Transcript/820: Tucker, The Man And His Twitter- Episode 2

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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red Alert
Theme Song (00:00:12.000)
knowledge five. Damn, Jordan I'm sweating. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge, knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys showing me or the bad couch knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Andy are stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. And he started the fray Andy in Kansas you're on the airplane for huge fan I love your world. Knowledge by not knowledge.
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm damn forgot who I was for a second. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:13.000)
We are Dan Jordan. Yeah, Jordanne
Dan (00:01:15.000)
question for you. Today, Bernie, go first.
Jordan (00:01:18.000)
My bright spot. Dan is over the weekend. I spent Father's Day with my family. My father specifically, as you might expect, we had a fantastic time. There was some barbecuing, there was some smoking of ribs. There was there was plenty of talk. My my, my brother. He's trying to build a deck or something not completely finished. And instead of stairs, he wound up with a ramp which my wife slipped and fell down. So it's a little bit of a mixed bright spot and dark spot because she really hurt herself. Oh, man, it hurts so bad. I'm
Dan (00:01:58.000)
very sorry to hear that. Yeah.
Jordan (00:01:59.000)
And I got a huge bruise on my hand because I fell immediately after her.
Dan (00:02:03.000)
You are so codependent. Oh, no, no, you fell and then you had to fall. It was even
Jordan (00:02:08.000)
worse. It was even worse. It was it was comical insofar as she fell outside. And then when I went to check on her because I didn't see any of it happened. I wanted to check on her. And they were like what happened? And she fell and I went what? Were the exact same way? Exact same way.
Dan (00:02:25.000)
Story of Everest was a cartoon. Yeah, it really was. Absolutely. Man. Was there more talk or more meat?
Jordan (00:02:32.000)
There was more smoked meat or smoked meat. There's plenty. They have a membership of that shall not be named. That gives you large quantities of stuff. So yeah, so they made way too much.
Dan (00:02:45.000)
Awesome. Yeah.
Jordan (00:02:47.000)
How about you? What's your best bet?
Dan (00:02:48.000)
Well, I just we just got a package. Indeed. We did z in the mailbag. And this is so cool. We got this from Dave up in northern Ontario sent the McDonald's glasses from Batman Forever the set of the four glasses of Batman Robin face
Jordan (00:03:14.000)
and they are in I don't even know what pristine condition would be fair McDonald's glasses, but these are in mint condition.
Dan (00:03:20.000)
I'm certain that like, we have to have talked about it at some point in the show talked about but I can't for the life of me remember when I put I do I'm like I had these maybe not the whole set. But I had I had some of them and I like when I was a kid
Jordan (00:03:37.000)
it oh no, we open to package the point.
Dan (00:03:41.000)
It's such a child memory to like, these are so much smaller than I remembered. I
Jordan (00:03:47.000)
remember them being huge. They were mugs the size of a Stein.
Theme Song (00:03:51.000)
Dan (00:03:54.000)
There's also a letter along here that I unfortunately found right after I hit play. It's why that's
Jordan (00:04:00.000)
so much of me talking straight.
Dan (00:04:03.000)
And so I don't know if it explains when we talked about it, but also just a fantastic cartoon that has been drawn of Osco Yeah, it's a nice comic strip comic strip. Yeah, I guess that's motion
Jordan (00:04:17.000)
Theme Song (00:04:19.000)
Jordan (00:04:22.000)
I have I have many lines but most of them are essentially. I'm Jordan. That's well done. Thank you so much.
Dan (00:04:32.000)
Our past is coming back to haunt
Jordan (00:04:34.000)
me and honestly, this may be something I think I always remember us talking about this like 10 years ago drinking for am yelling at each other about how great Batman Forever cups were it might have been there was somebody who just don't have it.
Dan (00:04:48.000)
Yeah, absolutely. Someone at that bar that you took me to where they were playing bingo. Yes, yeah. They knew what was coming. And they recorded our conversation right near Fullerton. Yeah. I'm so Jordan today we have an episode to go Oh, indeed we do with that. Our last episode, the past and today we're going to be talking about Tucker second episode who have his Twitter show. And part of the reason we got to record these in advance a little bit, because this week, I'm working on some housing stuff. So, you know, we've got to knock this out a little bit, give me you know, free up a little bit of time, you're
Jordan (00:05:24.000)
moving on up to the east side. Well, I mean, North ish. Yeah.
Dan (00:05:31.000)
Hey, don't talk to me. But yeah, so I have, I have a bit of that business to take care of and stuff. And you know, it's always a hassle. We'll probably be for a little bit, but we'll get to the other side of it and hopefully, be able to buffer it with, with some episodes here and there. We talked about the present day for like a week and a half,
Jordan (00:05:54.000)
I'd be what I what I appreciate most about this is that this is us saying that we're going to need to take some time off so you're only going to get three episodes this week.
Dan (00:06:02.000)
Yeah. From the past or Tucker's show, which was what maybe we would have been doing anyway.
Jordan (00:06:10.000)
Terrible, terrible, but you're gonna enjoy your time here.
Dan (00:06:14.000)
No, not really. I doubt it. You'll. Yeah. So before we get down to business on Tucker's episode to taboo Boogaloo, okay. I don't know. I'm trying to give it a title. Yeah. The episode itself. Sure. Sure. I'm stuck. I'm sticking with Tucker. Man and his Twitter. Even though I've never seen Tucker, man and his dream. I know it's a movie. I don't know what it's about.
Jordan (00:06:40.000)
I Tucker's twit? twits. Tucker No, can't do it.
Dan (00:06:47.000)
Tucker, the man and his Twitter is about as good as Yeah, I
Jordan (00:06:49.000)
think that's not too bad.
Dan (00:06:51.000)
I'm a fan of bad titles, as is evidenced in the things we've ever done.
Jordan (00:06:56.000)
Darius Tucker's
Jordan (00:07:03.000)
Tucker and the Blowfish. Yeah, that's what we're gonna go
Dan (00:07:07.000)
to too late now. But it's not too late to say hello to somebody who wants Oh, that's great idea. So first two guys want hammer. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Theme Song (00:07:16.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:07:17.000)
Thank you very much. Next Quimby in Colorado is still waiting for Dan to sing Tarzan boy and AJs voice thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Theme Song (00:07:25.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:07:26.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:27.000)
Lights far away from nowhere on my own like Tarzan boy, beautiful, light night and sleep. I pray across the bar monkey business out of Sunday afternoon. Oh,
Jordan (00:07:45.000)
praise sing it. Oh, God.
Dan (00:07:47.000)
Next. Thank you so much to Jan and Dourdan. You are now palsy Wong,
Theme Song (00:07:51.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:07:52.000)
Thank you very much. Thank you. Next Halsey on the beautiful unicorn, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Theme Song (00:07:57.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:07:58.000)
you very much,
Dan (00:07:59.000)
Dan to Grand Prix. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Theme Song (00:08:02.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:08:03.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:04.000)
Very got to take me out of the mix Jordan, so thank you so much to can be in ANZUS. You are now a technocrat.
Theme Song (00:08:11.000)
I'm a policy wonk donkey Amman intelligent brilliant. Someone Someone sought him out and sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teeny baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ.
Dan (00:08:31.000)
I realized that the Lyric is a night and sleep. It's hide and seek. Ooh, I don't know what I panicked. cold reading this request. Trying to remember the lyrics do Tarzan, but
Jordan (00:08:42.000)
I think I think you're okay. I think people will probably not notice
Dan (00:08:46.000)
that song, man. It's a banger. Yeah. I'll stand by it. Okay. Better than its appearance in Ninja Turtles. Sure. And it's better than it's used as a jungle boy. Wrestler. Aw, this theme song. Okay, better than that. Okay, better than
Jordan (00:09:05.000)
all of it better than all of that. Yep.
Dan (00:09:07.000)
Okay. So, from what I can tell Tucker doesn't give names to his Twitter shows. And so you kind of just jump in and you're like, wonder what this assholes.
Jordan (00:09:18.000)
Okay, so it is it is just a man who turns the camera on and then shouts for 10 minutes and then stops but it's written
Dan (00:09:24.000)
you can tell it's written. Right, right. There's a path that you're supposed to be going along. Yeah, but you never know what you're gonna get. Okay. It's really it's like a box of See's Candies. Except those are labeled, I think. Yeah, my mom and my grandma and my aunt. I think those are that's the full list. They loved See's Candies and they're always around like holidays and stuff. Yeah, I recently found that you can order bespoke boxes of See's Candy. Okay, you can specify which ones you want in it.
