Transcript/426: April 27-28, 2020
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red. Alert. Red alert. Knowledge five days.
Theme Song (00:00:16.000)
Damn, Jordan wedding knowledge It's time to pray. And I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys. Xiang Ji or the bad guy Chanology I'm Dan and Jordan knowledge fight
Alex Jones (00:00:35.000)
need money? Candy and candy. Candy are stopping Andy and Cam handy in Kansas. Right Andy in Kansas, you're on the airplane. Huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by knowledge.
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey, everybody, welcome back. Knowledge fed. I'm Dan. Dudes like to sit around technology beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:05.000)
We are down Jordan. Jordan. What's your bright spot today?
Dan (00:01:08.000)
Two things come to mind.
Jordan (00:01:11.000)
Do you are you are tossing out bright spots? Two at a time? Sure.
Dan (00:01:13.000)
I think I forgot the other one might come to me. But I'm not. I'm not one of these guys who likes to you know, I when I used to work in an office used up we'll talk about their birthday week. Sure. Sure. I'm not one of those guys who likes to play that game. I don't even like to bring up my birthday. I'm ashamed. I have so many times on this solo podcast, but over the course of from Friday to Monday, yeah. That weekend, the 24th through whatever Monday would have been. If we got on Friday, Andy Daly put out his new album. Oh, yeah. For more sweaters. Yeah. And then on Monday, the beginning of his new podcast bananas for Bonanza started. Yes. And it's just like a cornucopia of one of the dudes I think is one of the funniest people on the planet. All being dropped on my plate over the weekend. And at the end of the weekend, it was just just fantastic. Really, really, really nice. That's wonderful. Yeah. So that I've been taking a lot of pleasure in that
Jordan (00:02:07.000)
I gotta catch up on that. I still haven't listened to spoiler alerts album. is I know, I know. It's gonna be incredible. I think Andy Daly is one of the absolute funniest people in the fucking planet. But really, you're
Dan (00:02:20.000)
showing your cards a little bit. Being Tuesday as we're recording this and you haven't listened to either of those.
Jordan (00:02:28.000)
I am a failure. It's not my birthday yet.
Dan (00:02:32.000)
I definitely have forgot what the other thing was. And it'll come to me later, hopefully. But if not, it'll be on Friday. So
Jordan (00:02:41.000)
tomorrow is gonna be what Oh, God. Days have no meeting. Dad. My bright spot is personal growth. I've had to go back and take a look at some of the stuff I and we have done. And I was on our show.
Dan (00:02:56.000)
Not yet.
Jordan (00:02:58.000)
I've watched other stuff. Old stand up. Oh, my, my partner is we've we've done the whole
Dan (00:03:04.000)
like this forever when we were out of time for reflection. Yeah,
Jordan (00:03:08.000)
exactly. And I am proud to say I used to be a giant shitbag. And now I am slightly less of a giant shitbag. Yeah, man. That's personal growth.
Dan (00:03:16.000)
Yeah, that's great. That is a bright spot. I think taking a little bit of time to recognize, you know, the, it's that thing that I talked about, like, you know, you don't really see gradual things as they're happening. But when you look back, it's like, Oh, my God, this is there's a lot of difference between a couple of years ago. And now for sure day to day it might feel like and nothing's really changed, but it does. You got to take a take a step back every now and again. That's great.
Jordan (00:03:41.000)
And not just that, but I would say in the past two years, I've grown and changed more than I you know, from 30 to 32 was a huge chasm, but from like 23 to 30.
Dan (00:03:51.000)
Now basically the same. I would I would say You're welcome.
Jordan (00:04:00.000)
I want to thank our fans for the new sir. It's
Dan (00:04:04.000)
very nice people, wonderful people, brilliant people. So Jordan today we're going over April 27 and 28th 2020 am Dan is joining that's Monday and Tuesday of this week. I oh that's that's this was my other brightspot There we go the April 28 episode of Alex.
Jordan (00:04:20.000)
Today's episode is a very rare All right,
Dan (00:04:23.000)
I this we're not gonna get to it until you know towards the end of this episode, but I promise you on heard unheard of levels of nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.000)
I can't overhype this
Dan (00:04:37.000)
stupid fucking things I've ever heard in my life. But I'm so excited to get so excited. And we will but before we get down to business on that, we're gonna take a moment to say thank you to some of these wonderful people who've signed up and are supporting the show and also check in on the year of the seltzer. Wonderful. So first, Paul, thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:53.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:04:55.000)
Next, Craig with a cane. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:04:58.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thanks,
Jordan (00:04:59.000)
Ken. A reg. Thanks, Greg.
Dan (00:05:00.000)
Next, you know what I was thinking? Is that what Craig would be if he was a villain in Donkey Kong Country? I got Regan who is nothing like her namesake. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:05:17.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:05:18.000)
Thank you, Reagan, who has not never thought I never thought I'd say that in my life.
Dan (00:05:23.000)
Bad Wolf. Y E. G. Thank you so much for now policy Walker.
Alex Jones (00:05:26.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:05:27.000)
Thank you bad wolf. YG. When I did expect to say
Dan (00:05:30.000)
next Strax thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk extracts extracts next, James, thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:05:37.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:05:38.000)
Thank you, James.
Dan (00:05:40.000)
Finn, like that name a lot. Thank you so much. Now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:05:45.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:05:46.000)
Thank you very much. Next, Kerry, thank you so much. You're now biology Well,
Alex Jones (00:05:50.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much, Kara.
Dan (00:05:51.000)
Thank you, Gary. And then finally like say thank you to somebody who donated on an elevated level and I gotta say, generosity above even what I you know, would classify in the technocrat care category we got to go raptor Princess on this one trade up and I gotta say also, I probably would have maybe got to this on the last episode or maybe the episode before that, but I can't find the Raptor Princess under you still can't find the job. Oh, no all over the place and I can't find it. Yeah. So in thank you to this this individual this person, I have created a new raptor princess and drop. So thank you so much. The armor of contempt you are now or after Princess I'm a policy walk.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:30.000)
Donkey moment intelligent, brilliant.
Alex Jones (00:06:32.000)
Barbecue yo ass. It's over for humanity. Your beautiful soul. They're coming for your balls. piss all over your God. Very few people crap in the pool unless they're babies all over the state that make
Dan (00:06:45.000)
it a practice of calling people pieces of garbage when they are. Thank you so much. They armor of contempt. We appreciate it. I wanted to try and mix it up with some of the side characters drop so a lot of lot of non Alex voices there like it
Jordan (00:07:04.000)
got a little scatological for a while
Unknown Speaker (00:07:06.000)
I did notice that.
Dan (00:07:09.000)
When I'm digging from like more recent clips, it seems like Alex is talking about
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
a lot more like that. Yes.
Dan (00:07:16.000)
So thank you very much. If you're out there listening and thinking, hey, I enjoy the show like sport these jets do you can do that by going to our website knowledge clicking the button to support the show, we would appreciate it or you can go and find a local charity in your area and help people in need. That would also be wonderful. We
Jordan (00:07:30.000)
would appreciate either. Yep.
Dan (00:07:32.000)
So Jordan, now it's time to check in with the year of the seltzer. Let's do it. We are up to 19 seltzers. And it's time recording. We are ahead of schedule.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.000)
Finding the ship. Oh, that's
Dan (00:07:43.000)
an interesting question. I'm glad you brought it up.
Jordan (00:07:47.000)
I walked into that one that one's on me
Dan (00:07:49.000)
know. Some people have raised a concern about how expensive this might end up getting Sure. And I want to make people feel a little bit more comfortable about that. One thing a couple of family members gave me amazon gift cards for my birthday. Sure. And so a number of variety packs are available online. on Amazon, it's
Jordan (00:08:07.000)
basically free. Do not use them on May 1 Do not cross the picket line. Anyways. Okay, Amazon don't cross the picket line on May 1 any line? I will
Dan (00:08:15.000)
not do that. Don't do it on me for giving me the heads You are welcome. And the other thing is that there's a bunch of grocery stores here in Chicago and corner stores. Yeah, and a lot of them have Lucy's they have individual cans of seltzer. Yeah, often like between 60 cents or $1. Yeah. And so I've been able to find a ton of these that I've been drinking and are still in the fridge. You don't have to buy a 12 pack of them. I don't most of them. I don't I don't necessarily want a 12 pack of lemon jello on my end.
Jordan (00:08:43.000)
Like the gently you like the lemon gel.
Dan (00:08:45.000)
That one's fantastic. So this is not going to end up probably being too devastating. Right? I've been you know going to like when I go to jewel to go get some groceries. I go through every aisle go through every right you'd be surprised there are beverages in more aisles than you think. Yeah, that's one thing I've realized. All over the place high averages, they hide them. So today, Jordan. Sure. What's your highlight for today? Well can't all be good news now sometimes gotta give a
Jordan (00:09:14.000)
low a low light huh? Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Dan (00:09:17.000)
I gotta say this this this week so far has been a marked disappointment about the brand by Dai okay. They have they have a line of Oh, no, they're garbage. Well, oh, not all of them. Oh, all right. I had their watermelon lime and I gave it to 68 Okay, so that's good. They're good. It's not like the line of them is trash. Sure. However, I did try the coconut lime
Jordan (00:09:45.000)
grows hold. You know what? Holy shit. Oh, no new lows
Dan (00:09:49.000)
for a rating system.
Jordan (00:09:52.000)
16 out of
Dan (00:09:54.000)
jail. Yeah. If it's under 20 That means I didn't finish it. Yeah, of course. If it's on Under 10 That means I find it repulsive. Sure. And I wish it burned.
Jordan (00:10:03.000)
Right, right. You pissed on it? Yeah, you will and Alex's terms.
Dan (00:10:06.000)
Yeah. And I'm starting to realize that anything and like the 60s is going to be just like, good, but who gives a shit? Right? Right. 70 is going to be you know, 70 to 80 that range is gonna be like a Ha, anything over 80 It's Excel, like, excellent.
Jordan (00:10:21.000)
I will be I am anxiously awaiting the day we get over a day or overnight it Yeah,
Dan (00:10:26.000)
I don't know. It'll be I don't know if it'll happen, but I'm ready for it to happen. Yeah. So anyway, with all due respect to buy, I know you can do some good stuff, but that coconut line was a disaster. And we'll see
Jordan (00:10:39.000)
coconuts a bad flavor. I'm gonna take that again. I gotta be honest, Stan, I
Dan (00:10:42.000)
don't think anything that has coconut is going to I like coconut. I love amounts. Sometimes when I feel like another like an Almond Joy. Sure. I'm not one of these anti coconut guys. Man in a drink. Terrible. Terrible. Yep. So anyway, the shelter report Yeah. So let's get down to business on this episode. We're starting here on the 27th April 27 Monday, it starts out with Alex having a pre recorded message that he wants to send to the new world order
Alex Jones (00:11:14.000)
my message to the New World Order really be a gangster go the big boys
Alex Jones (00:11:30.000)
got the left sees me as Godzilla wrapped in Darth Vader. And that's because they believe their propaganda. All I'm doing is exposing horrible, nasty things they're involved in. And so the devastation that that exposure causes if they then attribute to me when they're the ones that committed these incredible crimes. And so now they tell me we're gonna kill your ass or put you in prison and they're trying right now and I'm just like, okay, you'll still be losers. Led by the Cryptkeeper Nancy Pelosi and Hillary all these other insane weirdos and cheesy pain. At martial law on a forced isolations with the evil elf, Bill Gates hopping around giving speeches about the population now supposed to trust him want to give me a vaccine. Okay, fine. You can destroy Alex Jones. all you'll do is borrow the tree of liberty. But that is what Thomas Jefferson said. It's gotta be watered with the blood of patriots like Colonel William Baron Travis almost forgot his name
Jordan (00:12:33.000)
Alex Jones (00:12:35.000)
And you can do to take thing about water and trees with patriots blood is just seems to create a harvest of blood for tires. What that's why in the final equation, I'm not worried because I'm writing when I'm supposed to be opposing you. So for myself, the roaster for humanity and all you globalist you're losers. You're gonna fail. Humanity's awakening. And you're gonna burn it out.
Dan (00:13:02.000)
I have a feeling that might be his recorded last episode. Yeah, that he was talking about. I don't like because it feels like that's just like something to be played like in perpetuity. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.000)
you know, the rail the troops. Yeah.
Jordan (00:13:16.000)
My blood is on the tree of liberty. I'm a patriot. Now it's time to add the tyrants blood. But apparently, I'm gonna forget how that quote goes and just say that tyrants lap up the blood from the tree.
