675: April 25, 2022
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Today, Dan and Jordan experience a very weird episode of The Alex Jones Show, where Alex seems to take the entire first hour trying to say goodbye to the audience.
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Operation Lockstep is still not a real document
- Limits To Growth doesn't predict collapse in 2020
- There is no connection between Wynn Bruce and Klaus Schwab
- Alex misreports Italy's proposed energy saving decree
- Alex misreports on an op-ed that has a title about dictators, written by a guy who's written a lot on the topic in the past
- Julian Huxley was only the Secretary-General of UNESCO for two years
- Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300
- H.G. Wells' "Aspirations"
- John Coleman's mishandling of Wells' quotations in his text has had consequences to this day, including text from his misquoted passage appearing in new Great Reset conspiracy memes
- Benton Partin was an Air Force weapons developer, but no proof that he was in a secret space program. Also, he's a huge OKC truther
- Alex lies about Ukrainian president Zelensky having done gay porn
- Robert Barnes pitches an arbitrary conspiracy theory about the French elections