Jordan (00:09:59.000)
Perfect. That's almost I feel like that's almost in defiance of the process. Oh, yeah. And I thank God. Wrong. No wrong. You're supposed to buy a box of chocolates that goes half eaten. No, no, no, no, yeah, you should have little bits of things that have holes in them where you go, Oh, this is great. I'm
Dan (00:10:15.000)
probably going to order a box of See's Candy. Because I can control it. Now. See, that's
Jordan (00:10:20.000)
the problem. Now you don't have to work for it. This is the kids these days are weak.
Dan (00:10:26.000)
That is not the subject of today's Tucker monologue. But you maybe you can suss out what he's talking about.
Tucker Carlson (00:10:38.000)
Hey, it's Tucker Carlson. Let's say you wanted to control a country. Tucker, how would you start, we'd want to make sure you had the complete obedience of everybody inside your borders, who was authorized to use deadly force, he would start with the military, and then federal law enforcement and move your way down ultimately to agencies like the IRS. Controlling the guns would be a top priority for you if you went in for wanting to go dictatorial if you wanted to be baby doc. But let's say you had deeper ambitions. Let's say you wanted the power not simply to control people's behavior, but to control how they think not just their bodies, but their minds as a god would. In that case, you need to take charge of the society's taboos. A taboo is something that by popular consensus is not allowed. A taboo may not be illegal, but it doesn't need to be. Over time. Social prohibitions are more powerful and more enduring the laws. Societies are defined by what they will not permit, as are famously, religions. Muslims don't eat pork. Now they're Orthodox Jews. Traditional Christians, oppose extramarital sex, the Amish avoid electricity and so on.
Dan (00:11:44.000)
This is an interesting suggestion as a way to start out an episode.
Jordan (00:11:48.000)
Ah, okay. Yeah, I'm already frustrated. I'm already frustrated. Oh, all right. Why, cuz I reject his premise. Okay. I mean, let's walk through them. Let's say you want to control the country. All right. Gain a monopoly over the most important resource.
Dan (00:12:05.000)
Well, yeah, I mean, I think that or conversely, create a weather machine. Well, I
Jordan (00:12:12.000)
mean, there's that or like, you know, a lot of supervillain plans. No, I'm talking about like the Saudis, we in complete control of oil, then you will have control of that country and not just that country. But you will have control of many other countries as well that are doing at least heavy sway. Yeah, I'm talking about hydraulic despotism. Dan, if you want to take control of a country, I'm going to tell you a little bit about a book called dune. All right. Oh, boy. Now, if you've got the Melange, the spice must flow.
Dan (00:12:40.000)
Who is the worm?
Jordan (00:12:43.000)
Oh, do you mean Leto to Gothenburg? Do
Dan (00:12:45.000)
Dennis Rodman. Oh, okay. So, I think that you're right, in a sense, you know, like that is a very effective way to hold sway over a country's policy and yeah, no. false equivalence? I think so. Yeah. But I also think that, you know, you wouldn't be able to have total control, I think almost in any scenario, even if you owned all the police and all the military, and controlled all of his cultural taboos, I don't think you'd be able to have complete control over people's thoughts and minds. No, but I kind of, I kind of do got to give it up to him a little bit, that I think that you know, social norms and cultural, if you want to call it taboos are things that lead often to law check, you know, like, things like the, you know, changing opinions surrounding civil rights, led to codification of the Civil Rights Act, you know, things it flowed in that direction. And so you could kind of argue that, you know, cultural opinions have more of a powerful effect, you know,
Jordan (00:13:52.000)
um, I mean, I suppose, I think, I think that's a question for whether or not we are, I mean, how about we ask it this way? Are we governed? Or do we govern ourselves is the question, do you know what I mean? So if we govern ourselves, then cultural opinions are laws, you know, if we are governed, then laws or laws and cultural opinions are really kind of our own business. But
Dan (00:14:17.000)
now if it's possible to force cultural norms and taboos on people, then you're back to being governed. There you go. But yeah, and that this is circular
Jordan (00:14:28.000)
exactly a little bit that's the problem with it is because they come from each other they create each other you know, the laws create the cultural taboos, the cultural taboos create the laws and so on.
Dan (00:14:38.000)
Yeah. And different cultures have different cultural taboos, you know, within, you know, different countries or different places, and people being in conversation with each other often affect those, those cultural, it's all fluid and constantly ever changing indeed. But also it's worth noting that Tucker is saying at the end of that clip, It says a lot about what he thinks religions are. Yeah, no, right. Just like things, the different sets of things you can't do
Jordan (00:15:06.000)
Muslim Muslims don't do pork. Christians don't have sex. Everybody doesn't like electricity. Like, what are you talking about? I
Dan (00:15:13.000)
think it's supposed to be about like a connection to the divine one. Oh, no, it's just rule.
Jordan (00:15:18.000)
No, no, it's rules, Dan, it's things that you can't do that I can do. And definitely that list of things that Muslims Christians did. Everybody does. There's definitely no examples of people in those religions, constantly doing those things. In fact, more frequently than not
Dan (00:15:35.000)
sure. Yeah. So we're gonna talk in here we have the setup, that cultural taboos are more important than law sheriff
Jordan (00:15:45.000)
and controls those
Dan (00:15:46.000)
I'm gonna go with as go the taboos go the
Jordan (00:15:50.000)
I'm gonna throw this out there. Uh huh. I think it's gonna be the LIBS who are causing the problem? Oh.
Dan (00:15:57.000)
And also, he does get into discussion, some discussion of like child abuse and stuff. So if you're, you know, bit sensitive about those topics, you might want to give it a give this class? Because he's going to talk about that for a little bit. You don't need Tucker in
Jordan (00:16:13.000)
your life. No,
Dan (00:16:14.000)
you're better off without him. Yeah.
Tucker Carlson (00:16:16.000)
American society isn't overtly religious, but it's governed by taboos. And it always has been. What's interesting is how fast our taboos are changing. This is not happening organically. What we're allowed to dislike is being dictated to us from above, sometimes by force. until fairly recently, for example, it was taboo in this country to attack people on the basis of the race. That was the main last until fairly recently, we're told again and again, the one thing we learned from the Nazis is that it's dangerous to reduce human beings to their genetic code. There is no master race. That made sense. But apparently we no longer believe it. punishing people based on their skin color is not only permitted in modern America, it is mandatory throughout business and government in higher education. As long as the victims are white. One time that would have been unimaginable.
Jordan (00:17:12.000)
If there's one thing we learned from the Nazis, please let it be anything but just that shouldn't be there. I'm not saying that. That's not an important thing that we should have learned from the Nazi. I think
Dan (00:17:25.000)
we should have learned that elsewhere. We should have been there way before. Yeah. That's, that's a real weird articulation of a thought
Jordan (00:17:35.000)
the way that that man thinks. And here's why. It's even more disconcerting to me then with Alex with Alex, it's chaotic, you know, flying through the brain sphere, who knows where it's gonna land on the Plinko? Board? Right? It's could go anywhere. Good job. Good job. Good job. Oh, we got $500 This time, you know, Tucker had to have sat down and organized his thoughts into this.
Dan (00:18:00.000)
Yeah. In theory in collaboration, yeah. With writers or, you know, whatever. It's the difference between like, you know, you see somebody who's just winging stand upset. Yeah. And like, maybe things go off the rails a little bit. That's not that doesn't really reflect that poorly on you. If it wasn't all that funny. You know, maybe you win some you lose some, when you're just making it up on the spot, you wrote something down, that hurt, you'd hope that it's a reflection of your effort.
Jordan (00:18:26.000)
Exactly. Yeah. You can value yourself by how much work you put into the words you wrote down.
Dan (00:18:31.000)
And this is that, that 50 seconds was interesting. It says so much. Like, until recently, you couldn't be raised.
Jordan (00:18:43.000)
I mean, yeah, there's so many like little things. I want to dive into each collection of three words in a row and be like, Can you unpack a mind that thinks this makes sense?
