000)
Had some sore throat.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.000)
We've all recently had a little bit of weather stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:49.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:50.000)
Weather here has been insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:52.000)
It has been nuts.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.000)
It has been nuts.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:55.000)
It was like 70 and then 40 and then 60 and now it's 50.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.000)
No, and it is like, oh, I'm so shocked we have sinus issues
Unknown Speaker (00:07:02.000)
whenever we're from Illinois and it's going from 80 to 40
Unknown Speaker (00:07:05.000)
in an hour and you're like, oh, yeah, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:09.000)
Yeah, we're not supposed to live like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.000)
Yeah, it was actually kind of fortuitous timing for me,
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.000)
us not recording, because I got fairly sick.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:17.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:19.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:20.000)
Checked out on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.000)
But yeah, it was at a point where it actually even
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.000)
hurt to talk, kind of.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.000)
And so, yeah, I'm sorry you all are dealing with that,
Unknown Speaker (00:07:28.000)
but it happens.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.000)
No, I mean, we had a little bit of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.000)
I mean, it is so weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.000)
It's not funny, but it is weird to be like, I'm sick,
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.000)
but not with COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.000)
Like, do we even still have other diseases?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.000)
Yeah, I mean, it's been such a central focus of health matters
Unknown Speaker (00:07:45.000)
for so long that it is strange to get sick with something else.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.000)
Yeah, and it is both such a huge relief and then at the same
Unknown Speaker (00:07:52.000)
time, wait a second, the COVID test is negative and you're
Unknown Speaker (00:07:56.000)
like, yeah, I don't have COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:57.000)
And then you're like, wait, I don't know what the fuck I do have.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:00.000)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:01.000)
Good news, bad news.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.000)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:03.000)
Also, I had a fun moment when I was sick or after I was sick.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:07.000)
I don't know if it's right for me to associate necessarily
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.000)
the flavored vapes that I've gotten with getting sick,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.000)
but I feel like they make my throat feel bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.000)
I have gotten a couple of this brand, which I will not name
Unknown Speaker (00:08:21.000)
for the sake of not giving bad press.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.000)
Maybe it's my body.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:27.000)
But the last couple of times that I've bought this brand,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:30.000)
I felt not well afterwards.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:33.000)
And so I went into the vape shop and previous Bright Spot,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.000)
the guy at the vape shop, was there.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:38.000)
And I was like, man, I think those flavored ones, they're great,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.000)
they're fun, but I think they make me sick.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.000)
He's like, no, no, no, don't blame the vapes.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:46.000)
He's like, the weather's been crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.000)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:52.000)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.000)
He's not wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:54.000)
I mean, yeah, but also, come on, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:56.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.000)
These are not as regulated as anybody wants them to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.000)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.000)
Let's face that right out the gate.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:03.000)
It was so fun that it felt like he had a stake in it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:06.000)
Yeah, well, I mean, he runs a vape store.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.000)
Of course he has a stake in it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.000)
But he doesn't care what one I buy.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.000)
No, that's definitely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.000)
But he seemed to care.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.000)
I mean, listen, if one vape is bad, then it brings the whole,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:18.000)
a rising tide lifts all boats.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.000)
It's a net loss.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:23.000)
So, Jordan, today we have an episode to go over.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.000)
We're going to be talking about Alex's emergency Saturday,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:29.000)
October 7th show.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:30.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.000)
And, you know, there's some difficulty, obviously,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.000)
because the emergency is in reference
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.000)
to the outbreak of violence in Israel and in the Gaza Strip.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.000)
And, you know, that's a tough situation
Unknown Speaker (00:09:50.000)
to talk about just in general.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:51.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:52.000)
And then when you're talking about it
Unknown Speaker (00:09:53.000)
through the prism of Alex's content,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:55.000)
it becomes even more so.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.000)
And I don't like this episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:01.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.000)
I told you before we started, it's
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.000)
one of the most frustrating, infuriating episodes
Unknown Speaker (00:10:07.000)
I've listened to in a very long time.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:09.000)
And you'll see why as we go through it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.000)
But it almost made me throw something.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.000)
I believe it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:17.000)
No, I mean, it is weird because I don't know how to,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.000)
I was trying to get in the mind of the anti-Semites
Unknown Speaker (00:10:23.000)
and how they would react to this.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.000)
And it's like, I don't know because they hate Jews,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.000)
obviously, anti-Semites.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:29.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:30.000)
And at the same time, though, they
Unknown Speaker (00:10:32.000)
like right-wing dictatorships.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:35.000)
And it feels like this is where Israel is going to go, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:39.000)
So I'm interested to see where we wind up with this.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:43.000)
In terms of Alex, I think he has far wider weirdness
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.000)
than maybe your run-of-the-mill person
Unknown Speaker (00:10:51.000)
in his extreme right-wing sector.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:54.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.000)
And I think that there are people who,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:57.000)
and not to say that they're good or bad,
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.000)
they're bad, but there are people who have more
Unknown Speaker (00:11:02.000)
thought-out positions than Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:03.000)
Yeah, that I believe.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.000)
And those are people that you could expect
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.000)
some kind of interesting, I guess, response.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:11.000)
In a negative way, interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.000)
Whereas with Alex, he's so unthoughtful
Unknown Speaker (00:11:17.000)
that it's...
Unknown Speaker (00:11:18.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:19.000)
It's got to be all over the place, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.000)
And it is to some extent.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:23.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.000)
But I don't think we're going to get into the events
Unknown Speaker (00:11:28.000)
as much as people might expect.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.000)
I'm not at all surprised by that.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.000)
And I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:36.000)
We'll get down to business on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:37.000)
But first, Jordan, let's take a little moment
Unknown Speaker (00:11:39.000)
to say hello to some new wonks.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.000)
Oh, that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:41.000)
So first, the Canadian jurist.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:43.000)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.000)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.000)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:48.000)
Next, Andy in occupied Texas.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:49.000)
Oh, and fuck you, John Rappaport.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:51.000)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:53.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:54.000)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.000)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.000)
Next, Wills pronounced like Willis.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.000)
I'm just related to some lazy Belgians.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.000)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.000)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.000)
Oh, the Belgique.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:05.000)
That's how you say Belgian in French.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:07.000)
They don't say it like that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.000)
They're too lazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:10.000)
They don't end the word anymore.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.000)
You know who's not a lazy Belgian?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:13.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:14.000)
Hercule Poirot.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.000)
He's almost too busy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:16.000)
His little gray cells are always working.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.000)
Too busy.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:20.000)
Next, I'm a children's librarian, so now Baby Shark haunts me in two different ways.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:24.000)
The original and the Alex Jones cover.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.000)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:27.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.000)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.000)
I didn't realize that Baby Shark was a literary thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.000)
I had no idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.000)
I thought it was just the song.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:35.000)
I thought maybe it was a commercial.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:37.000)
I've never looked into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.000)
I've never looked into it either.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:39.000)
I refuse on principle, I guess, just out of like spite.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.000)
And Dan from Taumaranui, pronounced To-mar-ee-u-noo-ee.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.000)
I was pretty close.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.000)
You were pretty close.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:51.000)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.000)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.000)
Some of those words that are kind of close to Hawaiian or Polynesian, I think I can handle
Unknown Speaker (00:13:01.000)
those a little better than others just based on my childhood.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.000)
That's why I was interested.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:06.000)
That one I was interested in to see how you did because I was reading the phonetic and
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.000)
I was like, I think Dan might be able to get this one sight unseen.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.000)
You throw in like Scandinavian words.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.000)
Not going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.000)
I'm lost.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.000)
You're not a consonant guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:21.000)
You're not a big consonant guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.000)
Especially when it's like J's and K's and Z's.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:25.000)
I don't know what to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.000)
And then with the UK, with your pronunciation and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.000)
Get the fuck out of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.000)
Spell words right.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.000)
We got a technocrat in the mix, George.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.000)
So thank you so much to Racist Tea Cup.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:36.000)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.000)
Four stars, go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.000)
Someone, someone, sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.000)
Daddy shark.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.000)
Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:46.000)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.000)
He's a loser little, little kitty baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:53.000)
I don't want to hate black people.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.000)
I renounce Jesus Christ.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:57.000)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:58.000)
Yes, thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:00.000)
So obviously this is a complicated circumstance in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:08.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:09.000)
And I don't believe that it does anything to sway my belief that Palestinian liberation
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.000)
is important and necessary.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.000)
I don't think that killing civilians is a way to go about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:23.000)
It's not complicated.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.000)
I think that Hamas is way out of line and this is atrocious.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:29.000)
And I think that Israel is also atrocious for what they're doing in response.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.000)
I don't know how else to discuss this or to make a position clear.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:40.000)
I don't know enough to speak confidently and competently about this, but those are sort
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.000)
of my, some broad feelings that I have.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:50.000)
I mean, it's hard to come up, like I come away with it thusly.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.000)
This benefits only two groups of people, the Netanyahu genociders and the Ayatollah genociders.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.000)
And the people that have nothing to do with it are the ones who are going to die.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:15.000)
Over and over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.000)
So, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:19.000)
And that is an unacceptable state of affairs.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.000)
It just really is.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:23.000)
And that is something that I think a lot of the, not necessarily a lot of the more sort
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.000)
of thoughtful analysis, but a lot of the responses that I've seen, particularly on social media,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.000)
lose track of like that, the unacceptable status quo.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:45.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:46.000)
I just, I don't have, I don't have a solution.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.000)
I don't have.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.000)
I mean.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:52.000)
I don't have any deeper insight than other people.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.000)
I saw a couple of points made wrongly and insanely, but that actually have a very important
Unknown Speaker (00:16:03.000)
kernel of truth in them.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:04.000)
And that was people being like, oh, this is 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:07.000)
Remember where we were on 9-12, that kind of thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.000)
And I think that is a really, really good way to look at this.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.000)
On 9-12, everybody in the United States was so fucking stupid and so absolutely emotionally
Unknown Speaker (00:16:21.000)
wrecked that we went for the next 20 years believing a bunch of idiots and committing
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:29.000)
It killed countless civilians unnecessarily, did not achieve any particular goal.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.000)
For no reason.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:35.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.000)
We spent trillions upon trillions of dollars that could have gone towards climate change
Unknown Speaker (00:16:40.000)
and instead went towards making it worse and killing people.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:44.000)
So, wherever you land on what is happening in the current situation, what blood you want
Unknown Speaker (00:16:52.000)
or revenge or restorative justice or nothing, whatever you want out of the moment, what
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.000)
is going to happen is there's a good chance you're going to allow these monsters to run
Unknown Speaker (00:17:03.000)
roughshod over the world for the next 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:07.000)
It's unfortunate, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:09.000)
It's a tragic situation on all fronts.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:13.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.000)
For the people.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:16.000)
Who suffer.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:17.000)
And that is the, I think, the most primary thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:23.000)
I would say this.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:24.000)
This is the primary thing to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:25.000)
It is the government of Israel and it is the government of fucking Iran that are fighting
Unknown Speaker (00:17:32.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:33.000)
And all the people are dying.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:35.000)
Well, now you're going to get into sounding a little bit like Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.000)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:41.000)
In saying that this was an attack particularly by Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:45.000)
No, I mean, as far as that goes, I don't know who orchestrated any of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.000)
This has nothing to do with plans or was there a false flag or did they know or any of that
Unknown Speaker (00:17:58.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.000)
I'm talking about purely from the outcomes.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:02.000)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:04.000)
There's no outcome that benefits, quote, the people.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.000)
There's no outcome that makes people safer.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.000)
So long as the people in charge are in charge.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.000)
That is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:16.000)
And there is not like a position that I have that's like Israel needs to stop existing.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:24.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:25.000)
That is absolutely not the position.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.000)
It just can't treat the Palestinians like the way that it has.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.000)
And Palestinians should be free, but that doesn't mean that terrorists should be out
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.519)
killing civilians.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.400)
That's not...
Unknown Speaker (00:18:40.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:41.400)
Not that that's okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:43.400)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.400)
I find myself least competent in situations like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:49.599)
And so let's get to Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.200)
Let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:52.200)
Let's jump to this as he opens the news day.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.400)
Well, the crew was gonna get a day off today, but I called them and they came in and I really
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.319)
appreciate them because I woke up at about 5 a.m. this morning and Hezbollah slash Iran
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.400)
had launched a massive attack in the south of Israel in the central areas and in the
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.440)
north with kamikaze paragliders, with kamikaze drones, with thousands over 5,000 missiles.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:23.799)
Biggest attack on Israel in decades.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:26.839)
Now there's a lot of news and a lot of coverage of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.880)
In less than 10 hours, we've seen more coverage of what's happening in Israel than what we've
Unknown Speaker (00:19:37.920)
seen in a year and a half in the exploding war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:45.559)
That is weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.559)
Seems unnecessary to bring that up, but Alex can't help but take some jabs to weave other
Unknown Speaker (00:19:52.680)
conspiracies into this because that's kind of what he does.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.160)
Also, I think he meant to say Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.359)
I was gonna say, it would make more sense for it to be Hamas than Hezbollah, but what
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.559)
you gonna do?
