Transcript/789: January 26, 2004
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Unknown Speaker (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red Alert running
Theme Song (00:00:12.000)
knowledge Damn, Jordan I'm sweating knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys shank me or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. Bray and the Kansas surely are huge fan. I love your work knowledge by knocking knowledge I love you,
Dan (00:00:59.000)
everybody. Welcome back and I will try them damn. I'm Jordan. We're good with dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of saline never forget to turn on the headphone amp. Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:10.000)
Yes, indeed we are. Dan,
Dan (00:01:12.000)
you may have heard laughing over the theme song and that was because I had forgotten to turn on the headphone amp to Jordan was mocking forgotten.
Jordan (00:01:21.000)
I was shocked. I realized what was going on. And then all of a sudden it was Bo and I was like,
Dan (00:01:27.000)
ah, yeah, it was a little shocked. shocked at my rustiness, shocked,
Jordan (00:01:31.000)
shocked. Damp Jordan, Dan
Dan (00:01:33.000)
Jordan (00:01:34.000)
What's my spot buddy?
Dan (00:01:35.000)
My brains bought today is actually the cause of that rustiness. I'd like to thank you for filling into the fun interview with Mike Rothschild and light. I mentioned, I think on Monday's episode that I had a speaking engagement which led to a little bit of, you know, tension, a little bit of push and pull with the schedule. Yeah, I was talking to my dad about this. Yeah. And I'm overwhelmed kind of Yeah, but it's not for any good reason. It's just because I have two things that I needed to, you know, basically, live shows at the beginning of the month. And obviously that was a lot of like prep and write and all that stuff. And then my bright spot for today was a was invited to go to Florida Southern College, in Lakeland and lovely, lovely Lakeland. And give a little talk there for the students. So cool. And it was just a blast. So I'd like to thank all the folks who were instrumental in bringing me down, I guess it was just one guy. But he was cool as hell is cool. He was great. The class was great. The talk was a lot of fun took me back in many ways to my college experience. Yeah, yeah. Being because look, the number of the students were engaged and they were had questions and it was great, but them were looking at me with dead eyes. Yeah. And I remember that I was like, You guys are my people. I remember that. When it was someone was given a talk and and maybe you get extra credit to go in. Do you just go years waiting to maybe go get high later? Or really high
Jordan (00:03:11.000)
Dan (00:03:12.000)
Could be but yeah, it was it was a delight. I am not super well versed in these things. There's only been a few instances of me giving these talks can't
Jordan (00:03:24.000)
be great instantly. Whenever anything, you're not Ken Griffey Jr,
Dan (00:03:28.000)
there's an adjustment. And we talked about it a little bit. I think even on the show that when you come from stand up, there's a muscle memory and like an expectation that your body has, that people will laugh at the things you say when you're in front of a crowd. Yep. And you don't get that from a college class. Often it's a class Yeah. you automatically have to like repeat your body to not think you're failing and like you're drowning up there. Yeah. This time was not such a big issue with that, because i i opened by making fun of my own speech. Sure. I'm saying that I didn't want to give it so you opened with a joke. But it was there was a little bit of sincerity? Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. I was basically told folks, you know, you can interrupt me at any time. If you have any questions immediately, a hand went up.
Jordan (00:04:15.000)
Can I actually interrupt you in any talk? Yes.
Dan (00:04:18.000)
And so most of the talk actually ended up just being a question and answer kind of thing back and forth with students, which I think is probably a lot more useful.
Jordan (00:04:28.000)
Well, any kind of interactivity is more like a comedy show than than otherwise, you know, like, I understand that the idea, of course, is I talk and you guys don't talk, you know, that's, that's the way it works. But at the same time, there is an interplay that is required for the performance to
Dan (00:04:47.000)
work. Sure, there has to be a receptive party, as it were. And that's a huge problem that I have with the idea of even giving these speeches is like, I don't know What is going to be useful to these people? Sure, I know a ton about Alex Jones and I could tell them all kinds of things about Alex Jones. But to what level? Is that useful to a freshman or a sophomore in college? Sure. I'm not sure. But if they have questions around various topics, sure. Maybe there's something that I can draw from my experience that would be helpful to them. And so I found that to be a lot more fulfilling and I think useful for them. Yeah,
Jordan (00:05:29.000)
no, I when I was in when I was in college, I took a class about Emily Dickinson taught by one of the pre eminent scholars of Emily Dickinson,
Dan (00:05:39.000)
was it by Emily?
Jordan (00:05:43.000)
Well, they didn't leave the house much. But, but it was like, there was too you can't express to a group of, of people of students who are halfway apathetic at best, you know, like the vast breadth of knowledge you have about a single subject, like what are you supposed to
Dan (00:06:04.000)
do? Yeah, there were two big moments that really stuck out like that. One was like we're aways into the talk. Somebody had just asked us a question. And I, I brought I explained Alex's changing story about the his view of the Ukraine. Invasion. Sure. And then the next question, somebody raised their hand and they're like, I don't really know who Alex is. All right. Start from one. That was fun. The second moment that stuck out was there was a guy who I couldn't tell if he was he wanted to fight or not sure. Sure. There was a little bit of like, maybe I'm gonna fight conflict is there it was, but it was just in the eyes. Sure. Sure. Sure. Nothing else threatening. Okay. So you have two questions. And the second one was about Bohemian Grove. And as soon as he said that, I was like, I gotta tell everybody. Story of Bohemian Grove, because these people have no idea.
Jordan (00:07:01.000)
All right, let's start with Moloch. I guess that's why we're we're gonna begin.
Dan (00:07:04.000)
Yeah. But that was fun. That was fun. It gave me a chance to like really distill down like, what is the story, right? I don't know. Like an old powerful people do weird stuff. But as I'm telling this story, I am like, oh, Nixon said something about kids saying Don't Don't
Jordan (00:07:22.000)
Don't do that. No, no, cut it off. Cut it off. Cut it off, right there. Yeah, it's a Nixon quote, then don't do it.
Dan (00:07:29.000)
Was it Reagan? I can't remember it. I think it was Nixon. But it was Nixon. Yeah. Yeah. So good times, I wanted to also say, I don't really necessarily want to go through like formal channels for anything. But if anybody out there is listening who, you know, has a class or something they want me to speak at. Yeah, I'm more than willing to do it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that people are afraid to approach me or anything like that. But if anybody has any reluctance about like, Dan probably wouldn't do this. Yeah, I think highly of the academic setting. And it's valuable. And so I'm always thrilled and honored to know excited to take part in that stuff.
Jordan (00:08:11.000)
I think I think it was a I don't know when it happened. But there was a sweet spot. And here's what happened to us. Right? There was a point. Nobody wanted us. Yeah, nobody wanted us. Right. And then maybe right from rightfully so. Agreed. Yeah. And then there is a point where people sometimes wanted us, and then we skipped over the part where people want us and went straight to the people being like, Oh, well, we can't get them. Like I don't know what happened. I don't think we have given off the idea of you can't get us ever. No, we don't have an agent. We don't have a man. We barely have a website.
Dan (00:08:47.000)
Yeah, that's true. Baby. That's the problem. It's definitely the problem. I think it's because we ended up being on like CNN and stuff. And we were like, involved with the lawsuits and stuff. So maybe, maybe people think like, oh, that's rare. Stelter canceled?
Jordan (00:09:06.000)
I mean, yeah, I don't know. I don't know how to tell you. It started out as a joke you know 2017 Dan, eventually you will be the world's foremost expert on Alex Jones as a joke and then here we are, you know like there's no there's no
Dan (00:09:23.000)
started from a joke now here we are. Yeah, there's the song.
Jordan (00:09:26.000)
Oh, something like that. So
Dan (00:09:29.000)
anyway, yeah, I'll go do stuff I'll speak to digitally to classes if people want but other than that to just the bright spot of like, it's nice Florida. Weather. Sure. I mean, the 70s real nice down there in Lakeland and then Lakeland was a lovely little town. Not little little, but you know, compared to maybe Miami, Bonito know what's at BM finito. Nobody said bienvenido but you got to see a little lizard skin Amber's around, I wanted to chase it, but it didn't have time Chase lizards. There was a bunch of swans that apparently the Queen sent over and I couldn't get to the bottom of that relationship. That's not okay. Yeah. And she's dead. So who sent him?
Jordan (00:10:11.000)
I don't know. What did she leave in her? Will like send Lakeland swans in perpetuity, I guess. Is that a thing you can do? I assume if you're the queen you you can say perpetuity.
Dan (00:10:22.000)
And what did Lake Land do to deserve these? See, they just had a spot that needed swamp solid for the ground. Very weird. I'm not sure what's going on.
Jordan (00:10:32.000)
Oh, it must have been they were royalists during the American independence.
Dan (00:10:37.000)
You know, it didn't exist. Yeah. See?
Jordan (00:10:39.000)
That's where they all went.
Dan (00:10:41.000)
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe this will be the subject of our next mini series. What's your brightspot?
Jordan (00:10:50.000)
My brightspot Dan. I'm gonna tell you this. This is something I never thought ever in my life would happen. Not even compared to like becoming an expert on Alex Jones is as you have done Sure. I'm talking about I made it to my first wedding anniversary. Damn. Yes. Congratulations, my first wedding anniversary just a few days ago. It was incredible. It was great. It was a good anniversary. We went out. We went out to the girl and the goat which is one of the best restaurants in Chicago. Michelin Beard award. You go the whole thing? No, the goat. Oh, the goat
Dan (00:11:30.000)
everyone listening. Jordan's eyes just got real wide.
Jordan (00:11:32.000)
You don't even know I had something called goat belly. And I was like, I don't know if i What's fun about that.
Dan (00:11:38.000)
It's a little like, who's Boosh? But it's a tin can?
Jordan (00:11:41.000)
It's kinda No it's like perfectly cooked pork belly. Right? Right. But because it's it was it because it says goat belly. My wife wasn't like, Oh, it's just like a perfectly cooked pork belly. She was like, did they cut off the whole belly and grill it? What are we going to be eating?
Dan (00:11:58.000)
The sack full? Exactly. Yeah, classic joke of goats eaten?
Jordan (00:12:04.000)
Nope. incredibly delicious. It was fantastic. And then we both went to bed at like nine because it was on a weeknight love it. And that's that's an anniversary to me. That's perfect. I loved it.