Dan (00:18:52.000)
Because you also have like, even at the beginning, the introduction of the premise that he's saying, I disagree with that, like things are being forced from top down, telling you what you can or can't like and dislike. It's like, times by force, I get it. You want to hate certain groups? You can we're just gonna criticize you for it. Right? It's legal. We're going to be mean to you. Yes. For your meanness you're taking. That's all Yeah,
Jordan (00:19:17.000)
I don't want to I don't want to tell you. These are the things that happen when you're a piece of shit. That's not dictated from on high. No, you are being responded do. Yeah. Yeah.
Dan (00:19:27.000)
And I think that he's just walk trotting out and old. Sort of affirmative action. Yeah, type complaint there.
Jordan (00:19:37.000)
I do. I do appreciate that. He's, he's already like, you know, when we were talking about euphemisms, and how that's kind of messed with our ability to understand what people actually mean. In the same way. Tucker is found such a strident and and like, arrogant way to whine like a little baby. Yeah, you know, like, just like, oh, well We're
Dan (00:20:02.000)
that's why you worked with a bow tie on my hands. You keep going back to that. It makes sense. Yeah,
Jordan (00:20:07.000)
it really does. He has like a very cherubic mob whiny baby, but you know, you can take me
Dan (00:20:11.000)
seriously, I guess I don't know someone someone takes me seriously, but I am a cherubic little babies, little babies. A little whiny baby. Yeah, I also jumped the gun with my content warning. Oh, it's coming a little bit late. But anyway, so we got these norms, they're, they're creeping
Tucker Carlson (00:20:27.000)
at one time that would have been unimaginable. So the current behavior of our politicians, as recently as the 1992 presidential campaign, adultery was considered disqualifying for anyone seeking higher office nearly primary basis for flour. Clinton went to elaborate lengths to lie about the relationship, because he had missed the last presidential candidate who had to meet the standard 2008 obvious to anybody who was paying attention that Barack Obama had a strange and highly personal life. Yeah, yeah. Sounds nice to him about it. By that point, a leaders behavior within his own marriage, the core relationship of his life had been declared irrelevant. was Barack Obama's business, not yours? What?
Dan (00:21:16.000)
Oh, Obama had a strange and creepy personal life,
Jordan (00:21:20.000)
I guess. And no one asked
Dan (00:21:21.000)
about it.
Jordan (00:21:22.000)
No one ever asked a thing about Obama's personal thing about I'm telling you this right now, no one knows anything about Obama's personal I
Dan (00:21:29.000)
don't ever demanded multiple versions of his birth certificate asked
Jordan (00:21:32.000)
for it. Nobody. Nobody even thought to ask those questions. Nobody
Dan (00:21:35.000)
made documentaries, claiming that his dad wasn't his dad. We were so
Jordan (00:21:39.000)
young back then. We didn't know to ask these follow up questions, dad. We just saw him and we went, Oh, we believe you. How could we have been so foolish and naive, dad?
Dan (00:21:49.000)
I mean,
Jordan (00:21:50.000)
oh, my god. Damn ridiculous. Stan. Yeah, infidelity. Yeah, was verboten amongst all politicians in the United States.
Dan (00:22:01.000)
I guess it was in the sense that like, he just didn't talk about didn't talk
Jordan (00:22:05.000)
about it. Yeah. And it was in the sense that they didn't report on it out of being nice to you.
Dan (00:22:10.000)
Right. So actually, the cultural norm is we just did
Jordan (00:22:15.000)
from the consequences of their actions. Yeah. And
Dan (00:22:18.000)
so maybe if you wanted to say that, yeah, I think he's what he wants. Yeah, we didn't we didn't hold our leaders to any kind of personal life standards. So it's actually a little bit different. I would also hate ding dong, weren't you the guy who was a super into Trump?
Jordan (00:22:36.000)
I mean, I don't
Dan (00:22:37.000)
come on and then get off that high horse or
Jordan (00:22:39.000)
their board that we had a president named Jack Kennedy, my friend. Yeah, we had a president who did the fucking okay. He did and he had a bad back and he still went for it. That's how fucking crazy you have to be to be president. He was committed. He was he was down for it. Yep. Yep.
Dan (00:22:58.000)
So here here's where things get messy. Yeah. Are taboos they're falling apart? Sure. Everyone is just, you know, going along with the with everything or something decade are we
Tucker Carlson (00:23:08.000)
in one by one with increasing speed or old taboos have been struck down? Those that remain? have lost their moral force stealing, flaunting your wealth striking women? I'm sorry, a one on the street. Shameless public hypocrisy, taking other people's money for not working? Are you fucking all of these things used to be considered unacceptable? Are you mocking with me anymore? So it probably shouldn't surprise us. The greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability, child molestation. A generation ago, talking to someone else's children about sex was widely considered grounds for thrashing. Touching them sexually was effectively a death penalty offense.
Dan (00:23:51.000)
What is happening?
Jordan (00:23:52.000)
I think he's fucking with me. He might be he's personally fucking with me. He literally just said, flaunting your wealth and taking money for not doing work. Well, actually, bananas.
Dan (00:24:02.000)
I have. I have a point I want to make about that list that he had. Yeah, there's a lot going on in there. There is a lot. But like, if you look at that list, he has six examples of these norms. And two don't really fit the mold. That I would categorize these. Right, shameless public hypocrisy isn't really a taboo because shameless hypocrites just pretend that they aren't shameless hypocrites. And their audiences don't care. Exactly. This is probably always been the case. We're just inundated with so much more media now. And social media ends up giving rise to many more invasions of people's privacy, which allows you to see their hypocrisy. Yeah,
Jordan (00:24:36.000)
I mean, you figure you're in the Acropolis, and there's probably a bunch of assholes yelling stuff at you all day.
Dan (00:24:41.000)
Yeah, sure. Or like, you know, Walter Cronkite. Yeah. What was he up to that? Twitter Lord? No. Yeah, he could have been anywhere. So the other one that doesn't really fit is striking women. I think generally speaking, most people still feel pretty negatively towards hitting women. Personally, I'm not a fan of anyone getting struck but what Tucker is talking about here is Assault, that I don't think anyone's making that better.
Jordan (00:25:03.000)
I don't recall that being a taboo that we were concerned about. We were always like, yes, the law says don't hit. I mean, when I was a kid, it was don't hit,
Dan (00:25:13.000)
right. I think what he's talking about is like domestic violence, maybe or No, actually, if I had to guess I'm gonna bet that what he's trying to signal to, is like trans women in fighting. I think it has to be something like Yeah, that should be what it's a signifier for but like society still is quite against Yeah,
Jordan (00:25:34.000)
it's something it's something that they would know a reference to that we do not because we're not that in undated with their lunacy.
Dan (00:25:42.000)
That's, that's the closest I can get with some of their talking points. But still, the point remains, it doesn't really fit the mold of the rest of these. Because the other ones that he listed, they fall into a particular category that you could call things that society decided to look down upon because they were associated with marginal groups, mostly the poor. Stealing has never been taboo in this country, as long as you're rich. Corporate theft and wage theft have been the order of the day for generations. And if anything, the prevailing attitude towards the rich people who did the stealing was of aspiring to be like them. The people who were stigmatized because of stealing were the people who had to steal to survive. That was the taboo, needing to steal Yeah, flaunting your wealth has also never been taboo, so long as you're rich. It's only taboo to flaunt your wealth or to be perceived to be if you're a member of a group that society expects to be poor. Consider the example of like the editorials about millennials needing to stop buying avocado toast. If you aren't rich, showing any signs of affluence would typically cause accusations of irresponsibility or even make people suspicious. Like masterpiece add on more to life from the last dawn. The feds follow me like I'm slinging crack wasting tax dollars because I'm young, rich, famous and black. Girls got me crazy. Yeah,
Jordan (00:26:52.000)
no, I mean is that it is a an entirely appropriate use of that. That reference Yeah,
Dan (00:26:57.000)
for people. society expects to be rich can buy castles but for people's society expects to be poor, you must be a criminal if you're driving a nice car. Yeah. Smoking weed on the street has also probably only been taboo because of the history of how propaganda about the drug was used to malign Black and Hispanic populations. And the criminalization of it was the driving force of a drug war that needlessly destroyed countless lives. Yeah, smoking tobacco on the street isn't taboo, and yet, you're theoretically causing harm to the people around you. Caffeine is no less of a drug and you can drink coffee on the street. Yep, marijuana was seen as the drug of the lower classes dangerous class. It's not like the aristocratic cocaine. And that legacy lived on through that taboo
Jordan (00:27:37.000)
in the same way that crack is not cocaine and yet, and yet,
Dan (00:27:41.000)
taking other people's money for not working is Tucker's way of saying accepting social assistance. Again, this is only an issue when you're poor. If you need help and accept that help you take on a stigma. When you're a big corporation or a rich asshole and you profit from subsidies or government large s you don't take on any of that stigma. If you're a landowner who takes a paycheck from the government for not using your land to grow crops, like a friend of mine for my childhoods dad did. You don't get scolded for taking other people's money for not working? Society doesn't have a taboo against taking public money for not working. It has a taboo against being in a position where you need help, and stigmatizing that.
