574: May 28-29, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the past. In this installment, Alex reveals that some of his more sensible-sounding positions are actually dumb, interviews a guy his audience clearly hates, and gets a call from a guy who recently lost a tiger.
- Death penalty moratorium in NC
- Alex is pro-death penalty moratorium because he doesn't trust the government
- Alex is anti-drug
- Execution stats
- They haven't found WMD's in Iraq... yet
- Caller: drugs are bad, but weed is ok
- Caller: death penalty isn't a deterrent
- Caller: criminal island
- Caller: less mercy, more death penalty
- Caller: cops looked around my land and were polite
- CPS rant
- Cops want to take your land
- Make copies of my movies!
- Guest: Water filter sponsor
- Scratch and dent water filter sale
- Seatbelt initiative is to raid your car
- Special report: population control in Brazil
- History of birth control in Brazil
- NSSM 200
- Vaccines are lowering sperm count and sterilizing women
- Alex doesn't make things up, it's time to act now
- AMA is part of the military, CIA, and Nazis
- Is Alex fighting the literal Christian devil?
- Guest: Bill McFallen
- Sponsor: herbalhealer.com
- Click it or ticket targets patriots
- Schools are adding thumbscanners for school lunch... buy my movie!
- Caller: The military took my siberian tiger cub
- How many tiger cub incidents can there be in Minnesota in 2003?
- Grant from Tiger Zone
- Guest: Michael Haga
- Caller: Where's my fucking gold?
Detailed Show Notes
Topics Covered[1]:
- Alex reveals some details about his positions on the death penalty and drug legalization.
- Alex is opposed to federal executions, but supports state executions. Almost all executions are carried out by states, and federal executions had stopped for 17 years before Donald Trump began the practice again.
- CDC numbers do not reflect a deterrent effect for states that have the death penalty. Studies consistently find that there is no deterrent effect.
- "The Context of Family Planning in Brazil"
- National Security Study Memorandum 200
- Population and Development Review article
- Fingerprinting for school lunches in Ohio was not mandatory
- PETA list of tiger incidents
- Grant arrested in 2005 after another tiger attacks
- Trailer for documentary about Alex's caller who had their tigers seized