98: May 2-3, 2012

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Today, listener Alan has sent Dan and Jordan on a fact-finding mission going back to May 2012 to see what Alex Jones was up to back then. The goal was to learn about the spin on the death of Osama Bin Laden, but instead what they find are so many lies about FEMA camps, using cash being illegal, and "the death of the Chicken Man"


  • Introduction of Globalist drop
  • Anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death
  • Alex doesn't understand email
  • bin Laden killing was staged
  • Alex forgot to contact a whistleblower
  • Open lines for the military
  • Steve Pieczenik says Bin Laden was dead for years
  • Walther Cronkite, Madeleine Albright, Mort Kondracke views on Bin Laden
  • Alex should have used Benazir Bhutto
  • Man arrested for using money
  • Chris Othanos got arrested just for having a gun
  • libertydollar.org story
  • Man arrested for using $2 bill
  • Media won't report on black on white crime because of Trayvon Martin
  • Caller: Chicken Man pisses off Alex
  • Steve Pieczenik doesn't like being on hold
  • Soldiers are trained to wear different uniforms
  • Alex tries to book a hotel for Bilderberg
  • Alex is a dick to customer service
  • FEMA camp bullshit
  • Dan debunks all the talking points
  • REX84
  • Larry Klayman's wingnut site
  • Big Berkey water filters
  • Alex is immune to psyops
  • NLE09
  • the ballad of David Jones, CIA dentist
  • Reasonable caller is a spy
  • Hillary's fake Kentucky voice
  • So many fake accents
  • Guest: Gerald Celente
  • Gerald: How did Germans let Hitler take over?

Notable Bits

  • Globalist Drop