Dan (00:12:15.000)
This is one of the advantages of not getting married at like 20 to three or something. You have real low like chill expectations, not low expectation, but chill expectation. Well,
Jordan (00:12:25.000)
here's the cool thing, right? Since we got married in a courthouse, you know, I never I'm never gonna be like, Oh, this was a great day, but that my best day was my wedding day. No, absolutely not. Every day is better than my wedding day with my wife because you're not because we're not at a fucking courthouse. Yeah. Until you spend your anniversary facing charge. Wow, I should I should be. That'll be Yeah, we'll be that'll be our 10th wedding anniversary. Doing 10 years in prison.
Dan (00:12:54.000)
Did you have a slice of wedding cake in the freezer to do that thing?
Jordan (00:12:59.000)
Oh, we didn't even have a wedding cake. Wedding go, oh, when we when we got out of the courthouse. We went to dinner or we went to lunch with my wife's mom's. And we were not dressed particularly well. You know, I was wearing my quote, nice jeans. That's what we got married and that kind of stuff. And it was the four of us eating together. And all of a sudden from across the room. Some group of women were all hanging out talking. And one of them just stood up and was like, did you get married today?
Dan (00:13:34.000)
I noticed your jeans are nice. I know.
Jordan (00:13:36.000)
It was like if somebody could set their expectations low enough that they look at me wearing that and they're like, well, obviously that's the wedding day. Yeah, I think we all know what's going on. Okay, no cake.
Dan (00:13:50.000)
So Jordan today also no cake don't know. But I decided here's the deal. I you know had this this whirlwind Florida and back trip chair. And then I got back and I felt a little bit under the wetter weather thought it was COVID It's not it was yeah, I could see the proof
Jordan (00:14:09.000)
on our on your desk.
Dan (00:14:12.000)
Yeah, one of the tests Yeah. So I was kind of a little bit out of it for a bit and I decided Alright, here's what I'm gonna do. We're gonna cover Alex going back on Steven Crowder show Shark because they talked a lot of nonsense there's a video of him with a bloody nose there we go hey, what fun what fights not fun I shot I shot eight that show
Jordan (00:14:35.000)
is it because there's no talent
Dan (00:14:36.000)
involved in it? No money, but they're trying to be funny, which is the worst? It's it's really frustrating because you have to try and parse out like, what are they saying for comedic effect? What are they saying as if they actually mean it? Who cares? Also is another thing you got to parse out? Sure. And then there's another thing that just bothered me to no end and that was like Steven Crowder kept saying that, like we have our sources up so you know that all the information that we've got is fully correct. That's like, well, you have some you have some sources here, but you're not sourcing Alex's claims, that's for sure. No. So that really infuriated me. I went through preparing an episode about it. And then I threw my hands up and said, Fuck this. I don't even want to talk. Yeah, no point. So we're back in 2004. Gut. Yeah. Good. So we're talking about January 26 2004, which is the Monday so we have a little bit jump in days. Yeah. Still, no conversation about the scream.
Jordan (00:15:32.000)
I here's something that I want to talk about.
Dan (00:15:34.000)
He does call Howard Dean a socialist, though. Oh, well, that's fair. So we've then we've begun right here. See hates him. Yeah, well, of course, but no conversation about the screen.
Jordan (00:15:42.000)
Question I have. Right. And here's something that may also be a theory that I'm working on interest, right. I think Alex will be disappointed that we are not falling for his I Have a bloody nose bait. Yeah, I think so.
Dan (00:16:01.000)
He might not ever know. But in spirit, I think he would be bummed I think so
Jordan (00:16:05.000)
I think this is a classic move for us as people are being like, Oh, he's doing something huge. And we're being like, should we cover it? I don't know. And then we just go back into 2004.
Dan (00:16:15.000)
It's how we live. It's not interesting enough. But then also a lot of the stuff that I was watching on that Crowder interview before I decided I'd had enough was there talking about Lindsey Graham a lot because Lindsey Graham had said some things about Ukraine. Sure. And apparently, Steven Crowder has a segment called insane in the Ukraine. That's fun. That's good work.
Jordan (00:16:43.000)
No, it's not
Dan (00:16:43.000)
an outro it is not Alex wouldn't stop talking about how he's dating Lindsey Graham. Oh my gosh, like, I just I have no patience. I don't do it.
Jordan (00:16:51.000)
I don't understand how to do it. I don't understand. I can't do people trying to be funny, who are absolutely not funny, who are confident that they are funny. It's infuriating. Also a lot
Dan (00:17:01.000)
of talk about how big is that? He's on rumble. Oh, he's taken over rumble. I can't how he's number one in the world. Oh, my God. I mean, I don't know what rumbles paying.
Jordan (00:17:11.000)
I'm so grateful. You are not covering that. I want to know if the bath part is back in power. I think
Dan (00:17:17.000)
they are it doesn't come up. But they are. This couple of minutes talking about it is even too much. So let's, let's get to this. But first, Jordan, let's say hello to somebody who wants that's a great idea. So first, Grandmaster Squatch and the sneaky ham thieving snakes. Thank you so much for now policy won't.
Alex Jones (00:17:35.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:17:36.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:17:37.000)
Thank you Next, my dad is freakishly large. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:17:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Jordan (00:17:42.000)
thank you very much.
Dan (00:17:43.000)
Next steals any juice from Brett who always needs money. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:17:48.000)
I'm a policy wonk, thank you very much.
Dan (00:17:50.000)
Next, Hannah, the trans dragon Ma, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:17:54.000)
I'm a policy wonk, thank
Jordan (00:17:55.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:17:56.000)
And rattlesnake Dave's oldest dropper for this. Thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:18:00.000)
I'm a policy wonk,
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.000)
thank you very much, and
Dan (00:18:02.000)
we gotta take the credit, Jordan. So thank you so much to the globalists honeycomb hideout. Thank you so much. You're an hour technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:18:09.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.000)
donkey man and telling you brilliant
James David Manning (00:18:13.000)
someone, someone sought him out and sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar
Alex Jones (00:18:19.000)
bank has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser, little little teddy baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ.
Dan (00:18:29.000)
So to give some context of where we are in January, the Democratic primaries are in full swing. Sure. Saddam has been captured naturally. And Alex is mad about abortion. Kinda. Yeah, that man's obsessed with building seven. He's talking a lot about building seven. Okay, because he has discovered a year old clip of Larry Silverstein, a guy who was leasing out the or had the rights to lease the building for like, he ended up taking quite a hit on 911 and then sued for insurance claims on it. But anyway, he was on a PBS documentary and Alex found it a year later. And that's the biggest thing in the world. Gotcha. So he's obsessed with building seven. Sure some of this will come into play. But we start here with Alex finding a new weapons inspector who has some things to say okay. And you we know from going back over this time, Alex made a really big deal out of the death of David Kelly. Yes, the weapons inspector who took his who died from suicide, and Alex made a gigantic disgraceful conspiracy out of that he was killed to silence him but concerns about weapons of mass destruction slaps, just a bunch of nonsense and we went over but it turns out there's another weapons inspector also named David. That valid says a isn't concerned,
James David Manning (00:20:02.000)
Saddam's weapons of mass destruction never existed says chief American arms inspector. Now, folks, this stinks to high heaven. David Kaye was all over television before the war during the war after the war, saying Saddam does have weapons of mass destruction. We've got takim he was the big Hawk, you know, the chief American inspector. And well, then he announced saying that, that he was lied to and it wasn't true. Now, Dr. David Kelly, he was also the former head of the bio weapons lab bio board. He was also the chief British Inspector, he said he was lied to, and that it was a fraud. And then he was saying, According to the Times of London, other publications with five guys and black uniforms standing around him, as the police arrived, they disappeared and there was his body with the risk slit and the undigested pills in his belly, and no blood at the scene. So, man, I wonder if David Kaye has taken out a large insurance policy, life insurance policy might be a good for his family, he does that.
Dan (00:21:07.000)
So first important thing to point out here is that Alex has fabricated a completely new story about David Kelly's death, which has no connection to reality and also seems fairly disconnected from his own past conspiracy narrative. Yeah, just off the top of my mind, he's added the detail but five men in black uniform standing around Kelly who scattered when the police arrived,
Jordan (00:21:25.000)
who the fuck gave you that information? That's, I mean, that's the most suspicious information that you could have. Yeah, if it weren't true,
Dan (00:21:33.000)
yeah. Is it an investigation where there's like, oh, yeah, five people dressed? What was night camouflage by
Jordan (00:21:40.000)
literal ninjas appeared and then disappeared
Dan (00:21:45.000)
as soon as the police shut up? Yes. Certainly, certainly would be worth noting
Jordan (00:21:50.000)
did that did the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fight them off?
Dan (00:21:53.000)
It was absent in his early fall. Fair enough, Alex is adding stuff like this to the story to make the idea of doubting that it was a murder seems silly to the audience because he'd rather mock the idea of believing something then have to argue against it. And that's because if he had to operate just on the fact his gaze would fall apart almost immediately. As for David Kay, this is an interesting situation. But Alex is also full of shit, Jeff, around this time, in January 2004, David Kay, a weapons inspector and member of the Iraq survey group was coming out publicly and saying he did not believe that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and that they did not believe they would be found correctly, he would go on to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee on January 28. And say, quote, I believe that it is time to begin with the fundamental analysis of how we got here, what led us here and what we need to do in order to ensure that we are equipped with the best possible intelligence, as we face these issues in the future. Let me begin by saying we were almost all wrong. And I certainly include myself here. Can you believe there was a fundamental intelligence failure, but not a direct effort to lie? Or exert specific political pressure? Sure, you can disagree with that or not. But what I'm talking about here is Kay's state of mind because that's what Alex is making claims about. Right? You know, so whether or not you believe that there was a lie, that's a different conversation. And you may have a different point than what David Kay is coming at this from i What's
Jordan (00:23:17.000)
fun is I don't need to talk in the lead up to the floor, everybody knows.
Dan (00:23:24.000)
And I think it would be difficult to blend, like what conversation you or even I would want to bring into it with discussing where Alex is coming at it from because it's completely sort of separate.
Jordan (00:23:35.000)
Now. What I think is great is discussing the Iraq war in less than 20 minutes and trying to really explain all of it to people, you know, it wasn't that complicated.
Dan (00:23:44.000)
Here's how you do it best by God. Now
Jordan (00:23:46.000)
we're there. Yep, yep. eglee jump cut.
