Transcript/827: July 9, 2023
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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red
Theme Song (00:00:08.000)
alert. Acknowledged five days. Damn, Jordan, I have a wedding. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys. Xiang Ji or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight.
Alex Jones (00:00:35.000)
Need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplane. Huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by now knowledge
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to knowledge, right. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh,
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
indeed. We are damn Jordan damn
Dan (00:01:09.000)
Jordanne quick question for you.
Jordan (00:01:11.000)
What's your spot today? But
Dan (00:01:12.000)
Jordan, I think that today is a monumental day. Okay. And that I think that today is the first time in hundreds of episodes. Okay,
Jordan (00:01:24.000)
as you say yours
Dan (00:01:26.000)
are bright spot I think is the same. Oh, yeah. I think we have a unified bright spot. All right. So what's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:01:33.000)
Well, Dan, my bright spot is I don't know if you recall, we are going to the United Kingdom. I
Dan (00:01:40.000)
do recall as as do the passport people. Process my shit real fast, real fast.
Jordan (00:01:47.000)
Well, you know, we figured since people wanted us to do something while we were there, we decided to do a show. Yeah, we
Dan (00:01:55.000)
got some positive feedback from folks in the UK who wanted us to some hostile some less, some inviting and some really antagonistic,
Jordan (00:02:05.000)
or some that were very threatening.
Dan (00:02:06.000)
Yeah. Especially to you. Yeah. But
Jordan (00:02:09.000)
there was there was a lot of desire within the threat. So I appreciate that. You know, love and desire and hate are all wrapped up in one.
Dan (00:02:16.000)
They are very similar emotions. They are powerful. So
Jordan (00:02:20.000)
yeah, so I'm putting together some venues. And the good news is, we have finally got one to give us an actual goddamn date. We have
Dan (00:02:29.000)
nailed down we are show one who's
Jordan (00:02:31.000)
yo right now. I am working on board.
Dan (00:02:35.000)
Do we want to reveal? I mean, we don't have to reveal the venue, necessarily. But we can say where we're going.
Jordan (00:02:41.000)
We will be in Glasgow.
Dan (00:02:43.000)
That's right, Scotland, we're coming to you. Right.
Jordan (00:02:47.000)
And I will say this,
Dan (00:02:48.000)
I'm calling out Drew McIntyre. Oh, yeah, let's do it.
Jordan (00:02:51.000)
Tickets will go on sale Friday morning at nine rows.
Dan (00:02:55.000)
On our next episode, we'll talk a little bit more about that. I have an episode for Friday. Sure. And so like maybe some more of those specifics. Let's tease this thread out. Just let the people of Glasgow know. We're gonna be there. You're gonna be there. We're gonna be hanging out.
Jordan (00:03:10.000)
I feel so weird about that. Like, why the thing about No, no, not the I'm so excited about that. I feel weird about saying that they go on sale it at a an hour, right? There's a lot of ego built in there that you know, like, are like, our last show sold out. And that's very, very cool. But we can't expect that to happen every time. No,
Dan (00:03:29.000)
especially not in another country. I mean, I know from the buttons and from responses that I've seen, you know, emails and what have you there are, you know, a fair amount of listeners in the UK, or what have you. But yeah, it's, it would be presumptuous to imagine that, like, totally, it's gonna, it's gonna sell out period. Totally, or that it's gonna immediately No,
Jordan (00:03:50.000)
it's and that's the only reason though is because I'm worried that it will. And then people won't do it. You know, like, last time, we were like, Okay, let's sell these out, you know, and then we then it sold out. And we were like, Oh, shit. I don't even know if people got to see it.
Dan (00:04:05.000)
You know, ideally, we'll if, if possible, we would be open to having some other shows. In the UK. That's the plan. But one of the issues we've run into is that you know, booking venues is kind of difficult. So if anybody in there has some venues, send them to Jordan, send an email to knowledge And Jordan will get some stuff and see if you can find some other places. Maybe a London show maybe maybe a Bristol, maybe a you I mean yeah, a place that ends and sure Shire sure
Jordan (00:04:39.000)
gotta go to a shirt. Yeah, absolutely. We got to go to a ham. We got to go to a sure.
Dan (00:04:43.000)
I gotta go find where I gotta go to London, because I've gotta go find out where Bertie Wooster would hang out. I gotta go find the junior Ganymede, no eight. That's the club that Jeeves would go to. I gotta go to the drones club. I got it. That's a it's where Birdie and his friends like cats me Potter Pure Bright would hang out.
Jordan (00:05:05.000)
God so good.
Dan (00:05:07.000)
The best those are so good. Um, yeah,
Jordan (00:05:10.000)
yeah so that's the bright spot. Yeah,
Dan (00:05:12.000)
we'll be doing a live show at the drones club gonna be doing a live show the drones club with Wooster.
Jordan (00:05:18.000)
We're gonna be doing it with fictional characters from Terry Pratchett novels are gonna do it with fictional characters from their
Dan (00:05:26.000)
bingo little little bee they're trying to think of other verde character booster characters.
Jordan (00:05:32.000)
But yeah,
Dan (00:05:36.000)
that guy who looks like a newt, I forget his name. Damn it. I can't I come up with his name. I'm not very ashamed. I'm
Jordan (00:05:42.000)
not names. You're you've got the memory. I have cats meet
Dan (00:05:46.000)
Potter. Purebred? Yeah, exactly. Bingo little
Jordan (00:05:48.000)
I got no names in my head. None. None in there.
Dan (00:05:51.000)
And then he had a friend named Stiffy. But I don't remember what I think that might have been a lady who remembered her last name is anyway we'll be in the UK and if you have some venue suggestions, let Jordan know. And Bing Bong it would be nice. So Jordan today not nice. We're in the present day. We're gonna be talking about some Aleksey business from the present. Are we talking about the night? July 9, so 2023 All right. That was Sunday. Sunday Sunday's show. Yeah. How's he doing? I will say this he claims to be in a good mood. All
Jordan (00:06:25.000)
right. All right.
Dan (00:06:26.000)
That might mean he's done some blow
Jordan (00:06:29.000)
me interested to see where this goes. It's a little speedy.
Dan (00:06:31.000)
It spends a fair amount of time talking about how we went to the creek Okay,
Jordan (00:06:39.000)
so there's that Alright, so he's so he's three days away from retirement kind of some other
Dan (00:06:44.000)
bullshit mixed in but a lot of talk about the creek. That's fair. And we'll get to it here in a minute Jordan, but first, let's say hello to some new wall. Oh, that's great idea. So first Welcome to the world Cooper j. So Paul, now let's see how long it takes Dan to get to this just did haha. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:07:00.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much
Dan (00:07:01.000)
just did par was my next plea deal for crimes committed on January 6 by one J. Owen Troyer offered by the State Department of Justice in exchange for cooperation Yes, that is happening. Oh, boy. Thank you so much for now policy won't I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:07:18.000)
Thank you very much. Number
Dan (00:07:19.000)
one it Shroyer Yeah, number two. I wouldn't be too thrilled. Too excited next kicking off 2020 He has a new walk. Thank you so much.
Jordan (00:07:31.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:32.000)
Next, Jordan. You put this in twice. Oh, I'm sorry. So I'm not gonna say this twice. Okay, unless that was intentional. All right, but thank you so much. Do I regularly put on my best Alex Jones voice and grunt i love you my wife. And yet somehow we're still married. Thank you so much. We're now palsy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:07:48.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very
Jordan (00:07:49.000)
much. Now that was an accident. Okay, hit pay. And paste is a very dangerous tool.
Dan (00:07:55.000)
And so we got to technocrat also in the mix Jordan, so thank you so much too juicy. You're 77 from Tony Ortega's underground bunker, you are now technocrat
Alex Jones (00:08:05.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Telling you brilliant someone someone sodomized, sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teddy baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounced Jesus Christ.
Dan (00:08:24.000)
Thank you so much.
Jordan (00:08:25.000)
Thank you very much. And
Dan (00:08:26.000)
I'll find I'll find those other technocrat drops, eventually, I keep forgetting I keep meaning to and then I forget Intel, I turned to the computer to say you are now taking crap. And then I remember Oh, I meant to look for that bow. Write a little note to myself. So I don't know. Do you remember where we left off in terms of whether the world was doomed? Or if the Patriots are winning? I thought the world was doomed last time. Okay, good, because that's what I remember as well. Okay. However, they're winning now. Well,
Alex Jones (00:08:55.000)
I tend to get a little bummed out here on air and a little pessimistic and upset because a lot of innocent people are being fed into satanic meat grinders 1000 different ways
Alex Jones (00:09:06.000)
every day, conservatively, but in the main evil isn't a lot of trouble. And the Great Awakening is undoubtedly here now.