Jordan (00:28:20.000)
Yeah, I mean, Tucker is guilty of all of those simultaneously, and most especially the taking money for not working pig. He's still getting paid by Fox News.
Dan (00:28:30.000)
Well, maybe we'll see on that one.
Jordan (00:28:32.000)
I know but that's fucking spitting in your face. Taking money for naira. Yeah, that's come on, come on. But
Dan (00:28:39.000)
largely, that list is just a mess. Four of the examples are really only things that are conditionally taboo. And the other two things are hitting women and being a hypocrite. No one really cares if someone's a hypocrite and hitting women still very much not smiled upon by society. Yeah, the other four examples of things where it's becoming less stigmatized to be in a marginalized class, and to do the thing that rich people have been doing all along. Yeah. The issue with the way Tucker is using this list is that he tries to transpose this diminishing of these taboos onto the idea that child molestation is a taboo that's falling. This is ridiculous and pretty offensive on its face. The argument fails in a bunch of ways. But what's important here is to track the argument that Tucker is making and how it flows. Here, he's set up an establishing point, which is that society's taboos are eroding of their moral force. And that means that child molestation will soon lose its status as unacceptable to society. So that's, that's where we are. That's sort of the the base which this house is going to be built on. Right. And by the way, when I said house right there, I want to point this out. I knew that house was Holmes Sherlock Holmes. Oh, my understood,
Jordan (00:29:48.000)
oh my God,
Dan (00:29:49.000)
I've gotten tied up on this.
Jordan (00:29:50.000)
I don't need I don't need this.
Dan (00:29:52.000)
My disagreement was. I get it. I get it. Wilson's name is close to Watson. You get it Okay, so you probably will have no ability to predict where this train of argumentation leads because it's, I mean, serpentine comes to mind.
Jordan (00:30:17.000)
I'm gonna go with, I want to say this is going to somehow be something to do with TV.
Dan (00:30:25.000)
Not really no Dang, no. But here we go.
Tucker Carlson (00:30:29.000)
When Jeffrey Dahmer was bludgeoned to death in the bathroom of a Wisconsin prison in 1994, the Milwaukee district attorney had to caution the public not to turn Dumars killer into a folk hero. Jeffrey Dahmer had molested and murdered children. People felt justified in celebrating his death. 25 years later, that standard had changed dramatically in the state of Wisconsin, as in the rest of the country in the summer of 2020, during the BLM riots in Kenosha, 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse defended his life from a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum. This isn't bombers trying to kill Rittenhouse. So Rittenhouse shot him in self defense. But it was Joseph Rosenbaum whom the media cast as the victim of the story. Kyle Rittenhouse an underage boy fending off violence from a child molester excuses denounced as the villain ultimately he was indicted for murder. One of the things that this tells us is that people who run our country no longer see child molesters as the worst among us
Jordan (00:31:29.000)
I did not see that coming right I was not expecting for the up all the listen we've we've heard them associate child molestation with literally everybody at this point. I still was not expecting them to somehow be like see Rittenhouse is not a murder. That was just out of my mind that's out of my mind. I did not see that gun.
Dan (00:31:49.000)
I guess his complaint is that people didn't celebrate the death of one of the guys that he killed I suppose what's what are we doing, sir? Hey, Tucker conveniently leaves off there that Rittenhouse was acquitted of that charge and that he's made a bunch of money off his killings into his generally faced minimal consequence. You know, before we get into any of that clip, let's keep track of this argument. In this section Tucker is trying to provide evidence for his conclusion that child molestation is no longer taboo. The evidence is that people wanted to make Jeffrey Dahmer his killer a folk hero and people were mad at Kyle Rittenhouse. That's not good evidence. For one thing Dahmer did a whole lot more than molest children. Yeah, he ate them.
Jordan (00:32:29.000)
He did eat people. Yes, eating people is a bit of a I would argue that's a bigger taboo than most
Dan (00:32:35.000)
Yeah, he was killed in prison. And it's always a good policy for officials to not condone murders taking place in custody for human rights issues.
Jordan (00:32:44.000)
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Dan (00:32:45.000)
Plus, you have to remember that anyone who would be in jail at the same place as Jeffrey Dahmer probably isn't a great person to uphold as a folk hero, since they almost certainly would be a murderer themselves. Prior to the murder of Dahmer, come on. The person who killed Dahmer may have killed him because of his crimes, but he also killed another inmate at the same time, so it might have just been a violent flare up that we're attributing to Dumars crimes, so that we can have narrative satisfaction of feeling like Dahmer got what he deserved. Yeah. The other guy this inmate killed was just in jail for killing his wife. So who knows?
Jordan (00:33:16.000)
Right, right. Big, big gap.
Dan (00:33:18.000)
Yeah, yeah, the Rittenhouse situation doesn't really track well to this and Tucker's argument really only works if you assume the Dahmer was killed in jail because of his crimes. And that Rittenhouse killed Rosenbaum because of his past crimes, otherwise, the crimes become kind of superfluous. There's only one way of looking at this, which I think is what Tucker is doing. There's one other way which is to say that you can post hoc justify any violence committed against someone if their past is bad enough. Yeah. Joseph Rosenbaum had done time for molesting children. So there's no moral consideration for shooting and killing him. Even if you had no idea who he was at the time of the shooting. This is a horrific way to approach any ethical or legal structure. And Tucker fucking knows that.
Jordan (00:34:00.000)
This is absurd. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, because here's, here's his argument, though, and I'm going to personalize it. And it might be it might seem extreme, but if I shot and killed Tucker, right, and then he's dead, I murdered him. Yeah. But what if we find out that Tucker had molested a kid in the past? Then I'm fine. I'm a hero, according to the way that he's Yeah. And I don't I don't have to know this. I do not have to know this in advance whatsoever. If I go and murder somebody doesn't matter, as long as I think in their past, or even if I don't care, as long as we find out later in their past, then I'm a hero.
Dan (00:34:35.000)
Well, the thing is the the veneer of self defense and stuff comes into it too. So you'd have to somehow have Tucker like coming at you while you could be unarmed because Rosenbaum was on.
Jordan (00:34:46.000)
Exactly. I don't know what his past was. I can recontextualize him even looking at me as something by way of saying that. Oh, see, the way that Tucker looked at me reminded me of the way he looked at the kid that he molested 20 years ago, so totally You find that I shot it. I mean it's
Dan (00:35:01.000)
a mess and even if you accept this argument that like Rittenhouse is shooting him and self defense. It's a little bit I'm gonna say a lot of a bit of a dramatic overstatement to say that he was defending his life or describing Rittenhouse as, quote, an underage boy fending off violence from a child molester. Yeah, that's ridiculous. That's absurd. Yeah, Tucker is intentionally distorting the situation in order to suit his premise that child molestation is no longer taboo. Because society thinks it's not cool to kill an unarmed person at a protest and that people deserve moral consideration regardless of past crimes. That means that the powers that be are fine with child molesters. Now, this is beyond nonsensical. And if that's not even considering that Rittenhouse also killed Anthony Huber, who Tucker doesn't even bring up because he can't hand wave away as human rights. Yeah, that
Jordan (00:35:49.000)
one's tougher.
Dan (00:35:50.000)
So cultural taboos mostly around stigmatizing the poor are following and that has led to child molestation becoming socially acceptable as evidenced by people being mad at Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed a guy who it was later determined had been arrested for child molestation. This is solid stuff. And we're not even close to done.
