623: July 2-3, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue looking at the past, where they find the trends of homophobia continuing on the show. Also, Alex reports erroneously on Swiss euthanasia, engages is deeply unethical sales practices, and warns of a 4th of July false flag terrorist attack that does not happen.
- Tom Ridge says four layers of security clarance to get a job
- Fake crying over neocons
- Half of swiss deaths listed as suicides
- Caller: Wal-Mart supports gay rights, Wal-Mart fired me for how I looked at a woman
- What about hetero rights?
- Caller: Jonbenet Ramsey was sacrificed to satan
- Outlaw abortion, even for rape
- Dr Kevorkian ws fucking dead babies
- Guest: Mike Hanson, tells his story about stopping a robbery
- Caller: can you share that spoken word thing?
- Can someone send me a CD?
- Caller: How ya doing?
- Alex has too much news to cover
- Alex doesn't know the difference between Hamid Karzai and Ahmed Chalabi
- Guest: Red Beckman, jury nulification advocate
- Red: Why can't Christian leaders talk about politicians?
- Caller thinks his phone is tapped on radio show
- NSA doesn't have enough staff to tap everyone
- Red: I hope my phone is tapped
- Alex will give you the documents if you buy his shit
- It's a DARPA report!
- The USSR is a false god
- Red: 9/11 used remote controlled planes
- A big attack is coming, maybe tomorrow, definitely from the globalists
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- The Swiss population is more accepting of euthanasia
- Alex reports that half of the deaths in Switzerland are due to suicide. This is definitely not true
- A caller is mad about Walmart adding sexual orientation to its list of classes that are protected by discrimination rules
- A new survey says that women are becoming more anti-abortion access. This does not seem to be in line with some of the broader opinion polling on the subject
- Dr. Kevorkian did lose his license in Michigan and California, but I can find no evidence it was because he was inappropriate with corpses
- Alex seems to think that Ahmad Chalabi and Hamid Karzai are the same person, just different pronunciations of one name
- Churches could act exactly how Red Beckman wants them to, it just would violate their tax-exempt status
- Alex is trying to lure his audience into buying silver from Midas Resources by offering them access to a secret DARPA document
- This DARPA document is just a posting that was made to recruit research entities to bid for a contract for a program called Combat Zones That See. This is not a declassified document, and if this is a super secret thing, it's strange that the project lead has it on his resume
- Alex confuses the PNAC document with The Grand Chessboard