Dan (00:09:17.000)
So we're kind of bad guys are in trouble. All right, maybe. Maybe that's not like a full throated endorsement that we're winning but it doesn't feel the same to me as he was on our last time we've we've checked in with him. No, no,
Jordan (00:09:29.000)
no, it does feel like the counter offensive is against the devil is underway. Then it's effective. Yeah. So far. It's working. It's moving. You know what maybe it's not moving as fast as we'd like it to. But it is working.
Dan (00:09:41.000)
Well I think maybe a part of that is that the the media has been a flutter about singular topic and this always excites Alex whenever. Whenever there's something Patriot II that is like what everybody's talking about. Yeah. And so he's he's got one of those. Do you know it? Could you guess what that is? Nope, no. No idea. What if I were to tell you what's a movie?
Jordan (00:10:02.000)
Oh my god, it's that movie where there's a child trafficker with Jim fucking ViSalus sound
Dan (00:10:06.000)
freedom. Yep. God damn it. Yep. Everybody's excited about this. And that means that Alex is excited about this. And that means he needs to apologize that he hasn't talked about it already.
Alex Jones (00:10:17.000)
I'll be completely honest with you. I don't really pay attention to Hollywood. The Christian Hollywood is taking over and is successful while the old satanic Hollywood's dying.
Alex Jones (00:10:29.000)
So I had not really paid any attention to the the sound of freedom. But like Mel Gibson a lot. I mean, he talked about he's not some Johnny come lately to fight the New World Order. He's been aware of it since he was a kid. I'm friends with his dad, Hutton, who's an expert, I went to a lawyer before I was born.
Alex Jones (00:10:45.000)
But and I like Visa and all that. But but I just I thought it was a fiction movie. I did a bunch of research this weekend when it hit number one, I was like, wow, this is a true story. I kind of feel my dumb. I'm usually way ahead of the curve, except when you're so far ahead of the curve, you kind of already know all this stuff. What's Hollywood, even if it's Christian Hollywood gonna show me. I mean, the UN has kidnapped hundreds of 1000s of women and children. We know how to put them in sex slavery. And it used to be all over the news, London Guardian Associated Press until about 10 years ago. And big tech got so good at control that you don't even see that stuff anymore.
Dan (00:11:28.000)
Hundreds of 1000s is the UN have people to do that? No, Alex is referring to a headline that he goes back to over and over again throughout the years. And that is about UN peacekeepers who did abuse children in countries like Haiti. And one of the issues that if you actually read these articles, one of the issues that they have with dealing with these problems is that the UN doesn't have jurisdiction over these peacekeepers, the country of origin, where they came from, has the ability to prosecute them for these things. And some of these countries don't do that. Right, right. It's a big mess. But Alex isn't that he takes that and he's like, hundreds of 1000s of people are kidnapped. And it's it's a lot of ballyhoo. I did not know that I'm getting into the British sly,
Jordan (00:12:16.000)
we might as well start. I didn't Bosh. I didn't know that. But that, to me is the biggest like, Why do you think the UN has any power at all the UN peacekeepers don't even answer to the UN?
Dan (00:12:30.000)
Well, the UN has all their power because they've kidnapped
Jordan (00:12:34.000)
I mean, they, you if you can't, even your peacekeepers are not keeping the peace. And you can't even be like, Hey, stop that you have to send them to a country where they're like, oh, that's fine. That's not okay. That's not even a un that's not united nations.
Dan (00:12:48.000)
So I'm not gonna get into the stuff about the movie too deeply, because I think it's been covered pretty heavily elsewhere. And I think the folks who've done the work on this story have done a really good job and there's not a lot more that I can bring to the table. Essentially, there's this new movie called The sound of freedom, which purports to tell the true story of a guy named Tim Bellard who runs a traffic children rescue group called Operation underground railroad. The film is definitely not an accurate depiction of a true story. But the reality is that Tim and Oh, you are has a real issue with accuracy and has for a long time. Anna, Merlin has done a lot of work on this particular case for years and you can find articles on vice laying out a lot of the holes in these people's stories. One of the more damning stories is about a trafficking survivor who's referred to by the student named Liliana without getting into too many details. Liliana was a 14 year old in Mexico who was romantically entrapped by a trafficker. He used that relationship style of grooming to lure her to come to the US where she was kept in an apartment and forced into sex work. After approximately three and a half years Liliana escaped based on her own will to get out. However, Tim Bellard and oh EUR have told a different version of the story where they claim that Liliana was kidnapped and they quote helped her escape her Hell, he would go on to tell various versions of this story with so many details exaggerated. There are many, many instances one could point to to illustrate dishonesty on the part of Bellard but there isn't anything that I find as clear as this case. To make matters even worse, he used Lilyana story for political purposes in his advocacy for building a border wall. If you ever make a move like this, you're disqualified. I understand mixing up some details of some stories every now and again. And I even understand fudging stuff when you're trying to turn a real life event into a movie. And I wouldn't be overly critical of things like that. Especially when it comes to like making the movie there's probably like studio involvement and like,
Jordan (00:14:46.000)
I mean, just like condensing characters into one right? Yeah, no, it makes sense narratively. Yeah. So long as you're not fucking up with all
Dan (00:14:52.000)
levels of creative license and what have you happened in movie you
Jordan (00:14:55.000)
want to tell the story? Not you know,
Dan (00:14:57.000)
but when you misrepresent yourself as having helped you Young girl escaped her hell when she was the one who got herself out and you didn't even meet her until years later, you're a fucking monster. You're willfully and knowingly trying to exploit the horrific things that these people live through. So you can turn them into your own hero stories. You're using their trauma as fuel to be the thing that you save people from. It's fucked up. Yeah, that's kind of what I think about this guy. And this movie, it's bullshit. And it ultimately does a complete disservice to the organizations that are involved in the work of actually helping trafficking victims. And so this can all fuck off. But Alec was really excited because everyone's talking about it and fits nicely into his slick action movie version of saving kids from Yeah, from predators and stuff.
Jordan (00:15:43.000)
Do you know I didn't read anything about it beyond like, it's based on a true story. And I was like, well, it's clearly not sure, but the first thing was Jimmy James, it News Radio singing sound of freedom
Alex Jones (00:15:59.000)
sound a freedom side of freedom.
Dan (00:16:00.000)
I don't remember that.
Jordan (00:16:01.000)
Do you don't remember that. Whenever he was going through the junk box, and he grabs the thing, he's like this from the sound of music. You remember? Sound of Music Sound of us? Oh,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.000)
okay. Yeah.
Jordan (00:16:11.000)
So that's what was in my head. All right. Well, that's my ad
Dan (00:16:16.000)
of it is probably better than if you were to watch the movie.
Jordan (00:16:19.000)
I think everybody will enjoy it more. Yeah, I
Dan (00:16:21.000)
was thinking about like watching it and getting into it or whatever. But I think some other folks who don't I know Q anon anonymous as an episode, where they talk about it. I think Anna's interviewed on that even she's, she's like these articles about that group. Go back years. It's not just about this movie. Like this is this is a group that has had credibility issues for quite a while. And feels a bit scammy.
Jordan (00:16:46.000)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. On account of all the lies and the making money from it. Yeah.
Dan (00:16:52.000)
So Alex is pretty excited about that. But he's also excited about other things. Like some of his friends becoming friends with other of his friends.
Alex Jones (00:16:59.000)
Roger Stone is on the show tomorrow. He hung out with Trump and Mel Gibson, Roger Stone, was also hanging out with Joe Rogan's. That's a good thing. Some of those guys are all together, the radicalization of Joe Rogan is almost complete.
Alex Jones (00:17:16.000)
You know, that's my main job is actually waking people up across the political spectrum, especially the big dogs. Been working on Rogen for 25 years. Special Project.
Jordan (00:17:28.000)
You're supposed to be friend.
Alex Jones (00:17:29.000)
I don't take all the credit for it. There's a large largest serving of the credit to the majority of the credit for his radicalization and I know it's angered the system quite a bit. But seriously, the system radicalized Joe Rogan because the system is he was radical.
