520: January 12-13, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue to track Alex Jones' sad march toward Joe Biden's inauguration. In this installment, Alex continues to make pre-emptive excuses in case right-wing extremists commit acts of violence, and invites Steve Pieczenik onto the show to have a contentious back and forth.
- Trump declares martial law because CIA is running Q attacks
- Bible predicted all of this
- Alex is what the enemy fears
- HP Lovecraft quote
- Alex's True Story: Alex almost got arrested in DC
- Alex sees the whole story of Q
- God speaks through Alex, don't be violent
- Capitol cop ordered stand down and committed suicide to cover up
- Alex is peaceful, like MLK
- Ale's grandparents decided not to be racist
- Alex is taking the tank t the state capitol
- Chicoms and antifa were behind the raid and Q
- Q attacked Alex because he would figure it out
- Trump started Q, but it was stolen from him in 3 weeks
- Q infiltrated the Proud Boys
- Problematic fear-mongering
- Biggest problem with Capitol riot: planning
- Alex is glad your wife is hot
- Guest: Patrick Byrne, Overstock CEO
- Patrick: violence helps Pelosi
- We don't want violence, but if we do, burn it all down
- Patrick: Trump can call for a live recount and do a new election
- Alex teases Alex ancestor
- Patrick: I have covid
- PCR test bullshit
- Ali Alexander: I'm hiding for my protection
- Ali: Q shaman is antifa
- Guest: Joel Skousen
- Joel: how can Flynn be so dumb?
- Joel: Epstein is alive
- Alex thinks video of his turn on Trump is deep fake
- Trump is the last president before Jesus comes back
- Alex lives in the bacon grease
- Fake crying
- Globalist Plan: Children of Men
- The extra-dimensional devil runs everything
- The devil needs us to build him a spaceship
- Alex can see the code of the Matrix
- Alex is trying to distance himself from Trump
- Trump isn't Christian, he's an energy guy
- Trump is a false flag
- Alex reveals his feelings on Trump
- Capitol recon tours aren't real
- Pelosi murder fantasy... ad pivot
- Guest: Patrick Howley, fan of Capitol raid
- Patrick: The raid was a good thing
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- Steve instigated a coup and took out the pope
- Steve: There was no rioting in the Capitol
- Steve takes the mask off for Alex
- Steve gets anti-Semitic
- Watermarked ballots are still in play
- Steve is anti-Catholic
- Steve is off the rails
- Steve: Trump will still be president
- Steve: own the coup
- Steve calls out Alex's bullshit
- Alex is eating, makes bet with Steve
- Jews won't make Steve's movie because he was in a coup
- Steve: I'm nice, but I'm a killer
- Steve: being a doctor is a license to kill
- Steve: Italian government will fall in 24 hours
- Alex asks about Steve's cats
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Globalist Plan
- Steve Pieczenik reveals everything to Alex