Dan (00:23:49.000)
So in the lead up to the war, Kay was a voice that said he didn't doubt Saddam would have aspirations for weapons of mass destruction. And he thought he probably did. But he was far from the biggest supporter in the media. He did have like some of the things that he had some assessments that he had made were used by people like Colin Powell, and what have you, you can trace kind of a indirect direct line. But in terms of being like the biggest cheerleader in the media, I'm not sure if that's a fair assessment. Yeah. One of the biggest exposures he had was likely after another former weapons inspector Scott Ritter returned from a trip to Iraq and declared that there, quote, is no hard evidence whatsoever that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And that quote, I'm not saying Iraq doesn't pose a threat. I'm saying that it does. It is not been demonstrated to pose a threat worthy of war. So Scott Ritter came back from Iraq. And he was roundly criticized for these comments that he made. But but but but war is God ba K was one of the experts that media outlets would get comments from about Ritter whenever they were doing these stories, and generally they were mildly critical expressing that he didn't know where Reiter was getting his information from. Yeah, I don't I don't know what this assessment is based on. I
Jordan (00:25:01.000)
can't share where they're getting the information from anyway. So like, yeah,
Dan (00:25:05.000)
anyway, David Kay was not the person who was most instrumental in the weapons of mass destruction fraud, and he wasn't accusing anyone of lying at this point in 2004. Alex just needs those two perceptions to be accepted by his audience. We can paint a narrative out of them that's easier than just doing the work that he's supposed to be work as. Work as hard as finding himself as having done that though, right?
Jordan (00:25:27.000)
It is, it is nice to go back in time and really hear him make up a bunch of bullshit, you know, and then have people be like, ah, hashtag Alex Jones was right. Yeah. There were five ninjas outside David Kelly. Yeah, right.
Dan (00:25:42.000)
What knows there were four ninjas. Everyone knows it's in the white paper.
Jordan (00:25:47.000)
They'll slip claim can't afford five. Right? Yeah,
Dan (00:25:49.000)
they weren't gonna buddy system you have? Absolutely. It's just it's in the it's in their guidebook. Yeah, which Soros Fund. I found on 4chan Like Alex does. Yeah. Antifa. Anyway, I told you, Alex is obsessed with building seven. And so this rears its head here. Okay.
James David Manning (00:26:08.000)
This is admitted in plain public view. That building southern wasn't hit by an aircraft that it caught fire and later that afternoon and collapsed at 435 Eastern time. And the owner of it Silverstein gets on PBS and says we made the decision to blow it up.
Caller 1 (789) (00:26:25.000)
Well, I would I agree I the mass media that put out the propaganda has been swallowed by the American people since most of the American people who don't want to investigate at all. They don't want to be disturbed out of their comfort zone don't want to do the investigative work or or learn about the facts because it disturbs their comfort level, if they have to think but a thought process behind it and understand what's going on. And then they don't know how to handle they wouldn't know how to handle it the beginning and ending. So
James David Manning (00:26:56.000)
the only news reporter out there can go to prison or info Look at all the evidence. There's no debating it. They blew up building seven how they get the explosives and they made the decision while it was on fire. Why Why hasn't it been a bigger news item that they did demolish it. This is hidden in plain view.
Dan (00:27:15.000)
I don't think any reporter researcher has any business going to prison planet unless they're researching prison planet itself. Yeah. And the reason to go there for information. And even then you're taking anything you read with I mean, why
Jordan (00:27:27.000)
would you? Almost the least reliable source about prison planet is prison planet?
Dan (00:27:32.000)
Yeah, you don't take everything with a goat belly sized grain of salt. So like I said, I mentioned on that on a previous episode that Alex is getting deep into the building seven stuff in 2004 here, and this is really the only thing that's behind it. It's all just about this. Yeah. Larry Silverstein was interviewed in a PBS documentary called America rebuilds a year at Ground Zero. Unsurprisingly, given the name it came out in September 2002. But the clip of Silverstein was making the rounds at this point in January 2014. So Alex is acting like he's breaking a story here. It's like I've uncovered this clip. That was on PBS a year and a half ago. You dig
Jordan (00:28:11.000)
in conservative terms, though, it should take around a year and a half to get to a PBS documentary. It's like they're not watching PBS. True. You know,
Dan (00:28:20.000)
nobody's telling them about right thinking people aren't going to prison plan. Exactly. Alex isn't watching prison planet is going to PBS? No. Also Silverstein didn't say that he decided to blow up the building. He said, quote, I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire and I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it and they made the decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse. His spokesperson has been very clear and statements that when Silverstein said pull, he was talking about pulling the firefighters out of the building and leaving it to burn, he was deeply concerned for the safety of the firefighters in there and given the two other skyscrapers had collapsed that day. And there was a whole lot of related chaos going on. His concerns were very understandable. Yeah, it's makes total sense. So Alex is taking this quote from PBS, which he didn't know about for like a year then misrepresented it into being Silverstein saying that they decided to take the building down. Now that this framework is established. Alex is further embellishing this to claim that Silverstein said that they were going to blow the building up. Once that idea is firmly established in the audience's mind Alex poses the question, when did they have time to plant the explosives after the attack? This line of questioning is entirely built on eliciting an answer in the listeners mind that it would be impossible to plant the explosives after the attack, so they must have planted them previously. If they planted them previously than they must have had foreknowledge. If they had foreknowledge then the whole attack was probably an inside job. You can see how this path is built by Alex for his audience to go down where he lays out a book Shit narrative based on lies and misrepresentations of primary sources. He's not capable of it at this point in the present day, but in 2004, it seems like he has the finesse to lay some of this stuff out. suggestively Yeah. Anyone can tell you that a conclusion that you reach on your own is more meaningful to you than one that someone just gives you just the foundation of a lot of teaching. Sure. So I really think that Alex is trying to get the listeners to reach the conclusion he's decided for them. But they want them to get there on their own. Who released make it feel like they've worked shift? Back? Haha, this is my conclusion not Alex's right? I don't see this kind of thing from him at all in the present day episodes. And I think it's because he's lazy. And he's spoiled by having a completely captured audience. But it's interesting to see here. Yeah, that's that that is almost, I don't know, almost Socratic.
Jordan (00:30:54.000)
Yeah, in a certain sense. I mean, it is a large number of questions to avoid the one question that the answer we do know, too, which is that there weren't any explosives. You know, like, put them in? See, that's what I'm saying?
Dan (00:31:07.000)
If there weren't any, when did they take them out? Right.
Jordan (00:31:08.000)
It's like, When did you stop beating your wife? It's that question of like, but no, there was no, there was none of that. I don't understand.
Dan (00:31:16.000)
Yeah, that sort of trap ish question is all a ton of conspiracy stuff is built on and when you take the time to recognize some of that, it kind of makes a lot of it seem pretty silly.
Jordan (00:31:27.000)
Yeah. I mean, it is it is a game of putting a bunch of questions like like a moat around the one question you know the answer to and just pretending that like as long as you can't cross the moat, whatever, you're good luck. Everything I say is true.
Dan (00:31:43.000)
So you might have noticed the smug other voice. I'm talking about all these people who don't believe they don't need their to they don't even want to do any analysis or research shows. They don't want to go to prison planet and see these out of context videos, and whatever you I got a job Drew, this guy might do. Maybe his job is calling into Alex's show because the caller Oh, but another point here, but Silverstein that a color makes I think it's the same color and this is wild. Okay.
James David Manning (00:32:15.000)
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Washington.
Dan (00:32:18.000)
I apologize. It's a different color.
James David Manning (00:32:20.000)
Michael, you're on the air. Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:21.000)
Hello, Alex. How
Caller 2 (789) (00:32:23.000)
you doing fine, sir. Hey, I picked out some more Silverstein stuff you know about his lawsuits.
James David Manning (00:32:29.000)
Yes. With hair, you know, why don't you go over for folks? No, no, you don't have to. But Harry P Miller was a Vietnam vet.
Caller 2 (789) (00:32:37.000)
I don't know if he's still alive. But he's, he's 70 years old now. He's a Vietnam vet and Harry Miller in 1989 sued Larry Silverstein because he owns a strip club in New York called runaway 69. In his suit, what Larry Miller
Dan (00:32:56.000)
runways? Okay. He is
Caller 2 (789) (00:33:01.000)
$9 million in damages against Larry Silverstein, the alleged owner of runaway 69 at Queen's dance club. wn BCTV Channel Four television station, the city of New York presidents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon, Ross Perot, John Van Dijk and General Colin Powell as a big loss of Miller's complaint is that the named defendants committed or aided others in committing illegal acts, including assassinations over a 25 year period, beginning amidst the Vietnam War, in furtherance of a conspiracy to distribute Laotian heroin. He also asserted that the defendants are still engaged in heroin trafficking today.
Dan (00:33:39.000)
They are still up to their eyeballs in Laos. Should
Jordan (00:33:43.000)
I add? Is that a threat? Do does Laos have a large puppy see Poppy Seed thing like now I want to know if Laos is a huge heroin exporter. I haven't heard of Laotian
Dan (00:33:54.000)
heroine. But see, that's how the conspiracy gets. Yes. That's like, what it is loud. She was so specific. The presidents that are named are not contiguous. Nope. So that seems like a strange trail. Some of them dip in and out. You know, Ross Perot,
Jordan (00:34:12.000)
Ross Perot was always there. Colin Powell, Colin Powell was always there, City of New York. I mean, all of these. I'm not saying all of these people don't have something coming to them. I'm just saying that this ain't the way
Dan (00:34:25.000)
political assassinations over 25 years in furtherance of their Laotian heroin smuggling operation. That's
Jordan (00:34:31.000)
the thing. Yeah. Wouldn't we Okay, wouldn't we have seen a large production of Laotian heroin, a larger production of Laotian heroin in comparison to other heroin producers because they have the backing of this secret?
Dan (00:34:46.000)
I would, I would also think that it would have seeped into pop culture a little bit more. Absolutely. You know, yeah. The the idea of like, Laos being associated with, with the good heroin or
Jordan (00:35:00.000)
about how about we do this okay if Reagan invented crack and put it in the in the inner city, then clearly we would know about Reagan and Company. Laotian heroism Nixon, Nixon in company creating generic problem getting Nixon and Reagan. Monsters are tough.
Dan (00:35:19.000)
So yeah, this lawsuit got thrown out. Yeah, I imagine
Jordan (00:35:21.000)
we need to put that button.