Unknown Speaker (00:20:03.559)
Hezbollah operates out of Lebanon to the north of Israel and they did take credit for firing
Unknown Speaker (00:20:08.400)
some rockets but they were into disputed territory and not necessarily central to the matter
Unknown Speaker (00:20:13.759)
of the day.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:14.759)
Sure, sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:15.759)
As of the time that this episode is being prepared, there are allegations that Iran
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.960)
and Hezbollah, who are, you know, Hezbollah is backed by Iran, they helped coordinate
Unknown Speaker (00:20:24.480)
this attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:26.480)
Some people have said that they haven't seen information confirming these claims and it
Unknown Speaker (00:20:30.000)
is not established.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:31.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.000)
You may wanna say that it's possible, but for Alex to lead his coverage like this is
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.279)
very inaccurate and irresponsible.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.400)
Yeah, 100%.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:39.039)
But that's what he's about.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:40.559)
That's what he does.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:41.559)
That's what he does.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:43.559)
So you were, you accurately, I think, smelled some of what this, some of the conversation
Unknown Speaker (00:20:50.039)
might be in terms of false flags.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.599)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.119)
And stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:55.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:56.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:57.119)
So here's where Alex is at.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:59.119)
Before I drill through all what's currently happening, let's get the big takeaways here.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.160)
First off, and I'm not attacking Israel here, but I'm stating a fact, there is no way that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.400)
Shin Bet and the Mossad did not know that Iran, who's running this, was gearing up for
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:17.720)
This is a massive attack with tens of thousands of malicious soldiers, over 5,000 missiles
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.759)
and growing, hundreds of men's on paragliders coming in, groups in motorcycles and bulldozers
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.880)
smashing through barbed wire and walls.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.440)
This is massive.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.380)
And of course they struck during the Sabbath on Saturday when they would have lower levels
Unknown Speaker (00:21:45.400)
of security forces.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.440)
But if you don't think that that border between Gaza Strip and Israel isn't the most militarized
Unknown Speaker (00:21:52.599)
on the planet, you're not informed.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:54.839)
So I'm not saying that isn't a real Hezbollah attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:59.000)
I'm not saying Iran isn't behind it.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:00.559)
Of course they are.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:01.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.559)
I think it's a terrible situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.559)
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:04.559)
That's the kind of control.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:05.559)
But the big takeaway here is they're calling it the biggest intelligence failure in Israeli
Unknown Speaker (00:22:10.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:11.319)
Just like 9-11, the biggest intelligence failure in U.S. history.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.200)
But they had nothing but thousands of warnings and knew the exact specifics.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.359)
And there were stand downs taken.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:21.640)
This will definitely help Benjamin Netanyahu, who was about to be ousted from power.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.559)
So you can say that this plays into Netanyahu's sort of mode of operation, but at the same
Unknown Speaker (00:22:35.839)
time you're seeing in much of the Israeli press disapproval with Netanyahu.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:43.559)
And so maybe it doesn't play into his overall thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.819)
That being said, Alex is just making up that this is a stand down.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.119)
It's like his version of what happened on 9-11, that Mossad and Chen Bet let this happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:04.400)
That's what he's angling at.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.839)
Well, I think what I've been thinking about that is that it is such an interesting question
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.500)
to me, not because did they know, blah, blah, blah.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.240)
What matters is that it did happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:17.759)
So you have two options now.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.920)
You have either they had information, you've got more than two options.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.599)
They had information and they deliberately ignored it to see, to achieve the outcome
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.359)
that they desired.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.880)
They had information but couldn't understand it or couldn't parse it in such a way that
Unknown Speaker (00:23:38.000)
made it useful.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.559)
Or they didn't have information.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:41.039)
Or a third option.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.039)
I mean, that was the third option.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.680)
Fourth option then.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:44.680)
But a lot of what I've been seeing is that there were warnings that came in that were
Unknown Speaker (00:23:52.440)
general in a sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:55.160)
And Netanyahu's government was too focused on issues in the West Bank, where there had
Unknown Speaker (00:23:59.119)
been outbreaks of violence, that a lot of the attention was there.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.599)
Additionally, a lot of attention was being put on this judicial reform that Netanyahu
Unknown Speaker (00:24:07.720)
was trying to pass.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.440)
And they underestimated what could be organized within Gaza.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:14.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:15.519)
And that is a completely plausible explanation for an intelligence failure.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:22.039)
You don't need to say they let this happen just based on it being unlikely.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:27.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.240)
Now, the thing about any of those outcomes though.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:31.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.519)
The thing about any of those answers is that they do all continue to point back to it is
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.240)
a complete waste of money.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:41.839)
And so either, it's almost like I would rather, and I kind of understand, I would almost rather
Unknown Speaker (00:24:47.519)
it be a false flag, because then at least I know that the intelligence operatives have
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.079)
a use and are competent.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:55.119)
And the way it is so far, every opportunity I've seen for the intelligence community to
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.319)
do something useful, they have fucked up so hard, but every time they've had the opportunity
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.160)
to fuck people over, they've done a great job of doing that.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.319)
So what is the money going to?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.720)
And that's kind of the situation that you wind up in.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:13.559)
And I guess the system would say that that's a function of the when things go bad, it's
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.019)
very publicized.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:20.019)
It's so funny how the system- And when things don't go bad, it doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:25:24.980)
get any press.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:25.980)
Oh, that's crazy how the system justifies itself.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:29.240)
So that would be the argument, I guess, that would come there.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:31.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:32.920)
But yeah, I think what you're putting your finger on is one of the reasons that those
Unknown Speaker (00:25:37.039)
false flag type conspiracies are very comforting to people is because they retain the image
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.799)
of absolute competence in things like the intelligence organizations that could keep
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.039)
us safe.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:51.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.039)
I mean, ultimately you have to keep coming back to, I keep coming back to, as far as
Unknown Speaker (00:25:55.079)
all of the intelligence agencies are concerned, when it comes to what they are sold to me
Unknown Speaker (00:26:01.039)
as doing, which is protecting us by gathering information and then stopping things before
Unknown Speaker (00:26:08.740)
they happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:09.819)
That sales pitch is the exact opposite from what they do, which is not any of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:15.680)
And they choose information to fuck people over with.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.119)
I mean, it's tough to argue with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:21.640)
I'm sure there's some other things, but anyway, the point is that Alex, that's his editorial
Unknown Speaker (00:26:28.779)
line that he's taking is that this was allowed to happen in order to bring in new world order
Unknown Speaker (00:26:35.039)
stuff or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:36.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:37.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.039)
And also Biden's to blame.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:39.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.039)
There's a lot of moving parts here, but let's pull back from those.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:41.039)
Those are big, but they're still penultimate, meaning not the number one issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.880)
The number one issue is Biden gave $6 billion last month of frozen assets to Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:54.839)
President Trump predicted, and I have his predictions right here, that within a few
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.160)
months Iran would attack Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:03.039)
We got footage in Tehran that's on screen where they were celebrating.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.119)
In exchange for the release of wrongly detained Americans, Biden did unfreeze $6 billion that
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.180)
belonged to Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.680)
This was money that was stuck in a South Korean bank and represented proceeds from the sale
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.599)
of Iranian oil.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:21.200)
I've seen a lot of people saying it's taxpayer money and stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.200)
It's just nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:25.200)
Yeah, whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.200)
Part of the arrangement was that Iran could only use this unfrozen asset, this amount,
Unknown Speaker (00:27:31.200)
for quote, things like food, medicine, medical equipment, and the like, according to Secretary
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.920)
of State Anthony Blinken.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.920)
And the unfreezing, the account is also wholly regulated by the US Treasury Department.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:44.440)
So funds couldn't be dispensed to support groups like Hamas or Hezbollah.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:48.200)
Now at the same time, people like Alex would say, yeah, other funds are then diverted to
Unknown Speaker (00:27:54.160)
support these groups, and then this money makes up the shortfall.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:58.759)
And then I guess the argument is just don't let anybody have any money.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:03.119)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:04.119)
I'm for disbanding any and all governments, so I suppose that's my position.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:08.480)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:10.480)
Also, Alex doesn't know what penultimate means.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:12.480)
And you could dispute the wisdom of negotiating for hostages or if unfreezing these funds
Unknown Speaker (00:28:16.000)
was the appropriate thing to do, but it's an incredible reach to make a connection between
Unknown Speaker (00:28:20.440)
this act and the recent attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:22.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.119)
I think that is appropriate, and Alex just needs a way to blame Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:28.920)
I mean, that's weak tea.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:30.319)
That's weak tea.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.319)
You're not going to get me to Biden negotiated a hostage release solely in order to give
Unknown Speaker (00:28:39.720)
Iran enough money to finance an attack on Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.000)
That's not going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:45.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.200)
You're not going to sell me on that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:47.400)
So bare minimum.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:49.559)
Bare minimum.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.559)
There's a conspiracy going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.559)
Well, obviously.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:52.720)
Bare minimum.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:53.960)
The Israeli military and Mossad knew that a big buildup was coming and they may not
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.839)
have known the exact moment, but there's no way to have tens of thousands of people that
Unknown Speaker (00:29:02.559)
participated in this.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:05.319)
Tens of thousands on the Arab side, on the Muslim side, on the Palestinian side, on the
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.960)
Iranian side, on the side of the occupied areas or unoccupied or those different zones
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.200)
with the expanding Jewish settlements going into them.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.079)
So no one can debate that Benjamin Netanyahu was given briefings in the last week that
Unknown Speaker (00:29:30.779)
an imminent attack, a massive attack was coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.359)
They've got Arab spies all over the Gaza Strip to the south and the Golan Heights to the
Unknown Speaker (00:29:43.119)
north and all the rest of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.920)
You can't swing a stick in the dark and not hit an Israeli asset, okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:29:51.640)
So the fact that the Israelis didn't know this was coming is balderdash.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:57.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:58.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:59.440)
So, I mean, Alex can say whatever he wants about the human spy potential, but from other
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.000)
things that I've been reading, you know, folks, particularly even folks within the Israeli
Unknown Speaker (00:30:11.640)
government, they've talked about how there's been an overreliance on surveillance capabilities,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.240)
particularly in the Gaza area.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.039)
Israel relied heavily on technological superiority and from comments that I've heard, Hamas just
Unknown Speaker (00:30:25.539)
used that against them by issuing things like technology when they were planning meetings
Unknown Speaker (00:30:31.720)
and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.720)
Oh, yeah, they put their phones in the goddamn fridge, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.319)
From what I can tell and things that I've read, it is not a situation where there are
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.119)
spies around every corner, and in fact, the human intelligence aspect of, you know, Israeli
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.000)
penetration into Gaza is fairly limited compared to what they've relied on in terms of drones
Unknown Speaker (00:30:53.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:54.000)
If your enemy's digital, fight analog.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:55.240)
Basically, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.240)
And so, I don't know, I think that Alex is also superimposing talking points about 9-11
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.460)
onto this.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:03.460)
Like, it's certain that Netanyahu had a brief imminent attack, that's just using the language
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.319)
of 9-11 stuff and Bush, and I don't think that Alex can back this up.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.579)
That is the thing that should give all of us the most pause.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:19.079)
Any time somebody starts throwing 9-11 rhetoric around, everyone should stop, be like, somebody's
Unknown Speaker (00:31:25.200)
fucking up here, we need to slow it down, cool it down, nobody can talk like this ever
Unknown Speaker (00:31:31.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.000)
Or, at the very least, if you're using 9-11 rhetoric and such, let's make sure that your
Unknown Speaker (00:31:37.339)
thoughts aren't drifting into the solutions that were used after 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:42.319)
At least show some indication that you learned some lessons from the post-9-11 period.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:49.839)
Which I despair of ever seeing.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:52.640)
So Alex has a prediction of what's gonna happen, and, I mean, obviously in the days since we've
Unknown Speaker (00:31:59.799)
seen, you know, turning off the electricity in Gaza and atrocities against civilians,
Unknown Speaker (00:32:08.480)
and that's all very horrible, and Alex's version of it is a little bit less grounded.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:15.480)
Now let's talk big picture.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.359)
The minute I woke up this morning and saw this, I thought, wow, Iran is trying to draw
Unknown Speaker (00:32:21.319)
Israel into a full war.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:22.720)
They think they're ready.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.640)
And sure enough, later, the mullahs were like, we want a full war with Israel, we're ready.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:29.759)
Why are they ready?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:31.400)
I was told by high-level individuals over a decade ago that Iran already has atomic
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:41.039)
And that's one reason Israel and the U.S. haven't moved against them.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:43.440)
It's all, we gotta stop them from getting a bomb.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:45.759)
You know, technically, fact-checkers say, Jones is wrong, Iran doesn't have a bomb.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.720)
I saw a guy on Joe Rogan last month attacking me, saying, Jones says a lot of stuff is true,
Unknown Speaker (00:32:54.640)
but I heard him say a decade ago that Iran has atomic bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.839)
Well, buddy, you don't know people flying around in the airplanes and that have access
Unknown Speaker (00:33:01.640)
to the satellites like I do, who told me they have the signature scanners, particle scanners
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.720)
that tell them that they've got atomic bombs.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:10.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:11.400)
And so we'll just see who's right in the end.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:13.279)
But the point is, to all the fools that don't think Iran has nuclear weapons, no one knew
Unknown Speaker (00:33:18.319)
India had them for a long time.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:19.720)
No one knew Pakistan had them for a long time, decades ago, and it turned out they'd had
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.480)
them for decades.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:24.039)
And you don't think it's only Americans in the 1940s that can make an atomic bomb.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:28.480)
They got smart people.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:29.480)
Were there aliens?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.480)
The Persians are smart.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:31.480)
The Indians are smart.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:32.559)
The Chinese are smart.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:33.740)
The Pakistanis are smart.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.599)
They got some of the best mathematicians, OK?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.880)
So we kind of get arrogant here in the West and think brown people can't come up with
Unknown Speaker (00:33:41.839)
weapons and that's horse crap, OK?