Dan (00:17:47.000)
Yeah, I mean, he can do that silly voice when he's talking about radicalizing him as if like that's not basically exactly what he did. I mean, Rogan is a charismatic guy. He's gullible these susceptible to stupid shit and Alex exploited that Yep.
Jordan (00:18:04.000)
He's extremely wealthy with no fear of consequences. So yeah, that's a bad that's a bad mixture of being around human beings. Like
Dan (00:18:12.000)
let's get Roger Stone on Rogan. Why not? God? I just because Rogan just be asking about all the fuck parties.
Jordan (00:18:20.000)
That would be what Rogan should ask about but he probably get into like, canceled culture and shit. Because these people are
Dan (00:18:26.000)
insane. Yeah, yeah, that is unfortunate. Have fun. Roger Stone can't hurt anybody
Jordan (00:18:31.000)
Dan (00:18:33.000)
So fucking Don't be so sure.
Jordan (00:18:34.000)
You're right. That's the worst thing that you can say. Yeah, that's when he rat fucks you the wolf's Oh, God, I I'm still waiting for the stone.
Dan (00:18:42.000)
So the media coverage of the sound of freedom has been quite critical. Yeah, rightfully so. Yeah. In many ways it lies. So Alex has a take on that, that I think is really stupid.
Alex Jones (00:18:55.000)
Okay, first off, what's left of the dinosaur corporate kleptocrat pedophile worshipping medium has further dug itself into hell. And I would say, I mean, they've been a zombie organization, the zombie constellation of corporate fraudsters that have been propped up for a long time, but the facade is completely blown over and fall on the side of the highway. Now, whether it's the Washington Post or the New York Times or CNN, nauseating coverage, defending pedophilia, and saying that there is no child kidnapping, there is no child trafficking. It does not exist. And that sound of freedom in the number one movie at the box office, backed by Mel Gibson and others, is the most horrible thing on earth the world's ever seen.
Dan (00:19:45.000)
Obviously, no one listening to our show really needs this spelled out. But I wanted to include this clip just to illustrate one of the fraudulent ways that Alex makes arguments. Here. He's saying that because their article is critical of the sound of freedom, that means that the media is saying that trafficking does didn't exist. Essentially, the media supports trial child traffickers because they're critical of the movie. But that's not true. Just about every article about how the movie sucks includes comments from actual anti trafficking organizations who talk about how sensationalizing the issue does a disservice to attempt to actually help victims. The media doesn't support trafficking or say that it doesn't exist. It's just clear that this movie is bullshit. Anyone who looks at this situation with any kind of a critical eye would understand this. But this kind of rhetoric that Alex is deploying is meant to make sure no one approaches with anything close to a critical eye. If you see a headline about how Bellard or Oh, EUR have made false claims in the past, you can just ignore it because those people don't think that trafficking even exists. The claims that they're probably saying are false is like that trafficking is real. So who cares? Just discount all that criticism. Yeah, just just lies by the pedophile supporting media
Jordan (00:20:57.000)
that way of arguing is the most annoying and like, it just ends every conversation we may have just like, Okay, well, this thing. Oh, so you don't think that thing is at all do you? Fucking fine. We're done. Yeah, I can't argue you out of. So you think that none of this is real? Yep. That's just unacceptable. Yeah.
Dan (00:21:18.000)
When you when you take that leap, you're basically saying like, there's no way we're going to come over there.
Jordan (00:21:24.000)
Yeah, we have them. Nope. happening anymore. Yeah. And that's intentional.
Dan (00:21:27.000)
Yeah. So anyway, so I'm freedom number one at the box office, baby.
Alex Jones (00:21:31.000)
Heather apologist is the corporate media and they've got such big wave O's, that they come out against a movie, and everything in the box office, including Indiana Jones and the Temple of feminism. Watch a big deal. That's
Jordan (00:21:55.000)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton rips the heart out. Some dude, I would watch that. That'd be pretty great.
Dan (00:22:03.000)
I mean, yeah, I don't know. You open the archives. Yeah, feminism comes out something.
Jordan (00:22:10.000)
I don't know. Just Audrey Lord appeared. Right,
Dan (00:22:12.000)
right. So this is also not true. Indiana Jones came out the week before and he made over 94 point 5 million in its first week. Conversely, sound of freedom made 21 point 9 million in its first week, in some might say that sound freedom opened up fewer theaters. And that is correct. So you know, they might be thinking that the average per theater is better for that movie than Indiana Jones. And that's also that's not correct. Indiana Jones opened on 4600 theaters on screens, and sound of freedom in 20 634. Even with that difference, Indiana Jones made over double per theater that it opened in. And then this past weekend, Indiana Jones made $27 million, putting it at number two for the weekend. But sound the freedom was at number three with a 19 million insidious the red door atop the weekend chart, whatever the fuck that is. It's another insidious move. I assumed that but I also don't know if that means. I have someone who worked in theaters for many years, including at the management level where I needed to assess performance of movies and set screening schedules for upcoming weeks. This all looks pretty normal, like sound of freedom was an unexpected success. But it probably isn't going to do much better at the box office moving forward. It got the right wing media blitz to bring people out with a fourth of July release date. And they did what they could with it, which is you know, pretty impressive. But it's not going to actually outdo a box office draw. And it's not gonna come close to like spider verse that's already at like 300 something million dollars. Well,
Jordan (00:23:40.000)
I mean, that's one of the greatest animated movies ever made.
Dan (00:23:44.000)
One caveat, what just to be clear, sound of freedom did do better specifically, on the fourth of July, they made $14 million on that day to Indiana Jones is 11.6. But that was the release day of the sound of freedom and indeed been out for like a week at that point. So, you know, it's, you can that's still I mean, something if you want to say that it was the number one movie at the box office, you can say it for the day of Fourth of July. Sure. And I guess if Alex if that's what he's saying then fine. But that's not that big. I mean, and it only won by like $2 million.
Jordan (00:24:20.000)
That's a lot. No, that's not that's that's a margin of error for your opening
Dan (00:24:24.000)
day in Indiana Jones is fifth day in studio or in theaters. You should beat it by more than 2 million. Yeah, if you have a lot of that's true interest in your philic
Jordan (00:24:36.000)
Yeah, you know, as far as Patriot representations of patriotism on July 4 I think this one falls pretty low on the Fourth of July scale of demonstrating one's jingoism Jews, we went and saw a movie. What about the what if
Dan (00:24:55.000)
you see the movie The Patriot?
Jordan (00:24:56.000)
I mean, I feel like everybody does watch the movie that They traded on Fourth of July, right? I don't you don't know. I thought it was a law. No. Every fourth of July from the age of zero on our I mean from the age of the Patriot on.
Dan (00:25:10.000)
Can I be honest with you was that I've never seen the patriot. I've also never seen Patriot Games.
Jordan (00:25:16.000)
Wait was Heath Ledger in the patriot? No Maybe it was I
Dan (00:25:19.000)
think it was there's a blonde dude, I remember that I
Jordan (00:25:22.000)
do remember a blonde dude. Yep.
Dan (00:25:23.000)
Yeah. See Patriot Games?
Jordan (00:25:25.000)
Wait, that's the one with Harrison Ford. Right? Get off of this player, you know, that's Air Force One.
Alex Jones (00:25:32.000)
I didn't kill my wife.
Jordan (00:25:33.000)
That's the that's the major. You know, that's the fugitive, fugitive patriotic fugitive patriot.
Dan (00:25:41.000)
So Aleksa spends a good bit of time here bragging about how influential he is, which is a lot of fun. Sounds right. And then he gets to one of what I would assess as the the top news stories of the day. And that is that ice cube went on Joe Rogan's show a week ago, which I mean, it's big news.
Alex Jones (00:25:58.000)
I am proud of a lot of things. And the thing that I want to say proud most satisfied about is that when I go back and talk to these key people and track back what woke them up the Genesis than waking up it was this show and our guests and things we've done has been in the main the most prominent successful organization at getting people to wake up in the New World Order. And so to all the listeners and backers and supporters you really bet on the right horse you bet on your own future. You bet on a winner I mean, we're talking Triple Crown winner not me this whole organization the audience the listeners, the supporters, baby You are absolutely nailing it okay.
Alex Jones (00:26:39.000)
But man I got to keep track of anymore it's not just our okay January's not a Tucker Carlson is not as Russell Brand. It's not just Joe Rogan. It's not just all these congress people and all these big Hollywood people. And then the number one movies over and over again. Everything is anti New World Order truth, go rogue and completely comes out in the IceCube interview that I finally watched last week. And I mean, I've got all these clips like the world government's going to enslave us and they're going to do the trolling we do we got to stop the central bank digital currencies have its absolute total crap for hour after hour. And I assume Yeah, then we got to stop this world government. They want to control our bodies. They're the enemy and he ever smokes.