Dan (00:35:25.000)
Do try to appeal that. They said,
Jordan (00:35:28.000)
Oh, they all die next time, buddy. Next,
Dan (00:35:31.000)
that lawsuit was cuckoo. But your instincts are pretty sharp there with the guy saying, Alex, do you know about this? He says why don't you tell them? That means he doesn't know about it? Yep. Because he loves sounded smart. Oh, yeah. And he loves talking. That's there's two favorite things. He passes up those opportunities. Then he did it. He
Jordan (00:35:53.000)
did it fairly smooth. He didn't do it. The way that I were, you would obviously do it for a bit. You know, he didn't do the like, yes. But you go ahead and explain to everybody all about, you know, like that kind of thing. Well, he's like,
Dan (00:36:05.000)
I think he got the sense that this guy also wanted to talk. That's kind of the thing.
Jordan (00:36:08.000)
He was like, Oh, well, I'll just let this guy do what he wanted to do in the first place.
Dan (00:36:14.000)
This could be like a sandwich break kind of thing. Totally could be you know, you could easily play it off as that and I think it's he had no idea what this guy was. Because this shit
Jordan (00:36:24.000)
is crazy. There's no way you could know what he was talking about. No way, in a way and less. I mean, you have to be deep in the weeds. You have to be so deep in the weeds more than Alex's
Dan (00:36:34.000)
Yeah. And he's too busy for that. Because look at this shit. Look, listen to how much he's doing. All right.
James David Manning (00:36:39.000)
I've done over 1300 radio interviews in the last 2728 months since September 11th. Have you been counted for interviews yesterday? Six hours of it. I was on W LW you name it. And I'm bragging. Ooh, I'm on radio stations. I wish I could go on the air like Peter Jennings and reach 25 million people at a swing. Instead I go around beating my brains out station by station. Reaching folks I was also on another big blowtorch covering the tri state area. Based in Delaware WG MD 92.72
Dan (00:37:15.000)
love calling stations a blowtorch? Is that a thing? Alex does it all the time? I don't know if it is a thing. What does it mean? Like a radio transmitter? It's like a big blow torch out of Delaware.
Jordan (00:37:27.000)
Okay. Oh, so it's like a beacon?
Dan (00:37:29.000)
I guess. I don't know exactly how the like etymology of it works. But I do. I do hear him call radio stations blow torches. Okay. And I think it's a fun vernacular. I hope it doesn't have some kind of a horrible
Jordan (00:37:43.000)
route boy. Yeah, you know, you start there. And you're like, there's gonna be some anti semitism always gets tough
Dan (00:37:49.000)
to like, say, Boy, I like that slang. Alex uses. Yep,
Jordan (00:37:52.000)
yep, yep. Yep. Because usually,
Dan (00:37:54.000)
it's gonna be a problem.
Jordan (00:37:55.000)
I think we I think we should have stopped it. Fill your hand once we got there. Like, that's what we got. That's the one we get to stick with.
Dan (00:38:02.000)
Yeah. So at this point, like it like 2004 2003. I don't believe that there were 1300 people on Earth who wanted to talk to Alex Jones. Oh, great. So I don't believe this number of interviews is accurate. I think it's much lower. But yeah, you do bring up an interesting point. And this is something good. I got fascinated, thinking about later because these numbers keep coming up. Yeah. Is Alex keeping like meticulous, detailed notes? I mean, he's not.
Jordan (00:38:32.000)
He's not keeping detailed notes. But is he at all keeping some sort of count? Do you know what I mean? Like, you don't have to keep detailed notes. But you would, you wouldn't be like, oh, man, that was like 20 interviews last week, you know, like something along those lines where you would maybe you put it on a board on a whiteboard or something, but that he's just pulling 1300 out of his ass?
Dan (00:38:52.000)
Well, it's the same with the the efficacy rate of his documentary. Yeah. And people up. It's sort of a feeling
Jordan (00:38:58.000)
it is it is a How good is my day going kind of number. It feels
Dan (00:39:03.000)
like I've done 1300 interviews. Right. And I don't I don't know if it's been like, what? Two years? Yeah,
Jordan (00:39:11.000)
ish. Two and a half years or something? Yeah.
Dan (00:39:15.000)
I don't know if he's doing an interview a day. Two interviews a day?
Jordan (00:39:19.000)
No. Who's asking? No one? No, especially not. Twice a day? No,
Dan (00:39:25.000)
he would have to go on the same pump, like a small
Jordan (00:39:29.000)
TV a co host of some radio show if he's Yeah, after? Yeah, absolutely.
Dan (00:39:34.000)
So I got excited because there's a dynamic in these 2004 episodes in this timeframe that like, he'll sometimes say that he has a guest coming on, but he doesn't say who? And you're like to be anybody. Yeah, yeah. Oh, no. It literally could be anybody. Yeah. Because at this point in time, Alex has a public branding that isn't so extreme right wing right that some people accidentally Get Booked on it. Right. Right. Right. You know, we've seen a Noam Chomsky show up. Sure. Well, you've seen layers. Lynch, David lanes, David
Jordan (00:40:09.000)
Lynch show. Right. So Alex, I want to talk more about transcendentally. Okay.
Dan (00:40:14.000)
You don't know. You don't chaos. Yeah. It also could be somebody that we haven't seen like a Steve Botanik. He's shown up somewhere. Or, you know, one of our other friends like a Joel Skousen. Who knows. So it's a
Jordan (00:40:26.000)
young Elizabeth Warren.
Dan (00:40:28.000)
You don't know. You don't you don't know. Could be Hillary Rodham.
Jordan (00:40:33.000)
Okay. The preamble has gone on long enough.
Dan (00:40:36.000)
Anyway, Alex has a guest and it's just the guy who interviewed him the previous
Jordan (00:40:42.000)
1300 interviews, and almost all of them are tit for tat.
Dan (00:40:47.000)
The guy who's on that blowtorch out of Delaware. Great, great. Great. And his name is Davis. Lurman. I remembered it Davis Lerner. I didn't write it down. But I remember it now. Right? Because it took forever to try and figure out who this guy was? Because Lurman is there's a lot of ways that could be spelled. Yeah.
Jordan (00:41:07.000)
I mean, the first one I think of his baz Lurman. You bet. That's one way. Yeah. What's the way he spells it?
Dan (00:41:12.000)
We don't learn until the end. We'll get there when we get there. Excellent. But anyway, they spent so long. I don't even know how to set this up. Because I didn't cut clips of the beginning of it when they're talking about it, because I thought, Oh, sure, they'll jump off this point. It's very dumb. Essentially, Davis Lurman has a big complaint that Fox News shows like Laura Ingram and Hannity. They're playing clips of Bush's State of the Union address share, and they've cut out parts where they got applause. And so it's selective. Okay. Presentation rise,
Jordan (00:41:53.000)
right. So it's not showing the ecstasy with which his applause with his with which his stuff was was met with
Dan (00:42:01.000)
or maybe the reverse or Yes, yes. And so another person who they take target apt for their coverage of it is Michael Savage. Ah, and so, here, this is, this is a, this is a ways into them complaining about it goes on so long.
James David Manning (00:42:17.000)
That's a big deal. To have multiple national shows, editing out. Congress having a big round of applause when Bush says that the Patriot Act is set to repeal, you know, five, by the way, it's not that good to repeal, you know, five, there's a bunch of provisions about you know, loving your neighbor and happiness and loving Arabs. I mean, it really, they really have provisions like that, that in the wire, but section 213 to 15 802. I think it's about what 16 different provisions all the key meet a Patriot Act One is not set to expire. So I think Alex
Dan (00:42:56.000)
is getting some things mixed up with the Patriot Act. Sure. Because I think the Love thy neighbor's that's 10 commandments, right. I remember that. Don't worry, be happy as Bobby McFerrin there was that song? I don't know if there's a don't hate Muslims. I mean, don't hate Arabs in the in the patriot. I mean, the
Jordan (00:43:13.000)
irony of his description seems like those are all of the things that the Patriot Act was trying to destroy status.
Dan (00:43:20.000)
I don't know if there were protections for happiness. Yeah. So Alex is interviewing this radio host who had him on the show previously, and he's having him on to craft this conspiracy that that a bunch of hosts on Fox News edited out of applause during a bush speech, when he said the key provisions of the Patriot Act was set to expire the next year. This was from a clip of Bush during the 2004 State of the Union. So he was addressing Congress. So the idea is that the government is even against the Patriot Act, but the folks at Fox are trying to cover that up. Okay. Because they're toeing the line for
Jordan (00:43:51.000)
Bush. That's what I was trying to figure out. Was the angle. It's really hard to decipher off angle. Yeah, that is oblique. Yes. Yeah.
Dan (00:44:00.000)
It's a little silly. It's also I mean, I went and I watched the State of the Union. And it's, I don't know if that's fair. So in reality, what happened is that Bush said the line quote, key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year, then there was an awkward pause, and a few Democrats gave a little bit of applause, right. So there's a little bit of clapping right. Bush then says, quote, the threat of terrorism will not expire on that schedule, at which point the entire GOP erupted in applause and a standing ovation here. This is the dynamic they're talking about. All right.
George W. Bush (00:44:37.000)
provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year. The terrorist threat
Jordan (00:44:47.000)
for idiots, you
George W. Bush (00:44:51.000)
will not expire on that schedule.
Jordan (00:44:55.000)
Are you planning for terrorism? Is that grammatically what have you During your goddamn right, it won't matter if we have anything to say about it.
Dan (00:45:10.000)
Like anybody who approaches this with a fair reading of context will accept that that was a much larger applause. And yeah, I don't know.
Jordan (00:45:20.000)
Yeah, it did feel like blood thirst was more the prevailing applause there, as opposed to, it'd be nice to have freedom again,
Dan (00:45:32.000)
I think. Yeah. Yeah. It's a bit of that. And then there's also just a bit of fuck you for applauding?
Jordan (00:45:38.000)
There is definitely a little bit of that. You didn't let him finish the sentence.
