90: October 10, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the Oct. 10 episode of The Alex Jones Show.
Alex is all over the place about the Las Vegas shooting and Harvey Weinstein, but more importantly, Dan and Jordan call Larry Nichols to try to discuss his attempts to blackmail Congress.
- Why are they holding me accountable to what I said about Las Vegas? Alex has real sources: 4chan
- Why won't Trump say ISIS?
- Goodbye, Steve Pieczenik
- Alex knows how to shoot meat
- Teamsters have it out for Trump
- Alex explains statistics
- reset your cookies... ad plug
- NFL says stand for the anthem
- John Baum report dissection
- Saul Alinsky's antifa plan has been cracked!
- Calm before the storm
- Corsi is lobbying in Washington
- Young people love threesomes
- Crime is done by black people