Alex Jones (00:27:17.000)
People? Are they controlled opposition? No. Joe Rogan's not controlled opposition. No ice cubes, controlled opposition? No, Mel Gibson skip this break. No, Mel Gibson is not controlled opposition. It's just now it's safe for them. To tell you what they already knew, because they saw people like me coming out talking about 25 years ago, and David Icke and others like, well, you get attacked, you do that as cookie. And then over time they woke up. I mean, I got Joe Rogan calling into my show on 911. That's a famous clip. He loves him all the time. Do you listen to yours? And you knew I was right. Over the years, we said he would just be like, is it really that mad? Really, Alex? And finally, about five years ago, I got mad at him and confront him about it. And I said, You need to choose a side. He's a need to be against the New World Order or for it, and he said, You're right. It's real. I'm gonna I'm gonna be against. And he's done in his own way. Fighting Sorry,
Jordan (00:28:10.000)
Dan (00:28:11.000)
This is ridiculous. terrible story. Yeah. Yeah, I do. I don't think that Rogan calling into his show was a famous story.
Jordan (00:28:20.000)
No, we're the only people who said that that happened.
Dan (00:28:24.000)
It's yeah, it's not prevalent in any way to the point where I was surprised when I went back and covered it that that was something that happened. Yeah. That's not something that was talked about. No,
Jordan (00:28:35.000)
you would think I'd forgotten. Yeah. No, absolutely. We all did. We were because that doesn't sound like it could be true. No, then madlib. Yeah. If somebody told you that, you'd be like, No, that's not possible. There are more guys than that. And in fact, there are not there are not that many. There's not that many guys. Yeah.
Dan (00:28:53.000)
So I think I think there's a couple of things that come to mind when I hear something like this. Let's first first is that, like, if you're talking about somebody who like is agreeing with you and sounding like you and all this stuff. And your first thing is to assure people they're not controlled opposition, no matter what you're kind of in a bad place. Yeah. You know, if you have to reassure your audience, that it's not a trap, that someone agrees with you. That's a little rough.
Jordan (00:29:18.000)
Yeah. Like it's you might as well be saying, Listen, I know I keep you in such a heightened state of anxiety all the time that you naturally Of course, know, it's reasonable for you to assume that everyone is false flagging you all the time.
Dan (00:29:30.000)
And then that leads me to my second point, and that is that Alex knows that when Rogan didn't let him back on the show. He was saying that he was controlled opposition. That's exactly what he was saying. So Alex himself has made this accusation so you need to you know, assuage those fears in the audience. Yeah, I make sure they don't remember the thing you said. Back when Rogen was a sneaky snake,
Jordan (00:29:51.000)
I respect that. You may not understand Joe Rogan and I's relationship up and down. I'll get you like a pig. We go on the show. It's the highest thrown at me you don't let me back on. You're a controlled opposition monster.
Dan (00:30:04.000)
I understand that you don't get me and Rogan's relationship. I am horrendously abusive, and he seems to put up with a whole lot and he's a gullible dum dum.
Jordan (00:30:14.000)
He said, He is consistently made it very clear that he likes me as a friend. And in all I have done over these years. I am gloating over making him a shittier person as if he wanted to fight me. As if my friend I was actively like,
Dan (00:30:33.000)
I'll get you. I'll get you got him. Like,
Jordan (00:30:37.000)
really like it? Maybe? That's a friend's work, right?
Dan (00:30:41.000)
I think it might be. Wait, you got to choose a side?
Jordan (00:30:45.000)
I knew it. I knew it.
Dan (00:30:49.000)
So I don't I don't know. Really Why I'm gonna play this next clip. It's three minutes long, but it's indicative of how nothing is going on on this episode. Actually,
Jordan (00:30:58.000)
there is something interesting about that last clip. Okay, I will cuz it got me thinking, you know, like, hearing Joe Rogan and ice cube both agree like the New World Order is coming after you. Like it occurs to me that in a very specific, like in a controlled environment, because of the way that words work between the between all of these people, like Dead Prez and Alex could sit down. And as long as you stayed on the same path, they would say the exact same words and be like, I can't believe I agree with you so much writing completely different things.
Dan (00:31:30.000)
Yeah, yeah. And I think that what you're talking about is essentially that one of the reasons that a lot of people who were like into Occupy Wall Street, and maybe some people who veered a little bit more to the left, were kind of enticed by Alex's rhetoric exactly at earlier points in his career, right? Yeah, there's such a lack of specificity to like what a lot of these ideas and words mean that you can find false agreement pretty easily if you're not careful.
Jordan (00:31:59.000)
Yeah. It's just wild how very direct and one to one it can be now like, there's just completely different meanings for words.
Dan (00:32:07.000)
Go wild, like patriot. I think of the one armed man movie, it shouldn't think of Heath Ledger,
Jordan (00:32:13.000)
it should almost be a a different because it's not a homophone, you know, it's the same exact word and it's not. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, there's
Dan (00:32:22.000)
probably a term for that, that we just don't have on the list. Nope. Fair enough. But Alex is that's talks all the time. He doesn't stop his words. In this is gonna say a bunch of words about how he wants to watch the clip from Mad Max, where they're playing chicken with the tow cutter. Okay.
Jordan (00:32:44.000)
Whole three minute clip is mostly about med packs. Yes. All right.
Dan (00:32:49.000)
Yep. Okay, get ready.
Alex Jones (00:32:52.000)
We are Mad Max. In fact, we have the real we have Mad Max on our team. We have Mel Gibson rd, we have all the good guys. Okay, we're not perfect. We're maniacs. But do understand we're not going to turn the car off in the chicken. We're going to jam the accelerator down in a mud straight at your ass. That's what we're telling you. You need to just turn off now. Need to turn off now. It's okay. If Tim Cook runs deaf camps, we know he's gay right? long as you're liberal. As long as it's fine as long as it's trending. So the big news enough about all that, but can understand more than just news stories or news items all this freedoms popular exposing the globalist as popular standing against them as popular. The New World Order does not know what to do. They're in total and complete absolute panic mode right now. And
Alex Jones (00:33:45.000)
that's just where we are. But but let's not sit there and count our chickens before they're hatched. They're going to pull some major crap. I mean, they already said the Russians tomorrow are going to blow up the nuclear power plant with no evidence. That's not the tow cutter scene.
Alex Jones (00:34:02.000)
This is
Alex Jones (00:34:04.000)
road warriors. The second movie, Mad Max was the one go to YouTube. Mad Max Tow cutter scene that'll pull it out. I pulled it like three years ago. I was Mad Max Tow cutter scene, and he's not run over motorcycles. He's playing chicken with the tow cutter.
Alex Jones (00:34:20.000)
And they're all like Methamphetamine is a great scene. But the point is, is that is that that's where we are ladies and gentlemen. And God I've gotten so old I looked like the police chief in Mad Max trouble now. Anyway, to do the max nearly energy's been cut off. That's why society is falling apart. And we live in a world where the globalists have actually artificially implemented themselves but you will meet before we got a big group in there just just talking about her. Just pop in here real quick until Tell me that you found Mad Max tocar still Mad Max chicken scene yep, there it is Mad Max let me see fast forward a little bit. Now this is the end of the this is the end of Mad Max. I'll come in there during the break just stop. Just just pull the plug now. No more No more. Okay, it's not a big deal. So continuing please don't let me do this let me Let me report. I'm gonna reset the broadcast. Yeah.
Jordan (00:35:44.000)
Dan (00:35:45.000)
I kept I wanted to play that because it's like, this is a show. Yeah,
Jordan (00:35:49.000)
this is good stuff. That's a roller coaster.
Dan (00:35:52.000)
Yeah, he seems to be unaware that he's on air or something or not care at all just
Jordan (00:35:57.000)
just giving it all up.
Dan (00:35:59.000)
He was so like, okay, I get it. The point you're making is that you're playing chicken with the globalist Yes, it is not essential that you play this clip from that MAC.
Jordan (00:36:09.000)
I have to play it.
Dan (00:36:11.000)
I have to play you understand this sounds exactly like someone who's hyper focused like you're on some kind of a stimulant. I
Jordan (00:36:16.000)
would definitely. I would listen to what you have to say. But I'm hyper focused on this clip right now.