Dan (00:45:42.000)
Right. Yeah. Right. You applauded at the part that is not supposed to be an applause line. Right, evidenced by the awkward pause before they clap. It's the energy is very strange. Yeah, yeah. I look, I don't know. I didn't watch the Hannity or Laura Ingram episodes from that day. But I wouldn't be too surprised if they edited out that little bit of applause that the Dems had. Yeah, they're a propaganda news network. So that shouldn't be a shock to anybody. The point more broadly, is that the picture Alex's painting is just as misleading as the ones that they're accusing Fox of painting. And Alex himself is guilty of way more egregious, egregious levels of editing clips, and presenting things devoid of context. Look what he's doing with Larry Silverstein. It's really nuts that he spends like half an hour on this considering how mild his criticism is, and how much he does this himself. It's infuriating listening to this episode. Yeah,
Jordan (00:46:35.000)
I'm struggling to keep that thought in my mind of the actual thing that we're we have a problem with. Yeah, the thing we have a problem with, is that Fox News shows edited out a small accidental bit of applause that wasn't even really supposed to be there and wouldn't have been there. If Bush weren't such a terrible orator.
Dan (00:46:59.000)
Perhaps. Yeah, I mean, look, I agree. It all things being equal. Yeah. It's dishonest to edit out that applause because it did happen. True. It's just as dishonest to pretend that that was the like, the large part of the government being opposed to the Patriot Act, right. And that the fox is trying to cover that up, right. I could easily see it being more for the sake of cohesion. Yeah, have a clip, because what I played for you is a little disjointed and a little strange. And if you are a right wing propaganda network, I could see how that clip would be preferable without the stutter step of applause. Yeah, that'll
Jordan (00:47:41.000)
I mean, and honestly, you know, I stop and I think about it, and I say does an ineffectual congresspersons applause matter if nobody hears it? And the answer is no, it really doesn't. So who cares?
Dan (00:47:55.000)
So here we have Lurman Davis loom
Jordan (00:48:00.000)
and Davis Lurman. couldn't come up with your you're struggling should have
Dan (00:48:04.000)
wrote it down. Yeah. So we have him and he is the second example, in recent times have a guest who has come on with their own sound clips. Oh, no. Seems like this might have been a thing that people were more apt to do in 2004.
Jordan (00:48:20.000)
I mean, if you're a radio host in 2004, you carry your own soundboard. And you
Dan (00:48:25.000)
gotta impress the big guy. Yeah. Alex is the he's a big fish in this pond. Totally. Lard, basically nothing. Yeah. So yeah, it's interesting to see that there's a bit of this happen. And so he has like a clip of Michael Savage. And now they're gonna play a clip of Laura Ingram and make fun.
Jordan (00:48:43.000)
Okay, so it's a clip of other people talking not fart sounds. No, it's,
Dan (00:48:48.000)
it's a clip of them. Editing out.
Jordan (00:48:52.000)
Gotcha. Okay, yeah. Wow,
Dan (00:48:56.000)
it's we're sticking on
Jordan (00:48:57.000)
this. Oh, boy.
James David Manning (00:48:58.000)
Do you want to air the clip? Dimas? Where are we here? Anger. Um, you know, babbling. So we know this is on her show on the record, or?
Davis Lurmann (00:49:07.000)
Yeah, in fact, we can tell it's on her show. Because not only does she babble immediately following the President's statements, but in the middle of his statements, she has a sound effect what she calls a Dramatic Stinger. I guess I'll call it that mock what it is people would find shocking about the President's statements. So let's hear that now.
James David Manning (00:49:30.000)
Manufacturing is
George W. Bush (00:49:31.000)
one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act, which allows federal law enforcement to better share information to track terrorists to disrupt themselves and to seize their assets. For years, we have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers. If these methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting terrorists.
Davis Lurmann (00:49:59.000)
100 sent right on that. And the liberal enemy wants to undo the Patriot Act. What's correct for?
James David Manning (00:50:05.000)
Yeah, let's play track code revisions
Unknown Speaker (00:50:07.000)
of the Patriot provisions of the Patriot Act.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.000)
You guys have it. That's the one.
Dan (00:50:14.000)
Oh boy. Okay, so I started playing the Michael Savage one, right? They didn't realize because it was just Bush talking right? And then everything gets confused. And then two clips of Bush's speech start playing simultaneous. That's what
Jordan (00:50:25.000)
I was concerned about. Oh, man, this is an issue. Yeah, I am mad at the crew, honestly. Yeah. Yeah.
Dan (00:50:30.000)
So what's interesting, there is not that they can't get very basic tech stuff figured out but it is kind of fun. I enjoy that. This clip is remarkable because Alex's guest is complaining about Laura Ingram playing some kind of a sound effect meant to mock something about Bush's speech or your potential response to it. Alex chimes in Manufacturing Consent. But then what does Alex do as soon as that clip is playing? He laughs boisterously and unconvincingly. It's something Bush says he's doing the exact same thing that he's calling Laura Ingram engaging in Manufacturing Consent. Yeah. This isn't really what Manufacturing Consent entails. It's a much bigger thing. But either way, it's important to understand that whatever it is that Ingram may or may not be doing, that isn't a problem for Alex, his only real complaint is that he doesn't like her and he disagrees with her. Yeah, that's fine, but turning it into some sort of a meta complaint about her and Hannity. It's really just a way of sidestepping having to deal with anything of substance and whatever they're saying, yeah, there's a way of turning this into a thing as opposed to the point,
Jordan (00:51:34.000)
it would be nice if we'd never had to argue about shit like that, you know, where it'd be like, all you would do is just be like, Ah, I hate her. And I'd be like, why? And he'd be like, yeah, just a vibe. And I'd be like, well, there's really nothing to argue with you about oh, I
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.000)
got it. Yeah,
Jordan (00:51:47.000)
yeah. You hate her. Yeah, cool. Okay,
Dan (00:51:48.000)
wait, wait, wait, she likes Trump now?
Jordan (00:51:50.000)
I don't know. You just hate her. You just hate her. I don't care that you did hate her. And now you love her again. Don't care.
Dan (00:51:57.000)
It's it's interesting to me that like you have this. All these figures. Hannity savage Laura Ingram. They're all commies. They're all terrible. They work for the globalist cheer sold their souls and all this, and then all of them start loving Trump and Alex, is these into him?
Jordan (00:52:16.000)
Right, right. Right. Well, he wouldn't want to be part of a club that wouldn't have him. And he would love to be part of a club that would. Yeah, he's like a reverse wild.
Dan (00:52:27.000)
I guess. So. Yeah. So Alex has a thing I should point out. This is gonna take a tiny bit of clarification. In an episode that we didn't listen to. Alex gets a call from a guy and he says that he has a 1915 Italian silent film, right?
Jordan (00:52:46.000)
He has he just owns one. He made one he knows of one.
Dan (00:52:51.000)
Let me let me correct this. Okay. He saw one. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah. Okay. There's a part of this film, silent film from 1950. Che that includes the worship of Moloch. And this is exciting to Alex. His hands on this film.
Jordan (00:53:07.000)
When did unshorn dawn to Luke about I don't know, is this is this literally Marcel Duchamp. So
Dan (00:53:13.000)
I don't know anything about film. Yeah, that's fair. So maybe yeah. Anyway, on this episode, Alex gets a call from a guy who's like, I got that film, and I'm gonna send it to you. Okay. And Alex gets really excited. Then they start talking about the film, and it takes a full minute for them to realize that they are talking about completely different. Which is fun. All right,
Caller 3 (772) (00:53:35.000)
Ellie. Yes. One thing about this silent movie in 1915. It has Tyrone Power Sr. and I don't know if you remember him. And if he's a movie star,
James David Manning (00:53:47.000)
he's a movie star. For those who don't know what you're talking about. Describe the night
Dan (00:53:51.000)
I saw the film.
Caller 3 (772) (00:53:53.000)
Where are my children back in those days? Abortion was wrong. Right. And the penalty I think the doctor got 15 years for performing abortion.
James David Manning (00:54:04.000)
I thought the listener said the name of the film was Cambria or something.
Caller 3 (772) (00:54:07.000)
This may be a different one, but it's very very, very good. It's like a story about everyone power is bad. is bad now, but that's
James David Manning (00:54:20.000)
a different film that I was requesting. I'm very informative video. Doesn't show the Moloch worship.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.000)
No, it didn't show that. Okay. Thanks for the call. Still,
Jordan (00:54:35.000)
boy. Oh, boy. Okay. Poor guy. He's a movie star. I appreciate that. I just I really enjoy Him the way He said movie star. That was great. Yeah. Kids gonna say you stick with me, kid. I'll take you to the moon.
Dan (00:54:55.000)
I love moments like that. Yeah, where they're trying to figure out They are they're talking about different things. But they both seem to think they're talking about the same thing. They have to feel their way through it. Like they're two people like in a pitch black, totally. There's no light.
Jordan (00:55:11.000)
No, it's It's my parents watching a movie and beginning with, Oh, do you remember where we saw that guy? And then it's the dance of like, which movie do you think you're talking about? And then whether they agree on it.
Dan (00:55:24.000)
The whole reason that this guy even brought up this movie that he was gonna send to Alex is because Alex had been talking about wanting this film that had the Moloch worship in it, right? And this guy is like, I found it, right? And then it turns out through the chain of questions, it doesn't even have Moloch Word open it No, has nothing to do with anything I'm talking about. But it's a good picture. It's
Jordan (00:55:45.000)
a really good movie. I just really wanted to tell you about this movie. I feel like that's really what he wanted. It's got a good message. Somebody was talking about old films. And he was like, Finally, this is my time to shine.
Dan (00:55:55.000)
Alex, I celebrate the class. That was pathetic. So, Alex, we get back to this idea of the how many shows he's been on. He thinks that everyone's waking up, because of course, everybody loves him on the show. Yeah. And then Davis accidentally revealed something.
James David Manning (00:56:15.000)
Are you seeing the awakening in your area that I'm seeing here? I've never seen people more primed to come out of ignorance?
Davis Lurmann (00:56:23.000)
Well, yeah, I have to say that there are more and more callers every week, that seem to agree. But you know, at the same time, there are more and more callers that that are more full of venom and hatred when they do call to disagree. So I would say it's a it's a it's quite diametric. It's kind of tough to gauge if there's more of one than the other. But I would say feelings are growing in strength on both sides. Really?
James David Manning (00:56:54.000)
Mostly, I've done I was on your show, nobody called and disagreed. And it just seems like they just can't do it to me.
Davis Lurmann (00:56:59.000)
Oh, no, no, no. Well, there are there were some, there were some calls that that night, in fact, that never got through. And so they, they were they were, you know, cursing up and down at the
James David Manning (00:57:12.000)
Okay, yeah, we'll be right back.