Unknown Speaker (00:33:44.880)
That's not an arrogance of the West.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.440)
That's a thought of racists that I think Alex is explaining that us racists sometimes minimize
Unknown Speaker (00:33:53.039)
what we think brown people are capable of doing intellectually and we should maybe not
Unknown Speaker (00:33:57.680)
think that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.000)
Let's hold on to our racism but realize that that's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:04.839)
That is, I mean, you know, if you get to this place where you say our greatest weakness
Unknown Speaker (00:34:13.400)
as racists is the inevitability of underestimating our theoretical quote enemy, right, by the
Unknown Speaker (00:34:23.840)
very nature of what we believe.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:25.519)
Yes, our beliefs are inaccurate when it comes to the people we are looking down upon.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:31.679)
You should at the very least be able to go, hmm, maybe, and then from there.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.739)
It certainly calls into question first assumptions.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:41.880)
You think, yep, you think.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.519)
So Iran apparently has nukes, which is contestable, certainly.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.119)
And Alex says there's a certainty that everybody has nukes.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:56.280)
Here's the bigger takeaway.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.960)
We are officially told that Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:04.519)
They've had nuclear weapons since 1964 at least.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:08.599)
They've got thousands of them and they've got submarines and they've got fighter bombers
Unknown Speaker (00:35:15.960)
and they've got cruise missiles and they've got thousands of nuclear warheads.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.119)
Israel is arguably the fifth largest nuclear power in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:26.320)
So let's just get that straight too.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:29.079)
And we can have somebody go on Joe Rogan and say Alex Jones doesn't know what he's talking
Unknown Speaker (00:35:32.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:33.360)
Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.519)
Yes, they do.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:35.880)
Let me tell you something else, Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:41.079)
They've had them for at least 30 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.800)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.800)
So many people believe that Israel does possess nuclear weapons, although the specifics around
Unknown Speaker (00:35:48.000)
the matter and their program aren't known.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:49.960)
So Alex is in fairly safe territory asserting a belief that Israel has nukes.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:54.239)
I don't think people would really be like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:57.280)
Like the official position that a lot of folks, especially higher ups have is that like it's
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.940)
pretty likely, but Israel doesn't, they won't confirm or deny the existence of nukes in
Unknown Speaker (00:36:10.880)
their arsenal.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.880)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.880)
But Saudi Arabia is another matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:15.199)
That's a very hotly contested claim that Alex is making.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:18.480)
They do not have nukes by all estimates that I've been able to find.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.639)
I mean, what I find interesting about it is that the more I think about it, the more it
Unknown Speaker (00:36:31.199)
is a complete waste of time and money just to even have nukes or talk about them.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.179)
Because the only outcome is either everyone dies quickly or everyone dies slowly.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.400)
Using any of them is pointless, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:36:47.599)
So it's like, fine, you can have them, that's great, but it doesn't make any sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:51.599)
It's only useful, I guess, if you want to be a completely rogue nation and not get attacked.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:57.159)
Yeah, that's about as good as it gets for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.360)
That seems to be what it's used for now, is like once you get to that point, people can't
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.760)
fuck with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:04.760)
Yeah, and I mean, there is a part of me that says the only thing that's smart to do with
Unknown Speaker (00:37:09.079)
nuclear weapons is to give every single nation one nuclear weapon as a memorial to how fucking
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.920)
stupid we all are.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.920)
I would say that's a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:16.920)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:17.920)
I mean, it is a bad idea, but it's a bad idea for anybody to have them.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:20.960)
And it's a worse idea for the United States and Russia to have them just because we're
Unknown Speaker (00:37:24.840)
the only people who've almost already destroyed the entire globe multiple times.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.280)
Shown to be slightly irresponsible with them.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:32.639)
Yeah, I'm not worried about people killing everybody on purpose, I'm worried about idiots
Unknown Speaker (00:37:36.960)
killing people on accident.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:37.960)
You know what I was surprised by?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.800)
I was looking over the countries that have nukes.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:43.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.000)
France is on that list.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.000)
Yeah, of course France has nukes.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:46.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:47.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:48.440)
Everybody that fought World War II got nukes afterwards.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:52.840)
Not everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:53.840)
No, that's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:54.840)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:55.840)
Not everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.840)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:57.840)
So I think the point here, well, one side point is that Alex is really upset about somebody
Unknown Speaker (00:38:01.639)
talking shit about him on Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.119)
Yeah, that is really specific.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:04.840)
Seems to be bringing that up a bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.920)
But the other point is that Alex is wanting to really exacerbate tensions in the audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:11.920)
If they were feeling worried about what they saw in the news, this is tailor made to make
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.679)
them even more worried.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:17.440)
Now apparently about how every country has nukes and they're about to fly, this is kind
Unknown Speaker (00:38:22.440)
of an irresponsible escalation of tensions and fear, and that's kind of what Alex does.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.559)
That's how he makes money.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:29.559)
Yeah, it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:30.559)
I keep going back to there's no point in planning for nuclear war, we're all dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:36.199)
There's no big deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.199)
In fact, I almost prefer it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:40.320)
I think that's not necessarily true.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.800)
We're not all dead immediately.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:45.480)
Right away.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:46.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.480)
I mean, but everybody wastes away is you might as well be dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.039)
You could find ways to thrive while you're wasting away.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:55.320)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:57.239)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.519)
I agree with you slightly.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.239)
Here's where I would agree with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:05.519)
Preparing for that happening, like a nuclear war launching off, is kind of tough and maybe
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.519)
not worth your time because if we get to that point, everything you could have prepared
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.400)
for is now unpredictable.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.440)
And I don't know how much you can prepare.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.320)
Three bottles of wine and a bottle of sleeping pills is what you prepare for a nuclear war.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:29.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:30.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.760)
You're in a dark mood.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:32.760)
You smile like the Joker.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:34.400)
No, I'm just saying that it's such a silly thing to be afraid or prepare for.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:40.199)
It's all over at that point.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:41.840)
It's like the rapture.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:42.840)
I'm not going to prepare for the rapture because we all know it's post-trib, first off.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:47.800)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.800)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:49.800)
Wait, no, Alex likes that.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.320)
This is right.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:53.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:54.320)
He likes that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:55.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.320)
So Alex talks some more about the day's attack and I think he catches himself a little.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.519)
Over 5,000 missiles and counting, that number's a couple of hours old.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.880)
They say more are raining down right now and some of them are larger than the past ones.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.639)
It's killed a whole bunch of people, cars, buildings, you name it, are on fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:15.239)
But that was the artillery distraction for the overrunning of much of Southern Israel
Unknown Speaker (00:40:22.539)
by forces of the militia of Iran known as Hezbollah, Hamas, I know there's two different
Unknown Speaker (00:40:35.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.400)
I feel like you're telling yourself that.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:38.639)
Hezbollah and Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.239)
The point is, is that this is all very, very, very upsetting and disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:50.079)
And guys, pull up the definition of Hezbollah for me printed up and the definition of Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:55.760)
One's the Sunnis, one's the Shiites.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:58.480)
And sometimes I flip names around and things like that, but Hezbollah works for Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.639)
Hamas is the Sunni backed one.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.039)
And that's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:12.039)
And I'm sticking to that, even though people are popping in my ear telling me the opposite.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.199)
What is happening?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.199)
I would say based on this, I wouldn't trust Alex to be the person I'm taking emergency
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.760)
breaking news from.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.440)
And I include myself in that category too.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.079)
I don't have some kind of an assessment and a way to break this news down in a way that's
Unknown Speaker (00:41:41.119)
more valuable to you than some other source that has a lot more information, a lot more
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.880)
experience in that area of the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.079)
Hands on nature with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:52.400)
Yeah, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:53.400)
I think I would be a bad person to get breaking news from.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.519)
And Alex is also very bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:59.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:00.159)
I mean, I think it is this show.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:02.920)
This is focused on a thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.719)
This is where you get news about the thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:07.519)
You know, it's the best place to get news about the thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.559)
I can talk about Alex quite a bit.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:13.559)
Other stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.559)
There are other people who do that thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.480)
Go to them and they've got a thing for that thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.679)
And I will say that Alex is not the person to go to for that thing in any situation,
Unknown Speaker (00:42:24.559)
especially when he's muttering to himself weirdly about wanting somebody to pull up
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.360)
the definition of Hamas and Hezbollah.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:31.280)
I know the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah is not what I want to hear from somebody explaining
Unknown Speaker (00:42:36.679)
to me the difference, despite people telling me differently in my ear, despite God himself
Unknown Speaker (00:42:43.840)
speaking into my ear right now saying I am wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.320)
I insist that I am correct.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.179)
So now Alex is incorrect some more.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:51.840)
And Iran is celebrating it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.119)
And Iran is basically taking credit for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:56.920)
And so regardless of what you think of Iran, whether you like him, hate him or indifferent,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:05.320)
I'm new to what I want to stop World War Three.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.559)
And we have Iran helping Russia with drones and all the rest of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.000)
So you can see how this war is expanding with this coalition of Russia, Iran, China and
Unknown Speaker (00:43:21.559)
now North Korea.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.559)
And then financially, you've got Brazil and India and the BRICS nations teamed up with
Unknown Speaker (00:43:29.119)
China and Russia.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.239)
And so the U.S. policies.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.000)
The U.S. policies that are taking place here.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.679)
Of giving six billion dollars to Iran last month is definitely part of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.639)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.880)
So Iran didn't take responsibility for the attack.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.440)
That would be absurd for them to do that, period.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:57.159)
That would be essentially starting a Middle East war.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:02.000)
I mean, I guess Alex said they basically took responsibility, which is a pretty heavy word.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:09.960)
Or it's a word that's carrying a lot of weight.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:13.239)
Also Alex in that clip is accidentally bringing up something that he would have a hard time
Unknown Speaker (00:44:17.199)
rationalizing to his audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.119)
I thought Russia and Putin were waging the good fight against the new world order.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.920)
But here they're aligned with and helping Iran, the country that's so horrible by Alex's
Unknown Speaker (00:44:26.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.840)
How does that square up?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.960)
Like they're working with China and Iran, like all of these villain countries for Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:33.840)
Yeah, but I mean, we're also working with Iran after the six billion dollars in aid
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.199)
Like what does any of this mean?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.039)
Well, sure, but there is a difference between trying to get relations on a more solid footing
Unknown Speaker (00:44:52.159)
as a way to possibly get more progress in the future towards shared interests.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.639)
There's a difference between that and the very real military alliance between Russia
Unknown Speaker (00:45:03.519)
and Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:04.519)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:05.519)
A little different.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:06.519)
Slightly different.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.599)
And Alex just mutters these country names and doesn't...
Unknown Speaker (00:45:11.000)
Yada, yada, yada.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.400)
Shouldn't his audience have real concerns about this?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.800)
They should have real concerns about a lot more shit than they do.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:17.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:18.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:19.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.480)
So Alex is wrong some more.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:21.480)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.480)
But you notice what I'm saying is, is the Israelis are saying Iran is behind this, not
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.159)
even so much Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:27.880)
And yes, obviously Hamas is a big part of the whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:30.960)
What I'm saying is when it comes to attacking Israel, the Shiites and the Sunnis end up
Unknown Speaker (00:45:37.000)
joining forces.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.920)
So yes, technically you can say both ways.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:41.960)
Oh, for God's sakes.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:44.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.199)
Even when I'm wrong, I'm right.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:46.519)
Is the Islamic resistance movement, Palestine, Sunni Islamic fundamentalists, militant and
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.840)
nationalist organization as a social service wing, Dawa, and is a military wing.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:59.599)
Then you've got Hezbollah.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.679)
We got the wikis up.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:03.679)
Which is Lebanese, Shia, Islamist political party and militant group.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:08.440)
And again, that's backed by Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.059)
You probably weren't joking, but he is just reading the Wikipedia pages.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:13.320)
I wasn't joking.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:15.320)
He 100% was reading the Wikipedia pages.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:16.760)
He was.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:17.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:18.760)
And also from the things that I've been able to find, the Israeli government is also not
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.480)
blaming Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:23.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:24.480)
Like they are also on the same page as the United States with the, we have not seen information
Unknown Speaker (00:46:28.880)
that confirms this.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:30.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:31.079)
Well, I mean...