Dan (00:36:22.000)
Also, another person from birdies friend group was Boko fiddles worth. I don't remember if that's the guy who looks like a newt though.
Jordan (00:36:30.000)
I'll just say that. I don't think elet Alex ever got Beyond Thunderdome.
Dan (00:36:37.000)
Also, I love the way that this clip starts where he's like, we've got the real Mad Max
Jordan (00:36:46.000)
you've got the you've got it backwards. You're gonna say you've got the frictional Mad Max here, the real Mad Max exist within the fictional realm.
Dan (00:36:56.000)
Yeah, but also Mel Gibson did all do all that stuff. That's true. Yep. Did he know? So Alex has some accusations of hypocrisy that he's going to throw people like Fareed Zakaria Oh, that'll take them down. But I'm late. But unfortunately, what Alex describes if you pay attention is actually an instance of consistency.
Alex Jones (00:37:17.000)
Dammit. And I've kind of been a little fired up today. more energetic than I have been lately how to get the old school Alex Jones run bounce off the walls. We're going to battle through all the news, just simply very crisply segment. But I wanted to get to this little giveaway right now. And this is Jen Psaki in 2022. Saying that using cluster bombs is a war crime. And then Fareed Zakaria which is a big global insider, obviously Bilderberg guy, big supporter of the war in Ukraine with Soros. But now it's seasonable it's kosher to attack Biden. He says that he brings up shocking statements to the Biden on this. And so it just shows her hypocrisy. Listen,
Dan (00:38:10.000)
not at all. No, not that what's hypocritical about it, Saki made a comment that Russians cluster bombing of particularly civilians is what she was talking about, yeah, could potentially be a war crime. And Fareed Zakaria, when he's interviewing Biden brings up that and asks him a question about it. Yeah, it is consistency, if anything?
Jordan (00:38:34.000)
Yeah, yeah, that's the idea. Mm hmm. I am beginning to think one of our biggest problems. All right, with a lot of the people that we are talking about, is that they don't understand concepts.
Dan (00:38:48.000)
Yeah, I think I think that is definitely true. Now I'm going to be like incredibly generous, and potentially give a way that this could be read in some way as hypocritical. Okay. The hypocrisy could be upon the part of Joe Biden, like greenlighting selling cluster bombs or sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Right. So that could be the hypocritical act. But then why are you focusing on Fareed Zakaria and, Saki, why don't you focus in on the media aspect of it. And that is where you're pointing to some hypocrisy, when, in fact, your criticism is for Biden about the sale or sending those bombs. Yeah, I mean, it's it's not a war crime, technically, to use cluster bombs. The United States, Russia and Ukraine have not signed on to that Non Proliferation agreement that a lot of the world is signed on to. So it's not against that. If you're not using them against civilians. It may be not a I don't know how you would use one precisely, quite frankly,
Jordan (00:39:52.000)
that's the antithesis of what they are described. I'm
Dan (00:39:55.000)
not thrilled. I don't think this is a good idea. So I think Alex could make Some kind of mileage in terms of pointing to Biden, yeah. But pointing to Fareed Zakaria is just ludicrous. Then that's how he's presenting this, which makes it make no sense. Because the media aspect of this is consistent. Yeah. So I don't know what's going on. I don't know. But I was just trying to bend over backwards to generate.
Jordan (00:40:20.000)
But that would make sense. That is the idea of hypocrisy. They said something was bad. And now they're doing it in defiance of it being bad, then now they're calling it God. I understand that. But Fareed is not part of the, or is he?
Dan (00:40:36.000)
Well, I mean, I guess Alex did say he's like, up there with Sora. Yeah, that's right. They're all in somehow you assume that literally everybody makes policy together. And like, they all like everyone makes every single globalist. And that can be anybody. I mean, literally, it can be as he responsible for every decision made by any other globalist if that's how you're working it, then. Yeah, I guess this is hypocritical. brutal, but that's stupid.
Jordan (00:41:02.000)
Yeah, that's, that's that I mean, that just makes it no fun. Yeah. Then it's just arbitrary. Yeah.
Dan (00:41:08.000)
Whoo. So Alex wishes that this war was not happening. He wishes the West hadn't have done this.
Jordan (00:41:17.000)
It's all their fault. For what what? And then he predicts
Dan (00:41:20.000)
that this is going to lead to germ warfare. Sure.
Alex Jones (00:41:23.000)
I don't want that. I wish Russia with invaded. I wish the West would have started the war. The point is, let's really talk about military stuff. Because here's what nobody's saying. And this is why you tune into the show. And I don't want to say this with pleasure. So I'm very upset right now. Because I have four children. I have a family. I want to keep living and I'm really upset. But yet you have the former president of Russia came out a few weeks ago, he said, let's just go on to have a nuclear wars is what you want. That's sarcasm. The letter said that to say, which we're we're going don't make a joke out of this.
Alex Jones (00:42:00.000)
When you use all these weapons, it escalates. So that's what's happening. It escalates and escalates and escalates. So when they come out and say, We're gonna legalize cluster bombs, get Jim Saki cued up again, when Biden and the White House and Obama and Princess Diana and all of them have harped, and harped and harped on how cluster bombs are the worst thing since death.
Alex Jones (00:42:30.000)
And now we're going to use them. I know the global stop rate. I mean, I just do and I know this is what's happening. But I'm sure I'm sure. They're gonna have a cluster bomb debate right now for the next two weeks. And in two weeks, they're going to start the announcements for delivery of F six teams, then it's going to be Predator drones. And then it's full war with NATO. And Russia, not a proxy war, not a hybrid war. Because if they're telling you that nastiest dirty thing in there, like cluster bombs are not bio weapons. Nerve gas that's the really nasty stuff. By all of us even worse, it just spreads and spreads and blows back on you
Dan (00:43:16.000)
put put the clock on it two weeks. Also, bio weapons. I thought that COVID was already a bio weapon. So we've already done that water and bio weapon. Okay. Nerve gas, nerve agents completely different. Putin certainly is not unfamiliar with such things.
Jordan (00:43:33.000)
I mean, did name one presidential contender that he murdered?
Dan (00:43:37.000)
Just one? So yeah, I mean, I get I get where Alex is going, things can escalate. And yes, that is definitely that is definitely something to be concerned about. Sure. I'm not necessarily. I don't know what I feel about. Any kind of further escalations and what have you, but I don't think that this kind of anti interventionism is productive, right. I think that he's anti interventionism is actually a support of just Russian colonial.
Jordan (00:44:18.000)
Right, why not? Yeah,
Dan (00:44:20.000)
I find that to be a little bit distasteful.
Jordan (00:44:22.000)
Yeah. I mean, everybody's I understand the reasonable like, of course, Ukraine is asking, you know, if you are in a war for survival, it's literally live free or die. I mean, you can't be an American and not support that. It's just in our fucking money. It's certainly understandable. Yeah. So that makes sense. But what it does is it just shows like a you know, all in or all out should have been there from the beginning or not at all. Yeah. And you can't do this slow.
Dan (00:44:51.000)
It does stupid. It's it's tough. And it is also tough once you start sending weapons like Where do you draw the line? Like if x is okay, then why is why not? And that is kind of like all? I don't know, I assume that there's a good reason I assume that there's some sort of a like, why something is across the line and why something is like, this is we feel is appropriate. Right, but I don't I don't know what that is.
Jordan (00:45:21.000)
I mean, if you got into a conversation with somebody who was explaining it to you, you would be disappointed.
Dan (00:45:26.000)
I imagine. I would. Yeah, I imagine I would, it would not be good. Um, but yeah, I don't know. I think I think that all in or all out is also kind of dangerous. Well, I'm,
Jordan (00:45:36.000)
I'm, I understand. No, I'm not saying that is a good thing or a bad thing, right? I'm just saying that if you are going to do this thing, that's the way you do it and get it done. You know, otherwise, you're just shittily you're half assing it how can you have as a walk? I don't know.
Dan (00:45:56.000)
I don't know. Yeah, yeah. So within a week or two or So Russia is going to be attacking NATO bases.