Dan (00:13:26.000)
There's a harvest. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I, I kind of feel like that's his, his salvo or whatever. I don't know. But otherwise, it's just like a weird shoot promo about nothing. You can do two takes you to take No, no, you can't.
Jordan (00:13:42.000)
No, you could.
Dan (00:13:43.000)
Alex gets paid by the fucking hour or he doesn't get paid by the hour. Excuse me. He's getting in. He's getting out. So we get down to actual content. And Alex has a little bit of a narrative here. This runs throughout both of the days of his show, and it's just stupid. Just a desperate attempt to try and make it look like Trump isn't an idiot. It came
Alex Jones (00:14:01.000)
out that Cedars Sinai one of the most respected hospitals in the world, definitely the top five is doing light therapy and knocking out COVID-19 snaking tubes down into the lungs with fiber optics. Their Twitter has been banned and their YouTube has been banned.
Dan (00:14:19.000)
So Cedars Sinai is Twitter page is still up. I've just checked it this morning. The same is true of their YouTube channel. I have no idea what he's talking about. But what I think it is, is there is some information that is true. That's probably being misrepresented by right wing outlets. Yeah. And those tweets maybe are getting blocked. Sure. Sure. Sure. I think that's possible. The
Jordan (00:14:38.000)
ones where they take what sign I did and then go like, see you can use you on the inside and inject it with Yeah,
Dan (00:14:45.000)
so the light therapy thing, that's where there is a little bit of truth, but it's also being super overblown by Alex because like I said, he's trying to find anything he can to make Trump's comments look something like something other than the babblings of an idiot. According to There's Some research going on at Cedars Sinai that involves a technology called heal light, which quote delivers intermittent ultraviolet a light through an endo tracheal catheter. It's being studied as a potential treatment for viruses and bacteria. And it's showing some promise, but it's not at the point where it can be used on people like Alex's suggest, quote, here, light is not yet approved by the FDA for use or approved as a COVID-19 treatment. And more studies on its use in humans will be needed before it can be verified as effective. Researchers, they're working on this technology and they're following appropriate guidelines for that kind of thing. And it's worth noting that they've been working on this project since at least 2016. So it's not something that's been developed in response to the Coronavirus it some research that somewhere in the middle of the process and we'll see where it goes from there. Alex wants you to think that they're getting banned from social media because that makes it appear that the globalists are totally losing control. They have to ban this totally legitimate and credible hospital from social media because they're saying something that bucks the narrative, but none of that's real. It's all just bullshit. Yeah. So
Jordan (00:16:00.000)
I imagine their statement would have been had they had they like been allowed to drop all the facts. It's just like, God, we wish we didn't have to deal with this. The President just said some bullshit we're researching. We're not. Why are you guys screaming at us? Don't use us were anything. We're just putting shit in mice. I don't know what to tell you
Dan (00:16:17.000)
leave. Leave us out.
Jordan (00:16:19.000)
Yeah, exactly.
Dan (00:16:20.000)
So Alex is gonna lay it all out, man. He's gonna get down to just the bare bottom. Yeah, he's gonna like all
Jordan (00:16:27.000)
right, is that this?
Dan (00:16:28.000)
I don't know if it's it. Oh,
Alex Jones (00:16:30.000)
I'm just gonna lay this out right now what needs to be done. And I can explain to the viewers and listeners, one of the reasons you see Infowars demonized and attacked so much, and how we know President Trump's for real. And the fact that he's for real is one of his great strengths. That's also one of his weaknesses because he's not a swamp creature. Chill. Let me try to explain this from my own 100% documented spectrum right now.
Alex Jones (00:17:01.000)
You know, I'm gonna rebroadcast too big. Just
Alex Jones (00:17:16.000)
so incredibly obvious how the criminals have taken over and what they've launched and what they've done.
Dan (00:17:21.000)
This is pretty early in the show, man.
Jordan (00:17:23.000)
I I knew I knew he wasn't going to get to it. Of course, I knew he wasn't going to get to it. But the timing still got me the timing still. He's still got the right timing. Yeah, it's
Dan (00:17:34.000)
it's like a master. What's the opposite of order? opposite of that. That's what he's a master. I don't know God damn. So he does end up going to rebroadcast. But before that, he does drop one little piece of what I'd call a narrative just sort of rambling along through before he goes off air,
Alex Jones (00:17:52.000)
just the magnitude of USA Today having to admit, okay, it's true. Now they make you read four pages until they get to the part
Jordan (00:18:07.000)
those bastards.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:11.000)
Four pages.
Alex Jones (00:18:13.000)
Fact check. Hospitals get paid more and patients listed as COVID-19 on ventilators. And then it says Snopes says it's not true Snopes in Media Matters or God. But they explain how it's reasonable for three more pages. That yes, they get way more money. If somebody has COVID 19. It's really
Dan (00:18:31.000)
funny when Alex says they make you read four pages, like that's some kind of undue burden being put on his plate. He's supposed to be this deeply competent researcher. He's supposed to read 1000 books about World War Two, four pages is nothing particularly when there's nuance to the issue that takes couple paragraphs to explain. I can say pretty comfortably that Alex did not read those four pages. The article on USA Today doesn't say that Snopes said that this point isn't true. The only two points Snopes is even mentioned are using Snopes as a citation because they reported that a meme about this issue was quote shared on social media in mid April. Sure. And then later in the article. Snopes comes up again in this line, quote, Snopes investigated the claim finding it's plausible Medicare pays in the range Jenson the guy who was on Fox News talking about this mentioned, but doesn't have a one size fits all payment to hospitals for COVID 19 patients. So nowhere in the article doesn't say that Snopes said this wasn't true. Alex is making that up because he wants to make it look like Snopes was lying in there fact check. This fact check is actually less detailed than others that I've read. But it does cover the important point which is explaining the part of this conspiracy theory that is real. hospitals do get paid more by Medicare for patients who are treated by COVID 94 COVID-19. There's a 20% increase in payments that are dispensed by Medicare, which was established by the Cares Act, which Trump signed into law recently. So Trump did this. The reason for the 20% bump is that hospitals are seeing a massive drop in revenues right now as People who have other issues that might have sent them, you know, might have sent them to go get checked out, they're delaying being seen or they're just toughing it out due to the virus, the increase of 20% is meant to offset the decreases they're seeing in normal operating funds not to lie in anyone's pockets. There's, you know, there's pretty clear in the USA Today article, quote, hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients to cover the cost of care and less loss of business resulting from a shift of focus to treating COVID 19 cases, at the end of the day, that's at the end of the article. So Alex would have estimated could make it through four very difficult to get there. No, can't expect them to put that sort of effort, backbreaking labor. Absolutely. So Alex then goes to rebroadcast. Of course,
Jordan (00:20:43.000)
it's funny to me, because what he's saying there is they make you read four pages to get to this part is just basically saying, like, they make me ignore all the context that proves the part wrong that I want to lie about. God dammit, yeah, it doesn't matter.
Dan (00:20:59.000)
He's only read the headline anyway. Exactly. You just noted that there's length to this.
Jordan (00:21:04.000)
That's just admitting that all that context is to explain why he's wrong. Right. And so he can't
Dan (00:21:10.000)
ignore it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So Alex goes to rebroadcast and he comes back and he's sort of rambling about how Trump listens to everybody. You know, the good, he's good. You give him you give him the right Intel and he's gonna act. That's bad.
Alex Jones (00:21:27.000)
Trump didn't know that a Nobel Prize winner. Oh God, argue with the top neurologists in the world. Had the virus scanned and said yes, it's completely manufactured in the lab. Trump didn't know that the top Indian University scanned it and said the same thing three months ago, two and a half months ago, this 11 weeks ago. And it's not because smart people on around him they're all scared because you've you bring Trump real intel on who runs things like General Flynn did the former head of Defense Intelligence. The Patriots ready to come in and fix the country? That's actual Americans, the military? Oh, we know what's going on and help put Trump in for the American people
Jordan (00:22:11.000)
what the military helped put Trump in coup is this Are we okay with
Alex Jones (00:22:23.000)
if we're gonna put something up there about the Nobel laureate just just put in Nobel Prize winner for virology says COVID-19 100% manmade that's the article I want to put up we do that now I'm gonna gonna rebroadcast till next time. They normally put up things they just ran today, they haven't understood that that I've said just stop with it. So we're gonna go to rebroadcast okay, I may not come back was too damn serious, folks. This is the end of the whole country the end of everything. Okay. This isn't a game. All right. And I'm just going to put this out half ass and train wreck it okay. Okay, what to err I'd say there's so many incredible reports we've been putting out I'm not
Dan (00:23:19.000)
gonna half ass it and train wreck this thing
Jordan (00:23:24.000)
like the first hour of the show that's crazy. Yeah, I he blindsided me again. Do it I thought how many times does he leave on this you
Dan (00:23:32.000)
never expect multiple times your work working so he has a suggestion of broadcasts like a rebroadcast special report thing for them to play but unfortunately the crew can't find it of course it's only works
Alex Jones (00:23:50.000)
when you got that let me know and I may not be back today it's not a big deal. But these are too serious of a times
Alex Jones (00:24:03.000)
like just give me yesterday's list I can tell you what to look for this date date it just we'll do this. We'll just do this. I'll tell you something else there it's fine. The reports so powerful it says it all. Really air John bounds report that just let's share that latest shutdown report about the new world order plan to destroy America. Alright, I'll see you guys you are a globalist. I'll see you,
Jordan (00:24:29.000)
man. Oh, man. That's Oh, boy. See in hell. So
Dan (00:24:37.000)
second time saying I might not be back. That's, that's a guy who's committed.
Jordan (00:24:43.000)
I think he's doing great.
Dan (00:24:44.000)
So he leaves. He comes back. And you know, we want to talk to you about the stakes shorts going on there. And so it's basically like he's going to prison.
Alex Jones (00:24:53.000)
Roger Stone advised the President gave him good advice. He's facing prison. General Flynn advised the President gave him good vise he's facing president, I gave the president good advice I'm facing. Same thing right now. Okay. It'll be out soon. That's how this works. And these people target you, and they let you know. And they operate with impunity, folks, because the government is so full of cowards and social climbers.
Dan (00:25:17.000)
So I was wondering about this, and I don't know of any crimes that Alex has committed outside of him bragging about murdering people there is that, but I don't think that's true. There's no statute of limitations. No, that's true. So but I don't think that's true. Probably bragging about something he didn't do most likely monster. Yeah. But I was starting to think about this, you know, he has this lingering case with the bankruptcy issue that his ex wife is bringing Sure, and who knows what's going to happen with that, but I started to think about it. And I realized that one of the things that she's doing is she's asking for a lot of documents, in terms of discovery for oh, that's not good. And one of the things that I'm thinking might be what Alex is worried about is not necessarily losing that case and having to pay her off. Right. But the idea that a lot of his internal financial documents will become public information. What if he's like hiding money somewhere? What if he is doing something criminal financially? That's just you'd never know. Unless you see these Docker. Yeah, I don't know that to be the case. I don't know if that's true. But I'm just trying to think of like, What could he be worried about? I'm gonna have to be something business related. Right? I mean,
Jordan (00:26:26.000)
I think I think what he should do is in the in the discovery, instead of sending any documents he just gives them Rob do and just like you ask him all the questions that you want to know the answer this guy knows everything this guy has got. It's quite sharp got the receipts?
Dan (00:26:42.000)
Oh, that'd be a good stalling time. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't so you know, he Alex thinks he's going into prison soon, which I don't I don't believe that's true. But if it is, it's got to be something financial related. Like I can't imagine anything else. Yeah. So I don't believe he's murdered people. No, I don't I don't know of any other charges that are pending. I mean, he got the DUI he's not going to prison for that.
Jordan (00:27:03.000)
Do you don't think so? No, I mean, maybe there's something related to that. Could be I don't think so. No, I think it has to be something financial, but either that or he's just making up the whole prison thing because that could be that could be true too. Because he wants to try and compare himself to Roger Stone and and Flynn, which really,
Dan (00:27:20.000)
there are people he looks at his heroes. Oh, man. So Alex gets to talk in some more and he's just not having a good day, man.
Alex Jones (00:27:28.000)
Let me do this. I'm gonna regroup because I was so loaded for bear I we did a great job the first 30 minutes then I went sideways. Been we've learned some incredible reports though. I got to rebroadcast the same report in the same hour. Oh, no, but I might do it right now. I've ever seen it showed that on
Dan (00:27:49.000)
this John Brown report is so good. We're gonna play it again. I gotta get off.
Jordan (00:27:53.000)
What is he does he work there anymore?
