591: June 11, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan dip deep into the past. In this installment, Alex Jones warns of the dangers of Monkeypox, and talks to a friend of his who died and went to heaven.
- Celine's animals: Sea Otter
- Craig Roberts died in surgery and went to heaven multiple times
- Alex is going to talk about his experiences with god
- Alex's uncle died 6 times in the ambulance
- Microchip your car to tax your driving
- Health scare: Monkeypox
- Gary Hart says smallpox is coming
- Smallpox narrative echoes with 2019 vaccine summit
- Caller: do you meditate?
- Guest: Colonel Craig Roberts talks geopolitics and what it's like in heaven
- Craig Roberts definitely believes in the Literal Christian Devil
- Craig: teach kids about hell to enforce self accountability
- Your story is cool, but let's talk about my uncle
- Alex says his dad is super into John Birch Society
- Heaven is crystal cities and scolding
- Alex wants Craig to speed up his story
- When you're in heaven, you know
- Craig describes heaven's waiting room
- In heaven, you're young again
- Someone's behind you in heaven... it's your invisible friend
- You can't describe a McDonald's bathroom to a cannibal in New Guinea
- Your guardian angel is microchipped
- The guardian angel is a snitch
- Craig went to heaven, but let's talk about water filters real quick
- Scratch and dent water filter sale
- Heaven gives you info downloads
- God told Craig not to take chemo
- God gave Craig a mission
- Alex stole Craig's story for his own
- Alex has prophetic dreams
- Craig doesn't know what info he was given until he needs it
- The devil makes frauds who discredit people who talk about heaven
- Craig: it's a spiritual war
- Alex is probably fighting the literal Christian devil
- Media is selling witchcraft
- Craig: they're saying it's ok to be homosexual
- Craig: they're going after the children, like Hitler did
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex completely misses the point of driving-mileage-based tax proposals
- Alex is worried about the Monkeypox outbreak
- Alex talks to Craig Roberts about what it was like when he died and went to Heaven. In the middle of Craig's story, Alex leaves him on hold and does a commercial with his water filter sponsor, which seems disrespectful