Jordan (00:46:03.000)
That's a bad idea for them. So keep
Dan (00:46:05.000)
that again on the clock. Okay,
Alex Jones (00:46:07.000)
and so this only means one thing full escalation. Sorry to have to announce that to everybody. Within two weeks they'll announce F six teams within one month Predator drones river drones and Russia said they will start attacking NATO bases and we're off to the races show kiss your little ones good bye tonight and tuck them in because we got a crazy pedophile run of the lighthouse
Alex Jones (00:46:38.000)
and you know we see this big legging in the public but is it a day late the dollar short? I hope it's not the people ask like how are you handling all the media attacks and fake losses and records even as he campaigns I'm like, I'm not even aware of that. Oh, my daughter to the creek today and swam over about two hours. And there were little mini parts coming over and chewing on my feet my leg technical piece of skin that's what I do to other animals in the water they come and get things off as I was I'm laying the creek What are others fish all over me. But otter sit on a rock and she's like Daddy, they're biting you. Why don't you worry about us and these fish are kissing me they're just getting things off of me and I think they're very sweet so once you get them our she got out a lot of other fish get all over and they were invited honors. Oh it's so fun as I guess great. And that's really the allegory here. What my enemies attacking me just make me stronger. fish biting on me the creek?
Dan (00:47:39.000)
Jordan (00:47:44.000)
All right. So the last analogy
Dan (00:47:46.000)
the lawsuits and bankruptcy and everything are little fish nibbling on skin. Ah, they're cleaning his feet.
Jordan (00:47:53.000)
How does he manage to make even what should be a touching interaction between a father and his child to do something creepy and gross and somehow evil
Dan (00:48:01.000)
and confusing and confusing. Yeah. So anyway, yeah. NATO's gonna be attacked by Russia. Like I guess he's saying like, in a month or so. Yeah. And then Katie bar the door cow. Wait, the cabbage are all dead. Yeah, so enjoy this time with the creek
Jordan (00:48:17.000)
lesson I've been, you know, I would personally, I would say that everybody should destroy all of our nuclear weapons and our cluster bombs and all of that shit. everybody equally. We shouldn't have it right. The ideal? The ideal? Yeah, that would be the smart thing to do. Or maybe everybody gets to have one ceremonial Nuke, you know, like that decorative, and then we'll worship it underground. I think it's the way to go. But But I mean, I don't think we're going to get a NATO Russia shooting war?
Dan (00:48:52.000)
No, I don't think I think the odds of that are pretty low. I think both sides are keenly aware of the consequences. Yeah, that are entailed. Yeah. And I think that that's probably very, very much last resort.
Jordan (00:49:06.000)
Yeah. I mean, you know, that the Americans and the Russians can sit down and they'll be like, Hey, we're both a bunch of digs. We did the Afghanistan thing. You're doing the Ukraine thing. Let's just not kill everybody. And that seems reasonable.
Dan (00:49:18.000)
Yeah, yeah. I think so. I I feel like Alex is maybe on one on one on one of his things could be where? Maybe, you know, I know he said that at the beginning, the evil sides losing. Maybe he's shifted into the area.
Jordan (00:49:36.000)
I feel like he's tricked. He's convinced himself that we're losing out Oh,
Alex Jones (00:49:41.000)
stop thinking about ourselves individually and start thinking about what's happening to all of us together right now. Let me tell you when you look back on this if you survive this and I hope we do you're gonna go back calm. Why did we not know we were living through? Why did we know it was gonna happen? It's always that way in history. always that way. I'm telling you, I can sense the day All right, I can feel death so can I'm never wrong you better pray to God for peace right now because there's time to pull back from the precipice
Jordan (00:50:12.000)
you're never wrong you know he's never wrong because he's never said it like this before totally completely different from all the other times that he's since death it's I mean, it's he's never since death before or Doom to know clearly we can take this as not somebody whose consent you know like chicken literally this is a man who's finally saying the truth.
Dan (00:50:34.000)
This is a dude who's straight up terrorizing his audience. Yeah, this is just nonsense. Yeah. But instead of that, maybe talk a little bit more about going to the creek All right.
Jordan (00:50:48.000)
I'd prefer that too.
Dan (00:50:49.000)
Yeah. Like I kid I always used to like to go down to the creek, throw some rocks in there, you know, wander around. Good stuff.
Alex Jones (00:51:00.000)
She wanted to go to the creek today because I want to go on my snorkel. And I want to see crawdads and fish because it's beautiful sunfish in there and we go anywhere about that little spot off the road that I'm gonna go to we got on this hill Parker car nobody's ever between two hills because most of our groups full of people but they don't know the spots to go where
Alex Jones (00:51:16.000)
there's cliffs so nobody's there. We're just like for two hours sitting back swimming in the creek and hanging out with the fish it's just amazing. Absolutely amazing. And and that's what's so beautiful about this world. You know, we fight because we hate the globalist though I do dislike them quite a bit I do hate them.
Alex Jones (00:51:36.000)
I fight because I love my daughter and my family and I love you. I mean I really have empathy. And and I've said this before, empathy is actually a very selfish thing. When you don't have empathy for people you don't care about yourself either. And blind empathy that was what the globalist create oh do this be liberal Oh, because they know you have empathy they manipulate your empathy you've got a spin your empathy where you know it's properly spent. So that's important don't have blind empathy but but but but but definitely have empathy. A little crabs. Come over in the ocean crabs?
Jordan (00:52:08.000)
Are these an allegorical crazy?
Alex Jones (00:52:12.000)
Let's move on. We have more serious issues to hit than having fish feed on you. apertures I'd like to do today was I had just sunshine, perch bluegills. They're all different types. pink ones, brown ones, red ones, little fish all over me just like a Parana action and fun. But the main thing I was doing as I shaved my head was hitting some some I had so I don't have white sidewalls. You know what I mean? Yeah, why should we even talk about the New World Order? Bar towers out the cricket, swimming and snorkels and seeing fishing crawdads and flowers and dragonflies and some deer came out. We saw him and I hit back up to the car by the bridge. And I look up at a car drives by and goes we love Alex Jones and honks their horn. My daughter looks at me
Jordan (00:53:12.000)
with love. What is happening? Look at that, honey,
Alex Jones (00:53:15.000)
right? There's the moon. It was just so magic.
Dan (00:53:21.000)
Everyone in this story will be dead.
Jordan (00:53:24.000)
Can you can you it? Danna? I don't know if you've ever experienced this in with another person before. But if you've ever been in a conversation with somebody, have you ever been in a conversation with somebody where they're telling they're on one subject and then they start to wind down and you're like, Okay, we're gonna change this object, and then all of a sudden they get a sudden burst of energy. And we keep going for another 20 minutes.
Dan (00:53:48.000)
I've experienced this
Jordan (00:53:50.000)
seems familiar. Familiar. Yeah.
Dan (00:53:53.000)
It strikes me as reminiscent of parties. I didn't want to be it.
Jordan (00:53:58.000)
Yeah. But telling me stories I didn't want. I do love Greek.
Dan (00:54:03.000)
And I think it's great to to make up stories about people.
Jordan (00:54:10.000)
I mean, it's hard not to it's hard not to want to I grew up Midwestern, rural area I've been to Creek.
Dan (00:54:17.000)
The difficulty for me is this is stupid and meaningless. But Alex does make a good point. Why even talk about the New World Order? I agree. It feels like he said just about everything he could possibly say about them.
Jordan (00:54:31.000)
Scott seemed like we've reached a saturation point,
Dan (00:54:34.000)
at least. And I don't think he even wants to do this, quite frankly, he wants to go to the creek. So Sunday is a two hour show. And we are now an hour and a half into the show. And the creek
Jordan (00:54:44.000)
shows what we're going to call this precursory show.
Dan (00:54:48.000)
So here we are.
Alex Jones (00:54:50.000)
So without further ado, we've still got 35 minutes left. Let me go ahead and start getting into the news. I should I get to start The Ice Cube interview we're gonna have a listen to it five or six days ago. Here's a short clip.
Dan (00:55:09.000)
Yeah, so the top story, we're gonna get into fine now that we're to we're, we're three quarters of the way through the show. Let's go ahead and play that clip Ice Cube, you know. And to Rogen,
Jordan (00:55:19.000)
I think it's about time to get started. Yeah.