Dan (00:57:15.000)
Alex accidentally had it revealed on air that they screen calls on these shows, and this guy didn't have negative calls coming? No, I'm sure they weren't all swearing and what have you. It's this is this is sad. Yeah, I was like I was on your show last night. And nobody bad called no one who disagreed called Alex, a bunch of people did call us and let him through.
Jordan (00:57:36.000)
That's a good baby. Maybe he accidentally made a very good point. Davis, which is I mean, you know, he didn't actually make it. But he revealed maybe something that is important, right? When they say they're waking people up, right, they believe they're only waking people up to what they believe. But by virtue of their extreme response and their aggression into the real world, they are also waking up people to the idea of these people need to be fucking stopped. Right? So there isn't a awaken, awaken up being. Wow, that was,
Dan (00:58:14.000)
that's fun. I'm gonna end up and I get I get what you're driving towards. Right. And that is not at all what they mean. No,
Jordan (00:58:23.000)
no, no, no, absolutely not. But I am interested in that maybe the truth that they are ignoring? I don't
Dan (00:58:30.000)
even I don't think it is because I think the people who are calling in antagonistic towards them are not actually SUBST substantively criticizing what Alex is bringing to the table. That's fair. That's fair. I don't think they're waking up to reality either. They're just getting angry at it, asshole.
Jordan (00:58:45.000)
That's fair. Well, I mean, nobody's really waking up to reality. And then
Dan (00:58:49.000)
why would you exactly Hey, come on. That's why I'm in 2004. Baby.
Jordan (00:58:54.000)
Why I live in the matrix. So Alex has
Dan (00:58:57.000)
to save a little face. Sure. Because this guy accidentally revealed they were like screaming. Right, right. And so here's what he decides to do.
James David Manning (00:59:05.000)
I conducted my whole building over 1300 radio interviews, D and 1400. I have to go back to my day timer and count up the last couple of months. I've been saying 1300 Since I reached that a couple months ago, so I guess it's getting close to 1400. But I gotta go count it up. And I'll be on Pacifica liberal stuff. I'll be on conservative shows. And maybe one out of 2030 callers putting on this program will call and disagree and I can see what Mr. Laron was saying about he couldn't let some of this agreed on his show because they were cussing so much. That those that do disagree are universal. They'll go ball, we're going to get your time. I can't wait to put you in a camp. And I'd love to beat you up. I'll stop you into the ground. You little communist. Don't you lie about George Bush. He ain't for gun control. And and you know that's in the South. The West and it's up north. Let me tell you something, buddy. I hope they put you in a camp and I'm like, I punch you. And I know you liar. Oh, yeah. So, you know, I mean, it's incoherent. It's well, they're for open borders are for gun control. We're not shut up. Let her out.
Dan (01:00:15.000)
Remember when Alex was saying that he had the most promising voiceover career? Yeah. Yeah. Walked away from because he criticized Obama.
Jordan (01:00:22.000)
Yeah, I guess I'm sure. But I guess he was trying a little bit of honeymooners there. But I don't know if that worked out.
Dan (01:00:28.000)
Whatever it was. We'll call you. Yeah, you know, yeah, that's yeah, that's not getting booked. Yeah. So there's some problems with Alex's methodology with his poll here. Yeah, the first most glaring problem is that he absolutely is not keeping any records of the exact number of calls he takes, and how many are for or against him. He doesn't even know that number for his own show, let alone for these alleged 1400 interviews he's done. The numbers he's coming up with are based on anything except his memory and his mood, which makes them meaningless. The second problem is that Alex doesn't have access to the actual number of callers. It seems pretty clear to me that this Davis guy wasn't just not letting people on who swore on the air on the to the screen Earthship, it's pretty likely that he didn't want to have negative calls coming on when this relative celebrity was a guest on his show. I would suspect that a fair amount of the people who want to have Alex on as a guest are to put it bluntly bottom feeders who probably want to impress the much larger star who has made time for them, because maybe then he'll have them on his show. Oh, wow. Yeah. what a what a back scratcher.
Jordan (01:01:33.000)
Hey, listen, I've been in the open mic scene in Chicago comedy for a long time. I know how it works.
Dan (01:01:38.000)
Alex assumes that the people who get on air are representative sample of the total group of callers. But that's not a safe assumption to make. The decision of who gets on air is not a randomized process. And there's a ton of variables at play there. There's a side point to this problem, which is that Alex's selection of shows he's going on are not representative of the wider population. The only invitations that are coming in are from weirdo Patriot leaning shows. And that's going to lean though heavy in the bias. So where the calls are coming from usually he's not going on C spans Washington journal, he's going on a show where the CO hosts may as well be a rifle in a wig. The third problem is that it's impossible to definitively quantify what is a pro or anti Alex call. This is a subjective notion. So it's kind of meaningless. Yeah. The fourth problem is that Alex is an asshole. It very well may or may be that his personality elicits a negative response in a caller who may otherwise entirely agree with him. Alex is a sanctimonious braggart, and he's super judgmental. So it's easy to imagine calls that he could see as being negative, actually just being someone not liking him. And that leads us to our fifth problem, which is that even if none of these problems existed, and Alex was clearly tabulating all of his guest appearances, and logging all of the Pro and anti callers and defined those things, and he was consulting with the board operators of these stations, so he can get phone numbers to do follow up calls with the people who didn't get through. Even if he did all of that. All he could possibly get a sense of is how people feel about him. I know that Alex thinks that he is synonymous with freedom, but he's not. And the only real poll he is doing is whether or not it feels like the bulk of callers on shows who have loose enough booking standards to have him on like him. Yeah, so worthless, meaningless poll, yet I do enjoy I do enjoy the way he thinks there's something to it.
Jordan (01:03:29.000)
You know, there's some substance there, you know, and it's entirely fictional and imaginary. But if fictional substance is still technically substance, I don't know if that I don't know if I can argue with that. What I can say is that I think we need to the show needs to exist. That does have a randomized guest, like everyone on the planet puts their name and a hat. It goes in the randomizer. Whoever's number comes up, and they gotta call in. Oh, they gotta call in now. You're on my show. Okay, the random show generator. Man, that'd
Dan (01:04:03.000)
be a bad show.
Jordan (01:04:04.000)
It'd be not a good show. But sometimes it would be a great show. Yeah.
Dan (01:04:08.000)
I think you're gonna get canceled before you have a good episode. It's a good point. The odds are not good. That is a good point. You're also going to end up interviewing a lot of babies probably.
Jordan (01:04:17.000)
That's it? Yeah. Well. Okay, we'll narrow down the names. We'll narrow down the numbers, okay. It doesn't have to be all 7 billion. Eventually, you're
Dan (01:04:25.000)
gonna get to choosing guests. Once you go down the path of
Jordan (01:04:31.000)
restricting baby guests, now that it's all over,
Dan (01:04:35.000)
you've already made a step towards quality control and my friend path keeps going, You
Jordan (01:04:39.000)
know what, I guess we got to accept babies. Well, it's one of the it's one of the other
Dan (01:04:43.000)
so we have a little bit more complaint here from a caller about the presentation of the State of the Union address. And this is dumb.
Alex Jones (01:04:54.000)
I was talking to a lady the other day and older lady and she said, Alex, I know what you're saying is true, but I'm older and I just don't. I just don't want to worry about it.
Caller 1 (789) (01:05:06.000)
I asked an older gentleman Sunday, if he watched the speech of Mr. Bush the other day. He said, Yes. I said, Did you hear when he talked about the Patriot Act? He said, Yes. I asked the gentleman, did you notice where the camera was panning when he said this? He said, No, I don't remember. I explained to him that it went to the quarterback of the Patriots, etc. And that's a very subtle way of brainwashing. And he interrupted me and the gentleman said, Well, I'm not brainwashed. Well, isn't that really not true? Because if we don't remember something, and it really faked out our eye in our brain, we brainwashed Of course, we were what the hell it works. No,
James David Manning (01:05:45.000)
it does. And that's how some I mean, I had marketing books I just had one semester rather than they talked about subliminals. Should have taken a second semester.
Jordan (01:05:54.000)
I cannot believe that we just got the I took one semester of marketing. So yes, I understand. Brainwashing Yeah, I'm surprised. I'm surprised no one shit. It does seem like if I was teaching a marketing class, I would wait. I mean, I'm not saying it's Scientology. But I would wait until like, third fourth year before we're jumping into here's how you control human beings behavior.
Dan (01:06:18.000)
So do you understand what the scholars saying? Yeah. If you don't remember something, you were brainwashed? Well, not that part. I mean, this specific example of it, do.
Jordan (01:06:26.000)
I I'm already I lost his specific example. moment, he started making his
Dan (01:06:32.000)
when Bush mentioned the Patriot Act. They showed an image of the Patriots quarterback. Who was there, Tom, we want to remember that Tom Brady was Laura Bush's guest at the 2004. State of the Union.
Jordan (01:06:45.000)
Strange. Oh, man. Didn't they win the Super Bowl against the Raiders that year was
Dan (01:06:50.000)
he had one one before this? Yeah, no. I only know that because I looked it up. Why the fuck was Tom Brady at the Union? Yeah, he looks quite young. I guess it was almost 20 years ago. Yeah. Yeah,
Jordan (01:07:04.000)
that bums me out. bums me out. There's a lot of stuff that bums me out. And I don't know why specifically, that bums me out because I don't particularly like Tom Brady at all right. And I think he's probably a complete as well.
Dan (01:07:15.000)
So Alex brought this up on his own earlier in the show. And I did not even pay attention to it because I thought it was stupid when this caller brings it back up. And I'm like, well, apparently this means something. So the theories that I have about their theory are well, one thing is what Alex says at the beginning of this episode, he said that they did that to subliminally, subliminally plant in your mind. The Patriot Act. No, oh, no, that's too smart. Because he plays for the Patriots. Right. So the Patriot Act is about patriots. And then Alex, he calls himself a patriot. Ah, no, he said, Alex said that it's to associate the Patriot Act with football. And I don't know what that what I don't even know what that means. What
Jordan (01:07:58.000)
that that makes, it makes perfect sense. As far as if that's worse. What that guy is talking about treats
Dan (01:08:03.000)
the Patriots in the right way and called themselves patriots. Yes, the Patriot Act is against them. visual metaphor works perfectly right.