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.079)
But Alex is saying that they're saying it was, like it's, he's just off.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:35.960)
It would be a bad idea if, if, if I was running things, I wouldn't be like, Hey, now's the
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.440)
time to do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.480)
If I were a rant, I'd be, I'd wait like six months at least.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.679)
Well, here's the reality of the situation in terms of this blame stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.679)
Alex is just like Trump blamed Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:56.360)
So that's what Alex is doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:57.599)
Oh, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.599)
Here's Jack Passobic tweeting one month ago, Trump predicted the 6 billion that Biden gave
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.599)
Iran would be used for terror attacks across the Middle East and specifically kidnapping.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.719)
This is exactly what we're seeing in Israel this morning.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:12.440)
And here's Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.440)
Can you believe the crooked Joe Biden is giving 6 billion for the terrorist regime in Iran?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.159)
That money would be used for terrorism all the Middle East and indeed the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.000)
This incompetent fool is absolutely destroying America.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.119)
He had the capacity, I mean the audacity to announce this terrible deal today, September
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.840)
11th to pay for hostages will lead to kidnapping, ransom and blackmail against Americans across
Unknown Speaker (00:47:35.840)
the globe.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.840)
I freed many dozens of people from various unfriendly countries and never paid a dime.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:44.119)
And we've got new statements by Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:46.800)
They're up on info wars dot com where he is blaming Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:52.280)
And I think that's the main culprit with the actual funding, though they're working with
Unknown Speaker (00:47:56.119)
the Shiites.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:57.920)
We'll pull this up.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.920)
It's on info wars dot com.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:00.559)
Perhaps you guys can grant me the story.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.400)
But here it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:05.039)
Trump blast Biden for Hamas attack on Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.960)
American taxpayer funded dollars helped these attacks.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.760)
The taxpayer funded dollars is not correct.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:13.199)
And the like the issue that you run into with this and one of the things that I find particularly
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.840)
offensive about it is that I mean, the issue of what's happening in Gaza is a very serious
Unknown Speaker (00:48:26.480)
issue that requires people paying attention, people caring.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.239)
And Alex is turning this into a petty political thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.000)
This is Trump trying to score points on Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:42.179)
And Alex, a lot of his coverage is in service of furthering that goal for Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.400)
And I find that to be pretty offensive and distasteful.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:51.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:52.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:53.920)
I mean, 100 percent.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.079)
I also find it like.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:59.840)
Why is it totally accepted reasoning for so many people to think, like entrusting violent
Unknown Speaker (00:49:09.239)
children in the hands of a psychopath is the best way to keep us all safe?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:13.880)
You know, Trump, I mean, I mean, it is like, how is it possible that people believe that
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.039)
Trump being in control of a military is going to keep you more safe?
Unknown Speaker (00:49:26.159)
Well, the only the only way that you could even make that argument, and I think that
Unknown Speaker (00:49:32.119)
some people tried to do this with the last time.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:35.239)
Was that the crazy man theory.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:37.360)
You never know what he's going to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:38.360)
So you don't want to do anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:39.360)
So chaotic.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:41.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:43.360)
I think that that's bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:44.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:45.360)
That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:46.360)
That's the only way that you could even make a coherent argument that it's a better set
Unknown Speaker (00:49:47.699)
of affairs.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:48.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:49.699)
But yeah, I just I don't know, I don't like the minimization of other people's real life,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:56.199)
their real oppression, their real death, both Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:03.719)
Like I don't think that it's right to take that and use it to power your fuck you, Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:11.480)
Why did you do this deal?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:13.079)
Your deal is what's really behind this.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:15.119)
It's it's it's degrading.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:17.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:18.480)
And it is turning.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:20.280)
It's it's.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:22.000)
There is a story, there's a narrative with characters and everything else, everyone who's
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.519)
not a character in that narrative is disposable and useless and pointless and is just there
Unknown Speaker (00:50:32.920)
as set decoration.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.639)
You know, like until it's time to do something else and then they revert back and yeah, the
Unknown Speaker (00:50:39.400)
agency of a human being is stolen in service of a narrative ironic for people who are so
Unknown Speaker (00:50:44.960)
into individualism and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:47.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:48.760)
So Alex reads a little bit about this six billion dollars that was unfrozen and I think
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.559)
he accidentally reads the part where there are restrictions and, you know, what are you
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.000)
going to do?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:59.000)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:00.000)
Former President Trump said today he blamed Joe Biden for the Palestinian terror group
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.199)
Samas, the president of Israel, citing his administration's unfreezing of billions of
Unknown Speaker (00:51:07.480)
funds to Iran last month.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.400)
He's a mass attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:14.639)
A quote on Truth Social, sadly, American taxpayer dollars help fund these attacks with many
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.679)
reports are saying came from the Biden administration.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.760)
We brought so much peace in the Middle East throughout.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.599)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:27.599)
Only to see Biden whittled away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:33.800)
Here we go again.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:35.880)
On September 8th, Secretary Blinken undertook the procedural step of ongoing process to
Unknown Speaker (00:51:41.019)
ensure Iranian funds can move from the restricted account to another and remain restricted to
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.800)
humiliate to humanitarian aid.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.559)
National Security Council spokesman Andrea Watson said in a statement, as we have said
Unknown Speaker (00:51:56.360)
from the outset, what is being pursued here is an arrangement where we secure the release
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.320)
of five wrongfully held Americans.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.480)
This remains a sensitive ongoing process.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:07.039)
So again, Trump is saying that the money came from Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:11.159)
Obviously he's got a lot of good sources.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:12.519)
So I just instinctively know that Iran is normally the one that's able to launch or
Unknown Speaker (00:52:17.039)
fund attacks of this size.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:19.480)
And Hamas has not been able to.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.760)
But Hamas is taking the main credit.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.079)
That way, then just the Gaza Strip gets bombed and there's not a larger war with Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:29.480)
But I think Israel is going to blame Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:33.320)
And I think Israel is going to at least bomb Iran and maybe go to full war with Iran.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.639)
Interesting prediction.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.639)
That's a bad prediction.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.639)
Well, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.639)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.760)
I don't necessarily mean it's right or wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:47.760)
I mean, that is a bad thing to occur.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:50.039)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:51.039)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:52.039)
And I think, you know, as we're recording this, it feels unlikely.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:57.320)
Let's hope.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:58.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:59.320)
So yeah, I think that Alex is just off.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.039)
He's off about so many things.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:05.440)
And I think that there is an acceptability of suggesting that you believe that Iranian
Unknown Speaker (00:53:13.760)
funding may have contributed or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:16.920)
You know, you can have a suspicion.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.280)
But the way that Alex is talking about such certainty, it's not a healthy way to engage
Unknown Speaker (00:53:26.159)
with current events, I don't think.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.039)
But there's no way for you to build a conspiracy out of an apartheid state will inevitably
Unknown Speaker (00:53:36.000)
create a terrorist organization that tries to take down the apartheid state, only reinforcing
Unknown Speaker (00:53:42.599)
the power of the apartheid state.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:44.639)
Like that is simply how it goes.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:46.840)
You know, that's the cycle of the apartheid state.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.000)
That's not a conspiracy.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.000)
That's just that's not like Netanyahu knew this was coming so much as it is by virtue
Unknown Speaker (00:53:55.480)
of creating a government that does this, you create this thing, also a force of opposition
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.320)
to that government.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.880)
And that's just how it works.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.239)
You know, it's just how it's always gone.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.059)
We create the terrorists that just tried to destroy us.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:10.519)
Well, sure, I think you could you can you can point to that cycle.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.780)
But Alex doesn't think it was Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:18.519)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.519)
He thinks it was Hezbollah.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.519)
Yeah, that sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:22.519)
So again, this is tomorrow's news today.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.280)
We'll see if I'm right.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:26.199)
mainstream media is telling us it's basically all Hamas.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.480)
I'm saying it's it's mainly Hezbollah.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.980)
But we will see.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.760)
I mean, is it Hamas helping the Russians just saying, I'm just saying it says they don't
Unknown Speaker (00:54:39.039)
have the capacity.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.500)
And that's what I wanted to get to next.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.920)
What I know for a fact is incontrovertible.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:47.440)
Iran has smuggled in and infiltrated this country.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.059)
They report thousands of months coming across the Texas border, military age men from Iran
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.199)
and from other Shiite countries.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.500)
And they are very serious fighters and they are willing to die in suicide missions.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:05.320)
And if we ever do go to full bore war with Iran, they're going to activate those groups
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.280)
to do very similar things.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:11.719)
What you just saw done to Israel.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:13.639)
And that's going to be terrible for those that get killed or the power grid that gets
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:17.800)
You know, Iran's been looking at that.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.800)
But what I'm really worried about is how our liberties and freedoms will be taken, because
Unknown Speaker (00:55:23.000)
there's a, quote, Muslim threat on 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.440)
So we then lose all our rights on the Patriot Act, whose main mission is Trump supporters
Unknown Speaker (00:55:29.940)
and the American people today.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:31.260)
That's official now.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.260)
So this is the this is the real thing that Alex is is on.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:37.079)
It was less than a week ago that we were doing an episode about Alex insisting that Biden
Unknown Speaker (00:55:40.760)
was letting in military aged men at the southern border because they were trying to purge the
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.420)
military and create an all immigrant policing force.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.000)
Now apparently the military aged men threat you need to be scared about is the Hezbollah
Unknown Speaker (00:55:51.820)
fighters who have come in and are comprising sleeper cells in the United States.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.920)
When they activate, they'll be used to take away the freedom of American people and demonize
Unknown Speaker (00:56:00.280)
Trump supporters.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:01.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.280)
If you listen to Alex's show, you should realize the way these touch points are constantly
Unknown Speaker (00:56:05.659)
recontextualized to make you fear different things, depending on what Alex needs to get
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.139)
through the day's news.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:11.739)
He wants you scared of military aged men coming over the border, but that fear can be exploited
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.599)
for so many different narratives.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.880)
It's not important that what he's saying be true or that it even makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.280)
All that matters is that it's effective in scaring the audience.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:25.599)
Think about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.599)
The way that you take the military aged men coming over the border and use it two wholly
Unknown Speaker (00:56:31.920)
different ways within the span of like a week and a half.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:35.880)
And then look at the other detail, the attack on the power grid.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:39.840)
Alex has constantly said that the globalists are going to do that to blame Russia.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.179)
But now apparently Iran has already been playing and looking at it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.960)
We know that's been proven, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:50.059)
They've been looking at it, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:51.440)
You take these, these concrete things that you've built up anxiety and fear around and
Unknown Speaker (00:56:57.760)
then apply them to whatever you need in order for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:01.880)
And then you pretend that you didn't do it around this in the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.539)
And it can't be understated that this is red scare.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.139)
You know, this is like, Hey, the reds have put in sleeper cells here.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:13.380)
They could be anywhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:14.380)
I mean, it does seem weird that we're only attacking civil rights and Jewish people.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:20.539)
And this has been done constantly with the sleeper cell fears and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.480)
We've seen this over the course of the time that we've been doing the podcast, we've seen
Unknown Speaker (00:57:31.320)
repeated instances of this trying to drum up fears, whether it be you know, people coming
Unknown Speaker (00:57:37.480)
in over the border, that's been used a number of times.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:40.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:41.079)
Antifa, that's been used a number of times.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:43.079)
Black lives matter for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:45.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:46.480)
Um, this, this has constantly been something that has been used to evoke fear of the unknown
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.440)
fear of the, the people who are unlike you and, and, and such, and it's, um, it's what
Unknown Speaker (00:57:59.960)
this was bound to get to in terms of this coverage, this is where it was meant to go
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.480)
because unfortunately I don't think Alex's audience cares much about the plight of the
Unknown Speaker (00:58:11.639)
Palestinian people.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.639)
Yeah, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.639)
I don't think that what's going on in Israel and Gaza is really that resonant to a lot
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.239)
of Alex's audience from an emotional standpoint.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:22.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:23.880)
You can have fear of geopolitics in an abstract sense, but bringing it home to where they
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.219)
need to now be scared of Hezbollah fighters, uh, when they're trying to go to the grocery
Unknown Speaker (00:58:34.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:36.840)
That is what is impactful in terms of keeping the audience in that fear state.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:40.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:41.599)
And in this case, with this type of conflict in the, in the, and I mean, it's hard for,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:49.599)
it's hard for people to understand this if they're not in it.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.559)
But you take a conflict like Russia and Ukraine and you can make a good guy and a bad guy
Unknown Speaker (00:58:57.360)
out of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:58.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:59.360)
But any conflict in Israel for the, for the religious right is end time shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:04.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:05.559)
So you can't make a good or bad guy out of there.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:07.760)
You either have to say this is the end times or it's not the end times.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:11.480)
And you've got to roll with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.920)
You're right.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:13.920)
And if you're talking about it through the prism of that, that end time stuff, there
Unknown Speaker (00:59:17.679)
is an inevitability.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.679)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:19.679)
To do stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.679)
And that's, that's when we get from you can be afraid of shit to now we know what the
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.679)
steps are going to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.519)
You can't frighten me with what might happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:28.920)
I got the fucking book of revelations open.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:31.179)
You said end times, buddy.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:32.940)
Here we are.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:33.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:34.940)
So yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:35.940)
So one thing I want to drive into like real sharp focus for you is that at the beginning
Unknown Speaker (00:59:40.960)
of this show, Alex said he woke up at five in the morning and there was this, this news.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:47.239)
And so he called in the staff, they were going to have the day off.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:50.639)
So he called them in to do this emergency report.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:53.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.039)
This is going to be important as we move forward.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:55.480)
Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.480)
Just keep that in mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:57.480)
Oh God.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:58.480)
Cause here's the first clip where things felt a little weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.880)
I didn't know what was going on here.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:02.559)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:03.559)
And I don't care whether it's the Israeli leadership or the German leadership or the
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.280)
UK leadership or the Canadian leadership or the U S leadership or any of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:10.559)
At the top, they're eugenicists, globalist, transhumanists that think we're all a bunch
Unknown Speaker (01:00:14.400)
of animals.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.400)
You've all know Harari's Jewish.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:17.880)
He's the main spokesman for the world economic forum.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:20.280)
We're talking about him in a moment with an expert and his quotes go read him as the human
Unknown Speaker (01:00:25.059)
error is over.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:27.239)
Humans will be extinct soon.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:28.760)
Uh, AI will be God and rule you.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:31.760)
