702: July 11-12, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan explore a couple days of nonsense at the beginning of this week. In this installment, Alex obsesses about Hunter Biden, brags about his documentary, and also threatens to cut his own penis off.
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex threatens to cut his finger off, then escalates to threatening to cut his penis off
- Alex is obsessed with news of Hunter Biden's iCloud account being hacked
- German cities are setting up some warming halls
- Sri Lanka signed onto Paris Accord in 2016, and they aren't getting rid of all their cows
- Clean coal is not a thing
- Lots of CO2 is not good for plants, nor people
- Alex misreports story about a fire in the Netherlands
- Hadrian Belove resigned from Cinefamily after sexual harassment allegations, and then Cinefamily closed permanently
Dan: "I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm Desaix Clark. I hope you all have a wonderful Dreamy Creamy Summer."