Dan (00:27:56.000)
You know what they called it back when I was in. In high school. They called it senior itis. I was
Jordan (00:28:00.000)
thinking that on our last episode, I was like, that's what he's dealing with right now. He's like, I know I'm done. Yeah. And I just don't know why I'm running hard to the finish line. Can
Dan (00:28:09.000)
I ask you a favor? Can you open those blinds up? I just saw some lightning. I think we got a thunderstorm going on right now. And I would like to be able to enjoy it a little bit. Yeah, of course. It's a nice gives a nice mood.
Jordan (00:28:20.000)
There is a little bit of a dark and stormy mood to Alex's circumstances. I
Dan (00:28:24.000)
always like to enjoy a thunderstorm. When when we have when you have one Bruin good thunderstorms. Great. Sure. So Alex is gonna go to this John Brown report getting off air for the third time in an hour. That's amazing. Just like this dude cannot handle his business. Yeah, but just because he can't handle doing his job. That doesn't mean he can't sell food
Alex Jones (00:28:44.000)
of course I am grieving every millisecond right now. And I've never been guilty I had children because I knew that you know, it's doubled down on things trust in God and I do trust in God but I just look at how many truly evil people there are and it just blows my mind that our species is so turned over to destructive impulses.
Jordan (00:29:09.000)
You got a DUI
Alex Jones (00:29:11.000)
now because I've got to worry about the future and keeping a share on air Plus, we've got products you really need if you don't get storable food now you're completely insane you're not
Dan (00:29:20.000)
Yeah, so I mean like pretty severe talk and then then these ads and I gotta say I mean like the ads on this episode are just pretty fucking severe.
Alex Jones (00:29:29.000)
And so the fight beside me wants to stay in place stay on air and fight this and I don't think it's a lost cause yet, but I'm just here to tell you I've never personally been making a lot of defensive measures I am now and having to really understand the long dark winters probably coming like a day for those babies that got chopped up in their mother's mother wavelets and it's just so damn sad that we had a chance to turn this around we may just be so weak that all hell's gonna break loose and then the very criminals that launched it will be our saviors and then come hunt us down and inject us with bio weapons and laugh at us while we slowly die. But again Infowars Your storable food now while you still can wow it's pretty
Dan (00:30:09.000)
severe that
Jordan (00:30:13.000)
Mr. Clean had that one ad where he chopped up babies and like this is the only way to clean up that magic eraser. Exactly.
Dan (00:30:21.000)
Yeah man. I mean it's it's pretty extreme language being used in service of trying to sell food bucket. Is that great? Yeah, so the other thing that runs throughout this episode is a very strong interest in presenting Trump as like really the man of the people like he loves you
Jordan (00:30:42.000)
can't they just can't say for one second guys. We fucked up on this one. Wow, we were like Scott we thought we could control them. We thought we could do what he needed.
Dan (00:30:51.000)
Can't because like there's so much messianic Stein and he's attached to it and so many times he talks about having visions about this and how he's a psychic and all this shit like he can't be wrong about this because if he's wrong about it, and all that stuff looks like total bullshit too big to be wrong about Yeah, he's too big to fail his narratives. Yeah, exactly. He's going down with the ship. And you know, that involves doing a lot of dear leader shit. Talking about how like, you know Trump what he does that like this is this is nonsensical,
Alex Jones (00:31:20.000)
because you see the globalist are scared Trump's really the president. So he gets briefings. He has a secret service go around the rallies with boxes of what people hand them and he demands it on overseas flight sometimes 15 hours to say Japan from DC. And he just reads it reads it reads it reads it reads it and they cannot stand it
Dan (00:31:41.000)
can't stand the Trump has a secret service. Go around and get letters from the commoners
Jordan (00:31:46.000)
USA rally made him read four pages.
Dan (00:31:49.000)
Are you shooting me for pay? By the way? He didn't make him read? Justice? He read four pages. Yeah, but not drop man. It only gets 15 hours. He gets on all these flights. And he insisted the Secret Service, bring them all the mail that they collect at the rallies and he just sits there and he reads then
Jordan (00:32:06.000)
if he can read I would be one. I think he would need to use reading glasses. And he can't do that. So I don't think he can read anymore. I genuinely kind of don't think he can.
Dan (00:32:16.000)
I don't want to speculate on whether he died or not. I'm gonna say he's unwilling. At the very least. Yeah. But Trump and he reads not just on planes, not just on planes. Is he reading your letters? Because, you know, like, the whole joke with people is like, I wouldn't watch that. But I'd watch it on a plane. Sure. So like Trump stuck on the plane? Because he's fucking bored. Right? Right. Right. He's an endorphin rush. Sure. It's not just on planes.
Alex Jones (00:32:40.000)
Trump is like Superman. He's at the White House. He makes them bring him pallets of mail from the warehouse down the road, and they think he's saying and he goes in at night, and just just reads it. And Remy this guy's this guy, some special folks.
Jordan (00:32:56.000)
I am tonight.
Alex Jones (00:32:59.000)
I am mailman. Trump's had the Secret Service Call me. Okay. I said about me. Why do you want to kill me folks? Because I represent you. I'm just like you. I've just got a bigger connection. The president.
Dan (00:33:13.000)
This is a
Jordan (00:33:14.000)
secret service. Call me Alex. Excuse me. A Secret Service. Could you leave us alone? Please, please stop. Say Alex. Just leave it Hill. Yeah, calm it down, buddy.
Dan (00:33:25.000)
Yeah, so Trump reads all your mail out plane rides, and then at night. He's sitting there just reading mail and they think he's crazy. This guy's special. That is still crazy. It's a little much. So Alex comes back from the break and he starts talking about some Bible stuff. And we know that Alex is really big into religion big into Christianity interdimensional being though he does say something here that makes me think I don't know if he knows much about the Bible.
Alex Jones (00:33:52.000)
What did the book of Jose say, for six, I'm sorry, what? No King James Version. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast rejected knowledge. I will also reject the thou shalt be no priest to me. She thou has forgotten the law of God. I will also forget the children. Show for me it's not a power trip that the President has people listening to the show every day. A whole team of people. It's not a power trip that when he gets information from me, he particularly goes and looks it up. It's a responsibility that took
Dan (00:34:28.000)
a turn from the Bible verse. Oh, okay. So I have Jose I don't want to be a dick about this because honestly, Alex is close on the pronunciation. He said the book of Jose, but it's the book of Hosea. I know that's close, but it's super far off for anyone who has any familiarity with the Bible. I don't believe that anyone who's read the Bible or has been involved in any church with any regularity would not know how to pronounce the name of the book, Hosea. It's just unbelievable to me that someone with any real history with the Bible would encounter that word and think it might be Jose. This along With all the other things that Alex does makes me suspect that his connection with the Bible might actually be superficial.
Jordan (00:35:04.000)
Or maybe he appreciates Mexican people more than we thought. No, I
Dan (00:35:08.000)
just don't think putting them in the Bible. I think he's completely unfamiliar with the actual Bible. No idea. The little things like that. Just keep coming up with like, what are you doing?
Jordan (00:35:19.000)
Oral tradition is what will save us, Dan. Yeah. So written Bible, the God can change the written Bible, but he can't change our words, or something like that. I
Dan (00:35:29.000)
got a book, Jose, whatever. Sure. So earlier in the show, Alex is freaking out a little bit, you might have might have noticed that
Jordan (00:35:37.000)
we I didn't. He wasn't on the show.
Dan (00:35:40.000)
Right before he wasn't on the show. He was on the show. I was freaking out. I don't remember him being on the show. I'm gonna be honest with you. In this next clip, he kind of explains why he was freaking out. Sure. And it's because Trump relies on him for information. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:35:53.000)
I've never been 26 years on air, not been able to go out and lay out what I know. Because there's just so much. It's like, where do you start? Well, you've got limited time, what do you say, I know, the president probably only has time to watch five minutes what I say a day that's boiled down. And if I say to message, the president, they mark that down and give it to him. And it's it's not that I'm choking, because I'm not even nervous. It's more like my god, this is actually a real president, surrounded by criminals, and he has to get information from me. And then I just I feel guilty that I haven't done a better job,
Dan (00:36:33.000)
you should say, Yeah, I mean, you're picking up what he's saying there.
Jordan (00:36:38.000)
I kind of it. Here's the way I'm interpreting that is more like, much like the Bible, it is open to him. He is open to interpretation and the Constitution. What I hear is, if I say drink, bleach, and Trump says it, people are gonna think I'm influencing him to say I drink bleach, right? If I disagree with drinking bleach, I'm gonna lose the support of all my wacko friends who would rather Trump drink bleach than anything else. So he's caught in a catch 22 of I don't want people to drink bleach. But somehow that's a controversial thing to say, in my world right now.
Dan (00:37:15.000)
That's an interesting reading of it. I have a slightly different read. Sure. And that is like, Hey, I can't do my show because of the immense pressure because I know Trump is getting his information from me. And that's why I was freaking out earlier because I'm not doing a good enough job. Sure, because I know that Trump has a team listening to my show. And whenever I say this is a message for the President. They cut it out and they give it to Trump. Yeah. This is the same thing with Steve magenic thinking the newspapers talking to him. No, like, honestly, this is just cuckoos, whooping stuff.
Jordan (00:37:45.000)
I mean, it would be if if it weren't for the fact that Trump said let's drink bleach. Alex doesn't say it does feel like that's more of a q&a. Totally. But that feels more like the TV's talking to you than it ever has before. I would imagine. Like if the President is saying wacko shit, like we are
Dan (00:38:04.000)
gonna be like Jordan Sathorn. Yeah, yeah. But with Alex, he's not really on that tip. Necessarily. I don't I don't hear him push drinking bleach, or the bleach people. Or maybe he's resentful. Maybe? Yeah, because Alex hasn't even he's pretending that all Trump was saying the sunlight is good for Yeah. So he's not even rebutting the part about injectable disinfectants? Sure, sure. So I don't know. I Yeah. I think it's all just a rationalization for why he left the show three times earlier, probably. As he said, The show went sideways. It's not because he's too important that I will say, Well, that's what he thinks is definitively. So Alex gets real doomy, and it's an exclamatory. And he's just like, well, this is over.
Alex Jones (00:38:49.000)
Well, I'm not gonna sit here and take it. So remember, I've got your plan. They hate it. I advise the president. They can't stop us. And long after I'm shoveled in my grave. You can save this on a on a memory stick. So when they're killing you and get this out, there's still time to stop them in the future. Only in the future. We lost this round.
Jordan (00:39:10.000)
John Connor.
Dan (00:39:12.000)
We lost this round. There's only we can only stop them in the future. That's pretty much like well, we're fucked.
Jordan (00:39:18.000)
Come with me if you want to die
Dan (00:39:22.000)
in the short term in the short term. We'll get it later. Yeah, time travel and whatnot on the 27th there isn't like a lot of really good stuff going on. But trust me it makes up for it. In bucketfuls food bucket on the 28th Okay, but this is really there's really just like I was listening to this and most of the time on the 27th I just think it anyway so yeah, this this clip is one of the times that I had that response.
Alex Jones (00:39:48.000)
President Trump is not an idiot savant. He's an idiot is a genius savant. But he does have savant like characteristics. What He learns things very, very quickly. He takes in all information.
Alex Jones (00:40:07.000)
But sometimes he seems disconnected for the general public because they're not at that level. A person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else. So I would call him a full spectrum savant. But it looks like when you're talking to Trump, that he's not listening to you. But that's not what he's doing. He's accessing his full subconscious mind. Jesus, Trump is probably the smartest person on the planet. Oh
Jordan (00:40:37.000)
my Wow, this is this is Wow, when you look when you say he did some dear leader type, thinking he's doing some dear leader type shit.
Dan (00:40:47.000)
Literally, Trump's probably the smartest person in the world. I mean,
Jordan (00:40:50.000)
that's ease our God King.
Dan (00:40:52.000)
What do you mean, he has infinite wisdom? He, you know how, like, you know, idiots have honestly no one thing he bought, but like for everything, which, why? Why have worked and where do I have that? And when it appears that he's rude when he's being rude to people? Or maybe it looks like he's not paying attention? It's just because he's so much smarter than the people around?
Jordan (00:41:11.000)
Absolutely. And it's not because he has the attention span of a mouse it is because he is a genius, right? Jesus. That's sad.
Dan (00:41:19.000)
That was that was very upsetting. That is so
Jordan (00:41:21.000)
sad. I can't imagine I can't imagine listening to myself say something like that. And then like, surviving that cereal? Yeah, I'm dead. Yep. Cool. So
Dan (00:41:33.000)
Alex has some breaking news that he wants to get to. And also, I don't know if you still have your bingo card, but we might find out that another movie is real. Okay, look at this little
Alex Jones (00:41:42.000)
juicy that just broke. That's a special report I'm about to play from the movie contagion where the bad guy warns everybody the vaccines tainted and he sells supplements so he causes the earth to die. And you see that the lockdown cities and all the precursors and the conditioning.
Dan (00:42:00.000)
So not only is contagion real it's about Alex Yeah, that sounds right. Cool. That sounds right so he's got this breaking news that's a juicy
Jordan (00:42:07.000)
I really didn't like him doing that. That really bummed me out. You don't like
Dan (00:42:12.000)
juicy really bummed me out? Well, here's the story. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:42:16.000)
USC says will not take part in W H O drug trials vaccine issue launch, which we know is gonna have COVID-19 Reuters United States effort China already hit us with contaminated test will not take part in the launch and global initiative on Friday to speed the development, production and distribution of drugs and vaccines against COVID-19. A spokesperson for the US mission in Geneva told Reuters.
Dan (00:42:36.000)
Alex is editorializing pretty heavily when he was appearing to be reading a quote Yeah, that is no longer a piece of juicy I will know that right now. And also the underlying story here is insanely bad news. Alex is presenting it as Trump being too smart to get caught up in this evil vaccine work. But in reality, what it demonstrates is a really scary level of isolation we're taking on. Also this news didn't just break the Guardian reported on this story on April 24. Fourth, three days before the episode Alex is doing where he's calling this a breaking juicy piece of news. What happened is the global leaders got together on a video call and quote pledged to accelerate cooperation on a Coronavirus vaccine. But that's not all. It was also about sharing research. And as the Guardian reported, quote, The cooperation pledge made it a virtual meeting was designed to show that wealthy countries will not keep the results of research from developing countries. Because Trump has shown such outright hostility to the who he couldn't take part in this meeting without giving an implied endorsement of them which he's too much of a baby to do. And so the supposed leader of the free world, the head of the world's great superpower, turned his back on an international pledge to make sure the developing world is not left behind because they can't afford to pursue the level of medical research that we can fuck all this and fuck Alex for celebrating it. This is stupid. It is
Jordan (00:43:55.000)
it is very much i We man. It's It's like he's turning America into the shithole that he thinks other people. Other places are in order to justify America being I'm flabbergasted that
Dan (00:44:12.000)
it's hard to head around.
Jordan (00:44:13.000)
I can't. I can't there are no adults. And we're all we're all stupid. We're all just fucking stupid. It is. It's tragic.
Dan (00:44:21.000)
It's very tragic. Yeah. But if there's a saving grace, it's the knowing that Alex's days on air are clearly numbered, based on how frequently He keeps talking about how this shifts over
Alex Jones (00:44:33.000)
who that's the scientific, satanic eugenics dictatorship goes down to gates, eugenics groups all over. I mean, I personally talked to some very high level people. And I told them all of this just days ago, over the phone now you can imagine what that do. She's target right on me. Let's see, that's a two way street to target the cross. I'm in God's hands now. I just want listeners to know Oh, that you're not gonna obliterated very, very soon. It's okay. Very, very soon. I didn't understand Trump didn't have any advisors telling him this. I never knew my real power was not even talking to the general public, which is a big one. We, that when I actually tried to communicate with the president was like, the ship's going kind of like this. Like I was telling the crew like, is this like the Running Man? Or not? The Running Man is just like, What's that movie? Total Recall where you plug into the matrix and you're saving Mars. It really it's all hallucination. Cool, man. There you go.
Dan (00:45:32.000)
Yeah. So and is very, very soon if I get obliterated three breaths.
Dan (00:45:39.000)
Total Recall. Oh, yes. So we have one last clip from the 27th. Yeah. And I think that this is also he interviewed Lord Monckton, but I don't give a don't give a fuck. So this is like, this is a real real problem. For Alex,
Alex Jones (00:45:55.000)
let me tell you, you better choose aside folks here where the shadow comes your way the Anglo American establishment. Whoa, we've raised right now.
Dan (00:46:02.000)
So that little line indicates to me a complete lack of awareness on our in Alex of his own worldview. He doesn't know what he's saying. What he wants to say is that you're either with China or your with his weird white supremacist Patriot buddies, but he's using language that has a very specific and very different meaning in the world of his conspiracies. When Alex says Anglo American establishment, he's not talking about the West. He cannot be because the foundation of his narratives about the globalists largely rests upon the foundation of misrepresentations of Carol Quigley's writing. Alex pretends that he's read Quigley's book, tragedy and hope and in that book quickly admits that there's a group of people who operate in secret to control the world. These are the roundtable groups who control the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and countless other bodies. This group was set up by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner and quickly very clearly refers to the collection of these groups as the Anglo American establishment. That's literally the name of Quigley's previous book about roads and the influence he's had over the years. I've heard Alex use that term in relation to Quigley many times. It's shorthand for the proto globalists in this fear of the Infowars conspiracy. So I refuse to believe that Alex would ever use that expression to denote something positive in opposition to the Chinese, because it literally means globalists,
Jordan (00:47:19.000)
you are either with the people I hate, or you're with the people I hate. And I'm on the side of somebody this I don't know anymore. This isn't something that you
Dan (00:47:30.000)
could possibly slip up and say, unless you have no idea what you're talking about. You speak mostly randomly and you don't have a good handle on your source material. This would literally be like me saying you can either support Satan or you can support the info war. That's the situation we're in. And I don't believe that this is a slip up on Alex's part, I think it's an indication that he really doesn't know what Anglo American establishment means. I think he was grasping for words. And he remember that he said those particular words before and it sounded good. Unfortunately, he happened to accidentally suggest that siding with the globalist is a good idea. Because he doesn't know anything. He doesn't mean anything. He's just talking shit.
Jordan (00:48:03.000)
I think it's fairly easy to say that. If he doesn't mean Anglo American establishment in the way that even his conspiracies suggest, what he really meant is you're either with white people or you're with Chinese people. Well, I mean, more
Dan (00:48:18.000)
or less I like I said, that is the that's what he's pulling towards. Exactly. Right. That term means something right? So that's a problem. Yeah. So we started the 28th. And holy shit, I cannot wait to get to the fun on this episode. But we start where Alec starts. And that's him talking about how the end is near for them. We're
Alex Jones (00:48:39.000)
not dead yet. In fact, we're stronger than ever hitting the final stretch. Now to complete the operation
Dan (00:48:48.000)
now to complete the operation. We're in the final stretch, just
Jordan (00:48:52.000)
say the day. Just fuckin say next. I
Dan (00:48:55.000)
mean, he might not know exactly when he plans to shut things down but I can't I can't you know, like a lot of people and I'll be honest, there's there's a chance that this is all just the matrix. Yeah, but it's so consistent. It's too real. It's been going on for a while now. And it just feels it feels more real than other times he's he's done these modeling performances. I don't know I don't know we could be talking about him in a year and look back on this and feel like idiots that we were like, Oh man,
Jordan (00:49:27.000)
I will not feel like an idiot he should feel like an idiot sure that this is his fault
Dan (00:49:32.000)
not mine i One of the reasons that I take this more real than like other times that he said will be gone or done or I don't think there are that many times he's been that blunt about it right? But one of the reasons that I take it as more real is an effect is so fucking flat lately. Like he's just real slow and like the lot of long pauses while the long pauses are not too uncommon but like he's just no energy just fucking to
Alex Jones (00:50:00.000)
We're seeing the full force of the New World Order Marxist Leninist system to shut off an economy, bankrupt the people shut down the farms and complete our journey to slavery. But through this process, we will yet again discover the spirit of Americana, that renaissance in 1776, which shall set us free. I am Jen doubt, I am focused today. I have really cogitated on what needs to be done and I need to deliver you the next level of the transmission.
Dan (00:50:38.000)
He sounds like he has he's on a tranquilizer however, it doesn't sound focused,
Jordan (00:50:42.000)
and I'm ready to send you the next message and he sounds sedated it should you choose to accept the mission? Impossible,
Dan (00:50:52.000)
there's no life behind that there's no vigor. Yeah. And that's, that's fairly regular these days, which is one of the reasons why I take it like more again, this is not gonna last, because generally when you want to rile people up to your cause, or whatever you don't come in with like, but that's, that's the vibe he's given.
Jordan (00:51:13.000)
He's given off a real Biden vibe right now.
Dan (00:51:16.000)
So Alex talks about, he's gonna take calls. And he also talks about, like, ever get to the news.
Alex Jones (00:51:24.000)
Let me just do this. Let me give the number out. Because I really want to have more calls on the show. And I want to get it up front, I want to take calls within the first hour, most days at least. But I tend to not get a lot of news these days, because they're just so much. It's so insane. Like, you can't do justice to each piece of this. And so why even get to it. In fact, I've got hundreds of news stories and dozens of incredible video clips.
Dan (00:51:50.000)
So he the mentality that says, there's so much news, so why get to any of it
Jordan (00:51:59.000)
can't do everything. So why do anything? It's very dumb. It's incredibly dumb. Yeah.
Dan (00:52:04.000)
It's not how you get things done. No, because if you have, let's say, five stories that are all big, it's better to focus on one and do it. Well then just say fuck it. I can't get to all five of these. Yep. It's a it's a ludicrous strategy.
Jordan (00:52:18.000)
It's it's not uncommon to find yourself thinking something along those lines for a little bit. Sure. It seems like he's been doing that his entire career. Yeah, I mean, it's, I think that's a good process. It's
Dan (00:52:28.000)
a dark moment that you can you can have, but when you want to get back to business, when you get down to focus on one thing, get it done, focus on actionable items, and then move through them move forward. That's how you maximize your productivity. Don't
Jordan (00:52:41.000)
worry about the five look at the one do one thing with your whole last not two things with half.
Dan (00:52:46.000)
That's right. Yeah. So wisdom, right. Which Alex should be into. He was he likes folksy nonsense. So Alex, in this next clip talks about his how his team come on, man, the good guys, sure
Alex Jones (00:53:00.000)
the sides are so clear cut here, folks. We're the good guys. And everybody knows it. When the enemy can barely even talk or operate. You can't shut me up, you can't shut you up. Our track record is just solid, platinum, because we're real folks. I mean, we're the real deal. And you're the real deal. And that's why your prayers are paramount. And then you're spreading the word is penultimate. And then you've got the trifecta there. But beneath that is a financial support. But you pray. Number one, sure. You spread the word. That's number two penultimate. And then that little added magic is the money. And I never even wanted money to try to shut me down 15 years ago. And God literally God said to me, I don't care. Like he stopped being ashamed. He did build an operation. That's huge. You need to fight them on every front. And you need to be prosperous, and you need to do that. And I did it and you did it. And here we are today. And so now when you buy a product and force you're not just getting the right product. You are putting money into the second American Revolution worldwide, and you've seen it pay off Google so
Dan (00:54:06.000)
God told him to chase money. So Alex,
Jordan (00:54:10.000)
your dear. I commend you to get that paper.
Dan (00:54:15.000)
Alex, this is God. scare people. manipulative way. The only way to stop the demons
Jordan (00:54:25.000)
Alex, it's me God, you need to scam people. Well,
Dan (00:54:29.000)
Alex, have you considered Super Male Vitality? Make men feel like they're weak and then sell them pills to solve their problem. Alex water
Jordan (00:54:39.000)
filters? The end, right? Why didn't I make better water?
Dan (00:54:46.000)
I love I like that. I really do enjoy that. Yeah, I don't think I don't know. I don't I don't know what God loves and what God doesn't but I just have a sense that they wouldn't be so thrilled.
Jordan (00:54:56.000)
God's Borea bone broth guy. My theory. Yeah.
Dan (00:54:59.000)
So This next clip is where I started to get the sense that like, we're in trouble. We're in big trouble. This This was where I was just like, Oh,
Jordan (00:55:08.000)
does it go sideways?
Dan (00:55:09.000)
I don't even know that that's an understatement. It goes, as over teakettle is that expression is that a folksy expression?
Alex Jones (00:55:17.000)
With it, I don't want to go to that level yet unless we can turn this around. But if you have nothing left to lose, one human could go out and take out 15 5g towers and surveillance grids before you get killed by the drones. Even they have a drone on every block. And once other humans see other humans do something. stampedes don't just go in the direction of slavery, stampede go. Instead of like running around cowering and pissing on ourselves, everybody gets fired up and gets their weapons and then we're unstoppable. And I'm telling the New World Order. That's all you're summoning I can draw. I can feel like technologies on a bad thing, like fires on a bad thing. Fire. What you're hard to cook some food families get fired? Uh huh. You want to put me on that fire? I'm on the spit. I got an idea. I'm gonna use that fire on us. Great analogy. You want to take my guns and tell me I'm a slave. I'll use a knife and take your guns. And I'll
Jordan (00:56:18.000)
what you ask them. You're literally gonna bring a knife to a gunfight.
Alex Jones (00:56:23.000)
I'm gonna burn baby burn. These damn robots are gonna burn. Sure. Now we're not at that point yet, but I want you to intergenerationally understand the power you have as a weapon. I'm listening. You got power to take care of your babies and grow crops be a good person,
Jordan (00:56:41.000)
that's a weapon. Or is it
Alex Jones (00:56:49.000)
but you've got the sacred right to defend yourself and to kill. When other people are trying to kill your ass, you understand that?
Alex Jones (00:56:56.000)
You understand me? You need to find your spirit and stop giving into these devil worshipers while they're trying to enslave you and your family and take everything you've got and everything you ever are.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:08.000)
Oh boy, your child, right? Oh boy.
Alex Jones (00:57:13.000)
Well defeat them one way or another. And it's that spirit that's gonna prevail. But you got to find that spirit and just have it there and know that it's something that's going to empower you to work hard and be good and not get in the fight with your wife, your husband to carry out the trash and to trim the trees. Carpet, it makes you strong.
Jordan (00:57:37.000)
It was a bad husband. It was a bad husband. You
Alex Jones (00:57:40.000)
know these technocrats are up there trying to screw you over but just by you making it a human future and just by you living a good life. As the French say the best revenge is living well. You're kicking their ass. These bluebloods scumbags that are so unhappy. they project their hatred of themselves on to us. And we reject or hate.
Dan (00:58:01.000)
i Oh, yeah, that was where I was like, we're in trouble. That
Jordan (00:58:05.000)
is that is a that's a complicated psychodrama that just played out
Dan (00:58:09.000)
that went all over the bow is everywhere. It's not yet time to kill, but I'll burn yo ass.
Jordan (00:58:16.000)
It starts out with I could be the Unabomber. It goes through to I was a bad husband and father. It continues on to Yeah, maybe I am projecting my hate onto you by telling you that you're projecting your ad onto me.
Dan (00:58:29.000)
There are some layers to it. I think that there's some interesting pieces to with the like him saying at the beginning there. He's saying like, what do you have nothing left to lose? One person could take out five of these towers or 50 years towers fine. So you know, the idea of having nothing left to lose is important to hold on to Sure. Because I think that that's the mode that Alex is definitely in. Oh, yeah. We've lost this round. There's nothing left to lose. Yes.
Jordan (00:58:57.000)
I have nothing less to lose. And I am on on on murder Street. Right. Yeah.
Dan (00:59:03.000)
So that that gives that vibe and then the like yelling about murder, murder, but it's in self defense?
Jordan (00:59:10.000)
Of course it is. Sure.
Dan (00:59:11.000)
I think that it's fine. I don't know. Like, you know, if someone's gonna kill you. It's not I don't think it's morally wrong to kill them use lethal force. If someone's going to kill you. You're sure. Now he's getting a vaccine the same thing as someone rushing you with a gun or a knife? I don't think so. You know, I would say that Alex's definition of what requires lethal force in self defense might be a little bit off.
Jordan (00:59:35.000)
This is the problem with the intolerant left in this country. Dan, you're always out here like, Oh, don't kill people because of vaccines. It's part of what I believe
Dan (00:59:45.000)
and the First Amendment then he goes from the yelling about killing and burning these robots into chores. Don't
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.000)
Oh, I do but that's what I do. That's that's where
Dan (00:59:57.000)
we're not You're not safe. No, no, this is this is not good. No. So he ends up going to break a little bit after that and he comes back. I think the the crew knew they needed to chill him out
Jordan (01:00:10.000)
a little bit to get him off the air tackle him and send him somewhere they really should. This is this is incitement.
Dan (01:00:16.000)
Dude, this goes to places you could never imagine. This goes so bad. All right, anybody should have stopped him at any point that someone really should have hit the big button that says like, like off air or whatever. Big Red Button. But they think their first attempt to try and get Alex into a better headspace is playing you belong to the cities. Because that tends to mellow him out. And he has a knee jerk reaction every single time they play this he gives a speech over it. So he does but it's very cookie cutter very by the numbers
Unknown Speaker (01:00:58.000)
can see
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.000)
you can
Alex Jones (01:01:13.000)
show nearby now
Alex Jones (01:01:21.000)
you got to shut it all over your life. Your children's lives. Everything as much as you want to lose them. Oh boy, you don't. They're gonna use it against you. Gotcha. You're a slave. All of us. All of our peoples have been slaves before. And we dream of being free. In America for all its sins was that promise that dream? For so many was realized. And so it created incredible wealth and power. And then evil came to try to take that power over and try to subvert it. When all they had to do was embrace it. And love humanity and love competition. And in what's the animating contests? All right. I want to go to your phone calls.
Dan (01:02:26.000)
Quick, quick. Fact check on America being the dream of freedom. There's a lot of slavery. I don't remember that. For some people. Not such a great dream of freedom. Alex, you
Jordan (01:02:36.000)
know, we had that war for states rights. Remember that? I
Dan (01:02:39.000)
know Alex has told us it's to give black people. That's right. Oh, yeah. Oh boy. Alex
Jordan (01:02:43.000)
is on board. Oh, Jesus. So
Dan (01:02:45.000)
he wants to take some calls. But he also wants to tell you about how he's not scared. He's like Bone Crusher. He's never scared.
Alex Jones (01:02:51.000)
He imagined tell the president his advisors. The stuff I say on her. Yes. You'll imagine when I've delivered the president. packets of info with all the proof. Talk about that's pretty cool. And nope. But what does that say? It says we're stretched scraggly. We it takes some crazy dude from Texas to do because everybody else is too scared. I'm scared to not do it. I mean, let these crazy people run everything. I mean, I'm doing this I'm scared. I'm not doing this because I'm on some power trip. Or I'm doing some you know, measuring contests and how long my tally Wagar as I'm doing this because I'm scared of these people. I just don't get rolling over to evil like that makes you say oh, the big bad wolf just came to my house and ate half my family. But if I pet him, he'll eat me last. You know what? I'm gonna kill the Big Bad Wolf.
Jordan (01:03:50.000)
That was not the moral of that story grovel.
Alex Jones (01:03:52.000)
Because of the Big Bad Wolf knew he came in our house. We were going to attack him he'd run but instead when the big bad wolf comes in. I used to watch when I was a kid like Friday the 13th and I was one of the people rubbed the woods and they see Jason they fall down and crawl and scream let him kill him. And I thought that's ridiculous. I would fight child follow my instincts. But I learned later No, the average man or woman would actually fall down to some guy with a machete to getting a rock or a stick and killing their ass or at least fighting. And I thought well, everybody's gonna like get a rock or a stick or fight this. Somebody pulls a machete on me. I'm gonna pick this table. I was smashed over their head, too. I'm not some badass. I'll just kill your ass. I mean, I don't understand this. But see. Everybody had the leader folks. Ever Most everybody else goes back to the movies. Oh, no. Kill me. No, please go. And that's why they get their ass kill. Yes, all I'm telling America and the world is this stop laying down. Stop kissing ass. Good people work with them work together. That's a great thing. But don't let them push that instinct to lay down a tear. Your phone calls are coming up. I'll say this. I need money to fight Ah wars, and you're the wind in my sails got products you need food back in stock.
Dan (01:05:04.000)
What the fuck man worse. Yeah. Scared long thing about fighting back against horror movie monsters
Jordan (01:05:13.000)
come out come out or I'll blow your house down and the first little Biggie shot him to death from his doorway.
Dan (01:05:20.000)
Parrot 30 Cow bill
Jordan (01:05:23.000)
by how's that? Uh, whatever the fuck I want.
Dan (01:05:27.000)
So Alex goes out to break there when he comes back. This is where it all falls apart this that was keeping it together. Comparative, okay, comparatively. That was totally
Jordan (01:05:39.000)
okay. All right,
Dan (01:05:40.000)
normally we're gonna play normally maybe I would spend more time on that, but I can't. Because Alex completely loses his shit
Alex Jones (01:05:48.000)
restaurants I've gone to since I was a baby
Jordan (01:05:51.000)
bluebies Those old ladies poor old ladies
Alex Jones (01:05:55.000)
in Louisville. Why is Trump being all confident? Because he knows if he isn't confident, we'll go into total depression. I'm talking about nothing at the store. We're like, I don't want to say this, folks. But I gotta be honest with you. It's about a 60% chance we go into total collapse. And I mean, power going off sometimes. I'm a baby starving to death. I mean, you ain't get your medicine. I mean, it's done. And I there's one thing I want to say and I'm out of vindictive person, but I'm not taking the blame. And America shouldn't take the blame.
Dan (01:06:29.000)
Why would anyone blame Alex? Why is his first thought to be like, Alright, there's a 60% chance that this whole thing is going down. And guess what? Not my fault probably
Jordan (01:06:38.000)
because somewhere along the line he realizes that it's all of the things that he championed that are going to make the collapse happen.
Dan (01:06:46.000)
I think on some subconscious level he have a feeling about that. Like,
Jordan (01:06:49.000)
oh, maybe whenever everybody does the stuff that I want to do, as we've seen over the past three years, we're all gonna die.
Dan (01:06:56.000)
Yeah, there might there might be some like part of his brain that's unaccessible to his conscious. Yeah, that is screaming that. Yeah. So 60% chance, total collapse. We get some more numbers in this next clip, and then Alex makes a confession that will rock the ages. Okay, this is something Tom Cruise. Hard. Okay. All right. This, this changes. Okay.
Alex Jones (01:07:22.000)
I'll go to your calls. But let me let's just go to your calls. I'll say it next segment. But
Alex Jones (01:07:32.000)
you understand it's not just rhetoric. When I tell you about the oppression Eagle look to surface off 90% of people lived in the country. About half of those were self sufficient. That's 45% of people were totally self sufficient. Today, it's 5% we have a collapse. Here's why I felt so sick. I'll admit it. I will eat my neighbor's. I'm not letting my kids die. I'm just gonna be honest. But my superpower is being honest.
Dan (01:08:14.000)
Alex will eat his neighbors. When pigs go bad, right? He will eat his neighbor. Someone
Jordan (01:08:19.000)
needs to send this broadcast to them quickly.
Dan (01:08:23.000)
Yeah, get out now. Get this to the neighborhood watch.
Jordan (01:08:27.000)
One of those neighborhood neighborhood apps where people talk to each other. If there's one thing that Alex
Dan (01:08:33.000)
shouldn't be concerned about, it's fucking food. Said he stalks his doomsday bunker with
Jordan (01:08:41.000)
the protein isn't meat. Protein isn't meat he
Dan (01:08:45.000)
shouldn't have any sort of feeling of like after you buy diapers, because he's number one sponsor is a survival food company. That He keeps talking about how he's ordered more and more food from them or
Dan (01:08:58.000)
he should be sat on the food, you know, no need to cannibal
Jordan (01:09:02.000)
he's had his eye on Chuck for a long time. It's time it makes time kind of makes you think it's just time to get it done. He's got that Holy
Dan (01:09:09.000)
shit. It's so fucked up. I'll tell I'll just be honest with you. I'll leave my neighbor's.
Jordan (01:09:15.000)
Thanks for being honest.
Dan (01:09:17.000)
So also Alex is making up numbers about the Great Depression again. Sure, according to the Library of Congress by 1900, the year 1900 30% of the US population had migrated to cities and we're living in areas you could call urban centers. I don't know if Alex expect people to believe that between 19 119 29 approximately two thirds of the urban population relocated back to rural areas, but either way he's just talking shit. According to 2018 data from Pew social trends, a majority of the US population lives in areas that would be qualified as suburban at this point. Yeah, rural population is approximately 14% at that point and urban comes in around 31%. According to Pew, one of the primary drivers of the higher level Have population in urban areas is immigration. Most of the time people who come to this country from another country aren't doing so to settle in rural Montana. Most of the time, they'll gravitate towards locations with the most job opportunities or places with at least some semblance of community that they can connect with, like people who share their country of origin or religious practices. Those things are not as likely to be found in rural areas as compared to urban ones. There are other variables but this is one big driver of urban and suburban population growth. It's not shared by rural areas. Anyway, Alex is just making things up but urban and rural areas as well as about the Great Depression, but good to know that he would eat his neighbor.
Jordan (01:10:35.000)
Yeah, I'll tell you my, my small town grown up did not have a Korea Town. So I don't think yeah,
Dan (01:10:41.000)
then people people like to part of larger assimilation is also the the entry entry ability. A lot of that is having people who have some sort of a shared identity with you, it makes it so much easier. Absolutely. And so that's one of the big drivers of like, you see larger growth in urban and suburban areas. So anyway, I don't really care, Alex's stupid, but I thought maybe he was just saying, like, I need my neighbors, and it was a throwaway thing. Nope. We're gonna go on along pretty serious about wanting to have a plan.
Alex Jones (01:11:15.000)
My superpower is being honest. I've extrapolated this out. Oh boy in half to for a few years. I got food and stuff. But I'm literally looking at my neighbors now going, ready to hang them up. Got them and scan them and chop them up. And you know when I'm ready. My daughters aren't starving to death. Holly my neighbors. See? My superpower is being honest. I'll eat your ass.
Jordan (01:11:39.000)
2020 is the year of eating guess that's traitor.
Alex Jones (01:11:43.000)
Is Have you thought about that yet? Because I'm somebody that thought I could fix this. And I'm starting to think about having to eat my neighbors. My neighbor, I'm gonna haul him up by chain and chop his ass up. I'll do it. My children aren't going hungry.
Dan (01:12:01.000)
Rob do should have tackled him long ago.
Jordan (01:12:05.000)
This is really stringy. You said you found this in the forest dead? Dead. Is this check is this chuck? Well, technically your superpower is being honest.
Dan (01:12:16.000)
Chuck the neighbor, ground chuck. Well, it is Groucho replaying me who's on first. All right. So I know we've heard Alex talk a lot in the past about how after 15 days of no food we all become cannibals but I don't think I've ever heard him discuss his willingness or dare I say enthusiasm to eat his neighbor's fantastical enthusiasm. It made me wonder. So I decided to look into cannibalism a little bit. And I've had two interesting bits of research on the subject that I think Alec should consider. Sure. The first came from a 2017 article in Time about research done by James Cole, the Senior Research Lecturer in anthropology at the University of Brighton, cool published a study in Nature that looked at the caloric content of a human body, like all the edible parts. Yeah. And it came to the conclusion that it seems unlikely that most of the historical instances of cannibalism were driven by a need for food, except in cases like the Donner party. Sure, part of the reason for this is that, as Cole put it, quote, the mental and physical effort to hunt a hominid would presumably be much greater given the hominins ability to fight Ron and think their way out of the hunt. what he's getting at is that compared to most any other source of food, the calories you would expend to eat a person would almost not be worth it from a nutritional perspective. It's a bad strategy, unless you literally have no other option. And even then you probably do have a better option you haven't considered like various wild plants.
Jordan (01:13:35.000)
So what you're saying is that he has come to the scientific conclusion that man is the most dangerous game
Dan (01:13:41.000)
or the most calorie intensive. Yeah. Yeah, you'd be like most of the time, like any kind of cannibalism was more ritualistic.
Jordan (01:13:50.000)
or somebody's already dead? Conceivably. Yeah.
Dan (01:13:53.000)
The second article I found was pretty interesting. It was in the sun discussing a recent study published in the Journal of Forensic Science, researchers profiled five cases of people who practice cannibalism and found that they had some interesting commonalities. Essentially, what they found was the people who ended up eating other people are pretty consistently either severely schizophrenic, or they're survivors of intensely dysfunctional childhoods. And in the case of two case studies, quote, feelings of humiliation seemed to be the trigger and both patients assaulted their victims at a time when they suffered a loss of self esteem. Hmm, granted, Alex isn't actually eating anyone right now, but he's talking about being cool with doing so right at a point when he seems to be suffering a bit of a loss of self esteem. I do hear I do think he's being serious. I found that thread to be troubling. From the sun article, quote, in the cases of cannibalism, and patients who suffered from schizophrenia, the researchers found there was a history of emotional friction and hostility in their parent child relationships. The academics concluded the schizophrenic ones performed cannibalism as a very extreme reaction of self defense to a threat of destruction. physical or psychological? Wow. For the ones with a personality disorder, cannibalism boosted their self esteem and relieve tension. Quote, ego and narcissism are the central issue with a desire to overcome deep rooted frustrations by means of an extraordinary act. It kind of sounds like if you take if you just replace, actually eating people and talking about eating people, it's that same thing what Alex is, is looking for. He's looking to overcome deep rooted frustration. He feels this seems like an extreme reaction of self defense to a threat of destruction, physical or psychological. It's, I would assume he has some hostile hostility in his parent child relationship. Oh, you think? You know, so what does all this mean? I don't know. Maybe nothing. Or maybe I totally believe it when Alex says that he'd be fine. One of the two.
Jordan (01:15:50.000)
This is one of the few times where I'm really bummed out that your research is, is pretty good, because I was really hoping that this was kind of a tough talk kind of situation. But now that he fits the profile, I don't like that at all. Not like that at all. Until you cleared season of man hunter. It's about Alex Jones,
Dan (01:16:08.000)
he would say that everything is about him. Yeah, that's true. To be clear, I don't think Alex is going to eat anybody. But I think that the mental state that he's presenting does seem to follow at least some of the superficial characteristics in these studies, which is not great, in some
Jordan (01:16:23.000)
ways, just being like, I wouldn't even say I would eat a person unless I was being very obviously funny about it.
Dan (01:16:31.000)
I wouldn't say it. Wouldn't do it probably in maybe that's just because I'm a picky eater. You know, I hated that. That coconut lime.
Jordan (01:16:42.000)
Eating things off of bones. No, it really bums you out. Yeah, that'd be way worse. A femur?
Dan (01:16:47.000)
Yeah, definitely. So I probably wouldn't have looked into that stuff. If it wasn't like he talks about it for a long time. Really? Yeah. Oh, boy.
Alex Jones (01:16:57.000)
I will eat your ash. That's why I want the globalist to know. I will eat your ass first. You're not gonna. Bonkers. We're gonna get you out of those holes. Do you make us eat up the limitation? I'm running. Oh, get in there. God, if the last thing I do, I'm gonna get my hands around your throat. And you know that that's why you're gonna eat your ass. You should have thought about that. When you turn down Christ a long time ago.
Dan (01:17:25.000)
I was just gonna keep the globalists because they didn't accept Jesus
Jordan (01:17:27.000)
Christ, Lord and say hi, I remember that. I remember the letter to the Thessalonians. I do remember that where it was like, Look, you guys don't accept Christ. We're gonna eat your ass. That's just the rule. It's just a rule. Jesus told me
Dan (01:17:41.000)
this is so
Jordan (01:17:42.000)
weird. Turn your asses other cheek so I can eat it. This
Dan (01:17:46.000)
is the weirdest thing I've ever heard on this show. A protracted rant about how it starts with I'm going to eat my neighbors in order to keep my children alive. And I'm going to dig out the globalists and I'm going to eat them first.
Jordan (01:18:03.000)
Now this I'm gonna be honest, this is starting to sound less about sustenance. I'm gonna be straight with you. Yeah, I think this isn't about food. Yeah, I think he's got food. So I gotta
Dan (01:18:17.000)
I don't like I understand he's being like a showman and being over the top and what have you but I also don't think he's joking.
Alex Jones (01:18:24.000)
Do you think Christ would eat somebody he would never do that. I will
Alex Jones (01:18:33.000)
say that was a metaphysical hypothetical, but it's it's really not and let's just let's just get past the jokes here.
Jordan (01:18:41.000)
Yes, let's get past that. That's what I was
Alex Jones (01:18:44.000)
actuary and government study from South Africa United States to Germany to Russia to Japan to South America. shows in about seven days. Almost everyone commits murder for food. Within 14 days almost everyone resorted to cannibalism or commit suicide. Now I would commit suicide before I did that but what children are my weak place? A barbecue yo ass flat. I will eat you
Jordan (01:19:33.000)
oh my god, I got that nice little sting right at the little stay just like I will. I Willie. i Let's get past the jokes. I want you to know I will barbecue your S slack. I will eat you
Dan (01:19:53.000)
so ridiculous. Okay. Also, people who have gone on hunger strikes, gone without food for much longer than 14 I was just making that up because he's stupid nuance to justify his fantasies about eating his enemies which is an interesting new low for Yeah I gotta say
Jordan (01:20:09.000)
as he never seen the show Naked and Afraid they're out there for two or three weeks every time and they never
Dan (01:20:14.000)
resort to cannibalism it's that's a good counter example I'd be interested to see his source on this like 14 Day cannibalism thing and him just rattling off countries and saying the word actuary isn't going to do it so like a great diet
Jordan (01:20:26.000)
14 Day cannibal
Dan (01:20:30.000)
dumped out so he's not done?
Jordan (01:20:32.000)
Of course not
Alex Jones (01:20:33.000)
all your spirit cookers act all tough all day. Now you're doing your old satanic rituals drinking blood stuff. Outbreak your blood you understand? I will hang your ass up and cut you into cutlets like a filet mignon and grill yo ass before I watch my daughter starve to death. See now you took society and civilization as if it was some joke you could pass on all day to you understand you unleash the animal wants you to you unleash the beast and you're not the beast. I don't claim I'm the most tough guy around but compared to you. Compared to you, I am Godzilla on steroids.
Jordan (01:21:14.000)
See workout, but just
Alex Jones (01:21:15.000)
for the courts and everything. I'm joking around here. I'm not Canadian, anybody.
Jordan (01:21:22.000)
That's not legally speaking. According to the letter of the law, I do have to tell you I will not eat somebody parenthesis will totally eat somebody
Dan (01:21:37.000)
talking about how thrilled I am to eat people for about 15 minutes now but for the courts. Ha ha ha
Jordan (01:21:43.000)
ha That is the eating people version of if I did it.
Dan (01:21:49.000)
So now Alex is presenting this in like a really cowardly way even in this stupid hypothetical, because he's saying like, I would only do this to feed my children. Sure. Which also raises the question for me. You're gonna make your kids be countable? Of course, that's fucked up.
Jordan (01:22:05.000)
Yeah. And so you just got to say don't eat people. I'm gonna eat them too. Well, he
Dan (01:22:09.000)
discusses his plan to feed people.
Alex Jones (01:22:14.000)
Because like I said, if it came down to me alone, I starve to death before I did it. Sure. Well, my babies come into the equation. I will cook your ass up so fast. And I'll tell him well, I killed a cow back baby. Here it is because my babies ain't gonna die for your crap. Your failure. I will eat your leftist ash like corn on the cob.
Jordan (01:22:37.000)
God, I say that in bed all the time. Your left is as like corn on the cob baby. Different different tones. A little different. A little different zone.
Dan (01:22:48.000)
I can't imagine like, I don't know. I mean, it's such a it's such a shame that things from his show can't be used in court. No, because like, I can't imagine how easily you could win custody. If you just played a tape of I will feed them there and tell. Tell my children. It's bathing your honor.
Jordan (01:23:07.000)
He promised to lie to his children and make them eat people. And he was not joking.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.000)
He said he wasn't joking. Exactly. Well, for the well legally for the courts courts. He
Jordan (01:23:18.000)
did say it's all. Your Honor. I would like you to strike that from the record seeing is how it's obviously bullshit. Yeah. Wow. So we've been eating out of these food buckets for three years now. And suddenly you just say you found a cow in the backyard? We don't have
Dan (01:23:37.000)
that what a stroke of a stray cow just wandering in the backyard. Was it Brandon? No. Also it was Brandon. If he has two years worth of food or whatever, the only people who are going to be left after that point are also going to be pretty hardcore survivors at that point. He's not going to be able to find easy pickins to get
Jordan (01:23:56.000)
out of here. He's keeping his neighbor in the freezer. He's prepared ready and waiting for this day.
Dan (01:24:01.000)
I could I could see that actually. Whoo. Now I'm sad. So a little bit earlier he touched on this theme of like the globalists on the spirit cookers like they took society as like a joke but really what was going on was real man were restraining themselves because they knew the monsters that lived inside course
Alex Jones (01:24:20.000)
you want to worship Satan well guess what? You're about to meet sophomores you dumb sacks of crap. You've been pissing on civilization your whole life not knowing it's men held it up. It was savages held it up because we knew how bad we were
Jordan (01:24:36.000)
savages held up civilization.
Alex Jones (01:24:39.000)
But now you demand pull the fist out and just shove it in your teeth. So good. Before I'll sit there and live off starving Latin Americans and Africans. What before God I'll eat one of these gloveless Oh, performance artists like they say Alex Jones who knows?
Jordan (01:25:05.000)
Now no
Jordan (01:25:11.000)
Jesus, I mean, next week I will be taking a computer chip out of a homeless man eating him. You think I'm not real?
Dan (01:25:19.000)
Yeah, I mean worth what a segment that is what an embarrassing fucking sad
Jordan (01:25:26.000)
is. That is legendary. That is that is the stuff of legend. Yeah, I
Dan (01:25:33.000)
mean, good good call on his part a couple of times calling out like Haha, no one takes me seriously Sure. But also boo because he also throughout says I'm not joking. No, I'm
Jordan (01:25:46.000)
going to eat very much not joking. Wild.
Dan (01:25:49.000)
So in the case of a collapse, right avoid Alex Yes. Good call. Yes. Good call. If you have like a little community, like some self sustaining community mutual aid kind of situation. Don't let him mean he's going to eat you.
Jordan (01:26:03.000)
This is this is every movie where they're the post apocalyptic movie. We got the band of good people going in there and then they see that nice little house. Alex's Little House in the country. He's got his family in there and they're like, Oh, we've got plenty of food to share with you. Yep. Oh giant black pot in the background stirring carrots and shit.
Dan (01:26:25.000)
So that was fucked up. But kind of funny. Pretty funny. Very funny. Pretty fucking funny. Not indicative of a great headspace perhaps I would say like I described it kind of a new low for him talking because like there are people who take him seriously and they're like oh maybe cannibalism is justifiable in certain circumstances and like okay guys,
Jordan (01:26:49.000)
tell Naka went straight to calls after that
Dan (01:26:52.000)
he's not really because he comes back and he starts crying because he starts thinking about all the abortions that he's paid for sure as sure and like this is this is a real jarring swing of emotions from Hey globalist I'm gonna dig you out of your holes and eat you yeah to this
Alex Jones (01:27:15.000)
I've warned everybody and I'm I'm gonna have to go into selfish mode. And it's it's I feel guilty every time I'm around my children that I'm not building some armored Ridout because the globalist are building armored fortresses because they know what they've done and like there's a there's a genetic selfishness where I'm just like constantly like I have dreams about in a way it is run run go to Northern Canada just get out Jones Get out now. Because I love my children you're right sons off my son's great, but I've just he's a son I don't even worry about it. But my daughters I'll have nightmares about my daughters I just constantly worry about them. And and I think you're a bad father I just I've tried to save the whole thing and I you tried to save it I don't know if he can save any of it folks. I gotta tell you and then God tells me how many kids did you kill Jones you probably killed 1520 kids you know that before what's and so now you know that's comes back on the ones that made it son because when I know when I die spirits are real. I'm gonna have to sit there I can't wait actually to make these incredible people I I mean, I would be tortured for 1000 years for one of the children I know. I would do anything for them. And I can't imagine the children that I supported being chopped up and butchered that I never knew that I destroyed all that wealth, all that power, everything and instead the last big joke out of it kill their own children
Alex Jones (01:29:17.000)
knowing how the universe works, you think you kill your children and you don't get destroyed? You think you let some doctor vacuum out your child's brain or chop your daughter or son up and then you don't then diet I mean, just think about how the universe works. You never get away with Shin because he reports your show
Dan (01:29:41.000)
you got to get off air man. Oh, oh, you gotta you gotta go there. You can't you can't do like you can't you can't do an entire segment about how excited and willing you are to eat people and then that like I don't I don't honestly believe I think he was Hamming that up a little bit, but I do You believe there's some sincere emotions somewhere like that we're being played up yeah. Like he's this is a fucking pendulum man he is. This is not like appropriate No, no, this is it almost feels voyeuristic watching this his show at this point. It almost feels like we're seeing something we shouldn't Yeah. And yeah gross
Jordan (01:30:24.000)
yeah this is this is somebody I I want to be in the room. Not that not the room with him I want to be behind glass and hopefully one injection room reinforced and I would like to be wearing an anti cannibalism suit. But God let's imagine looking around at the people next to you just like are we We're just going to do this. We're just gonna watch this. I imagine let's get some popcorn then. I
Dan (01:30:53.000)
don't know I imagine sitting there as he gets into his cannibalism chunk. And you're thinking, Oh, no,
Jordan (01:30:59.000)
this is great stuff.
Dan (01:31:00.000)
No, you're thinking this isn't good. And you're like, oh, maybe he's gonna get off the topic. Maybe it's just a strike but it keeps going and you're like holy shit. It gets to commercial like dodged a bullet that didn't get too bad. comes back from break gets into what are we doing? Someone needs to stop him like someone who cares needs to stop him there is no one this is this is embarrassing. It's it's gross. Yep. So anyway, he realizes he's got to go to calls. And sure sure he preface is going to call us with about the best thing you could say after this. I don't want to talk about cannabis and I'm not talking about what I've said there's
Alex Jones (01:31:36.000)
real crap folks. Right down to who you are and what you stand for forever. Because that's all that ever matters. Joe in New Jersey, go ahead. Sorry for making the old
Dan (01:31:52.000)
what an awkward throw to call is like let's not talk about anything I've said here. Let's let's pretend that didn't happen.
Jordan (01:32:00.000)
Hi, I'm Joe from New Jersey Alex quick question Would you eat me? I will take my answer off air.
Dan (01:32:06.000)
So Alex talk to this Joe character and it's whatever but he starts rambling about the end of the world sure everyone's
Alex Jones (01:32:12.000)
rushing out of the cities everyone's that's why they did this is they're losing they had this big beautiful plan but let me tell you, as the Bible says but on even without the Bible I've seen the projection it's exactly as Revelation says they're gonna they're gonna race and fight us and look like to overcome us right at the end. Just so Satan can be defeated. Turn the music off. Instantly my brother I love you beautiful call our I'll try to just take balls and come back. I'm sorry
Dan (01:32:49.000)
boy just gonna ride that out and this other direction. This time. Just gonna ride that carbon out of control. So yeah, it's it's interesting. He gets to talk in here. In this next clip about Paul Paul Joseph Watson. Okay. And Paul is doing his own thing and Alex is fucking happy for a man Sure.
Alex Jones (01:33:20.000)
Apprentices does his own thing. The thing about apprentices are children. Things that long after you're gone, they come back a show we're gonna
Dan (01:33:38.000)
show. So Paul is taken over in the next hour and I gotta say something he's not. This is still the second hour. Oh, God. Alex has a whole nother hour to go, man. It seems like he's losing his shit. Particularly in the second hour. Yeah, lately. Yeah. It's thinking the show is it's not. I still as other hours.
Jordan (01:33:58.000)
I think the show is ending but in a larger set. Yes. Yes,
Dan (01:34:01.000)
it does feel that way wheels fully off the wagon. So Alex gets to talk in some more about this. The world is starving narrative that he's on. And I think that he's right in some ways, and then wrong and some others
Alex Jones (01:34:16.000)
as nationalist as Christians as conservatives, as evil White man, we need to come out and say it's wrong to starve Africans and Latin Americans and Asians to death. We don't support that. And it's Trump's total trump card. I mean, the prompt just comes out and goes, the UN says 133 million are starving to death right now. You're racist. If you don't stop this, it all ends. And I advise the President on this last week I advise him on it this morning through multiple sources, both asleep and they are response was we're gonna kill you. Alas, I'm like, okay, great. Dude, I can't live. I mean, imagine all those babies in Africa and Latin America. He didn't say overpopulated Navajo populated? Are you going to pull the trigger and bother heads off? When little kids begging for food and dying? I mean, just come on, man. We're not doing this. It's not in my DNA. And that's the real world pull up the articles like a PSA. 133 million people starving now, it's 33 million last week. I mean, there's not a million dead worldwide from this virus, but millions are dying. Why do we have 265 million starving? Sorry, it's gone up.
Dan (01:35:34.000)
So the part that I agree with him right about and he's right is the patriots and nationalists and Christians and evil White man should very much care. That'd be great about this. So I applaud that. Yes. If that's if that's the only thing you're bringing to the table. Unfortunately, everything else he's talking about is wrong and genuine. Well, yeah, it's not. Yeah, so that 255 million number is not a new development. It's just from the same Guardian article he's been citing on this story the whole time. He's never read it, though. I can tell that the article is published on April 21. And it warns that due to the crisis, we're in now, quote, at least 265 million are being pushed to the brink of starvation. All experts on the topic agree that the two most essential things needed to stop the looming catastrophe is money and access, we can all donate and try to make a difference that way. Or we can pressure our government to take threats seriously, and provide funding to organizations that are on the ground helping people beyond that these people who are the aid workers need access, they need to be able to cross borders to get the assistance to the people who need it. The essential message of this article, which chiefly quotes Beasley the head of the UN World Food Programme, is that quote, we can stop this becoming a world a widespread famine, that we need to act quickly and smartly. That's the bottom line. So we're fucked. This article was published under the Global Development Initiative at The Guardian. And if you actually read the article, there's a little icon that says supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The content is editorially independent, but the only reason a lot of this reporting that Alex is relying on to build his completely nonsensical and exploitative narratives exists. The only reason it exists is because of money donated by the very people. He's trying to paint as the arch villains who are trying to starve the developing world. So again, I say, take this problem seriously. But don't for a second think that Alex gives a single shit about this. These people are props to him, and he'll gladly yell about their deaths to make his political point. But he wouldn't do one inconvenient thing to help them out. So again, very serious issue. And I'm glad that Alex is bringing it up that other people are bringing it up. I guess I'm not glad he's bringing it up, because he's just using it.
Jordan (01:37:39.000)
Yeah. I mean, even then, his his hero, his Messiah, as he puts it, is able to do this at any time, and is only going to use it as a trump card, if he needs to. Wow suggests that he doesn't need to, he would never ever do it. And this is the good guy.
Dan (01:37:58.000)
He's saying the trump card is accusing people of being racist if they don't help, because he Alex believes that accusations of racism are like magic bullets or something. Sure, sure. Sure if that's more what he's saying. But I mean, it does imply that Trump could unilaterally take care of all of this if you wanted to. And I'm not sure that that's 100% True, but he certainly could do a whole lot.
Jordan (01:38:17.000)
I'm not sure it's 100%. Or it's not even like mostly true.
Dan (01:38:20.000)
I am not entirely like I'm not an expert in these issues. But I do know that there's more we could be doing. Oh, yeah. So anyway, Alex gets a call now. And this is a bad call.
Alex Jones (01:38:32.000)
Hunter and Michigan. Thanks for holding. You're on here, sir. Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.000)
Mr. Jones,
Alex Jones (01:38:37.000)
it's a pleasure to speak with you. Pleasure to speak to you, brother. What's on your mind?
Unknown Speaker (01:38:41.000)
I'm just wondering, do you think we're gonna survive this tyranny?
Alex Jones (01:38:46.000)
No, we're gonna die. Cool.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:49.000)
Well, me and my buddy,
Alex Jones (01:38:51.000)
our spirits brother live on. So what matters is our consciousness. Hold on to that.
Dan (01:38:56.000)
So earlier, when he was talking to the earth, he was speaking extemporaneously. He was talking about how when there's nothing left to lose, someone could take out 15 5g towers. And now this caller is asking him if we're going to survive, and he says no, so none of us have anything left to lose. It seems that way. It seems like if you put these two pieces of information or rhetoric that he's putting out on this episode, you're left with the conclusion that would none of us have anything left to lose. And so when this caller discusses what he really wants to talk about with Alex, this sounds like a terrorist planning session.
Caller 1 (426) (01:39:32.000)
Me and my buddy. He just got an AR we're ready to protest littler again this time. 30
Alex Jones (01:39:39.000)
Plus beautiful. Yes, well, we survived this journey. Your Spirit totally survived but your spirit has free will. So you have to point it the way you want to go and I'm not telling you something you don't know Hunter. coachways your soul pointed on her
Unknown Speaker (01:40:00.000)
towards the Lord.
Alex Jones (01:40:01.000)
Damn right brother.
Dan (01:40:04.000)
That seems Zoo. Yeah, it seems like a little bit of code kind of Yeah, yeah. And I know that like I've even made this point that just bringing a gun to a protest isn't necessarily a terrorist act but the way he's talking about we me and my buddy bought AR fifteens to go to this protest Yeah, that is a different kind of vibe that I'm getting from that color
Unknown Speaker (01:40:28.000)
Dan (01:40:29.000)
I don't know I'm not I could be over sensitive on it but it just it's very fucked up. It feels fucked up.
Jordan (01:40:36.000)
Yeah, I the the comparisons are like between leftist rallies and protests where the cops fuck up people for just wearing a mask and then you look at these protests and you see them in full fucking decked out to be fair they're not wearing masks a well a lot of them are but their fucking gas masks and shit like that are
Dan (01:40:59.000)
wearing masks and how old anxiety
Jordan (01:41:02.000)
Yeah, exactly. But part of the difference in treatment is obviously race and and ideology and whether or not the cops are fascists, but another part of it is that these guys do seem like they are in the brink of murdering a shit ton of people and all apparently Yeah, apparently. Apparently that's the new wrinkle. So there is the massive threat of force that will change the way that they are treated at these these protests.