Jordan (01:08:11.000)
Yeah. I mean,
Dan (01:08:13.000)
I guess what it is, is like drawing tenuous, meaningless connections. Yeah. And then accusing everybody who doesn't agree with you of being brainwashed? Yes. Which is fun.
Jordan (01:08:24.000)
That is it's more fun than the than being on the other side.
Dan (01:08:28.000)
US who are inferior. Yes, he also I found another conspiracy. When Bush was talking about making schools better the camera pan to a really bored looking kid in the audio. They were secretly totally telling us that improving schools is boring. And it's cool not to fund school. That's a good point. Also, possibly larger conspiracy theory. I noticed this really weird. Sure. Every time they showed Bush speaking, there was a big old pedophile sitting behind him. I'm not sure what the message they were trying to get across here. But it was glaring. Yeah, I just I while I was watching, I was like, Oh, fucking Hastert sitting up there. He was abused. The speaker for a long time. Yep. Yep, yep. Yep. Anyway, yep, yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Alexander Davis, have a really dumb conversation about some ideas they have.
James David Manning (01:09:19.000)
All these different sides are control no matter what color the controllers are. And boy, it's a diverse crowd. We've got to fight evil and we don't make it one group or another. People will come together and we'll win this. If we don't know they're gonna keep playing this balkanization game. Go ahead.
Davis Lurmann (01:09:37.000)
What's why you have to offer the big 10 theory just I want to love freedom come on in and put the other petty differences aside because if if everyone who loves freedom is in fact united, what you have is a place that's free enough for people to express their religious differences without it coming to fisticuffs wars, manipulation, control, and the like.
Dan (01:09:59.000)
You Not all, but I don't think we're a single second that these guys are serious about this suggestion, the big tent of freedom, just a crock of shit. Yeah, the big tent. I'm all for abstract ideas about freedom. And I think it's very clearly lucrative to yell vague platitudes about it on a radio show, but these guys on their conception of freedom is antithetical to a big tent. They want the freedom to live in an area where they never see trans people. They want the freedom to demand that movies not have gay characters in them, not just I'm not gonna see that movie and have a gay character. And they want the freedom to force people to carry unwanted pregnancies to term because that's what their religious beliefs tell them. It's right. So it has to be imposed on everybody else. For people like Alex freedom means his freedom and it comes at your expense. For fuck sake, Alex doesn't want to live in a world where Muslim women have the freedom to go to a pool supply shop, nope, and go fuck off with this big 10 Nonsense. When your ideology is based on restriction and exclusion, you cannot have a big tent. The best you can do is have an incredibly small tent and yell outside of it how big it is, which is basically what Alex does with his above the left, right paradigm nonsense. Yeah. And it worked for a bit. It was all for a lot longer than it should but it was all a charade. Yeah. Also a small point, this conversation is happening because the caller was asking Alex a meandering question about how someone who works at the American Free Press was saying that the Jews did 911. So Alex has to dance around not supporting that because it's anti semitic trash, right, but also not flat, like fully rejected because the people who sell that anti semitic trash at the American Free Press are some of his best friends and longtime sources like Big Jim Tucker, right? So you kind of have to walk a weird line. Okay,
Jordan (01:11:38.000)
so my conspiracy theory is this all right? Yeah. I think Tom Brady was about to marry Giselle at this time and Laura Bush was executing was exercising the royalties right of first night or whatever it is. Yeah, prima Nocta I think that's what was going on there. I think Laura Bush I use that power and I think that everybody needs to know the President and First Lady can
Dan (01:12:07.000)
I'm trying to think what they would have needed to cut away to in the State of the Union in order to Yeah, because you must have been brainwashed my dude Well, I could be wrong so I think this guy is stupid. Yeah. Davis character, but I thought he was just kind of like a boring sort of right wing talk show host country I would have Alex on has some stupid ideas about Big Tent free to ship. Yeah, whatever. kind of bland. Yeah. And then this happened. And then I decided, I think this guy's crazy.
Davis Lurmann (01:12:42.000)
Allow me to show here how I handle certain callers after being inspired by your Waffen SS common in your police. They video clip for work, the very thought that they want to control our thoughts. This is the way that guy did with me too. He's like, I'm calling to respond because I'm concerned. We have a concern about your dangerous thoughts. Lurman. You see, they begin like that, and they say, first we will label you hate radio. Then we will label the radio stations that carry your hate radio. And we will begin labeling the people who listen to these radio stations. And those people who are caught desecrating the purity of the right eliminate
Davis Lurmann (01:13:38.000)
no war during Nazi freaks. That's what we're dealing with now, folks. There you go. You know, because I there is color after color. Defining you either. They define certain folks with certain opinions. I think
Dan (01:13:51.000)
this guy might be nuts.
Jordan (01:13:52.000)
I think he might have just tried to play his demo tape on air. Yeah, Alex to get a
Dan (01:13:57.000)
fucking job. Well, I mean, I think I think he's brilliant. Because quite frankly, if you take one thing away from this episode, it's Alex loves doing characters. He's doing a lot of voice work. Sure. And so this guy comes in with his German character. Yeah. Nazi character. Yeah. Like, I'll show you my range. Alex. What is he doing? Put? A little tape player.
Jordan (01:14:16.000)
Yeah. That is that and he
Dan (01:14:18.000)
has that at the ready. He has a clip of himself yelling something. A complaint I guess on his radio show. Yeah, just ready to go. Yeah, there you go. Alex. Here's me.
Jordan (01:14:29.000)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I mean, if I was giving out a demo tape, I would say that Alex is probably worse than Barry Gordy. And that's saying a lot. This go don't work for him.
Dan (01:14:39.000)
But this was where I was like, I should have written this guy's name down. Yeah. Okay. Bye be Wow, he might be a mess. Yeah, that's
Jordan (01:14:46.000)
nuts. I mean, you realize he doesn't even realize what it was. He was saying. I'm not sure exactly what he was saying. Yeah, no, but he was playing his clip just like beaming just like look at how great I am. like That's nuts.
Dan (01:15:01.000)
It is. But yeah, but even beyond that the instinct to have that ready to play it. I mean, look, I understand the playing a clip from Savage. Sure Laura Inger because you're demonstrating a point, right? This seems like something you could just say, Yep. You're playing a clip of yourself. Uh huh.
Jordan (01:15:20.000)
That is weird. It's, I mean, it's messed up. It is messed up. You're I mean, it's messed up. Yeah, I wouldn't I wouldn't do that.
Dan (01:15:28.000)
No. So there's two main stories that are being juggled by Alex, when I say stories. I mean, he's sort of saying the headlines and then moving along CIF one is the David key weapons inspector thing. And then the other one is about someone in the UK saying that we should kill children after they're born. Sure. I was waiting for Alex to actually get into this story, because he brought up the headline and like, we're gonna get into it right for the entire episode. And he doesn't really so this is about the best we got.
James David Manning (01:16:01.000)
Let's go to the calls. And I'll get back into some other news here. But I do want to get your comment on this. Out of the Scotsman today, on and prison Government advisor killing children with defects acceptable. Government adviser on genetics has sparked fury over suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with effects soon after they're born most of the public plan, John Harris, a member of the human genetics commission hold a meeting at Westminster. He did not see any distinction between a boarding a fully grown unborn baby at 40 weeks and killing a child after it has been born. And the government is pushing for this policy show is our government. No, not.
Dan (01:16:36.000)
But John Harris is the guy here in question. He's an ethicist. One of the problems with complaining about academic ethics is that you really have to parse out what the writer is saying which the media often isn't up to that task. It's really hard and Alex can't handle it.
Jordan (01:16:50.000)
Their sentences are so long, I don't think the media can handle that. It's just too long.
Dan (01:16:55.000)
Practically speaking, Harris wasn't arguing for killing children after they're born, what he was doing was conducting an ethical exploration of what differences would be would there would be between a late term abortion and killing a child after it's born to illuminate the implications that are buried in that distinction.
Jordan (01:17:12.000)
I like that a people like the moment you started describing that people went, Oh, blue ball rang. So anyways, continue.
Dan (01:17:22.000)
For instance, if you're supportive and abortion is based solely on whether or not the potential child would be a burden on the parent, then could that argument not be made about a child that was just born? Surely you could say that that child could be a burden on some level, and therefore you have to explore the ethical reasons be behind what makes them different? Sure. This is nonsense. But that's what ethicists do.
Jordan (01:17:44.000)
Yeah, it's geometry. It's geometrical proofs applied to ethics. It's very boring.
Dan (01:17:50.000)
In the real world. This is a line of argumentation that tends towards challenging the pro choice position more than the anti abortion one, by comparing an abortion with something that is pretty much pretty much every one would call a murder, you are putting the burden on the abortion supporter to delineate what the ethical difference is between the two, right? That's the nature of the exploration, right. And so it's very strange that someone who's so staunchly anti abortion, like Alex Wright would be the person who's so up in arms about this. But he's dumb. There's a lot of other elements to this conversation, like how it centers around some fairly eugenic see ideas about disabilities. But this also wasn't a proposal. There was an exercise in mental masturbation, which ultimately is what a lot of ethics writing and speaking ends up being. Yeah, it's the kind of stuff that super easy to miss, misrepresent, so I can understand why Alex would choose it. It's so easy to like run with, this is what you're saying? Yeah, Alex is saying that he's arguing for or saying that it is ethically or morally justified to kill children after they're born. And that is not what he's saying at
Jordan (01:18:57.000)
all right. Now, there is no point in engaging with what this dude is saying. Unless you are also an ethicist. Having a conversation about abstract ethics. To apply it to real life in any way is
Dan (01:19:12.000)
stupid. You shouldn't get keep there. You don't have to be an ethicist yourself, but you have to be engaging with the conversation on that level, you have to be engaging with it in the in the terms of right, we're talking about speculative ethics and philosophy. You're not talking about like, Hey, it's okay to perform an abortion so therefore, we should kill a child. Yeah,
Jordan (01:19:32.000)
it's not advocacy. It's not advocacy at all.
Dan (01:19:36.000)
No, it's very, it's very stupid. And this is where that like kind of like really smart stuff. intersect with really dumb stuff like Alex and that's a
Jordan (01:19:48.000)
it's a whole it's a whole mess. You know, some things are it's not like it's not like you need to be kept away from them. Otherwise, you'll be like, Oh, it's touching fire. It's just like, it's better for you and for all of us if you just let this one go much like touching fire. Exactly, yeah, just let it go better for you. You don't get burned. It's better for us. We don't have to put that out yet but at the fire Yeah, just don't do it, man. Yeah,
Dan (01:20:12.000)
stay away from smart stuff.
