555: May 7, 2003

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Today, Dan and Jordan look back exactly 18 years in the past to see what Alex Jones was up to. In this installment, Alex and a guest make some bad predictions, and evidence piles up that Dan is a witch.


  • Dan is a witch
  • Shoutout to the wonk who sent Pathfinder books
  • Mailbag: map of Chicago, special honeys, hot sauce of the month
  • Powerful episode
  • Private Lynch rescue was theater
  • NWO has been in power since Bush came into office
  • Elections in Iraq are set up with CIA assets
  • Alex does local radio event for free
  • Alex skipped sleeping to finish Police State 3
  • Documentary coverage announcement: Police State 3
  • NWO is European bankers
  • Dennis Miller is an ultra-socialist
  • Alex's True Story: Patriotic nazi in gas station loves Iraq war taking oil
  • Reminder: Trump wanted to steal oil
  • George Bush will take your guns with S-22
  • Alex is ok with some colonialism as long as he's not inconvenienced
  • Guest: Dennis Laurence Cuddy, has a weird bio
  • Dennis sets people up with a Woodrow Wilson quote
  • Bohemian Grove let Alex in
  • Bohemian Grove weird urination ritual
  • Cuddy: Iraq is a staged war and will be over quick
  • cuddy accidentally punches hole in Alex's 9/11 drill narrative
  • Super Commie: Bill Kristol
  • Alex's rant cuts off as he talks about the literal Christian Satan
  • Alex doesn't freak out over tech issues
  • Saddam's people are going to be put back in control
  • Cities are passing measures to affirm the Bill of Rights

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story