Jordan (00:36:08.000)
Yeah, I mean, I will say that it is hard to imagine this type of insanity, right compared to what we've been doing for so long. This is a weird, weird type of insanity. Yeah, it's
Dan (00:36:22.000)
not to say that it's more insane. No, no. It's different. It's a
Jordan (00:36:26.000)
flavor of insanity that I think is easy to maybe let go unnoticed. Because it seems so much more innocuous. I think in language and delivery. Yeah.
Dan (00:36:35.000)
A lot of the aesthetics of it. Yeah, you can kind of ignore superficially,
Jordan (00:36:39.000)
it seems like a TV broadcast like you would otherwise see. And so that can kind of hypnotize you into avoiding that these are completely unrelated, insane connections. Yes. Like these are unrelated. Yeah. I mean, it's banal anchors.
Dan (00:36:55.000)
The messaging is absurd and dangerous. Yeah. And then what is being said, doesn't track?
Jordan (00:37:01.000)
No. I mean, it's crazy. It is. It is crazy.
Dan (00:37:05.000)
So he has another reason.
Tucker Carlson (00:37:08.000)
One of the things that this tells us is that people who run our country no longer see child molesters as the worst among us. It's not been more obvious than it was yesterday, when the Wall Street Journal ran a long exposition about kiddie porn on Instagram, Instagram, the Journal found, quote, helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage sex content. Okay, so it's meant Instagram connects pedophiles and connects them to content sellers. So it's all private corporation. In one instance, the paper discovered that Instagram was recommending the phrase incest toddlers to users who have expressed interest in similar material, right? private corporate data, we know that Instagram has denied that any of this had happened. Nor did Mark Zuckerberg who controls the company, right? Right Journal story was accurate, was all pretty shocking, but not as shocking as what happened next, which was effectively nothing at all.
Dan (00:38:03.000)
So we talked about this story when Alex covered it. But now we're seeing some of the concrete topical overlaps between Alex and the most important man in the world. As we follow this argument, Tucker is now asserting that the powers that be don't view child molesters as the worst of the worst, because the Wall Street Journal reported on this Instagram stuff and nothing was done. But that's not entirely true. In the wake of this revelation, meta set up a specific task force to address this and provide more human based moderation, as well as blocking certain search terms and hashtags. That's definitely not enough. And it's probably a fundamental problem with social media sites as a whole. There's so large and so many users with so many, only so much moderation capability that people who want to do horrific shit will probably continue to find ways to get around those rules. Even if that is the case, that just means that the people running those sites have to dedicate far more resources towards being aggressive in their approach towards moderation tried to be one step ahead, Matt and said that they're going to do that, but we'll see. I'm not I don't know how much faith we can have in that as a private company. Yeah. And because too restrictive of like, a way to like, let's say, for instance, they wanted to try and cut down on all this stuff by requiring a social security number, or some kind of like, like Twitter did with the the verification shit or something that is going to cut down on your user base, which cuts into your overhead, right? So trying to, like fully safeguard this stuff, you know, things that they could do, unfortunately, run into their, their bottom line. So they'll do things that will try to help and ideally, hopefully, will help, but as long as the motivation and their primary reason to exist is financial right? They can never really actually solve the problem.
Jordan (00:39:51.000)
Yes, you have. You have understood exactly why capitalism is an issue. market forces determined that there will it'll be this child exploitation material on Instagram.
Dan (00:40:03.000)
Or at least it'll always be like a real I mean, it will be there.
Jordan (00:40:06.000)
Yeah, I mean, market forces determined, that's what we've decided is an acceptable way to describe things.
Dan (00:40:12.000)
And it's, yeah, it's bad. But I don't think that this means anything about prevailing social attitudes towards it.
Jordan (00:40:20.000)
I mean, honestly, if he would like to have a conversation about that, and changing the idea of a structure that allows this implicitly, in fact, encourages it in in many forms, then we can talk about that. But I don't think that he really wants to dismantle the entirety of the economic system. But that's just me.
Dan (00:40:39.000)
Well, I mean, I look forward to you and Tucker sitting down with Rogan.
Jordan (00:40:46.000)
I think it'd be interesting to see if he wants to dismantle the entire state.
Dan (00:40:50.000)
So here, we take another bit of pivot, like you can see this is moving all over the place. Yeah. And here's, here's this, this was jarring.
Tucker Carlson (00:41:00.000)
Of course, everybody had Instagram. In fact, everyone everywhere in authority will still claim to think that child molestation is bad. But claim has changed unmistakeably. When they say it's bad. They mean it in a kind of abstract way, bad like a civil war in Central Africa is bad. You wouldn't prefer it but there are reasons that happens. What that's what we now refer to pedophiles as minor attracted persons because honestly, who can judge these people are a sexual minority So pause before you attack them. And in any case, it's not like pedophiles are barging into the Capitol Building to sit in Nancy Pelosi his chair? We're asking uncomfortable questions about the last election.
Dan (00:41:38.000)
What what what is happening? What? So here's where you start to see Tucker getting to, you know, kind of maybe what he actually has feelings about? Yeah, this is about extreme right wingers being the new child molesters in terms of being the worst people in society. This is exactly the argument you would expect from someone who takes the abuse and exploitation of children very seriously. Yeah, most people aren't into the use of the term minor attracted person. And one of the higher profile people who have promoted its use got a lot of shit over it. That was Dr. Alan Walker of Old Dominion University, who was put on administrative leave and then resigned. Due to the fallout, there is a conversation that people have surrounding harm reduction that says that there's a difference between someone who is attracted to underage persons and doesn't act on it, and someone who does act on it. There's a side of that discussion that contends that you can't really control who you're attracted to. So someone doesn't choose that attraction, but they can choose to act or not. This school of thought, argues that people who choose not to act on that attraction should be treated differently than those who offend. And that by doing so, it might be possible to minimize the harm that's actually done in the real world. Part of that different treatment may be something like coming up with a different term marrow. I'm not sure where I come down on this necessarily, because I haven't done enough looking into it to feel confident either way. But I do know that there's a very concerted effort on the part of the right wing media to use terms like minor attracted person to argue that society is trying to mainstream child exploitation, and that it's being adopted by the LGBTQ plus community. This is obviously just a means to target, marginalize and slander the LGBTQ plus community. That's the use the Tucker has for it in this narrative, and it's entirely disconnected from any desire to minimize harm. That's done to children. Yeah, the pivot to talking about the 2020 election deniers and January 6 writers is incredibly forced, because it has to be this is the kind of the destination that Tucker was aiming towards, and he didn't really have a sensible path. So you had to go with a shoehorn, like, it's It's bizarre.
Jordan (00:43:36.000)
I mean, I don't have I don't know if I have anything more to say about the specifics of what Tucker said, than that. If Tucker, a professed Christian says to me, that pausing and thinking before hating is a bad idea. I hope he reads a book. Because there was this, there's this really famous thing about where it's like, Hey, before you hate somebody with violence and kill them, you know, like, stop and pause for a second. You know, I've heard that before. I'm just saying rings a vague bell in my head miliar in some way, and for him to denigrate that as a thought process so viciously, seems kind of indicative of something. Yeah.
Dan (00:44:22.000)
So here's where we're like, rolling down the hill. And this is where you trip and start going. Oh, now
Jordan (00:44:29.000)
we're going too fast. Oh, no, no, no. Now we're including our Chris Farley and black sheep. Yes. Yeah.
Tucker Carlson (00:44:35.000)
And in any case, it's not like pedophiles. are barging into the Capitol Building to sit in Nancy Pelosi is chair. We're asking uncomfortable questions about the last election for miscreants like that. No punishment is too harsh. So far this month the FBI is Washington Field Office has issued 11 press releases 10 out of 11 had been about January 6. Keep in mind that January 6 happened more than two and a half years ago. That's practically a forever accounts on Instagram, too busy to respond. They've got much more important things to do like finding white supremacist, white supremacist for America's new child molesters, we've sure zero tolerance for white supremacist because no one threatens the life of this country more than they do. Here's Joe Biden once again, making that very clear last month.
