625: December 5, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex's Sunday shows are going these days. In this installment, Alex misreports every headline he attempts to read, impotently tries to intimidate Trump and Rand Paul, and indicates that he thinks Luxembourg is part of Germany.
- New documents show that the vaccine is a hoax
- Jack Dorsey stepped down from Twitter because he wouldn't censor FDA documents
- Background: Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
- Paul E Alexander and Dr Ira Bernstein are in PHMPT
- Important document: 5.3.6 Post Marketing Experience
- There's no debate, they're kiling us
- Great Reset is going to be blamed on capitalism
- Save your life, watch and share this Jown Bowne video
- Tucker clip: Steve Bannon is innocent
- Tucker: Roger Stone wasn't at the capitol on January 6
- Tucker: Alex is a good journalist
- Alex doesn't know what Luxembourg is
- Letter from retired arch-bishop: resist the NWO and god will protect you
- Alex is going to bullhorn Mar-a-Lago
- Alex is overwhelmed by the enormity of the news
- Omicron isn't real, it's the vaccine
- Luxembourg, Germany
- German data: more vaccination means more excess deaths
- Greg Reese video: Fauci's mass child graves
- Breitbart poll: 74% of voters are worried about vaccine side effects
- Alex cuts a promo on Rand Paul, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and Matt Gaetz
- Glenn Beck is good now
- Twitter blocks American Heart Association
- Celebrities are anti-vax!
- Alex has to save the world... last day for free shipping
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- The FDA wants 55 years to release all their documents related to the Pfizer vaccine
- Court documents from the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency lawsuit
- Pfizer documents released so far, including the document discussed on the show
- Politico articles about Paul Alexander, with links to released emails
- Alexander was not chill after he got fired
- The International Covid Summit in Rome was full of real anti-vax weirdos, and Ira Bernstein was a speaker there (his speech begins around the 2 hour mark of the video)
- Dr. Bissoon was big into injecting Wall Street dudes with testosterone
- Tucker Carlson's version of why Steve Bannon was indicted is very obviously wrong. His comments about Roger Stone and Alex are equally absurd
- There are protests in Luxembourg. Alex thinks Luxembourg is a city in Germany, which it is not
- Comments made by Archbishop Vigano are unhinged and sound a lot like Crusades stuff
- The German paper Alex reports on has been retracted and apologized for
- The story about UK death rates is an instance of an anti-vax dude misrepresenting statistics
- The story about Fauci killing children in HIV/AIDS drug testing is a distortion of history
- Alex just makes things up about an article about voters having concerns about vaccine side effects
- Alex is reporting an erroneous version of the story regarding an abstract published on the American Heart Association's website