Dan (00:55:23.000)
Cool. So Alex does get to another news story. So I mean, there's a little bit and it says he's talking about his opposition to self driving cars. Now, you might notice at the end of this, that he's very mad at the people who are, you know, involved in self driving cars? Do you? Is
Jordan (00:55:38.000)
there somebody specifically involved in self driving cars that no, it's a mystery
Dan (00:55:42.000)
as to who is possibly really involved in, you know, pushing, could be anybody could be anybody be any, and we really need to get to the bottom of it. Definitely not somebody, I'm
Alex Jones (00:55:52.000)
a fan of the globalist. I want to stop the New World Order, I want to have a pro human future. I want to stop them dead. And I got some examples of that coming up. They're sabotaging self driving cars all over the world, including here in the United States. And again, total civil disobedience. I'm not against their technology, but it's being deployed to enslave us and control us. And I say more power to people. In fact, I'm surprised they're just putting traffic cones over the robots, cameras and systems. I'm surprised I've taken baseball bats to attend tennis and the rest of it. Because it's one thing like to send a human out to pull the cone off. Why not just stop that son of a bitch over? You know what I mean? Because it's designed to displace us. It's not there to empower us. It's being deployed against us, all of this. Now, I'm not saying RegTech car. It's more important to find out who's using driverless car services and do not support those services. Just like Bud Light. That's why Bud Light is so important. Anheuser Busch is a CIA globalist knuckle dragging it down American group while they're Clydesdales and crap. They hate America. They always 50 years. Global's companies will order control. I'm so glad to see that company die.
Dan (00:57:15.000)
Yeah, man.
Jordan (00:57:16.000)
I mean, aren't they German?
Dan (00:57:19.000)
InBev owns them. None of them exist. Anheuser Busch was like based in St. Louis. Right? I think so. Probably. Yeah. I don't think it's, I think InBev is a German company. Yeah. And they bought them out like years ago because there was that moral panic about Yeah, about how like this is your case. This is an American beer. German company early. I remember that. Freedom Fries episode, man. But yeah, so there are apparently New World Order globalists, CIA controlled company because they had Dylan Mulvaney on a novelty Ken that they sent her to make a tick tock video so many reasons
Jordan (00:57:59.000)
to be angry at Global Corporate corporations and zero of them are that
Dan (00:58:05.000)
Oh, strange. Alex Edinburg, Elon Musk in terms of the people who are profiting off of self driving cars
Jordan (00:58:10.000)
feels like there's so wired big name in autonomous driving cars, what huge name. And it might be a name that he says all the time and
Dan (00:58:20.000)
he's gonna be he's gonna criticize him when there's criticism to be made. He's gonna be he's gonna give it up to him when it's time to give it up. And he's also gonna ignore things that he's doing when those things are things that he would have to criticize. Yeah,
Jordan (00:58:31.000)
yeah, I would criticize them. If I was paying attention.
Dan (00:58:35.000)
I praise him when phrases do and I ignore his involvement when I need to criticize him
Jordan (00:58:40.000)
like get it straight. A critical thinker will write Yes.
Dan (00:58:45.000)
So unfortunately, Alex does not play you belong to the city. He does play hard in my heart by man Why can't I come up with the name of the band?
Jordan (00:58:56.000)
The moment you say the name and then ask for the name my brain goes now. Boy did he play the clip from Mad Max? Yes. Okay good. Yeah, I didn't need that confirmed. I was good. I needed closure on that story.
Dan (00:59:12.000)
When he goes to break he he finds that clip Gotcha. Wow. Quarter flash flash got it. There you go. Um, so he does play hard in my heart and that was nice to hear. But he does do a refund over a song like I said, I wish it was you belong to the city, but it's not always. And he discusses how he's in a good mood. Today
Alex Jones (00:59:44.000)
you know who I bet on the people on this planet. And I'm never gonna back down. Our ancestors fought so hard for us to be here together. And I just love every one of you and we're gonna win. And God is 100% real Make no mistake about that. But you better get down to reality Satan's reels Well
Alex Jones (01:00:09.000)
that's why I'm a song right here
Alex Jones (01:00:19.000)
travel on that road
Alex Jones (01:00:26.000)
give me a ticket of your coward savior. Humanity by the satanists have already lost
Alex Jones (01:00:40.000)
I'm fully loaded today. We are having a good move. Actually, he wouldn't be out in the creek for two hours. Go back right now. But my daughter's like, can we can build a fire here. We got on there all the time. Can we stay here? Dad, I want to know we can't stay here. Well, we can camp and I go no, this is that's all private property on both sides. This is public land, but you just can't camp here. And maybe we will. But they were designed to be outside of Elon Musk last week said say he's gonna guys. He's a bad guy. He said Stop getting on Twitter. Go outside.
Jordan (01:01:19.000)
You said he's a bad guy.
Alex Jones (01:01:22.000)
That's what it's all about.
Dan (01:01:23.000)
When Musk said that he was trolling people who were criticizing him putting limits on numbers of tweets. You can see he's just being an asshole. Yeah, he was. He's being a dick. He's
Jordan (01:01:33.000)
a real prick.
Dan (01:01:34.000)
Yeah, he sucks. Yeah. I like this point that Alex is making though. This like, Hey, I haven't really done my job, but I'm in a good mood. And it's like, do you think those things are connected? Do you realize that doing your show bums you out?
Jordan (01:01:49.000)
Don't? Don't bring self awareness into this. He might explode.
Dan (01:01:54.000)
Oh, I'm sure he is on some level aware of like, if I have to do my show and yell about bullshit. It's gonna ruin this good mood that I'm in. Yeah, so I'm not gonna do it.
Jordan (01:02:03.000)
I'm just gonna talk about the great today. Yeah, I mean, there's Listen, there is the I'm not going to say there haven't been plenty of days where I walked into work. And I was like, you know, I'm feeling too good to put up with this bullshit right now. Sure. Yeah, I'm with you. That happens.
Dan (01:02:17.000)
I get you also Gussie Fink novel that was the guy who looks like a new
Jordan (01:02:23.000)
Yep. I appreciate you demonstrating your your memory capacity. In the face of somebody with almost none.
Dan (01:02:30.000)
Yeah. gasi studied newts. Ah, that he looked like one? Well, according to
Jordan (01:02:38.000)
that's nominated Bertrand nominative determinism, right? Something like that.
Dan (01:02:43.000)
So I was a little confused because Alex goes to break. Yeah. And he comes back and he's playing a clip from Dr. No. And there's no setup for it. Mel Gibson
Jordan (01:02:53.000)
and Dr. Neff? Nope. Doctor, no, he,
Dan (01:02:57.000)
there's no explanation for it. There's no context for it. Then here we go.
Dr. No (James Bond) (01:03:02.000)
My reading of the British mentality that we're gonna play. It's a challenge. And in the case they couldn't possibly pass have given the slightest chance of getting their hands on the electro decoder. They have one cent one for years. All that you say could be true. As an added refinement, I think that Spectre would probably have the chance of a personal revenge for the killing of our operative. Doctor. No, because the man the British will almost certainly use an emission of the South would be the agent James Bond. Let his death be a really unpleasant and humiliating one. I should put my plan into operation straightaway. And there will be no failure.
Alex Jones (01:03:49.000)
All right, so we've had a good shot tonight. I wasn't sure. But I really got prepared today and I didn't cover much of it. Because Tim Cook's game on the death camps, it's like, well, he's gay, though. He wants to run a nuclear war. And it's like, well, Biden's you know, trendy and shows Obama So what's all right, it's okay.
Dan (01:04:11.000)
I realize that. Like when Alex says trendy, he doesn't actually mean trendy. That's a word like woke there has no definition to him. Really? Yeah. Because he spends all of his time talking about how cool it is that the most popular shows in the world sound like him. In essence, what he's bragging about is his ideas being trendy. He's he trends offending, and he talks about being in the Zeitgeist and what have you so he's very highly concerned with being trendy in some way. Yeah. But yeah, this trendy clearly is just a pejorative meant to describe the sort of social groups that he doesn't like yeah,
Jordan (01:04:50.000)
it's it's a classic. You know what it means word right? Where it's like, I can always hide behind the word because you and I don't know what he means when he mean means it we but we do. But most people don't we
Dan (01:05:03.000)
have a definition for what trendy means. And we probably don't like it. No, it's not a word that generally is used as like, a positive. Yeah, I think most maybe it is in some senses out
Jordan (01:05:16.000)
or I don't know, you know, sometimes people use it well, but this word is a lie.
Dan (01:05:21.000)
I also think that it is not a good justification for not doing your job because Tim Cook's gay, I think
Jordan (01:05:26.000)
what I find so fascinating about that is that is like the demon box. And like you can hear him talking. Do you know what I mean? Like he's, he's got the angel and the demon on his site. And it's actually the devil talking. He's like, no, no, it's okay, man. You can be shit at your job. You're not gay, like Tim Cook. Like, that's the evil part of his brain,
Dan (01:05:46.000)
I think I think or is the only part of his brain my look, the devil in the angel are hanging out and hot tub, globalist town, the
Jordan (01:05:54.000)
angel is drowning.
