566: May 21, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan put out a sneaky snake mid-week episode to discuss Alex Jones' much-anticipated review of The Matrix Reloaded.
- Alex reviews The Matrix: Reloaded
- The Matrix: Reloaded is definitely illuminati
- Do not shot it to kids, it's dark and evil
- Matrix moral: believe in yourself and change reality
- Illuminati Powerade commercial
- In The Matrix, perception is reality
- Alex has issues with Zion and The Merovingian
- Mind twisting lesbian and homosexual scenes
- Implants are trendy now
- Dan's Matrix notes
- Soon you will be permanently plugged in at home into the real matrix
- Globalist plan
- LifeLog is The Matrix
- The Matrix: Reloaded is bad, but Alex is going to buy a copy
- Don't see The Matrix
- Witchdoctors are illuminati mind control specialists
- There's gay stuff in the Matrix
- Caller: what will the globalists do with me, a disabled person?
- If you don't take care of your parents, you'll go to hell
- Caller: Lincoln was a spiritual man
- Caller: George W Bush used the same phrasing as Hitler
- Alex has thoughts on The Big Lie
- Caller: What Bible do you read?
- Alex goes to Texe Marrs' church
- Does your church talk about globalists? Caller: Hitler was right
- Alex is cool with David J Smith
- Alex hates Republic of Texas people