Dan (00:45:21.000)
So Tucker should have waited a few days because there's so many more press releases, but convictions and guilty pleas and arrest. Yeah, he could have bumped that number up to at least 24. You can see a bit of the form of the narrative that's taking shape here. Society doesn't hate pedophiles enough anymore, because people who stormed the Capitol are being arrested in charge. The FBI isn't taking child abuse seriously, because they're focused on white supremacists. Obviously, this is stupid on its face, because people can care about two things at the same time. I'm not sure what Tucker would want the FBI as Washington office to do like, Would it be satisfied if some of those Instagram users were arrested also, or does this require Zuckerberg getting indicted? I don't know. I don't know what would be the condition where he'd be like, alright, this complaint has been satisfied. This is
Jordan (00:46:06.000)
like this is like I feel like we're in 1867 and Lincoln has been dead a couple of years and Andrew Johnson like Oh, come on. What are we doing with the reconstruction? It's slavery was forever ago and we move on everybody Come on stop blaming slave owners for all the old there's a problem. What he's what he's doing today is bad as pedophiles, what's what do they own slave children? Oh, shit. Oh, I mean, everybody move on? What's
Dan (00:46:31.000)
the slavery equivalent of like, how do you paraphrase it or sort of dress it up the same way as just wanted to sit at Nancy Pelosi? Is this Yes.
Jordan (00:46:41.000)
They just wanted to have people do stuff for them without payment. It's like it's they were just asking people for favors all the time without their ability to say no,
Dan (00:46:53.000)
they were just aggressively opposed to the minimum wage.
Jordan (00:46:59.000)
They were worried about everybody's housing situation. So they had to make sure they kept him in the same place. Sure, at all times.
Dan (00:47:07.000)
You can also tell here that Tucker is a shithead, because he's using an arbitrary cutoff date that allows him to make this argument, a bunch of J. Six resolutions happened at the same time. But if you look just a little harder, you'll find a press release about an arrest that happened on May 10. That very well may have been someone who's using Instagram to distribute Child Exploitation material. It was probably a different app, but the press release just says that he was using a quote online messaging application so and Tucker should go and check out the press releases from the other FBI field offices, or maybe I should just play some dumbass games like him and complain that three out of the three press releases from the Las Vegas office have been the this month have been about child exploitation arrests? Suspiciously no January 6, the rest in Las Vegas that actually
Jordan (00:47:50.000)
is kind of suspicious. I bet there are some people hanging out
Dan (00:47:55.000)
as if there's one field office.
Jordan (00:47:58.000)
No, there's very small contracts whole like it's just
Dan (00:48:01.000)
such dumb. Such dumb shit he's trying to pass off it is
Jordan (00:48:05.000)
it is I mean, it's a testament to the ability to sell. You know, like, this is a sell kind of level. You know, like, if I'm if I'm, if my materials weak on stage, I gotta sell it. You know, it's like, if I want to get my laughs and I don't have the strongest stuff. I have to perform way way harder. Let me get he has got nothing.
Dan (00:48:32.000)
Let me give you another standup metaphor. Sure. This is not like someone selling really hard. This is like somebody who doesn't really like isn't really great at stand up who's coming in and getting a headlining spot because they're on a show. Right? Right. Right, or something like that.
Jordan (00:48:49.000)
So So you're saying it's Dustin Diamond? I think Tucker Carlson. Is it Dustin?
Dan (00:48:54.000)
Yeah, I did. Like I remember it's true when Pavan came and headlined the last. That's what I'm thinking of.
Jordan (00:49:01.000)
What am I? What am I early friends were actually open for him on the road for a long, long time to go to go to casinos. muddy. Nothing might have been pleasant. Nothing like a good Dustin Diamond casino gig. Yeah, no fun. Well turned out great. Oh, no.
Dan (00:49:19.000)
So now we've we've gotten to white supremacy. We shifted over to that. And he introduces this Biden clip.
Tucker Carlson (00:49:25.000)
Here's Joe Biden, once again, making that very clear last month,
News Anchor 1 (820) (00:49:29.000)
stand up against the poison. White supremacy as I did my inaugural address to a single out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.
News Anchor 1 (820) (00:49:49.000)
And I'm not saying this because I'm at a black HBCU I say wherever
Jordan (00:49:55.000)
that seems redundant.
Tucker Carlson (00:49:56.000)
Pardon the feedback but you heard the point white supremacy is the most Dean You're a threat to the American homeland, Joe Biden just told us that it's more dangerous than threat of nuclear war with Russia. It's more dangerous than the threat of the Mexican drug cartels who've already killed hundreds of 1000s of Americans, and are now in control of swathes of our SouthWestern State.
Jordan (00:50:14.000)
Are they coming for the government?
Tucker Carlson (00:50:16.000)
Is that bad? Joe Biden says,
Jordan (00:50:18.000)
was the cartel covered for the government?
Tucker Carlson (00:50:20.000)
Is it that's the question? Can anyone in authority actually define white supremacy? Yeah, what is it is what? White people with white children in a pretty tough spot? Sure. Or is white supremacy something much more obviously bad, like, whites from America and creating some kind of ethno state? If that's Joe Biden's definition. What exactly is the scope of this threat? People are currently working on this American white ethno state project.
Jordan (00:50:50.000)
I got so many
Tucker Carlson (00:50:53.000)
our guests is not very many and precisely zero. But we can't say for sure, because no one has showed us the numbers.
Jordan (00:51:00.000)
How did we get here? Tucker, you are working on it now. This is you working on it.
Dan (00:51:07.000)
So white supremacy is probably a bigger real world issue that nuclear war with Russia seeing is that seems pretty unlikely, whereas white supremacy is something that definitely exists. It also seems like a bigger problem than these drug cartels that apparently controlled large swaths of the country and have killed hundreds of 1000s of Americans. I'm guessing Tucker means that these deaths happen because of those like the drug murders. Yeah, but he's vague enough that the image is terrifying. It does seem that way. And answer the question of defining white supremacy and white nationalism. Tucker should just ask his staff they definitely know Yeah, he can ask his old buddy and former head writer Blake Neff, who had to resign after his racist message board posts are revealed, including some weird instances where things posted on the forum mirrored things that would show up on Tucker show. The former editor of his site to The Daily Caller named Scott Greer got busted posting racist articles for Richard Spencer's outlet under a pen name. They used to publish the writing of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the unite the right rally. I think if Tucker is looking for some clarity on exactly what white nationalists and racists want and are about, he has access to a lot more primary sources than most people. We've certainly gone far afield from what seemed like the topic of this piece, which was the erosion of taboos in America leading to child molestation being normalized as evidenced by people being mad at Kyle Rittenhouse on the fact that there have been more January six related FBI press releases this month. This is a pretty poorly constructed monologue. I have to say, yeah, yeah. I've never really watched his TV show. So I don't really know if this is better or worse. Yeah. What did we watch some of his shows to see if like, the standard has gone far down. But if it was this bad when he was on TV,
Jordan (00:52:43.000)
I don't know what shit. I mean. How about this? How about this? Maybe, maybe you're telling on yourself a little bit based upon who you want to be compared to? Do you know what I'm saying? Like, maybe if I say something like, Hey, listen, I'm an asshole. But I'm not as bad as somebody who fucking takes all day at the self checkout line with 50 items. Right? Kind of have an idea of where I placed myself in society. You know, if you say, well, at least I'm not a pedophile. I think you kind of saying a lot. I think you're kind of saying a lot more than maybe you think you're
Dan (00:53:18.000)
saying but he doesn't consider himself to be a part of the group that is labeled white supremacist? Yeah. nationalist?
Jordan (00:53:25.000)
I think he does. I think he does. I think he I think he's, I think he's presenting
Dan (00:53:30.000)
through his actions. He reveals that maybe he thinks he does but are enough. You would not he would not present things that way. Yeah.
Jordan (00:53:38.000)
Yeah. Cool. Not good. No, this is a ride. This is insane.
Dan (00:53:45.000)
Yeah. So the issue here is that he's coming to us he has got this white nationalist white supremacist terms that Biden's throwing around. But we don't have any Definitions for these things. We need definitions for crimes. Do many
Tucker Carlson (00:53:59.000)
people are currently working on this American white ethno state project, and what are the chances they're going to pull it off? Our guests is 53 Many and precisely zero. But we can't say for sure, because no one has showed us the numbers. These are not rhetorical questions. When the President of the United States describes something as the worst possible crime Americans can commit. You have a right to know what that crime is. You used to have that right? Under a pre revolutionary legal code before George Floyd. Question What's for easy to answer? A crime was defined as something that an elected legislator is explicitly banned. Usually an act that hurts somebody else what in America crimes were described precisely with words in English and then preserved in books, which you could read yourself. What if you ever wondered whether you were committing a crime, you could just look it up. You could know for sure whether you were a criminal. Now you can say that's the point of the exercise. About afraid no one's willing to define the offense. You can't be sure whether or not you're committing it. You could be accused at any time and everything you have taken from you.
