563: June 2, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see what Alex's response to the release of the Fauci emails was, and end up quite disappointed. It's mostly just untrue third person stories and fears about new fish.
- New Happy Birthday Drop
- How does Alex respond to Fauci emails?
- Alex pushes his own year old meme spoof
- Alex calls his show a participation sport
- Email: masks don't work
- Alex skips emails to tell a story
- Alex's True Story: Memorial Dat at Alex's parents' house
- School counselor: boy problems? You're actually a boy!
- Alex has a new shirt for sale: Save the frogs
- Hitler cloned rabbits
- New salmon: part insect, part asparagus
- Making catfish female with soybeans
- Soy makes monkeys want to kill female monkeys
- Summer of Rage: Race War!
- Fauci is going to be hung
- America, Russia, and Brazil vs everyone else
- China double crossed the globalists, so Biden went to Tulsa... ad plug
- China will nuke us if we investigate Wuhan lab
- Fauci and Gates will be publicly executed
- Life in prison for Fauci
- Guest: Hodge Twins
- HT: Who cares about the Tulsa massacre?
- HT: They'll never indict Trump, he did nothing wrong
- HT: audit the votes again!
- Allen West for Texas governor
- Trump needs to get on Gab
- HT: Trump is making his own social media
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story