65: September 2-4, 2015

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Today, Dan tells Jordan about the 10th installment of his investigation into what happened in 2015 to make Alex Jones join up with Team Trump. This segment has very little to do with Trump, but is a nicely encapsulated tale of Alex being very stupid about race, getting his comeuppance, and completely ignoring being shown to be wrong.

Also, Dan complains about that Bon Iver/Alex Jones meme.


  • alt right vs. alt light.
  • Present day sucks
  • Alex uses Bon Iver parody to his advantage.
  • Alex is anti-cop re: white people, pro-cop re: everyone else.
  • Alex sexualizes an employee.
  • Infowars supplements are dangerous.
  • Alex picks a fight with a random BlogTalkRadio black supremacist as a cudgel against Louis Farrahkhan.
  • Alex is into aliens, sorta.
  • Rape denial & racism.
  • Hellcat.
  • Alex loses an argument to a caller.
  • Alex is a racist and Rob Dew sucks.

Notable Bits

  • Mulan references