Barry Cooper
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Barry Cooper is a retired police officer. He alleges that he used to plant drugs on people to set them up for convictions, but after getting high and exploring hallucinogens, he realized that there was a better way in life.
It's a good story, but I don't believe any of it, except that he probably was a cop. Barry has for many years hosted a website where he gives people advice about how to cheat a drug test, which (assuming his advice is accurate) is pretty cool.
Since his 2009 appearance on Alex's show, he's begun offering Ibogaine and Ayahuasca "retreats" in Mexico, with promises of a quick fix for addiction (not to mention all the mental illnesses that magically get cured). The science is pretty unclear currently, but it looks like these intervention methods are really only effective for cessation, not for keeping people sober. Patients who do not enter therapy or join a recovery group after the Ibogaine interrupts their process of addiction show relapse rates as high as 90%, according to some experts. These retreats are possibly helpful to start a life-long process of recovery, but Barry is not selling them that way, which leads me to believe he's a con-man, fleecing vulnerable addicts who are desperate for a way out. The fact that prices "start" at just under $5,000 for the retreat, and that price doesn't include travel, hotel, or food doesn't help.
Bottom line, this is not a man I want to trust with my vulnerable mental health issues.
Relevant Episodes by Release Date
No. | Title | Coverage
start date |
end date |
Air date | Episode type |
158 | 158: January 21, 2009 | January 21, 2009 | January 21, 2009 | May 7, 2018 | Tea Party Investigation |
164 | 164: May 25, 2018 | May 25, 2018 | May 25, 2018 | May 28, 2018 | InfoWars Interview, Present Day |