559: Noam Man's Land

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Today, Dan and Jordan dig deep into the past to cover something they forgot to cover long ago. In this installment, Alex Jones has one of the most confusing interviews of his career with Noam Chomsky.


  • Dan is going on vacation
  • Alex is on vacation
  • Alex interviewed Noam Chomsky in 2001
  • Alex reads Noam's background, claims Manufacturing Consent is about false flags
  • The left and right being the same is surface level
  • Secret police on both sides, belong to corporations, and wear black ski masks
  • Noam explains propaganda as population control, Alex responds with mind control
  • Clinton and Bush are the same, they both drug children
  • There's been a recent shift in propaganda, it's all in your face, Chomsky says no
  • Noam explains free trade
  • Noam: you can't get by with sound bites and catch phrases
  • Noam and Alex both hate consumerism
  • Noam: privatization is bad, make utilities public
  • The difference between a democracy and a republic
  • Noam critiques founding fathers
  • Noam talks about the second amendment
  • Noam is a shill
  • London has more gun deaths than DC
  • Alex ejects on interview
  • Say hi to David Rockefeller for me
  • Alex shit talks Noam after he's gone
  • Alex has more brains with both hands tied behind his back


  • Manufacturing Consent