584: August 5, 2021

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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on things from the end of the week on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex has a very definite prediction based on amazing source, which actually may not happen, and even if it doesn't happen, he's still right if you think about it. Also, Alex gets defensive about his financial ties with the MyPillow Guy.


  • Celine's animals: Basil the possum
  • Barnes will explain the legality of Alex's anouncement
  • Per Jack Posobiec, 2nd lockdown on August 11
  • FEMA to run internet takeover drill
  • This is just Qanon and Mike Lindell bullshit
  • Mike Lindell cyber symposium commercial
  • MyPillow and myself
  • Lockdown will include climate emergency
  • They may push the lockdown a few days
  • Julian Reichelt of Bild apologizes for over-sensationalizing covid coverage
  • Bild is the mouth of the establishment run by the CIA
  • InfoWars video: Karen Kingston interview
  • Karen Kingston: Pfizer whistleblower
  • Eviction moratorium is unconstitutional
  • August or January?
  • Delta? what about the bubonic plague?
  • New York launches vaccine passport... moving on
  • Guest: Ivory Hecker, censored news reporter
  • Ivory pushes her paywalled website
  • Ivory doesn't play the propaganda game with Alex correctly
  • Ivory: people prefer video to words
  • Fake George Orwell quote
  • Why are athletes censored at the Olympics?
  • Tamyra Mensah-Stock info
  • Mike isn't paying Alex, it's profit sharing
  • Ivory responds to Mike's commercial
  • Ivory: if you're in a lawsuit, why not let Mike go public?
  • Ivory: they made me report on sidewalk chalk instead of the truth
  • Dominion machine certification background
  • Insane Q&A with Barnes
  • Here's how I would kill people with vaccines
  • Alex gets gross about sex
  • I'm not against the Jews, why are they doing this to us?
  • What's it like to be as smart as I am?
  • Even if nothing happens, Alex is right

Detailed Show Notes

Topics covered[1]: