InfoWars Roulette 2
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Today, Dan and Jordan abandon knowing anything ahead of time and listen to random InfoWars videos and see what happens. Does David Knight sneak his dirty ass into the show? Do the hosts get sidetracked by the glitter of InfoWars? Tune in to find out.
- First episode with Dan? Dan!, "I only know what you tell me about Alex", and Jordan following along with the donor drop
- Episode about Tucker and Alex sucked, closed it down, switched to Infowars Roulette
- Surprise! It's David Knight
- Socialist Beauty Queen AOC channels Ms South Carolina
- Give Texas back to Mexico
- AOC wants to open the borders
- What the Fuck Congress
- Random skipping in a video winds up in a plug
- Alex does a video review
- Alex is a misogynist and refuses to sell out
- Alex Epic Reaction
- Alex does a video review of Brian Stelter talking about Alex's July 4 Civil War narrative
- Alex calls himself out on stopping the video a lot
- Dan equates Civil War to Jade Helm
- Alex admits to having 15 Facebook pages
- Why is Mueller Targeting Roger Stone
- Roger pushes that indictments are not proven, so he's innocent
- Did Rudy Giuliani do an InfoWars plug, or was it an impersonator?
- Mueller can't prove Guccifer 2.0 is Russian
- Roger wants to counter-indict Rosenstein
- Roger doesn't say the word "shit"
- It's basically a wrestling promo
- Jordan rejects "The Stone Zone"
- Dan knows a comic who was on Stone Zone often
- Proud Boy Rufio Panman Exposes Violence of Antifa
- Alex interviews Rufio
- They talk about being in fights and it's clear neither of them have ever been in a fight
- Alex wants to hit women
- Proud Boys have the ability to do mid-punch situational analysis
- David Knight interviews Ammon Bundy about the Hammond pardon
- David Knight talked to New Jersey Weed Man
- Alex talks about Sacha Baron Cohen trying to catch him for Who Is America
- Sacha Baron Cohen is the king of fake news as well as main stream media
- Showtime is designed to target InfoWars
- Owen Shroyer roasts a video of a protest and shits the bed
- Alex has let the trademark for Super Male Vitality lapse
- Alex has filed trademarks for Honor Roll and Firepower Radio
Notable Bits
- Dan? Dan!
- New show intro
- Jordan follows along with donor drop