Well, Hitler just said that the future's not these groups.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:36.960)
That was bad enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:38.119)
This guy's up there saying the future's not human.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:41.260)
Hitler just say the end of the human era is here and that word will be extinct by 2050.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:46.280)
Well, that sounds as bad a Hitler as it gets, but he's a chicken neck gay Jewish guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:51.599)
So it's like, well, he's a chicken neck, you know, Jewish guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:55.559)
So he's nonthreatening, you know, like, like, like, uh, Tim Cook runs giant slave camps,
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.579)
the worst in China using Uyghur slaves, but he's gay and he wears a turtleneck and has
Unknown Speaker (01:01:05.360)
a little neck.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:06.360)
It's like, well, he's nonthreatening and talks with a list.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.639)
Oh, Sergey Brin and, and, and, and all these guys, Larry Page, they're like nerds.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.920)
So they're nonthreatening.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.199)
They know that folks and they're, you want to compare them to Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.599)
They say the future's not human.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:25.880)
Hitler just said the future's Aryan and he's going to take over and kill everybody else.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:30.079)
And that's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:32.119)
But you see all the other racial groups act.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:34.639)
Every other group has their supremacist.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.320)
Every other group organizes says we're the best.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:38.480)
We're the Kings.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:39.480)
We're the chosen people.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:40.880)
Everybody does that except Christians that unify everybody under Christ and the big tent.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:49.559)
That's one big reason to be a Christian.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:51.119)
What is happening?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.119)
I mean, this is nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:55.360)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.360)
I don't even know why this happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:59.900)
This like, why did this branching path happen?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:03.199)
It seems very bizarre to jump into a rant about Yuval Noah Harari doesn't seem relevant.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:08.400)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:09.400)
He's like, first of all, not the main spokesperson for the world economic forum.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.440)
Why not?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.440)
He's just spoken there a few times.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:15.519)
That's fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:18.519)
Main spokesman been there.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:19.519)
Same difference.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.519)
So I was trying to think of like, what is the issue here?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:23.039)
Like, and I mean, obviously Harari is a Jewish person, but also he's an Israeli citizen.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.639)
He lives in Tel Aviv, but he's not part of the government and he doesn't have any real
Unknown Speaker (01:02:32.280)
attachment to power, a real connection to power.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:35.760)
So this is ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:37.599)
We're in the middle of this emergency special report about presumably about the attack on
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.480)
And Alex has decided to take time to interview an expert about Yuval Noah Harari.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:51.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.920)
What is the sense of this?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:54.800)
Well, because there's news about Israel.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:59.559)
So people have got it, we got to talk about, uh, at the very least Jewishness.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:05.800)
Well, see, that's what I was worried about.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.760)
Kind of going to veer into like deeply antisemitic territory.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.320)
It's different, but it's dead.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.960)
I think what's more important here is that Alex is on some anti-gay shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:21.440)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.440)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:23.440)
Is that how it goes forward?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.440)
Cause that's where I feel like this is going because he did seem to be particularly really
Unknown Speaker (01:03:29.079)
fucking weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:30.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.079)
He hit that pretty hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:33.079)
And then he got rid of it and then it hit it again.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.679)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:36.679)
Well, here's wild.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:37.679)
Here's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.679)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.679)
No, it's not about any of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.679)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:41.679)
But it is a foreshadowing of why this is the most frustrating fucking episode I've listened
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.199)
to in a very long time.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:47.599)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.599)
Um, but before we figure out why, uh, Alex has a position that he evokes about the conflict
Unknown Speaker (01:03:57.920)
and it on the surface appears to have some decent points in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:05.039)
Trump is blaming Iran.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.760)
Israel's blaming Iran.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.079)
Hamas is the main group that runs the government in the Gaza strip.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:13.400)
There's millions of people there in the Gaza strip.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:15.440)
Uh, it is a hell hole.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:17.679)
Uh, they routinely get bombed by the Israelis.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:20.219)
They bomb the Israelis back to 75 year war.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.139)
It's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:24.440)
It needs to be fixed.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:25.800)
Uh, but this is definitely not going to fix it and taking hostages and targeting civilians
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.719)
is not good, but let's just be honest and I'm not endorsing what they did.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:34.639)
I'm not endorsing the Israelis dropping thousand and 2000 pound bombs on apartment buildings
Unknown Speaker (01:04:39.719)
and killing women and children in mass.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:43.039)
So if you want to call Hamas or Hezbollah terrorist, and I think targeting civilians
Unknown Speaker (01:04:47.519)
is terrible, well then what, what, what is Israel doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.880)
What is Obama doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:53.880)
He's going to blow up a whole Arab Muslim wedding and kill a hundred something people
Unknown Speaker (01:04:57.800)
and say, well, we killed the one guy we wanted.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.559)
So it's collateral damage.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:01.559)
So before we criticize Hamas or Hezbollah, we have to criticize our own government.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:07.920)
We have to criticize the Israeli government and I get war.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.920)
Look, my dad's dad flew over, you know, Italian cities.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:15.800)
That was mainly in his missions out of North Africa bombing what they thought were German
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.360)
targets, but they killed a lot of Italians folks.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.960)
Let's get that straight.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.360)
So I mean, I'm not here judging anybody in these wars.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:27.320)
These are wars, a terrible thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.000)
So he did some things into Germany too, but only a few missions.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.199)
So my grandfather flew around dropping bombs on German cities, okay, and on Italian cities,
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.519)
mainly on the West coast when the U S invasion went in there, his air cover and my other
Unknown Speaker (01:05:43.360)
grandfather didn't do many missions till his plane broke and he crash landed and almost
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.639)
got killed.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.639)
He was lucky.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.639)
They only did a few missions, but the point is, is, is that he was a fighter pilot going
Unknown Speaker (01:05:52.639)
into, but, but the point is, is that, is that that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.719)
So I don't judge Jerry Jones, my grandfather under orders, dropping 500 pound bombs on
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.159)
German houses.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:05.159)
But I'm just saying, don't call Hezbollah and them running into people's houses and
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.480)
shooting men, women and children terrorists, unless you're going to call what everybody
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.460)
else is doing.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:15.460)
And I'm not defending any of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.460)
I think it's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.460)
The Russians are shelling and the, and the, and the, and the Ukrainians are shelling and
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.239)
they're just indiscriminately.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:22.239)
But that's what war is.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:23.920)
And that's why Sean Penn and the left and all of them are wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:26.719)
We want to end war.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.280)
We want to stop war.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:29.880)
We want this to not go on anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.059)
This is not good.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.480)
And it's getting out of control and it dehumanizes us.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:37.039)
So that's shocking kind of to hear on this show, I think from Alex, uh, cause he's saying
Unknown Speaker (01:06:42.940)
stuff that has a kernel of a good perspective in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:45.400)
I suppose there, there is, there is an element he's saying that if you're going to cast dispersions
Unknown Speaker (01:06:51.380)
at groups like Hamas, you have to also realize the reality of what the conditions that Palestinians
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.719)
are living under due to the Israeli government.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:59.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.880)
That is a position you would not expect to hear from Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:03.599)
I wasn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:04.599)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.599)
The thing that you have to understand is that this is all talk and you can tell by the way
Unknown Speaker (01:07:09.880)
he tries to connect things to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.599)
Alex will say many decent sounding things about opposing war and how both sides in a
Unknown Speaker (01:07:17.860)
conflict will act in ways that are bad for the average civilian.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.360)
And you can agree with that, but if you pay attention, he has a habit of siding with the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:26.059)
group that did the invading or the side that has a disproportionate amount of power.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:31.099)
He speaks seemingly sensibly about wanting to see an end to war, but the conditions that
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.400)
are required for that war to end in his estimation, usually involve a capitulation of one side.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:41.119)
The Ukraine war needs to end.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.179)
And the way that it ends is they stop fighting back against Putin's invasion.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.519)
End and become subservient to the power that Alex supports or you're needlessly sustaining
Unknown Speaker (01:07:52.719)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:53.719)
This case isn't too much different.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:55.559)
There's good lip service in some places like throughout that clip, but Alex doesn't actually
Unknown Speaker (01:08:00.500)
believe that the Israeli government's oppression of the Palestinian people is as morally condemnable
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.539)
as a Hamas attack.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.619)
That's absurd if you know anything about Alex's position and the way he's carried himself.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:12.679)
But you hear that and it's like, hmm, what's going on here?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.319)
I mean, it is, it is again so much like whatever he says means nothing, especially about war
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.739)
because they're acting as the war exists as, as like contextless, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:28.659)
You know, like the society that Alex seeks to create designs itself for war.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:36.619)
An unequal society dominated by one group is going to lead to a war whenever the other
Unknown Speaker (01:08:43.479)
group goes, I can't do this shit anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:47.500)
We have our, us killing you and dying is a less, I mean, is basically the same as us
Unknown Speaker (01:08:54.659)
starving to death.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:55.659)
So fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:56.659)
Maybe at the end of this, we'll eat the, you know, these are the things that the world
Unknown Speaker (01:09:01.439)
that Alex supports and believes in are they, they are constantly in favor of that's what
Unknown Speaker (01:09:07.560)
they create.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.560)
So they create war.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:10.560)
And in his world, uh, the John Birch society folks and the entire tradition that he comes
Unknown Speaker (01:09:16.300)
from were very big fans of apartheid.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.859)
And Alex has constantly said the apartheid maybe is better over and over and over again.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:25.819)
He believes in worldviews that are willing to create apartheid States that will precipitate
Unknown Speaker (01:09:32.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.699)
I mean, it is a feature and not a bug because the violence itself makes people desire the
Unknown Speaker (01:09:40.380)
apartheid state more.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.739)
It is a self fueling, uh, thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.680)
So Alex has that guest on, he has that expert on Yuval Noah Harari on and I can't say this
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.520)
any other way than I almost threw something across the room.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:59.220)
This made me so mad that the real war is cutting off our energy, our fertilizer, our food,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.500)
and it's killing already tens of millions of people extra a year.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:09.039)
So let's talk about the real war that isn't when guns and bullets coming up with Kent
Unknown Speaker (01:10:13.699)
Heaven lively.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:14.699)
And we're going to talk about this book that is so timely.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:18.859)
We were still writing this just three weeks ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:21.739)
It's 400 pages long.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.819)
It just went to print.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:25.039)
Our warehouse is now full of these books.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.340)
This is an infomercial for Alex's books book that ends up happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:31.720)
The expert guest that he has on Yuval Noah Harari is the ghost writer of his previous
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.640)
book Kent Heaven lively and the guy who is now credited as a co-writer on his second
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.619)
book, probably because he wanted to get a little more money because Alex fucked him
Unknown Speaker (01:10:48.420)
out of it on the first one.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:49.500)
I would assume, I would assume that that is the case because his name is almost nowhere
Unknown Speaker (01:10:54.380)
on the first book.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:55.380)
You have to go deep to the back to find his involvement as the actual writer of the great
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.380)
reset book that Alex wrote.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:03.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:04.260)
Infurators tend to take a flat fee up front and they do not receive royalties on the back
Unknown Speaker (01:11:09.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.260)
And that might have been inconvenient for him.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:12.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:13.979)
Usually if it sells pretty well you want those back end beats.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:17.140)
So you can kind of see why this is real infuriating.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.579)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:22.380)
Boy howdy.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:23.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:25.380)
So Kent, just as a little bit of a background about him, he's somebody who has written a
Unknown Speaker (01:11:29.399)
bunch of anti-vax books over the years.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:32.779)
He wrote a book called Inoculated, How Science Lost Its Soul to Autism.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.500)
He's a frequent collaborator with Judy Mikovits, who is the person who put out Plandemic and
Unknown Speaker (01:11:44.380)
had just a flood of COVID-19 misinformation.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.539)
So he's deeply involved in that.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:51.979)
So he, one thing that's interesting is that he literally branded himself the quote, world's
Unknown Speaker (01:11:59.659)
number one anti-vaxxer.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.979)
So that's kind of, you know...
Unknown Speaker (01:12:05.140)
Is there a competition?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:06.140)
Well, I mean, you know, you kind of, when you're in a position like him, you like to
Unknown Speaker (01:12:10.460)
pretend you're just asking questions and all that, but when you have a shirt that says
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.260)
number one anti-vaxxer, yeah, it's kind of...
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.979)
Usain Bolt wasn't just running from time to time.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.020)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:23.020)
He was into it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:25.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:26.020)
And there was a blog that he founded called The Age of Autism, which is just a giant anti-vaxx
Unknown Speaker (01:12:31.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.340)
Yeah, that sounds right.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.340)
He's a real piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.340)
And yeah, he wrote Alex's first book very clearly.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.100)
It's one of the things that you learn when you go through it page by page, like I've
Unknown Speaker (01:12:42.699)
been doing, is it makes no sense if Alex wrote it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:47.460)
It's ridiculous, the kind of stuff that you find in it that is like, Alex would never
Unknown Speaker (01:12:52.180)
say that.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:53.180)
This doesn't make sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.180)
Because Kent Hickenlively wrote it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.979)
And Alex also called him Hillenlively or Headlively, doesn't even know his own color author's name.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.739)
Why would you bother?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:03.020)
So now here's why this makes me furious, is that Alex presented this as, I got up at five
Unknown Speaker (01:13:10.420)
in the morning, I called the staff in to do this, and the only real explanation you can
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.899)
come up with is that he knew that this would be something that would get a lot of attention,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:23.279)
get a lot of eyes here, and so he's going to make the most out of it, exploiting the
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.340)
situation in Israel and Gaza by doing an infomercial for his book.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:33.539)
There's no other explanation for it.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:35.260)
Well, there's one other one, but it's sort of partially involved in this.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:39.500)
And we'll get to that in a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.020)
I was just shocked that he even went through with this.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:43.380)
All right, it's 1.24 central time, emergency Saturday, October 7th transmission.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:51.380)
Kent Heckenliemli is an amazing author and researcher and helped me do the book, The
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.159)
Great Reset, and now the new book, The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalist and Launching
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.140)
the Next Great Renaissance.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.520)
It's on pre-order.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:04.520)
It's in our warehouse.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:05.520)
It starts shipping on the 20th.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:06.520)
You can order it at to send us number one, or get signed copies as a fundraiser
Unknown Speaker (01:14:11.100)
to keep us on air at
Unknown Speaker (01:14:13.060)
And we need your support.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.060)
We have unsigned copies there as well.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:17.060)
All right, Kent, wow, what a day to get you on.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.060)
We were supposed to be on an hour ago, but I had to get more crew in here to do research
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.680)
and prepare for this.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:25.680)
I was going to tape a show that we were going to air with you on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:30.819)
But wow, this is all going on and unfolding the situation in Israel.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.979)
So not only did he not wake up at five in the morning thinking, oh, we have to do this
Unknown Speaker (01:14:42.859)
emergency episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:44.399)
He was already planning to do this episode.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:46.659)
He was planning to do a pre-recorded...
