616: November 9, 2021

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Today, Dan and Jordan end the week with an actual Alex episode, checking in on the present day. In this installment, Alex gets into theories about Gavin Newsom, gets really disgraceful about a recent tragedy, and accidentally reveals that he knows he spreads Covid-19 misinformation.


  • Bombshell: no antibodies after 3 covid vaccine shots
  • Pfizer Covid pill is based on Ivermectin, so they'll make a new virus
  • Moderna shot paralyzed Gavin Newsom
  • If Gavin Newsom dies, it's god's will
  • Gavin Newsom has Guillain-Barré, aka Bell's Palsy
  • New meme! Coffee guy! Share it!
  • Guest: Steve Kirsch, InfoSeek creator, anti-vaxxer, covid idiot
  • Steve: Gavin may be recovered by the time he is seen again
  • Steve: Covid vaccine is 800x more deadly than smallpox vaccine
  • Steve: no one took my bet, so I'm right
  • Steve: Vaccine isn't force global depopulation
  • Steve: VAccine makes you more susceptible to covid
  • Vaccine gives you strokes and clots!
  • Steve: They just cancelled my Twitter
  • Pfizer CEO says misinformation spreaders should go to jail
  • Steve: my Twitter is back up
  • Alex talks about Travis Scott concert
  • Travis Scott concert was blood sacrifice
  • It's cool to be LGBTQ+
  • Rituals unlock genetic memory
  • Alex issues correction: Concert WAS demonic ritual
  • Black magic blood rituals are to take you over and pay demonic debts
  • Newsom wasn't at the Getty wedding
  • Guest: Dr Stella Immanuel
  • Stella: book of revelation is today's news
  • Stella: Stockpile hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, take at the first sniffle
  • Stella: Moderna shot is the mark of the beast
  • Stella: Use promo code Alex for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin orders

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]:

  • Alex reports on a CNN headline without even touching the content of the article, because it actually doesn't support his point
  • Alex thinks the Pfizer pill is just ivermectin repackaged. It is not
  • Alex thinks that Gavin Newsom was paralyzed by a Covid shot. He was not
  • Alex thinks that Bell's Palsy and Guillain-Barré are the same thing. They are not
  • Steve Kirsch seems to have lost his mind over the course of the pandemic
  • Alex lies about a doctor claiming that he proved the vaccine gives people blood clots with a D-Dimer test
  • Dr. Stella Immanuel has an affiliate marketing code for Alex's listeners to get a discount if they go to her to buy ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. This may be illegal