Dan (00:55:10.000)
Sounds a lot like Tucker complaining about the idea that being a racist or white nationalist could be considered a thought crime. Nick, we've already seen him support the idea of punishing people for thought crimes, though. So that's weird. You know, is
Jordan (00:55:23.000)
he broken? I feel like he got broken somewhere here. I don't know. He was just repeating weird stuff. Just like you used to be able to look at laws for the revolution of elected officials saying no to things. Things used to be things that had names and names used to be things that you had.
Dan (00:55:41.000)
So I guess, you know, you under just like, being racist and white nationalist, those aren't crimes. So, you know, there's acts right, you'd have to do right, right. They're their acts that you take that are then crimes can be based on you being you know, racist or whatever, you know, that's the actions that you take. That's the that's, you know, you can be racist all you want. The government's aren't gonna stop you from that. Right. It's all nonsense. Tucker is just painfully feigning ignorance. Yes. It's absurd. I didn't notice what Biden was saying. He's just pretending it's so incomprehensible to make the audience think that the people pointing out racist trends in America, including Tucker's own show are just making completely baseless and confusing arguments. Like it's cute, but it's transparent. Yes, it's Come on, man.
Jordan (00:56:27.000)
Yeah, no, this is like, if you were if he was doing this in a conversation without like, a TV crew. I guess you could just be like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, stop. Just stop. Just Nope. Stop.
Dan (00:56:38.000)
I can't I can't I can't imagine him going about his daily life with this poor level of absurd of processing information. Yeah.
Jordan (00:56:46.000)
Like, how could you justify buying something? If you Oh, right. Okay, so Oh, so it's $5. A, that's just because of bullshit. Like, what are you trying to do? Right?
Dan (00:56:56.000)
Yeah, like, it's something is 499. And you get caught up in your head about how it's actually $5 trying to trick me.
Jordan (00:57:04.000)
A penny, yourself. That's not a good business.
Dan (00:57:07.000)
I know. You're burning down the store. Exactly. Yeah.
Jordan (00:57:09.000)
You can't think this poorly.
Dan (00:57:12.000)
Yeah. So there's these crimes that you don't know. But you used to know back in the old days of a few years ago, back when you used to know
Jordan (00:57:21.000)
what the crimes were? And you could find out Dan, do you remember? Do you remember those years before George Floyd when we used to go around being like, Wait, am I going to commit a crime? I better look it up in the code,
Dan (00:57:32.000)
can't I now? Yeah, I didn't even know and Tucker has an example.
Tucker Carlson (00:57:38.000)
When no one's willing to define the offense. You can't be sure whether or not you're committing it. You could be accused at any time and everything you have taken from you. You live in fear. Remember this guy,
News Anchor 1 (820) (00:57:49.000)
Emanuel Cafferty was driving near a Black Lives Matter protest in Poway in his sdg&e truck when he says he noticed somebody following him and trying to get his attention. Later, that person posted a picture of him making what Some believed is a white supremacy symbol. On Twitter. Cafferty says he had no idea about any white power symbols and was just cracking his knuckles outside his window. When the picture was taken of him later that day. He says he was notified by sdg&e that he would be suspended pending an investigation and a few days later, he was fired.
Tucker Carlson (00:58:22.000)
What that man did was so offensive as you just saw that local news had to blur the photograph of his hand. He was fired from his job. Life was destroyed for cracking his knuckles. cracking his knuckles was racist in his defense, but then nobody did until the day that poor Manuel Cafferty was unwise enough to crack them. When a crime has no definition. Anyone can be guilty of it. It's hard to relax in a country like that.
Dan (00:58:48.000)
Jordan (00:58:50.000)
Get a deed in elementary school for that kind of shit. Yeah, that is really bad. It's
Dan (00:58:56.000)
pretty, it's pretty. So the case of Emanuel Cafferty is pretty interesting. Yeah, most of the basic details that are given here align with what I can find, you know, he was driving past a protest in his SD and G or SDG and E truck and someone took a picture of him flashing would appear to be an okay sign showing this picture was posted on Twitter with the SD and G SDG. and E. VA loan feel right? Yeah, it's not a good and they were tagged on Twitter. sdg&e suspended him and put him under review. And then he was fired. Right? This seems like a really unfortunate case would be people being a little overzealous and calling this guy out. And that's no good. But I have two points that I want to bring up. One. This isn't a crime. Nope. Two, I suspect the cafe's termination didn't come about because of this tweet. I obviously have no way of knowing for sure. But if I had to guess I would assume that in the course of SDG and E's investigation of his employment they found cause that merited termination. Here's the basis for my suspicion. The first point is that there was a massive outcry about this case and not just from the normal right wing shithead Kancil culture crowd the Antek wrote about it and Cafferty was featured on an episode of Monica Lewinsky series 15 minutes of shame. The person who tweeted this picture came forward and said that they misinterpreted it even like everyone was that guy, but you know, this was no good. Okay, so everybody,
Jordan (01:00:13.000)
everybody pre empted Tucker's bullshit by going Hey, guys, maybe
Dan (01:00:19.000)
we went a little too far. Yeah. Monica Lewinsky Eve and yeah, so
Jordan (01:00:23.000)
So Tucker is scooped by Monica Lewinsky quite a bit. Gotcha.
Dan (01:00:27.000)
Another issue that I come to on this claim is that Cafferty, you know, these a Cafferty was just cracking his knuckles in the picture, but this is what it says in the Atlantic article about that day. Quote, Cafferty told me a few days ago, the other driver began to act even more strangely, he flashed what looked to Cafferty like an okay hand gesture and started cussing him out. When the light turned green. Cafferty drove off hoping to put an end to this disconcerting encounter. But when carefully reached another red light, the man now holding a cell phone camera was there again. Do it do it, he shouted, unsure what to do. Cafferty copied the gesture of the other driver kept making the man appeared to take a video or perhaps a photo. So that's what it says in the Atlantic, on the GoFundMe, his family.
Jordan (01:01:10.000)
Before you go any further, sure, but continue on the
Dan (01:01:15.000)
GoFundMe that his family set up. And in that news article, it says, quote, on June 3, a stranger posted a picture of Emanuel Cafferty on social media and falsely accused him of displaying a white power hand gesture in his company truck. Emanuel had his arm extended out the window and was merely stretching his fingers unaware of any such hand gesture. Yeah, there are wildly different accounts of what happened. Yeah, that are coming from him the same guy. And I don't think that he was doing a white power hand gesture necessarily. Like I don't have any reason to think that it's something doesn't match up about what like the details of
Jordan (01:01:51.000)
this. You can't tell more than one story in a short period of time on our
Dan (01:01:55.000)
can if the details are fairly close. I was cracking my knuckles or just relaxing my fingers. Right. And then also there's the story of I was being harassed by someone who was yelling at me to do an okay sign. You can't do that. That's so far apart. That one's a lie.
Jordan (01:02:11.000)
Yeah. Once you did the Oh, no, no, it was somebody else. Once you did that. Now we're at now I'm out one
Dan (01:02:17.000)
of these stories has to be a lie. And he's telling it and I don't know what to think about that. But I still don't necessarily think that there's any reason to believe he was, you know, being racist.
Jordan (01:02:27.000)
Oh, I mean, I believe he's lying about one thing something.