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.659)
To pan it.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:49.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:50.659)
In order to then...
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:52.659)
Well, it turns out he's not going to be there on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.979)
So he wanted to have a pre-recorded hour and a half that they could go ahead and play on
Unknown Speaker (01:15:00.220)
his show.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:01.220)
Hey, we've been there.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:02.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:03.220)
We didn't pre-record a fucking infomercial during a fake emergency broadcast about atrocities
Unknown Speaker (01:15:08.260)
going on in the Middle East.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:09.859)
Yeah, I really find that to be a new low of tastelessness.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:14.939)
I couldn't even have imagined that concept.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:16.979)
Neither could I.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:17.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:18.979)
For me, the situation that I was in was when I heard this news, obviously, I was horrified
Unknown Speaker (01:15:26.220)
for the people involved, the innocent civilians who were going to die, have died, or are going
Unknown Speaker (01:15:34.859)
to suffer because of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:37.220)
It's horrifying and awful.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:39.939)
My second thought a little bit later was, I do not want to hear what Alex has to say
Unknown Speaker (01:15:44.500)
about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:45.500)
I am dreading what this is going to be.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:50.380)
And when I got to listening to this episode, I could never have imagined that the second
Unknown Speaker (01:15:56.739)
half of it, a full half of it, would be an infomercial for his book.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:03.220)
I found it to be one of the most distasteful...
Unknown Speaker (01:16:08.300)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:09.300)
Wait, half?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:11.739)
Do you mean that after he introduces that we have no more non-infomercial related-
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.880)
Not really.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:19.100)
That is unimaginable.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:21.100)
I mean, truly, we have chronicled disgusting behavior through this man, through any number
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.380)
of different people.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:31.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:32.380)
We live in a world of disgusting behavior, and somehow that is unimaginable for me.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.859)
Here's what you do if you're Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:40.840)
You do the hour special report or whatever, going over your thoughts about how this is
Unknown Speaker (01:16:45.619)
secretly Hezbollah and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:47.680)
You do that, you go off air.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.020)
You pre-record this, and then you put it out on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:53.939)
You don't continue doing this as your live show because you know that eyes are on your
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.960)
product because of deeply traumatic and scary news that's coming out about geopolitics.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.380)
News that you're exacerbating by insisting everyone's about to get nuked.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.779)
This is degrading behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:14.100)
I mean, yeah, you see a man look at an atrocity and think, I can make a little scratch off
Unknown Speaker (01:17:22.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:23.579)
I mean, that's the most generous- Yeah, I know, that is the nicest way of looking
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.899)
at it.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:29.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:30.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.899)
The other one is seeing this and being like, perfect.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:32.899)
Oh, thank God.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:33.899)
This will be an advertising campaign.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:35.340)
I have been waiting for this massive, disgusting atrocity to occur.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:38.699)
Our numbers were low, and thankfully this will drive some traffic.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:43.220)
It's ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.220)
Anyway, fuck Kent.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:46.579)
In these times, which I know people are scared, what I would say to the InfoWars audiences
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.800)
is ask yourself, what's the bravest thing you can do today?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:58.760)
What is the most constructive thing you can do?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.760)
If you say, buy a goddamn book, I will murder myself.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:01.539)
I think it's to get your new book, The Great-
Unknown Speaker (01:18:04.579)
Goddamn it!
Unknown Speaker (01:18:05.579)
The Great Awakening.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:06.579)
Yeah, that's the bravest thing you can do.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.340)
I knew it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:10.340)
Is order our new book.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:11.340)
Fucking knew that was going to be the bravest thing you can do.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:13.819)
It's so disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.819)
I knew the bravest thing you could do would be order a book.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.500)
I just knew it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:19.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:20.500)
I knew it in my soul.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:21.500)
The bravest thing you can do is do the thing that profits me directly.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:23.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.779)
That is imaginable.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:25.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:26.779)
Somehow getting to this point, unimaginable.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:28.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:29.979)
Once you're there, all bets are off.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:30.979)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:31.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:32.979)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:33.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.979)
How do you go lower?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:35.979)
You can't?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:36.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.979)
Fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:38.979)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.979)
The people of the planet, they want you.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:43.539)
Nobody wants you to give aid.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:45.260)
They want you to buy Alex's book.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:46.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:47.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:48.899)
I can imagine that now.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:49.899)
You have opened the door.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:50.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:51.899)
There is no bottom.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:52.899)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:53.899)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.899)
It's disgusting, the exploitative nature of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.300)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:57.300)
Also, Kent, they like to present this in a way that's like he's a fact checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:04.060)
Oh, my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:05.060)
And he is not.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:06.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.060)
He very clearly wrote the first book, at least.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.420)
Well, he's the world's number one anti-vaxxer.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:10.260)
I haven't read the second book, because it's not out.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:12.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:13.659)
But I would assume he wrote that, too.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:14.659)
I would not.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:15.659)
Because Alex can't do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.659)
He can't write.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:18.659)
Not because of any deficiency that he has.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.979)
He's too lazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:20.979)
He's too angry.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.979)
He gets distracted by everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:23.539)
He's drunk all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.659)
So there's no way he could marshal the resources he would need personally to write a book.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:31.380)
So anyway, they like to present him as a fact checker.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:33.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:34.899)
And one of the things that I find very interesting is that he checked all of Alex's claims, and
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.739)
man, they're almost all right.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:44.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.340)
How does almost-
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.340)
I made a lot of crazy claims to you, and you said 99% of them you could actually find were
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.619)
actually accurate.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:50.619)
Then the few times I had just kind of twisted something or flipped it and got it backwards,
Unknown Speaker (01:19:54.340)
then we were able to find out what I was actually saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:57.220)
What was the process like of the book?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:58.619)
Let's talk about what's in it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:00.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:01.619)
So what was great, and I really want your audience to know this, I never found you telling
Unknown Speaker (01:20:07.060)
me a single thing that I couldn't find a source that kind of went along with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.100)
Now the only-
Unknown Speaker (01:20:14.100)
Kind of went along with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:15.100)
... like three to 4% of the time, there was something that I didn't trust about the source.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:20.439)
But I was really clear that you had heard it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:22.899)
And when people asked me, what's it like writing for Alex Jones, I say, the man has an incredible
Unknown Speaker (01:20:30.460)
memory, recall, all say something like, well, gee, really get me this David Rockefeller
Unknown Speaker (01:20:38.920)
China relationship, and you'll go, well, Kent, go to the New York Times, 1973, January.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.020)
And then suddenly I typed it in and I find David Rockefeller talking about what a wonderful
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.000)
place China is, even though they just went through the cultural revolution where they
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.119)
killed millions.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:59.800)
And so it was really what was great for me.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.739)
Well, he endorsed Mao Zedong and said, we need to be like this.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:07.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:08.859)
It's amazing that Alex just threw in a lie there at the end while his fact checker is
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.100)
talking about how great and true all of his stuff is.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.420)
Now, the reality is, I think that the fact checking process works almost exactly like
Unknown Speaker (01:21:19.260)
what we just saw.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:20.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:21.260)
Alex makes some claim like, David Rockefeller said we should all be like Mao.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.300)
And then Kent looks around and he's like, oh my God, this op-ed does exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:32.300)
Now, it doesn't say what Alex said it says, but it does exist.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:35.699)
Holy shit, he's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:37.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.100)
Fuck you, Kent.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:40.100)
You're the worst.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:41.100)
But the language that Kent uses gives it away entirely, just like refusing to be like, kinda...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:48.699)
Every qualifier that you use takes points away from whether or not you believe what
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.159)
you're saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:54.159)
I have a deep seated feeling that if I just fully endorse what you're saying, I'll look
Unknown Speaker (01:22:00.180)
really dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.260)
It's a bad idea for me to say you are right.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.140)
So it's a good idea for me to be diplomatic in saying that you point correctly to the
Unknown Speaker (01:22:12.619)
books on shelves.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:14.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:15.180)
Kinda, sorta.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:16.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:17.579)
And I gotta be diplomatic because Judy Mikovits isn't selling books anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:21.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:22.779)
And I need to get some of the...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.779)
I got a better deal from Alex for the sequel.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:25.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.859)
So let's be real diplomatic and fun about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:29.100)
This is a fucking infomercial.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:31.739)
Talk about what's in these chapters, because, folks, when I tell you I'm proud of this book,
Unknown Speaker (01:22:35.979)
this is an incredible book, plus it keeps us on air with your support, so do you wanna
Unknown Speaker (01:22:39.699)
walk through the chapters with people, maybe?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.979)
Uh, you know, you've got all the copies of the book and I don't have them yet, so pull
Unknown Speaker (01:22:50.340)
out a chapter you like to...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.439)
So we're gonna go chapter by chapter?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:54.260)
Did you hire a ghost trader?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:56.739)
Well, he just didn't get a copy of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:59.460)
Well, I mean, now that he's on the book, he can afford, you know, he's got the royalties
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.619)
on the back end, he can afford to get a ghost writer to pay a flat fee up front.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.260)
Ooh, that'd be nice.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:09.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.579)
We could fucking Matryoshka-doll this all the way to book number ten.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:16.779)
I mean, it's diminishing returns because you gotta keep paying out people.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:19.500)
Yeah, there is that.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:20.579)
But yeah, I mean, if you wanna really farm out the work, you can put them out much quicker.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:26.659)
Laziness is contagious.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:27.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:28.659)
So one of the things that Kent really appreciates about Alex is that, like, he's so researched,
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.819)
and people just need to actually listen to him.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:38.619)
That's what I really come away appreciating about you is all your broadcasts are informed
Unknown Speaker (01:23:47.659)
by an extensive amount of reading of these documents that these evil globalists have
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.520)
put out.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:55.680)
And so, you know, I really encourage people, take a look at what Alex is saying, because
Unknown Speaker (01:24:03.079)
it's based on his own deep research, and that's why, really, it was so great to work with
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.380)
you, because I could always trust that I would find what you told me to go looking for.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.560)
And that's just chapter one.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.899)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.899)
Oh, my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:17.899)
So he encourages people to look at what Alex is saying?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.340)
I have, Kent.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:22.060)
I have risen to your challenge, and I find you to be full of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.939)
I think Kent...
Unknown Speaker (01:24:26.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.939)
I actually think Kent agrees with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.500)
I think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:31.500)
Kent is very much...
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.500)
I don't actually think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.500)
He's the world's number one anti-vaxxer.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.260)
I will say, the way that he was saying that very much suggests, like, the more I looked
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.460)
into what Alex said, the more I stopped looking into what Alex said.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:44.140)
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:45.140)
The more I realized he was deeply researched.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.579)
Yeah, it's a really smart move for me to say he is deeply researched and for me not to
Unknown Speaker (01:24:51.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.819)
The more I looked into the things he was saying, the more I realized that he has an essential
Unknown Speaker (01:24:57.060)
inability to grasp what things say on the page.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:59.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.819)
He has a reading comprehension problem, but a great imagination.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:03.579)
It does seem like that's the...
Unknown Speaker (01:25:05.380)
Yeah, I would say so.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.060)
So, like, legit, they're going chapter by chapter.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.119)
They're not.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:11.119)
We're not.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:12.119)
And now we've only gotten to the second chapter.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:13.899)
We're taping this on Saturday with this giant war that's erupted in Israel.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:18.619)
But this is, like you said, the million-foot view, the 35,000-foot view to understand what's
Unknown Speaker (01:25:23.020)
going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:24.020)
So, let's go to chapter three.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:26.100)
You are being modified against your will.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.460)
And then we talk about and to what end, that the modification, the transhumanism is happening
Unknown Speaker (01:25:34.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:35.340)
And we're only up to page 50 at this point.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.180)
Oh, my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:43.479)
Your mouth is just jaw-
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.479)
Somehow this is back to unimaginable again.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:47.600)
What the fuck just happened?
