535: October 16, 2014
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Today, Dan and Jordan go on a time travel adventure to enjoy a chat between Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik from years past. In this installment, the gents learn of the Poop Bandits, enjoy an Alex Movie Review, and find shocking connections between the past and present.
- Tech issues explained: Just the drops
- Ebola panic revisited
- Alex fearmongers about ebola
- Don't say ebola on the radio
- ebolacontest
- Alex gets transphobic and homophobic
- Movie review: Kill The Messenger
- Alex let Gary Webb down
- Alex doesn't know where the disc Webb gave him is
- Kill The Messenger is a message to Alex
- Africa is sending vomit filled airplaines... don't panic
- Ebola is a false flag, says Robert David Steele
- Bill Gates wants to give you ebola
- The government is full of poop bandits
- Rob Dew says there are ebola crisis actors
- Ebola is a diversion for nukes
- Here comes the hammer, buy my pills
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik, says Fauci is great
- Steve: stand down the CDC, give Fauci control of the military
- Steve find a way to make this a false flag
- Here comes ebola, buy gold
- Guest: Max Keiser, gives no fucks
- Guest: Ted Anderson
- Alex is beating Rush in ratings