693: August 4, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan dip back to the past to check in on Alex's roots. In this installment, Alex clarifies his position on the death penalty, gets all worked up about an op-ed, and dreadfully misreports the details of a 1982 bank robbery.
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- George W. Bush's signaling to support the assault weapons ban was almost certainly a political calculation he had no intention of following through with, and he was very tight with the NRA
- HR 2038 was dead in the water by this point, and an attempt to have it considered in 2004 went nowhere
- Alex misreports that the Supreme Court is under the sway of international courts, basing his coverage on an op-ed that he clearly hadn't read pre-show
- Alex misreports a story about two German nationals who were executed for committing a murder during a bungled bank robbery, which became an international incident
- Alex's story of the origin of the term "kangaroo court" is dubious
- Mel Gibson and his dad both have deeply antisemitic histories