Dan (01:05:55.000)
It's there's, there's a part of my brain that thinks that Tim Cook will be dead for 10 years. And Alex will still be saying this 100% This is just muscle memory kind of stuff. Totally. It has no relationship
Jordan (01:06:10.000)
to the things that demon it's the demon. There it is, is muscle mass. Exactly. It's not. It's crazy. He'll be ahead and, uh, Jared like Futurama. And it's still be like, Oh, Tim Cook.
Dan (01:06:21.000)
So Alex does have one bit of a news piece that he gets to. And it has to do with a story. There's a headline, and that is about China restricting the export of a couple of precious metals. Sure. And the headline puts it as a warning shot. China of fires a warning shot, right. And so Alex spends a long time pontificating on this. And I'm just gonna play this bit of it.
Alex Jones (01:06:49.000)
This government hates America, that for 70 years, they've been recruiting people, including 30,000.
Dan (01:06:56.000)
He's talking with the US government. Yes,
Alex Jones (01:06:59.000)
Nazis and Operation Paperclip to come here then hate this country.
Alex Jones (01:07:07.000)
It created a wealth of prosperity, everything because it was freer than other countries. But then the globalist don't like freedom. But if they can suck the energy out of freedom, and if they can build their new thing off of it, they'll do it all day long. Show they say it's a warning shot. It's not a warning shot. It's the globalist saying to what's left of the American establishment.
Alex Jones (01:07:32.000)
You're gonna roll over to the New World Order Klaus Schwab. The channel works for them. What are we're going to cut your infrastructure completely off. Now again, the story isn't the China just did this. The story is why when America dominated the world and had full control in 1945 on, did we set up China in the 70s and transfer all power to them. That's your answer. It's not why does China have Why is China doing this? Why is China got us by the ball squeezing them? No, it's why did the people that what you've seen them, they're anti Christian folks, the West had the promise of Christianity. That's what they're threatened by the China's godless. That's why they're the model. This is all being done to settle a satanic score against God. And the fact that God rose America up in this measure,
Dan (01:08:33.000)
I thought China was like kind of the good guys now according to Alex, I mean, they were they broken from the New World Order.
Jordan (01:08:40.000)
Last time, he was saying that they were doing a great job with people with all of their minorities and keeping them from living. Well,
Dan (01:08:47.000)
it's confusing to keep track of the allegiances here. Yeah. So Alex is reporting on this story about China putting restrictions in place for the export of two rare metals, gallium and germanium. He's saying that they're cutting off the whole supply and that you can't make any microchips without these two metals, which is not true. Then on top of that, the conspiracy is really that the US has tons and tons of these metals stockpiled up, but they're gonna pretend the China's cutting us off. So we can't have any more chips, presumably to heighten tensions are a guest to let China take over the world, which would make the advanced stockpiling of these metals kind of pointless. And then we get to this clip where apparently it's about God and the devil and an age old blood conflict. Yeah,
Jordan (01:09:28.000)
I was a little bit confused whenever America set China up and then gave them everything of the world in the 70s. I would like to I would like some answers on that. Particularly when why and did that happen?
Dan (01:09:40.000)
throughout every single year all the time. Yeah, it does seem like that. Now gets the China's broken away from the New World Order, but maybe hasn't done who knows. In reality, these export restrictions that China is implementing are internal, their restrictions imposed on companies in China who will now need to apply for a license to export these it DOMs also gallium and germanium are not naturally occurring material they're produced by companies in China. So I don't know what Alex is like he should. I don't know. Yeah, this was done in response to restrictions the US placed on exporting semiconductor technology to China. The story isn't a non story, and it's clearly part of a strategic resource back and forth. But it's so clear that Alex just saw a headline that called this restriction, a warning shot and he's just riffing out an elaborate story about it. And also, Alex should maybe be fine with these particular metals not being allowed because they're primarily used in things that he hates, like 5g and solar panels. And he thinks that solar panels are part of a big environmental fraud meant to cut off the tech the energy in our country, so you should be happy that we don't have those 5g is going to brainwash everyone and kill them with, with mind bullets or something. So yeah, great. Blood, we should be banning these metals. Yeah.
Jordan (01:10:58.000)
I think, you know, it is it is. It's one of those things that we take for granted about living in the future. You know, like,
Dan (01:11:08.000)
this was three days ago, no, no, two days
Jordan (01:11:11.000)
ago. I mean, this I mean, that they can produce elements. Do you know, like, that used to be for human history, the alchemy of like, that was that was the search for God. Alchemy, and now we're all kind of bored by the fact that we can manipulate elements and create new ones out of fucking, that's crazy.
Dan (01:11:32.000)
Let me blow your mind. What's that? I inhale. And then I produce Oh, my God, carbon dioxide. So I am a machine who are capable of alchemy
Jordan (01:11:41.000)
you are not enjoying and respecting the beauty of life right now?
Dan (01:11:47.000)
Well, I mean, everybody knows that you can, like, turn things into gold. Like you can do that. That's been they've known that there's old scrolls about that for a long time. So I don't know what you're talking about the future. Like, that's old stuff. Right? Right. All these other things that
Jordan (01:12:04.000)
say that these are not fundamental elements that existed until we made them That's fucking cool. We are the stars themselves, Dan, we are but star stuff more complicated metals out of less sure. That's cool. That's cool.
Dan (01:12:24.000)
I think that that clip that Alex played might not have been from Doctor No. I don't know about James Bond movies. And I just said that because they reference Doctor No. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's the one that comes after Doctor No, because maybe this is a follow up.
Jordan (01:12:39.000)
Could be I don't know. But those do seem like his his like the basis for his two voices.
Dan (01:12:45.000)
Yeah, that's Soros. Yeah, exactly. One of those guys is sore.
Jordan (01:12:49.000)
Then the the kind of a feat non nondenominational from Europe voice, you know, that kind of like the Gribble pebble, yes, the Gribble, Pebble is a little bit of Pebble pebble there was.
Dan (01:13:04.000)
So we come to the end of this. And Alex is thrilled that the sound of freedom is making so much money at the box office and is very trendy, it's so trendy. And then he went to the creek.
Jordan (01:13:14.000)
I mean, this is, as he put it, a great show. It's a great, it's a great show.
Dan (01:13:22.000)
I think part of the reason it's great shows he didn't do his job.
Jordan (01:13:27.000)
He might have said like, Hey, I had a lot of fun today. What was what was different?
Dan (01:13:31.000)
Yeah. Well, I mean, he doesn't do his job offer.
Jordan (01:13:35.000)
That's fair. So
Dan (01:13:37.000)
that's not really that different. Right. But yeah, I find one of the things that's bizarre about this is the you know, beginning of the show with like, the bad guys are in trouble, the Great Awakening is here and all this and then then we get to do a little bit later. So quick, I can't keep track of where we're at. And I and I'm looking at this with a critical lens. I can't imagine if you're just listening to this show and like buy into it. How could you possibly keep track of like, how scared should I be right now? And not just that,
Jordan (01:14:09.000)
but like, Listen? How is it possible that we are changing positions, jockeying positions, seemingly every day? These are plans that are several 1000 years old, and we're still panicking on a daily basis?
Dan (01:14:24.000)
Well look at the stock market, man it goes up it goes down. Well
Jordan (01:14:26.000)
that but you shouldn't worry about it, because that's how it works. Right? You know, it's just gonna keep doing the thing it does.
Dan (01:14:32.000)
But if you're invested, you got to be worried. If things go up, go down. buy buy buy, sell, sell, sell. That's kind of
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
what it is. Exactly. Yes. This is.
Dan (01:14:43.000)
Fear stock. Barker. Yeah. Anyway, we'll be back Jordan with another episode. And maybe we'll reveal the details of Glasgow who, but until then we have a website. Indeed we do. It sounds Yep. But also on Twitter. I was kind of promoting blue sky as a joke. We are not promoting blue sky but our blue skies drew because we don't use social media. Use any
Jordan (01:15:05.000)
social good, but we're on Twitter. Yeah, it's acknowledged it's gonna
Dan (01:15:09.000)
fight back but until then I'm Neil. I'm Leo. I'm DCX Clark rare, real rare. That was less beatboxing and more like a Theramin. Yeah. Hey Alex, do you like Theremins
Unknown Speaker (01:15:26.000)
now here comes the Sex Robot. Andy
Alex Jones (01:15:29.000)
in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.