Dan (01:41:25.000)
It does seem that way. Yeah. So Alex takes a break from calls because he wants to put a picture of his daughter up on screen, which is fucked up.
Jordan (01:41:37.000)
I'm gonna ducks my daughter. Yeah, they shit. Then
Dan (01:41:40.000)
he starts crying talking about her. Oh,
Alex Jones (01:41:42.000)
God's invisible. You look at the sun, the sky. Fingerprints are all foreign. When you look at your children. Everything is good. You see God's fingerprints. You see God right there. Look at this as my little daughter out here. You know, these are the times when the enemy comes in and all that sort of years ago. So perfect. So pure. God shines through her like a stained glass window. I just turned my children over to them. Because you didn't lie to yourself all day long. You joined the New World Water man. You just turned your kids over to hell. And they're so innocent. They're so good and they're so pure. And they just want to understand the universe. Look up here she is looking at us. And some will say Oh, you put your daughter on air you make her a target. She's already a target. What she's already under attack by evil just like every child on this planet. Because she can see God. She has innocence. And they want to corrupt that they want to steal that one I want that to happen. Go home.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.000)
Hey Dad stop this said
Jordan (01:43:06.000)
first I want to say thank you for ordering pizza. Really good. Second is this Maroney humans on your show today? You said you were gonna feed me people and then you put my picture up on screen. So could you never do that again? Or ever be on your show again? Please stop. I saw
Dan (01:43:24.000)
within like an hour. Yes. Doing this diatribe about cannibalism. I'm crying about his daughter while showing a picture of her like it's yeah, this. This can't stand like this is not okay. No, no number of different levels.
Jordan (01:43:38.000)
It's really incomprehensible. Yeah. And yet in 2020 it makes so much sense. I guess it really kind of does. Why wouldn't somebody be screaming about cannibalism on the radio? Well, it seems almost silly that it hasn't that part I'm
Dan (01:43:51.000)
thrilled with I guess it does indicate that the Overton window has shifted for Alex to an almost incomprehensible
Jordan (01:43:59.000)
stay beyond the pale at least Yeah, but I
Dan (01:44:03.000)
if I had to choose this last part here where he's crying and talking about his daughter. Yeah, or him talking about Cannibalism. Cannibalism every time. Yeah. At least that's kind of interesting and funny. This is sad and doesn't belong on public. Absolutely. No. Absolutely. And it's exploitative of his own children. And she that makes me
Jordan (01:44:22.000)
uncomfortable on her behalf. Did he ask permission to put her picture up? I doubt it.
Dan (01:44:27.000)
I don't know that. I mean, I can't say yes or no, because he does say for sure, but it seems to be implied that he just did it. Yeah. Anyway, that's fucked. Alex goes to another caller that I feel like he's trying to prod on to do illegal things. Yeah.
Jordan (01:44:43.000)
Alex, would you eat me?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.000)
Brother Alex. God bless you, sir and the crew.
Alex Jones (01:44:48.000)
I appreciate you Carlos. Go ahead. Yes, sir.
Caller 2 (426) (01:44:50.000)
As as usual, you are on target. This is a fight between good and evil sir. This is a spiritual war which we are where We're fighting it on many levels, but we're not fighting it spiritually. Alex, you say yourself you are a channel well, I am a channel as well, sir. I've been given information on how to combat this. I need Infowars as hell to also combat this on a different level. Yes, sir. Well, one of my best friends he's a third year Army vet, Pentecostal pastor. I got all the Pentecostals ready. This summer. I can't really get on over the air because I don't like telling the enemy. What I'm going to do them.
Jordan (01:45:33.000)
Sir, you kind of just did those.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:36.000)
I got a cousin
Alex Jones (01:45:37.000)
everybody always over bland said they always never gonna do it. We're always waiting to launch the perfect plan.
Dan (01:45:42.000)
Wow. That's almost like him being like, you coward. You have this plan. You're not gonna. Oh, no. Yeah. No, that's not good. Oh, man. Yeah,
Jordan (01:45:52.000)
you guys, you guys don't even know. I'm the butt of the spear here. And it is and I'm going to tell you that you're never going to do that shit a
Dan (01:45:59.000)
dumbass. I'm the champion of talking shit. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I'm gonna bring that into my house and I'm going to respect it. Get the fuck out of here. So this same caller brings up that his sister was possessed by a demon. Sure. And Alex deals with the bout as well as you can.
Caller 2 (426) (01:46:15.000)
Two days from now is the one year anniversary of my father's death. Okay, now I have a sister who is under demonic possession. My father suffered for exactly 28 weeks and two days and I know that number because that's another story. We can get into it. God willing one time. But everything I've saw during my father's suffering is going on right now in the world.
Alex Jones (01:46:41.000)
Now you're right as above so below Carlos. God bless you. I appreciate your call, man. All right, Nick, in California, another call from California. Go ahead. And that dudes
Dan (01:46:49.000)
call was not done. He was not he did not really made his point, Alex just like, Oh, my hang up on this guy. That's a good. I don't want to talk about your demon possession stories. Oh, boy. That's my job. Not yours. Yeah, I know. It's bullshit. So I can say it
Jordan (01:47:04.000)
exactly. You can. You are very serious about demon. And that is an issue for me. And I just said I was going to eat people.
Dan (01:47:13.000)
So Alex goes to this next caller have that on my show. Now the next caller has a dumb point. But then he uses Infowars in a way that I remember people using it back in the earlier days, I remember back and when we've listened to older episodes, people would call in and be like, Hey, can I promote my blog? Can I promote my new CD? I feel like this caller is like really doing the archetype of Infowars callers from the past.
Caller 2 (426) (01:47:37.000)
And I have one more thing too. There's the president real quick. Go ahead. The second, I have a patent for devices that reflect better temporary devices. And you remember the gas can with the gas muscle that you said that doesn't work these devices work that will save lives and we can bring back manufacturing, just on this one first step that 1000 A mile march to bring back temporary devices. I
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.000)
emailed him. Nick Mattia, on his White House email several times, if he was a
Alex Jones (01:48:01.000)
maniac information, God bless you. All right, let's live post college where I get all the Trump.
Dan (01:48:08.000)
So he's now like, instead of promoting your CD, or whatever he now is like, you can get an invention you have President
Jordan (01:48:16.000)
one 800 invention or whatever it is.
Dan (01:48:20.000)
I mean, they're both delusional, like Infowars being an outlet for your new album is sure ridiculous. But it's equally ridiculous that, hey, I'm going to call into Infowars. And the President is going to hear about my patent that's gonna save manufacturing in America.
Jordan (01:48:34.000)
I that's all I needed to hear.
Dan (01:48:36.000)
So Alex gets another color, and it's a woman who is scared. She's a little bit upset. Sure. I don't really care to get into any of the content of it. But Alex's response is really weird.
Alex Jones (01:48:48.000)
You're upset. That's a normal thing. Show your early warning system you care. So you're upset. I don't want you to be well, I'm the same way. But that's great to hear your voice trembling. And that's like the alarm like a woman concerned is like powerful. I just feel powerful. Hearing your voice concerned. That's like a bell that you ring that Sonny? The men will respond. Do you see that?
Dan (01:49:18.000)
Yeah, yeah, I feel it. People Oh, that's really weird. That's
Jordan (01:49:23.000)
That's creepy.
Dan (01:49:25.000)
I hear a scared woman and it gives me power.
Jordan (01:49:27.000)
That's that's the phrasing on that is and Yeah. I love eating the acid scared women. I'll tell you that right now.
Dan (01:49:35.000)
It gives you power. It
Jordan (01:49:36.000)
gives you so much power. Yeah,
Dan (01:49:37.000)
that's, that's a really strange thing to hear. I think I understand what he's trying to say. I think so too. You know, like you get the adrenaline to come to people's aid or someone in in crisis if you can help them. You know, like, all the archetypal archetypical stories of people lifting up cars. Sure, sure, sure I get someone dislodged. Whatever. I think that's what he's trying to say. But it first of all is very sexist. Yeah. And second, he doesn't know how to speak. No, because it sounds like I gained power from scared women. Yeah,
Jordan (01:50:11.000)
it does seem. It does seem like he's trying to like references chivalrous bullshit. Yes, I hear a woman in danger and I become so powerful to save her and to
Dan (01:50:22.000)
say, like, I'm not worried about my son, but I'm worried about my daughter. That's all that same because women
Jordan (01:50:27.000)
can protect themselves when they need to be infantilized and put in a little box somewhere so they're safe.
Dan (01:50:32.000)
Yeah. So also on this episode, Alex interviews Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit, but I don't care. I found it incredibly boring. Sure. So we have one last clip, and it's Alex signing off. And he did not get to the collar as he expected to. And this includes one of the saddest lamest sales pitches you'll ever hear this side of the Mississippi.
Alex Jones (01:50:54.000)
All right, I'm sorry to bring them to Mike. I gotta go get their name and number. We'll call him back tomorrow. And I appreciate you to come on the show them. And we find ourselves the products of Infowars We won't stay here yet. Plus a great products who knows along here and get him to suggest she got them? Well. These are the times that try men's souls that says we're on a planet and deep space folks. Don't think we just live here and like be in peace. Now. There's, there's bad stuff, but God's given us a way to counter it, and deal with it. So Paul Joseph Watson's taken over News If you don't share those links in articles, who will? Who will?
Dan (01:51:31.000)
Wow. Yeah, I mean, the sales pitch of like, good products, who knows how long you'll be able to get them so you might as well get them. He that's
Jordan (01:51:40.000)
Jimmy Carson set an end date for Jimmy. Johnny Carson set an end date.
Dan (01:51:47.000)
There's a lot of late night hosts, ya
Jordan (01:51:48.000)
know, there's tons. And you know, you had a whole couple of weeks of just looking back at his career, you had real softball interviews, everybody, everybody celebrated his career. The last week of
Dan (01:52:00.000)
Conan was just going over the top. Lashing out.
Jordan (01:52:05.000)
Of course, yeah, they had Robert smuggle a lot. They let him have free rein like the same person that he is. Yeah. But just talks about capitalism is not how you go. This is not how you go up. That's all I'm saying. It's not a classy move.
Dan (01:52:20.000)
I would say not classy, sir. Yeah. If you do after flame out, I do definitely appreciate the symbolism talk. I mean, when I heard that, I thought, I don't even know how to like, I can't tell you how much I was laughing while I was just like, this guy. Pocket guy. Like what it started, I thought like, this just kept going. I've listened to Alex every day for three years, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe that someone wasn't like, Oh, hey, Alex, this is too much. This is too much. You are going on and on about brutally murdering your neighbors. And sure I'm writing a globalist on a stake there is that it's too much and
Jordan (01:53:08.000)
that might be a bit hot.
Dan (01:53:12.000)
Couldn't believe it? And then when he got off the topic and came back to it and talked about feeding his kids and saying it's beef. Like it's just like
Unknown Speaker (01:53:21.000)
Jordan (01:53:22.000)
This is honestly this is a little bit how I want Alex throwbacks last Jeopardy episode. I think that would be the like, and now your daily double.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:33.000)
I'm sorry, cannibalism,
Jordan (01:53:35.000)
I'm sorry. What's about to happen to you?
Dan (01:53:37.000)
Sorry. The answer is what is.
Dan (01:53:45.000)
So, little boy, no one expected Alex to deal with the ideas of his own shows mortality. gracefully, and I guess we just couldn't imagine that. This would be the vibe
Jordan (01:53:58.000)
is still still surprising. still surprised? I
Dan (01:54:01.000)
gotta say, what's next? If we're here now, what Wednesday's show like.
Jordan (01:54:13.000)
This is like one of those old relationships are like, how do you guys stay together for so long? You know, because they can still surprise me. They know that we just, it's a new adventure every day.
Dan (01:54:23.000)
I almost feel like Wednesday's show is gonna be the most boring normal thing. I've had to kind of be so dysplastic bait, but we'll see. And we'll be back Jordan, but until then we have a website. We do have a website. It's not That's right. So you can go to knowledge To find out more seltzers keep up with the year the
Jordan (01:54:38.000)
Celtics. That's right. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at analogizes go right now go to bed Jordan. We're
Dan (01:54:43.000)
also on Facebook. And we are and if you liked
Jordan (01:54:47.000)
the show, please go to iTunes rate, really review Patreon. And if you would like please donate to a local charity of your choice indeed.
Dan (01:54:53.000)
We'll be back but until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm DCX Clark. I'm the author of the book of Jose
Alex Jones (01:54:59.000)
Andy In Kansas you're on the air Thanks for holding Well Alex I'm a first time caller I'm a huge fan I love your work