58: June 23, 2017

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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the June 23rd episode of The Alex Jones Show. It's dark stuff. Topics covered include:

  • How many times can Alex imply that he wants someone to kill Johnny Depp?
  • Can Alex pull off Tuck Buckford related meta-irony?
  • Has the New Civil War kicked off yet?
  • The New Civil War has indeed kicked off.


  • Globalist Birds
  • Armored Redoubt
  • Dan says Replicants instead of Republicans
  • Alex offers an unnamed woman £20,000 and a plane ticket to move to Saudi Arabia for a year
  • Alex refers to Islam as a scourge
  • Alex refers to himself as Tuck Buckford
  • Alex doesn't like Johnny Depp
  • Comet Pingpong shooting was faked
  • Dan is sick of 2017 Alex's shit