Unknown Speaker (01:25:48.979)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:49.979)
That is insane.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:51.979)
That's insane.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.979)
Well, there was more insane people.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:55.180)
Let me walk you through my experience of listening to this.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:57.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.579)
Because I didn't watch this live.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:59.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.579)
So, I listened to it after the fact.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:02.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:03.220)
And my experience of it was, when it launched into an infomercial, I thought I could never
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.380)
have seen that coming in a million years.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:09.880)
Never in a million years.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:10.880)
I think the worst of Alex, I think very little of him, I think he's capable of almost anything
Unknown Speaker (01:26:15.300)
that's crass and self-promoting.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:18.000)
And yet, I could not have imagined that.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:20.779)
As it went along, much like you, I started to feel like, yeah, I can imagine the things
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.380)
that they're doing within this context.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:27.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:28.539)
And then I thought to myself, there's an hour left.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:31.380)
There's not going to be all this.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:34.300)
And it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:36.300)
It just never stops being about the book.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:39.399)
Even when he throws in, we're recording this when there's this big war.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.819)
I mean, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:45.260)
It's unimaginable again.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:46.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:47.260)
I don't know how this happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:48.260)
Well, it's like that rake theory of comedy, you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:51.340)
Yeah, but I mean, it is a function.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:55.220)
It's one of the things that I like about myself is that I have a very vivid imagination that
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.020)
can go all kinds of places.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.300)
Somehow, I mean, and almost it reflects positively on me because it would not have ever occurred
Unknown Speaker (01:27:10.180)
to me were I to imagine evil that this is something that evil could do, you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.979)
It is truly like, wow, I genuinely thought...
Unknown Speaker (01:27:22.500)
Because to me, everybody who says people aren't people, people are this people is a bit different
Unknown Speaker (01:27:28.060)
or we're all one people, this guy makes me feel like we're not all one people, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.960)
It's definitely a weird sort of person.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:35.420)
If you're even just like kind of a shitty, thoughtless, almost materialist business person
Unknown Speaker (01:27:42.100)
in Alex's position, I really sincerely think that, okay, we had planned and scheduled that
Unknown Speaker (01:27:47.779)
we're going to do this infomercial about the book that was going to air on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.859)
I don't have any other time that I can do this, but man, this is shitty.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:56.920)
This would look really bad for me, so I think the best thing to do would be we'll record
Unknown Speaker (01:28:03.079)
it another time.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.380)
We can have Harrison Smith sit in on Monday, you can fill the time with whatever the fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:10.739)
This seems to me like it would be such a disqualifying decision to make that I would avoid it, but
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.260)
apparently it's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:19.500)
Yeah, I was trying to compare it to whenever you see the CEOs who think that they're very
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.140)
In order to get down on inflation, we need to make sure that the labor market has a higher
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.699)
unemployment rate, thus doing that whole thing where they're like, what you're literally
Unknown Speaker (01:28:35.699)
saying is that you want more people to starve so you can control their labor.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.659)
Oh, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:39.659)
Or like when people wanted more people to have COVID.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:41.619)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:43.380)
That kind of like, you're being callous and stupid, but in your mind, you're not doing
Unknown Speaker (01:28:49.779)
this out of like- You believe it's in pursuit of a higher goal.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:52.899)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.899)
And in this, it's so petty.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:56.180)
It's so disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:58.239)
And it is, I mean, it's almost pure in a way.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:04.920)
This is almost pure evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:06.699)
You know what just dawned on me?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:08.739)
There's a decent chance that Alex gave Kent a better deal because he knows that his money
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.859)
is being monitored.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.859)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:15.859)
I bet it's not even out of generosity for his co-writer.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.539)
I bet- He's probably getting kickbacks from his
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:21.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.859)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:23.859)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.859)
There's a crass explanation for even that.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:25.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:26.859)
I mean, it is, we are reaching- I'm in bankruptcy, Kent, so you're a co-writer.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.939)
We are reaching that kind of like hipster level of purity, where you're like, oh wow,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:37.220)
you're just not going to get this concentration anywhere else.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:40.739)
You're just not.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:41.739)
This is, we got to cut this with something.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:44.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:45.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:46.260)
Unfortunately, we cannot, because this is all about his book.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:48.220)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:49.220)
I like the human process.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.220)
See, we can decide humans are the only animal that builds its, controls its own environment,
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.739)
because we're not an animal.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:55.739)
We're made in the image of God.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:56.739)
We're made of weavers.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:57.739)
Look, what we envisioned a thousand years ago-
Unknown Speaker (01:29:58.739)
Any number of-
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.739)
... or 200 years ago, we built.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:00.739)
I mean, birds build nests.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:01.739)
They know that.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:02.739)
They want us to decide that, oh, you're overpopulated, you're bad, turn off your life forces, roll
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.140)
over to die.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:07.140)
No, we're not going to do it, Kent.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:08.380)
And so that's why the book is so important.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:09.579)
I want to challenge viewers and listeners, but the bare minimum, it keeps us on air,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:14.779)
and it funds the operation.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:15.819)
It's a historical book.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:17.020)
It's something you're not supposed to have.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:18.020)
It's something the censors don't want you to have.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:20.699)
And the other book was great and was the number one bestseller.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:23.619)
This, ladies and gentlemen, is light years better than The Great Reset and The War of
Unknown Speaker (01:30:27.579)
the World.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.579)
It is The Great Awakening.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:29.579)
It's not just detailing the enemy operations, it's just detailing how to defeat them.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:33.880)
So I have a little four or five minute promo video that I shot last week that kind of breaks
Unknown Speaker (01:30:39.100)
this down.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.100)
Kent, then let's race through the other, I think there's 10 or 11 more chapters we haven't
Unknown Speaker (01:30:44.859)
talked about, and you're only skimming the surface here.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:47.939)
I mean, this is-
Unknown Speaker (01:30:48.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:49.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:50.939)
This is core research, but it's not giving you a headache like academics.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.899)
We give our view, we show their statement, we show where they said it, we tie it together
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.579)
with the next chapter, and back to the last chapter, and I thought the book was great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:03.859)
It's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.859)
I think the book's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:06.140)
Didn't read it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:07.140)
Didn't write it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.140)
It's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.140)
I think it's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:10.140)
I think I'm going to make some money.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:11.140)
I think I love this book.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:12.140)
I think it's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.140)
It's the best book we've ever had.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:14.140)
I haven't read it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:15.140)
I haven't written it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:16.140)
But, I mean, look, some money.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:17.140)
I thought it's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:18.140)
I love it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:19.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:20.140)
We're going to go through these 11 chapters.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:22.100)
I'm going to play this five-minute promo piece that I recorded.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:26.500)
This is just disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:29.180)
I mean-
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.180)
Also, the world's going to get nuked.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:33.659)
Also, Hezbollah is invading all your US cities, and they're going to have sleeper cells that
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.899)
are going to launch attacks on you.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:40.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:41.460)
But here, watch this five-minute piece about the bravest thing you can do is buy my book.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.460)
I mean, is there-
Unknown Speaker (01:31:47.460)
Like, okay, let's say this is a simulation, like 100%.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:53.260)
And Alex is the only person who knows for a fact it's a simulation, and there will be
Unknown Speaker (01:31:59.560)
no lasting consequences for any behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.359)
At the end of this life, he'll just clean slate, restart.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:06.779)
He'll get a new character, and he'll just keep on going, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:32:11.579)
But this is the character that he's chosen to be just as awful as he can be at.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:16.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:17.579)
Well, I guess-
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.579)
Like, even then, I couldn't imagine a playthrough.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:20.140)
I can't play through an RPG where you get to be the evil guy, and I can't not feel bad
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.300)
whenever I'm like, well, I want to see what they do.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:29.140)
The only-
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.140)
I mean, I find that, for me, it's unsatisfying to play a negative evil character-
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.859)
I hate it!
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.859)
In a game, unless there's some sort of way that you can role-play a redemption.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:41.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:43.420)
Some sort of a redemption.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:44.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:45.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:46.699)
If it were a simulation, I think playing the role of Alex would suck a lot.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:49.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.939)
It would suck.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:51.939)
I mean, it's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:52.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:53.939)
It is nuts.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:54.939)
I get that that's one of the ways that you could conceive of ethically wiggling around
Unknown Speaker (01:32:59.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:00.939)
I'm just trying to... No, I mean, I'm trying to find a space-
Unknown Speaker (01:33:03.420)
How would one ethically justify acting like this?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:06.420)
Yeah, or not even ethically.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:08.020)
I mean, to just be in a larger sense of meaninglessness.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:13.739)
Not only is this, this is 100% not ethical, but because it's in a controlled environment
Unknown Speaker (01:33:20.859)
where there will be no consequences, then I can indulge in this behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.619)
It's solipsistic.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:27.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.619)
It is-
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.619)
Nothing exists except for me.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:31.180)
It is very much, it really does feel like this is true solipsism, in a way that we've
Unknown Speaker (01:33:36.979)
always been like, oh, he's a narcissistic psychopath.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:40.060)
But if you truly believed that you're the only person on this planet-
Unknown Speaker (01:33:43.699)
That matters.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:45.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:46.699)
Kent doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.699)
Kent's a prop.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.699)
Kent's nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.699)
Kent is meaningless.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:50.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:51.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:52.699)
So Alex isn't going to be around on Monday, as we've established.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:53.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:54.699)
But he's not going on vacation.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:55.699)
Don't you dare say he's going on vacation.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:57.100)
Oh, God.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:58.100)
Ladies and gentlemen, it is The Great Awakening.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:59.579)
Here's a little breakdown of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:00.819)
We're going to come back, finish up talking about the book, and hit some of the other
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.420)
news that's unfolding.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:05.420)
He doesn't hit the other news.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:06.420)
There's some big surprises coming up next week.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.300)
You're watching this live on Saturday.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.420)
We're going to air this, big parts of it, for an hour on Monday.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:13.819)
I won't be in studio, and it's not because I'm on vacation.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:17.140)
When people think I'm on vacation, I'm not on vacation.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:21.100)
My wife and daughter might be when I go on the road, and they're off at the museum, or
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.420)
the planetarium, or the aquarium, or at the beach if we're by the beach.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:30.300)
I'm not doing that, folks, other than maybe an hour a day with them.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:33.060)
I am behind the scenes doing a lot- It's kind of like Fight Club.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:37.779)
I don't want to- I'm sorry?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.779)
It's cooler than Fight Club, because we're not calm, and it's blowing up Wall Street.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:42.340)
It's the real Fight Club, and let's just say this.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.899)
My work off air is just as important as the on-air work.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.239)
I've really reached, by the grace of God, the Lord works mysterious ways, a point now
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.979)
where, and the enemy knows this, they've got their phones tapped and stuff, but the public
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.819)
hasn't quite figured it out yet.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:59.819)
I don't deserve this, but I'm now recognized as kind of the Tyler Durgan behind the scenes
Unknown Speaker (01:35:05.979)
with some of the biggest names out there, and a lot of that's going to start coming
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.140)
out, because we're not launching Operation Chaos.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:12.739)
We're launching Operation Renaissance, Operation Great Awakening, and because of all this,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:17.260)
I've convinced a lot of people that now know I'm right to listen to me about how to challenge
Unknown Speaker (01:35:21.460)
this and how to fight this, so all glory goes to God spiritually, temporally, to the audience,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:27.020)
the crew, and everybody else, but if they kill me, I didn't commit suicide like Matt
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.699)
Gates just did.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:33.699)
I'm sorry, what?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.699)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:35.699)
I'm talking about the Tyler Durgan of shitheads, basically.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:38.979)
He's convinced a bunch of weak-minded folks to go along with him.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:43.500)
I'm guessing you're probably talking about a Tucker, probably talking about a Joe Rogan,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:48.939)
maybe, although apparently someone was talking shit about Alex on his show recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:52.939)
I don't know what that's about.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:53.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.939)
Talking about a-
Unknown Speaker (01:35:55.939)
I think Alex would have to be Meat Loaf in this and not the Tyler Durgan.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:00.180)
Well, I mean, I think with enough time and distance.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:05.340)
I think we can recognize that Tyler Durgan wasn't a great person in that book.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.819)
He wasn't real, first of all.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.020)
There was that issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.020)
He was a sociopath.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:15.119)
There was that.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.119)
But it almost destroys Edward Norton's life.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.819)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:20.340)
Leads him down some very bad paths, and he has to shoot himself in the face in order
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.100)
to be rid of him.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.779)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.319)
On the other hand, wouldn't have blown up that Wall Street if he hadn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:33.180)
It's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.180)
We need everyone from credit card now.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.939)
Tyler Durgan will help you out in some ways.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:39.460)
Never liked Poloniek.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:42.180)
Never liked him.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.180)
You're not missing much.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.180)
No, I read a bunch of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:45.180)
Never liked him.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:46.180)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:47.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:48.180)
Well, then you went the way wrong direction.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:49.180)
I was at the right age when Choke and a lot of that stuff was coming out, and there was
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.899)
kind of an edginess to it, and I always just thought, this is grotesque for the sake of
Unknown Speaker (01:36:59.060)
being grotesque.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:00.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.060)
I don't like any of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:02.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:03.060)
And I just like Tyler Durgan.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:08.140)
I definitely wasn't going to be telling people, like, oh, I was reading later Chatterley's
Unknown Speaker (01:37:12.939)
Lover while you were reading Fight Club.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:15.380)
I'm not going to go that far.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:17.220)
I think that Alex is going on vacation.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:20.460)
Yeah, I agree.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:21.460)
Based on what he's saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:23.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:24.460)
I mean, basically, he went to Hawaii.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.619)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:26.619)
He goes to London and starts talking to the people, changing the guard.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:30.539)
I'm going to be so mad.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:31.539)
Oh, no, he's not going to go back to that well.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:34.060)
I mean, when he went to Hawaii, he pretended he was getting info on Zuckerberg's compound.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.779)
It's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:40.779)
His off-air work is the great facade that he can pretend is going on that justifies
Unknown Speaker (01:37:48.340)
how little is actually going on on air.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:50.260)
His off-air work is Brewster's Millions.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.539)
He is trying to spend every penny that he's got.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:54.819)
I would say that there's a fairness to that assessment, based on everything I can tell.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:59.699)
Based on the complaints that have been made to the bankruptcy court, asking for a raise,
Unknown Speaker (01:38:03.659)
all of this shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:04.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:05.659)
He's trying to make sure that no one else gets to enjoy that money but him.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:09.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:10.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:11.500)
And that is hard work.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:12.500)
I suppose.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:13.500)
I suppose if you're committed to it, yeah, there's work there.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:18.739)
So we have one last clip here.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:21.779)
It's not about the book, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:38:23.260)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:24.260)
But it's also about Alex wanting to get the web address Fortress of Joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:28.619)
He wants that URL.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:29.939)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:30.939)
Well, I mean, don't...