Jordan (01:20:14.000)
It's not gonna hurt you.
Dan (01:20:16.000)
So this guy, Davis Sure. He has a you know, he said that he wants this big tent freedom shit, right. Pretty dumb, right? But he has another dumb idea.
Davis Lurmann (01:20:28.000)
I see this in jest, but I almost think it might be a useful voting tool. Although
Jordan (01:20:34.000)
you're not saying it in jest, are you?
Davis Lurmann (01:20:37.000)
It's called My scorched earth voting policy. I think we should perhaps all unify, to go into the voting booths and fill the ballot boxes electronically. They may be sorry, what for the worst candidate? We want to pick the worst candidate?
Jordan (01:20:56.000)
We already do. Am I right? Boom.
James David Manning (01:20:58.000)
And then the conservatives will at least wake up.
Davis Lurmann (01:21:02.000)
Same idea. They'll say Great minds think alike. Yeah. Because the sooner it will be almost easier to take as an individual as an American. If Lady Liberty was simply decapitated in one fell swoop, we have a Russia to the O R. We could rebuild Rome brick by brick that much summer.
Dan (01:21:19.000)
Hey, they kind of did that. In 2016. Yeah. Yep. Nailed it. Hey, got your wish. Yeah. 12 years after this.
Jordan (01:21:26.000)
Yeah. Building building it back up.
Dan (01:21:29.000)
Not so easy. Not going great. So possible, but you have to manage to vote in the worst candidate? Yeah,
Jordan (01:21:36.000)
yeah. What's fun about that is that Rome wasn't ever really rebuilt now, was it?
Dan (01:21:43.000)
Some could say it was in a constant state of being rebuilt. Well, that's
Jordan (01:21:46.000)
another good point.
Dan (01:21:47.000)
I'm not a Roman scholar. I don't know the history of that, as well as Greece per se. But yeah, I know. not stupid. This guy's dumb. He's got bad ideas. Yeah. That are fun if you're a dumb radio host. They are not functional.
Jordan (01:22:01.000)
Yeah. I mean, if you are saying it in jest, then that's a jest. And if you are saying radio, yeah, if you're saying it, honestly. Then you're essentially saying let's burn the country down so we can build something up or out of the out of the ashes.
Dan (01:22:17.000)
Now, here's the other interesting wrinkle that you can take away from this chirp. If he's saying it in jest. It's weird that Alex says that's what I've been saying. Exactly. But also, Is this why you supported Ron Paul.
Jordan (01:22:28.000)
I mean, do you like America? No, they don't. I mean, really, what we're getting down to is like, Let's burn this country down and build a White country. And I don't care if I sound like a Nazi. I'll do a Nazi voice.
Dan (01:22:47.000)
That's interesting. You say that? Davis? Couldn't figure out how to spell his last name. Oh, yeah. It was really hard to Google him. Okay. But then they get this call at the end of the show. Oh, boy.
Caller 3 (789) (01:23:00.000)
What is your last name? Lorman lur ma WNLUR ma w wn? That's correct. Okay, Alex. I wanted to know if you were aware that W L W in Cincinnati where you've been a frequent guest on barebow shears program is owned by Clear
James David Manning (01:23:21.000)
Channel. Dante wants to stay there we'll talk about it we'll get back the one and only
Dan (01:23:25.000)
Bilbo shears. So we got the spelling. I thought there was an H in there for sure. There was I had written down an H Yeah, there's so many spellings that I came up with an eight Yep. So anyway, now I was able to find this guy. Oh boy. And let me tell you this. The first thing that comes up when you Google Davis lair oh my god is a bid shoot video that he did. He was a guest on a show on bitch shoot 2018 Oh, my God went on a show called Revolution radio. And he was on specifically to quote discuss the JQ. Which of course, is the Jewish question. That is a Nazi code. Yeah, apparently a big part of this interview was quote questioning the 6 million number.
Jordan (01:24:10.000)
I mean, you know, at a certain point, you just got to say I am a Nazi. And then we can it's just like, you know, I feel like I hate Laura Ingram. Why? Because I don't like her feelings. Fine. We can argue about this. I hate Jews. Why? Because I'm a Nazi. There we go. You and me will never be friends.
Dan (01:24:30.000)
It's strange how there were these little indications like is bullshit big 10 Freedom thing coming after there was a weird caller about the Jews doing 911 Weird, he does that Nazi voice. And then strangely, we get the spelling of his name and I find out that he was discussing the JQ on a bid shoot show. Also, he was on another episode. I couldn't get that episode to play otherwise, I might have had some clips of it shares I'm sure he said some fucking awful stuff. No doubt, no doubt, but he was on another episode that I did listen to ittle bit of and apparently on that episode, he was billed as a former 32nd degree Mason. Which is strange because that doesn't come up when he's talking to Alex. So maybe it happened in between, maybe between 2004 and 2018. Yeah, went through all the degrees and became a Mason.
Jordan (01:25:16.000)
Yeah, how long does it take to get 32 degrees of Masonic sponsor? Okay.
Dan (01:25:21.000)
I mean, depends on how good you are at it. You could speed run that's the next thing on your channel.
Jordan (01:25:27.000)
That's the next thing I do on my database speed run masonry.
Dan (01:25:32.000)
As it turns out, he's a big old Nazi. Yeah, that sounds right. I end to fabulist Yeah. He's built on all these shows as a PhD. I have no idea I think at the bottom of the can't hang. Also, he's a big fan of Tucker Carlson says he's good at getting the message out. Right. But you got to tell what that message might be. Yeah. So anyway, we come to the end of this episode. And it turns out, we've accidentally been listening to Alex and a Nazi complain about Bush's State of the Union. 2004 weird how this keeps happening in the past all these guests are
Jordan (01:26:04.000)
it's almost like it's been like that since the beginning. Almost like it is.
Dan (01:26:09.000)
Like it was more that way in the past. But super crypto, yeah, none of this stuff is discussed. No one of these ideas or feelings are really hashed out trying to put a brave face forward, much like Davis screening the calls that were negative against Alex because he knew it was better for his ability to use Alex as the next step and cheering for him or whatever. These people obscure these, these horrible views that they have and horrible associations and, and horrible group memberships even maybe, because otherwise, it's more difficult for them to pass off their extreme right wing bullshit. Now, they can't make it palatable to a normal audience. If you know that you also think that maybe the Holocaust didn't happen? Well, I
Jordan (01:26:51.000)
mean, the concern ultimately, right is every 3040 years, right? This pops, this pops up. And then it gets to the point where it boils over with your OKC bombing or your January fucking sixth, you know, and then with, like, in the past, they would go underground, you know, and they would start talking like this all the time. They'd be like, Hey, listen, we don't want to deal with, you know, all that stuff. Until the until their bullshit forces society to a point where it accepts them openly. And then they blow up and we do it all over again, it feels like we're not doing it all over again. This time. We're still going. Yeah, we're still going with the same stuff. We went through OKC. And now we're like, let's get some more. Well, you
Dan (01:27:40.000)
know, what, here's the thing. I mean, I agree with you, because, at least in the sense that there is a feeling of a culminating event, January 6, the optics of that the I mean, not to say that no one died, but you know, it was it wasn't the same level of like, dramatic right tragedy, right? You can't you can say spiritually, it's a tragedy for our country and all this desecration of the capital. And I think that's important to some people share, and there were people who died and you know that, but you don't see that. Right. You know, like, there's, you don't see that you see, like smoke and people screaming, right. And all this, you know, you see the cue shaman, you don't see the Murrah Building explode. Right, right. And I think that that has a difference in the way that people process it and the way that it becomes so toxic to be associated with stuff towards it right after after Oklahoma City becomes, like, almost impossible to be like, Well, yeah, I love the militia stuff. You do have to like really go underground. After January 6, apparently, there is no social cost. Don't you know, yeah. And so I don't know if I have a point but it's to talk him through Yeah, yeah. What it feels like a slightly different
Jordan (01:29:04.000)
Well, yeah. And it it does feel I mean, here's what it here's what it felt like to me after the OKC bombing. Is that all in your for? No, I mean, I when I watched it for No, I wasn't No, I wasn't for whatever. Yeah. Is like the the like Pat Robertson's of the world on the McLaughlin groups and all of those stuff. They pulled back their rhetoric fast. There, they went all the way back from being like, Well, I remember I'm going to be in like, we all need to be responsible and safe with all this stuff. And it has not happened after January 6. It has been. I mean, Tucker is is a hero worshipping the whitewashing he's doing January 6,
Dan (01:29:52.000)
and as the that has such political utility for the 2024 candidacy, the whitewashing of The the event I yeah, you're gonna see more people incentivized to behave that way. And it's Yeah, I don't I don't know what to make of it. It doesn't feel good.
Jordan (01:30:09.000)
No, no. Nope. Sounds bad. Yeah, you know, I'm
Dan (01:30:14.000)
interesting noise.
Jordan (01:30:15.000)
Here's what I'm saying. All right. I'm just saying that thankfully, I trust the government to step in and solve this problem.
Dan (01:30:26.000)
So I will say something I'm thankful for. Yeah. I forgot to mention this when I was talking about going to Florida. Yeah. There was all that talk of like Trump getting arrested. Sure. And that was when I was going to be there. Oh, yeah. So there was this weird fantasy I had in my mind of like, he gets arrested. I get stuck in Florida, secede, right.
Jordan (01:30:49.000)
No longer. No longer are there open borders, the walks
Dan (01:30:52.000)
have to smuggle me back to the United States.
Jordan (01:30:57.000)
That's good. It's good to know that the walks will smuggle us if needed.
Dan (01:31:01.000)
I'm thankful that it did not come to that. Yeah. So it's nice. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, Jordan, we'll be back with another episode. Indeed. Davis,
Jordan (01:31:09.000)
Davis Lurman. Learn the Nazi.
Dan (01:31:14.000)
Yeah, we'll be back with another episode. But until then we have a website. Indeed
Jordan (01:31:16.000)
we do. It's We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter technology. Underscore fight.
Dan (01:31:21.000)
That is correct. We'll be back but until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm de ZX Clark, baby. Oh, you know what?
Andy In Kansas (01:31:30.000)
And now here comes the sex robots. Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.