726: September 15-16, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan get underwhelmed by the end of Alex's week. As his trial continues in Connecticut, things are sluggish in Austin, where Alex is mostly spending his time carrying water for Ron DeSantis's recent disgraceful publicity stunt.
- Wilford Snibble Snabble of the Gribble Pibble
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex supports Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha's Vineyard, which even he accepts is human trafficking
- Alex misreports on a paper about Covid in The Lancet
- Alex lies that only adult men were sent to Martha's Vineyard
- Alex covers a high school runner having a heart attack, which he makes up is a result of vaccination, though there's no evidence that the runner had gotten vaccinated
- High school students, and younger people even, have heart attacks
- Fed Ex stock has dropped
- Alex misreports a clip of a representative from the Martha's Vineyard homeless shelter
- Alex lies about a 2019 publicity stunt carried out by Laura Loomer