Unknown Speaker (01:38:31.939)
And then the rest of my day, I'm doing all the things that bring me joy and contentment.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:38.619)
And so I feel like those three or four hours that I'm attacking the dragon, attacking the
Unknown Speaker (01:38:45.819)
devil, I am a fearless warrior during that time.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:53.979)
But I have to secure my Fortress of Joy constantly to make sure that I'm a good warrior.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:01.579)
Hey, I'm going to ask listeners, don't do this.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:04.340)
Hey, Kent or...
Unknown Speaker (01:39:05.340)
Wes, will you go get in your own name or whatever, will you get Fortress of Joy, I'll pay it
Unknown Speaker (01:39:09.819)
back right now,.news
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.420)
I don't know if that's been written yet, but we should Google it, it's probably some horrible
Unknown Speaker (01:39:17.539)
sex site.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:18.539)
One time I was on air trying to type in Jeunesse Yes because I had this sponsor on and the
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.699)
crew didn't have it.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:25.699)
I pulled up something and bullied everyone, but who knows what Fortress of Joy is, but
Unknown Speaker (01:39:29.220)
that is a great...
Unknown Speaker (01:39:30.220)
I've never heard that term.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:31.800)
That's what we need to form as a fortress of joy against their evil because it's a saying
Unknown Speaker (01:39:35.859)
and many have said it, no one knows who said it first, but you don't fight because you
Unknown Speaker (01:39:40.939)
hate the people in front of you, you fight because you love the people behind you.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:45.220)
And that's it.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:46.220)
We have to have a fortress of joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:47.579)
Thomas Jefferson.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:49.819)
And if they can steal our joy, if when we appear in front of the public, we're scowling,
Unknown Speaker (01:39:57.100)
we're angry, we're not convincing them to join us.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:01.699)
And that's why you mentioned that the book was fun to read.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:06.020)
Well, I love mocking stupid people and I love mocking stupid plans and it's fun and our
Unknown Speaker (01:40:15.039)
movement is fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:17.699)
Connecting to God is joyful.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:19.659)
Connecting to others is joyful.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:21.739)
I say to those people who are living the liberal nightmare, I understand how miserable you
Unknown Speaker (01:40:30.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.539)
What I'm asking you is to come over to the joyful side of life, okay?
Unknown Speaker (01:40:38.260)
So I'm not attacking them.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:41.479)
I want to rescue them from their unhappiness.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:45.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:46.340)
I'm just search engine fortress of joy to make sure it's on a porn site.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:51.739)
Got to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:53.739)
Not listening.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:54.739)
Uh, not losing some joy church.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:56.979)
Uh, that's something in California you got, we got to get it right now because burn that
Unknown Speaker (01:41:01.979)
church down.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:02.979)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:03.979)
I know me.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:04.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:05.979)
It doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:06.979)
It's a, I said the title.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.979)
It's fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:08.979)
We don't get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:09.979)
Uh, but, uh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.979)
You just came up with that term.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:11.979)
That's a great term.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.260)
He didn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:15.260)
Hey, that's why he paid me the big bucks.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:16.260)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.260)
Ah, the big bucks.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:22.060)
You know, Dan, I was just thinking, you pay me the big bucks so you can siphon that money
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.460)
back to yourself.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:27.460)
I was just thinking, what is best in life to crush your enemies, to see them driven
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.579)
before you and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:36.840)
And that is why I want you to come over to the side of joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:40.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:41.020)
A tower of joy is, uh, that's from game of thrones, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:44.220)
Is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:45.220)
I think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:46.220)
Oh, I don't remember game of thrones that much.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.579)
That was where, uh, Jon Snow was born.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:51.100)
Oh, the tower of gray joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:53.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:54.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.260)
Gray joy is just the name.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:56.260)
Gray joy is the guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:57.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:58.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:41:59.260)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:00.260)
Um, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:01.260)
Stray memories of game of thrones past.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:03.460)
Can never handle it.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.500)
So bring it on prick.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:05.500)
Uh, quite frankly, I would say we have 850 episodes for you to make fun of.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:11.739)
Um, suspicious.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:12.739)
Good luck.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:13.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:14.739)
If, uh, you love this so much, here we are and living a joyless existence of going on
Unknown Speaker (01:42:20.300)
a sold out tour of the UK and having a great time meeting people.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.060)
And uh, well, we didn't sleep well.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:27.300)
So there, I'm just, I think, I mean, what's fun about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:35.159)
Is that it does reveal so much, you know, that I have fun making fun of stupid plans.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:40.380)
I have fun making fun of stupid people, which is like, yes, it totally makes sense why you
Unknown Speaker (01:42:45.859)
have to make up the people and the plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:49.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:50.060)
You can't talk to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:51.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:52.060)
Well, it would be a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.699)
It's a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:54.699)
It'd be a bad plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:55.699)
So make up your own plan, make up your own people, and then you can call them stupid
Unknown Speaker (01:43:00.340)
all day.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:01.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:03.340)
It's brilliant.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.340)
It's a full on review of Kent Hickenlively's ghost written book that Alex put out is out.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:09.779)
I wonder if we will be mocked roundly for it.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:12.579)
I think he'll be trapped in his fortress of joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.579)
I would suggest he stay in that fortress of joy as opposed to fighting this dragon.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:20.100)
I'll tell you what, we're not invited.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:21.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:22.859)
We're not invited to that fortress of joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:23.859)
I would suspect that his version of joy is something counter to my version of joy.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:29.779)
So yeah, I feel like on the one level, we're talking about the unimaginability of Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.460)
doing a hour long infomercial for his book in the context of something that he's gaining
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.039)
attention for and drawing people to based on exploitation of feelings surrounding the
Unknown Speaker (01:43:49.180)
situation in Israel and Gaza.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:51.659)
And I think we've covered that territory pretty well.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:54.699)
I don't think we can cover it enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.300)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:57.300)
And in the impossibleness of that task, I think we've done okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:01.659)
But let's zoom the camera out a tiny bit more.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:05.180)
If I'm Kent Hickenlively, I cancel.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:08.300)
I'm not going to be a part of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.300)
How do you agree to go along with a chapter by chapter breakdown knowing that what's going
Unknown Speaker (01:44:15.920)
on is Alex is exploiting the day's events in the world in order to bring attention to
Unknown Speaker (01:44:22.020)
and hopefully move a few more books?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:23.859)
I can't imagine being okay with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.500)
Now the strange part about that, that is totally imaginable to me, not simply because clearly
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.680)
Hickenlooper is a Renfield.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.020)
I mean, look at the way that he walks in with his chipper attitude, sure, Alex, I'll do
Unknown Speaker (01:44:40.579)
evil with you.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.579)
No big deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:42.579)
The bravest thing you can do in the face of this book.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:45.380)
This is Renfield shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:46.539)
He eats bugs.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:47.539)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:48.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:49.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:51.539)
I don't know, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:52.539)
I just, I find it disgusting on all accounts.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:56.579)
That is, that is like, if you were willing to do that, then Alex could ask you to do
Unknown Speaker (01:44:59.819)
anything and you'd be like, yeah, fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.659)
I would assume so.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:02.659)
At least as it relates to like your own profit, like the two views, your collaborative profit.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.539)
If Alex asked you to eat shit, you'd do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:13.300)
And I find these people to be repulsive.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.859)
I think it's really difficult to take in a lot of Alex's ideas about the situation in
Unknown Speaker (01:45:26.380)
Israel and Gaza and the West Bank and all between the Palestinians.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:31.300)
I think it's terrible to take that stuff in.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:34.899)
And on some level it is less terrible to hear this content because it's mockable.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:42.060)
And it's something that relates to Alex's personality and his psychology in a way that
Unknown Speaker (01:45:48.060)
there's a distance there.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:49.779)
And I think that that is more palatable in some ways, but is actually way, way worse
Unknown Speaker (01:45:56.340)
than many of the things that he could, well, that's not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:00.220)
He could cause more damage talking about other things.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:03.119)
But this, this is a more damning portrait than almost anything else he could have done
Unknown Speaker (01:46:07.539)
on that day.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:09.539)
I mean, I feel like this, what's, what's fascinating about this to me is I feel like this is a
Unknown Speaker (01:46:13.260)
fully nonpartisan situation.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:16.199)
Like if you listen to Alex, no, no, I mean like the way he did this, like it doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.659)
matter what you believe about conspiracy theories.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:24.939)
If you are at the, if you are a person who has a, an idea of interacting with other human
Unknown Speaker (01:46:31.039)
beings on the level and that one of our biggest problems is that we're just not on the level
Unknown Speaker (01:46:36.020)
with each other anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:37.460)
For you to listen to that and think, I still want to follow this man, you're, you're lying
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.579)
to yourself.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:43.579)
But at the very least, this behavior is something that would require an apology.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:47.939)
It would require Alex coming on air and taking stock of like, this was a big mistake.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.939)
I didn't think it through or something like, I don't believe that that would be true where
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.060)
he'd say it, but that would be the bare minimum.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:01.100)
He seems to like to say bare minimum today.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.220)
That would be the bare minimum in terms of what I think would be acceptable as a way
Unknown Speaker (01:47:07.420)
to move forward from this.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:09.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:10.380)
It really is like, oh man, it would not matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.939)
It would not matter if Maria Bamford, whom I adore and have loved for fucking 22 odd
Unknown Speaker (01:47:21.819)
years now.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:23.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:24.819)
If she had suddenly done this shit, I'd be like, well, I mean, fuck.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:28.180)
That's that then.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:29.340)
And like, there's no going back after this.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:31.520)
And to the point, here is the name of this broadcast.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:37.020)
World War three emergency broadcast attack on Israel will lead to wider war with Iran.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:42.960)
The subject matter of it is Hamas backed by Iranian Hezbollah has run, has overrun Southern
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:51.100)
Israel is in a state of war and has promised to unleash hell.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:54.300)
That is what he's selling to the audience in terms of trying to draw them in.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:58.739)
And then there's no, there's no, oh, also we're going to sell my book for half of this
Unknown Speaker (01:48:04.659)
fucking show.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:05.659)
It's supposed to be, it's part of the, it's brokered programming.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:08.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:09.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:10.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:48:11.420)
It may as well be.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:12.420)
It's disgusting.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:13.420)
It's cynical.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.420)
And it's dark.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:15.420)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:16.420)
It is dark.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:17.420)
Um, so just better be a sublet.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:20.899)
So to reiterate, um, obviously our hearts go out to the, the people, uh, on, uh, in
Unknown Speaker (01:48:27.579)
Israel and the Palestinian people who are, um, suffering for, uh, the, uh, machinations
Unknown Speaker (01:48:35.619)
of powerful people, um, who exploit that power at their expense.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:40.420)
Um, it's tragic and, and awful, uh, terrorist acts are condemnable, holy, and they do not
Unknown Speaker (01:48:50.500)
take away from the fact that the Palestinian people deserve rights and freedom.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:58.340)
And uh, that's that, I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:02.220)
And Alex sucks.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:03.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:04.220)
I mean, I, I just, I, I suppose the, you know, if, if we had a good, if we, if we had reacted
Unknown Speaker (01:49:15.079)
right after nine 11, we would have immediately overthrown the government in the United States
Unknown Speaker (01:49:21.060)
and been like, we're at the very least, we're not fighting a war, you know, but that wasn't
Unknown Speaker (01:49:26.979)
going to, that's not to be, that's just not how human beings work, I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:30.659)
It's um, the responses to things often end up having such calamitous, uh, uh, consequences
Unknown Speaker (01:49:39.340)
that are unnecessary and they hurt average people, individuals, um, innocent civilians.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:48.579)
And that is not, that's not the path forward.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:51.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:52.420)
And, um, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:53.579)
And the other thing that I keep thinking about, and this is, this is another thing is like,
Unknown Speaker (01:49:58.460)
we got to understand that you cannot own land, well, that's a broader conversation.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.420)
And I, I, I mean, I, I, you know what I'm saying though?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:08.079)
In some ways I agree with you in the same way, I feel like you shouldn't be able to
Unknown Speaker (01:50:11.939)
own water.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:12.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:13.939)
You know, like, um, but maybe that's for another time.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:17.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.739)
Anyway, we will be back for another episode, but until then, uh, we have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:23.819)
Indeed we do.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:24.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:25.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:26.819)
We are also on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:27.819)
We are on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:28.819)
It's at knowledge underscore fight.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:29.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:30.819)
We'll be back.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:31.819)
But until then, I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.819)
I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:33.819)
I'm DZXClark.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:34.819)
Oh, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:35.819)
And now here comes the sex robots, Andy in Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:39.060)
You're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:40.060)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.060)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:42.060)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:43.060)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:44.060)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:45.060)
I love you.