633: December 30, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on what may have been an all-time emotional low on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex gets mad at Bette Midler, calls everything a paradox, and threatens to quit the show repeatedly.
- Alex threatened to quit, but it wasn't a real threat
- Thinking is researching in your mind
- God bullied Alex through prayer
- People are mad at anti-vaxxers for being right
- Alex tries bullying Rand Paul
- Alex wants to talk philosophy, not news
- A tale of 3 people: Alex, Rogan, Tucker
- It's a paradox
- Rogan is happy, Tucker wants to live in the woods
- Alex understood the world at age 16
- Is it time to join with Satan?
- Satanists are unhappy
- Alex deserves to enjoy his life
- Time to put the Hitler mustache on Rand Paul
- Be desperate like a samurai
- Paradox: feeling different thoughts throughout the day
- The system doesn't laugh at demons
- Humans only lie and cheat because of demons
- Ghislaine Maxwell getting convicted was a victory for Alex until it wasn't
- Ghislaine's judge looks like a man. Comedy!
- Remember that time Cenk Uygur talked about bestiality?
- Ghislaine's little black book will not be released
- Globalist plan: The Dark Crystal
- How to ask god for help
- God will give you missions once his laser breaks through
- God scans your DNA like a barcode
- The Rockefellers killed Aaron Russo
- Bette Middler sucks
- Bette Middler hates America because it's a Christian nation
- Alex breaks down
- Why do Hollywood people look down on farmers?
- The state should destroy Hollywood, culturally and nonviolently
- The first domino has fallen in Miami
- $5000 contest: photobomb challenge
- Alex is drunk on the Holy Spirit
- Headline: Men take hormones to breastfeed transgender aliens
- Announcement: Alex needs time off
- Everything is a paradox
- The end is nigh... buy iodine
- InfoWars headline is big news: The public deserves to die from covid
- Jeff Bezos owns a yacht
- Alex is for redistributing Bezos's wealth
- The crew asks Alex if he's drunk
- Maybe Alex shouldn't be on air
- Alex is getting ready to die
- Alex is going to leave and never come back
- The show isn't fun for Alex anymore
- Good news: This guy yelled InfoWars on the news
- The media said Alex is turning on Trump for attention... buy X2
- Caller: you're high on air
Notable Bits
- Globalist Plan
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex throws an extended tantrum and claims he's going to quit his show tomorrow
- The "paradox" of Tucker and Joe Rogan
- Alex misreports very basic details of the Ghislane Maxwell verdict
- Alex misreports an Independent article about Maxwell's black book. There also was a follow up article about how the FBI is investigating the black book
- Aaron Russo wasn't married to Bette Midler
- Alex gets very mad at Bette Midler because of something distasteful she tweeted, which she'd apologized for approximately 9 days before this episode
- Alex is running a contest where if you crash a live TV news report and promote Infowars, he'll give you $5,000
- Alex gets mad about an old Men's Health article about the possibility of men breast-feeding