Dan (01:02:31.000)
Yeah. So there was a groundswell and near universal desire for him to get his job back but SDG and he did not go for it. And then Cafferty filed two lawsuits, one against SDG and E and the other against the guy who tweeted the picture. Sure. On October 26 of last year, Cafferty himself filed to dismiss the case against the tweeter with prejudice, meaning that it's not an action he can re introduce his suit against SG SDG. And E for defamation went the exact same route except that he requested to be dismissed without or with prejudice on June 1 2023, only two weeks ago. There are some other possibilities of what could be going on. It's imaginable that Cafferty realized that he would have a very difficult time proving defamation claims, but he may be still intending to pursue like an unjust termination case against SDG and E. They've stood against their or they they've stood by their decision, though, and I can't find any evidence of other suits being filed. So I'm not sure what you really think, okay. It's a weird situation, like I don't know if any reason or evidence to suggest that he was making a racist hand gesture when he was photographed and all indications point to it being really inappropriate that this person tweeted what they did. Having said that, I don't know enough about this case, to say that this is the ultimate reason he got fired. In the case that he was it was an employer trying to cover their ass by firing someone, then I would be on Cafferty side, in the case that there was grounds for his terminate termination. And that thing only came to light because of this incident. I think that sucks. And it's bad luck, but I don't know what to do. You know,
Jordan (01:03:59.000)
I will say this. I wouldn't base an entire moral philosophy around dealing with what happens in this particular situation, and then claim that it's all because people hate white people now.
Dan (01:04:13.000)
I think I think that yeah, the hunt for white supremacist is so extreme. Yeah, that this guy lost his job a couple years ago. Right.
Jordan (01:04:20.000)
Right. This? I mean, this. This is unfortunate. Yeah, true. I don't think it's worth up ending all of
Dan (01:04:28.000)
the it also doesn't. It doesn't satisfy the argument that's being made. No, absolutely not. And also, as we're listening to this as part of Tucker's presentation, at the end of the day, this isn't an issue involving a crime at all. At most there was an act of defamation by this Twitter poster which would have been resolved through a lawsuit which was filed and involuntarily dismissed with prejudice by the by Cafferty, they know like, there is no crime. Yeah, what I
Jordan (01:04:56.000)
find interesting is that a through line here and I don't know if this is on purpose or not, but a through line here is that the government should be more oppressive. The three line is that all of these private companies, the powers that be, are the ones doing everything and that the government needs to do more to stop them
Dan (01:05:16.000)
or the government isn't doing enough. So everybody else needs to write, like, enact harsh social taboo. Exactly. Yeah, it is very much. It's almost the definition of regressive. Yeah, like pushing things back. 100%
Jordan (01:05:29.000)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, this is this is legitimately like, women, they shouldn't be outside. What are they doing outside? Now?
Dan (01:05:42.000)
Why did we mean where do we lose that tab?
Jordan (01:05:44.000)
I am not going to go back to arguing about whether or not women can wear tank tops. That's not happening. Oh, okay. It's not happening. Give it six months. God damn it.
Dan (01:05:54.000)
So, we come to the dismount here. Yeah. And Tucker wraps up his his argument is point. I don't even know what to make of any of this. Okay.
Tucker Carlson (01:06:05.000)
It's hard to relax in a country like that. The old system was better. government operated on the basis of laws, not a amorphous moral terror. Politicians couldn't let us you have something they couldn't define. The legal code was straightforward. child molestation was a crime, waxing unfashionable opinions was not. Outside of the public sphere. The population mostly governed itself as it does in every society and use taboos to do it. You knew what was allowed and what wasn't because the rules didn't change very often. The taboos were organic. They derive from collective experience and instinct. The two most reliable guides to life right solved for a reason. They still do, we wrote books. This point is to protect them, despite the hectoring the nonstop hectoring from the people in charge, you know the outlines of right and wrong, you're born knowing them. So don't let them talk you out of what you can smell. Don't let them rationalize away. moral sense. Cling to your taboos like your life depends on them because it does cherish and protect them like family heirlooms. That's exactly what they are.
Dan (01:07:17.000)
Great news. What Tucker is describing as the old system is still in place. Yeah, trauma, molestation, still a crime and it's still not a crime to have unfashionable opinion. And that's how he wants to describe being a white supremacist. Amazing. Further, the government isn't accusing people of anything. No, this is coming straight off of him talking about Cafferty and the government isn't involved in that story at all right? Biden brought up in the speech that white supremacy was a threat to our country. But I assure you he wasn't talking about your private beliefs and micro aggressions. The culmination of this monologue, the go home message seems to be a bit weird. On the one hand, Tucker is saying that our country should be governed by taboos which grow and evolve with the times. But simultaneously, he's saying to the audience that they need to hold fast to their taboos, if, as if their life depended on it, steadfastly refusing to change from the innate wisdom about right and wrong that they had from birth. Those seem to be at odds with each I was gonna say, just don't coexist as a completely.
Jordan (01:08:08.000)
I mean, it's his closing. Yeah, is an incomplete disagreement with his opening.
Dan (01:08:15.000)
Well, and his closing is in complete disagreement with his closing. Yeah,
Jordan (01:08:19.000)
yeah. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know what he means. I know intuitively. He means you budget to hate people. And don't let anybody tell you to stop right? Yeah, I get what you're saying. Right. I'm furious that you have to say it differently. Because this is a excruciatingly bad. Yeah, just get to I hate people. Yeah. And I should be allowed to Yeah, and no one should be mean to be about it. Right. And if people hate me, it's because they're filled with hate, but I hate because I'm a good person.
Dan (01:08:46.000)
take a page out of the Denis Leary playbook, and just do it. I'm gonna do it. This is exhausted
Jordan (01:08:54.000)
a silly man. What think about how much effort you have to put in to trying to justify just being a hateful piece of shit. And this is what you came out with? Yeah. Wow.
Dan (01:09:07.000)
It's interesting experience to listen to it because you know how you were surprised along a lot of paths like a lot of the ways the road twisted while I was I was as well it's, it's, it's, I have an unfair advantage of having heard this before. Yeah, you know, but the first time I heard it, I was like, I can't believe that. This is where we're
Jordan (01:09:30.000)
going. This is But will I can make it neither hide nor hair of it. It doesn't. Does this make sense to other people? And we're crazy. Like, am I crazy?
Dan (01:09:37.000)
I don't know. I don't think so. I
Jordan (01:09:40.000)
feel I feel I Because honestly, when we started listening to Alex and she makes more sense to me than this does. Just because it's like oh, yeah, he's, he's white. Do you know what I mean? And fantasy sets
Dan (01:09:53.000)
familiarity. Yeah, well, yeah, you're eventually gonna be the same with Tucker. We can
Jordan (01:09:57.000)
probably but it's so jarring It is.
Dan (01:10:01.000)
And I when you say it doesn't make sense. That's not what you mean. Like, it's not that it doesn't make sense. The messaging makes sense, right? And like, I get the point that he's trying to make, right. And I get the ways that he's using, like some poorly designed rhetoric tricks in order to pursue his point, right. What doesn't make sense is trying to follow the logic that he's using to get to those points.
Jordan (01:10:28.000)
I feel like he is speaking a different language that I kind of understand. You know, like, I feel like I speak Portuguese, and he speaks Spanish. And I'm like, I get enough to know what you're saying. I get enough to know what you're saying. But when you put all those words together, if you were speaking the language correctly, they don't mean what you say they mean, right? You know what I mean? You have to be using those words to mean different things than what they then what they mean.
Dan (01:10:54.000)
Yeah, yeah. And it kind of feels a little bit like if I could put this into like, just sort of a logic construction. It kind of comes off as like if A then B, right. If B then c, if c then D. Pickle, therefore ham sandwich.
Jordan (01:11:10.000)
Yes. Like what? Yeah, what are we doing? That is a great way of describing it. You're like, okay, you've given me four completely unrelated things, saying that three of them are related to each other, I guess. And then you've said pickle and sandwich. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (01:11:25.000)
All right. I get it. I mean, you are mad that people don't like white supremacist.
Jordan (01:11:29.000)
I think you're more mad that you can't think good.
Dan (01:11:33.000)
Maybe Maybe episode three will be better.
Jordan (01:11:38.000)
Well, I know he's not mad at the crew yet.
Dan (01:11:40.000)
No. Oh, God, I can't wait for his. It'll be great. So I guess we'll be back and we'll check in on him. See what see what else Tucker has to offer. See what Alex has to offer. But until then, what a ride. Ride. We'll be back. But we have a website. Indeed
Jordan (01:11:57.000)
we do. It's now the Yep. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter at that knowledge underscore fight. Yep. We'll be back. But until then.
Dan (01:12:03.000)
I'm Nico. I'm Leo amnesiacs. Clark, skip, skip. Skip boop boop boop. I wish I remembered the tune to Masterpiece more to life. Doo doo doo. Ah, yeah. Yeah.
Theme Song (01:12:24.000)
And now here comes the sex robots. Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.